Lesson Plan Cat Ontita
Lesson Plan Cat Ontita
Lesson Plan Cat Ontita
Specific objectives: By end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
(a) attempt at least 90% of the questions
(b) answer at least 50% of the questions correctly
Teaching /Learning aids
Question papers, answer sheets, table clock or wall clock, test table of specification
References: TIME
Davy, Jo Ann. "Virus Protection: Today's Software Keeps Computers and Networks Healthy." ESTIMATE
Managing Office Technology, September 1998.(p.20) IN MINUTES
Pipkin, Donald L. Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 1998.(p.40)
Introduction (preliminary activities)
Trainer :
(i) Explains the purpose of the test to the learners (to encourage them)
(ii) Ensures that:
there is adequate working space
there is satisfactory seating arrangements
there is adequate lighting
there is no noise and other distractions 2 min
adequate materials/equipment and resources for the test are provided
proper distribution of question papers and answer-sheets is done
unwanted and irrelevant materials are removed
Instructions/directions and any corrections are made.
The duration of the test is announced.
time for starting and stopping the test is announced
Body of the lesson / Test execution
Teacher signals the learners to start writing the test. 55 min
Learners write the test individually
Teacher supervises the learners as they do the test and notes any anomalies.
Teacher periodically announces time spent or remaining.
Teacher stops the learners from writing the test at the appropriate time.
Summary: (post test activities)
Learners hand in their scripts and sign.
Teacher ascertains the number of scripts.
Teacher obtains feedback on the test from the learners. 3min
Teacher makes any announcement.
Learners are formally dismissed.
Remarks :