Chart Types and Their Uses

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Chart Types and their Uses

Overview of Chart Types and their Uses | Area Chart | Column/Bar Chart | Segmented Column/Bar Chart | Frequency Polygon and Histograms | Line Chart | Pie Chart | Scatterplot

Overview of Chart Types and their Uses

Chart Type Area Column/Bar PIG Yes Yes Typical Applications Cumulated totals (numbers or percentages) over time Observations over time or under different conditions; data sets must be small Variants, Remarks Percentage, Cumulative Vertical (columns), horizontal (bars); multiple columns/bars, columns/bars centered at zero

Segmented Column/Bar Frequency Polygon Histogram Line, Curve Pie

Yes No No Yes Yes

Proportional relationships over time May be scaled to 100% Discrete frequency distribution Discrete frequency distribution Trends, functional relations Columns/bars without gaps Data point connected by lines or higher order curves

Proportional relationships at a point Segments may be pulled out of in time the the pie for emphasis (exploded pie chart) Distribution of data points along one or two dimensions Typically used for geographical data; can also be used for parts of devices, human or animal bodies One-dimensional, twodimensional Useful, if an analog relation can be used for representing data

Scatterplot Map

No No

The column PIG indicates whether the respective charts types are available as Portable Interactive Graphics.

Area Chart

Figure 1: Area chart

Use it to...

Display over time (or any other dimension): o How a set of data adds up to a whole (cumulated totals) o Which part of the whole each element represents


Percentage: The sum always represents 100% (relative scale) Cumulative: The sum can vary according to the elements (absolute scale)

Column/Bar Chart
Use it to...

Present few data over a nominal (e.g. countries, testing conditions, ...) or interval scale (e.g. time); useful for comparisons of data

Do not Use it for...

Comparisons: Better use one-dimensional scatterplots, because these are not dominated by bars or columns. Larger data sets: Use line charts.

Selecting Bars or Columns

Use analogy as a selection criterion, if applicable; when in doubt, use columns Use a horizontal bar chart if the labels are too long to fit under the columns


Multiple Column/Bar Chart: Use it to present data rows for several variables Side-by-Side Chart: Use it to (1) show contrasting trends between levels of an independent variable, (2) if comparisons between individual pairs of values are most important; do not use for more than two independent variables

Figure 2: Multiple column chart (left), side-by-side chart (right)

Segmented Column/Bar Chart

Other Names: Divided or stacked column/bar chart

Figure 3: Segmented column chart (relative values)

Use it to...

Present a part-whole relation over time (with accurate impression, see below) Show proportional relationships over time Display wholes which are levels on a nominal scale

Segmented column/bar charts are more accurate than pie chart, because distances can be more accurately estimated than areas.

Frequency Polygon, Histograms

Figure 4: Histogram as frequency distribution


Polygon: Connects data points through straight lines or higher order graphs Histogram: Columns/bars touch; useful for larger sets of data points, typically used for frequency distributions Staircase Chart: Displays only the silhouette of the histogram; useful for even larger sets of data points, typically used for frequency distributions Step chart: Use it to illustrate trends among more than two members of nominal or ordinal scales; do not use it for two or more variables or levels of a single variable (hard to read) Pyramid histogram: Two mirror histograms; use it for comparisons

Line Chart

Figure 5: Line chart

Use it...

To display long data rows To interpolate between data points To extrapolate beyond known data values (forecast) To compare different graphs To find and compare trends (changes over time) To recognize correlations and covariations between variables If the X axis requires an interval scale To display interactions over two levels on the X axis When convention defines meaningful patterns (e.g. a zigzag line)

Line graphs may consist of line or curved segments:

Lines: Use straight lines to connect "real" data points Curves: Use curves to represent functional relations between data points or to interpolate data

Do not Use it...

If the X axis has non-numeric values


Graph with double-logarithmic or half-logarithmic scale divisions Graph with variance bars, stock charts (High/Low/Close) etc.

Pie Chart

Figure 6: Pie chart

Use it to...

convey approximate proportional relationships (relative amounts) at a point in time compare part of a whole at a given point in time Exploded: emphasize a small proportion of parts

Do not Use it ...

For exact comparisons of values, because estimating angles is difficult for people. For rank data: Use column/bar charts in this case; use multiple column/bar charts for grouped data If proportions vary greatly; do not use multiple pies to compare corresponding parts.


Pie charts cannot represent values beyond 100%. Each pie chart is valid for one point in time only. Pie charts are only suited to presenting quite a few percentage values. Angles are harder to estimate for people than distances; perspective pie charts are even harder to interpret.


Figure 7: One-dimensional scatterplot (left), two-dimensional scatterplot (right)

1. One-dimensional scatterplot: Data point are drawn above a baseline (as in column/bar charts). Here the data points are not connected but remain isolated data points. 2. Two-dimensional scatter plot: Shows correlation between two data sets. This chart type has two dependent variables: One is plotted along the X axis, the other along the Y axis; the independent variable is the intersection of both dependent variables, realized as a data point in the diagram.

Use it to...

Show measurements over time (one-dimensional scatterplot) Convey an overall impression of the relation between two variables (Two-dimensional scatterplot)

Do not Use it for...

Determining and comparing trends, interpolation, extrapolation, recognition and comparison of change rates More than one independent variable: Avoid illustrating more than one independent variable in a scatter plot

Statistical Graphs

StudyWeb Award January 2001

Data recorded in experiments or surveys is displayed by a statistical graph. We will discuss eleven typ statistical graphs. Choosing which graph is determined by the type and breadth of the data, the audien

directed to, and the questions being asked.

Each type of graph has its advantages and disadvantages. Consult the table below when choosing a g Each entry in the table has a link to an example of that graph. Just click on the underlined name of the NCES Create a Graph EIA Guidelines for Statistical Graphs Pictograph A pictograph uses an icon to represent a quantity of data values in order to decrease the size of the graph. A key must be used to explain the icon. Advantages


Easy to read Visually appealing Handles large data sets easily using keyed icons

Hard to quantify partial icons Icons must be of consistent size Best for only 2-6 categories Very simplistic

Line plot A line plot can be used as an initial record of discrete data values. The range determines a number line which is then plotted with X's for each data value.



Quick analysis of data Shows range, minimum & maximum, gaps & clusters, and outliers easily Exact values retained

Not as visually appealing Best for under 50 data values Needs small range of data

Pie chart A pie chart displays data as a percentage of the whole. Each pie section should have a label and percentage. A total data number should be included.



Visually appealing Shows percent of total for each category

No exact numerical data Hard to compare 2 data sets "Other" category can be a problem Total unknown unless specified Best for 3 to 7 categories Use only with discrete data

Map chart A map chart displays data by shading sections of a map, and must include a key. A total data number should be included.



Good visual appeal Overall trends show well

Needs limited categories No exact numerical values Color key can skew visual


Histogram A histogram displays continuous data in ordered columns. Categories are of continuous measure such as time, inches, temperature, etc. Histogram Explorer



Visually strong Can compare to normal curve Usually vertical axis is a frequency count of items falling into each category

Cannot read exact values because data is grouped into categories More difficult to compare two data sets Use only with continuous data

Bar graph A bar graph displays discrete data in separate columns. A double bar graph can be used to compare two data sets. Categories are considered unordered and can be rearranged alphabetically, by size, etc.



Visually strong Can easily compare two or three data sets

Graph categories can be reordered to emphasize certain effects Use only with discrete data

Line graph A line graph plots continuous data as points and then joins them with a line. Multiple data sets can be graphed together, but a key must be used.



Can compare multiple continuous data sets easily Interim data can be inferred from graph line

Use only with continuous data

Frequency Polygon A frequency polygon can be made from a line graph by shading in the area beneath the graph. It can be made from a histogram by joining midpoints of each column.



Visually appealing

Anchors at both ends may imply zero as data points Use only with continuous data

Scatterplot A scatterplot displays the relationship between two factors of the experiment. A trend line is used to determine positive, negative, or no correlation.



Shows a trend in the data relationship Retains exact data values and sample size Shows minimum/maximum and outliers

Hard to visualize results in large data sets Flat trend line gives inconclusive results Data on both axes should be continuous

Stem and Leaf Plot Stem and leaf plots record data values in rows, and can easily be made into a histogram. Large data sets can be accomodated by splitting stems.



Concise representation of data Shows range, minimum & maximum, gaps & clusters, and outliers easily Can handle extremely large data sets

Not visually appealing Does not easily indicate measures of centrality for large data sets

Box plot A boxplot is a concise graph showing the five point summary. Multiple boxplots can be drawn side by side to compare more than one data set. More about boxplots here.



Shows 5-point summary and outliers Easily compares two or more data sets Handles extremely large data sets easily

Not as visually appealing as other graphs Exact values not retained

Pie charts
Constructing a pie chart Pie charts versus bar graphs A pie chart is a way of summarizing a set of categorical data or displaying the different values of a given variable (e.g., percentage distribution). This type of chart is a circle divided into a series of segments. Each segment represents a particular category. The area of each segment is the same proportion of a circle as the category is of the total data set. Pie charts usually show the component parts of a whole. Often you will see a segment of the drawing separated from the rest of the pie in order to emphasize an important piece of information.

Figure 1. Student and faculty response to the poll 'Should Avenue High School adopt student uniforms?'

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