Statutory Construction Pilares
Statutory Construction Pilares
Statutory Construction Pilares
1. Constitution
Constitutional law –that branch of public law of a state which treats of
the organization and frame of government, the organs and powers of sovereignty, the
distribution of political and governmental authorities and functions, the fundamental
principles which are to regulate the relations of government and subject, and
which prescribes generally the plan and method according to which the public affairs of the
state are to be administered.
Philippine Constitution
-basic and paramount law to which all other laws must conform and to which all persons,
including the highest officials of the land, must defer. Any act of the government or of a public
official or employee
contrary to the Constitution is illegal, null, and void.
2. Statutes
Legislative power- is the power to make alter and repeal laws. vested in Congress. The
Constitution also reserves in favor of the people the exercise of legislative powers through
initiative and referendum. (CONST. Art. 6 Sec. 1) Legislations are issued in the form of republic
acts. Presidential Decree (martial law), Executive Orders (Freedom constitution)
Legislative Process:
Introduction of a bill by a Member of Congress. Initiated in either House except for
appropriation, revenue or tariff, increasing public debt, local application, and private bills
(CONST Art. 6, Sec 24)
Bil must go through three readings in both houses of Congress (CONST Art. 6, Sec.
In case the version of the bill on boathouses is compatible the final version shall be
printed. In cases of differences, bicameral conference committee to reconcile
conflicting provisions.
After the bill is passed by both chambers without any conflict, the final enrolled form is
submitted to the President Actions of the President: sign bill into law, not sign and allow
it to lapse into law after 30 days, veto and send back with veto message (can be reversed
by 2/3vote of all members of Congress)
President shall have power to veto any particular item or items but the veto shall
not affect the item or items to which he does not object
Law shall take effect within 15 days after its publication in a newspaper of general
circulation, unless a different period for effectivity after publication is provided in the
3. Presidential Issuances
Executive power includes the President’s ordinance powers which is inherent to
ensure that laws are faithfully executed.
B. Parts of a Statute
1. Title
Part of the law that provides the name by which it is individually known• Every
bill passed by Congress shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed
in the titled thereof. (CONST. Art. 6, Sec.26(1))
2. Preamble
Introductory part of a statute that usually states the reasons and intent of the law.
Prefatory explanation or statement often commencing with the word ‘whereas’
which purports to state the reason or occasion for making a law or to explain in
general terms the policy of the enactment.
Statements regarding the scope and purpose of a stature that appear in the
preamble may aid the construction of doubtful or ambiguous provisions of a
statute, but they cannot be used to control the substantive provisions of a statute.
3. Enacting Clause
Declares enactment and identifies for the government body that enacted the
statute or regulation.
4. Body
Contains the part of the statute which contains the operative parts,
thereof, particularly its substantive and procedural provisions. Main subject
matter of statutory construction
Short Title
- Simple and easy designation
Definition of Terms
- Definition of words used in the statute
- Control its interpretation
Policy Section
- Enumerates objectives of statute. Also serve as guides as to how to
interpret and enforce.
Substantive Provisions
- Sets forth rights, powers, privileges, and immunities of persons
benefited or regulated
Penal Clause
- Sets forth the sanctions. May be civil, administrative, or criminal.
Administrative Section
- Includes the manner it will be implemented, including creation of
administrative agencies and enumerating its powers and responsibilities
5. Headnotes and Epigraphs
Short statements that generally describe the body of the provision to which they
are attached to. Usually nothing more than convenient index to the contents of the
6. Repealing Clause
Part of the statute which identifies the prior statutes or parts thereof which are
deemed repealed or abrogated by reason of enactment of new statute. May
be express or implied.
Saving clause is a clause in a statute exempting something from the
statute’s coverage or operation.
7. Separability Clause
Part of a statute which makes the statute’s parts or provisions severable so that
one part can be invalidated without invalidating the whole.
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