Introduction To Software Testing: A Practical Guide To Testing, Design, Automation, and Execution

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Introduction to

Software Testing
A Practical Guide to Testing, Design,
Automation, and Execution

Panagiotis Leloudas
Introduction to
Software Testing
A Practical Guide to Testing,
Design, Automation,
and Execution

Panagiotis Leloudas
Introduction to Software Testing: A Practical Guide to Testing, Design,
Automation, and Execution

Panagiotis Leloudas
Ilioupoli, Greece

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-9513-7 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-9514-4

Copyright © 2023 by Panagiotis Leloudas

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Table of Contents
About the Author���������������������������������������������������������������������������������xi

About the Technical Reviewer�����������������������������������������������������������xiii



Chapter 1: The Importance of Software Testing�����������������������������������1


Chapter 2: Software Testing Types and Techniques�����������������������������5

Functional Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Unit Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Integration Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
System Testing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
User Acceptance Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Nonfunctional Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Performance Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
Security Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
Usability Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Compatibility Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
Scalability Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Reliability Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Availability Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Installability Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24

Table of Contents

Maintainability Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
Compliance Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Static Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Code Reviews������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Requirement Reviews�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Design Reviews���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31

Chapter 3: Software Development Life Cycle��������������������������������������35

Planning Phase���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
Requirements Gathering Phase��������������������������������������������������������������������������39
Design Phase������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Development Phase��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Deployment Phase����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
Maintenance Phase���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51
The Role of Testing in the SDLC��������������������������������������������������������������������������54

Chapter 4: Test Planning���������������������������������������������������������������������57

Defining Testing Objectives���������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Determining the Scope of Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������59
Selecting the Testing Approach���������������������������������������������������������������������������59
Identifying Testing Resources�����������������������������������������������������������������������������61
Developing the Test Schedule�����������������������������������������������������������������������������62
Defining Test Cases���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63
Identifying Test Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65

Table of Contents

Defect Management Process������������������������������������������������������������������������������66

Stop Testing Criteria��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������67
Reviewing and Approving the Test Plan��������������������������������������������������������������67
Benefits of Test Planning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������68
Test Plan Document��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69
Test Planning Tools and Techniques��������������������������������������������������������������������71

Chapter 5: Test Design Techniques�����������������������������������������������������75

Black-Box Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������75
Equivalence Partitioning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������78
Boundary Value Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Decision Table Testing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
State Transition Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
Use-Case Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Pairwise Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Error Guessing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
Exploratory Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
Random Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
Ad Hoc Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
White-Box Testing���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
Statement Coverage������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
Branch Coverage�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������112
Path Coverage���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������115
Condition Coverage�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������118
Decision Coverage���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������121
Multiple Condition Coverage������������������������������������������������������������������������123
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage��������������������������������������������������������127

Table of Contents

Loop Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������130
Data Flow Testing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������132
Static Testing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������133

Chapter 6: Test Execution�����������������������������������������������������������������137

Getting Started��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������137
Test Execution Process�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������138
Test Environment Setup������������������������������������������������������������������������������������139
Defect Reporting and Retesting������������������������������������������������������������������������141
Regression Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������144
Test Case Status Reporting�������������������������������������������������������������������������������146
Test Case Completion����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������148
Techniques and Tools Used in Test Execution���������������������������������������������������149
Quality Metrics��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������150
Defect Density���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������150
Test Coverage����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������151
Code Complexity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������152
Code Maintainability������������������������������������������������������������������������������������152
Fault Slip Through���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������153
Coding Standards����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������154
Code Duplication�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������155
Dead Code���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������156
Lines of Code�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������157
Compiler Warnings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������159

Table of Contents

Chapter 7: Test Automation��������������������������������������������������������������161

Benefits of Test Automation������������������������������������������������������������������������������161
Record and Playback Tools�������������������������������������������������������������������������������162
Scripting Tools���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������163
Hybrid Tools�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������164
Automated Testing Tools������������������������������������������������������������������������������167
Automated Test Scripts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������169

Chapter 8: Testing in Agile Environment������������������������������������������173

Agile Testing Principles�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������174
Agile Testing Quadrants������������������������������������������������������������������������������������175
Test-Driven Development����������������������������������������������������������������������������������177
Behavior-Driven Development��������������������������������������������������������������������������179
Acceptance Test-Driven Development��������������������������������������������������������������181
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery����������������������������������������������183
Test Automation in Agile������������������������������������������������������������������������������������184
Agile Testing Best Practices������������������������������������������������������������������������������186

Chapter 9: Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing����������������189

Lack of Clear Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������189
Impact of Lack of Clear Requirements on Testing���������������������������������������190
Mitigating the Impact of Lack of Clear Requirements���������������������������������190
Time Constraints�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������191
Impact of Time Constraints on Software Testing�����������������������������������������191
Strategies for Managing Time Constraints in Testing����������������������������������192

Table of Contents

Lack of Skilled Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������193

Impact of Lack of Skilled Resources on Software Testing���������������������������193
Strategies for Managing Lack of Skilled Resources in Testing��������������������194
Automation Challenges�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������195
Common Automation Challenges����������������������������������������������������������������195
Strategies for Addressing Automation Challenges��������������������������������������196
Communication and Collaboration��������������������������������������������������������������������197
Change Management����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������197
Testing Across Platforms����������������������������������������������������������������������������������199
Future of Software Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������200
Risk-Based Testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������202



About the Author
Panagiotis Leloudas is a software quality
assurance engineer with more than 10 years of
working experience in the industry. He holds
several ISTQB certifications and is an expert
in testing principles, methodologies, and
He decided to write this quick guide to
software testing because he needed a go-to
document for all the decisions he had to make
every day on the job and there wasn’t one. He
tried to write down everything that he would
have liked to know when he started his career.

About the Technical Reviewer
Sourabh Mishra is an entrepreneur, developer,
speaker, author, corporate trainer, and
animator. He is passionate about Microsoft
technologies and a true .NET warrior. Sourabh
has loved computers from childhood and
started his career when he was just 15 years
old. His programming experience includes
Server, Entity Framework, MVC, Web API, Azure, jQuery, Highcharts, and
Angular. Sourabh has been awarded Most Valuable Professional (MVP)
status. He has the zeal to learn new technologies, sharing his knowledge on
several online community forums.
He is a founder of IECE Digital and Sourabh Mishra Notes, an online
knowledge-sharing platform where people can learn new technologies.

Writing a book is a significant undertaking, and I couldn’t have done it
without the support and assistance of many people along the way. I want
to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the creation of this
book and helped me throughout the process.
First and foremost, I want to thank my family for their unwavering
support, encouragement, and patience during the many months of writing
and editing. Your love and support mean the world to me, and I couldn’t
have done this without you.
I also want to thank my editors, Divya Modi and James Markham, for
their insightful feedback, guidance, and support throughout the writing
process. Your expertise and attention to detail were invaluable in shaping
this book into its final form.
I am grateful to Apress Media LLC for believing in this project and
providing the resources necessary to bring it to fruition.
I am indebted to the many experts, researchers, and consultants who
generously shared their knowledge, insights, and expertise to help me
with my research. Your contributions have added depth and richness to
this book.
Finally, I want to thank my readers for their interest in this book and
for taking the time to read it. Your support and feedback mean the world to
me, and I hope this book can make a positive difference in your life.
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and contributions to
this book. I am forever grateful.

A collection of notes, thoughts, and experiences written down to be shared
with the world: this is how I see the creation of this book. It is not meant
to be the ultimate truth about software testing; there is no such a thing
after all. I have taken several courses about software testing from different
organizations, in numerous countries, and I have spent weeks studying
testing material, but most of my knowledge comes from trial and error in
the industry. It is true that in the end you learn only what you practice.
This book takes you on a journey around the software testing world,
covering the basic principles and techniques and showing examples
of how to apply them. Software testing is a safeguard of the quality
of a software product, and a tester is responsible for reporting on the
quality status. Keep in mind that the quality of the product is not the sole
responsibility of a tester; rather, it’s a collective effort from every individual
in the organization. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Different types of testing are applicable to every phase of the software
development life cycle; of course, the priorities and the risks are not the
same in all the products. Testing is all about identifying those risks and
setting up a mitigation plan by executing the necessary tests and analyzing
the results.
In this book, I will demonstrate some of the most important software
testing types and techniques that exist and how to apply them. You will
find out what testing activities take place during every phase of software
development, how to plan the testing activities, how to design the test
cases, how to execute them, and how to report defects and the status of
your activities. It is meant to be easy to understand for everyone, even
with only the slightest technical background or involvement in a product.
I hope you will enjoy the process and pick up a thing or two!


The Importance
of Software Testing
Software testing is a crucial part of the software development process. It is
the process of evaluating a software system or application to find defects,
errors, or bugs, and verifying that it meets its intended requirements and
functions correctly. Software testing is essential because it ensures that
the software performs as expected, meets user needs, and is reliable and
Testing is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous process that
begins in the early stages of development and continues through the
software’s life cycle. The process involves planning, designing, executing,
and evaluating tests to identify and fix issues and to improve the quality of
the software.
There are various types of software testing, each with a unique focus
and objective. Some of the common types include unit testing, integration
testing, system testing, acceptance testing, regression testing, performance
testing, and security testing. Each type of testing has a specific purpose and
is conducted at different stages of the software development life cycle.
One common misconception about software testing is that it is just
about finding defects or errors in software. While detecting defects is an
essential part of software testing, it is not the only goal. Testing is also
about verifying that the software meets user requirements, is easy to use,
and performs as expected. Testing also involves ensuring that the software
is scalable, secure, and efficient.

© Panagiotis Leloudas 2023 1

P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,
Chapter 1 The Importance of Software Testing

Another misconception is that testing can be eliminated by writing

perfect code or using the right tools. However, testing is an integral part
of software development, and there is no way to guarantee that software
is completely free of errors. No matter how skilled the development team
is or how advanced the tools and technologies used, there is always a
possibility of errors or unexpected outcomes. Therefore, testing is essential
to identify and fix issues early in the development process before they
become major problems.
Black-box testing is a testing technique that examines the
functionality of an application without knowing its internal code structure.
The tester focuses on the inputs and outputs of the system and tests the
application based on the specifications or requirements. The goal of
black-box testing is to identify defects in the functionality, usability, and
performance of the application.
White-box testing, on the other hand, is a testing technique that
examines the internal structure of the application. The tester focuses on
the application’s code structure, internal logic, and algorithms to test the
application. The goal of white-box testing is to identify defects in the code
structure and ensure that the application functions correctly.
Gray-box testing is a combination of black-box and white-box testing.
The tester has some knowledge of the internal code structure, but not
full access. The goal of gray-box testing is to identify defects in the code
structure and ensure that the application functions correctly.
Exploratory testing is a testing technique that involves testing the
software without predefined test cases or scripts. The tester explores the
software and tests it based on their intuition and experience. The goal
of exploratory testing is to identify defects that may not be found using
traditional testing techniques.
In addition to testing the software’s functionality, it is also essential to
test nonfunctional aspects, such as performance, security, and usability.
These types of testing ensure that the software meets its nonfunctional
requirements and provides a positive user experience.

Chapter 1 The Importance of Software Testing

Software testing is an ongoing process that continues throughout the

software’s life cycle. It is essential to conduct regular testing, even after
the software has been released to production, to ensure that it continues
to function correctly and meets the users’ needs. This is known as
maintenance testing.
This book will provide a simple overview of the testing activities, tools,
and techniques. By the end of it, you will have all the basic knowledge you
need in a day as a tester.
I have tried to assemble all the knowledge I have accumulated so far
into a small practical guide on how software testing is. The purpose of
this book is not to enforce processes and tools in your organization, but to
give you some ideas and best practices you might find useful in your daily
It is the responsibility of the tester to report on the quality of the
product, but the quality of a company relies on every single individual.
Software quality is the responsibility of everyone involved in the software
development process, including developers, testers, project managers,
business analysts, and other stakeholders. Here are some ways that each
individual can contribute to software quality in a company.
Developers play a critical role in ensuring software quality by writing
high-quality, well-designed, and maintainable code. They can also
contribute to software quality by adhering to coding standards, performing
code reviews, and writing automated tests.
Testers play a crucial role in ensuring software quality by designing
and executing test plans and test cases to verify that software products
meet the requirements and expectations of end users. They can also
provide feedback to development teams to help improve the quality of
the code.
Product owners are responsible for defining and prioritizing product
requirements. They can contribute to software quality by ensuring that
requirements are clear, concise, and testable, and that they meet the needs
of end users.

Chapter 1 The Importance of Software Testing

Project managers are responsible for managing project timelines,

resources, and budgets. They can contribute to software quality by
ensuring that projects are adequately resourced, that timelines are
realistic, and that projects are well-planned and executed.
Business analysts can contribute to software quality by ensuring
that the business requirements are clear, complete, and testable, and that
testing teams have the information they need to design effective test cases.
They can also validate the requirements with stakeholders and subject-­
matter experts to identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the requirements
early in the development process.
User experience designers are responsible for ensuring that software
products are user-friendly and meet the needs of end users. They can
contribute to software quality by conducting user research, designing
intuitive user interfaces, and ensuring that products meet accessibility and
usability standards.
Operations teams are responsible for deploying and maintaining
software products. They can contribute to software quality by ensuring that
software is deployed in a reliable way.
Technical writers can contribute to software quality by ensuring
that user documentation is clear, concise, and easy to understand. This
can help to reduce the risk of user errors and improve the overall user

To summarize, software quality is a collective effort, and the
responsibilities are distributed among the various members of a company.
There are plenty of software testing types and techniques for the core
testing team of a project, and the next chapter will dive into the details of
each and every one.


Software Testing
Types and Techniques
Software testing is a complex process that involves various types and
techniques to ensure that the software is working correctly and meets its
intended requirements. In this chapter, we will discuss the different types
of software testing and the techniques used in each type, starting with
functional testing and the four levels it involves. We will continue with
nonfunctional testing, which can include performance testing, compliance
testing, and all the different types of -ility testing (usability, compatibility,
availability, etc.). After that, we will see the benefits of static testing, where
we can detect potential defects just by carefully examining the code
without even executing it.

Functional Testing
This type of testing is performed to validate that the software is working as
expected and meets the user’s requirements. The primary focus is on the
software’s functionality and includes various levels of testing such as unit
testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. These
levels are widely known as the testing pyramid, a concept introduced by
Mike Cohn.

© Panagiotis Leloudas 2023 5

P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,
Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The lower we go on the testing pyramid (Figure 2-1), the faster and
more isolated the tests are. On the contrary, as we go higher on the testing
pyramid, the tests become slower, and more components are integrated.

Figure 2-1. The testing pyramid

Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of the

software. The objective is to validate that each unit functions correctly and
meets its intended requirements.
Integration testing involves testing the integration of individual units
or components to ensure that they work together correctly.
System testing involves testing the entire system to ensure that it
meets the user’s requirements and functions correctly.
User acceptance testing involves testing the software from the
user’s perspective to ensure that it meets the user’s expectations and

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Unit Testing
Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on testing
individual units or components of a software system. A unit is the smallest
testable part of any software application, usually a function, method,
or class. The purposes of unit testing are to verify that each unit of the
software performs as expected and to catch errors as early as possible in
the development process.
During unit testing, the individual units of the software are tested in
isolation from the rest of the system. This is achieved by using stubs or
mock objects to simulate the behavior of other parts of the system that the
unit depends on. Unit tests are typically automated, which enables them
to be run frequently and easily, ensuring that changes to the code do not
break existing functionality.
Unit tests are typically written by developers as part of the
development process. Here are some key characteristics of unit tests:

• Isolation: Unit tests are designed to test individual units

of code in isolation from the rest of the application.
This is typically achieved by using mock objects or
stubs to simulate the behavior of other parts of the
• Automation: Unit tests are typically automated using
testing frameworks such as JUnit or NUnit. This allows
developers to run tests frequently and quickly and
to identify and fix defects early in the development

• Coverage: Unit tests should provide coverage for all

possible execution paths through the unit of code being
tested. This helps to ensure that all possible scenarios
are tested and that defects are identified early in the
development process.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Independence: Unit tests should be independent of

each other and should not rely on the results of other
tests. This helps to ensure that defects are identified
and fixed in a timely manner and that tests do not
interfere with each other.

• Maintainability: Unit tests should be easy to maintain

and update as the code evolves over time. This can help
to ensure that tests continue to provide accurate results
and that defects are identified and fixed early in the
development process.

The following are the main benefits of unit testing:

• Early detection of bugs: By testing individual units in

isolation, unit testing can detect errors early in the
development process, which makes them easier and
cheaper to fix.

• Faster debugging: Unit testing allows developers to

isolate and identify the cause of errors quickly and

• Better code quality: Unit testing forces developers to

write modular, well-structured code that is easier to
understand and maintain.

• Improved design: Unit testing encourages developers

to design their code with testability in mind, which can
lead to better software design.

Overall, unit testing is an essential practice in software development

that helps ensure the quality of software applications.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Integration Testing
Integration testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing the interaction
between different software components, subsystems, or modules. The
purpose of integration testing is to verify that the integrated software
system works as intended and that the individual components are able to
work together without errors or issues.
The main goal of integration testing is to identify any defects or issues
that may arise when multiple software components are combined. The
objective is to detect problems early in the software development cycle,
before the product is released to the customers. This helps in reducing
the cost and effort required to fix issues in later stages of the software
development process.
There are different approaches to integration testing such as top-down,
bottom-up, and hybrid. In the top-down approach, testing starts from the
highest level and works its way down to the lowest level of the software
hierarchy. In the bottom-up approach, testing starts from the lowest level
and works its way up to the highest level of the software hierarchy. The
hybrid approach combines the top-down and bottom-up approaches.
In integration testing, individual units of code are combined and tested
as a group. Integration tests can be performed at various levels, such as the

• Component-level integration: This involves testing the

integration of individual components or modules of an
application. Component-level integration tests ensure
that individual components work together correctly
and can communicate with each other.

• System-level integration: This involves testing the

integration of multiple components or subsystems of
an application. System-level integration tests ensure
that the application functions correctly as a whole and
that different subsystems work together seamlessly.
Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• End-to-end integration: This involves testing the

integration of the entire application, including all
subsystems and external systems that the application
interacts with. End-to-end integration tests ensure
that the application meets the needs of end users
and stakeholders and that all the components work
together correctly.

During integration testing, different types of testing techniques are

used such as functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and
usability testing. The testers ensure that the different software components
are integrated correctly and that they work together as intended.
The following are some common types of integration testing:

• Big Bang integration testing: In this type of testing, all

the software components are integrated together and
tested as a whole.

• Incremental integration testing: In this type of testing,

the software components are integrated incrementally,
one at a time, and tested as they are added to
the system.
• Top-down integration testing: In this type of testing,
testing starts with the highest level modules and works
its way down to the lowest level modules.

• Bottom-up integration testing: In this type of testing,

testing starts with the lowest-level modules and works
its way up to the highest-level modules.

• Sandpit integration testing: In this type of testing, a

new module is integrated with the rest of the system in
a separate environment called a sandbox or sandpit.
This allows the new module to be tested in a controlled
environment without affecting the rest of the system.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

System Testing
System testing is a type of software testing that is performed on a complete,
integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified
requirements. It is generally a black-box testing approach, which means
that testers are not concerned with the internal workings of the system.
Instead, they focus on testing the system as a whole to ensure that it meets
the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the stakeholders.
System testing is typically conducted after integration testing, which
tests the integration of different components or subsystems of the system.
The objective of system testing is to verify that the integrated system satisfies
the requirements and behaves as expected in the target environment.

User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing (UAT) is a process to validate whether a system
meets the specified requirements and works as expected in the real-world
scenario. UAT is performed by end users, business stakeholders, or domain
experts to ensure the system’s functionality and usability.
The following are some key characteristics of user acceptance testing:

• User involvement: UAT involves end users or

stakeholders testing the software product, providing
feedback, and ensuring that it meets their needs and

• Real-world testing: UAT involves testing the software

product in a real-world environment, using real
data and scenarios, to ensure that it meets the user’s
business processes and workflows.

• Validation of business requirements: UAT ensures that

the software product meets the business requirements
and goals of the user or stakeholder.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Acceptance criteria: UAT defines acceptance criteria

for the software product, which are used to determine
whether the product is ready for deployment.

• Sign-off: UAT requires the sign-off of the user or

stakeholder to indicate that they are satisfied with the
software product and that it is ready for deployment.

The primary objectives of UAT are as follows:

• To validate the system’s functionality from an end

user’s perspective

• To check whether the system meets the business


• To ensure that the system is user-friendly and

easy to use

• To find defects that were not detected in previous

testing stages

• To reduce the risk of system failure in production

There are three types of UAT:

• Alpha testing: It is performed in-house by the
development team or a group of testers before releasing
the product to the end users.

• Beta testing: It is performed by a group of end users in

a real-world scenario before releasing the product to
the market.

• Acceptance testing: It is performed by the end users

or business stakeholders to validate whether the
system meets the specified requirements and works as
expected in the real-world scenario.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Nonfunctional Testing
This type of testing focuses on the software’s nonfunctional aspects, such
as performance, security, and usability. The objective is to ensure that the
software meets its nonfunctional requirements and provides a positive
user experience. Here are some examples of nonfunctional testing:
Performance testing involves testing the software’s performance
under various conditions, such as load, stress, and scalability.
Security testing involves testing the software’s security features to
ensure that it is secure from various types of attacks and vulnerabilities.
Usability testing involves testing the software’s user interface and user
experience to ensure that it is user-friendly and easy to use.
Compatibility testing is testing whether the system can work with
different software, hardware, and operating systems.
Scalability testing is testing whether the system can handle increasing
amounts of data and users.
Reliability testing is evaluating how well the system performs under
different conditions and over time.
Availability testing is testing whether the system is available to users
and can be accessed at all times.
Installability testing is testing how easy it is to install and configure
the software and whether it meets installation requirements and
Maintainability testing is testing the software’s ability to be updated,
maintained, and supported over time, and whether it meets maintenance
requirements and specifications.
Compliance testing is testing whether the software meets specific
regulatory or industry standards, such as HIPAA, GDPR, or PCI DSS.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Performance Testing
Performance testing measures how well a system or application performs
under a given workload. It helps identify bottlenecks and problems in the
application’s performance, and it can also help determine whether the
application can handle expected volumes of data or users. In this section,
we’ll discuss the different types of performance testing, how to plan for and
execute performance tests, and tools and techniques used in performance
There are different types of performance testing that can be used to
evaluate the performance of an application.

• Load testing: This type of testing evaluates how an

application performs under normal and peak load
conditions. It involves testing the application with a
large number of users, requests, and data to determine
its performance under different workloads.

• Stress testing: This type of testing is performed to

determine the application’s stability under extreme
loads. Stress testing pushes the application beyond
its normal operating conditions to evaluate how it
responds to these conditions.

• Spike testing: This type of testing is used to evaluate

the application’s performance when there is a sudden
and significant increase in traffic. It is designed to
determine the application’s ability to handle sudden
and unexpected spikes in traffic.

• Endurance testing: This type of testing is used to

evaluate the application’s performance over an
extended period of time. It is designed to test the
application’s ability to maintain its performance over a
long period.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Volume testing: This type of testing is used to evaluate

how well the application can handle large volumes
of data. It is used to determine the application’s
performance under varying data volumes.

• Scalability testing: Scalability testing involves testing

the system’s ability to handle an increasing amount of
users or data without a decrease in performance.

• Soak testing: Soak testing involves testing the system

under a normal load for an extended period to
determine if there are any issues that arise over time.

• Configuration testing: Configuration testing involves

testing the system under different configurations to
determine how performance is affected by different

• Isolation testing: Isolation testing involves testing

individual components of the system to determine
their performance under specific conditions.

• Comparative testing: Comparative testing involves

comparing the performance of different systems or
configurations to determine which one performs better.

There are different tools and techniques that can be used in

performance testing.

• Load testing tools: These tools are used to simulate a

large number of users, requests, and data to evaluate
the application’s performance under different

• Performance monitoring tools: These tools are used

to monitor the application’s performance during the
testing to identify bottlenecks and issues.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Profiling tools: These tools are used to identify

performance bottlenecks in the application’s code.

• Cloud-based performance testing: This approach

involves using cloud-based infrastructure and services
to simulate real-world usage scenarios.

• Performance monitoring tools: Performance monitoring

tools are used to monitor the application’s performance
and identify any issues that may arise during the
testing phase. These tools can be used to monitor
various metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and
response time.

• Profiling tools: Profiling tools are used to analyze

the code and identify areas that can be optimized
to improve performance. These tools can be used
to identify memory leaks, deadlocks, and other
performance issues.

• Log analysis tools: Log analysis tools are used to analyze

the log files generated during the performance testing.
These tools can be used to identify any errors or issues
that may have occurred during the testing phase.

• Statistical analysis tools: Statistical analysis tools can

be used to analyze the performance test results and
identify any trends or patterns. These tools can be used
to determine the application’s performance under
varying loads and identify any bottlenecks.

• Root-cause analysis tools: Root-cause analysis tools

are used to identify the root cause of any performance
issues that may arise during the testing phase. These
tools can be used to drill down into the application
code to identify the underlying cause of the issue.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Benchmarking tools: Benchmarking tools are used

to compare the application’s performance against
industry standards and best practices. These tools
can be used to identify any performance issues that
may arise and help to improve the application’s

Security Testing
Security testing is a type of software testing that focuses on identifying
vulnerabilities and potential security risks within an application or system.
Security testing is an essential process for ensuring that an application or
system is secure and safe from potential attacks or malicious activity.
There are various types of security testing techniques and tools
available that can be used to identify and address potential security issues.
The following are some of the common techniques:

• Penetration testing: Penetration testing, or pen-testing,

is a security testing technique that involves simulating
an attack on a software system to identify and exploit
vulnerabilities in the system. Penetration testing tools
include Metasploit, Nessus, and Wireshark.

• Vulnerability scanning: Vulnerability scanning tools are

used to identify vulnerabilities in a software system by
scanning for weaknesses in the system. Some examples
of vulnerability scanning tools are Nmap, OpenVAS,
and Retina.

• Fuzz testing: Fuzz testing is a technique that involves

feeding large amounts of random data to a software
system to identify vulnerabilities in the system.
Fuzz testing tools include Peach Fuzzer, JBroFuzz,
and SPIKE.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Code review: Code review is the process of analyzing

source code to identify and fix potential security
vulnerabilities. Code review tools include SonarQube,
Codacy, and CodeClimate.

• Authentication testing: Authentication testing involves

testing the login process of a software system to ensure
that it is secure and resistant to attacks. Authentication
testing tools include Burp Suite, ZAP, and Acunetix.

• Authorization testing: Authorization testing involves

testing the permissions and access control of a software
system to ensure that users have access only to the
resources they are authorized to use. Authorization
testing tools include OWASP WebScarab, IronWASP,
and IBM AppScan.

• Security configuration testing: This type of testing

checks the configuration of the system and identifies
vulnerabilities in the configuration of the operating
system, network devices, firewalls, and other security
• Encryption testing: This type of testing involves testing
the effectiveness of encryption mechanisms in the
application. It evaluates the strength of the encryption
algorithms and checks if the data is being stored and
transmitted securely.

• Input validation testing: This type of testing checks if

the application is protected from malicious inputs. It
tests if the application validates user input and does not
accept malicious input from users.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Security code review: This type of testing involves

reviewing the application code for security
vulnerabilities. It can be done manually or using
automated tools.

• Security compliance testing: This type of testing checks

if the application meets the security standards and
guidelines. It includes testing against regulatory
compliance requirements such as HIPAA, PCI DSS,
and GDPR.

• Disaster recovery and business continuity testing: This

type of testing is done to ensure that the application
can continue to operate during and after a disaster. It
includes testing the backup and recovery processes and
the effectiveness of the disaster recovery plan.

There are numerous security vulnerabilities that can exist in a

system, and detecting them requires knowledge of the common ones
and the techniques used to find them. Here are a few common security
vulnerabilities and how they can be detected:

• SQL injection: SQL injection is a type of attack in which

an attacker tries to inject malicious SQL code into a
database. This can be detected by testing inputs for
SQL keywords or special characters.

• Cross-site scripting (XSS): This is a type of vulnerability

that allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into
a web page viewed by other users. XSS can be detected
by testing inputs for special characters, such as < and >,
or by using an automated scanner.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Cross-site request forgery (CSRF): This vulnerability

allows an attacker to force a user to perform an action
on a website without the user’s knowledge or consent.
CSRF can be detected by checking the HTTP Referer
header or by using an automated scanner.

• Broken authentication and session management: This

vulnerability allows an attacker to gain access to a
user’s account or session. It can be detected by testing
for weak passwords, session hijacking, or using an
automated scanner.

• Buffer overflow: This vulnerability occurs when a

program tries to write more data to a buffer than it
can hold, which can cause memory corruption and
other security issues. Buffer overflow can be detected
by performing boundary value testing or using an
automated scanner.

• Information disclosure: This vulnerability occurs when

sensitive information is exposed to unauthorized users.
It can be detected by performing security audits or
using an automated scanner.
These are just a few examples of common security vulnerabilities, and
there are many more that can exist in a system. It’s important to use a variety
of tools and techniques to detect and prevent security vulnerabilities.

Usability Testing
Usability testing is a type of testing performed to evaluate how user-­
friendly a product is. The objective of usability testing is to determine how
easy it is for users to learn and use the product, how efficient they are at
completing tasks, and how satisfied they are with the product.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Usability testing typically involves selecting a group of users who

represent the target audience for the product. These users are then given
a set of tasks to perform using the product, while the tester observes
their behavior and records their comments. The tasks are designed to be
representative of the kinds of tasks that the product is intended to support.
The usability tester may use a variety of techniques to gather feedback
from users, including questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation
of user behavior. The feedback gathered during the testing process is
then used to identify problems with the product’s usability and to suggest
improvements that can be made to the design.
Usability testing can be conducted at various stages of the product
development life cycle, from early prototypes to finished products. It can
be performed in a lab setting, in the user’s own environment, or online.
The results of usability testing are used to inform design decisions
and to improve the overall user experience of the product. By identifying
usability problems early in the development process, usability testing can
help to save time and money by avoiding costly redesigns and rework.

Compatibility Testing
Compatibility testing is a type of software testing that is performed to
ensure that an application is compatible with various hardware, operating
systems, browsers, databases, and other third-party software components.
The purpose of compatibility testing is to identify compatibility issues
between the software application and the systems on which it will be
deployed. The goal is to ensure that the application functions properly
across a variety of environments and configurations.
To perform compatibility testing, the testing team needs to identify
the hardware, software, and other components that the application will be
required to work with. Based on this information, the testing team creates
a test plan that outlines the specific tests that need to be conducted to
ensure compatibility.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Compatibility testing can be conducted in a number of different ways,

including manual testing, automated testing, or a combination of both.
The testing team may use a variety of tools and techniques to simulate
different hardware and software configurations and to automate the
testing process where possible.
The following are some common areas of focus in compatibility

• Operating system compatibility

• Browser compatibility

• Database compatibility

• Mobile device compatibility

• Third-party software compatibility

Scalability Testing
Scalability testing is a type of nonfunctional testing that evaluates the
ability of a system or application to scale up or scale down in response to
changing workload and data volume. The purpose of scalability testing is
to identify the maximum capacity of a system or application and to ensure
that it can handle increasing levels of load without compromising its
performance or stability.
Scalability testing is particularly important for systems that are
expected to handle a large number of users, transactions, or data volume.
It is typically performed in a controlled environment, using a combination
of manual and automated testing techniques to simulate different levels
of load and measure the system’s response time, throughput, and resource

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Reliability Testing
Reliability testing is a type of software testing that aims to determine the
reliability of a software application by measuring its performance in various
conditions over a certain period of time. The goal of this testing is to identify
any defects or issues that could affect the overall reliability of the system.
Reliability testing typically involves subjecting the software to a series
of tests that simulate real-world scenarios and stress conditions. These
tests may include load testing, performance testing, and endurance
testing. The software is also tested for its ability to recover from errors or
failures and its ability to maintain its performance levels under varying
The following are some common techniques used in reliability testing:

• Stress testing: This involves testing the software

application under extreme conditions, such as high
loads, to see how it behaves and whether it is able to
handle the stress.

• Endurance testing: This involves testing the software

application over a period of time to see how it performs
over a long period of use.
• Performance testing: This involves testing the software
application under normal and peak loads to measure
its performance and identify any bottlenecks or issues.

• Fault tolerance testing: This involves testing the

software application for its ability to continue
functioning even in the event of a system failure or
hardware malfunction.

• Recovery testing: This involves testing the software

application for its ability to recover from errors or
failures and return to normal functioning.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Availability Testing
Availability testing is a type of nonfunctional testing that is performed
to measure the ability of a system or application to remain available
and accessible for use by its users over a specified period of time. The
primary objective of availability testing is to identify and mitigate any
factors that could lead to service disruptions or downtime, such as
hardware or software failures, network connectivity issues, or system
configuration errors.
During availability testing, testers simulate various failure scenarios
and measure the system’s ability to recover from them in a timely manner.
Availability metrics are used to measure the system’s performance.
These metrics may include the percentage of uptime, the mean time
between failures (MTBF), the mean time to repair (MTTR), and the
recovery time objective (RTO).

Installability Testing
Installability testing is a type of software testing that evaluates how easy
it is to install, set up, and configure the software. This type of testing is
essential to ensure that the installation process is straightforward, reliable,
and consistent, and that the software meets installation requirements and
Installability testing involves testing the software installation process
on different hardware, operating systems, and configurations, and
verifying that it meets the following criteria:

• Installation instructions: The installation instructions

should be clear, concise, and easy to follow, with step-­
by-­step guidance on how to install and configure the

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Installation process: The installation process should be

straightforward, with no unexpected or confusing steps,
and should not require any specialized knowledge or

• Installation options: The software should provide users

with installation options, such as custom installation,
silent installation, or network installation, to suit their
specific needs and preferences.

• Compatibility: The software should be compatible

with different hardware, operating systems, and
configurations, and should not cause conflicts or errors
during installation.

• Resource requirements: The software should meet the

minimum resource requirements for installation, such
as disk space, memory, and processor speed, and
should not require additional resources that are not
readily available.

• Error handling: The software should have appropriate

error handling mechanisms in place to handle
installation errors and failures and should provide clear
and helpful error messages to users.

• Uninstallation: The software should provide a

straightforward and reliable uninstallation process,
with no residual files or registry entries left behind, and
should not cause any system instability or conflicts.

Overall, installability testing is essential to ensure that the software

is easy to install, configure, and use, and that it meets user expectations
and requirements. By testing the software installation process thoroughly,
testers can identify and address any installation issues and can ensure that
the software is of high quality and meets user needs.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Maintainability Testing
Maintainability testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the software’s
ability to be updated, maintained, and supported over time. This type of
testing is essential to ensure that the software can be modified or enhanced
easily and that it remains stable and reliable after updates and changes.
Maintainability testing involves testing the software’s maintainability
by evaluating the following criteria:

• Code quality: The code quality should be of high

quality and maintainable. This includes variables
and functions being named appropriately, modular
code that is easy to understand and reusable, code
comments, and so on.

• Documentation: The software should have clear,

concise, and up-to-date documentation that explains
how the software works, how it should be maintained,
and how to modify it.

• Code complexity: The software should have a low code

complexity, which means that the code should be
simple, easy to understand, and easy to modify. This
makes it easier for developers to add new features or
fix bugs.

• Testability: The software should be easily testable, and

the test cases should be well documented and easy
to execute. This helps in identifying bugs and fixing
them faster.

• Version control: The software should be under version

control to keep track of changes made to the software,
who made the changes, and when they were made.
This helps in troubleshooting and identifying issues.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Error handling: The software should have appropriate

error handling mechanisms in place to handle errors
and failures. This helps in identifying and fixing
issues faster.

Overall, maintainability testing is essential to ensure that the software

can be updated, maintained, and supported over time, and that it remains
stable and reliable. By testing the software’s maintainability thoroughly,
testers can identify any issues and make recommendations to improve the
software’s maintainability. This helps ensure that the software remains of
high quality and meets user expectations over time.

Compliance Testing
Compliance testing is a type of software testing that ensures that software
applications meet certain regulatory, legal, and industry-specific
standards. This type of testing is essential to ensure that the software meets
legal and regulatory requirements and is safe and secure for users.
Compliance testing involves testing the software for compliance with
the following criteria:

• Legal and regulatory requirements: The software should

comply with applicable laws and regulations, such
as data privacy laws, security standards, accessibility
standards, and other industry-specific regulations.

• Security: The software should be secure and protect

sensitive data and information from unauthorized
access, theft, or misuse. Compliance testing should
evaluate the software’s security features, such as
encryption, access control, and secure communication

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

• Data privacy: The software should be designed to

protect user data and comply with data privacy laws
and regulations. This includes the collection, storage,
and use of personal data, such as names, addresses,
and financial information.

• Accessibility: The software should be accessible to all

users, including those with disabilities. Compliance
testing should evaluate the software’s accessibility
features, such as keyboard navigation, screen reader
compatibility, and alternative text for images.

• Industry-specific standards: The software should

meet industry-specific standards, such as healthcare
standards, financial services standards, or government

• Documentation: The software should have clear and

up-to-date documentation that explains how the
software meets compliance requirements, how it
should be used, and how to handle any compliance
issues that may arise.
Overall, compliance testing is essential to ensure that the software
meets legal and regulatory requirements and is safe and secure for users.
By testing the software’s compliance thoroughly, testers can identify any
compliance issues and make recommendations to ensure that the software
meets the required standards. This helps ensure that the software remains
of high quality and meets user expectations.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

Static Testing
Static testing is a software testing technique that involves the examination
of code or software documentation without actually executing the
program. The goal of static testing is to identify defects in the code,
requirements, or design before the software is actually executed. This type
of testing is also known as nonexecution testing or verification testing.
Code reviews involve a team of developers and/or testers reviewing
each other’s code to identify any defects or potential issues.
Requirements reviews are about reviewing the requirements
documentation to ensure that they are complete, clear, and accurate.
Design reviews where the team is reviewing the design documentation
to ensure that it meets the requirements and is technically feasible.
Walk-throughs usually are a team of developers looking through the
code or documentation to ensure that it meets the required specifications
and standards.
Inspections are a formal process of reviewing the code or
documentation to identify and document defects.

Code Reviews
Code review is a form of static testing that involves reviewing the
source code of a software application to identify defects, bugs, or other
issues that may impact performance or functionality. Code reviews are
typically performed by one or more individuals who have expertise in the
programming language, design patterns, and coding standards used in the
software application.
The goals of a code review are to identify any defects or issues that may
impact the quality or functionality of the software and to provide feedback
to the developer so that they can make improvements. Code reviews can
be performed manually, using a document or spreadsheet to track issues,
or via specialized software tools that automate the review process.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The following are some key benefits of code reviews:

• Improved code quality: Code reviews can help to

identify and address defects or issues early in the
development process, leading to improved code

• Knowledge sharing: Code reviews can help to share

knowledge and best practices among development
teams, leading to improved collaboration and

• Reduced development time and costs: Code reviews

can help to identify defects or issues early in the
development process, reducing the time and costs
associated with testing and debugging.

• Improved maintainability: Code reviews can help

to ensure that the code is maintainable and easy to
update, reducing the risk of introducing new defects or
issues in future development.

Requirement Reviews
Requirement reviews are a form of static testing that involves reviewing the
software requirements to identify defects, errors, or inconsistencies. This
type of review is typically performed by stakeholders, including business
analysts, project managers, developers, testers, and end users.
The goal of a requirement review is to ensure that the software
requirements accurately reflect the needs and expectations of the
stakeholders and that they are complete, unambiguous, and consistent.
During the review process, stakeholders may ask questions, clarify
requirements, or suggest changes or additions to the requirements.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The following are some key benefits of requirement reviews:

• Improved software quality: Requirement reviews

can help to ensure that the software requirements
accurately reflect the needs and expectations of the
stakeholders, leading to improved software quality.

• Early defect detection: Requirement reviews can help

to identify defects or issues early in the development
process, before the software is executed.

• Reduced development time and costs: Requirement

reviews can help to ensure that the software
requirements are complete and accurate, reducing the
time and costs associated with rework or changes to the
requirements later in the development process.

• Improved stakeholder communication: Requirement

reviews can help to promote communication and
collaboration among stakeholders, leading to a shared
understanding of the software requirements.

Design Reviews
Design reviews are a form of static testing that involves reviewing the
design documents of a software application to identify defects, errors,
or inconsistencies. The design documents may include architectural
diagrams, flowcharts, data models, and other design artifacts that describe
how the software will be implemented.
The goal of a design review is to ensure that the software design meets
the requirements of the stakeholders, and that it is efficient, maintainable,
and scalable. During the review process, stakeholders may ask questions,
suggest improvements, or identify potential issues or risks in the design.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The following are some key benefits of design reviews:

• Improved software quality: Design reviews can help

to identify defects or issues early in the development
process, leading to improved software quality.

• Early defect detection: Design reviews can help to

identify defects or issues early in the development
process, before the software is implemented.

• Reduced development time and costs: Design reviews

can help to ensure that the software design is efficient
and scalable, reducing the time and costs associated
with rework or changes to the design later in the
development process.

• Improved maintainability: Design reviews can help to

ensure that the software design is maintainable and
easy to update, reducing the risk of introducing new
defects or issues in future development.

Walk-throughs are a form of static testing that involves a group of
stakeholders reviewing a software artifact, such as a requirements
document, design document, or code, in a step-by-step manner.
During the walk-through, the participants may ask questions, suggest
improvements, or identify potential issues or risks in the artifact.
The goal of a walk-through is to ensure that the software artifact meets
the requirements of the stakeholders, and that it is complete, accurate,
and well-documented. The walk-through process can help to identify
defects or issues early in the development process, before the software is
implemented or executed.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The following are some key benefits of walk-throughs:

• Improved software quality: Walk-throughs can help

to identify defects or issues early in the development
process, leading to improved software quality.

• Early defect detection: Walk-throughs can help to identify

defects or issues early in the development process,
before the software is implemented or executed.

• Reduced development time and costs: Walk-throughs

can help to ensure that the software artifact is complete
and accurate, reducing the time and costs associated
with rework or changes to the artifact later in the
development process.

• Improved stakeholder communication: Walk-throughs

can help to promote communication and collaboration
among stakeholders, leading to a shared understanding
of the software artifact.

Inspections are a form of static testing that involves a structured and
formal process of reviewing a software artifact, such as a requirements
document, design document, or code, with the goal of identifying defects
or issues. Unlike walk-throughs, inspections are typically conducted by a
small group of trained individuals who follow a set of defined procedures
and checklists.
The inspection process typically involves several stages, including
planning, preparation, inspection, and follow-up. During the inspection
stage, the participants review the software artifact line by line, looking for
defects such as syntax errors, logical inconsistencies, and violations of
coding standards.

Chapter 2 Software Testing Types and Techniques

The following are some key benefits of inspections:

• Improved software quality: Inspections can help to

identify defects or issues early in the development
process, leading to improved software quality.

• Early defect detection: Inspections can help to identify

defects or issues early in the development process,
before the software is implemented or executed.

• Reduced development time and costs: Inspections can

help to ensure that the software artifact is complete
and accurate, reducing the time and costs associated
with rework or changes to the artifact later in the
development process.

• Improved stakeholder communication: Inspections can

help to promote communication and collaboration
among stakeholders, leading to a shared understanding
of the software artifact.

The different software testing types have different purposes. Functional
testing is responsible for verifying the correct functionality of our
product and finding edge case scenarios that might have been missed.
Nonfunctional testing is about all the things that might affect the product
while its functionality stays intact. Static testing takes care of everything
around the software, without executing the software itself. That can be
coding standards, documentation, or designs. All these software testing
types have their own place in the software development life cycle, and in
the next chapter we are going to understand where we can apply them.


Software Development
Life Cycle
The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process that software
development teams follow to design, develop, test, and deploy high-quality
software applications. The SDLC provides a framework that ensures
the software meets the user’s requirements, is delivered on time and
within budget, and is of high quality. In this chapter, we will discuss the
different phases of the SDLC (Figure 3-1) and their importance in software

© Panagiotis Leloudas 2023 35

P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,
Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

Figure 3-1. The software development life cycle

Let’s walk through each of these phases one by one.

Planning Phase
The planning phase of the SDLC is the initial phase where the project’s
objectives and requirements are established. This phase is crucial to
ensure the success of the project, and it involves several key activities, such
as gathering and analyzing requirements, defining the scope of the project,
identifying the stakeholders, and creating a project plan.
During the planning phase, the project team works with stakeholders to
determine the project’s objectives and to identify the business and technical
requirements that the project must meet. The team must analyze the
requirements carefully to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and consistent
with the business goals. This analysis helps the team to determine the resources
required to complete the project, including the team size, budget, and schedule.
Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

Once the requirements have been analyzed, the team defines the project
scope, which outlines the deliverables, the constraints, and the assumptions
of the project. The scope helps to provide a clear understanding of what the
project will deliver and what it will not. The scope also helps to identify the
project’s risks, assumptions, and dependencies, which are important factors
that must be considered during the project planning process.
The next step in the planning phase is to identify the project
stakeholders, which include both the internal and external stakeholders.
The team must identify the stakeholders’ needs, expectations, and
requirements, and develop a communication plan to ensure that the
stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the project.
Finally, the project team creates a project plan that includes a detailed
timeline, milestones, and deliverables. The project plan outlines the tasks,
resources, and timelines required to complete the project, and it helps to
ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and with the
expected quality. The project plan also helps to track progress, identify
issues, and manage changes throughout the project’s life cycle.
Testing is not a typical activity in the planning phase of the SDLC. This
phase is primarily focused on defining the project’s scope, goals, objectives,
and requirements, as well as identifying the resources and technology
required to complete the project. Testing activities are not usually performed
in this phase since there is no code or application to test.
However, there are a few test-related activities that can be performed
during the planning phase. For instance, the test manager or team can start
developing a test strategy that outlines the testing approach, test plan, testing
scope, and test schedule for the project. The test manager can also establish
testing goals and objectives that align with the project’s goals and objectives.
The test team can also start identifying the resources and tools
required for testing, such as test management tools, test automation tools,
and test data management tools. This can help ensure that the necessary
testing resources are available when testing activities begin in the later
phases of the SDLC.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

Here are some ways that QA can contribute to the planning phase:

• Reviewing project requirements: QA can review project

requirements to ensure that they are clear, complete,
and testable. This can help to identify any gaps or
inconsistencies in the requirements early in the
development process and ensure that the requirements
are aligned with business needs.

• Defining quality standards: QA can work with

stakeholders to define quality standards for software
products. This can include criteria for usability,
performance, security, and reliability, among others.
Defining quality standards up front can help to ensure
that software products meet the needs of end users
and stakeholders and reduce the risk of defects and
production issues.

• Developing a test plan: QA can develop a test plan that

outlines the testing strategy for the project. The test
plan can include details such as the types of testing
that will be performed, the tools and techniques that
will be used, and the roles and responsibilities of the
testing team.

• Identifying testing resources: QA can work with project

managers to identify the testing resources that will
be needed for the project. This can include tools,
equipment, and personnel. By identifying testing
resources early in the planning phase, QA can help to
ensure that adequate resources are available for testing
and quality assurance activities.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Collaborating with development teams: QA can work

closely with development teams to ensure that quality
is built into the software products from the outset. This
can include participating in code reviews, providing
feedback on testability and maintainability, and
identifying potential defects early in the development

The planning phase of the SDLC typically ends with the creation of a
detailed project plan or a software project management plan (SPMP).
The project plan outlines the scope, objectives, timelines, resource
requirements, and budget for the project. It also includes a risk
management plan and a quality assurance plan that identifies the testing
methodologies, tools, and techniques to be used during the testing phase.
Once the project plan is finalized, the next step is to get the necessary
approvals and funding for the project, after which the actual development
work begins.
It is important to note that the planning phase is not a one-time event,
but an ongoing process that requires continuous review and updates
throughout the SDLC to ensure that the project stays on track and meets
the objectives and goals of the stakeholders.
When everything is in place, we are ready to proceed to the next phase.

Requirements Gathering Phase

The requirements gathering phase is the second phase of the SDLC. It is
also known as the analysis phase. During this phase, the development
team works closely with the stakeholders to gather and document the
requirements for the software project. The main goal of this phase is to
understand the business requirements and objectives, as well as the user
requirements and expectations.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

The following are the key activities that take place during the
requirements gathering phase:

• Gathering and analyzing requirements: The

development team works with the stakeholders to
understand their needs and expectations. This involves
conducting interviews, focus groups, and surveys to
gather information.

• Documenting requirements: The requirements are

documented in a detailed manner. This includes
use cases, user stories, functional and nonfunctional
requirements, and acceptance criteria.

• Prioritizing requirements: Once the requirements

are documented, they are prioritized based on their
importance and impact on the project.

• Reviewing requirements: The development team

reviews the requirements with the stakeholders to
ensure that they are accurate, complete, and feasible.

• Getting sign-off on requirements: Once the

requirements have been reviewed and finalized, the
stakeholders sign off on them. This signifies their
agreement that the requirements accurately represent
their needs and expectations.

The outcome of the requirements gathering phase is a detailed

requirements specification document. This document serves as a
reference point for the rest of the SDLC phases. Any changes to the
requirements during the development process must be managed through
a formal change control process to ensure that the impact of any changes is
properly assessed and that the project stays on track.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

In the requirements gathering phase of the SDLC, testing involves

verifying that the gathered requirements are correct, complete, and
testable. The testing team reviews the requirements to ensure that they are
clear, unambiguous, and consistent. They work with the business analysts
and stakeholders to clarify any areas of confusion or ambiguity.
During this phase, testing also involves identifying any missing
requirements, as well as requirements that may conflict with other
requirements or the project’s overall goals. This is to ensure that the
requirements are feasible and can be implemented in the project’s scope
and timeline.
Additionally, testing in the requirements gathering phase includes
defining acceptance criteria and identifying key performance indicators
(KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the project. This helps
to ensure that the project will meet the needs of the stakeholders and
users and that the testing team can adequately measure the quality of the
product once it is completed.
Let’s say that a software development team is tasked with building an
e-commerce platform. During the requirements gathering phase, the team
identifies a requirement that states, “The platform must be able to process
1,000 transactions per minute.”
To ensure that this requirement can be met, the QA team can ask the
following questions:

• What is the expected load on the platform during

peak hours?

• What is the maximum number of concurrent users that

the platform will need to support?

• What types of transactions will be processed (e.g.,

purchases, returns, refunds)?

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Will the platform need to integrate with any third-party

payment gateways?

• What security measures will be in place to protect user

data during transactions?

By asking these questions, the QA team can ensure that the

requirement is well-defined and that the development team has all the
information they need to build a platform that can meet the performance
and security needs of the business.
After the requirements are defined, reviewed, and accepted by all the
stakeholders, then the design phase is ready to start.

Design Phase
During the design phase of the SDLC, the requirements gathered in the
previous phase are used to create a detailed design for the software system.
The design phase typically involves the following steps:

1. Architectural design: In this step, the overall system

architecture is defined, including the hardware,
software, and network components.
2. High-level design: Based on the architectural design,
the high-level design is created, which specifies the
overall structure of the software system, including
the modules or components and their relationships.

3. Detailed design: This step involves designing each

module or component in detail, including its
input and output, algorithms, data structures, and
interfaces with other modules.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

4. Prototyping: Prototyping is often used to validate

the design and ensure that it meets the user
requirements. This may involve creating a working
model of the software system or individual

5. Design review: Once the detailed design is complete,

it is reviewed by stakeholders to ensure that it meets
the requirements and is technically feasible.

6. Design documentation: The design is documented

to ensure that it can be easily understood and
maintained by other developers.

The output of the design phase is a detailed design specification, which

is used as the basis for the next phase of the SDLC.
In the design phase, the testing team may be involved in the review
and evaluation of the design documents to ensure that the design meets
the requirements specified in the requirements documents. This can help
to identify design issues and inconsistencies early in the development
cycle, which can reduce the cost and time associated with fixing defects in
later phases.
In addition, the testing team may be involved in the creation of test
plans and test cases based on the design documents. This can help to
ensure that the testing effort is aligned with the design and that all design
components are tested thoroughly.
The following are some common testing activities in the design phase:

• Reviewing the design documents for accuracy,

completeness, and consistency with the requirements

• Creating test plans and test cases based on the design


• Identifying potential defects or issues in the design and

reporting them to the development team

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Conducting design walk-throughs or reviews to ensure

that the design meets the specified requirements

• Validating the design against industry standards and

best practices

Overall, testing in the design phase is important to ensure that the

design is sound and meets the specified requirements. By identifying and
addressing design issues early in the development cycle, the testing team
can help to reduce the cost and time associated with fixing defects in
later phases.
Let’s say that a software development team is designing a new feature
for a social media platform. During the design phase, the team creates a
mockup of the new feature that includes a form for users to enter personal
To ensure that the design is user-friendly and meets the platform’s
quality standards, the QA team can ask the following questions:

• Is the form easy to navigate and understand?

• Are all necessary fields clearly labeled and easy to find?

• Are there any unnecessary fields that could be removed

to streamline the user experience?
• Does the design comply with accessibility
standards, such as providing alternatives for visually
impaired users?

• Is the design consistent with the platform’s overall look

and feel, including colors, fonts, and logos?

By asking these questions, the QA team can ensure that the design is
intuitive, accessible, and consistent with the platform’s standards.
When the designs are finalized and everyone involved has agreed, the
actual development can start.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

Development Phase
During the development phase of the SDLC, the software is designed and
developed based on the requirements gathered and design specifications
created during the previous phases.
The development phase involves creating the software code, building
and testing the software, and fixing any issues that arise during testing. The
development team typically consists of software developers, testers, and
technical writers who create user manuals, guides, and other technical
documentation for the software.
The software code is usually written in a high-level programming
language and is translated into machine code by a compiler or interpreter.
The code is then tested using a variety of testing techniques, including unit
testing, integration testing, and system testing, to ensure that it meets the
functional and nonfunctional requirements specified in the earlier phases.
During the development phase, it is important to follow coding
standards and best practices to ensure that the software code is
maintainable, reusable, and easily extendable in the future. It is also
important to ensure that the software code is well-documented and that
all functions and procedures are clearly defined and documented to aid in
future maintenance and support.
During the development phase, the focus of testing shifts from validating
the system design and requirements to identifying and resolving defects in
the software code. The objective of this phase is to ensure that the software is
functioning as expected and that all the requirements are met.
Testing in the development phase involves the following activities:

• Unit testing: Unit testing is a type of testing that verifies

the smallest piece of testable code, such as functions,
methods, or procedures. It is performed by the
developers themselves and is focused on validating
that the code meets the technical specifications and
works as intended.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Integration testing: Integration testing is the process

of testing how different software components interact
with each other. It is performed after unit testing and
ensures that the different components are properly
integrated and work together as expected.

• System testing: System testing is the process of testing

the entire system as a whole. It involves testing the
software in a test environment that is similar to the
production environment, with real-world data and
simulated users. This type of testing verifies that the
system meets all the functional and nonfunctional

• Acceptance testing: Acceptance testing is the final

phase of testing before the software is released to the
end users. It is a type of testing where the software
is evaluated against the user requirements, and it is
performed by the business stakeholders or end users.

• Regression testing: Regression testing is the process of

testing the system after changes have been made to the
software code. It ensures that the existing functionality
has not been impacted by the changes made and that
the new functionality works as expected.

• Performance testing: Performance testing is performed

to ensure that the system is functioning within the
acceptable limits in terms of speed, scalability,
and stability. It involves testing the system under
various workloads and conditions to identify and fix
performance-related issues.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Security testing: Security testing is performed to

ensure that the system is secure and protected against
external threats. It involves identifying vulnerabilities
and testing the system for unauthorized access, data
breaches, and other security-related issues.

Testing in the development phase is an iterative process and

involves continuous testing and validation of the software code. It is
critical to ensure that the software is fully functional, meets the business
requirements, and is ready for release to the end users.
Let’s say that a software development team is building a mobile app
that includes a feature for users to upload photos. During the development
phase, the team has written the code to handle photo uploads.
To ensure that the feature works as expected and meets the platform’s
quality standards, the QA team can perform the following tests:

• The QA team can test the upload feature to ensure that

it works correctly and uploads the photos to the correct
location. They can also test that the app can handle
different file formats and file sizes.

• The QA team can test the upload feature to ensure that

it works quickly and efficiently, even when many users
are uploading photos simultaneously.

• The QA team can test the upload feature to ensure that

it is secure and that user data is protected during the
upload process.

• The QA team can test the upload feature to ensure that

it is intuitive and easy to use for users. They can also
test that any error messages or notifications are clear
and helpful.

By performing these tests, the QA team can identify any issues or bugs
in the feature and work with the development team to fix them.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

The development phase stops when all the items on the definition
of done list are checked. This means that all the found defects are either
solved or accepted as a risk, the documentation is in place, and the
product owner has accepted the implementation. Then we can deploy the

Deployment Phase
The deployment phase in the SDLC is the phase in which the developed
software is delivered to the customer for their use. It involves installing the
software in the customer’s environment, configuring it, and making sure
that it works as expected.
The deployment phase involves the following activities:

• Release planning: In this phase, the deployment

team identifies the necessary resources, timelines,
and activities required to deploy the software to the
customer’s environment.

• Configuration management: The deployment team

ensures that the software is configured correctly and all
necessary dependencies are in place.
• Deployment testing: The deployment team performs
testing to ensure that the software works as expected in
the customer’s environment.

• Data migration: The deployment team ensures that

all data from the previous system is transferred to the
new system.

• User training: The deployment team provides training

to the end users to use the software effectively.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• User acceptance testing: The deployment team works

with the customer to perform user acceptance testing
to ensure that the software meets their requirements.

• Go-live: The deployment team deploys the software

to the customer’s environment and ensures that it
is working correctly. The team also provides post-­
deployment support to the customer.

The deployment phase is critical because it is the final stage before the
software is used in a production environment. A successful deployment
ensures that the software meets the customer’s requirements and is ready
for use.
Testing in the deployment phase is important to ensure that the
software is correctly installed and configured in the target environment.
This phase involves tasks such as the following:

• Installation testing: Verifying that the software is

installed correctly on the target environment and that
it meets the system requirements and compatibility

• Configuration testing: Testing the various configuration

options available in the software and ensuring that
the configuration is set up correctly for the target

• Compatibility testing: Verifying that the software

is compatible with the hardware and software
components in the target environment and that there
are no conflicts or issues

• Security testing: Ensuring that the software is secure

in the target environment and that it adheres to the
security policies and requirements

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Performance testing: Verifying that the software is

performing well in the target environment and that it
meets the performance requirements

• Acceptance testing: Testing the software with end

users and stakeholders to ensure that it meets their
expectations and requirements

The testing in the deployment phase is often done in collaboration

with the system administrators, network administrators, and other IT
professionals who are responsible for deploying and maintaining the
software in the target environment.
Let’s say that a software development team is deploying a new version
of their web application to production. During the deployment phase, the
team needs to ensure that the application is deployed correctly and works
as expected in the production environment.
To ensure that the deployment is successful and meets the platform’s
quality standards, the QA team can perform the following tests:

• The QA team can perform a quick check to ensure

that the application is accessible and that the main
functionality is working as expected. This can include
verifying that pages load properly, forms can be
submitted, and data is displayed correctly.

• The QA team can test the application to ensure that

existing features are still working correctly after the
deployment. This can include testing that all links
still work, pages load quickly, and data is displayed

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• The QA team can test the application to ensure that it

can handle the expected user load. This can include
testing that the application can handle a certain
number of concurrent users and that performance
is not degraded when many users are using the
application at the same time.

• The QA team can test the application to ensure that it is

secure and that user data is protected. This can include
testing that user data is encrypted during transmission
and storage, that access controls are implemented
correctly, and that there are no vulnerabilities that
could be exploited by attackers.

By performing these tests, the QA team can ensure that the deployment
is successful, that the application works as expected in the production
environment, and that it meets the platform’s quality standards. Then we
can proceed to the maintenance phase.

Maintenance Phase
The maintenance phase in the SDLC is the phase in which the software is
released to the market, and it is made available to the end users. During
this phase, the software development team is involved in fixing any bugs,
errors, or defects that are found in the software.
The maintenance phase is an important phase because it is the time
when the software is in use, and it is the time when any issues that arise
must be addressed. The maintenance phase is also the time when updates,
patches, and new features are added to the software.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

There are generally three types of maintenance.

• Corrective maintenance: This type of maintenance

involves fixing defects, errors, and bugs in the software.

• Adaptive maintenance: This type of maintenance

involves modifying the software to adapt it to changes
in the environment, such as changes in the operating
system, hardware, or other software.

• Perfective maintenance: This type of maintenance

involves improving the software to make it more
efficient, reliable, or user-friendly.

During the maintenance phase, the software development team

may also be involved in providing technical support to end users and in
providing training to help users to get the most out of the software.
Testing in the maintenance phase of the SDLC involves verifying and
validating changes made to the software after it has been deployed to
production. The primary focus of maintenance testing is to ensure that the
software continues to meet the desired levels of quality and functionality,
while also addressing any issues that may arise during its use in the field.
Maintenance testing can take on several different forms, depending on
the nature and scope of the changes being made. The following are some
of the most common types of maintenance testing:

• Regression testing: This involves running a full suite of

tests to ensure that the changes made to the software
have not introduced any new defects or issues and that
the existing functionality remains intact.

• Patch testing: This involves testing individual patches

or updates to the software to ensure that they do not
cause any adverse effects or issues.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• Integration testing: This involves testing the integration

of any new or updated components of the software
to ensure that they work as expected and do not
negatively impact existing functionality.

• User acceptance testing: This involves testing changes

made to the software from the perspective of end users
to ensure that they meet the desired levels of quality
and usability.

In addition to these types of testing, maintenance testing also involves

monitoring the performance of the software in the field, identifying and
addressing any defects or issues that arise, and ensuring that the software
continues to meet the evolving needs and expectations of its users. This
ongoing testing and maintenance is critical to ensuring that the software
remains functional, reliable, and effective over the long term.
Let’s say that a software development team has released a mobile app
and is now in the maintenance phase, where they are addressing bugs and
making updates to the app. During this phase, the team needs to ensure
that any changes they make to the app do not introduce new issues or
negatively impact the user experience.
To ensure that the maintenance work is successful and meets the
platform’s quality standards, the QA team can perform the following tests:

• The QA team can test the app to ensure that changes

made to address bugs or add new features have not
introduced new issues. This can include testing that
existing functionality still works correctly and that no
new bugs have been introduced.

• The QA team can test the app to ensure that any

changes made to the user interface or user experience
do not negatively impact the user experience. This can
include testing that the app is still intuitive and easy to
use for users.

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

• The QA team can test the app to ensure that it still

works correctly across different devices and operating
systems. This can include testing that the app works
correctly on the latest versions of popular devices and
operating systems.

• The QA team can test the app to ensure that it is

still secure and that user data is protected. This can
include testing that any new features or changes do not
introduce new security vulnerabilities.

By performing these tests, the QA team can ensure that any

maintenance work is successful, that the app continues to meet the
platform’s quality standards, and that users continue to have a positive

The Role of Testing in the SDLC

You have probably noticed that there is no testing phase in the SDLC, or
at least I did not include it. In the past, the testing phase was placed right
after the development phase, but years of collective experience in the
industry proved that testing is not an autonomous phase and it needs to be
part of every phase in the SDLC.
Testing is an essential part of the SDLC, and it plays a critical role in
ensuring the quality of the software application. The primary purpose
of testing is to identify defects or errors in the software application and
ensure that the software meets the user’s requirements. Testing also
helps to ensure that the software application is reliable, scalable, and

Chapter 3 Software Development Life Cycle

The role of testing in the SDLC can be summarized as follows:

• Verify that the software application meets the user’s

requirements: Testing helps to ensure that the software
application meets the user’s requirements and
performs the intended functions.

• Identify defects or errors in the software application:

Testing helps to identify defects or errors in the
software application that may impact the software’s
performance or functionality.

• Ensure the software application is of high quality:

Testing helps to ensure that the software application is
of high quality, reliable, and maintainable.

• Reduce the risk of software failure: Testing helps to

reduce the risk of software failure and ensures that
the software application is stable and performs as

• Improve user satisfaction: Testing helps to improve user

satisfaction by ensuring that the software application
meets the user’s needs and performs as expected.

The software development life cycle comprises several stages, each with
its set of activities, deliverables, and milestones and the responsibilities
of a tester vary and overlap in every phase. It is important for the tester
to be involved as early as possible and to have a deep understanding of
the system being tested. Since there are plenty of activities for the tester
during the SDLC, it is crucial to plan ahead, estimate, and prioritize all the


Test Planning
Test planning is an essential activity in software testing that involves creating
a comprehensive plan for testing the software application. The test plan
outlines the testing objectives, scope, approach, resources, and schedule
for the testing phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Test
planning ensures that testing is done effectively and efficiently and helps to
minimize the risk of defects in the software application.
In this chapter, we will go through the most important aspects of test
planning. First we will examine how to define the testing objectives and
then how to determine the scope of the system under test. It is important
to select the right testing approach for the product, because different
products have different priorities and risks. Then, based on the testing
approach, we are going to identify the resources and develop a test
schedule. We’ll continue with the definition of the test cases, and we will
find the applicable test data for the defined test cases.
We will see what a defect management process should contain and
when we can stop testing. After everything is in place, we will create a test
plan document, and we will see which tools and techniques are useful.

Defining Testing Objectives

Defining testing objectives is a critical step in the software testing process
as it sets the direction and purpose of the testing effort. Testing objectives
are the specific goals and outcomes that the testing team wants to achieve
through the testing process.

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Chapter 4 Test Planning

The objectives of testing may vary depending on the project

requirements and the SDLC phase, but generally, the main objectives of
testing include the following:

• Ensuring the software meets the business requirements:

Testing should ensure that the software product meets
the requirements defined by the stakeholders.

• Identifying defects: Testing should aim to identify

defects and bugs in the software product. These defects
can be functional or nonfunctional.

• Verifying software functionality: Testing should verify

that the software product functions correctly and
provides the expected output.

• Ensuring software quality: Testing should ensure that

the software product meets the quality standards
defined by the organization.

• Reducing the risk of software failure: Testing should

help in reducing the risk of software failure and
ensuring that the software product is reliable.

• Ensuring software security: Testing should ensure that

the software product is secure and protects user data
from unauthorized access.

• Increasing user satisfaction: Testing should ensure that

the software product meets the needs of the end users
and provides an excellent user experience.

By defining clear testing objectives, the testing team can develop a

comprehensive testing plan that aligns with the project requirements and
helps in achieving the testing goals.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

Determining the Scope of Testing

Determining the scope of testing is a critical step in the testing process.
It involves identifying the testing areas, features, and functionality that
need to be tested, as well as defining the testing boundaries. The scope of
testing is determined based on various factors such as the application's
complexity, the risk associated with the application, and the testing
resources available. The testing scope should be defined and documented
in the test plan to ensure that all stakeholders understand what is in and
out of scope for testing.
A well-defined testing scope helps in ensuring that all critical features
and functionalities of the application are thoroughly tested, and the
application is tested to a level that meets the business requirements. The
scope of testing may also be impacted by factors such as time, budget, and
resource constraints. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the testing
efforts based on the criticality of the features and functionalities.
The scope of testing should be reviewed and updated regularly during
the testing process to ensure that the testing effort is on track, and all the
testing objectives are being met. Regular reviews and updates also help to
identify any changes in the scope of the application and its functionalities,
which may require additional testing efforts.

Selecting the Testing Approach

Selecting the appropriate testing approach is an essential step in the
software testing process. The approach taken will depend on a number of
factors, such as the complexity of the software, the project timeline, and
the available resources.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

There are several testing approaches, each with its own set of
advantages and disadvantages. The following are some of the most
common testing approaches:

• Black-box testing: This approach tests the functionality

of the software without any knowledge of the internal
workings of the software. Testers use requirements
specifications to create test cases.

• White-box testing: This approach tests the internal

workings of the software, such as code, logic, and
algorithms. Testers use programming skills to create
test cases.

• Gray-box testing: This approach combines the elements

of black-box and white-box testing. Testers have limited
knowledge of the internal workings of the software,
allowing them to test both the functionality and the
internal workings of the software.

• Manual testing: This approach involves manual

execution of test cases. Testers execute the test cases by
hand and record the results.
• Automated testing: This approach involves the use of
software tools to execute test cases automatically. This
is a faster and more efficient testing approach than
manual testing.

• Exploratory testing: This approach involves testing the

software without a formal test plan. Testers use their
knowledge of the software to identify defects.

• Regression testing: This approach involves retesting the

software after a change has been made. The purpose of
regression testing is to ensure that the change did not
introduce any new defects.
Chapter 4 Test Planning

It is important to select the appropriate testing approach for each

project. The testing approach should be chosen based on the project
requirements, available resources, and time constraints.

Identifying Testing Resources

Identifying testing resources is an important step in the testing process as
it helps to determine the skills, tools, and infrastructure needed to perform
the testing activities.
The testing resources that may be required include the following:

• Personnel: This includes the testing team members, test

leads, and test managers who will be responsible for
performing the testing activities.

• Testing tools: The testing team may require various

testing tools such as test management tools, defect
tracking tools, automation tools, performance testing
tools, and security testing tools to help perform the
testing activities.

• Infrastructure: The testing team may require hardware

and software infrastructure such as servers, network
equipment, and testing environments.

• Data: The testing team may require data that represents

the actual production environment to perform the
testing activities. This may include data such as
customer data, product data, and transaction data.

• Budget: The testing team may require a budget to cover

the costs of the testing activities. This may include costs
for personnel, testing tools, infrastructure, and data.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

Identifying and obtaining these resources early in the testing process

can help ensure that the testing activities are performed efficiently and

Developing the Test Schedule

Developing the test schedule is an important aspect of software testing
planning. A test schedule is a detailed plan that outlines the testing
activities, timelines, and resources required to carry out the testing
The following are the steps to develop a test schedule:

1. Determine the testing timeline: The first step is to

determine the testing timeline. The testing timeline
is the period in which the testing activities will
take place. It is important to consider the project
timeline, including the delivery date, milestones,
and other important events.

2. Identify the testing activities: Identify the testing

activities required for each stage of the SDLC such
as functional testing, performance testing, security
testing, and so on.

3. Determine the order of testing activities: Determine

the order in which the testing activities will be
carried out. This may depend on the type of
testing, the requirements of the project, and the
interdependencies of the various testing activities.

4. Allocate resources: Allocate resources to each testing

activity. This includes personnel, tools, hardware,
and software required for each testing activity.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

5. Develop the test schedule: Using the information

collected, create a detailed schedule of the testing
activities. The schedule should include the start
and end dates of each testing activity, the resources
allocated to each activity, and the dependencies
between the various testing activities.

6. Review and refine: Once the test schedule is created,

it should be reviewed and refined to ensure that
it is accurate and realistic. The review should also
include input from key stakeholders to ensure that
the test schedule aligns with the project objectives
and priorities.

7. Communicate the test schedule: The final step is to

communicate the test schedule to all stakeholders,
including the development team, project manager,
and other relevant parties. It is important to ensure
that all stakeholders understand the test schedule
and their roles and responsibilities in carrying out
the testing activities as per the schedule.

Defining Test Cases

Defining test cases is an essential step in the software testing process that
involves the identification of individual test cases that need to be executed
to ensure that the software meets the specified requirements. A test case is
a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether a
software system is working correctly or not.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

The process of defining test cases involves the following steps:

1. Identify the objective of the test case: Define

the purpose of the test case and what specific
functionality or behavior is to be tested.

2. Determine the test input data: Decide on the input

data that needs to be provided to the software for
the test case.

3. Define the expected output: Determine what the

expected output of the test case should be, based on
the input data and the requirements.

4. Specify the steps to be executed: Define the steps that

need to be followed to execute the test case. This
should include the setup required to prepare the
system for testing, the specific actions to be taken,
and the data to be used.

5. Document the test case: Write down the details of

the test case, including the objective, input data,
expected output, and steps to be executed.

6. Review and refine the test case: Review the test case
to ensure that it is complete, accurate, and effective
in verifying the software functionality. Make any
necessary revisions to improve the test case.

7. Group related test cases: Group similar or related

test cases together, to make it easier to manage and
execute them.

8. Prioritize the test cases: Assign priorities to the test

cases, based on their importance and the likelihood
of finding defects.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

9. Define the test coverage: Determine the coverage

of the test cases by identifying the requirements,
features, and areas of the software that the tests are
designed to cover.

Identifying Test Data

Identifying test data is the process of selecting and preparing data that
will be used to test the software. Test data includes all input values,
configuration settings, and other necessary data needed to perform
testing on the system. The selection of test data is important, as it will
be used to validate the functionality, performance, and security of the
There are different types of test data, including normal data, boundary
values, negative data, and error messages. Normal data is used to test
the software under typical operating conditions, while boundary values
are used to test the limits of the software. Negative data is used to test the
software’s ability to handle invalid input, while error messages are used to
test the software’s response to errors.
To identify test data, testers need to analyze the software requirements
and identify the different scenarios and use cases that need to be tested.
They should also consider the expected results and how the software
should behave under different conditions. Testers may use tools such as
data generators and test data management tools to generate or manage
test data.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

Defect Management Process

Defining the defect management process is an important aspect of
software testing. When defects are found, they need to be recorded,
tracked, and managed to ensure that they are fixed and the software meets
the desired level of quality. The defect management process involves the
following steps:

1. Defect logging: Defects need to be logged in a defect

tracking tool or system. The defect should be logged
with a unique identifier, a summary of the issue,
a detailed description, the steps to reproduce the
defect, and the severity of the defect.

2. Defect classification: Once the defect is logged, it

needs to be classified based on its severity and
priority. This helps in prioritizing the defects based
on the level of impact they have on the software.

3. Defect analysis: Once the defects are classified, the

next step is to analyze the defects to identify the root
cause of the issue. This helps in fixing the issue and
preventing it from occurring in the future.

4. Defect assignment: After the defect analysis, the

defect is assigned to a developer or a team for fixing.
The developer or the team should be provided with
all the necessary details to reproduce the issue and
fix the defect.

5. Defect fixing: The assigned developer or team will

work on fixing the defect. Once the defect is fixed,
the developer or the team should update the status
of the defect in the defect tracking system.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

6. Defect verification: After the defect is fixed, it needs

to be verified to ensure that the issue has been
resolved. The tester or the test team should verify
the defect to ensure that it has been fixed and that
there are no side effects.

7. Defect closure: Once the defect has been verified,

it can be closed in the defect tracking system. The
status of the defect should be updated as “Closed” in
the defect tracking system.

Stop Testing Criteria

Stop testing criteria refers to the conditions that need to be met for the
testing process to be stopped. These criteria help determine whether
the product or system under test is ready for release or if further testing
is required. Stop testing criteria may include factors such as meeting
predefined requirements, passing a set number of test cases, reaching a
specific level of test coverage, and achieving acceptable performance and
quality levels. These criteria can vary depending on the specific project,
testing goals, and other factors, and they are typically defined in the test
plan. It is important for testers and stakeholders to agree on the stop
testing criteria before the testing process begins to avoid confusion and
ensure that everyone is working toward the same goal.

Reviewing and Approving the Test Plan

Reviewing and approving the test plan is an important step in the testing
process. It helps ensure that the test plan is accurate, complete, and meets
the requirements of the project.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

The review process should involve stakeholders, including the project

team, quality assurance team, and management. The review should
include a comprehensive analysis of the test plan, including test objectives,
scope, approach, resources, schedule, test cases, and test data.
Once the review is complete, the test plan should be approved by the
project sponsor or project manager. Approval indicates that the test plan is
acceptable, and the testing process can proceed.
It is important to remember that the test plan is a living document,
and it may need to be updated or modified as the project progresses.
Any changes to the test plan should be reviewed and approved by the
appropriate stakeholders.

Benefits of Test Planning

The importance of test planning in software testing cannot be overstated.
It is a critical activity that ensures that testing is done effectively and
efficiently. The following are the reasons why test planning is important:

• Provides a clear road map: Test planning provides a

clear roadmap for the testing phase of the SDLC. It
outlines the testing objectives, scope, approach,
resources, and schedule for testing. This road map
helps to ensure that testing is done in a structured and
organized manner, which helps to minimize the risk of
defects in the software application.

• Minimizes risk: Test planning helps to minimize the

risk of defects in the software application. By defining
a comprehensive set of test cases and identifying
the required resources, test planning ensures that
all aspects of the software application are tested

Chapter 4 Test Planning

• Reduces costs: Test planning helps to reduce the costs

of testing. By identifying the required resources and
developing a realistic and achievable test schedule, test
planning helps to ensure that testing is done efficiently
and cost-effectively.

• Improves test coverage: Test planning helps to improve

test coverage by ensuring that all features and
functionalities of the software application are tested.
This helps to ensure that the software application
meets the required quality standards.

• Increases test efficiency: Test planning increases

test efficiency by defining a testing approach that
is appropriate for the testing objectives, scope, and
available resources. This ensures that testing is done in
a manner that is both effective and efficient.

• Provides a basis for review and approval: Test planning

provides a basis for review and approval of the testing
phase of the SDLC. It ensures that all stakeholders
are aware of the testing objectives, scope, approach,
resources, and schedule, and have an opportunity to
provide input and feedback.

Test Plan Document

Creating a test plan document is an essential part of the test planning
process, and it provides a detailed road map for the testing process. The
following are usually the contents of a test plan document:

• Introduction: This section should introduce the

purpose and scope of the test plan document. It should
also provide an overview of the software application
being tested.
Chapter 4 Test Planning

• Testing objectives: This section should clearly state

the testing objectives and goals that the testing team
aims to achieve. The testing objectives should be
aligned with the business requirements and should be
measurable and achievable.

• Testing approach: This section should describe the

overall testing approach that the testing team will
follow. It should include the testing methods and
techniques that will be used and how the tests will be
conducted. This section should also include the roles
and responsibilities of the testing team.

• Testing schedule: This section should provide a detailed

timeline for the testing process. It should include the
start and end dates for each testing phase, including
planning, design, execution, and reporting.

• Test environment: This section should describe the

test environment required to execute the test cases. It
should include information on the hardware, software,
and network configurations required for the testing.
• Test data: This section should describe the test data
required to execute the test cases. It should include the
source of the test data, the type of data required, and
any constraints or limitations on the test data.

• Test cases: This section should provide a detailed list

of test cases that will be executed during the testing
process. It should include information on the test case
ID, the test case description, the expected result, and
the status of each test case.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

• Test automation: This section should describe any test

automation that will be used during the testing process.
It should include information on the tools that will be
used, the test scripts that will be created, and the types
of tests that will be automated.

• Risks and issues: This section should provide a list of

potential risks and issues that could impact the testing
process. It should include a description of each risk or
issue, the impact it could have on the testing process, and
any mitigation strategies that will be used to address it.

• Reporting and communication: This section should

describe how the testing results will be reported and
communicated to the stakeholders. It should include
information on the reporting frequency, the format of
the reports, and the stakeholders who will receive the

• Conclusion: This section should summarize the key

points of the test plan document and provide any
additional information or recommendations.

Test Planning Tools and Techniques

There are various tools and techniques available for test planning, which
can help testing teams to create a comprehensive test plan. The following
are some of these tools and techniques:

• Risk analysis: Risk analysis is a technique used to

identify and analyze potential risks that may occur
during the testing process. Risk analysis helps to
prioritize and allocate resources effectively to manage
risks. There are several methods for performing risk

Chapter 4 Test Planning

analysis, such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

(FMEA), Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats (SWOT), and Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental, and Legal (PESTEL).

• Test estimation: Test estimation is a technique used

to estimate the time and effort required to complete
the testing process. There are several methods for test
estimation, such as expert judgment, historical data,
and bottom-up and top-down estimation.

• Test case design techniques: Test case design techniques

are used to create test cases that cover all possible
scenarios and use cases of the software application
being tested. Some of the popular test case design
techniques are boundary value analysis, equivalence
partitioning, and decision table testing.

• Test management tools: Test management tools are

used to manage the testing process, including test
planning, test case creation, execution, and reporting.
Some popular test management tools are Jira, HP ALM,
and TestRail.
• Test automation tools: Test automation tools are used
to automate the testing process and improve the
efficiency and accuracy of the testing. Some popular
test automation tools are Selenium, Appium, and

• Traceability matrix: A traceability matrix is a tool used

to track the relationship between requirements and test
cases. It helps to ensure that all the requirements are
covered by the test cases and provides visibility into the
testing process.

Chapter 4 Test Planning

• Gantt chart: A Gantt chart is a tool used to represent

the testing schedule in a graphical format. It helps to
visualize the testing timeline and identify any potential
schedule conflicts.

When a new feature is under test, we need to make sure that we plan it
accurately. This will give a nice overview of what we test and how long it
takes. We started simply, by defining the testing objectives and the scope,
and then we move on with the testing approach, the resources we need,
and the expected schedule. We saw the items that need to be present in the
defect management process and when we can decide to stop testing. At
the end we created a test plan document, using some common tools and
techniques. In my view the most important step is the creation of the test
cases, and thankfully there are several test design techniques we can follow
to generate more test cases and to test the right things.


Test Design
Test design techniques are methods used to create test cases that cover all
possible scenarios and use cases of the software application being tested.
Several test design techniques are available, each with its own strengths
and weaknesses. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the popular
test design techniques. We will see some common techniques, such as
equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis, and some more
obscure but quite useful in complex situations, such as pairwise testing
and modified condition decision coverage.

Black-Box Testing
Black-box testing is a software testing technique in which the internal
workings of the system being tested are not known to the tester. The
tester focuses on the system’s inputs and outputs and tests the system’s
functionality based on predefined requirements and specifications.
In black-box testing, the tester treats the system as a black box and tests
it by providing inputs and observing the outputs. The objective of black-­
box testing is to detect any errors, bugs, or defects that are present in the
system’s functionality, without knowing how the system works internally.

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P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,
Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Black-box testing can be performed at different levels of software

testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and
acceptance testing. The techniques used in black-box testing include
equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision table testing,
and use-case testing.
Black-box testing has several advantages, such as the following:

• It enables testers to focus on the functionality of the

system without worrying about its internal workings.

• It provides a clear separation between the tester and

the developer, as the tester does not need to know how
the system is implemented.

• It helps to uncover defects and errors that are not

visible from the system’s code or architecture.

However, black-box testing also has some limitations, such as the


• It may not detect errors that are related to the system’s

internal workings.

• It may not be as effective in identifying complex defects

or bugs.
• It may not be suitable for testing performance or
security-related issues.

Overall, black-box testing is an important testing technique that can

help to ensure the quality and reliability of software systems by detecting
defects and errors in the system’s functionality.
In this chapter we will go through the following black-box test design

• Equivalence partitioning: Dividing the input data into

partitions that should exhibit similar behavior and then
selecting representative test cases from each partition

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• Boundary value analysis: Testing the boundary conditions

of input values by selecting test cases at the minimum
and maximum input values, just above and below these
values, and at points where the input changes value

• Decision table testing: A table-based technique that

identifies the inputs, conditions, and actions of a
system and then constructs combinations of test cases
for each possible combination of inputs

• State transition testing: Testing a system that can be

in one of several states by identifying the states and
transitions between them and then constructing test
cases that cover each transition at least once

• Use-case testing: Testing a system by focusing on the

user’s needs and requirements, identifying scenarios
that represent how a user might interact with the
system, and then testing those scenarios

• Pairwise testing: A combinatorial technique that

generates test cases that exercise all possible pairs of
input values
• Error guessing: Creating test cases based on an
understanding of likely errors that might occur in a system

• Exploratory testing: Testing a system by exploring it

in an unscripted manner, trying to find errors and
unexpected behavior

• Random testing: Selecting inputs randomly from the

input space to create test cases

• Ad hoc testing: Testing a system in an unplanned and

unstructured manner, often without a formal test plan
or test case documentation

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Equivalence Partitioning
Equivalence partitioning is a technique used in software testing that
involves dividing a set of test conditions into groups or partitions that are
equivalent or similar to each other. The idea behind this technique is to
minimize the number of test cases that need to be executed while still
ensuring that all possible scenarios are covered.
In equivalence partitioning, test cases are created based on the
equivalence classes. Equivalence classes are a set of input conditions that
are expected to behave in the same way. For example, if an application
has a field that accepts numbers, the input range can be divided into two
equivalence classes: valid numbers and invalid numbers. This way, instead
of testing each input number, we can test a representative value from each
equivalence class.
The objective of equivalence partitioning is to minimize the number
of test cases needed to test a system while still ensuring that all possible
scenarios are covered. This technique can be used in both functional and
nonfunctional testing.
These steps can be followed while applying equivalence partitioning:

1. Identify the input variables of the system to

be tested.
2. Divide the input variables into different equivalence
classes based on their expected behavior.

3. Develop test cases for each equivalence class.

4. Execute the test cases and analyze the results.

5. Repeat the process for each input variable.

By using equivalence partitioning, testers can save time and effort in

testing and ensure that the most important test cases are covered. It is a
widely used technique in both manual and automated testing.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Equivalence partitioning is a powerful testing technique that can be

used in many situations to optimize the number of test cases needed to
achieve high test coverage. It is particularly useful when testing inputs
that can take on many different values or ranges of values. By dividing
the input space into equivalence classes, we can test a representative set
of values from each class, rather than exhaustively testing every possible
input value.
However, there are situations where equivalence partitioning may
not be the most effective testing technique. For example, if the input
space is relatively small and well-defined, it may be more efficient to test
every input value rather than dividing them into equivalence classes.
Additionally, if the software system being tested is critical or safety-critical,
it may be necessary to test every possible input value to ensure that no
errors or bugs are present. In general, the decision to use equivalence
partitioning or another testing technique should be based on the specific
characteristics of the system being tested, the nature of the inputs and
outputs, and the desired level of test coverage.
The following are two examples of equivalence partitioning:

User Login Page

Suppose you are testing a user login page for a website. The page requires
users to enter their username and password to log in. The input fields for
the username and password have specific requirements. The username
must be between 6 to 15 characters, and the password must be between 8
to 20 characters. Equivalence partitioning can be used to identify the valid
and invalid input values for each field.
For the username field:

• Valid inputs: username, 123456, qwertyuioplkj

• Invalid inputs: user, 1, qwertyuioplkjzxcvbnm12345

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Then they are split into valid and invalid partitions (Table 5-1).

Table 5-1. Partitions of Username Field

Invalid Valid Invalid

0-5 6-15 >15

Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3

For the password field:

• Valid inputs: password1, Password123,


• Invalid inputs: pass, 1234567, qwertyuioplkjzxcvbnms

Then they are split into valid and invalid partitions (Table 5-2).

Table 5-2. Partitions of Password Field

Invalid Valid Invalid

0-7 8-20 >20

Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3

Credit Card Payment

Suppose you are testing a credit card payment module of an e-commerce
website. The module accepts credit card details such as card number,
expiration date, and security code. Equivalence partitioning can be used to
identify the valid and invalid input values for each field.
For the credit card number field:

• Valid inputs: 16-digit credit card numbers

• Invalid inputs: Less than or more than 16 digits credit
card numbers, alphabetic or special characters

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Then they are split into valid and invalid partitions (Table 5-3).

Table 5-3. Partitions of Credit Card Number Field

Invalid Valid Invalid Invalid

0-15 16 >16 Non-numbers

Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4

For the expiration date field:

• Valid inputs: Any future date in MM/YY format

• Invalid inputs: Any past date, any date with

invalid format

Then they are split into valid and invalid partitions (Table 5-4).

Table 5-4. Partitions of Expiration Date Field

Invalid Valid Invalid

Past date Future Date in MM/YY Invalid format

Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3

Suppose you are testing a registration form for a mobile app. The form
requires users to enter their name, email address, and phone number. The
name field must be between 3 to 20 characters, the email address must be
in a valid email format, and the phone number must be a 10-digit number.
Use equivalence partitioning to identify the valid and invalid input values
for each field.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary value analysis (BVA) is a software testing technique that is used
to identify errors in software by focusing on the boundary conditions of
the input domain. The input domain is the set of all possible inputs to a
software system. BVA involves testing values that lie on the boundaries of
this input domain, since these values are more likely to cause errors.
The BVA technique involves testing the following values:

• Minimum boundary values: These are the smallest

values that can be used as input for a particular
parameter. For example, if the parameter is the number
of items that can be added to a shopping cart, the
minimum boundary value would be zero.

• Maximum boundary values: These are the largest

values that can be used as input for a particular
parameter. For example, if the parameter is the number
of items that can be added to a shopping cart, the
maximum boundary value would be the maximum
limit set by the system.

• Just above the minimum boundary values: These are

values that are just above the minimum boundary
value. For example, if the minimum boundary value for
the number of items that can be added to a shopping
cart is zero, the just above value would be one.

• Just below the maximum boundary values: These are

values that are just below the maximum boundary
value. For example, if the maximum boundary value for
the number of items that can be added to a shopping
cart is 10, the just below value would be 9.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

By testing these boundary values, testers can identify any issues

that may exist in the software. For example, if the system is designed to
allow a maximum of 10 items to be added to a shopping cart, testing with
just above and just below values may reveal issues with how the system
handles values that exceed this limit.
BVA is a simple yet effective testing technique that can help identify
many types of errors in software. It is often used in conjunction with
other testing techniques, such as equivalence partitioning, to ensure that
software is thoroughly tested and that all possible scenarios are covered.
However, BVA can be avoided when testing scenarios where inputs
are not restricted by boundaries or when the boundaries themselves are
not well-defined or may change frequently. Additionally, BVA may not
be appropriate for testing scenarios where inputs have a large number
of variables and dimensions, as identifying and testing every possible
boundary condition can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
The following are two examples of boundary value analysis.

Age Validation
Suppose you are testing a form that requires users to enter their age. The
system allows users who are 18 years or older to register. The input field for
age has specific requirements. The user’s age must be between 18 to 60. In
boundary value analysis, the focus is on values that are at the boundaries
of this range, which are 18 and 60. Test cases can be designed for these
boundary values to check if the system handles them correctly.

• Test case 1: Enter age as 17: This should be rejected with

an appropriate error message.

• Test case 2: Enter age as 18: This should be accepted.

• Test case 3: Enter age as 60: This should be accepted.

• Test case 4: Enter age as 61: This should be rejected with

an appropriate error message.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

File Size Validation

Suppose you are testing a file upload feature on a website. The feature
allows users to upload files of up to 10 MB in size. The focus in boundary
value analysis is on values that are at the boundaries of this range, which
are 0 MB and 10 MB. Test cases can be designed for these boundary values
to check if the system handles them correctly.

• Test case 1: Upload a file with 0 MB size: This should be

rejected with an appropriate error message.

• Test case 2: Upload a file with 10 MB size: This should

be accepted.

• Test case 3: Upload a file with 11 MB size: This should

be rejected with an appropriate error message.

Suppose you are testing a calculator application that allows users to
perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.
The system allows the input of only two numbers at a time. The input
fields for numbers have specific requirements. The numbers should be
between -99999 and 99999. Use boundary value analysis to identify the
valid and invalid input values for each field.

Decision Table Testing

Decision table testing, also known as cause-effect graphing, is a black-box
testing technique that is used to test systems that have multiple inputs and
outputs, where the output is dependent on the input and a set of rules. It is
often used in complex systems where there are multiple combinations of
inputs that can be tested.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The process of decision table testing involves creating a table that

shows all possible combinations of inputs and their corresponding
outputs. Each combination of inputs is referred to as a rule. The table also
includes additional columns to identify the conditions that must be met
for each rule to be executed, as well as the actions that must be taken as a
result of each rule.
The main benefit of decision table testing is that it helps identify
all possible combinations of inputs and outputs, ensuring that all test
scenarios are covered. It is also a very structured approach to testing,
which makes it easy to document and review the test cases. Decision table
testing is often used in conjunction with other testing techniques to ensure
complete test coverage.
Decision table testing should be avoided when there are only a few
conditions to be tested as it can be time-consuming to create the table
and may not provide significant benefits. It may also be less effective
when there are dependencies between the conditions and the order of
testing matters. In such cases, other techniques such as pairwise testing
or exploratory testing may be more suitable. Additionally, decision table
testing may not be the best option when the rules or requirements are
likely to change frequently as it may require constant updates to the table.
The following are two examples of decision table testing.

E-shop Discounts
An e-commerce website sells various products, and it has different
discount offers for each product. The discounts depend on the product
type, product price, and customer’s age.
For electronics, when the product price is less than $500, then the
discount is 5 percent for customers below 18 and 10 percent for customers
who are 18 and over. When the product price is $500 or more, then the
discount is 10 percent for customers who are below 18 and 20 percent for
customers who are 18 and over.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

For clothing, when the product price is less than $100, then the
discount is 5 percent for customers below 18 and 10 percent for customers
who are 18 and over. When the product price is $100 or more, then the
discount is 15 percent for customers who are below 18 and 20 percent for
customers who are 18 and over.
In this case, a decision table can be created to identify the
combinations of inputs that result in a specific discount offer, as shown in
Table 5-5.

Table 5-5. Decision Table

Product Type Product Price Customer Age Discount Offer

Electronics >= $500 < 18 10% off

Electronics >= $500 >= 18 20% off
Electronics < $500 < 18 5% off
Electronics < $500 >= 18 10% off
Clothing >= $100 < 18 15% off
Clothing >= $100 >= 18 20% off
Clothing < $100 < 18 5% off
Clothing < $100 >= 18 10% off

In this example, decision table testing can be used to test the system’s
ability to correctly apply the discount offers based on the product type,
product price, and customer age.

Transportation Price
A transportation company provides transportation services for customers,
and it charges based on the distance and the number of passengers. The
pricing depends on the type of transportation, which can be either a taxi
or a bus.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

A taxi with one or two passengers charges $5, $10, and $20 for a
distance of 0–5, 5–10, and 10+ km, respectively.
A taxi with three or four passengers charges $10, $20, and $40 for a
distance of 0–5, 5–10, and 10+ km, respectively.
A bus with 1–30 passengers charges $50, $100, and $200 for a distance
of 0–10, 10–50, and 50+ km, respectively.
In this case, a decision table (Table 5-6) can be created to identify the
combinations of inputs that result in a specific price.

Table 5-6. Decision Table

Type of Transportation Number of Passengers Distance Price

Taxi 1–2 0–5 $5

Taxi 1–2 5–10 $10
Taxi 1–2 10+ $20
Taxi 3–4 0–5 $10
Taxi 3–4 5–10 $20
Taxi 3–4 10+ $40
Bus 1–30 0–10 $50
Bus 1–30 10–50 $100
Bus 1–30 50+ $200

In this example, decision table testing can be used to test the system’s
ability to correctly apply the pricing based on the type of transportation,
the number of passengers, and the distance.

Suppose you are testing a system that provides insurance quotes for
customers based on the type of vehicle, driver’s age, and driving history.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The system applies different rules for different vehicle types, driver
ages, and driving histories.
For vehicles of less than 10 years, if the driver is between 25 and 50
and has no prior accidents, the quote is $50. With prior accidents, the
quote is $75.
If the driver is 18–25 or more than 50 and has no prior accidents, the
quote is $60. With prior accidents, the quote is $85.
For vehicles of 10 years or more, if the driver is between 25 and 50 and
has no prior accidents, the quote is $65. With prior accidents, the quote
is $100.
If the driver is 18–25 or more than 50 and has no prior accidents, the
quote is $75. With prior accidents, the quote is $110.
Use decision table testing to identify the different combinations of
inputs that result in a specific insurance quote.

State Transition Testing

State transition testing is a black-box testing technique used to test the
functionality of a system or software that involves the transition of the
system from one state to another. In this technique, the behavior of the
system is analyzed based on different input conditions and the resulting
transitions from one state to another.
The state transition testing technique is commonly used in systems
that have a defined set of states and in which the behavior of the
system depends on the current state. The testing process involves the
identification of all possible states and the transitions between these states.
Test cases are then designed to cover each transition and the associated

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The process of state transition testing involves the following steps:

1. Identify the states of the system: The first step is

to identify all the states of the system. A state is a
condition or mode in which the system operates.

2. Identify the events that cause transitions: The next

step is to identify all the events that cause the system
to transition from one state to another.

3. Create a state transition diagram: A state transition

diagram is created to illustrate the various states of
the system and the transitions between them.

4. Design test cases: Test cases are designed to cover

each transition and the associated behavior.

5. Execute test cases: The test cases are executed to

verify that the system is functioning as expected.

State transition testing can be a highly effective way to test the

functionality of a system, especially for systems with complex state-based
behavior. However, it is important to ensure that all possible transitions are
covered by the test cases to ensure adequate testing coverage.
State transition testing is most suitable when testing software
applications that have states or modes. Examples of such applications
are traffic control systems, automated teller machines (ATMs), and
elevators. In such applications, testing is required to ensure that the
system transitions correctly from one state to another and the correct
response is generated. State transition testing is also beneficial in testing
applications that rely on user input to progress through various states, such
as software games.
However, state transition testing may not be suitable for all types
of software applications. For instance, applications that do not have
clear states or modes may not benefit from this technique. Similarly,

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

applications that have a limited number of states or have simple transitions

may not require state transition testing. Additionally, state transition
testing may not be suitable for applications that are highly dynamic and
constantly changing states.
The following are two examples of state transition testing.

Traffic Light System

Suppose you are testing a traffic light system where the light turns from red
to green to yellow to red, based on a timer.
In this example, the traffic light system has three states: Red,
Green, Yellow.

State Transition Table

Table 5-7 shows the traffic light states.

Table 5-7. Traffic Light System States

Current State Event Next State

Red Timer expired Green

Green Timer expired Yellow
Yellow Timer expired Red

State Transition Diagram

Figure 5-1 shows the state transition diagram.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Figure 5-1. Traffic light state transition diagram

Shopping Cart
Suppose you are testing an online shopping cart with the option to add or
remove items from your cart, check out, complete your order, or cancel
In this example, the shopping cart application has four states: Empty
Cart, One Item, Two Items, and Three Items. There is also a special state
called Checkout that represents the process of checking out and paying for
items in the cart.
The state transition table lists all of the possible events that can occur
in each state, along with the resulting next state. For example, if the current
state is Empty Cart and the Add Item event occurs, the next state will be
One Item. If the current state is One Item and the Proceed to Checkout
event occurs, the next state will be Checkout.
By testing all of the possible state transitions and ensuring that
the application behaves correctly in each state, we can ensure that the
shopping cart application works as expected.

State Transition Table

Table 5-8 shows the shopping cart states.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Table 5-8. Shopping Cart States

Current State Event Next State

Empty Cart Add Item One Item

Empty Cart Remove Item Error
One Item Add Item Two Items
One Item Remove Item Empty Cart
One Item Proceed to Checkout Checkout
Two Items Add Item Three Items
Two Items Remove Item One Item
Two Items Proceed to Checkout Checkout
Three Items Remove Item Two Items
Three Items Proceed to Checkout Checkout
Checkout Cancel Empty Cart
Checkout Confirm Payment Thank You

State Transition Diagram

Figure 5-2 shows the state transition diagram.

Figure 5-2. Shopping cart state transition diagram

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Suppose you are tasked with testing a vending machine that dispenses
beverages. The machine can be in three states: idle, beverage selected, and
dispensing. The user can perform the following actions:

1. Insert coins (only accepts denominations of 5, 10,

and 25 cents).

2. Select a beverage (cola, lemonade, or water).

3. Cancel the transaction.

4. Dispense the beverage.

Create a state transition diagram for this traffic light system, and test
each possible transition to ensure that the system functions as expected.
What happens if you try an invalid transition?

Use-Case Testing
Use-case testing is a software testing technique that evaluates the
software’s ability to meet the end users’ requirements. A use case is a
specific scenario that describes how a user interacts with the software
system. Use-case testing involves creating test cases based on these
scenarios to verify that the system behaves as expected.
To perform use-case testing, the tester first identifies the system’s
different use cases. Then, for each use case, they create test cases that
include inputs, expected outputs, and steps to be taken. The test cases
are designed to evaluate whether the system meets the specific use case
The following are the benefits of use-case testing:
• Improved software quality: Use-case testing helps
to ensure that the software meets the end users’
requirements, resulting in higher-quality software.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• Better test coverage: Use-case testing ensures that all

possible scenarios are tested, leading to better test

• Easy to understand: Use cases are easy to understand,

making it easier for stakeholders to provide feedback
and review the software.

• Efficient testing: Use-case testing is efficient because it

focuses on the most important scenarios, reducing the
time and effort required for testing.

For example, consider a banking application. A use case for this

application could be withdrawing cash from an ATM. Test cases for this
use case might include verifying that the ATM is functioning correctly,
the user is authenticated, the account balance is updated, and the user
receives the requested cash amount. By testing the use case, we can verify
that the banking application meets the user’s requirements and functions
as intended.
Use-case testing is beneficial when the requirements are well-defined
and the end users’ perspective is considered. This approach is also helpful
when the system is expected to undergo changes frequently, as it allows
the team to focus on testing the most critical use cases first. Use-case
testing can be used to test the system’s functionality, as well as to ensure
that the system meets the user’s needs and expectations.
On the other hand, use-case testing may not be suitable when the
system is relatively simple and the requirements are straightforward.
It may also not be appropriate when there is not enough information
available about the user’s perspective and the system’s use cases.
Additionally, use-case testing can be time-consuming and may require
significant effort to design and execute the test cases.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Suppose you are tasked with testing a library management system. The
use cases for the system include searching for books, checking out books,
returning books, and managing user accounts.
Create a list of use cases for this library management system, and test
each one, including both valid and invalid scenarios. You also need to
ensure that the system can handle all possible combinations of use cases.

Pairwise Testing
Pairwise testing, also known as all-pairs testing, is a technique used
in software testing to ensure that all possible combinations of input
parameters are tested at least once. It is a combinatorial testing method
that reduces the number of test cases required to cover all possible
combinations of inputs, while still providing a high level of test coverage.
The technique is based on the principle that faults often occur as a
result of interactions between input parameters, rather than just individual
parameters. By using pairwise testing, it is possible to uncover such
interactions and identify defects that might not be detected by other
testing methods.
Pairwise testing works by creating test cases that cover all possible
pairs of values for each input parameter. For example, if a system has three
input parameters, each with four possible values, there would be a total
of 64 possible combinations (4×4×4). With pairwise testing, however, it is
possible to reduce the number of test cases required to cover all possible
pairs of values to just 24, significantly reducing the time and effort required
for testing.
Pairwise testing can be performed manually, but there are also many
automated tools available that can generate test cases automatically. These
tools use algorithms to identify the most efficient set of test cases that will
cover all possible pairs of input parameters.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Pairwise testing can be particularly useful in situations where

there are a large number of input parameters or where the interactions
between input parameters are complex and difficult to predict. By using
this technique, testers can ensure that their test cases are efficient and
effective, helping to uncover defects early in the development cycle and
ultimately improve the quality of the software being developed.
Pairwise testing is particularly effective when there are interactions
between different input parameters that may result in unexpected
behavior. By systematically varying combinations of input parameters in a
controlled manner, it is possible to identify these interactions and ensure
that they are adequately tested.
However, pairwise testing may not be appropriate in all situations.
For example, if there are dependencies between input parameters that
cannot be captured by pairwise testing, additional testing strategies may
be necessary. Additionally, if the software being tested has a high degree
of complexity or criticality, more rigorous testing approaches may be
necessary to ensure that all possible scenarios are adequately covered.
Suppose we are testing a web form that asks for a user’s personal
information, including their first name, last name, email address, phone
number, and country. The form has the following input fields:
First Name (text field, max 50 characters)

Last Name (text field, max 50 characters)

Email Address (text field, max 100 characters)

Phone Number (text field, max 20 characters)

Country (drop-down list of 10 countries)

To apply pairwise testing, we first create a table that lists all the
possible values for each input parameter, as shown in Table 5-9.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Table 5-9. All Users

First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Country

Alex Smith 1234567890 USA

Bob Jones 0987654321 Canada
Charlie Brown 5555555555 UK
Dave Kim 1112223333 Japan
Emma Lee 4445556666 Australia

Next, we group the parameters into pairs and generate all possible
combinations, like so:

• First Name, Last Name

• First Name, Email Address

• First Name, Phone Number

• First Name, Country

• Last Name, Email Address

• Last Name, Phone Number

• Last Name, Country

• Email Address, Phone Number

• Email Address, Country

• Phone Number, Country

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

For each pair, we select test cases that cover all possible combinations
of values. For example, for the pair of First Name and Last Name, we can
select the following test cases:

• Enter valid values for both fields (e.g., Alex and Smith).

• Enter the maximum allowed number of characters for

each field (50 characters).

• Enter an empty value for one field and a valid value for
the other (e.g., leave First Name blank and enter Smith
for Last Name).

• Enter an invalid value for one field and a valid value for
the other (e.g., enter 123 for First Name and Smith for
Last Name).

• Enter non-ASCII characters for both fields (e.g., Álex

and Smitĥ).

We repeat this process for each pair of input parameters, until we have
selected test cases that cover all possible combinations of values.
Pairwise testing can significantly reduce the number of test cases
required to achieve thorough coverage of the input domain, while still
providing good test coverage.

Suppose you are testing a reservation system that has four input fields:
date, time, location, and number of guests. Using pairwise testing, select a
subset of test cases that covers all possible combinations of input values.

Error Guessing
Error guessing is a software testing technique that is based on the tester’s
experience, intuition, and creativity to identify potential defects in the

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

software. It is a black-box testing technique that does not follow any formal
process or test case design. Instead, the tester applies a range of ad hoc
tests based on their intuition and experience with the application and its
potential weaknesses.
The process of error guessing involves identifying different scenarios
and situations in which the software may behave unexpectedly and
then attempting to replicate those scenarios and test the software’s
response. Testers use their experience and knowledge of the software to
anticipate the types of errors that may occur and then design tests to reveal
those errors.
Error guessing can be particularly effective when combined with other
testing techniques such as equivalence partitioning and boundary value
analysis. By using a combination of techniques, testers can identify a wide
range of potential errors and increase the likelihood of uncovering defects
in the software.
An example of error guessing might be a tester who has extensive
experience with a particular software application and knows that it is
particularly prone to crashing when certain input values are entered. The
tester may design a test case that intentionally enters these input values to
see if the software crashes as expected. If the software does not crash, the
tester may try other variations on the input values until they uncover the
defect. This process of guessing at possible errors and testing them is error
Error guessing is useful when the tester has limited time and resources
to design test cases and execute them. It is also useful when the system
being tested has no documentation or formal specifications and the tester
needs to rely on their expertise to identify potential errors.
However, it is important to note that error guessing should not be
the only technique used for testing. It should be used in conjunction
with other techniques such as boundary value analysis, equivalence
partitioning, and decision table testing to ensure comprehensive testing of

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

the system. Additionally, error guessing should not be used as a substitute

for proper documentation and requirements gathering, as this can lead to
incomplete testing and potential errors being missed.

Registration Form
Suppose you are testing a registration form that has several input fields:
name, email address, password, and confirmation password. Based on
your experience, you might guess that users will enter invalid characters
or leave required fields blank. You can design test cases that try to enter
unexpected data such as special characters in the name field, an invalid
email address, or a password that is too short.

E-commerce Website
Suppose you are testing an e-commerce website that has a checkout
process with several pages. Based on your experience, you might guess
that users will have trouble entering shipping information, payment
information, or completing the checkout process. You can design test cases
that intentionally try to trigger errors, such as trying to submit an order
with an invalid credit card number.

Suppose you are testing a messaging app that allows users to send and
receive messages. Based on your experience, what are some potential
errors or defects that users may encounter? Design test cases that
intentionally try to trigger those errors.

Exploratory Testing
Exploratory testing is a technique of software testing that emphasizes
the freedom and creativity of testers in the software testing process. It is
an approach to testing where the tester actively and dynamically learns

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

about the software while testing it. In other words, the tester designs and
executes tests while exploring the software application in an unstructured
and informal way.
Exploratory testing is often used in Agile and DevOps environments
where the requirements are rapidly changing, and the software needs to
be tested quickly and efficiently. It allows testers to adapt quickly to the
changes and continuously refine their testing approach based on their
understanding of the system.
The process of exploratory testing involves the following steps:

1. Understanding the objectives: The tester must

understand the objectives and goals of the software
testing project.

2. Creating test charters: Test charters define the scope

of the testing and provide a set of guidelines for the
tester to follow.

3. Executing tests: During this stage, the tester starts

exploring the software application, identifying
potential issues and reporting them.

4. Analyzing test results: The results of the tests are

analyzed, and the tester can identify areas that
require further testing.

5. Documenting the process: The testing process is

documented for future reference, and test cases are
updated based on the results.

Exploratory testing is a highly effective technique, as it allows testers

to find defects that may not be found through traditional testing methods.
It is also an excellent way to identify usability and user experience issues.
However, exploratory testing is not a replacement for traditional testing
methods. It should be used in conjunction with other testing techniques to
ensure that the software is of high quality.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Exploratory testing is useful when the software is complex, when there

is limited information available about the software, or when there are no
clear specifications or requirements. In such situations, exploratory testing
can help to identify defects that may be missed by other types of testing.
Exploratory testing is also beneficial when there are new features, changes
to existing features, or changes to the environment, and the impact of
these changes needs to be tested quickly.
However, exploratory testing may not be the best approach when
the software is well-defined and there are clear requirements and
specifications available. In such cases, it may be more efficient to use other
types of testing, such as boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning,
or decision table testing, which are more structured and systematic.
Additionally, exploratory testing may not be suitable for large and complex
systems, where a more formal approach to testing is necessary.

Mobile App
Suppose you are testing a mobile app that allows users to take photos and
share them with their friends. You might start by exploring the app’s user
interface and testing the different features, such as taking a photo, adding
a filter, and sharing it with friends. As you explore the app, you might try
different scenarios, such as taking a photo in low light conditions, using a
different filter, or sharing the photo with a friend who has a slow Internet

Online Marketplace
Suppose you are testing an online marketplace that allows users to buy
and sell products. You might start by exploring the website’s search
functionality and testing how well it works for different types of products.
As you explore the website, you might try different scenarios, such as
searching for a product that has multiple variations, testing the checkout
process, or using the website from a mobile device.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Suppose you are testing a social media app that allows users to post and
share content with their friends. Design and execute an exploratory testing
session, where you explore the app and test different scenarios. Try to
identify potential defects or issues and document them.

Random Testing
In software testing, there are various techniques and methodologies to
design and execute test cases. One such technique is random testing. As
the name suggests, it involves selecting random input values from the
input domain of the system under test (SUT) and feeding them as input
to the system. This approach can uncover faults that may not be detected
by other testing techniques. In this chapter, we will discuss the basics of
random testing, its advantages, its limitations, and the process involved.
Random testing is a black-box testing technique, which means that the
tester does not have knowledge about the internal workings of the software
application. The testing technique involves selecting random input values
from the input domain of the software application. The input values are
selected randomly using a random number generator. The input values
can be any combination of characters, numbers, special symbols, or any
other data type that the software application accepts as input.
These are some advantages of random testing:

• Random testing is easy to design and execute. Testers

do not have to spend a lot of time designing test cases,
making it a faster testing technique.

• It is an effective technique for detecting faults in

complex systems where it is not possible to test all
possible combinations of input values.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• It can detect faults that are not detected by other testing


• Random testing can also help identify performance

issues in the software application as it tests the
application with various input values.

These are some limitations of random testing:

• The technique can be less effective for testing

applications where there are many dependencies
between different parts of the application.

• Since the input values are selected randomly, it is

possible that some test cases may not cover important
scenarios of the software application.

• It can be difficult to reproduce failures detected by

random testing as it may be hard to determine the
specific input values that caused the failure.

There are different approaches to random testing, including pure

random testing, where test cases are selected completely at random
without any constraints or structure, and guided random testing, where
inputs are randomly generated based on certain rules or constraints.
In pure random testing, inputs are selected using a random number
generator, and the output is checked for correctness. Guided random
testing, on the other hand, uses domain knowledge or heuristics to guide
the selection of input values.
Random testing is an effective technique for detecting corner cases,
race conditions, and other subtle errors that might not be found through
other testing techniques. However, it is important to note that random
testing has some limitations. Since random testing is not based on any
specific criteria, it may not be effective if not applied in combination with
other test design techniques.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Web Application
Suppose you are testing a web application that allows users to register and
log in. You can use random testing to create random strings of characters
to use as input for the username and password fields. By doing so, you
can test the application’s ability to handle different types of input, such as
special characters and long strings of text.

Game Testing
Suppose you are testing a new video game that has just been developed.
You can use random testing to test the game’s ability to handle unexpected
input from the player. For example, you can use random movements of
the controller or keyboard to simulate different scenarios that may occur
during gameplay, such as sudden changes in direction or button mashing.

Suppose you are testing a calculator application. How would you use
random testing to test the application’s functionality?

Ad Hoc Testing

Ad hoc testing is a form of exploratory testing that is performed without
a formal test plan or documented test cases. In this technique, testers
randomly and informally test the system with the goal of discovering issues
that might not be found by scripted testing. Ad hoc testing is often used
in conjunction with other testing techniques, such as manual testing and
automated testing.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

These are some advantages of ad hoc testing:

• Flexibility: Ad hoc testing is flexible, allowing testers

to improvise and use their knowledge of the system to
test it in a way that might not be captured by formal
test cases.

• Early detection of defects: Ad hoc testing can identify

defects in the system early in the development cycle,
before formal test cases are developed.

• Efficient: Ad hoc testing is an efficient way to test the

system because it does not require time to develop
formal test cases or test plans.

These are some disadvantages of ad hoc testing:

• No documentation: Ad hoc testing is not documented,

making it difficult to reproduce defects and track the
testing progress.

• Limited scope: Ad hoc testing may not cover all the

areas of the system because it is not based on a formal
test plan.
• Unstructured: Ad hoc testing is unstructured, meaning
that there is no predefined approach or methodology
for testing the system.

Example of Ad Hoc Testing

Suppose a tester is testing an e-commerce website. During ad hoc
testing, the tester might decide to test the website’s search functionality
by entering random search queries to see if the website returns accurate
results. The tester might also test the website’s navigation by randomly
clicking links to see if they take the user to the correct pages.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Consider a social media application that allows users to post and view
photos. Perform ad hoc testing on the application to identify defects that
might not be found by scripted testing. Document the defects found during
testing and report them to the development team. Review the ad hoc testing
with other testers to ensure that all areas of the system have been covered.

White-Box Testing
White-box testing is a software testing technique that is used to test the
internal workings of an application or system. In white-box testing, the
tester has knowledge of the internal structure and implementation of the
software being tested. Here are some white-box testing techniques:

• Statement coverage: This technique involves testing

each statement of the code to ensure that every
statement has been executed at least once. The goal is
to ensure that all statements are covered by tests.

• Branch coverage: This technique involves testing each

branch of the code to ensure that every possible branch
has been executed at least once. The goal is to ensure
that all branches of the code have been tested.

• Path coverage: This technique involves testing all

possible paths through the code to ensure that every
possible path has been executed at least once. The goal
is to ensure that all possible paths have been tested.

• Condition coverage: This technique involves testing

each condition of the code to ensure that every possible
condition has been executed at least once. The goal is
to ensure that all conditions have been tested.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• Decision coverage: This technique involves testing

every decision point in the code to ensure that each
decision has been executed at least once. The goal is to
ensure that all decisions have been tested.

• Multiple condition coverage: This technique involves

testing all possible combinations of conditions in
the code to ensure that all possible outcomes have
been tested.

• Modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC): This is

a white-box testing technique that ensures that every
condition in a decision has been tested independently
and that every possible combination of conditions has
been tested.

• Loop testing: This technique involves testing the code

within a loop to ensure that the loop executes correctly
and terminates properly.

• Data flow testing: This technique involves testing how

data flows through the code to ensure that it is being
handled correctly.
• Static testing: This technique involves analyzing the
code without executing it to identify potential defects
or issues. This can be done using tools such as code
reviews, code analysis, and static analysis.

By using these techniques, white-box testing can help identify defects

that might not be caught by other testing techniques. However, it requires
a high level of technical knowledge and expertise to be able to design and
execute these tests effectively.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Statement Coverage
Statement coverage is a type of white-box testing technique that is used to
determine how many statements in the source code of a software system
have been executed during the testing process. The goal of statement
coverage is to ensure that each statement in the code has been executed at
least once during the testing process.
The statement coverage technique involves executing the test cases
that have been designed for a software system and tracking the number
of statements that are executed during the testing process. A statement
is considered to be executed if it is encountered by the program during
the execution of a test case. Once all test cases have been executed, the
percentage of statements that have been executed is calculated. The goal
of statement coverage is to achieve 100 percent statement coverage, which
means that every statement in the code has been executed at least once.
Statement coverage is a useful technique for finding defects in software
systems. By ensuring that every statement in the code has been executed at
least once, statement coverage can help to uncover defects that might not
have been found through other testing techniques. Additionally, statement
coverage can help to ensure that the software system is functioning as
intended and that all of the code is working as expected.
However, statement coverage has some limitations. For example,
achieving 100 percent statement coverage does not guarantee that the
software system is completely free of defects. It is possible to have a
software system with 100 percent statement coverage that still contains
defects. Additionally, statement coverage can be a time-consuming
process, especially for large software systems.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

For example, consider the following code:

To test the statement coverage of this code, we need to write test cases
that execute each statement at least once.
Table 5-10 shows the minimum set of test cases to achieve 100 percent
statement coverage.

Table 5-10. Statement Coverage Test Cases (Add Numbers)

Test Case A b Result

1 3 4 7
2 0 2 0

As another example, consider the following function that calculates the

average of a list of numbers:

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

To achieve statement coverage for this function, we would need to

execute each line of code at least once during testing. This would require
at least two test cases: one where the input list is empty, and one where the
input list contains at least one number.

Table 5-11. Statement Coverage Test Cases (Average)

Test Case Numbers Result

1 empty None
2 1,2,3 2

However, achieving statement coverage alone is not enough to

guarantee that the code is completely tested. It is possible for all
statements to be executed, but certain logic paths may not be tested.
Therefore, other testing techniques such as branch coverage and path
coverage should also be used in conjunction with statement coverage to
ensure thorough testing.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

E xercise
Consider the following Python function that takes a list of integers as input
and returns a new list with all the even numbers in the input list:

Write two test cases that achieve statement coverage for this function.
Make sure to include at least one test case where the input list contains no
even numbers.

 ranch Coverage
Branch coverage is a white-box testing technique that evaluates whether
all the branches in the program source code are executed at least once. In
other words, it ensures that all the possible paths in the source code are
executed at least once. This technique is used to measure the effectiveness
of the testing and quality of the code. It helps to ensure that the program’s
control flow is working as expected.
The primary objective of branch coverage testing is to determine
whether each decision point in the code has been tested. The decision
point is a code statement that determines which of two paths to take.
Branch coverage is measured by the percentage of the total number of
decision points executed during the testing process.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The branch coverage testing process involves following the code paths
to determine whether each possible branch is executed at least once.
This technique requires a thorough understanding of the code structure
to identify all the decision points. Once the decision points have been
identified, the tester creates a test case that exercises each path.
For example, consider a code block with an if-else statement. The
if-else statement has two branches: one that is executed if the condition
is true and the other if the condition is false. To test branch coverage, we
must create test cases that execute both the true and false branches at
least once.
Here are some benefits of branch coverage testing:
• It helps to identify the potential faults in the code by
testing all possible paths.
• It ensures that the program’s control flow is working as
expected, reducing the risk of runtime errors.
• It provides metrics to measure the testing effectiveness
and code quality.
• It provides confidence in the code quality, helping to
reduce the cost of fixing defects.

For example, consider the following code:

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

To test the branch coverage of this code, we need to write test cases
that execute each branch at least once.
Table 5-12 shows the minimum set of test cases to achieve 100 percent
branch coverage.

Table 5-12. Branch Coverage (Add Numbers)

Test Case A b Result

1 3 4 7
2 0 2 0

Suppose we have the following function in Python:

To achieve 100 percent branch coverage for this function, we need to

test both possible outcomes of the if statement: when x is greater than y,
and when x is not greater than y.

Table 5-13. Branch Coverage (Max of Two Numbers)

Test Case a b Result

1 3 4 4
2 3 2 3

However, even achieving branch coverage may not be sufficient to

test all possible code paths. For example, in the previous code, the case
where the input is not an integer is not tested. Therefore, additional testing
techniques such as path coverage and condition coverage may also be
necessary to ensure thorough testing.
Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

E xercise
Consider the following Python function that takes an integer as input and
returns a string indicating whether the input number is positive, negative,
or zero:

Write the test cases that achieve branch coverage for this function.

 ath Coverage
Path coverage is a white-box testing technique that involves testing all
possible paths of a program. A path is a sequence of statements that begins
with the entry point and ends with the exit point of the program. Path
coverage aims to test each unique path at least once to ensure that the
program is functioning as expected.
To achieve path coverage, a test case must execute every statement in
the program at least once. It also requires that all possible branches are
executed. A branch is a point in the program where a decision is made,
such as an if statement or a loop condition. Each branch has at least
two possible outcomes, and all possible outcomes must be executed at
least once.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Path coverage is a more thorough testing approach than statement

coverage or branch coverage because it takes into account the interaction
between different paths in the program. It is a useful technique for
identifying hard-to-find defects that may not be detected by other testing
methods. However, path coverage can be time-consuming and difficult
to achieve for complex programs. In addition, it may not be necessary for
all programs, depending on the level of risk associated with the software
being tested.
For example, consider the following code:

To achieve 100 percent path coverage of this code, we need to test all
possible paths through the code. Table 5-14 shows the minimum set of test
cases to achieve 100 percent path coverage.

Table 5-14. Path Coverage (Add Numbers)

Test Case A b Result

1 3 4 7
2 0 2 0

In this example, we have tested every possible path through the code,
ensuring that all possible combinations of control flow paths are executed
at least once. However, even achieving path coverage may not be sufficient

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

to test all possible code paths. Therefore, additional testing techniques

such as condition coverage and modified condition/decision coverage
may also be necessary to ensure thorough testing.
Consider the following Python function that takes three integers as
input and returns the sum of the two largest numbers:

To achieve path coverage for this function, we would need to execute

every possible path through the control flow of the function. This would
require at least three test cases: one where a is the largest number, one
where b is the largest number, and one where c is the largest number.
For example, we could write the test cases shown in Table 5-15.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Table 5-15. Path Coverage (Sum of Largest Two)

Test Case A b c Result

1 1 2 3 5
2 2 1 3 5
3 3 2 1 5

E xercise
Consider the following Python function that takes two lists of integers as
input and returns a new list containing the elements that are common to
both input lists:

Write the test cases that achieve path coverage for this function.

 ondition Coverage
Condition coverage is a type of white-box testing technique that aims to
ensure that all possible combinations of Boolean conditions in a program
have been executed at least once. The technique focuses on evaluating
the different ways in which a program’s conditions can be evaluated as
true or false. Condition coverage can be applied to both procedural and

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

object-oriented programs, and it is typically used to verify the correctness

of complex branching structures, such as loops, if statements, and switch
Condition coverage requires a test case to cover every possible
outcome of each Boolean condition in the program. A test case can cover a
Boolean condition in one of two ways: (1) it evaluates the condition to true,
and (2) it evaluates the condition to false. In this way, condition coverage
ensures that all possible combinations of Boolean conditions are evaluated
during the testing process.
These are some advantages of condition coverage:

• Helps identify hidden errors: Condition coverage ensures

that all possible combinations of Boolean conditions
are evaluated during testing. This means that even
the hidden errors in the program, which might not be
evident during normal execution, are discovered.

• Increases test case effectiveness: Condition coverage

ensures that test cases are optimized to find errors. By
focusing on the different ways in which a program’s
conditions can be evaluated as true or false, testers can
identify and eliminate redundant test cases, thereby
increasing the effectiveness of the test cases.

These are some disadvantages of condition coverage:

• Time-consuming: Condition coverage requires a large

number of test cases, which can be time-consuming to
design and execute.

• Code complexity: Programs with complex branching

structures can require a large number of test cases to
achieve complete condition coverage. This can make
it difficult for testers to achieve complete coverage and
make it harder to maintain the test suite.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Here is an example to illustrate condition coverage:

To achieve condition coverage, tests would need to be created that

cover both the true and false outcomes of both conditions: a > b and c < d.
This would require four tests in total:
1. a > b is true, c < d is true.

2. a > b is true, c < d is false.

3. a > b is false, c < d is true.

4. a > b is false, c < d is false.

Another example would be this function that classifies a triangle based

on the lengths of its sides:

To achieve condition coverage, tests would need to be created that

cover both the true and false outcomes of all conditions: a <= 0, b <= 0, and
c <= 0, a == b, b == c, c == a. This would require two tests in total:

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

1. a <= 0 is true and b <= 0 is true and c <= 0 is true and

a == b is false and b == c is false and c == a is false.

2. a <= 0 is false and b <= 0 is false and c <= 0 is false

and a == b is true and b == c is true and c == a is true.

As you probably observed, this set of tests, although it provides 100

percent condition coverage, does not cover all the possible situations that
arise in the code.

How would you improve the set of tests in the previous example?

Decision Coverage
Decision coverage is a white-box testing technique that is used to measure
the effectiveness of testing by checking if all decisions made in the source
code have been exercised. A decision is a condition that can lead to either
true or false outcome. Decision coverage measures the percentage of
decisions that have been executed during testing.
The goal of decision coverage is to ensure that each decision in the
code has been executed at least once and that all possible outcomes (true
and false) have been tested. This helps to ensure that the code is free of
errors and will function as expected under all possible scenarios.
To achieve decision coverage, testers must create test cases that
execute every decision point in the code. This means that every possible
outcome of each decision point must be tested. For example, if a decision
point is a simple if-else statement, then there are two possible outcomes
that must be tested.
Decision coverage is important because it helps to ensure that all
possible outcomes of the code have been tested. This is particularly
important in safety-critical systems where a failure in the code could have
catastrophic consequences.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Here is an example to illustrate decision coverage:

To achieve decision coverage, we need to ensure that both possible

outcomes of the if statement have been executed. This would require two
tests in total.
1. a > b is true; c < d is true.

2. a > b is false; c < d is false.

Another example would be this function that classifies a triangle based

on the lengths of its sides:

To achieve decision coverage, we need to ensure that both possible

outcomes of the if statements have been executed. This would require six
tests in total.
1. If a <= 0 or b <= 0 or c <= 0 is true

2. If a <= 0 or b <= 0 or c <= 0 is false

3. If a == b and b == c is true

4. If a == b and b == c is false

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

5. If a == b or b == c or c == a is true

6. If a == b or b == c or c == a is false

How would you improve the set of tests in the previous example?

Multiple Condition Coverage

Multiple condition coverage (MCC) is a white-box testing technique used
to ensure that all possible combinations of Boolean conditions are tested
at least once. MCC is a stronger form of condition coverage.
The idea behind multiple condition coverage is to test all possible
combinations of Boolean conditions that may appear in a decision. It
is important to note that this technique is applicable only to code that
uses Boolean conditions to make decisions. To achieve MCC, all possible
combinations of each condition in the decision must be evaluated. For
example, if a decision has two conditions, A and B, then four test cases are
needed to cover all possible combinations (true/true, true/false, false/true,
and false/false).
MCC is a powerful technique, as it ensures that all combinations
of conditions are tested, which can help uncover complex logic errors.
However, it can also result in a large number of test cases, which can be
difficult to manage. Therefore, it is important to use MCC judiciously and
to combine it with other testing techniques, such as decision coverage, to
achieve a more comprehensive test suite.
To implement MCC, the tester must carefully analyze the code to
identify all decision statements and then create test cases to cover all
possible combinations of conditions within each decision. Test cases are
created by varying the values of each condition between true and false and
evaluating the resulting decision outcome. Once all combinations have
been tested, the decision can be deemed to have achieved MCC.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Here is an example to illustrate MCC:

To achieve multiple condition coverage for this function, we need to

test all possible combinations of truth and falsehood for each condition.
There are three conditions, each with two possible outcomes, so there are
a total of 23 = 8 possible combinations to test.
We can use a truth table (Table 5-16) to keep track of which
combinations we have tested.

Table 5-16. MCC (getResult)

x>0 y>0 z>0 Expected Result

T T T Positive
T T F Mixed
T F T Mixed
T F F Mixed
F T T Mixed
F T F Mixed
F F T Mixed
F F F Negative

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

By testing all eight combinations, we can be sure that we have achieved

multiple condition coverage for this function.
Consider this function that calculates the shipping cost for a package
based on its weight, size, and destination:

There are multiple Boolean conditions that need to be evaluated for

multiple condition coverage:
• weight <= 0 or weight > 50

• size <= 0 or size > 100

• destination not in ["USA", "Canada", "Mexico"]

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• weight <= 10

• size <= 20

• size <= 50

Table 5-17 shows a possible set of tests.

Table 5-17. MCC (calculate_shipping)

weight size destination Expected Result

5 10 “USA” 10
5 30 “USA” 20
15 70 “Canada” 40
-5 10 “Mexico” “Invalid weight”
5 -10 “USA” “Invalid size”
5 10 “Japan” “Invalid destination”

Consider the following function that determines the letter grade for a
student based on two exam scores:

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Write the test cases required to achieve 100 percent MCC coverage.

Modified Condition/Decision Coverage

Modified condition decision coverage (MC/DC) is a white-box testing
technique that ensures all possible combinations of conditions and
decisions have been executed in a software system. It is considered to be
one of the most stringent testing techniques and is often used in safety-­
critical systems such as aviation, defense, and medical devices.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The MC/DC technique requires each condition to be evaluated as true

and false at least once and that each decision is tested under all possible
combinations of conditions. In addition, it requires that each condition
must be independently evaluated and have an effect on the decision
outcome. This means that all possible variations of conditions and
decisions are tested to ensure complete coverage of the code.
The MC/DC technique can be applied at various stages of the software
development life cycle, including the requirements phase, design phase,
and testing phase. It can also be used in conjunction with other testing
techniques to ensure complete code coverage. However, implementing
MC/DC can be time-consuming and requires a high level of expertise, as it
involves understanding the code logic and identifying all possible decision
Here is an example to illustrate MC/DC:

First we create a truth table.

We can use the truth table shown in Table 5-18 to keep track of all
possible combinations.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Table 5-18. Truth Table (checkValues)

Test Case a>0 b>0 c>0 Expected Result

1 T T T true
2 T T F true
3 T F T true
4 T F F false
5 F T T true
6 F T F false
7 F F T true
8 F F F false

Now we need to find the test cases where changing a condition’s input
affects the whole decision. We can see that for the condition a > 0 to be the
decisive condition, we need to use test cases 2 and 6. For the condition b
> 0 to be the decisive condition, we need to use test cases 2 and 4. For the
condition c > 0 to be the decisive condition, we need to use test cases 3 and
4 (5 and 6 would also be correct). This leads to the set of test cases shown
in Table 5-19.

Table 5-19. MCDC (checkValues)

Test Case a>0 b>0 c>0 Expected Result

1 T T F true
2 T F T true
3 T F F false
4 F T F false

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

The idea behind MCDC is similar to the algorithm of the Karnaugh

map. MCDC’s benefit is that you can test all the possible combinations
of conditions and decisions with fewer test cases, and it is encouraged to
be used in situations where we don’t have enough time or resources to
execute the complete set of combinations.
For a given N number of inputs, you always get N+1 test cases when
you are using the MCDC technique. If we used the MCC, the total number
of test cases would be 2N. In our example, we had three inputs (a > 0, b > 0,
c > 0) and the test cases are four (instead of eight for MCC). If we had four
inputs (a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, d > 0), the test cases would be five (instead of
sixteen for MCC).

Loop Testing
Loop testing is a technique used in software testing to ensure that loops
within a program are functioning correctly. This type of testing is used
to identify defects or errors that can occur when a program is executed
multiple times, as is often the case with loops.
The goal of loop testing is to ensure that the loop is executed the
correct number of times, that the loop is exited when it is supposed to be
exited, and that the loop is executed with the correct inputs and outputs.
This is accomplished by testing the loop under a variety of conditions,
including boundary conditions and error conditions.
There are several different types of loop testing techniques that can be
used, including the following:

• Simple loop testing: In this technique, the loop is

executed with the minimum and maximum values
of the loop index, as well as with values that are in
between the minimum and maximum values. This is
done to ensure that the loop is executing the correct
number of times.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• Nested loop testing: In this technique, the loops that are

nested within the main loop are tested individually, as
well as together. This is done to ensure that the loops
are interacting correctly with one another.
• Concatenated loop testing: In this technique, multiple
loops are executed together to test their interaction.
This is done to ensure that the loops are executing in
the correct order and that they are interacting correctly
with one another.
• Iterative loop testing: In this technique, the loop is
executed with a variety of input values to ensure
that the loop is functioning correctly under different

Loop testing is an important part of software testing, as loops are a

fundamental part of most software programs. By testing loops thoroughly,
software testers can identify and eliminate defects and ensure that the
program is functioning correctly under a variety of conditions.
Let’s see an example with the following piece of code:

This function takes an array of numbers and returns the sum of all the
numbers in the array. The for loop iterates over each element in the array
and adds it to the sum variable.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

To test this function using loop testing, we would want to design our
test cases to exercise the loop as thoroughly as possible. The following are
some examples of test cases we might consider:

• An array with no elements

• An array with one element

• An array with two elements

• An array with many elements

• An array with all elements negative

• An array with all elements positive

• An array with a mix of positive and negative elements

• An array with large numbers that could cause overflow

We would want to test our function with a variety of inputs to ensure

that it handles edge cases and potential issues with the loop, such as off-­
by-­one errors, infinite loops, and so on.
Loop testing can be time-consuming, as it requires running the loop
multiple times with different inputs. However, it can be an effective way to
identify and correct issues related to loops in code.

Data Flow Testing

Data flow testing is a technique that focuses on the flow of data within
the software being tested. It helps to identify whether the data is being
processed correctly as it moves through the different components of the
software. This testing technique can identify vulnerabilities, such as buffer
overflows, and ensure that the software is free of defects that may occur
because of the improper flow of data.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

An example of data flow testing could involve testing a financial

application to ensure that the correct data is being processed at each stage
of a transaction. For example, when a customer initiates a transaction,
the application must correctly process their account details and the
transaction amount. The data must then flow through the different
components of the application, such as the authentication module and the
payment gateway, without being corrupted or lost.
To perform data flow testing, testers must identify the different data
flows within the application and the different components that process the
data. They then create test cases that focus on the different flows to ensure
that the data is being processed correctly at each stage.
For example, a test case may focus on a specific data flow within the
application, such as the flow of user data from the front-end interface
to the back-end database. Testers can then create a test scenario that
simulates the flow of data, including inputs and expected outputs at each
stage. They can then execute the test and compare the actual output with
the expected output to identify any discrepancies or errors. This helps to
ensure that the data is being processed correctly and that the application is
functioning as intended.

Static Testing
Static testing is a software testing technique that involves examining the
code, design, and associated documentation of an application without
actually executing it. The purpose of static testing is to identify defects
early in the development life cycle to reduce the cost of fixing them
later on.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

Some examples of static testing are the following:

• Code reviews: This is a manual inspection of the source

code by the developers or other team members to
detect any issues or defects before the code is executed.
Code reviews can be conducted in different ways, such
as formal inspections or informal reviews.

• Walk-throughs: This is a collaborative review process

where the author of a document or code walks through
it with other team members to explain their thought
process and clarify any doubts. This technique is helpful
in identifying issues early in the development process.

• Pair programming: In this technique, two programmers

work together on a single workstation to write code,
review it, and test it in real time. This technique
is particularly useful for complex code where
collaboration can improve the quality of the output.

• Static analysis tools: These are software tools that

analyze the source code without executing it to identify
issues such as coding standards violations, security
vulnerabilities, or potential performance problems.

• Document reviews: This involves reviewing project

documentation such as requirements, design
specifications, and test plans to identify any
inconsistencies or issues that could impact the quality
of the final product.

• Checklist-based reviews: This is a structured approach

to static testing where a checklist of potential issues
is used to review the code or documentation. The
checklist is based on industry best practices and can be
customized to suit the specific project requirements.

Chapter 5 Test Design Techniques

• Standards compliance review: This is a review to ensure

that the project documentation and source code follow
the relevant standards and guidelines such as coding
standards, software development methodologies, and
industry best practices.

In this chapter, we went through several examples of test design
techniques. We saw how to create test cases by using these powerful
techniques with real examples. Some techniques are more elaborate than
other; for example, decision table testing makes sure that all the possible
combinations are performed, and some techniques are using several tricks
to eliminate test cases when the time or the budget are not enough for
testing everything. For example, pairwise testing will significantly reduce
the number of test cases, while covering the most important combinations.
There are structured techniques, such as boundary value analysis, and free
format techniques, such as exploratory testing. They are all useful, and
the best practice is to use them in combination. When all the test cases are
defined, it is time to execute them!


Test Execution
Test execution is the process of running the tests that have been designed
and planned in the previous stages of the software testing life cycle. This
chapter will cover the importance of test execution, the test execution
process, and the various techniques and tools used in test execution. We
will go through the test execution process, the needs of the environment
setup, and the defect reporting and retesting. We will identify the needs
for regression, how to report the status of the execution, and when to
complete the activities. We will see some techniques and tools that we can
assist us, and we will choose some quality metrics for our product.

 etting Started
The first step in preparing for test execution is to ensure that the testing
environment is set up correctly. This includes setting up test beds,
configuring hardware and software, and installing the necessary tools and
utilities. It is also important to ensure that the test environment is as close
to the production environment as possible to ensure that the testing results
are accurate.
Another important aspect of test execution preparation is the creation
of test cases. Test cases should be created based on the requirements
and design documents and should cover all possible scenarios that the
software could encounter. The test cases should be reviewed and approved
by the stakeholders before they are executed.

© Panagiotis Leloudas 2023 137

P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,
Chapter 6 Test Execution

Test data preparation is also an important part of preparing for test

execution. Test data should be selected to cover all possible scenarios, and
it should be representative of real-world data. The data should be created
and selected based on the test cases and should be reviewed and approved
by the stakeholders before it is used.
Finally, it is important to ensure that the testing team is trained and
prepared to execute the tests. The team should understand the testing
process, the test cases, and the expected results. They should also be
trained on the tools and utilities that they will be using to execute the
tests. This will help ensure that the testing is conducted efficiently and

Test Execution Process

Test execution ensures that the software under test meets the required
quality standards and that it functions as expected. Without proper test
execution, defects may go unnoticed, and the software may not function
as intended, which can lead to user dissatisfaction, revenue loss, and
brand damage.
The test execution process involves the following steps:
1. Test environment setup: The test environment must
be set up in a way that simulates the production
environment, ensuring that the software under test
behaves as it would in the real world.

2. Defect reporting and retesting: Any defects that

are discovered during the test execution process
are reported to the development team. After the
development team has fixed the reported defects,
they must be retested to ensure that they have been

Chapter 6 Test Execution

3. Regression testing: Regression testing is the process

of re-executing previously passed tests to ensure
that the changes made to the software have not
introduced new defects.

4. Test case status reporting: The status of each test

case should be reported to the test manager. This
includes information on which test cases have been
executed, which have passed, which have failed, and
which are still outstanding.

5. Test case completion: Once all the test cases have

been executed, the test manager should review the
results to determine whether the software meets
the required quality standards. The test manager
should also review the defect reports and determine
whether any further testing is required.

The test case execution process should be conducted systematically

and rigorously to ensure that all possible defects are identified and fixed
before the software is released to the end users.

Test Environment Setup

Test environment setup refers to the process of preparing a testing
environment with the required hardware, software, and network
configurations to conduct software testing.
The test environment should be similar to the production environment
to accurately simulate the end users’ experience. A well-designed
test environment ensures that the testing process is performed under
conditions similar to those of the real-world environment, reducing the
risk of errors and providing accurate results.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Here are some steps involved in setting up a test environment:

1. Identify the hardware, software, and network

configurations required for testing.

2. Create a plan and a checklist to document the

hardware and software requirements.

3. Install the required software and hardware.

4. Configure the network according to the

specifications of the production environment.

5. Create user accounts and assign appropriate

permissions for testing.

6. Prepare test data and ensure that it accurately

reflects the production environment.

7. Install the test management tool and configure it

according to the testing requirements.

8. Verify that the test environment is set up correctly by

performing smoke testing.

9. Document the test environment setup process and

include it in the test plan.

It is essential to test the test environment to ensure that it is stable and

working correctly. The test environment should be tested for compatibility,
connectivity, and stability. The testing team should also ensure that the
test data is accurate and reflects the production environment. The test
environment should be documented and version controlled to ensure that
it can be quickly restored in case of a failure or issue.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Defect Reporting and Retesting

Defect reporting involves identifying and documenting any issues or
defects found during testing and communicating them to the development
team to be fixed. Typically the defects are reported on a tool like Jira or
TFS, where the testers can create tickets and add the details. The process of
defect reporting typically involves the following steps:

1. Reproduce the defect: The first step in defect

reporting is to try to reproduce the issue or defect.
This is important because it helps to verify that the
defect is real and not a one-time occurrence.

2. Document the defect: Once the defect has been

reproduced, it needs to be documented in detail.
This should include information such as the steps to
reproduce the defect, the expected result, the actual
result, and any other relevant information.

3. Assign a severity and priority: Defects need to be

classified based on their severity and priority.
Severity refers to the impact of the defect on the
software or system, while priority refers to the
urgency of the defect in terms of fixing it. Defects
with higher severity and priority should be
addressed first.

4. Assign the defect to a developer: The next step is to

assign the defect to a developer who is responsible
for fixing it. This should be done based on the area
of the code that is affected by the defect, as well as
the expertise of the developer.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

5. Track the defect: Defect tracking is important

to ensure that defects are addressed in a timely
manner. This involves using a tracking tool to
monitor the progress of the defect from the time it is
reported to the time it is fixed.

6. Verify the fix: Once the developer has fixed the

defect, it needs to be verified to ensure that it has
been completely resolved. This involves testing
the software or system again to make sure that the
defect has been fixed and that there are no new
defects introduced as a result of the fix.

Defect reporting is a collaborative effort between the testing team and

the development team. It is important to ensure that defects are reported
and addressed in a timely manner to ensure that the software or system is
of high quality and meets the requirements of the stakeholders.
The contents of a defect, also known as a bug report, should include at
least the following information:

• Summary: A brief description of the issue or problem

encountered, ideally in one sentence. It should be clear
enough for the reader to understand what the defect is
about just by checking the summary.

• Steps to reproduce: Detailed steps or a sequence of

actions that can be taken to reproduce the problem,
including any specific inputs or data used. The steps
should be very descriptive, and it is always a good
practice to make sure that even someone with zero
knowledge of the product will be able to reproduce
the defect by following these steps. It is really common
in the industry that the junior developers or the

Chapter 6 Test Execution

newcomers in the team start with defect fixing to

familiarize themselves with the product and the
company processes.

• Expected behavior: A description of what the expected

outcome or behavior should have been. Usually this
is already defined in the acceptance criteria or the
requirements. It is the behavior the tester was trying
to verify.

• Actual behavior: A description of what actually

happened when the issue occurred. For example, you
were expecting to see a yellow button on the screen and
the button you saw is green.

• Environment information: The environment where the

issue occurred, such as the operating system, hardware,
software version, and any other relevant information. It
should be as detailed as possible, especially in products
with many different versions, because it will help you
avoid discussions about how “it works on my machine.”

• Severity: An assessment of how severe the issue is,

using a scale that is relevant to the context of the
software. Most of the time it is a scale 1–5 or a list like
“Small, Medium, High, Critical.”

• Priority: An assessment of the importance or urgency

of the issue, considering its severity and impact on the
user or system. The priority can be set by the tester as
an indication of how important they feel it is, but the
final priority is set by the business, usually a product
owner can change the priorities based on the severity
of the defect and the customer needs.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

• Attachments: Any relevant files or screenshots that

can help to reproduce or understand the issue. When
multiple steps are required to reproduce the defect, a
short video attachment might be handy.

• Assignee: The name or team responsible for fixing

the issue. This can be replaced by a communication
channel where all the defects are reported when found
and the teams pick them up.

By including this information in a defect, it becomes easier for the

development team to understand and reproduce the problem, which in
turn helps to resolve the issue faster and with more accuracy.

Regression Testing
Regression testing is a type of software testing that is performed to ensure
that changes made to an application or system have not introduced new
defects or caused existing features to fail. It is an important part of the
testing process, as it helps to maintain the quality of the software and
prevent issues from arising in production.
The primary goal of regression testing is to verify that the software still
works as intended after changes have been made. This involves re-testing
all or a subset of the existing test cases that have been previously executed.
The test cases may cover functional, performance, security, or other
aspects of the software.
Regression testing can be executed at different stages of the software
development life cycle, depending on the type of change made. For
example, if a minor bug is fixed, then only a limited number of test cases
may need to be re-executed. However, if major changes are made to
the software, then a more extensive regression test suite may need to be
developed and executed.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

The following are some of the benefits of regression testing:

• Ensures the stability and reliability of the software

• Helps to identify defects and issues that may have been

introduced as a result of changes made to the software

• Helps to ensure that new features do not impact

existing functionality

• Helps to maintain the quality of the software

• Helps to build confidence in the software among users

and stakeholders

Of course, there are also some challenges that may be encountered

during regression testing:

• Time and resource constraints may limit the amount of

regression testing that can be performed.

• Maintaining and updating the test cases can be time-­


• Test cases may need to be executed multiple times,

which can be repetitive and monotonous.
• The need to identify and isolate defects can be

Automation can be a valuable tool for performing regression testing.

Automated tests can be designed to quickly and efficiently execute a set
of predefined steps, making it possible to test large and complex systems
with relative ease. In addition to reducing the amount of time and effort
required for regression testing, automation can also help to ensure
consistency and accuracy in testing.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Test Case Status Reporting

Test case status reporting provides stakeholders with critical information
about the progress and quality of the project. Test case status reporting
involves collecting, analyzing, and presenting the results of the executed
test cases.
The purpose of test case status reporting is to keep all stakeholders
informed about the testing progress and identify any issues or defects that
have been found during testing. The report typically includes information
about the number of test cases executed, the number of test cases passed,
the number of test cases failed, and the number of defects found.
The test case status report should be concise and easy to understand
so that stakeholders can quickly identify any issues and take corrective
actions if necessary. The report should also include details about the
severity and priority of defects found so that stakeholders can make
informed decisions about which defects should be addressed first.
It's important to note that test case status reporting should be done
regularly throughout the testing process, not just at the end. This allows
stakeholders to identify and address issues early on, which can help to
reduce the overall testing time and cost.
The reporting is usually automatically generated by the test
management tool, and it contains critical information such as the

• Test case status: This should include the current status

of each test case, such as “Passed,” “Failed,” or “In
Progress.” This information provides an overview of
how many test cases have been executed and how
many remain to be tested.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

• Test case execution details: This should include

information on the actual results of each test
case, as well as any issues or defects encountered
during testing. This information helps stakeholders
understand the quality of the software being tested and
identify areas for improvement.

• Test case coverage: This should include information on

the percentage of test cases executed and the areas of
the application covered by testing. This information
helps stakeholders understand the scope of testing and
identify areas that may require additional testing.

• Test case prioritization: This should include

information on the priority of each test case, which
helps stakeholders understand which test cases are
most critical and should be addressed first.

• Test case trends: This should include information on

the trend of test case results over time, such as the
number of passed, failed, or in-progress test cases. This
information helps stakeholders understand how the
quality of the software is changing over time.
• Defect summary: This should include a summary
of all defects found during testing, including their
severity, priority, and status. This information helps
stakeholders understand the overall quality of the
software and identify areas that require improvement.

Overall, test case status reporting should be clear, concise, and easy to
understand so that stakeholders can make informed decisions about the
software being tested. It should be tailored to the specific needs of each
project and should be updated regularly to reflect the most up-to-date

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Test Case Completion

Test case completion refers to the process of ensuring that all test cases
identified in the test plan have been executed and analyzed. Once all the
test cases have been executed and verified, the testing process can be
considered complete.
The following steps can be taken to ensure test case completion:

1. Ensure all test cases are identified: All test cases

that need to be executed should be identified and
documented in the test plan.

2. Execute all identified test cases: All test cases should

be executed according to the test plan. Test cases
can be executed manually or with the help of
automated testing tools.

3. Verify test results: The results of all executed test

cases should be analyzed to determine if the
software under test behaves as expected. Any
deviation from expected results should be logged as
a defect.

4. Mark test cases as passed or failed: Test cases should

be marked as passed or failed based on their test
results. A test case is considered to have passed if it
meets all the test criteria specified in the test plan. If
it fails to meet any of the test criteria, it is considered
to have failed.

5. Review the test case results: Test case results should

be reviewed to ensure that they are accurate and
complete. Any discrepancies should be investigated
and resolved.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

6. Update the test case status: The status of each test

case should be updated based on its test results.
This information can be used to determine the
overall status of the testing process.

7. Report on test case completion: A report should

be generated to indicate the status of the testing
process. This report can be used to communicate
the progress of the testing process to stakeholders.

By following these steps, testers can ensure that all identified test cases
have been executed and analyzed and the testing process is complete.
This information can be used to make decisions on the readiness of the
software for release or further testing.

T echniques and Tools Used

in Test Execution
The following techniques and tools are used in test execution:

• Manual testing: Manual testing is the process of

executing tests manually, without the use of any
automation tools.

• Automated testing: Automated testing is the process of

executing tests using automation tools like Selenium,
UFT, etc.

• Defect management tools: Defect management tools are

used to manage the defects that are discovered during
the test execution process.

• Test management tools: These tools help in managing

and executing tests. They can automate the testing
process, track defects, and generate reports.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

• Automated testing tools: These tools can be used to

automate the testing process, reducing the time and
effort required for manual testing.

• Performance testing tools: These tools are used to

test the performance of the system under different
conditions, such as high traffic or heavy load.

• Security testing tools: These tools are used to test the

security of the system, checking for vulnerabilities and
potential risks.

• Code coverage tools: These tools help in measuring how

much of the code has been tested. They can identify
code that has not been tested, helping to ensure that all
code paths have been covered.

• Pair testing: This technique involves two testers

working together to test the system. This can help
identify issues and defects more quickly and efficiently.

Quality Metrics
Quality metrics are used to measure and assess the quality of software
products and the software development process. There are various quality
metrics that can be used either to monitor the quality of the product or to
improve the development and testing processes.

Defect Density
Defect density is a quality metric that measures the number of defects found
in a software product per unit of code or function point. It is calculated by
dividing the total number of defects by the size of the software product,
expressed in lines of code, function points, or other relevant measures.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

For example, if a software product has 10,000 lines of code and 50

defects are found, the defect density would be 50/10,000 or 0.005 defects
per line of code.
Defect density is an important metric as it provides insight into the
quality of the code and the potential for further improvements. A high
defect density indicates that there may be significant issues in the code
that require attention, such as coding errors, design flaws, or other issues.
A low defect density suggests that the code is of high quality and that there
may be less need for further improvements.

Test Coverage
Test coverage is a quality metric that measures the percentage of code
or functionality that has been tested by the software testing process. It
is calculated by dividing the number of lines of code or functions that
have been tested by the total number of lines of code or functions in the
software product.
For example, if a software product has 10,000 lines of code and the
testing process has covered 8,000 lines of code, the test coverage would be
80 percent.
Test coverage is an important metric because it helps to assess the
effectiveness of the testing process and identify areas of the software
product that require additional testing. A high test coverage suggests
that most or all of the code or functionality has been tested, reducing the
risk of defects going undetected. A low test coverage, on the other hand,
indicates that there may be significant areas of the software product that
have not been adequately tested, increasing the risk of defects going

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Code Complexity
Code complexity is a quality metric that measures the complexity of
software code. It is often assessed using a software tool that calculates
a complexity score based on factors such as the number of control
structures, conditional statements, and loops in the code.
One commonly used metric for code complexity is cyclomatic
complexity, which measures the number of independent paths through
the code. The higher the cyclomatic complexity score, the more complex
the code is likely to be.
Code complexity is an important metric because complex code can be
difficult to maintain, modify, and test. High levels of code complexity can
also increase the risk of defects, as it can be more challenging to identify
and fix issues in complex code.
By identifying areas of code that are overly complex, developers and
testers can focus on reducing complexity to improve code quality and
reduce the risk of defects. Code complexity can also be used as a factor
in determining code review and testing priorities, with higher complexity
code given greater scrutiny.
Overall, code complexity is an important factor in software quality and
should be measured and monitored as part of a comprehensive quality
assurance strategy.

Code Maintainability
Code maintainability is a quality metric that measures the ease with
which code can be modified, updated, and maintained over time. It is
often assessed using software tools that analyze code for factors such as
readability, clarity, and modularity.
Code maintainability is an important metric because software code is
rarely static and often requires updates and modifications over time. Code
that is difficult to maintain can result in higher development costs, longer
development cycles, and increased risk of defects.
Chapter 6 Test Execution

The following are factors that contribute to code maintainability:

• Readability: Code should be easy to read and

understand, with clear variable and function names,
consistent formatting, and well-structured code blocks.

• Modularity: Code should be modular, with well-­

defined interfaces and clear separation of concerns,
making it easier to modify and maintain individual

• Testability: Code should be designed to be easily tested,

with clear test cases and separation of testing concerns
from other aspects of the code.

• Documentation: Code should be well-documented,

with clear comments and other supporting materials
that make it easier to understand and modify.

By measuring code maintainability, developers and testers can identify

areas of code that may require additional attention, such as refactoring
or redesign, to improve maintainability and reduce the risk of defects
over time.

Fault Slip Through

Fault slip through (FST) analysis is a quality metric that measures the
effectiveness of the software testing process by tracking defects that are not
detected during testing and are found later in the development life cycle or
after the software has been released.
FST analysis involves tracking defects that were not detected during
the testing process and identifying the reasons why they were missed.
The goal of FST analysis is to identify areas of the software product or the
testing process that may require improvement and to take corrective action
to reduce the number of defects that slip through testing.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

FST analysis typically involves the following steps:

1. Collecting data on defects: This involves collecting

data on defects that are found after the testing
process, such as defects reported by users or defects
detected during maintenance.

2. Analyzing the data: This involves analyzing the data

to identify patterns and trends in the types of defects
that are slipping through testing, as well as the
reasons why they are being missed.

3. Taking corrective action: Based on the results of the

analysis, corrective action can be taken to improve
the testing process, such as improving test coverage,
increasing the rigor of testing, or improving the
quality of the software development process.

FST analysis is an important metric because it helps to identify areas of

the software product or the testing process that may require improvement.
By taking corrective action based on FST analysis, the effectiveness of
the testing process can be improved, resulting in higher-quality software
products and reduced costs associated with defects.

Coding Standards
Coding standards violations are quality metrics that measure the
adherence of software code to a set of predefined coding standards or
best practices. These coding standards can cover a wide range of factors,
including code formatting, variable naming conventions, commenting
style, and more.
Coding standards violations can be detected using automated tools
that scan code for violations of the predefined standards. These tools can
be integrated into the software development process, allowing developers
to identify and correct coding standards violations in real time.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Coding standards violations are an important metric because

adherence to coding standards can help to improve code quality,
maintainability, and readability. Consistent adherence to coding standards
can also make it easier for multiple developers to work on the same
codebase, as everyone is using a consistent approach.
By measuring coding standards violations, developers and testers can
identify areas of the codebase that may require additional attention, such
as refactoring or reformatting, to improve adherence to coding standards.
Over time, this can help to improve the overall quality of the codebase and
reduce the risk of defects.
Overall, coding standards violations are an important factor in
software quality and should be measured and monitored as part of a
comprehensive quality assurance strategy.

Code Duplication
Code duplication is a quality metric that measures the amount of duplicate
or redundant code in a software project. Code duplication occurs when
similar or identical code is repeated in multiple places within the codebase.
Code duplication can be measured using automated tools that
analyze the codebase and identify sections of code that are repeated or
very similar. These tools can also calculate the percentage of code that is
duplicated, as well as the locations of the duplicated code.
Code duplication is an important metric because it can lead to a
number of negative outcomes, such as the following:

• Increased development time: Duplication of code can

lead to increased development time as developers
spend more time writing and testing similar code.

• Increased maintenance costs: Duplicated code can make

it more difficult to maintain and update the codebase
over time, leading to increased maintenance costs.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

• Increased risk of defects: Duplication of code can lead

to inconsistencies in the codebase, which can increase
the risk of defects and other quality issues.

By measuring code duplication, developers and testers can identify

areas of the codebase that may require refactoring or reorganization to
reduce duplication and improve code quality. Over time, this can help to
reduce development and maintenance costs, as well as improve the overall
quality and reliability of the software product.

Dead Code
Dead code is a quality metric that measures the amount of code in a
software project that is no longer used or executed. Dead code can occur
due to changes in requirements, due to changes in design, or simply as a
result of refactoring or other code changes.
Dead code can be measured using automated tools that analyze the
codebase and identify sections of code that are not being executed. These
tools can also calculate the percentage of code that is dead, as well as the
locations of the dead code.
Dead code is an important metric because it can lead to a number of
negative outcomes, such as the following:

• Increased complexity: Dead code can make the

codebase more complex and difficult to understand,
which can increase the time required for development,
maintenance, and testing.

• Increased resource usage: Dead code can consume

resources, such as memory and processing power,
which can reduce the performance and scalability of
the software product.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

• Increased risk of defects: Dead code can make the

codebase more difficult to maintain and update over
time, which can increase the risk of defects and other
quality issues.

Lines of Code
The lines of code (LOC) metric is a software quality metric that measures
the size or complexity of a software program by counting the number of
lines of code in the source code files. It is a simple metric that is easy to
measure and understand, but it has limitations and is often criticized as a
measure of software quality.
The LOC metric is calculated by counting the number of lines of code
in a source code file, including blank lines and comments. The resulting
number represents the size or complexity of the software program.
While the LOC metric can provide an indication of the size and
complexity of a software program, it has several limitations.

• It does not measure the quality of the code: The

LOC metric does not take into account the quality
or maintainability of the code, which can have a
significant impact on software quality.

• It can be influenced by coding style: The LOC metric can

be influenced by coding style and formatting, which
can vary between programmers and teams.

• It does not account for reuse: The LOC metric does

not account for code reuse, which can lead to an
overestimation of the size and complexity of a software

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Despite these limitations, the LOC metric is still commonly used

as a quick and easy way to measure the size or complexity of a software
program. However, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics
and techniques to provide a more comprehensive assessment of software

Fan-out is a software metric used to measure the number of dependencies
that a module or function has on other modules or functions. Specifically,
it measures the number of other modules or functions that are called or
invoked by a given module or function. The more dependencies a module
or function has, the higher its fan-out metric.
Fan-out is important because modules or functions with a high fan-out
metric can be more difficult to understand, test, and maintain. They can
also increase the risk of defects and other quality issues.
To calculate the fan-out metric, one can count the number of external
modules or functions called or invoked by a given module or function.
Alternatively, tools such as static code analysis tools can automatically
calculate fan-out as part of a comprehensive assessment of software
By measuring fan-out, developers and testers can identify modules
or functions that may require refactoring or optimization to reduce their
dependencies on other modules or functions. This can help to improve the
maintainability and quality of the software product over time.
Overall, fan-out is an important metric to consider when assessing
software quality, as it can provide valuable insights into the complexity and
maintainability of the codebase.

Chapter 6 Test Execution

Compiler Warnings
Compiler warnings are a type of software metric that measures the number
of warnings generated by a compiler during the compilation process of a
software program. Compiler warnings are generated when the compiler
detects potential issues in the code, such as unused variables, uninitialized
variables, or other potential bugs or defects.
The compiler warnings metric is important because it can provide an
indication of the quality and maintainability of the code. A high number
of compiler warnings can indicate that the codebase has a high potential
for defects or other quality issues and may require further attention from
developers and testers.
To calculate the compiler warnings metric, one can simply count the
number of warnings generated by the compiler during the compilation
process. Alternatively, tools such as static code analysis tools can
automatically identify and report compiler warnings as part of a
comprehensive assessment of software quality.
By measuring compiler warnings, developers and testers can identify
areas of the codebase that may require further attention or refactoring
to improve software quality. Over time, this can help to reduce the risk
of defects and improve the overall reliability and maintainability of the
software product.

In this chapter, we went through the main steps of the test execution
process. We saw the needs for the environment setup and how to
report and retest the defects. We saw the report we can generate at any
moment during the execution but mainly at the completion stage. Several
techniques and tools were also used for the execution, and we explored a
variety of quality metrics for our product. Regression testing is a big part of
test execution, so the best approach for it is to automate it.


Test Automation
Test automation is the use of specialized software tools to control the
execution of tests and compare the actual results with the expected results.
The use of automation has become increasingly popular as it can help
reduce the time and cost associated with testing while also improving the
accuracy and reliability of the test results.
In this chapter, I’ll cover the benefits of test automation, along with
what are generally considered to be the best test automation tools and

Benefits of Test Automation

The following are some of the benefits of test automation:
• Saves time and cost: Automation allows for the
execution of tests at a much faster rate than manual
testing, which saves time and reduces the cost of
• Improves test coverage: Automation tools can perform
repetitive and time-consuming tests, which can
improve the overall test coverage.
• Increases accuracy: Automation tools can execute
tests with greater accuracy than humans, reducing the
chances of errors.

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Chapter 7 Test Automation

• Reusability: Test scripts can be reused for different

versions of the application, which saves time and effort.

• Enhances efficiency: Automation testing can run tests

continuously, 24/7, which enhances the efficiency of

However, test automation is not without its challenges. The initial cost of
automation can be high, and maintenance can be time-consuming. Therefore,
before implementing automation, it is important to consider the following:

• Cost-benefit analysis: Determine the cost of automation

tools and the benefits it will provide.

• Technical feasibility: Ensure that the automation

tool is compatible with the technology stack and the
application under test.

• Skillset: Ensure that the team has the required technical

skills to use and maintain the automation tool.

• Scope: Determine the scope of automation testing

and identify the tests that are good candidates for
There are various types of automation testing tools available in the
market, and they can be broadly classified into the following categories.

Record and Playback Tools

Record and playback tools are a type of test automation tool that enables
testers to create automated test scripts by recording user interactions with
an application or system under test. These tools typically capture user
actions such as mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and data entry, and then
they generate a script that can be played back to reproduce the same set of
actions automatically.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

The basic process of using a record and playback tool involves starting
the recording, performing a series of user actions on the application
or system being tested, and then stopping the recording. The tool then
generates a script based on the recorded actions, which can be modified
and enhanced as needed.
Record and playback tools are often used for regression testing, which
involves retesting software after changes have been made to ensure that
existing functionality has not been affected. They can also be used for
smoke testing, which involves running a basic set of tests to quickly verify
that the application is working correctly after a new build or release.
However, record and playback tools have limitations. They can
generate scripts based only on the actions that were recorded, so they may
not be able to handle more complex scenarios or variations in user input.
In addition, any changes to the application or system under test can cause
the recorded scripts to fail, requiring updates to the scripts.

Scripting Tools
Scripting tools are a type of test automation tool that enable testers to
write scripts or code to automate testing tasks. These tools provide a
programming interface or scripting language that allows testers to create
custom test cases and automate complex scenarios that may not be
possible with record and playback tools.
Scripting tools typically require more technical expertise and
programming knowledge than record and playback tools. Testers need
to write the test scripts themselves, which can involve writing code in
languages such as Python, Java, or Ruby, depending on the tool.
The main advantage of scripting tools is their flexibility and
extensibility. Testers can create custom scripts to automate specific test
scenarios and perform more complex testing tasks, such as database

Chapter 7 Test Automation

validation or performance testing. This makes scripting tools ideal for

more sophisticated test automation projects that require a higher level of
customization and control.
However, scripting tools also have some limitations. They require
a significant amount of time and effort to create and maintain the test
scripts. Additionally, testers need to have programming skills and expertise
to write effective and efficient test scripts.
Overall, scripting tools are a powerful and versatile type of test
automation tool that can be used for a wide range of testing scenarios.
However, they require a higher level of technical expertise and are best
suited for larger, more complex projects that require custom scripting

Hybrid Tools
Hybrid tools are a type of test automation tool that combine the benefits of
both record and playback and scripting tools. They allow testers to create
automated test scripts using a combination of record and playback and
script-based techniques.
Hybrid tools typically offer a visual interface for recording user
interactions, which can then be edited and enhanced using a scripting
language or programming interface. This allows testers to easily create
basic test scripts using record and playback functionality, while also
providing the flexibility to add custom code or scripts as needed.
The main advantage of hybrid tools is their versatility and ease of use.
They provide a user-friendly interface for recording and editing test scripts,
while also offering more advanced features for customizing and enhancing
scripts as needed. This makes them suitable for a wide range of testing
scenarios, from simple regression testing to more complex performance
testing or load testing.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

However, like scripting tools, hybrid tools do require a certain level

of technical expertise and programming skills to fully leverage their
capabilities. Additionally, they can be more expensive than record and
playback tools and may require more maintenance and updates over time.
Overall, hybrid tools offer a powerful and flexible approach to test
automation, combining the ease of use of record and playback tools with
the customization and control of scripting tools. They are best suited for
projects that require a mix of automated testing techniques and a higher
level of customization and control.

Frameworks are a collection of guidelines, standards, and tools that
provide a structured approach to designing, developing, and executing
automated tests. Test automation frameworks aim to standardize the
testing process and ensure consistency in the way tests are created and
A test automation framework typically consists of a set of components,
such as libraries, APIs, and utilities, that provide the building blocks for
creating automated tests. These components may include functions
for interacting with the application or system under test, test data
management, reporting and logging, and error handling.
There are several types of test automation frameworks, including the

• Linear scripting framework: This framework is a basic

approach to test automation that involves writing
simple scripts that perform a series of predefined
actions. It is easy to create and maintain but lacks
flexibility and scalability.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

• Modular framework: This framework breaks down

the application or system under test into modules
and creates separate scripts for each module. This
approach provides greater flexibility and reusability
but requires more time and effort to design and

• Data-driven framework: This framework separates the

test data from the test script, allowing for more efficient
management of large volumes of test data. It can be
useful for testing scenarios that require a large number
of input combinations.

• Keyword-driven framework: This framework uses a set

of keywords or commands to define test steps, making
it easier for testers without programming experience to
create and execute tests.

• Hybrid framework: This framework combines elements

of multiple frameworks, providing greater flexibility
and scalability. It is often used for larger, more
complex testing projects that require a high level of
customization and control.
Overall, test automation frameworks provide a structured and efficient
approach to automated testing, enabling testers to create and execute tests
more quickly and reliably. The choice of framework will depend on the
specific requirements of the testing project, including the complexity of the
application or system under test, the size of the testing team, and the level
of automation needed.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

Automated Testing Tools

Automated tests should be run in conjunction with manual testing to
ensure the most comprehensive testing possible. Test automation should
be done only after a thorough understanding of the application, its
business logic, and its user requirements.
Test automation can significantly improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of testing. However, it should be done with a full
understanding of its potential benefits and challenges and with careful
consideration of the most appropriate automation tools and approaches
for a given application.
Selecting the right automation tool is a critical step in the test
automation process. There are various factors to consider when choosing
an automation tool, including the following:

• Functionality: The tool must support the required

testing activities, such as test case design, execution,
and reporting.

• Platform compatibility: The tool should be compatible

with the application under test, the development
environment, and the operating system.
• Ease of use: The tool should have an intuitive and user-­
friendly interface, and the scripting language should be
easy to learn and use.

• Maintenance: The tool should be easy to maintain

and update, and it should provide support for version
control and defect tracking.

• Cost: The tool should be affordable and provide good

value for money, taking into account the licensing,
training, and maintenance costs.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

• Integration: The tool should integrate with other tools

used in the software development life cycle, such as
bug tracking and test management tools.

• Support: The tool should provide good technical

support, including documentation, user forums, and
access to customer support.

Here are some commonly used automated testing tools:

Selenium: Selenium is an open-source tool used

for automating web browser testing. It supports
multiple programming languages such as Java, C#,
Python, and Ruby, and it can be used to automate
both functional and regression testing.

Appium: Appium is an open-source tool for

automating mobile application testing. It supports
multiple mobile platforms such as iOS and Android
and can be used to automate both functional and UI

TestComplete: TestComplete is a commercial

testing tool that supports multiple platforms and
technologies such as web, desktop, mobile, and
API testing. It provides a record and playback
functionality to create automated tests and supports
scripting using multiple programming languages.

JMeter: JMeter is an open-source tool used for

performance testing, load testing, and functional
testing. It is mainly used to test web applications
and supports multiple protocols such as HTTP, FTP,

Chapter 7 Test Automation

Cucumber: Cucumber is a behavior-driven

development (BDD) testing tool that supports
multiple programming languages such as Java,
Ruby, and JavaScript. It uses plain text, called
Gherkin, to define test scenarios and supports
automation of functional and acceptance testing.

SoapUI: SoapUI is an open-source tool used for

testing APIs and web services. It supports multiple
protocols such as SOAP, REST, JMS, and AMF, and
it provides a graphical user interface to create,
manage, and execute automated tests.

These are just a few examples of the many automated testing tools
available. When selecting an automated testing tool, it’s important to
consider the requirements of the project, the technology used, and the
expertise of the testing team. Selecting the right automation tool can
significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
It is essential to choose a tool that meets the specific needs of the project
and the organization.

Automated Test Scripts

Creating automated test scripts is a key aspect of test automation. The
process involves converting manual test cases into automated test scripts,
which can then be executed by an automation tool.
To create effective automated test scripts, it’s important to have a
clear understanding of the test case to be automated, including the inputs
and expected outputs. Once the test case is understood, the script can be
written in the appropriate programming language for the automation tool
being used.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

The script should be designed to mimic the actions of a human tester,

simulating user interactions with the application under test. This involves
interacting with user interfaces, entering data, and clicking buttons or
links. The script should also be designed to verify the expected outputs and
behavior of the application.
It's important to ensure that the automated test script is maintainable
and flexible, as changes to the application may require updates to the
script. Additionally, the script should be designed to provide clear and
informative results that can be used to identify issues and make informed
decisions about the quality of the application.
Maintaining automated test scripts and updating them are important
aspects of test automation. Once the automated tests have been created,
they need to be maintained to ensure that they remain relevant and
effective over time. This involves reviewing and updating the test scripts
as needed, as well as regularly testing them to ensure they continue to
provide accurate results.
Updating automated test scripts is necessary when changes are made
to the system under test or to the test automation framework. When
changes are made to the system under test, the automated test scripts
may need to be modified to accommodate the changes. This may involve
updating the test data or the test steps to reflect the new functionality.
Changes to the test automation framework may also require updates
to the test scripts. For example, if a new version of the test automation tool
is released, the test scripts may need to be updated to work with the new
version. Additionally, if new features or functionality are added to the test
automation framework, the test scripts may need to be updated to take
advantage of them.
Maintaining and updating automated test scripts requires attention
to detail and a thorough understanding of the system under test and the
test automation framework. It is important to review and update the test
scripts on a regular basis to ensure that they remain effective and continue
to provide value to the testing process.

Chapter 7 Test Automation

This chapter was an overview of the tools we can use for test automation,
the benefits of having automation, and the drawbacks of it. As I often enjoy
saying, test automation will only report defects you already anticipate.
It should be used together with manual testing, always having the needs
and the priorities of the product in mind. Test automation is a continuous
process that requires a lot of effort into the setup of the framework and the
creation of the tests. This effort is distributed among the sprints when we
are working in an Agile environment.


Testing in Agile
Agile development is an iterative and incremental approach to software
development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous
improvement. Testing is an integral part of the Agile development process,
and testers work closely with developers and other stakeholders to ensure
that the software meets the needs of the business and end users.
This chapter covers the following topics related to testing in Agile
• Agile testing principles

• Agile testing quadrants

• Test-driven development (TDD)

• Behavior-driven development (BDD)

• Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)

• Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD)

• Test automation in Agile development

• Agile testing best practices

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Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

Agile Testing Principles

In Agile development, testing is integrated into the development process,
rather than being a separate phase that comes after development. Agile
testing involves testing small, incremental changes to the software as they
are developed, rather than waiting until the end of a long development
cycle to test the entire system. Testing is often done by the development
team themselves, rather than by a separate testing team. Testing in Agile
development is designed to help ensure that the software being developed
meets the needs of the customer and is of high quality, while also keeping
pace with the fast-paced development cycle of Agile projects.
Here are some testing principles in Agile development:

• Collaborate and communicate: In an Agile

environment, collaboration and communication are
key. It is important to have a good working relationship
with developers, product owners, and other
stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page.

• Test early and often: In Agile development, testing is

integrated throughout the development process, not
just at the end. This means testing should start as early
as possible and should be done frequently.

• Automate testing: Automated testing is essential in

Agile development. It helps ensure that testing is done
quickly and efficiently and can be repeated easily as
changes are made.

• Use continuous integration and delivery: CI/CD is a key

part of Agile development. It allows for faster feedback
and testing of changes and helps ensure that the
software is always in a releasable state.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

• Emphasize exploratory testing: Exploratory testing is

an important part of testing in Agile development. It
allows testers to explore the software in a more open-­
ended way and to find issues that may not have been
caught by automated or scripted tests.

• Prioritize testing based on risk: In an Agile environment,

it’s important to prioritize testing based on risk. This
means focusing on testing the features that are most
critical to the business or that have the potential to
cause the most harm if they fail.

• Use metrics to track progress: Metrics can be used to

track the progress of testing in an Agile environment.
This can help teams identify areas where they need to
improve and can help ensure that testing is on track to
meet the goals of the project.

• Embrace change: In an Agile environment, change is

inevitable. Testers need to be adaptable and able to
change their approach as the software evolves. It’s
important to be flexible and open to new ideas and to
be willing to adjust the testing approach as needed.

Agile Testing Quadrants

Agile testing quadrants are a way to categorize different types of tests in
Agile development. As shown in Figure 8-1, the quadrants are a 2×2 matrix
that places tests into four quadrants based on two factors: business-facing
versus technology-facing and support versus critique.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

Business Facing
Automated &

Functional Tests Exploratory Tests

Acceptance Tests Usability Tests
Support the Team

Critique Product
Unit Tests Performance Tests
Integration Tests Security Tests
System Tests

Automated Tools

Technology Facing

Figure 8-1. The four quadrants of Agile testing

The following are the four quadrants (see Figure 8-1):

• Quadrant Q1: This quadrant focuses on tests that are

technology-driven and are automated. These tests are
designed to verify the functionality of the application at
a low level. Unit tests, component tests, API tests, and
database tests fall under this quadrant.

• Quadrant Q2: This quadrant focuses on tests that are

business-driven and are automated. These tests are
designed to verify the functionality of the application
at a high level. Acceptance tests, functional tests, and
end-to-end tests fall under this quadrant.

• Quadrant Q3: This quadrant focuses on tests that

are business-driven and are manual. These tests
are designed to verify the application’s usability,

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

accessibility, and user experience. Exploratory testing,

usability testing, and accessibility testing fall under this

• Quadrant Q4: This quadrant focuses on tests that

are technology-driven and are manual. These tests
are designed to verify the nonfunctional aspects of
the application such as performance, security, and
reliability. Performance testing, security testing, and
reliability testing fall under this quadrant.

Agile teams use the quadrants to plan their testing activities and
ensure that they have a balanced approach to testing. By covering all
four quadrants, the team can ensure that they are testing the system from
different perspectives and reducing the risk of defects slipping through
the cracks.

Test-Driven Development
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development approach
where test cases are written before the code is developed. The idea is to
create automated test cases for a small piece of functionality and then
write just enough code to make those tests pass. Once the code passes the
test cases, it is refactored to ensure it is clean and maintainable.
The main objective of TDD is to produce clean code that works as
intended and to help ensure that code changes don’t introduce new bugs
or break existing functionality. TDD also encourages developers to write
code in smaller increments, which can help to catch problems earlier in
the development process.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

TDD is a popular approach in Agile development, as it encourages

developers to focus on writing code that meets the requirements and
specifications of the user stories. It also helps to identify and address
defects early in the development process, leading to faster and more
efficient development.
The TDD process involves the following steps:

1. Write a test case: Write an automated test case for a

specific functionality or feature.

2. Run the test case: Run the test case and ensure that it
fails, since the functionality is not yet implemented.

3. Write the code: Write the code that implements the


4. Run the test case: Run the test case again and ensure
that it passes.

5. Refactor the code: Refactor the code to ensure it is

clean and maintainable.

This process is repeated for each functionality or feature until the

entire application is developed. The goal is to create an automated test
suite that ensures the application meets the user requirements and
specifications, while also being reliable and maintainable.
The following are the benefits of TDD:

• Better quality code: Since the code is thoroughly tested

at each step, it is more reliable and less prone to errors.

• Faster development: TDD can help catch errors early,

reducing the amount of time spent debugging and
fixing issues.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

• Improved collaboration: TDD can encourage

collaboration between developers and testers, as both
parties are involved in writing and executing tests.

• Greater confidence: TDD can give developers greater

confidence in their code, as they know that it has been
thoroughly tested and is less likely to fail in production.

However, TDD also has some challenges, such as the need for a
dedicated testing framework and the potential for tests to become overly
complex. Additionally, it can be difficult to apply TDD to legacy code or to
projects with tight deadlines.

Behavior-Driven Development
Behavior-driven development is an Agile software development technique
that promotes collaboration between developers, testers, and business
stakeholders. BDD is based on the principles of test-driven development
and builds on it by incorporating aspects of domain-driven design (DDD)
and object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD).
BDD emphasizes the behavior of a system or feature, rather than its
implementation. It encourages the use of natural language in writing tests
and specifications, which makes it easier for nontechnical stakeholders to
understand the purpose of the feature being developed.
In BDD, the requirements are expressed in the form of scenarios,
which describe the behavior of the system from the perspective of a user
or stakeholder. These scenarios are written in a specific format called
the given-when-then (GWT) format, which makes them easy to read and
BDD involves the use of automated tests, such as acceptance tests and
integration tests, to ensure that the system or feature behaves as expected.
BDD also includes the use of automated tools, such as Cucumber, JBehave,

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

and SpecFlow, to generate executable tests from the scenarios written

in natural language. These tools allow developers and testers to focus
on the behavior of the system, rather than the technical details of the
The BDD process typically involves the following steps:

1. Define behavior: The development team and

stakeholders collaborate to define the behavior of
the system in a structured way using Gherkin.

2. Automate tests: Tests are created based on the

defined behavior, using tools such as Cucumber,
SpecFlow, or Behave to automate the testing

3. Run tests: Tests are run to verify that the system

behaves as expected.

4. Refactor: The development team refactors the code

to ensure that it is well-designed, readable, and

The following are some of the benefits of BDD:

• Improved collaboration: BDD encourages collaboration

between developers, testers, and stakeholders,
ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of the
behavior of the system.

• Better quality code: BDD tests the behavior of the

system, not just its functionality, resulting in code that
is more reliable and less prone to errors.

• Clear documentation: The natural language used in

BDD provides clear documentation of the behavior of
the system, making it easier for everyone involved to
understand what the system does.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

• Greater confidence: BDD gives developers greater

confidence in their code, as they know that it has been
thoroughly tested and meets the requirements of

Acceptance Test-Driven Development

Acceptance test-driven development is an approach to software
development that involves team members from different disciplines,
including business stakeholders, developers, and testers. The purpose of
ATDD is to ensure that the software being developed meets the business
requirements and to promote collaboration between team members.
ATDD involves writing automated acceptance tests before development
begins, and these tests serve as a form of requirements documentation. The
acceptance tests are based on user stories and describe how the system
should behave in different scenarios. The tests are then used to drive the
development process, with developers writing code to make the tests pass.
ATDD promotes collaboration between team members by ensuring
that everyone is on the same page regarding what the software should do.
It also helps to catch defects early in the development process, when they
are easier and less expensive to fix. Finally, ATDD can help to ensure that
the software meets the business requirements and is of high quality.
The ATDD process typically involves the following steps:

1. Define acceptance tests: The development team,

stakeholders, and customers collaborate to define
acceptance tests that describe the expected
behavior of the system from the user’s perspective.

2. Automate acceptance tests: The acceptance tests are

automated using testing tools such as Cucumber,
FitNesse, or SpecFlow.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

3. Write code: The development team writes the code

to implement the functionality required by the
acceptance tests.

4. Run acceptance tests: The acceptance tests are

run to verify that the system behaves as expected
and meets the requirements defined in the
acceptance tests.

5. Refactor: The development team refactors the code

to ensure that it is well-designed, readable, and

The following are the benefits of ATDD:

• Improved collaboration: ATDD encourages

collaboration between developers, testers,
stakeholders, and customers, ensuring that everyone
has a clear understanding of the requirements and the
behavior of the system.

• Better quality code: ATDD tests the system from the

perspective of the end user or customer, resulting in
code that is more reliable and less prone to errors.
• Faster feedback: ATDD provides fast feedback on
whether the system meets the requirements and the
expectations of the end user or customer, enabling the
development team to make changes quickly if needed.

• Greater confidence: ATDD gives developers and

stakeholders greater confidence in the system, as they
know that it has been thoroughly tested and meets
the requirements and expectations of the end user or

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

 ontinuous Integration and

Continuous Delivery
Continuous integration and continuous delivery are software development
practices that help teams to deliver software more frequently and with
higher quality. CI is a process of regularly integrating code changes into
a shared repository, while CD is the process of automatically deploying
software changes to production. This is typically achieved through the
use of a CI tool such as Bamboo, Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI, which
automatically builds and tests code changes whenever they are pushed to
a shared code repository.
In CI, developers integrate their code changes to a shared repository
multiple times a day, rather than waiting for a big merge at the end of the
development cycle. This ensures that issues are detected and fixed earlier,
making the process of code integration and deployment more efficient. CI
often involves automated build, test, and deployment processes that are
triggered by code changes.
CD goes one step further and automates the process of deploying
software changes to production. This involves building, testing, and
deploying the software changes in a repeatable and reliable manner. CD
ensures that software is always in a releasable state, making it easier to
release new features and bug fixes quickly and frequently.
Implementing CI/CD requires a combination of tools and practices,
such as version control, build automation, automated testing, and
deployment automation. It also requires a culture of collaboration and
continuous improvement, with a focus on delivering high-quality software
to customers.
The following are some of the benefits of CI/CD:
• Faster feedback: CI/CD provides fast feedback on code
changes, enabling developers to catch and fix issues
early in the development process.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

• Improved collaboration: CI/CD encourages

collaboration between developers, testers, and
operations teams, ensuring that everyone is working
together to deliver high-quality code.

• Greater efficiency: CI/CD automates many of the

manual tasks involved in building, testing, and
deploying code, freeing up developers to focus on
other tasks.

• Better quality code: CI/CD ensures that code changes

are thoroughly tested and integrated with the existing
codebase, resulting in code that is more reliable and
less prone to errors.

• Faster time-to-market: CI/CD enables organizations

to deliver code changes quickly and safely, enabling
them to respond more quickly to changing market

However, CI/CD also has some challenges, such as the need for a
robust testing infrastructure, the need for good version control practices,
and the potential for complex deployments. Additionally, it can be difficult
to apply CI/CD to legacy systems or to projects with tight deadlines.

Test Automation in Agile

In Agile development, test automation plays a vital role in delivering high-­
quality software quickly and efficiently. Here are some ways in which test
automation can be used in Agile development:

• Unit testing: Test automation can be used to automate

unit tests. Unit tests are designed to test the smallest
functional components of the software and are written

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

by developers as part of the coding process. Automated

unit tests can be run continuously, providing
immediate feedback on any changes that break
the code.

• Functional testing: Test automation can be used to

automate functional tests. Functional tests are designed
to test the software from a user’s perspective, ensuring
that the software meets the specified requirements.
These tests can be run continuously, providing
immediate feedback on any changes that break the

• Integration testing: Test automation can be used

to automate integration tests. Integration tests are
designed to test the interactions between different
components of the software. Automated integration
tests can be run continuously, providing immediate
feedback on any changes that break the integration.

• Acceptance testing: Test automation can be used to

automate acceptance tests. Acceptance tests are
designed to test the software against the specified
requirements and ensure that the software meets the
user’s needs. Automated acceptance tests can be run
continuously, providing immediate feedback on any
changes that break the software.

• Regression testing: Test automation can be used

to automate regression tests. Regression tests are
designed to test the software after changes have been
made to ensure that the changes have not introduced
any new bugs. Automated regression tests can be run
continuously, providing immediate feedback on any
changes that break the software.

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

In summary, test automation can help teams to deliver high-quality

software quickly and efficiently in Agile development by automating
various types of tests, such as unit, functional, integration, acceptance, and
regression tests.

Agile Testing Best Practices

The following are Agile best practices:

• Involve the testers in the Agile development process

from the beginning and throughout the development
cycle to ensure that testing is integrated and

• Use test automation to reduce the time and effort

required for regression testing and to facilitate
continuous testing.

• Adopt a risk-based approach to prioritize testing efforts

on the most critical functionality and high-risk areas.

• Use exploratory testing to identify issues that may not

be caught by automated testing or test cases.
• Use testing metrics to monitor the quality of the
product and the effectiveness of the testing process.

• Ensure that testing is integrated into the continuous

integration and delivery process to ensure that the
product is always in a releasable state.

• Foster a culture of collaboration between developers

and testers to encourage early defect identification and

Chapter 8 Testing in Agile Environment

• Encourage continuous feedback and communication

among team members, including developers, testers,
product owners, and customers.

• Focus on the customer experience and business value

to ensure that the product meets the customer’s needs
and delivers value to the business.

• Continuously improve the testing process and adapt to

changing requirements and customer needs.

The current trend in the industry is to work in an Agile environment,
typically Scrum or Kanban, which makes the delivery of the products
faster, and then we continuously build on the product. This of course has
led to changes in the testing side, because testing has to start sooner and
different testing principles are applied to the different testing quadrants.
BDD and TDD are increasingly popular, CI/CD is a must have, and testing
automation is required in almost every product. Although software
testing has been already established for several decades, there are some
challenges that we must face on every new or existing project.


Challenges and
Solutions in
Software Testing
Software testing is an essential part of software development that helps
to ensure the quality and reliability of software products. However, the
software testing process is often accompanied by various challenges
that can affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the testing process. In
this chapter, we will discuss some of the common challenges in software
testing and provide some solutions to overcome these challenges.

Lack of Clear Requirements

Lack of clear requirements means that the tester does not have a clear
understanding of what the software is supposed to do. It could be due to
ambiguous or incomplete requirements, a lack of communication between
the development team and the testing team, or a lack of understanding of
the business domain.

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Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

Impact of Lack of Clear Requirements on Testing

The lack of clear requirements can have a significant impact on software
testing. The following are some of the impacts:

• Inaccurate testing: When requirements are unclear,

the tester may not have a complete understanding of
what the software is supposed to do. This can lead to
inaccurate testing, where the tester may test the wrong
functionality or miss critical defects.

• Increased cost: When the testing team is not clear

on what needs to be tested, they may end up testing
functionality that is not required, leading to increased
testing effort and cost.

• Delayed testing: When requirements are unclear, the

testing team may need to spend more time clarifying
the requirements with the development team, leading
to delayed testing.

• Misaligned expectations: When the requirements

are unclear, the testing team may have different
expectations than the development team. This can lead
to misunderstandings and disagreements between the
two teams.

 itigating the Impact of Lack

of Clear Requirements
To mitigate the impact of lack of clear requirements, the following steps
can be taken:

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Collaboration: Collaboration between the development

and testing teams can help clarify requirements and
ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what
needs to be tested.

• Requirements review: A requirements review can help

identify any ambiguities or incomplete requirements,
allowing them to be clarified before testing begins.

• Traceability: Traceability between requirements and

test cases can help ensure that all requirements are
tested and that the testing effort is focused on the
required functionality.

• Domain knowledge: Ensuring that the testing team has

a clear understanding of the business domain can help
them better understand the requirements and improve
the accuracy of testing.

Time Constraints
A time constraint is a common challenge in software testing, as testing
often has to be completed within a limited time frame. This can be due
to project deadlines, budget constraints, or other factors. In this section,
we will discuss the impact of time constraints on software testing and
strategies for managing time constraints in testing.

Impact of Time Constraints on Software Testing

The following are some of the impacts of time constraints on software testing:

• Inadequate testing: Time constraints can lead to

inadequate testing, as testers may not have enough time
to test all the required functionality thoroughly. This can
lead to missed defects and reduced software quality.
Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Increased risk: Inadequate testing increases the

risk of defects being discovered in the production
environment, which can be costly to fix and can
damage the reputation of the development team.

• Increased pressure: Time constraints can create

pressure on the testing team, leading to increased stress
and fatigue, which can impact the quality of testing.

• Delayed release: Time constraints can lead to delays

in the release of the software, as testing may need to
be extended or additional resources may need to be
brought in to complete testing.

 trategies for Managing Time Constraints

in Testing
The following are some strategies that can be used to manage time
constraints in testing:

• Prioritization: Prioritization of testing based on

criticality and risk can help ensure that the most
important functionality is tested first.

• Test automation: Test automation can help reduce

testing time by automating repetitive tasks and
allowing testers to focus on more complex testing

• Agile testing: Agile testing methodologies, such as

Scrum and Kanban, can help manage time constraints
by breaking testing into smaller, manageable iterations
and providing frequent feedback.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Collaboration: Collaboration between the development

and testing teams can help identify and address issues
early, reducing the need for rework and saving time.

• Continuous integration and delivery: Continuous

integration and delivery can help reduce testing time
by automating the build and deployment process and
providing frequent feedback.

Lack of Skilled Resources

Lack of skilled resources is a common challenge that organizations face in
software testing. This can be due to a shortage of skilled testers, a lack of
training and development programs, or a lack of experienced personnel.
In this section, we will discuss the impact of lack of skilled resources on
software testing and strategies for managing this challenge.

Impact of Lack of Skilled Resources

on Software Testing
The following are some of the impacts of lack of skilled resources on
software testing:

• Inadequate testing: Lack of skilled resources can lead

to inadequate testing, as testers may not have the
necessary skills and knowledge to test the software

• Increased cost: Inadequate testing can lead to increased

costs, as defects may be discovered later in the
development process, which can be costly to fix.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Decreased productivity: Lack of skilled resources

can lead to decreased productivity, as testers may
take longer to complete testing tasks due to a lack of
experience or knowledge.

• Reduced quality: Inadequate testing and decreased

productivity can lead to reduced software quality,
which can impact customer satisfaction and

 trategies for Managing Lack of Skilled

Resources in Testing
The following are some strategies that can be used to manage the lack of
skilled resources in testing:

• Training and development: Providing training and

development programs for testers can help them
acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to test
software effectively.

• Knowledge sharing: Encouraging knowledge sharing

among testers can help improve the overall skill level of
the testing team.

• Hiring skilled testers: Hiring skilled testers can help

address the shortage of skilled resources, but this
can be a challenging task due to the high demand for
skilled testers.

• Test automation: Test automation can help reduce the

reliance on skilled resources by automating repetitive
testing tasks and allowing testers to focus on more
complex testing scenarios.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

Automation Challenges
Automation can bring many benefits to organizations, including
increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. However, there are also
several challenges that come with automation. In this section, we will
discuss some of the challenges you might face in automation and how to
address them.

Common Automation Challenges

The following are some of the common challenges that organizations face
when implementing test automation:

• Test coverage: Automated tests can cover only the

scenarios that have been explicitly programmed, and
this can lead to incomplete testing coverage. Human
testers can improvise and test unexpected scenarios,
while automated tests cannot.

• Maintenance: Test automation requires maintenance,

as changes in the application being tested or the test
environment can cause the automated tests to fail. It can
be a challenge to maintain automated tests, especially if
the tests are not designed to be maintainable.

• Integration: Integration between test automation

tools and other tools in the development and testing
process can be a challenge. It requires additional effort
to integrate test automation with tools such as defect
tracking, test management, and continuous integration.
• Cost: Test automation can be expensive to implement
and maintain, especially if the organization lacks the
necessary expertise.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Expertise: Test automation requires a high level of

expertise in programming and automation tools, which
can be a challenge for organizations that lack this

Strategies for Addressing

Automation Challenges
The following are some strategies for addressing the common challenges
of test automation:

• Test coverage: To address the challenge of incomplete

test coverage, it is essential to ensure that the
automated tests cover all critical scenarios. The
automation team should work with the manual testing
team to identify the critical scenarios and ensure that
they are automated.

• Maintenance: To address the challenge of test

maintenance, it is essential to design the tests to be
maintainable. The automation team should use good
coding practices and create automated tests that are
modular and reusable.

• Integration: To address the challenge of integration, it is

essential to select automation tools that integrate well
with other tools in the development and testing process.
The automation team should also ensure that the
automated tests can be easily integrated with other tools.

• Cost: To address the challenge of cost, it is essential to

select automation tools that are cost-effective and to
ensure that the automation team has the necessary
expertise to implement and maintain the tests.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Expertise: To address the challenge of expertise, it

is essential to invest in training and development
programs to ensure that the automation team has the
necessary skills and knowledge to implement and
maintain the automated tests.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration among team members are
critical for successful software testing. However, it can be challenging to
maintain clear and open communication channels, especially in large and
distributed teams.
Effective communication is crucial in testing, but poor communication
channels can hinder the process. For example, if testers are not able to
communicate their findings effectively, developers may not be able to
understand the issues and make the necessary changes. Testers must use
effective communication channels, such as emails, instant messaging, or
video conferencing, to ensure that all stakeholders are kept in the loop.

Change Management
Change management is an important aspect of software testing, as
changes to software can impact its functionality, performance, and
security. However, there are several challenges that testers may face when
managing changes in a software testing environment. In this section, we
will discuss some of the common change management challenges in
testing and how to overcome them.

• Lack of visibility: One of the biggest challenges in change

management is the lack of visibility into the changes that
are being made to the software. Testers may not have
access to the latest version of the software or may not

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

be informed about changes that have been made. This

can lead to issues during testing, as testers may not be
able to test the software adequately. To overcome this
challenge, testers must communicate effectively with
developers and other stakeholders to ensure that they
are informed about changes to the software.

• Inadequate testing: Another challenge in change

management is inadequate testing. Testers may not have
the time or resources to test all changes thoroughly, which
can lead to issues with the software. To overcome this
challenge, testers must prioritize testing based on the
impact of the changes on the software. They must also
collaborate closely with developers to understand the
changes and determine the appropriate testing strategy.

• Inconsistent testing environments: Testing environments

must be consistent to ensure accurate and reliable
results. However, this can be a challenge in change
management, as different changes may require
different testing environments. Testers must ensure
that the testing environments are consistent across
different changes and that the testing environment is
appropriate for the specific change being made.

• Resistance to change: Resistance to change can also

be a challenge in change management. Stakeholders
may resist changes due to concerns about the impact
on the software or the testing process. Testers must
collaborate closely with stakeholders to understand
their concerns and address them effectively. They
must also communicate the benefits of the changes to
stakeholders to gain their support.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

Testing Across Platforms

Testing software across different platforms is crucial to ensure that it works
seamlessly on various devices and operating systems. However, testing
across platforms can be challenging, as each platform may have its unique
features and requirements.

• Platform compatibility: One of the main challenges

in testing across platforms is ensuring compatibility
across different platforms. Each platform may have
its specific hardware, operating system, and software
configurations, which can impact the behavior of the
software. Testers must ensure that the software works
seamlessly across all platforms by testing it on each
platform and verifying its compatibility.

• Version compatibility: Another challenge in testing

across platforms is version compatibility. Different
versions of the same platform may have different
features, requirements, and configurations. Testers
must ensure that the software works seamlessly across
all versions of each platform by testing it on each
version and verifying its compatibility.

• User interface (UI) differences: Each platform may

have its unique user interface, which can impact the
behavior of the software. Testers must ensure that
the software works seamlessly on each platform’s
UI by testing it on each platform and verifying its
functionality and appearance.
• Performance differences: Each platform may have
different performance capabilities, such as processor
speed, memory, and storage. These differences can

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

impact the software’s performance on each platform.

Testers must test the software on each platform and
verify its performance and responsiveness.

• Resource limitations: Different platforms may have

different resource limitations, such as memory, storage,
and processing power. These limitations can impact
the software’s performance and functionality on
each platform. Testers must ensure that the software
works seamlessly on each platform by testing it under
different resource limitations.

• Testing tools and frameworks: Testing tools and

frameworks may not be available or may differ across
different platforms. Testers must use appropriate
testing tools and frameworks that are available on each
platform to ensure accurate and reliable testing results.

Future of Software Testing

As technology advances and the digital landscape evolves, the future
of software testing is constantly changing. Here are some potential
developments that could shape the future of software testing:

• Increased automation: Automation is already a

significant part of software testing, but it will likely
become even more prevalent in the future. With the
help of artificial intelligence and machine learning,
software testing could become even more efficient and

• Shift-left testing: In shift-left testing, testing is integrated

earlier in the software development process, and tests
are performed more frequently. This approach can

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

help identify and fix issues earlier in the development

cycle, reducing the overall cost and time associated
with testing.

• DevOps and continuous testing: DevOps has changed

the way software is developed and delivered, and
continuous testing is becoming more important to
ensure that the software being delivered is high-quality
and meets user requirements.

• Mobile and IoT testing: As more devices become

connected to the Internet and more people rely on
mobile devices, testing for mobile and Internet of
Things (IoT) devices will become more important.
Testing will need to cover not only the software but also
the hardware and connectivity aspects of these devices.

• Blockchain testing: As blockchain technology continues

to gain popularity, testing will become increasingly
important to ensure the integrity and security of
blockchain-based applications.

• Cloud-based testing: As more companies move their

IT infrastructure to the cloud, testing will need to be
adapted to accommodate cloud-based environments.

• Increased focus on security testing: With the increasing

number of cyberattacks and data breaches, security
testing will become even more important in the future.
This will involve testing not only the software itself but
also the security of the underlying infrastructure and
data storage systems.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

• Virtualization and simulation testing: Virtualization

and simulation testing can help replicate real-world
scenarios in a controlled environment. This can help
ensure that software behaves as expected in a variety of
different scenarios and environments.

• AI-driven testing: Artificial intelligence and machine

learning can help to automatically generate test cases
and optimize testing processes, making testing more
efficient and effective.

• Collaborative testing: In the future, software testing will

become more collaborative, with testers, developers,
and other stakeholders working together to ensure
high-quality software is delivered.

Overall, the future of software testing will be shaped by advancements

in technology and a growing need for high-quality, secure, and reliable
software. As such, the software testing industry will need to continue to
evolve and adapt to meet changing demands and expectations.

Risk-Based Testing
Risk-based testing is an approach to software testing that prioritizes testing
efforts based on the level of risk associated with the software application
or system being tested. This approach involves identifying potential risks
to the system and prioritizing testing efforts on the areas that pose the
greatest risk to the project, rather than testing everything equally.
It is common that during the development of a project there is not
enough time or resources to mitigate all the potential risks. By applying
risk-based testing, the tester can ensure that the most critical foreseeable
risks are mitigated and the product can go live with minimum risk.

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

The most common way to apply risk-based testing is to create a list

with all the possible risks the team can identify and decide the probability
and the impact of every risk. It does not have to be very accurate, a simple
“low” and “high” separation should be enough.
Table 9-1 shows what this matrix would then look like.

Table 9-1. Risk Matrix

Risk Probability Impact


Risk 2 LOW LOW


The risks with a high probability and high impact must be tested
first, and they must be mitigated either by eliminating the impact or by
minimizing their probability.
Next, the risks with a low probability and high impact should be tested
to make sure that the probability is indeed low, and then the team should
have a mitigation plan about the impact.
After that, if there is still time, the risks with a high probability and a
low impact could be tested to verify that the impact is indeed low, and then
the team could reduce the probability of the risk.
Finally, the risks with low probability and low impact, always
depending on the time left and on the business, can be ignored, since they
are not likely to happen, and even if they happen, the impact might be

Chapter 9 Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing

Figure 9-1 shows a graph to better visualize the connection between

the impact and the probability of the risks.

Figure 9-1. Risk graph

There are several challenges in the software world, and testing is no
exception. Although every challenge is manageable, we should be
proactive and mitigate all the critical risks in time; otherwise, it is certain
that we will have to pay a higher price later. A structured way to do this is to
create a risk assessment session at the start of every project and revisit risk
every now and then to keep track of all the risks and their impacts.

In conclusion, software testing is an essential process that ensures software
products are of high quality and meet the requirements of the end users.
It involves different activities such as test planning, test design, test
execution, and test reporting, among others.
There are different types of software testing, including functional
testing, performance testing, security testing, and user acceptance testing,
among others. Each type of testing is critical and helps to identify defects
or issues that could impact the quality of the software product.
In recent years, agile development has become a popular approach
to software development, and testing is an essential component of this
approach. Agile development allows teams to work collaboratively,
respond to changes quickly, and deliver high-quality software products.
Continuous testing is also becoming increasingly important, especially
with the rise of DevOps and the need to deliver software products
faster. Continuous testing involves integrating testing into the software
development process, which helps to identify issues earlier and reduce the
overall cost of fixing defects.
In the future, software testing is expected to become more automated,
with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning. This will help
to improve the accuracy and efficiency of testing, reduce the time taken to
perform testing, and improve the overall quality of software products.
Automated testing is an emerging trend in software testing that can
help to speed up the testing process and improve the overall efficiency
of the testing process. However, automation alone cannot guarantee a
successful software release, and it is necessary to combine automated
testing with manual testing to achieve the best results.

© Panagiotis Leloudas 2023 205

P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,

The main message I want you to take from this book is that these are
guidelines and best practices and in no way are they absolute truths about
software testing. There are multiple ways to perform software testing, and
the decisions you will make during a project will be different every time.
The tools and the guidelines are there to help you and assist you in this
journey, but at the end of the day, the human factor, your intuition, will be
the most important asset you bring to the table. Quality assurance starts
and ends with every person in an organization.
There is always room for improvement and learning. Staying up-to-­
date with the latest technologies, tools, and best practices can help you
become a better software tester and contribute to the development of
high-quality software. Remember that testing is a collaborative effort
that involves communication, teamwork, and a commitment to quality.
So, keep learning and exploring the exciting and ever-changing world of
software testing!

A BVA, 82
definition, 75
Acceptance test-driven
equivalence partitioning, 78
development (ATDD), 181
error guessing, 98–100
Acceptance testing, 46, 185
exploratory, 100–103
Ad hoc testing, 105, 107
limitations, 76
Agile development
pairwise, 95–98
ATDD, 181, 182
random, 103–105
BDD, 179, 180, 187
techniques, 76, 77
CI/CD, 183
use-case, 93–95
quadrants, 175, 176
Blockchain technology, 201
TDD, 177–179, 187
Bottom-up integration testing, 10
test automation, 184, 185
Boundary value analysis (BVA)
testing principles, 174, 175
age validation, 83
All-pairs testing, 95
definition, 82
Authentication testing, 18
exercise, 84
Authorization testing, 18
file size validation, 84
Automated teller machines
values, 82, 83
(ATMs), 89
Branch coverage, 112–115
Automated testing, 60
Bug report, 142
Availability testing, 13, 24
Business analysts, 4

Behavior-driven development
(BDD), 169, 179 Change management, testing,
Black-box testing, 2, 60 197, 198
ad hoc, 105–107 Code review, 18
advantages, 76 Compatibility testing, 13, 21

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P. Leloudas, Introduction to Software Testing,

Compliance testing, 13, 27 F

Concatenated loop testing, 131
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Condition coverage, 118–120
(FMEA), 72
Continuous delivery (CD), 183
Fan-out, 158
Continuous integration (CI), 183
Fault slip through (FST), 153
Cross-site request forgery
Functional testing, 185
(CSRF), 20
integration, 9, 10
Cross-site scripting (XSS), 19
levels, 5, 6
system, 11
D testing pyramid, 5
UAT, 11, 12
Data flow testing, 132
unit tests, 7, 8
Decision coverage, 121
Fuzz testing, 17
Decision table testing
benefits, 85
definition, 84 G, H
e-commerce, 85, 86 Gray-box testing, 2, 60
exercise, 88
transportation price, 86, 87
Defect reporting, 142
I, J
Domain-driven Incremental integration testing, 10
design (DDD), 179 Installability testing, 13, 24
Integration testing, 6, 9, 10, 46, 185
Internet of Things (IoT), 201
E Iterative loop testing, 131
Encryption algorithms, 18
Equivalence partitioning K
credit card payment, 80, 81
Key performance indicators
definition, 78
(KPIs), 41
testing, 78
user login page, 79 L
Error guessing, 98 Lines of code (LOC), 157
Exploratory testing, 2, 60, 100–103 Loop testing, 130–132


Maintainability testing, 13 Pairwise testing, 75, 95
Maintenance testing, 3 Path coverage, 115
Manual testing, 60 Penetration testing/pen-testing, 17
Mean time between failures Performance testing, 13–17, 46
(MTBF), 24 Political, Economic, Social,
Mean time to Technological,
repair (MTTR), 24 Environmental, and Legal
Modified condition decision (PESTEL), 72
coverage (MC/DC), 127
Multiple condition coverage
(MCC), 123
Quality metrics
code complexity, 152
N code duplication, 155, 156
Nested loop testing, 131 code maintainability, 152
Nonexecution testing/verification coding standards, 154
testing, 29 compiler warnings, 159
Nonfunctional testing dead code, 156
availability, 24 defect density, 150
compatibility, 21 fan-out, 158
compliance, 27, 28 FST, 153
installation, 24, 25 LOC, 157
maintainability, 26 software development
performance, 14–17 process, 150
reliability, 23 test coverage, 151
scalability, 22
security, 17, 19, 20
usability, 20
Random testing, 103–105
Recovery time objective (RTO), 24
O Regression testing, 46, 60, 144,
Object-oriented analysis and 159, 185
design (OOAD), 179 Reliability testing, 13, 23


Risk analysis, 71 project managers, 4

Risk-based approach, 186 technical writers, 4
Risk-based testing, 202–204 technology advances, 200–202
testers, 3
types, 1
S user requirements, 1
Sandpit integration testing, 10 Statement coverage, 109–112
Scalability testing, 13 State transition testing
Scripting tools, 163 definition, 88
Security testing, 13, 17, 47 exercise, 93
Skilled resources, testing online shopping cart, 91, 92
impact, 193 process, 89
strategies, 194 traffic light system, 90, 91
Software development life cycle Static testing, 133, 135
(SDLC), 57 code reviews, 29, 30
application, 54, 55 definition, 29
definition, 35 design reviews, 31, 32
phases inspections, 33, 34
deployment, 48–51 requirement reviews, 30, 31
design, 42–44 walk-throughs, 32, 33
development, 45–47 Strengths, Weaknesses,
maintenance, 51–54 Opportunities, and Threats
planning, 36, 37, 39 (SWOT), 72
requirements gathering, 39–42 System testing, 6, 11, 46
Software project management plan System under test (SUT), 103
(SPMP), 39
Software quality, 4
Software testing T
developers, 3 Test automation
lack of clear benefits, 161, 162, 171
requirements, 189–191 challenges, 195
operations teams, 4 frameworks, 165
platforms, 198–200 automated test scripts,
product owners, 3 169, 170


tools, 167–169 well-defined testing scope, 59

types, 165 Time constraint, 191
hybrid tools, 164, 165 impacts, 191, 192
record/playback tools, 162 strategies, 192
scripting tools, 163 Top-down integration testing, 10
strategies, 196
use, 161
Test-driven development (TDD), 177
Test execution Unit testing, 6–8, 45, 184
data preparation, 138 Usability testing, 13, 20
defect reporting, 141–144 Use-case testing, 93–95
environment setup, 139, 140 User acceptance testing (UAT),
quality metrics, 150 6, 11, 12
quality standards, 138, 139 User experience designers, 4
regression testing, 144
techniques/tools, 137, 149, 150 V
test cases, 137 Virtualization and simulation
completion, 148, 149 testing, 202
status reporting, 146, 147 Vulnerability scanning, 17
Testing pyramid, 5
Test planning
benefits, 68, 69 W, X, Y, Z
defect management White-box testing, 2, 60
process, 66, 67 branch coverage, 112–115
developing test schedule, 62, 63 condition coverage, 118–120
document, 69, 70 data flow, 132
identifying test data, 65 decision coverage, 121, 122
resources, 61, 62 definition, 107
reviewing/approving, 67, 68 loop, 130–132
stop testing criteria, 67 MCC, 123–127
test cases, 63, 64 MC/DC, 127–130
testing approaches, 59, 60 path coverage, 115–118
testing objectives, 57, 58 statement coverage, 109–112
tools/techniques, 71–73 techniques, 107, 108


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