ITIL Leader Cram Card (v1)

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Digital Technology Products and Services

A digital technology is any technology that digitizes A product is a configuration of an organization’s
something or processes digital data resources, designed to offer value for a consumer.
• Information technology is the application of • A resource could be a person, or other entity,
digital technology to store, retrieve, transmit, and that is required for the execution of an activity
manipulate data. or the achievement of an objective.
• Operational technology is the application of ITIL Leader(DITS) is focused on A service is a means of enabling value
digital technology for detecting or causing co-creation by facilitating outcomes that
changes in physical devices through monitoring building and implementing customers want to achieve without the customer
and/or control. effective IT and digital strategies having to manage specific costs and risks.
• Communication technology is any technology
that encodes, transmits and decodes signals,
that can help organizations tackle What is strategy?
voice or data. digital disruption and drive future A business strategy is how an organization
• Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of success within their organizations. defines and achieves its purpose.
interrelated computing, mechanical, and digital • A digital strategy is a business strategy that is
devices interconnected via the Internet, enabling based all or in part on using digital technology
them to send and receive data without human to achieve its goals and purpose.
interaction. • An IT strategy is how the IT department in an
Digital Business organization supports the business goals of the
Digital business is the activities which enable an
organization to fulfil its purpose, and which are
based on the use of digital technology.
Integrated Strategies
Digital Organization
Digital organization is an organization that is
enabled by digital technology to do business
significantly differently or to do a significantly
different business.

Digitization is the process of transforming
something from analog to digital form by expressing
the information in binary digits.

Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation is the use of digital
technology to enable a significant improvement
in the realization of the organization’s objectives
that could not feasibly have been achieved by
non-digital means.
4 * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

What is the service The Four Dimensions

value system? • Organizations and People ensures that the way
an organization is structured and managed, as
The Service Value System (SVS) is a model
well as its roles, responsibilities, and systems of
representing how all the components and activities of an authority and communication, is well defined and
organization work together to facilitate value creation.
Four Dimensions supports its overall strategy and operating model.
• Information and Technology includes the
are the four perspectives that are critical to information and knowledge used to deliver
the effective and efficient facilitation of value services, and the information and technologies
for customers and other stakeholders in the used to manage all aspects of the service
form of products and services. value system.
• Partners and Suppliers encompasses the
Service Value Chain relationships an organization has with other
organizations that are involved in the design,
What is the service development, deployment, delivery, support,
and/or continual improvement of services.
value chain? • Value Streams and Processes defines the
The Service Value Chain (SVC) is s the innermost activities, workflows, controls, and procedures
cube containing 6 main activities in the Service needed to achieve the agreed objectives.
Value System.
• Plan ensures a shared understanding of the
vision, current status, and improvement direction
for all four dimensions and all products and
services across an organization.
• Improve ensures continual improvement of
products, services, and practices across all value
chain activities and the four dimensions of
service management.
• Engage provides a good understanding of
stakeholder needs, transparency, continual Service Value Chain
engagement, and good relationships with all is an operating model which outlines the key
stakeholders. activities to respond to demand and facilitate
• Design & Transition ensures products and value realization through the creation and Internal Analysis
services continually meet stakeholder The four dimensions is used to determine
management of products and services
expectations for quality, costs, & time to market. whether the organization has the capabilities it
• Obtain/Build ensures service components are

needs to achieve its purpose and objectives
available when and where they are needed,
and that they meet agreed specifications. Value-adding
• Deliver & Support ensures services are VALUE STREAM STEPS

delivered and supported according to agreed Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Non value-adding
specifications and stakeholder’ expectations. activities (waste) * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Business Models External Analysis

A business model is a formal description of
how an organization should be configured to
create value for customers based on its • The influence of governments through
strategy. policies (tax, fiscal, trade, labor, state
Continual Improvement ownership, etc.), stability, level of
corruption, openness to influence,
Continual improvement should occur at all available subsidies, etc.
levels of an organization (strategy, product,
service, technology, people)
• Factors determining the performance of an
economy, such as inflation, interest rates,
foreign exchange rates, demand/supply
models, foreign investment,
unemployment rates, consumer
purchasing power, etc.
• A population’s culture, attitudes, norms,
Business model mapping is the process of values, demographics, buying trends,
outlining the organization’s position in the market, mobility, etc.
their operating model, and sources of uniqueness. Technological
• The level and impact of technology
innovation, including focus on research
and development, attitude to innovation
and technology, incentives to use
innovative technology, automation, etc.
• Linked to political, but specifically
legislation rather than policy, including
laws related to discrimination, competition,
A business model employment, consumer protection,
describes the optimal copyright and patents, health, and safety

configuration of the Environmental
organization to achieve its • Constraints or enablers linked to the
purpose relative to its availability (or scarcity) of natural
resources, geography, climate, and
environment pollution and carbon footprint targets * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Five Characteristics for Five Key

Operating with VUCA Behavior Patterns
Organizations must develop five characteristics
to operate in a VUCA environment successfully
• Agile is the ability of an organization to
move and adapt quickly, flexibly, and Digital Disruption
decisively in response to events in the
Digital disruption occurs when the use of
internal or external environments digital technology causes a fundamental shift
• Resilient is the ability of an organization in the way in which any aspect of the
to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, environment (internal or external) functions
and overcome adverse events in the
internal or external environments Three Types of Responding to Disruption
• Lean is the ability to focus on continual
improvement of their value streams’ Digital Disruption Small changes in the ecosystem can create
wide-reaching disruption to an organization
workflows and elimination of waste • Ecosystem disruption occurs when
• Continuous is the ability to provide digital technology introduces a change
uninterrupted delivery of products and that impacts organizations across
services to consumers, to continuously multiple industries and markets
meet changing needs and requirements • Industry disruption is a change that
and to adjust to the changing environment impacts a specific industry or group of
• Co-creational is the ability to combine related industries
Lean, Agile, resilient and continuous • Market disruption is a change that
characteristics to ensure the organization impacts an individual market or market
is better equipped for value co-creation in segment (geographical or consumer type) Being a Disruptor
the form of services that can be easily
• Organizational disruption is a change Small changes at the organizational level can
adapted for ever-changing environments that impacts the organization’s culture, create wide-reaching disruption at the
and customer needs processes, or workforce ecosystem level * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Customer Journey Omnichannel

• Customer journey is the complete
end-to-end experience customers have with
one or more service providers and/or their Omnichannel communication ensures
products through the touchpoints and continuous and consistent customer engagement
service interactions Customer Analytics across multiple communication and delivery
channels, both online and offline to deliver
Customer analytics ensures the portfolio consistent and positive customer experiences
and strategies chosen by the organization is
made more relevant through understanding
from vital customer data
Customer Feedback
and 360 Approach
The combination of data virtualization and
analytics to gain a complete an Context-sensitive
understanding as possible about every
Overlapping Journeys aspect of the consumer’s decision-making Delivery and Support
The customer journey and the service provider process and choices – even those that Context-sensitive delivery and support is the
journey overlap to provide the complete are not directly related to the organization ability to tailor a service or supporting activities to
end-to-end experience involved with providing • Internal CRM, financial systems, social the context of the customer and what they are
a given service. media feeds, third-party data sources trying to achieve.
• Journeys are used to design or improve both
new and existing services.
• They are used to identify what
customers/users feel is important and
determine the gape between the desired
experience and the current reality. * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Customer/Market Charging Models

Relevance There are different strategies used to
Customer/market relevance focuses on trying to determine pricing for organizations that sell
change the customer experience through new or their services to external customers.
improved products, services, or systems of • Free models offer a free-to-use product or
engagement Balanced Approach service which is supported by other forms
• Customer relevance success occurs by A balanced approach focuses on of revenue such as advertising,
understanding and better supporting the properly balancing internal and external referral/affiliate
customer journey by identifying who consumers factors, as well as customer/market • Freemium models offer a free-to-use
are and adapting to their changing needs/desires. relevance and operational excellence to product or service that is supplemented
• Market relevance is performed through driving achieve a successful disruption. by additional paid packages
innovation into the market, creating new markets, • Tiered models offer packages with
or transforming an existing market. CAPEX vs OPEX increasing levels of features at different
Operational Excellence The shift from CAPEX to OPEX is a key
driver of cloud adoption/migration.
price points
• Dynamic/Variable models use posted
Operational excellence focuses on using • Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) is the cost prices (yield management or demand-
technology in innovative ways to obtain higher of purchasing or creating resources that based pricing) or price discovery (auction,
levels of performance and quality with lower reverse action, Dutch/Yankee auction,
as recognized as assets
cost, improved productivity, and reduced waste. group buying, or negotiations) to determine
• Operational Expenditure (OPEX) is the
• Aimed at improving the performance, quality, the service’s price
cost of conducting normal business
and efficiency of an organization by looking
inward using the four dimensions
operations (payroll, utilities, services) Portfolio
• The ability to outperform close competitors A portfolio is a collection of assets into
who have similar products and services
Funding Mix which an organization chooses to invest its
• Ways to achieve operational excellence The funding mix defines the resources in order to receive the best return.
• Continual Improvement availability of funding for • Product and service portfolio is the
• Automation complete set of products and services
• Service optimization
strategic initiatives depending that are managed by the organization,
• Technology modernization on the appetite of those who representing the organization’s
• Sourcing strategies will investing in the strategy commitments and investments across all
• Workforce strategies and their perspective on the of its customers and market spaces.
• Employee 360 approach strategic options. • Project portfolio is used to manage and
Internal/External Focus coordinate projects, ensuring that
objectives are met within time and cost
• Internal focus looks at the four dimensions constraints and to their specifications.
to identify how an organization improves • Customer portfolio reflects the
or disrupts others. organization’s commitment to serving
• External focus looks at the PESTLE factors certain consumer groups and market
to identify areas for digital disruption. spaces. * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Balancing the Innovation

Cost of Innovation Innovation is the adoption of a novel technology
or way of working that leads to a significant
Budgets must be structured to include innovation in improvement of an organization, product, or
all parts of the organization and not just research
and development (R&D)
• Innovation is a new technology or way of
• If a strategy has been translated into projects An organization’s innovation working
and funded to achieve what has been specified, posture is determined by how • Innovation enables an organization to
innovation can be seen as a threat they respond to eight variables succeed in a constantly changing
• Agility requires that innovation happens at all environment
based on its culture, objectives,
levels because many great ideas originate
outside of R&D
regulatory requirements, and
the availability of funding.
Working Capital Fund • Internal focus looks at the four dimensions
to identify how an organization improves
• Overall driver
A working capital fund, also known as a full or disrupts others.
• Ability to tolerate disruption
cost recovery model, is a cost recovery model • External focus looks at the PESTLE factors
• Innovation intensity
where operating expenses are recovered from to identify areas for digital disruption.
• Strategic alignment
internal and external customers to maintain
• Return on investment
operations while driving innovation and Adoption is the implementation of something
• Leverage
establishing new capabilities. tried and true, even if it is something new to
• Risk attitude
an organization is the perceived benefits,
• Incentive to innovate
Innovation Approaches usefulness, and importance of something

Managed chaos and distributed experimentation

• A theory that suggests organization are most successful when
they adapt to volatile environments, empower employees, and
rely on self-organizing teams
Crowdsourced learning
• Organizations can launch contests to large communities of
professionals or customers to gather information and
Purposeful innovation
• Systematic practice of innovation that results from focus,
direction, and intentional opportunity mining
Continual learning
• The process of learning new skills and knowledge and reflecting
on individual and group experiences on an ongoing basis * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Innovation Planning Horizon

The planning horizon is the length of time into the
Management future that is accounted for in a particular plan
Innovation management allows organizations • Faster changing environments will require a
to create a formal and flexible structure, system, shorter planning horizon
and methodology for developing and
implementing new innovations. Innovative Cultures
• Idea – Collection of innovation potentials, Innovation has more to do with culture than
derivation of ideas, their evaluation, and release technology and there is no playbook that
• Concept – Analysis and derivation of concepts describes how to foster an innovative culture
for the solution, implementation, and marketing
• Solution – Development and testing of the There are ten key characteristics of
solutions to the finished product
innovative organizations:
• Market – Fulfill a customer’s needs by
• Leadership committed to innovation
implementing the procurement, production,
and logistics as well as marketing and sales
• Hires for the skills of tomorrow Structure of Strategy
• Employees are curious Strategy is often too complex to be contained in a
Adopting Emerging • Employees feel safe
• Learn from failure
single planning document
• Strategy can be divided into multiple views that
Technologies • Collaboration and problem-solving are aimed at different audiences
• Each strategy must be coordinated and
• Focus on consumers and value
Organizations must determine the best time for mapped to the other strategies and views
• Commitment to continual learning
them to adopt an emerging technology
• Reward and incentive mechanisms aligned
• Continual improvement is the norm
Strategy Document
The structure of a strategy document contains:
Exam Details • Purpose and Vision
• Scope and Authority
30 questions in 60 minutes • Context
70% to pass (21 out of 30) • Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
Multiple-choice exam • Budget/Investment
• Business/Capability Model
Case Study • Principles
• Roadmap
Scored as Pass/Fail (10 points) • Initiative Overviews


Strategy is a purposeful journey with

a stated direction and objectives * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Types of Risk Risk Treatment

Disruption risk There are four methods of treating risk:
• A risk that can disrupt the organization’s • Accept - Risk retention or acceptance
operating model or business model • Avoid - Risk avoidance
Innovation risk
• Transfer - Risk-sharing or transfer
• A risk that is introduced by the • Mitigate - Risk modification or reduction
organization’s innovation
Cybersecurity risk
• A risk of exposure or loss for an organization A possible event that
Risk Register
resulting from a cyber-attack or data breach could cause harm or loss, A risk register contains a list of the major
Engagement risk or make it more difficult identified risks in prioritized order.
• A risk that originates from an organization’s to achieve objectives • A risk register is the main output of the
stakeholders, including its suppliers and identification phase of risk management.
Defined as an
partners, consumers, and employees
uncertainty of outcome Digital Readiness
Risk Identification
Risk Posture A digital readiness assessment provides a
starting point for defining a digital strategy.
Risk Assessment The risk posture is an organization’s overall
• Assessment outputs contain:
approach to identifying, analyzing, planning
• Cultural readiness
Risk Treatment for, responding to, and managing risk.
• Skills assessment
• The risk capacity is the total amount of
• Level of innovation, or openness
Risk Assessment risk an organization can tolerate.
to innovation
A risk assessment can be conducted as a Risk Attitude • Current levels of automation
• Extent to which value streams
qualitative or quantitative risk analysis: The risk attitude is based on an
• Qualitative risk analysis is used to determine the organization’s risk appetite and risk capacity. have been defined and are ready
likelihood that a risk will occur and the impact • Risk-averse to be automated
that it will have if it does • Overestimate negative risks and • Nature of products and services
• Quantitative risk analysis attempts to put a provided
underestimate positive risks
monetary value or exact value on identified risks • Customer personas and profiles
• Risk-seeking • Leadership style
• Underestimate negative risks and • Controls and governance
overestimate positive risks
• Risk-tolerant Gap Analysis
• An uninvolved attitude toward risk
A gap analysis finds the organization’s
• Risk-neutral strength and weaknesses while identifying
• A long-term approach that assess the missing links between the current
both positive and negative threats situation and desired future state
when considering an opportunity * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Business Case Parallel Operation

A strategy could be viewed as a business case
and consists of initiatives that changes portfolios. Models (POMs)
• Each initiative should contain its own business case.
Parallel operations are useful when trying to
• Business cases show the need for changes.
• Each business case should align to the strategy.
maintain short-term momentum during a
• A business case should consider the audience, Digital Leader Skills transition from a business or operating model
to a new one as part of digital transformation.
timing, format, how to obtain and process Digital leaders must drive digital and IT
feedback, and how to deal with resistance. • POMs directly address the sustainment of
strategies using ten skills:
two business models simultaneously.
Operating Models • Digital mindset

Operating models provide a conceptual

Relationship management
POM Types
• Education and learning Each POM type has its own benefits and
and/or visual representation of how an
• Evaluating emerging technologies and trends drawbacks and must be carefully considered
organization co-creates value with its
• Agile management techniques Cannibalism uses the rapid destruction of
customers and other stakeholders, as well as
• Defining and using strategic metrics
how the organization runs. the existing business model and completely
• Orchestrating diverse environments
• An operating model is a tool to facilitate the • Operationalizing strategy replaces it with a new digital business model
design and configuration of an organization’s • Business and technology management Erosion uses the revenues of an existing and
operations to enable the creation of the
still profitable business model to fund a new
value outlined in the business model. Digital Mindset digital business model
A set of attitudes and behaviors that
Concurrence is an approach where the new
constantly considers the possibilities that
digital business model neither helps nor
digital technology offers organizations and
its stakeholders, and looks for ways to harms the existing business model
make those possibilities real Synergism is the basic idea behind
synergism is that two models combined
Steps to Communication produce a greater or different result than they
Digital leaders must follow the five steps for could have produced individually
• Communicate properly at every
POM Transitions
To determine the pace of POM transitions,
organizational level
consider the consumer demand, organizational
• Plan a communication strategy capability and culture, maturity of supporting
Defining and implementing digital • Obtain feedback to ensure that the digital technologies, and threats from competitors
and IT strategies requires a communication has been effective and emerging technology .
fundamental shift in mindset, • Frequently update stakeholders about
the status of initiatives in the program Types of Education
culture, and capabilities • Showcase and communicate outcomes There are three types of education:
throughout the organization rather than performance self-education, educating peers, and
educating other stakeholders * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Measurement Organizational
Measurement provides information that can
be used to make decisions and pinpoint issues.
Improvement Cascade
An organizational improvement cascade is
Metrics used to help us measure performance at
Metrics are a measurement or calculation that is
monitored or reported for management and
Success Factors multiple levels in the organization.

improvement. and KPIs

• Effectiveness metrics indicate the degree to Success factors describe a condition or
which an activity or group of activities fulfils its characteristic that must be achieved for
purpose and achieves its objectives something to be called a success.
• Efficiency metrics indicate the level of how an • Practice Success Factor (PSF) is a
organization utilizes resources to performance complex functional component of a
activities and manage its products and services practice that is required for the practice
• Productivity metrics indicates the amount of to fulfil its intended purpose.
work that is performed and the resulting outputs Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a
success factor that needs to be measured.
• Conformance metrics indicates how a managed
• A KPI is a metric that is used to indicate
item meets pre-agreed rules and requirements if success of an objective was obtained.
• An indicator is a metric that is used to
assess and manage something.
• Performance is a measure of what is
achieved or delivered by a system,
person, team, practice, or service.

Objectives and
Key Results (OKR)
Linking to Vision An OKR is a framework for defining and
Every ITIL Practice Guide
Measurements should link up to the strategic tracking objectives and their outcomes.
vision using cascading measurements. • Each OKR is linked upward to the contains a list of its
applicable PSFs
OS Limited 2020. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

organization’s purpose and vision.

• OKRs shift the

Objective Objective
emphasis from
outputs to Governance Controls
outcomes. Internal controls support governance:
• OKRs bridge • Financial controls (Cost)
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator
the gap • Risk management controls (Risk)
between • Operational controls (Outcomes)
strategy and
Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric

• Compliance controls (Regulators)

execution. * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Transformations Practices
There are four types of digital transformations. Practices are a set of organizational resources
• Large-scale transformations
designed for performing work or accomplishing
• Incremental transformation
an objective.
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Individual changes • Architecture management provides an
Large-scale Transformations Typical Activities in understanding of the different elements that
form an organization and how the elements
Large-scale transformations move to the future Digital Transformation interrelate to enable the organization to
state all at once and is used when reacting to The activities for a digital transformation effectively achieve its current and future
an urgent threat and opportunity that impacts depend on its scope and objectives. objectives.
the entire organization • For example, a modernization effort is
• Coordination between leaders different than a new digital product. • Measurement and reporting supports
• Coordination between teams and projects good decision-making and continual
• Integrated metrics and reporting Building Capabilities improvement by decreasing the levels of
• Challenge instances of bureaucracy A digital organization needs a digital uncertainty.
• Addresses all aspects of the organization strategy to build its capabilities.
• The pace is set by areas that are most difficult
• Portfolio management ensures that an
• Create a task force with senior leaders organization has the right mix of programs,
or take longest to change
and experts from the business units projects, products and services to execute its
Incremental Transformations • Iterative and incremental approach strategy within its funding and resource
Incremental transformations break a large should be used throughout the strategy constraints.
transformation into smaller steps and parts • Risk management ensures that the
• Implement feedback loops to learn and change organization understands and effectively
during the incremental transformation
handles risks.
Mergers and Acquisitions • Service financial management supports the
An organization can take on a new technology, Single Transformation organization’s strategies and plans for
market space, or digital capability through A digital organization may conduct a single service management by ensuring that the
mergers and acquisitions. digital transformation initiative and manage organization’s financial resources and
• Align both organization's strategies it as individual projects. investments are being used effectively.
• Agree on a new joint vision and align practices
• Coordination across business units is • Strategy management formulates the goals
• Facilitate cultural change between organizations
necessary to prevent duplication/overlap. of the organization and adopt the courses of
Individual Changes • Each business case should be defined action and allocation of resources necessary
Individual changes can be a self-contained, for each individual transformation. for achieving those goals.
grass roots, or bottom-up approach/strategy. • Initiatives should be aligned to the
organization’s digital strategy. • Workforce and talent management ensures
• Individual changes must align to enterprise
that the organization has the right people,
strategy and vision or else chaos can occur. • Each initiative must comply with
with the appropriate skills and knowledge, in
• Governance must focus on achieving a balance organizational policies and architectural the correct roles to support its business
between encouraging innovation and guidelines.
maintaining the organization’s strategy. objectives. * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

Focus on Value Think and Work

All activities conducted by the Holistically
organization should link back, directly or No service, practice, process, department,
indirectly, to value for itself, its customers, or supplier stands alone. The outputs that
and other stakeholders. the organization delivers to itself, its
Guiding Principle customers, and other stakeholders will
Start Where You Are is a recommendation that guides suffer unless it works in an integrated way
an organization in all circumstances, to handle its activities as a whole, rather
Do not start from scratch and build than as separate parts. All the organization’s
something new without considering what
regardless of changes in its goals,
activities should be focused on delivery of
is already available to be leveraged; the strategies, type of work, or
current state should be investigated and management structure
observed directly to ensure it is Keep It Simple
And Practical
Progress Iteratively If a process, service, action, or metric fails
With Feedback to provide value or produce a useful
outcome, eliminate it. In a process or
Do not attempt to do everything at once. procedure, use the minimum number of
Organize the work into smaller, steps necessary to accomplish the
manageable sections that can be objective(s). Always use outcome-based
executed and completed in a timely thinking to produce practical solutions that
manner. The focus on each effort will be deliver results.
sharper and easier to maintain.
Optimize and Automate
Collaborate and Before an activity can be effectively
Promote Visibility automated, it should be optimized to
whatever degree is possible and
When initiatives involved the right people reasonable. Consider the four dimensions

in the correct roles, efforts benefit from when designing, managing, or operating
better buy-in, more relevance, and an organization and its processes. Human
increased likelihood of long-term intervention should only happen where it
success. contributes value to the process. * Design by Dion Training Solutions, LLC. Content is © Copyright AXELOS Limited 2021. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. *

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