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ReGenPro Ni-Cd batteries

Types RGP-M & RGP-L

Installation and operations instructions
Important recommendations ReGenPro batteries are supplied filled with
electrolyte and charged condition. They can
• WARNING: Risk of fire, explosion, or burns. be stored in this condition for maximum 24
Do not disassemble, heat above 70°C, or months from date of shipment in accordance
incinerate. with the recommendations set forth in this
• Never smoke while performing any operation I&O manual. Storage of a filled battery at
on the battery. temperatures above +30°C (+86°F) can result
in permanent change and loss of product
• For protection, wear rubber gloves, long
performance, depending on the duration of the
sleeves and appropriate splash goggles or
storage above the maximum recommended
face shield. RGP-M and RGP-L ranges
temperature. Never drain the electrolyte from
• The electrolyte is harmful to skin and eyes. the cells.
In the event of contact with skin or eyes, To ensure maximum protection of the cells When checking electrolyte levels, a fluctuation
wash immediately with plenty of water. If always store the product in its original in level between cells is normal. This is caused
eyes are affected, flush with water, and obtain packaging. by a small difference in internal pressure in
immediate medical attention. each cell. Normally there is no need to adjust
the electrolyte to same visual level.
• Remove all rings, watches and other items
Do not top-up cells prior to an initial charge.
with metal parts before working on the 3. Installation After commissioning, when the level is
3.1. Location stabilized, the electrolyte level should be
• Use insulated tools. Install the battery in a dry and clean room. between the maximum mark and 5mm below.
• Avoid static electricity and take measur- Avoid direct sunlight and heat.
ements for protection against electric The battery will give the best performance
and maximum service life when operating 4. Commissioning
temperature is between +10°C to +30°C (+50°F Verify that ventilation, in accordance with
• Discharge any possible static electricity from to +86°F). the IEC 62485-2 or EN 50272-2 standard, is
clothing and/or tools by touching an earth- provided during commissioning operation.
connected part “ground” before working on 3.2. Mounting
the battery. A good commissioning is important. Charge
Verify that cells are correctly interconnected
at constant current during commissioning is
• Ventilation, in accordance with the IEC with the appropriate polarity and with the
62485-2 and EN 50272-2 standard, is man- connectors are correctly torque. Connections
After successful commissioning, the battery
datory during commissioning and operation. between the battery and the load shall be made
will be put into service and to be charged
with nickel plated cable lugs. Tightening torque
• Before commissioning remove vent cap according to Section 5.
for the terminals must be:
using vent opener, take out the transit seal Prior and during commissioning charge,
• M10 = 12 – 15 N m (105 - 135
(yellow sheet) permanently and re-fix the record relevant battery data like, Individual
• M20 = 31 – 34 N m (275 - 305
vent cap. Cell Voltage, Battery Voltage, Cell Temperature
The connectors and terminals should be
and Charging current is mandatory in the
corrosion-protected by coating with a thin layer
commissioning report.
1. Receiving the shipment of anti-corrosion oil or DW 33 / DW 330.
Upon receipt of the goods, any transportation
damage, electrolyte spillage or irregularities 3.3. Ventilation • Cells stored up to 6 months:
During operation the battery emits an amount A commissioning charge is not mandatory and
must be reported to the carrier and to Saft the cells are ready for immediate use. However,
India. The battery is shipped filled and charged of gas mixture (oxygen and hydrogen).
Ventilation inside the battery room must be the product’s full performance will only be
and is ready for immediate use. Storage of achievable after completion of the procedures
cells must not exceed the maximum storage adequately managed, comply with IEC 62485-
2 and local regulations. dedicated to ‘Constant Current charge’ under
time indicated in this document. ‘Cells stored more than 6 months and up to 2
3.4. Electrolyte years’, refer to Section 4.
2. Storage As ReGenPro cells are delivered filled and
The battery must be stored in a dry indoor charged condition, check for spillage. If spilling • Commissioning at ambient temperature
location, on open, well ventilated shelves away is noticed, the spilled cells must be refilled with between + 10°C to + 30°C (+ 50°F to + 86°F)
from direct sunlight between 0°C and +30°C TYPE-2 Electrolyte (Density 1.22 ± 0.01 kg/l)
(+32°F and 86°F). only to the same level as the other cells in the - Constant Current charge:
string. • 10 hours at 0.2 C5 A OR
• 20 hours at 0.1 C5 A is recommended.
Block battery Ni-Cd range
Notice: At the end of charge, the cell voltage • High rate or Boost level: If visual check from the outside is not possible,
may reach about 1.80 V, thus the charger shall 1.45 ± 0.01 V/Cell with charge current limited a level testing tube can be used to check the
be able to supply such a voltage. to 0.1 C5 A electrolyte level.
Single level charge: Never let the level fall below the minimum level
When the charger maximum voltage setting is mark. Use only distilled or de-ionized water as
1.42 ± 0.01 V/Cell
too low to supply constant current charging, per BIS/IS: 1069 standard to top-up. Topping
divide the battery into two parts to be charged up of the ReGenPro cells shall be carried out
During normal operation of ReGenPro batteries
individually at constant current. when battery is fully charged.
constant voltage (CV) charging with current
limit at 0.1 C5 A is recommended. Charging Changing or measuring the electrolyte specific
• Constant Potential charge: with current limit 0.2 C5 A will increase the gravity is not required.
1.55 V/Cell for a minimum of 30 hours with maintenance of the battery bank and may
current limit of 0.2 C5 A. result non-compliance of product features. The connectors and terminals should be
If this voltage level is not available, contact To achieve maintenance-free operation (in corrosion-protected by coating with a thin
Saft team for an appropriate charge term of water topping-up), it is necessary layer of anti-corrosion oil.
procedure. to control the charge input to the battery to To maximize the topping-up interval check the
minimize water consumption during the entire charging voltage and adjust as required.
• Commissioning at ambient temperature life of the battery. Temperature Compensated
above +30°C (+ 86°F) Voltage (TCV) is generally mandatory.
- Only constant current charge for: The conditions to apply TCV depend on charge
voltage and ambient operating temperature. 7. Temperature Effect
• 10 hours at 0.2 C5 A OR 1.42V/Cell: TCV is mandatory from -20°C As the temperature increases the
• 20 hours at 0.1 C5 A is recommended to +40°C (-4°F to +104°F) as mentioned in electrochemical behaviour becomes more
The temperature of battery container is to be Section-7. active and so, for the same floating voltage,
monitored during charge. If the temperature the current increases. As the temperature is
exceeds + 45°C (+113°F) during charging, reduced then the reverse occurs.
then it must be stopped to reduce the Increasing the current increases the water loss
temperature. 6. Preventive maintenance
and reducing the current creates the risk that
The charging can be resumed when battery ReGenPro is Ultra-Low Maintenance Ni-Cd
the cell will not be sufficiently charged.
container temperature drops below + 40°C battery under the recommended operating
It is important to maintain the same current
(+ 104°F). conditions, from -20°C (+4°F) to +40°C (+104°F)
through the cell, it is necessary to modify the
and requires majorly preventive maintenance
floating voltage as the temperature changes.
Capacity Testing: as per IEEE 1106 - 2015.
The change in voltage required or “Temperature
In case Capacity testing is to be performed at Best practices include keeping the battery Compensation” value can be derived for
Site, then testing to be done in accordance with clean using only water. Dry the battery after ReGenPro RGP-M battery as –2mV/°C/cell
IEC 62259 section 7 (7.1 & 7.2). cleaning. (–1.1 mV/˚F/cell).
Individual cell and total battery charge voltage Temperature Compensated Voltage (TCV),
must be checked and recorded once per is not required for an operating temperature
5. Charging in service
year. Individual cells with voltages measured between +15°C to +25°C. However, for an
The recommended charging voltages for below 1.30 V during float charge must receive operating temperature below +15°C and above
continuous parallel operation, with occasional corrective action. +25°C, the float voltage must be compensated
The recommended charging voltages for or adjusted from 1.42V/cell with reference to
continuous parallel operation, with occasional Under normal operating conditions the
topping up requirement is minimum. Saft +20°C, based on temperature compensation
battery discharges, are: value.
India recommend at least one time top up
Two level charge: during the calendar life. In case of increased
• Float level: water consumption due to site conditions, the
1.42 ± 0.01 V/Cell with charge current limited electrolyte level is visible from the outside and
to 0.1 C5 A can be adjusted accordingly.
Block battery Ni-Cd range
10. Battery Racks
Based on contract terms, if supply of Battery
Voltage adjustment (%)
10 Rack is in scope of Saft India, ReGenPro
Temperature compensation recommended for sustained
8 temperatures above +25°C (+77°F) and below +15°C (+59°F)
batteries shall be supplied with Standard racks
6 with Step/Tier configurations.
2 Outside normal Recommendation for Batter y Rack
operating range
0 commissioning (Unless specified otherwise
Outside normal in contract documents).
Temperature compensation not operating range
-4 necessary for ambient temperatures
between +15°C (+59°F) and +25°C (+77°F)
• Racks are designed and should be fitted
-8 at site as per General Arrangement Drawing
-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 °C (GAD).
-4 +14 +32 +50 +68 +86 +104 +122°F
Temperature • Ground clearance of minimum 200 mm is
• Racks should be placed with at least
600 mm clearance on all other 5-sides for
8. Environment easy maintenance or service.
To protect the environment all used batteries • Cells shall be placed as mentioned in GAD
must be recycled. Contact your local Saft for appropriate fitment of Inter-Cell
representative for further information. connectors & Cables.
• Even in case, rack or cabinet is not in supply
scope of Saft, it is recommended to maintain
these parameters wherever possible for
9. DO’s and DON’Ts uninterrupted operations.

9.1. DO’s 9.2. DON’Ts

• Do installation and maintenance of the • Do not expose the battery in direct sunlight
battery system by trained professionals or heat.
only. • Do not use wire or any hard brush to clean
• Do follow site safety regulation and use deposits on the inter cell connectors.
proper personal protective equipment, • Do not reverse connect the power cables
while working on battery system. at terminals.
• Do follow safety rules and maintenance • Do not connect damaged cell(s) or different
procedure as per installation and operation capacities and makes cells in one battery
guidelines. bank.
• Do use isolator switch between Charger to • Do not use any chemicals liquids for
Battery and between Battery to Load. cleaning the cells and battery components.
• Do use torque wrench for tightening cell • Do not mix hydrometer, funnel etc. used in
terminal and terminal connections at Lead Acid battery for Ni-Cd battery
specified values. maintenance.
• Do periodically check battery charge voltage • Do not connect or disconnect any cell
set in the charger to ensure Ultra-Low without isolating the battery bank from
Maintenance features. system.
• Do ensure boost charging after DI water

Saft India Pvt Ltd

Plot No 10/1A,1B & 1 C, Document N°22169-0322-2
Abbanakuppe, Bidadi Industrial Area, Edition: March 2022
Bangalore- 562109, Karnataka, India Data in this document is subject to change without notice
and becomes contractual only after written confirmation.
Mobile No. +91 74067 08888 Photo credits: Saft, Conception: Cap Interactif agency - 1063
E-mail: [email protected] © Saft

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