Government Action Plan - Update 29.02.2024

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1 In line with requirements under the 21st Constitutional Completed December, 2023
Amendment to the Constitution, the Council
Constitutional Council will develop rules
for appointing CIABOC Commissioners
that will establish an open and
transparent process to ensure selected
candidates meet the highest levels of
professionalism, ethical conduct, and
integrity. These rules will be published in
the Gazette.
2 Publication of asset declarations for CIABOC Create and operationalize the centralized June, 2025
senior officials (President, Prime Minister, electronic system for the AD system (as
Ministers) on a designated website in line per sec 82) before the submission period
with Anticorruption Law. begins. The system needs to be able to
generate a redacted version of ADs as per
sec 88.
Draft a circular elaborating the submission
process (completed) Define in regulations
or as part of the circular the type of officials
required to submit ADs
Develop the asset declaration form
template to be used by public officials.
Publish the template on the centralized
electronic system for the public to consult.
As per the ACA (sec 82), submission
period is 31.03.2024 - 30.06.2024

3 Enact proceeds of crime legislation that is Ministry of Submission of the Report of the Committee April, 2024
fully aligned with UNCAC and FATF Justice to develop the Policy and Legal Framework
standards. of the proposed Law on Proceeds of Crime
by end February
Preparation of Final Draft by the Legal
Draftsman by mid-March
Issuance of Certificate of Constitutionality
for the Final Draft by end March
Submission for Cabinet approval and
gazetting by end-March
Presenting the Bill for Parliamentary
approval by April
4 Finalise and implement regulations to Ministry of Drafting and Submission of Regulations to September, 2024
support the provision of beneficial Industries Cabinet and Parliament
ownership information as required by the Department of Development of eRoC online system
Companies Act and establish a public Registrar of accordingly
beneficial ownership registry. Companies Conducting awareness programs for the
stakeholders, company secretaries,
directors, and shareholders
Maintenance of beneficial ownership
information and registry
5 Enact a Public Procurement Law that Ministry of National Procurement Commission (NPC) December, 2024
reflects international good practice. Finance has already initialized drafting of the
Procurement Law with ADB assistance.
NPC has confirmed two local consultants
have bèen already hired and another
foreign consultant to be hired with ADB
assistance to draft the law.
Plan is to have the first draft ready by end
June, 2024 and subsequent to stakeholder
consultations and LD/AG clearance to
submit the draft Bill to Parliament by 31st
December, 2024 as agreed with IMF.

6 Publish report on a designated website Ministry of Action has been already taken to identify 10 December 2024
on progress in increasing the proportion Finance agencies with lowest competitive tenders with
of competitive tendered procurement the value of annual procurement in excess of
contracts in the 10 agencies determined Rs. 1 Billion. IMF Technical assistance is
to have the lowest level of competitive sought to decide on the information that has to
tenders in 2022. be published in the MOF website.
7 Publish on a designated website: Ministry of Completed Link to (i) to (iii) already
(i) all public procurement contracts above Finance (i) Published. Link: Published.
LKR 1 billion, along with comprehensive
information in a searchable format on _awarded_public Semi-annual update will be done
contract award winners; ii) Published. Link: (i) to (iii). Tax expenditure on
(ii) a list of all firms receiving tax Corporate Income Tax will be
exemptions through the Board of issued-under-boi made available on an annual
Investment and the SDP, and an Note: As per Section 100 of the Inland Revenue basis.
estimation of the value of the tax Act, firm-wise tax expenditure data cannot be
exemption; and published.
(iii) a list of firms receiving tax exemptions iii) Published. Link:
on luxury vehicle import. Information to be
updated every 6 months. exemptions
8 Implement the SOE Reform Policy, Ministry of SOE Reform Policy approved by Cabinet in May, 2024
ensuring that the holding company Finance May 2023
(HoCo) and the advisory committee are
comprised of skilled, independent, and Public Commercial Business (PCB) Act
ethical staff. drafted and awaiting Parliamentary

Registration of HoCo and appointment of

its Advisory Committee and Board of
Directors to take place once PCB Law has
been approved
9 Abolish or suspend application of the Board of No further exemptions will be granted under the Until promulgation of new
Strategic Development Projects Act until Investments SDP Act. provisions
promulgation of explicit and transparent (BOI)
process for evaluation of proposals and Office of the
costing of investment promotion President
10 Amend tax legislation to eliminate or Ministry of The government has already initiated a Continuous
restrict ministerial authority to introduce Finance new National Tariff Policy (NTP) which will
tax changes without prior parliamentary outline the way forward on border taxes
approval and ensure that such changes including CID, SCL and other measures
do not generate revenue losses which are subject to ministerial authority.

Following the approval of the NTP by the

Cabinet, MoF will review the legislation
pertaining to these measures.

Provisions enabling unfettered ministerial

authority will be reviewed during this
process with a view to introducing checks
and balances which strike a balance
between appropriate consultation,
prevention of market manipulation,
ensuring revenue protection, and reducing
corruption vulnerabilities.
11 Revise legislation, regulations, and Central Bank of Enactment of the Banking Act to include inter March, 2024
process relating to financial sector Sri Lanka alia provisions to strengthen corporate (Enactment of the Banking Act)
oversight in the banking sector, including governance in the banking sector, including the
strengthening corporate governance for assessment of fitness and propriety of
banks with government ownership by directors, CEO's and Key Management
improving the selection of executives and Personnel.
Board members.
12 Establish an on-line digital land registry, Ministry of Title Registration: Preparing BPR/SRS December, 2024
and publish, on a designated website, Lands report, selecting vendor, implementation
report on progress in implementing
published Plan for registering/titling all Land Registration: Implementation of
state land. eLand System, maintenance

13 Establish and implement a plan to expand Judicial Service Establish a separate unit to collect and December, 2024
the resources and skills available to the Commission update court statistics.
Judicial Services Commission in order to Increase number of courts to ensure
enhance their ability to carry out their speedy disposal of cases.
function and define potential options for Introduce case management and court
modifying governance arrangements in management to all courts.
the Justice sector to strengthen oversight, Establish separate units to attend to public
monitoring, and proper sector petitions and disciplinary matters.
development. Introduce a digital solution to ensure all
judgements are uploaded into a system.
Constant supervision of the functioning of
Establish separate units to attend to the
functions of High Courts, District and
Magistrates Courts, Labour Tribunals.
Establish an Audit Unit to attend to case
audits, production audits, etc.
Attend to HR management of courts staff
through an automated system.
Attend to complaints against staff
Hold recruitment examinations
Attend to general staff administration
matters expeditiously.
Establish a prosecution arm to attend to the
prosecution of disciplinary matters
Develop a database of all disciplinary
Evaluate the performance of Quazis.

14 Amend the National Audit Act to enable Ministry of Convening a meeting between Ministry of December, 2024
the Auditor General to levy surcharges on Justice Finance and Auditor General's Department,
officers, including chief accounting Attorney General's Department,
officers, for failure to properly discharge Presidential Secretariat, and Inspector
responsibility for oversight and General of Police (12th of Feb)
accountability for use of public resources Proposals of amendments made by Auditor
Seeking approval of Presidential
Secretariat on cabinet policy paper
Granting of draft amendment approval by
Drafting of amendments by Legal
Draftsman's Department
Review and certification of amendments by
Attorney General
Gazetting of amendments
Presenting Amendments to Parliament for
15 Update and publish the Action plan on an Responsible Ongoing every February
annual basis government on annual basis
coordinated by

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