A Ligation and Restriction Enzyme Independent Cloning Technique
A Ligation and Restriction Enzyme Independent Cloning Technique
A Ligation and Restriction Enzyme Independent Cloning Technique
Background: Reverse genetics is used in many laboratories around the world and enables the creation of tailor-
made influenza viruses with a desired genotype or phenotype. However, the process is not flawless, and difficulties
remain during cloning of influenza gene segments into reverse genetics vectors (pHW2000, pHH21, pCAGGS).
Reverse genetics begins with making cDNA copies of influenza gene segments and cloning them into bi-
directional (pHW2000) or uni-directional plasmids (pHH21, pCAGGS) followed by transfection of the recombinant
plasmid(s) to HEK-293 T or any other suitable cells which are permissive to transfection. However, the presence of
internal restriction sites in the gene segments of many field isolates of avian influenza viruses makes the cloning
process difficult, if employing conventional methods. Further, the genetic instability of influenza gene-containing
plasmids in bacteria (especially Polymerase Basic 2 and Polymerase Basic 1 genes; PB2 and PB1) also leads to
erroneous incorporation of bacterial genomic sequences into the influenza gene of interest.
Methods: Herein, we report an easy and efficient ligation and restriction enzyme independent (LREI) cloning method
for cloning influenza gene segments into pHW2000 vector. The method involves amplification of megaprimers
followed by PCR amplification of megaprimers using a bait plasmid, DpnI digestion and transformation.
Results: Hard-to-clone genes: PB2 of A/chicken/Bangladesh/23527/2014 (H9N2) and PB1 of A/chicken/Bangladesh/
23527/2014 (H9N2), A/chicken/Jiangxi/02.05YGYXG023-P/2015 (H5N6) and A/Chicken/Vietnam/H7F-14-BN4–315/2014
(H9N2) were cloned into pHW2000 using our LREI method and recombinant viruses were subsequently rescued.
Conclusion: The LREI cloning procedure represents an alternative strategy for cloning influenza gene segments which
have internal restriction sites for the enzymes used in reverse genetics. Further, the problem of genetic instability in
bacteria can be alleviated by growing recombinant bacterial cultures at a lower temperature. This technique can be
applied to clone any influenza gene segment using universal primers, which would help in rapid generation of
influenza viruses and facilitate influenza research and vaccine development.
Keywords: Influenza, Reverse genetics, Polymerase, Restriction enzyme independent cloning
* Correspondence: [email protected]
The Pirbright Institute, Surrey, UK
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Bhat et al. Virology Journal (2020) 17:82 Page 2 of 9
Table 1 Primers used for amplification of PB2 and PB1 gene segments and subsequent cloning into pHW2000 vector
Gene Forward Primer (5′ to 3′) Reverse Primer (5′ to 3′) Expected Size (bp)
The forward and reverse primers contain 16 and 13 nucleotides, respectively which are complementary to the pHW2000 (italics), followed by 12 and 13
nucleotides forming conserved UTR (bold) and 2–6 gene specific nucleotides (underlined). The nucleotide sequences (in italics) anneal to the pHW2000 and allow
directional cloning of desired gene segment into the pHW2000 vector
DpnI digested product was used for transformation of Ligation and restriction enzyme independent (LREI)
one shot DH5α cells (Invitrogen)/XL-Gold competent bac- cloning procedure using PA-pHW2000 as a bait plasmid
teria. The plates were incubated overnight at 32 °C. The improved the cloning efficiency
PB2 and PB1 positive colonies of Bangladesh/2014 and The ligation independent cloning PCR was initially per-
Vietnam/2014 H9N2 were screened by plasmid PCR of the formed by using megaprimers and empty pHW2000 or
extracted plasmid using Hoffmann primers [31]. The PB1 pHW2000 containing M gene as a bait plasmid. But this
positive colonies of Jiangxi/2015 were screened by colony didn’t yield any positive colonies after DpnI digestion
PCR using the primers H5N6 PB1F (GAAGTTGGGGGG and transformation. Since, the three polymerase genes
GAGCGAAAGCAGGC) and H5N6 PB1-R (CATCAC (PB2, PB1 and PA) contain same UTR sequences, thus,
ATCCTTGAGGAAATCTATTAG) followed by confirm- to improve the annealing efficiency of megaprimer with
ation by plasmid PCR using Hoffmann primers [31]. The the bait plasmid, pHW2000 containing PA gene was
desired recombinants were further confirmed by nucleotide taken as a bait plasmid (Fig. 1) and cloning PCR steps
sequencing using T7F and bGH R primers. were performed. Transformation followed by growth of
transformed bacteria at 37 °C resulted in colonies which
showed PB2 and PB1 specific bands after screening with
Virus rescue
PB2 and PB1 specific primers. However, nucleotide
A standard influenza virus reverse genetics protocol was
sequencing of the plasmids showed some foreign gene
followed to rescue influenza viruses [1]. Briefly, 1 μg of
insertions, which possibly were inserted by genetic
recombinant DNA plasmids carrying Vietnam/2014
recombination with the bacterial sequence.
virus cDNAs were mixed with Lipofectamine 2000 (Life
Technologies) and transfected into HEK-293 T cells. At
Growth of recombinant culture at 32 °C reduced bacterial
24 h post-transfection, the HEK-293 T cells were co-
cultured with MDCK cells in the presence of TPCK
To reduce the bacterial recombination between the de-
treated trypsin (Sigma). After 72 h post co-culture, pres-
sired plasmid and bacterial genome, temperature for
ence of rescued recombinant virus in culture superna-
growth of the recombinant culture was reduced to 32 °C
tants was confirmed by standard Haemagglutination
from 37 °C. Colony screening by plasmid PCR (Figs. 2, 3
Assay [32] and Plaque Assay [33].
and 4) showed PB2/PB1 specific colonies and further
nucleotide sequencing showed desired PB2 and PB1
Results inserts without any recombination.
PB2 and PB1 could not be cloned by conventional
restriction digestion and ligation LREI method saves time when cloning involves multiple
The PB2 and PB1 genes of H5N6 and H9N2 viruses gene segments
(Table 2) could not be cloned into pHW2000 by stand- The LREI cloning method is faster than the conventional
ard cloning procedures as mentioned by Hoffmann et al cloning methods due to bypassing the restriction diges-
[30]. Either there were no colonies, or the 20–40 tion of the insert amplicons and plasmids and the
colonies screened were all negative for the desired insert. ligation procedures.
Table 2 Accession number (retrieved from GISAID/NCBI) of Polymerase genes used in the present study
Gene Virus Subtype GISAID ID/ Blasts with E. coli type
NCBI Accession Number
PB2 A/chicken/Bangladesh/23527/2014 H9N2 KT362035 2012-EL-2448
PB1 A/chicken/Vietnam/H7F-14-BN4–315/2014 H9N2 EPI_ISL_327772 K12
A/chicken/Bangladesh/23527/2014 H9N2 KT362036 K12
A/chicken/Jiangxi/02.05YGYXG023-P/2015 H5N6 EPI_ISL_199401 K12
Nucleotide blast of PB2 and PB1 shows atleast 1% homology with bacterial genome
Bhat et al. Virology Journal (2020) 17:82 Page 4 of 9
Fig. 1 A schematic representation of the LREI cloning procedure. The technique involves designing primers that incorporate the gene specific
untranslated region (UTR) (yellow) and nucleotides homologous to the plasmid pHW2000 (red) multiple cloning site (MCS) to the polymerase
coding region resulting in formation of a megaprimer. The viral RNA extracted from the influenza virus (1) can be reverse transcribed by using
universal 12 primers (AGCAAAAGCAGG) (2), and the megaprimer can be amplified either from cDNA or any donor plasmid using the primers
mentioned in Table 1 (3). Denaturation of the megaprimer generates two primers having complementary ends to the pHW2000 MCS, which
when used with a bait plasmid facilitate annealing (4,5). Subsequent thermocycling steps result in extension of the annealed primers (5) thereby
synthesizing the non-methylated DNA insert along with the pHW2000 vector as a mixture. DpnI treatment results in digestion of parental
methylated DNA, (7) leaving the newly synthesized non-methylated DNA, which can be transformed into E. coli resulting in formation of the
desired recombinant plasmid (8)
Bhat et al. Virology Journal (2020) 17:82 Page 5 of 9
Fig. 2 The PB1 positive colonies of Bangladesh/2014 and Vietnam/2014 H9N2 virus were screened by plasmid PCR using the PB1 primers [31].
Out of 16 colonies screened for Bangladesh PB1 (lane 1–16), 3 were positive (13, 14, 15; indicated by arrows) while for 9 colonies screened for
Vietnam PB1 (lane 17–25), 4 were found to be positive (22, 23, 24, 25; indicated by arrows). The positive clones were further confirmed by
nucleotide sequencing using T7F and BGHR primers. (+ = positive control; M = DNA marker)
Fig. 3 The PB2 positive colonies of Bangladesh/2014 H9N2 virus were screened by plasmid PCR using the PB2 primers [31]. Out of 47 colonies
screened (lane 1–47) for Bangladesh/2014 PB2, 7 were positive in plasmid PCR (indicated by arrows). The positive clones were further confirmed
by nucleotide sequencing using T7F and BGHR primers. (+ = positive control; M = DNA marker)
Bhat et al. Virology Journal (2020) 17:82 Page 6 of 9
bacteria, all the incubation steps involving growth of re- in reverse genetics system. The technique has been used
combinant bacteria were performed at 32 °C instead of to clone the Neuraminidase (NA) gene of a field isolate of
37 °C. Nucleotide sequencing of all the plasmids for target H9N2 virus having internal restriction sites for BsaI [42]
gene inserts further confirmed the presence and sequence using pHW2000 containing M gene as a bait plasmid.
orientation of the desired gene and absence of transpos- Likewise, the bait plasmid containing M gene can be used
able elements. The colonies that carried PB2 and PB1 to clone Haemagglutinin (HA) and Nucleoprotein (NP)
gene segments were also found to be relatively smaller in genes into pHW2000. For cloning of smaller segments like
size, compared to other colonies which were negative by M and Non-Structural (NS) genes, empty pHW2000 vec-
PCR, suggesting that small colonies likely contain the plas- tor can be used as a bait plasmid. LREI cloning technique
mids that incorporate the correct length PB2 and PB1 is also quicker and takes less than 2 days for cloning and
gene insert in contrast to the larger size colonies which confirmation of the desired clone (Table 3). Furthermore,
generally contained empty plasmid or a plasmid with the cloned cDNAs could efficiently generate influenza vi-
shorter or truncated versions of the gene inserts [26]. This ruses de novo. Thus, our LREI technique is more robust
can potentially also be due to the metabolic burden on the and efficient for de-novo synthesis of influenza viruses and
recombinant bacteria, which could be associated with the complements the 8 plasmid reverse genetics system.
plasmid DNA replication and which eventually leads to re- Various strategies for cloning have been reported, which
duction in the growth rate of the recombinant bacterial include: TA cloning [43], GATEWAY recombinational
cells [39]. However, growing the recombinant bacteria at cloning [44], CloneEZ one step cloning [45], and cloning
32 °C doesn’t necessarily prevent the insertion of bacterial by overlap extension PCR [46]. Each method has its own
sequences into the cloned influenza gene. Although we limitations e.g. TA cloning using standard Taq DNA Poly-
did not notice any recombination in the polymerase genes merase may result in point mutations in the amplicon
grown at 32 °C in the present study, we have encountered during PCR amplification of the desired amplicon and fur-
the problem of genetic recombination while doing site- ther required specific sequences to create overhangs that
directed mutagenesis of smaller segments like HA and NS would facilitate cloning procedures. Another technique
even at 32 °C. This was countered by further reduction of called Gateway recombinational cloning requires DNA re-
temperatures to 30 °C or sometimes the recombinant cul- combination to transfer DNA between donor and destin-
tures were incubated at room temperature. However, this ation vectors, but this requires additional sequences for
reduces the bacterial growth in the recombinant culture recombination. CloneEZ kits use sticky ends in the vector
and can affect the plasmid yield. and insert for cloning but linearization of vector by
To confirm the efficacy of the proposed method, LREI restriction digestion is required.
cloning was also utilized to clone PB1 of Vietnam 2014 Like LREI, another approach involving the use of ccdB
H9N2 by using megaprimer amplified from viral RNA gene as a selection marker has also been used to insert
using RT-PCR employing PB1 specific primers (Table 1). the influenza PB2 and PB1 genes into the pHWSccdB
Our LREI cloning procedure can efficiently be employed vector [47]. Our approach neither requires any selection
to clone influenza gene segments from field isolates hav- marker nor is there any requirement for modification of
ing internal restriction sites for the standard enzymes used pHW2000 vector. Similarly, many novel approaches to
Table 3 Comparison of relative time taken by LREI cloning compared to conventional cloning
Steps in cloning procedure Time required during different cloning steps
Conventional cloning Ligation and Restriction Enzyme
Independent (LREI) Cloninga
a Viral RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis 2.5 h 2.5 h
b Generation of desired amplicon by thermocycling 3–5 h 3–5 h
c Agarose gel electrophoresis and gel extraction of desired 2h 2h
d Restriction digestion of desired amplicon and Restriction 1 h – 16 h (depending upon the Not required
digestion of the cloning vector enzyme used)
e Purification and quantification of the digested amplicon and 1–2 h
the cloning vector
f Quick ligation or overnight ligation of the digested amplicon 1 h – 16 h (depending upon the
and cloning vector ligation kit)
g Transformation 1.5 h 1.5 h
h Screening of positive colonies 3–7 h 3–7 h
Our LREI cloning saves 2 days of time while cloning and is more efficient in cloning unstable polymerase genes into standard cloning vector
Bhat et al. Virology Journal (2020) 17:82 Page 8 of 9
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