Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Antiochian)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Antiochian)
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Antiochian)
When greeting an Orthodox bishop, hold your hands palms up, right over left, and ask for his blessing:
“Master, bless.” Then kiss his hand after he makes the sign of the cross.
When addressing the bishop in conversation, refer to him as “Your Grace” or “Sayedna” (Arabic for
When the bishop’s name is mentioned in the service, or when we receive a blessing from him: Many years,
Master! (or in Greek: Eis polla eti, Despota!)
Anytime we normally say or sing “Father, bless,” we now sing “Master, bless” if the bishop is
present, even if the blessing is actually said by the priest.
Bishop: O Lord, Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine and
perfect that which Thy right hand hath planted.
Choir: Many years, Master. Holy Immortal.
Bishop: O Lord, Lord: Look down from heaven and behold, and visit this vine and
perfect that which Thy right hand hath planted.
Choir: Many years, Master. Have mercy on us.
Deacon: Dynamis!
Choir: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: Have mercy on us!
Deacon: O Lord, save the faithful!
Choir: O Lord, save the faithful!
Deacon: O Lord, save those of true worship!
Choir: O Lord, save those of true worship!
Deacon: And grant this to us.
Choir: And grant this to us.
Then we continue with the Epistle, Gospel, and homily as usual.
At the end of any hierarchical service, as the bishop reads the saints’ names and offers the final blessing, the
choir sings:
Preserve, O Lord, our master and chief priest, and grant him many years. Many years
to thee, Master. Many years to thee, Master. Many years to thee, Master.
(or in Greek: Ton despotin kai archierea imon, Kyrie philate. Eis polla eti, Despota.
Eis polla eti, Despota. Eis polla eti, Despota.)