Cell Cycle and Mitosis Worksheet
Cell Cycle and Mitosis Worksheet
Cell Cycle and Mitosis Worksheet
Using the labeled Cell Cycle diagram to the right do the following:
Left column: place the corresponding letter for the correct stage
Right column: Complete the description of the stage in the
G1 – growth phase: Makes organelles and proteins needed for replication of DNA. Also contains a G 1
3. ___
checkpoint. If everything is correct, cell will proceed to S phase.
5. D G2 - growth phase: Cell gets ready to undergo M_____________. Also contains a G2 checkpoint. If DNA
replication is correct, checkpoint allows cell to enter M phase.
Prophase: chromatin condenses to become chromatin, nuclear envelopes breaks down, and
6. ___
centrioles migrate to opposite poles in animal cells. Nucleolus disappears.
7. ___ M____________: sister chromatids line up along the metaphase plate in the middle. Spindle
apparatus attaches at the centromere of the chromosomes.
A______________: sister chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of the cell. The
8. G s___________ a______________ pulls them apart. This phase ends when the chromatids stop
Telophase: two nuclear envelopes begin reforming. Chromatids relax, uncoil & are now chromatin.
Cytokinesis is occurring during Telophase but it is NOT considered a part of mitosis because it does
9. ___
not involve the nucleus of the cell. In plant cells, a cell plate begins to form while a c_____________
f_____________ is visible in animal cells.
Complete the table by checking the correct column for each statement.
Statement Interphase Mitosis
16. Cell growth occurs
17. Nuclear division occurs
18. Chromosomes are finishing moving into separate daughter cells.
19. Chromosomes are duplicated
20. DNA synthesis occurs
21. Where cells spend most of their life
22. Mitochondria and other organelles are made.
33. A
34. B
35. C D
36. D
37. E
Big Ideas
43. What are reasons EUKARYOTIC cells divide?
a. To ____________& ___________________.
b. To ______________________ tissue.