Module 6, Global Divides
Module 6, Global Divides
Module 6, Global Divides
At the end of the lesson, you are expected:
1. to define the word ‘Global South’ and ‘Global North’;
2. to differentiate global south from global north;
3. to familiarize with the basic concepts of global relations;
Despite very significant development gains globally which have raised many
millions of people out of absolute poverty,
there is substantial evidence that inequality between the world’s richest and
poorest countries is widening.
This Module presents the difference between the Global North and the Global
South, the basic concepts of global relations and the challenges to the world
The North-South Divide (or Rich-Poor Divide) is the socio-economic and political division that
exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as “the North,” and the
poorer developing countries (least developed countries), or “the South.”
Generally, definitions of the Global North include the United States, Canada,
Europe, developed parts of Asia (the Four Asian Tigers, Japan, Macau, Brunei and
Israel) as well as Australia and New Zealand. The Global South is made up of Africa,
Latin America, and developing Asia including the Middle East. The North is home to all
the members of the G8 and to four of the five permanent members of the United
Nations Security Council. 'The North' is taken to include the industrialized, high-per-
capita income, national political economies of which the majority are located in the
Northern Hemisphere. 'The South' describes those countries with high levels of poverty
and comparatively low levels of industrialization, large numbers of which exist in the
Southern Hemisphere…
Global North and Global South (a video clip: Difference between Global South and
Global North)
Why the rich countries are becoming richer and the poor countries are becoming
poorer, explained:
Global North and Global South (a video clip: Wealth Inequality: How Rich get Richer
and Poor Poorer)
Is there a need for CHANGE of
Challenges of the North and the South Divide
The division between the global North and South is the greatest challenge to global
governance. The contrast in economic welfare, political stability, and culture among
states creates many dilemmas for the international community.
The economic differences between highly developed economies and the rest of the
world deter cooperation. In addition, social differences between North and South
create cultural clashes that breed violence, and add difficulty to forming international
norms. Moreover, the political weakness of some states in the global South creates
security dilemmas and keeps global governance initiatives away from success. The
international order is skewed in favor of the global North and serves to empower them.
However, international leaders can solve these issues by promoting global equity. In
order for global governance to achieve its fullest potential, the world must first address
the inequality of states.
COVID 19 and the NEW WORLD ORDER (a video clip: covid 19)
Capitalism’s strength is premised on the creation of new markets via imperialism
Colonialism has also its modern dress, in the form of economic control, intellectual
control, and actual physical control by a small but alien community within a nation. It is a
skillful and determined enemy, it appears in many guises.
1. The south continues to be globalized
2. The global south has provided models of resistance for the world
3. As global problems intensify; it becomes more and more necessary for people in the
north to support alternatives from the south
4. Emphasis on the state and interstate politics remains politically and analytically
relevant most especially in addressing global inequalities
Steger, Manfred b., Battersy, Paul, and Siracusa, Joseph (2014). The sage handbook of
globalization. Thousand oaks: sage publication. pp. 187-199.