(#1717034755) Intasure Holiday Homes Schedule
(#1717034755) Intasure Holiday Homes Schedule
(#1717034755) Intasure Holiday Homes Schedule
The details set out in this policy Schedule are based upon the information You have given Us (as highlighted in Your Statement of
Fact). Please read this document carefully to ensure that the level of cover is sufficient to meet Your needs and that You understand
the terms and conditions set out in the Endorsement section that are applicable to Your policy. Please also take care to read all the
information regarding Excesses, exclusions and policy limitations contained within Your policy documentation and within the Policy
Booklet. It is important that the information You have given Us is to the best of Your knowledge and belief, true and complete.
It is important that You are not under-insured. Please make sure You have insured Your Buildings for the full rebuilding cost, and Your
Contents for their full replacement value as new items.
Any details provided that are untrue, inaccurate or incomplete may result in Your policy being cancelled, part or all of a claim not
being paid or Your policy terms and conditions being varied.
*Pen Underwriting Limited is a company in the Arthur J. Gallagher group, and acts on behalf of a number of insurers. We always aim
to treat you fairly and we manage all potential conflicts in accordance with our Terms of Business. Please see our Terms of Business
for more information on how we manage potential conflicts of interest.
Your Cover
Premium Breakdown
Your annual premium (excluding any optional extras you have selected ) £100.00
Insurance Premium Tax £12.00
Total annual premium £112.00
Administration Fee £70.00
Intasure® is a trading name of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland.
Company Number: SC108909. www.intasure.com
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Holiday Home Policy Schedule
Premium Breakdown
Total annual premium (including taxes, optional extras where selected and £182.00
administration fee)
An Excess is the amount You must pay as the first part of each and every claim.
This section must be read in conjunction with your policy wording, and the additional terms and conditions shown within the
endorsement section of this document
Your selected voluntary excess must be added to the excesses below and any excess stated in endorsements, for example in the
event of a claim for Escape of Water, you would pay your voluntary selected excess on top of the Escape of Water excess.
All Sections
Standard policy excess £250
Escape of Water excess £500
Subsidence, heave and landslip excess £1,000
Your selected voluntary excess £250
Please review these carefully as they may require You to take specific action. If You fail to comply with these, Your policy may be
cancelled or The Insurer may refuse to deal with any claim. If You are unsure of any content, please contact Us.
It is a condition of this insurance that all protections provided for the safety and security of the premises:-
a) are maintained in good working order throughout the period of insurance
b) are in full and effective operation with the keys removed (except window lock keys in occupied bedrooms at night)
whenever there is no one present at the premises or when you have retired to bed for the night
c) are not withdrawn or varied without our consent
If you fail to comply with any of the above conditions, this insurance will become invalid and any claim will be void and not paid
but only in respect of loss or damage resulting from unauthorised entry to the premises.
The sum insured under Section One - Buildings represents the value of that portion of the buildings owned by you (including
external walls, roof and foundations and such common parts of the buildings for which you are legally responsible). In the event
of a loss resulting from an insured peril to any part of the premises not occupied by you but for which you are legally responsible,
we will only pay such portion of that loss as the sum insured bears to the reinstatement value of the buildings.
It is a condition of this insurance that you install the protections described within the protections clauses noted in the schedule
within 30 days of the start of the period of insurance.
Intasure® is a trading name of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland.
Company Number: SC108909. www.intasure.com
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Holiday Home Policy Schedule
If you fail to install the required protections within 30 days of the start of the period of insurance this insurance may become
This insurance does not cover loss or damage resulting from theft or attempted theft from the private dwelling of the home unless
the following protections are installed:-
External Doors - 5 lever mortice deadlocks or locks conforming to BS 3621 on all final exit doors
Windows - key operated security devices on all ground floor and accessible windows
Patio Windows - existing locks plus key operated security devices at the top and bottom or key operated patio door locks
mounted internally on the centre rail for sliding patio doors.
We will not pay for loss or damage occasioned by or happening through or in consequence directly or indirectly of
a) Terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss
b) in Northern Ireland civil commotion
This Policy also excludes damage or loss resulting from damage directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection
with any action aimed in controlling preventing suppressing or in any way relating to an act of Terrorism.
In Great Britain and Northern Ireland Terrorism means acts of persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation
which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing by force or violence of Her Majesty’s government in
the United Kingdom or any other government de jure or de facto.
In so far that the insurance by this Policy is extended to include any situation elsewhere than in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Terrorism means:
Any act including but not limited to the use of force or violence or the threat of any person or group of persons whether acting
alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation or government committed for political religious ideological or similar
purposes including the intention to:
1) influence any government or any international governmental organisation or
2) put the public or any section of the public in fear
In any action suit or other proceedings where the Company alleges that by reason of this exclusion any Damage or loss resulting
from Damage is not covered by this Policy the burden of proving that such Damage or loss is covered shall be upon the Insured.
Intasure® is a trading name of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland.
Company Number: SC108909. www.intasure.com
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Holiday Home Policy Schedule
The product You have selected meets the demands and needs of those of a householder/holiday home owner who requires
protection against loss or damage to their property and/or contents contained within from a wide range of insurable perils. These
include (but are not restricted to) fire, storm, theft, explosion, collision and legal liability.
You may have also selected optional ancillary cover to access additional assistance which compliments Your main home cover,
or suits Your specific needs.
On this occasion, We have not provided You with a recommendation, guidance or advice on whether the product(s) You have
selected is the most suitable for Your needs;
It is for You to decide whether the product(s) meets your needs
We will have asked you some questions to narrow down the selection of products available, including any applicable
extensions to the policy to ensure that You receive a competitive offer
Please ensure You read Your documentation carefully to confirm that the cover meets your requirements, paying
particular attention to exclusions, warranties, conditions, excesses and limits
If you require any changes to be made or information corrected, please contact Us as soon as possible as failure to do so could
mean that Your insurance is voided, or may lead to The insurer not paying all or part of Your claim.
Intasure® is a trading name of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland.
Company Number: SC108909. www.intasure.com
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