SprecherSchuh L2

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Series L2 Sprecher + Schuh’s comprehensive line

of L2 rotary cam switches are available

Rotary Cam for all control and load applications

up to 25 amps. The line is modular

Switches and has many convenience and safety

features. A well thought out ordering
system provides many standard and
nonstandard configurations, that are
many times available off the shelf.

Attractive design, Any switch configuration…

reliable operation Two frame sizes provide control and
and high quality for load switching up to 25 amps, with
as few as two, and as many as 16
any application up contacts (recommended maximum). Safety and quality
to 25 Amps Both frame sizes are available in panel
mount and base mount for total flex-
The L2’s sturdy design incorporates a
positive switching action with a clearly
ibility. A wide range of switching designed switching point. Switch bod-
configurations are offered from stock ies are touch-safe (IP20) and manufac-
and in many cases custom switches can tured from self-extinguishing materials
be fabricated to order. corresponding to Class UL 94 V0.
All control knobs and shafts are spray
…For any application proof and dust proof to IP65.
L2 control and load switches are UL
Industrial Design ® listed, CSA approved and comply Modular and flexible
Forum Hannover with the most important international The same switch handle assemblies and
Prize for standards for use as: shaft extension systems are used for
good design
• Control switches - for process both our L2 control switches and L3
control, making and breaking circuits disconnect switches. This reduces in-
and as instrument selector switches. ventory, simplifies stocking and allows
you to put together the ideal switch for
• Motor switches - as ON/OFF and
K reversing switches.
your application quickly and easily.

• Multi-position load switches - for Simple assembly and fast

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

the step control of loads such as heat-

ers and furnaces. installation
TIP! • Motor load disconnect switches - for
safely isolating circuits during repair
Shaft extensions and door interlocks
snap-on quickly without tools, sav-
ng Devices
: and maintenance. ing time during assembly. Captive
Switchi he s…
ct Switc
Load or
ur Applica
tion? terminals are shipped open and are
Which is
Best Fo r Yo
• Emergency OFF switches - for totally accessible regardless of whether
isolating circuits in case of danger the switch is base mounted or panel
or emergency situations. Can be mounted. Screwdriver guides and
tion Data
equipped for locking in the OFF clear terminal markings reduce wiring
position. mistakes and speed installation.
onnect Swit
ble Disc

In addition, most switch handle as-

Typical Fusi
Break Swit
Typical Load
Typical Control Swit

semblies are available with either screw

fixing or the new central nut mounting
system for total flexibility.

To learn the basic differences between control, load and

fusible disconnect switches and how to apply them, ask
your Sprecher + Schuh representative for publication
no. Tech-LMSD.

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

How to order L2 control and

load switches
A complete L2 switch is ordered with Switch Handle Assemblies - page K11
just two catalog numbers. The first
number specifies the switch body and
the second specifies the switch handle
assembly. All L2 switch bodies come
standard with a shaft and mounting
screws for the switch handle assembly.
Accessories such as shaft extensions
and enclosures are ordered separately.
First determine the switch body you
need from pages K4 through K10.
Then turn to page K11 to choose
a switch handle assembly. If neces-
sary, turn to page K15 and K16 to
determine the type and length of shaft
extension you require.

Switch Body Assemblies - pages K4 through K10

Our modular L7 disconnect switches

A comprehensive family of
are rated to 100 amps for motor,
load and disconnect switching. They
switches share many of the same components

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

The L2 line is part of an entire family with the L2 line. A complete descrip-
of control and load switches available tion and ordering information can be
from Sprecher + Schuh. found in Section L of this catalog. R-Line
For specialized switching requirements Rounding out our selection of “man-
or large ampere applications up to 40A machine interfaces,” Sprecher + Schuh
(@600V), our R-Line Rotary Cam also offers a broad selection of 22mm
Switches offer a broad selection and pilot devices. See “Section H” in this
rugged quality. See the next chapter in catalog for ordering information.
this section entitled “R-Line Rotary
Cam Switches” (K34) for ordering
information. L7 Line

Discount Schedule K1 K3
SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
1/1 1501 28.00 33.25 47.00 56.50
2/1 1502 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00
3/2 1503 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00
60° 150
4/2 1504 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00
5/3 1505 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00
6/3 1506 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00
1/1 1751 28.00 31.00 47.00 56.50 34.50 39.75 54.50 65.50
2/1 1752 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 76.50
3/2 1753 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00 48.50 61.50 82.00 97.00 175
4/2 1754 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00 175I
5/3 1755 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00
6/3 1756 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 138.00

90° 4/2 1764 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00
1 Early
Make Pole

90° 5/3 1765 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00
3 Early
Make Poles


K 3 Early
Make Poles
90° 4/2 1774 51.50 62.50 84.00 99.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

1/1 1781 28.00 31.00 47.00 56.50 34.50 39.75 54.50 65.50
2/1 1782 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 72.00 178
3/2 1783 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00 51.50 61.50 82.00 97.00 178I
4/2 1784 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00 57.00 69.00 92.00 107.00

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

K4 Discount Schedule K1
visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
Double Throw
1/1 2251 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 72.00
2/2 2252 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00
45° 3/3 2253 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 225
4/4 2254 86.00 106.00 136.00 162.00
5/5 2255 113.00 22.55 178.00 204.00
1/1 2501 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00
2/2 2502 51.50 62.50 84.00 100.00
60° 3/3 2503 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 250
4/4 2504 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00
5/5 2505 113.00 137.00 178.00 204.00

1/1 3251 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00

2/2 3252 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 325
3/3 3253 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 325R
4/4 3254 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 92.00 112.00 147.00

1/1 3501 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00

2/2 3502 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00
60° 350
3/3 3503 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00
4/4 3504 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00

1/1 3751 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00

2/2 3752 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00
90° 375
3/3 3753 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00
4/4 3754 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

1/1 3001 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00
30° 2/2 3002 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 300
3/3 3003 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00

1 /1 3261 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00

45° 2/2 3262 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 325
3/3 3263 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

Discount Schedule K1 K5
SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
3 Position
1/2 4251 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00 51.50 61.50 82.00 97.00
45° 2/3 4252 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 425
3/5 4253 106.00 129.00 168.00 193.00

45° 1/ 2 4291 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00 429

1/2 4501 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00

60° 2/3 4502 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 450
3/5 4503 106.00 129.00 168.00 193.00

3 Position (with OFF)

1/1 5251 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00
45° 2/2 5252 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 525
3/3 5253 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00

1/1 5501 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00

60° 2/1 5502 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 550
3/2 5503 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00

4 Position
K 1/2 4261 51.00 61.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00
45° 2/4 4262 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 426
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

3/6 4263 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

1/2 4301 51.00 61.50 84.00 100.00

45° 2/4 4302 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 430
3/6 4303 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

1 /2 4511 51.00 61.50 84.00 100.00

60° 2/4 4512 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 451
3/6 4513 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

K6 Discount Schedule K1
visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
4 Position (with OFF)
1/2 5261 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00 52.00 61.50 82.00 97.00
45° 2/3 5262 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 526
3/5 5263 106.00 129.00 168.00 193.00

1/2 5511 45.00 55.00 74.50 89.00

60° 2/3 5512 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 551
3/5 5513 106.00 129.00 168.00 193.00

5 Position
45° 1/3 4271 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00 427

60° 1/3 4521 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 452

5 Position (with OFF)

1/2 5001 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00
30° 2/4 5002 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 500
3/6 5003 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

58.00 69.00 92.00 107.00
527 K
3/6 5273 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

1 /2 5521 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00
60° 2/4 5522 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 552
3/6 5523 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

Discount Schedule K1 K7
SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
6 Position

45° 1/3 4281 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 138.00 428

45° 1/3 4311 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 431

60° 1/3 4531 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 453

6 Position (with OFF)

1/3 5011 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00
30° 2/5 5012 113.00 137.00 178.00 204.00 501
3/8 5013 158.00 194.00 251.00 286.00

1/3 5281 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00
45° 2/5 5282 113.00 137.00 178.00 204.00 528
3/8 5283 158.00 194.00 251.00 286.00

K 60°
1 /3
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

7 Position (with OFF)

1/3 5021 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00
30° 502
2/6 5022 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

1/3 5291 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 138.00
45° 529
2/6 5292 130.00 159.00 205.00 235.00

8 Position (with Off)

45° 1/4 5341 79.00 98.00 129.00 151.00 534

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

K8 Discount Schedule K1
visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲

30° 1/1 9001 28.00 33.25 47.00 58.00 34.50 39.75 54.50 65.50 900

30° 1/1 9011 28.00 33.25 47.00 58.00 34.50 39.75 54.50 65.50 901

30° 1/1 9021 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 76.50 902

45° 1/1 9251 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 76.50 925

1/1 9751 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 76.50 975


30° 3/3 7003 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 300

45 3/3 7313 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00 325

45 ° 3/3 7303 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 69.00 83.00 109.00 128.00 325

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

60° 3/3 7543 62.00 76.50 102.00 120.00 350

Two Speed Single Winding (Dahlander)

45° 3/4 7293 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 325

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

Discount Schedule K1 K9
SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Body Description Circuit Switch Body Catalog Number & Price
Panel Mount Base Mount Switch
Poles/ Diagram Handle
Function Switch Number 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp 12 Amp 16 Amp 20 Amp 25 Amp Code
Wafers (▲) LE2-12-▲ LE2-16-▲ LE2-20-▲ LE2-25-▲ LA2-12-▲ LA2-16-▲ LA2-20-▲ LA2-25-▲
30° NA / 3 8001 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00

45 NA / 3 8251 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 138.00

30° NA / 2 8021 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00
45° NA / 2 8271 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00

30° NA / 2 8031 51.00 62.50 84.00 100.00 58.00 69.00 803

45° NA / 2 8291 51.00 58.00

45° NA / 3 8332 62.00 76.50 102.00

1/3 8751 68.50 84.00 111.00 131.00 75.00 90.50 119.00 138.00

90° 875
2/5 8752 106.00 129.00 130.00 193.00
3 Current Transformers
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

90° 1/4 8761 86.00 106.00 139.00 162.00 92.00 112.00 147.00 170.00 876
4 Current Transformers

90° 1/1 8771 34.00 41.00 56.50 69.00 41.00 47.50 64.00 76.50 178
1 Current Transformer

Ordering Instructions
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K11- K14
● Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold
pages K18-K25 for diagrams). separately).
● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)
LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)

K10 Discount Schedule K1

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Handle Assemblies

Switch Handle Mounting Frame Catalog Switch Handle Mounting Frame Catalog
Assembly Method Size Number Price Assembly Method Size Number Price

48 x 48 LFS2-A-4-✱ 8.50
Screw Screw
67 x 67 LFS2-G-6-175 21
➊➌ ➊
64 x 64 LFS2-A-6-✱ 10.75

Central Nut Central Nut

48 x 48 LFC2-A-4-✱ 11.75 67 x 67 LFC2-G-6-175 32
Type A - (IP66) ➋➌ Type G - (IP66) ➋
Silver Legend Plate - Black Knob Grey Frame - Black Handle

48 x 48 LFS2-E-4-✱ 12.50
Screw Screw
67 x 67 LFS2-N-6-175 21
➊➌ ➊
64 x 64 LFS2-E-6-✱ 15.00

Central Nut Central Nut

48 x 48 LFC2-E-4-✱ 18.00 67 x 67 LFC2-N-6-175 32
Type E - (IP66) ➋➌ Type N - (IP66) ➋
Silver Legend Plate - Black Knob Yellow Frame - Red Handle

48 x 48 LFS2-I-4-✱ 8.50
64 x 64 LFS2-I-6-✱ 10.75
Central Nut
NA LFC2-B-001 8.50

Central Nut
48 x 48 LFC2-I-4-✱ 11.75

Type I - (IP66) ➋➌ Type B - (IP66)
Yellow Legend Plate - Red Knob Grey Ring - Black Knob

48 x 48 LFS2-L-4-✱ 12.50

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

64 x 64 LFS2-L-6-✱ 15.00
Central Nut
48x48 LFC2-C◆-4-✱ 55

Central Nut
48 x 48 LFC2-L-4-✱ 18.00
Type L - (IP66) ➋➌ Type C - (IP66)
Yellow Legend Plate - Red Knob Silver Legend Plate

48 x 62 LFS2-S-4-✱ 11.50

Screw Central Nut

NA LFC2-D◆-001 49
➊➌ ➋

64 x 78 LFS2-S-6-✱ 14.00
Type S - (IP66) Type D - (IP66)
Silver Legend Plate - Black Knob Grey Ring

➊ Mounting screws included with Switch Body Assy.

Ordering Instructions ➋ Central Nut mounting method cannot be used on LA style
● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column. ● Where applicable replace (◆) with Key Withdraw Code. Switch Body Assemblies.
● Replace (✱) with Switch Handle Code Number ➌ To order Switch Handle Assembly without legend plate, replace
(refer to pages K12-K14) for Legend Plate (✱) with “001” and deduct $2.70.
desired. ● Example: LFC2-C◆-4-✱ = LFC2-CK-4-529
➍ LFS(C)2-G(N)-6-175 handles are marked “I-ON” and “O-OFF”.

Discount Schedule B-5 K11

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Handle Codes

Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type
Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut
Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N
Standard l l l l l l l l l l Standard l l l l

000 350 ➌
Larger l l l l l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

150 375
Larger l l Larger l l

l l l l
Standard l l l l l
➍ ➍
l l l l l
➍ ➍
Standard l l l l

175 425
Larger l l l l l l Larger l l

l l
Standard l l l l l l l l l l l l
➍ ➍
Standard l l l l

175I 426
Larger l l l l l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l l l l l l l Standard l l l l

178 427
Larger l l l l l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l l l l l l l Standard l l l l

178I 428
Larger l l l l l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

225 429
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

250 430
Larger l l Larger l l
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

300 431
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

325 450
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l

325R 451
Larger l l Larger l l

➊ For custom legend markings not included here, add the following to the Switch Handle ➋ Frame Size descriptions:
Assembly list prices noted on page K11: Type: A,E,I & L C S N&G
Quantity: 1-4 5-19 20-99 100-199 200-499 500+ Standard: 48x48 48x48 48X62 67X67
Price Adder: $21.50 $11.90 $7.80 $3.80 $2.50 $0.00 Larger: 64x64 64X78
NOTE: Types “N” and “G” are not available with custom markings. ➌ Available with “MAN-O-AUTO” or “HAND-O-AUTO” legend marking.
➍ LFS(C)2-G(N)-6-175 handles are marked “I-ON” and “O-OFF”.

K12 Discount Schedule B-5

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Handle Codes

Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type
Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut
Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N
Standard l l l l Standard l l l l
452 550
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l
453 551
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l
500 552
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l l
501 553
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l
502 800
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l
L1-L2 L1-N
Standard l l l
525 800A L2-L3

Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l
526 802
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l L1-L2 Standard l l l
527 802A L2-L3

Larger l l Larger l l

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Standard l l l l Standard l l l
528 803
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l L1-N Standard l l l

529 803A L3-N

Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l l Standard l l l
534 825
Larger l l Larger l l

➊ For custom legend markings not included here, add the following to the Switch Handle As- ➋ Frame Size descriptions:
sembly list prices noted on page K11: Type: A,E,I & L C S N&G
Quantity: 1-4 5-19 20-99 100-199 200-499 500+ Standard: 48x48 48x48 48X62 67X67
Price Adder: $21.50 $11.90 $7.80 $3.80 $2.50 $0.00 Larger: 64x64 64X78
NOTE: Types “N” and “G” are not available with custom markings.

Discount Schedule B-5 K13

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Switch Handle Codes

Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type Switch Standard Switch Handle Assembly Type
Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut Handle Legend Frame Screw Mount Central Nut
Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N Code Markings ➊ Size ➋ A E I L S G N A E I L C G N

L1-L2 L1-N
Standard l l l Standard l l l
825A L2-L3 L2-N 902
L3-L1 L3-N
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l Standard l l l
827 925
Larger l l Larger l l

Standard l l l Standard l l l l l l
827A 975
Larger l l Larger l l l

Standard l l l
Larger l l

Standard l l l
Larger l l

Standard l l l
Larger l l

L1-N L1-L2
Standard l l l
833A L2-L3
Larger l l

Standard l l l l
Larger l l
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Standard l l l l
Larger l l

Standard l l l
Larger l l

Standard l l l
Larger l l

➊ For custom legend markings not included here, add the following to the Switch Handle As- ➋ Frame Size descriptions:
sembly list prices noted on page K11: Type: A,E,I & L C S N&G
Quantity: 1-4 5-19 20-99 100-199 200-499 500+ Standard: 48x48 48x48 48X62 67X67
Price Adder: $21.50 $11.90 $7.80 $3.80 $2.50 $0.00 Larger: 64x64 64X78
NOTE: Types “N” and “G” are not available with custom markings.

K14 Discount Schedule B-5

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Modular shaft extension system Modular Shaft Extension Components (LA2 Base Mount)
Component Catalog Number Price
Shaft Extension Modules are ideal for lengthening the shaft
of an LA2 switch up to 144mm (≈5.5”). These rugged 44mm End Shaft
(supplied with LA2 Switch Body Assembly)
polycarbonate modules are 24mm (≈15/16”) long and snap
on “piggyback” to one another without the use of tools. LA2-G2830 3.25
Strong center shafts interlock as each module is snapped
together. The standard 44mm End Shaft supplied with
every LA2 switch connects the last Extension Module with 52mm End Shaft
the Switch Handle Assembly. End Shafts of 52 and 57mm
are also available, making this modular system versatile, fast LA2-G3194 4.00
and economical. Shaft Extension Modules are supplied two
per package.
57mm End Shaft

LA2-G3195 4.00

Extension Module
(two per pkg - priced per pkg)

LA2-G2853 9.00

Determining modular shaft extension components

• Determine Mounting Depth. This is the distance from the inside mounting
surface of the enclosure to the outside surface of the enclosure cover. Modular Shaft Extension Table
See diagram below for details ➊.
Number of Mounting Depth (mm) ➊
Extension Required Switch body Switch Body
Modules End Shaft LA2-12/16 LA2-20/25
44mm ➋
71.5 - 77.5
77 -87
82 - 92
75 - 80.5
80 -90
85 - 95

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

1 44mm ➋ 99.5 101.5 99 - 105
1 52mm 97.5 111 101 - 114.5
1 57mm 102.5 - 116 106 - 119.5
2 44mm ➋ 119.5 - 125.5 123 - 129
2 52mm 121.5 - 135 125 - 138.5
2 57mm 126.5 - 140 130 - 143.5
• If necessary convert Mounting Depth inches to millimeters 3 44mm ➋ 143.5 - 149.5 147 - 153
(inches x 25.4 = millimeters). 3 52mm 145.5 -159 149 - 162.5
3 57mm 150.5 - 164 154 - 167.5
• In the Modular Shaft Extension Table to the right, find the Mounting 4 44mm ➋ 167.5 - 173.5 171 - 177
Depth in the column under the appropriate LA2 Switch Body. 4 52mm 169.5 - 183 173 - 186.5
NOTE: Table is based on an LA2 switch body with two wafers (3 or 4 4 57mm 169.5 -183 178 - 191.5
pole). For a switch body with more or less wafers, add or subtract the 5 44mm ➋ 191.5 - 197.5 195 - 201
following from overall Mounting Depth before referring to table: 5 52mm 193.5 - 207 197 - 210.5
5 57mm 198.5 - 212 202 - 215.5
LA2-12/16 Switch Body- ±10mm per wafer 6 44mm ➋ 215.5 - 221.5 219 - 225
LA2-20/25 Switch Body- ±12.5mm per wafer 6 52mm 217.5 - 231 221 - 234.5
• Order the End Shaft and number of Extension Modules required for that 6 57mm 222.5 - 236 226 - 239.5
Mounting Depth.

➊ For DIN rail mounted devices, remember to deduct the offset distance provided by
the rail. For example, deduct 2.5mm from the Mounting Depth for switch bodies
mounted on DIN 46277 rail.
➋ One 44mm End Shaft is supplied with all Switch Body Assemblies.

Discount Schedule B-5 K15

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Metal shaft extension system Metal Shaft Extension Components (LA2 Base Mount)
Adjustable metal shaft extensions snap on securely to LA2 Component Price
switches via the same quick-connect design as shaft exten-
sion modules. Metal shafts are equipped with a door in- Short Metal Shaft
terlock and a padlock hasp for locking out the switch after
the enclosure is opened (for outside lockout, select a Switch LA2-G3393 37
Handle Assembly with lockout capability).
Length: 10 . . . 235mm
(4-21/64…9-1/4 in.)
Long Metal Shaft

LA2-G3394 47

Length: 230 . . . 350mm

Two standard lengths of these unique adjustable shafts (9-3/64…13-51/64 in.)
are available. Metal shaft extensions mate with any of the Insert - For modifying
standard Switch Handle Assemblies. All necessary hardware metal shaft to switch
is supplied with the shaft. LA2-G3398 4

Determining metal shaft extension Insert - For modifying

• Determine Mounting Depth. This is the distance from the inside mounting metal shaft to switch any LA2-G3399 4
surface of the enclosure to the outside surface of the enclosure cover. position (not lockable)
See diagram below for details ➊.

Metal Shaft Extension Table

Metal Shaft Mounting Depth (mm) ➊
Extension Switch body LA2-12/16 Switch Body LA2-20/25

K LA2-G3393 178 ➋ - 309 181.5 ➋ - 312.5

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

LA2-G3394 298 - 424 301.5 - 427.5

• If necessary convert Mounting Depth inches to millimeters
(inches x 25.4 = millimeters).
• In the Metal Shaft Extension Table to the right, find the Mounting Depth
in the column under the appropriate LA2 Switch Body.
NOTE: Table is based on an LA2 switch body with two wafers (3 or 4
pole). For a switch body with more or less wafers, add or subtract the
following from overall Mounting Depth before referring to table:
LA2-12/16 Switch Body- ±10mm per wafer
LA2-20/25 Switch Body- ±12.5mm per wafer
• Order the Metal Shaft Extension required for that Mounting Depth.

➊ For DIN rail mounted devices, remember to deduct the offset distance provided by
the rail. For example, deduct 2.5mm from the Mounting Depth for switch bodies
mounted on DIN 46277 rail.
➋ This dimension can be reduced by another 55mm by cutting the plastic sleeve and
further cutting the metal shaft.

K16 Discount Schedule B-5

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

L2 Switch Accessories
Accessory Description Catalog No. Price Accessory Description Catalog No. Price

Shaft for LE switch Switch handle

(One supplied with L2-G3380 5.00 assembly for 45mm
each LE switch) standard cutout
(Reducer not included)

Terminal cover O-I LFS2-P-4-175 11.50

3 or 4 pole OFF-ON LFS2-P-4-175I 11.50
LE2-12/16 LE2-12-C4 6.00 Blank LFS2-P-4-000 11.50
LE2-20/25 LE2-20-C4 6.00
ABS Enclosure – For
LA2-12/16 LA2-12-C4 6.00 High Impact Applications
LA2-20/25 LA2-20-C4 7.00 (IP66, UL 94 Flame
Resistance - HB)
Standard knob With pre-drilled
Black 37.5mm L2-G3154N 3.50 holes for 64 x 64
Black 48mm L2-G3155N 3.50 operator or larger
Red 37.5mm L2-G3154R 3.50 95x150x86mm LA2-G3572 50.50
Red 48mm L2-G3155R 3.50 95x150x111mm LA2-G3573 50.50
Without holes
95x150x86mm LA2-G3574 44.00
Padlockable knob
95x150x111mm LA2-G3575 48.50
Black L2-G2864N 7.15
Red L2-G2864R 7.15 Noryl Enclosure – For
Corrosion Prone
(IP66, UL 94 Flame
Resistance - V0)
Type “P” knob With pre-drilled
Black L2-G2888N 5.00 holes for 64 x 64
Red L2-G2888R 5.00 operator or larger
95x150x86mm LA2-G3576 69.00
95x150x111mm LA2-G3577 83.00
Self contained knob Without holes 67.75
- allows mounting
LE2 switches without
Switch Handle
Enclosure Selection Guide

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

IP40 protection L2-G2851N 6.50 Determine switch & number of poles; order enclosure and shaft required
IP65 protection L2-G2854N 9.00
Base Mount Switch Poles Use Enclosure... Shaft Required ➊
1 LA2-G3195
Legend Plate - LA2-12 & 16
2 Standard
Blank for engraving LA2-G357(2,4,6,8)
1 LA2-G3194
Silver LA2-20 & 25
2 Standard
For 48 x 48 (or 62) LL2-A-4-000 2.55 3 LA2-G3195
For 64 x 64 (or 78) LL2-A-6-000 2.95 LA2-12 & 16 4 LA2-G3194
Yellow 5 Standard
For 48 x 48 (or 62) LL2-I-4-000 2.55
3 LA2-G3194
For 64 x 64 (or 78) LL2-I-6-000 2.95 LA2-20 & 25
4 Standard

➊ Order shafts from page K16.

Discount Schedule B-5 K17

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

8 8 16

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

7-8 X
5-6 X
3-4 X
1-2 X

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches


2U 2W

1W 1V

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

10 12

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Rotary Cam Switches
Series L2

Circuit Diagrams

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Technical Information
IP Ratings Definitions

IP Ratings Definitions
IP Ratings
The first IP number (left
side of chart) is
1 meter
protection against solid
objects. The second IP
number (across top) is No protection Protected against Protected Protected Protected against Protected against Protected against Protected against Protected against
protection against vertically falling against dripping against sprayed sprayed water low pressure wa- strong jets of wa- immersion up to long periods of
liquids. The chart itself drops of water water with en- water up to 60° from all directions ter jets from all ter from all direc- one meter immersion under
shows degrees of (condensation) closure up to 15° from vertical (limited ingress directions (limited tions pressure
protection according to from vertical permitted) ingress permitted)
IEC 529.
IP…0 IP…1 IP…2 IP…3 IP…4 IP…5 IP…6 IP…7 IP…8

No protection


IP10 IP11 IP12

Protected against
solid objects up to
50mm (accidental
touch by hands)


IP20 IP21 IP22 IP23

Protected against
solid objects up to
12mm (fingers,


IP30 IP31 IP32 IP33 IP34

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Protected against
solid objects up to
2.5mm (tools, wires)


IP40 IP41 IP42 IP43 IP44

Protected against
solid objects up to
1mm (wires)


IP50 IP53 IP54 IP55 IP56

Protected against
dust (limited engress


IP60 IP65 IP66 IP67

Totally protected
against dust

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Technical Information
Ratings Definitions

NEMA / UL Type Definitions

NEMA / UL Type
Indoor Use Outdoor Use Indoor or Outdoor Use
For a degree of protection against: 1 12 13 3R 3 4 4X 6P 6
Incidental contact with enclosed equipment • • • • • • • • •
Falling dirt • • • • • • • • •
Rust • • • • • • • • •
Circulating dust, lint, fibers and flyings • • • • • • •
Windblown dust • • • • •
Falling liquids and light splashing • • • • • • •
Rain (limited water allowed inside) • • • • • •
Rain (no water allowed inside) • • • • •
Snow and sleet • • • • • •
Hosedown and splashing water • • • •
Occasional prolonged submersion • •
Oil or coolant spraying or splashing •
Corrosive agents • •
Occasional temporary submersion • •

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Technical Information
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Technical Information
UL/CSA L2-12 L2-16 L2-20 L2-25
General use
1-phase/2-phase, 3-phase/3 poles Rated current 600 V 12 16 20 25
Heavy Pilot Duty code designation AC A600 A600 ~ ~
Standard Duty code designation DC ~ ~ ~ ~
Alternating Current (IEC / EN 60947-3)
Rated Voltage Ue IEC-EN / UL-CSA (V) 690/600 690/600 690/600 690/600
Rated Isolation Voltage Ui IEC / UL-CSA (V) 690/600 690/600 690/600 690/600
Rated impulse voltage Uimp IEC (kV) 6 6 6 6
Test voltage Ui 1 min. (kV) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Rated frequency (Hz) 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Thermal rated current Ith open (A) 16 20 25 30
Thermal rated current Ithe enclosed (A) 12 16 20 25
Wasted power by 1 pole at thermal rated current Ithe (W) 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9
Rated Operating Current Ie
AC-1/ Switching resistive loads with IEC947 690V (A) 12 16 20 25
AC21A slight overload
AC-1 Non-inductive or slightly inductive
SEV 690V (A) 12 16 20 25
loads inductive loads
AC-22A Switching mixed resistive and IEC947
inductive loads at slight overload 220-500V (A) 12 16 20 25
600V (A) 12 16 20 25
AC-15 Switching magnetic drives, motors, IEC 220-240V (A) 5 6 7 8
valves and solenoids 380-415V (A) 3 4 5 6
500V (A) 2 2.5 3 4
Pilot Duty
UL/CSA – Heavy VAC A600 A600 — —
Rated Non-inductive or slightly inductive
current loads UL/CSA ➊ (A) 12 16 20 25

Short Circuit Current
Max. fuse rating of circuit (gL characteristic) (A) 35 35 60 80
Rated conditional (kA) 5 5 5 5
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Rated Operating Powers IEC/VDE/BS

AC-2 Slip ring motors, starting induction 240V (kW) 3 4 5.5 5.5
motors, reversing and plugging, 380V (kW) 5.5 7.5 9 13
wye-delta starting
3Ø 415V (kW) 5.5 7.5 9 13
3 pole 440V (kW) 5.5 7.5 9 13
500V (kW) 7.5 10 11 15
660V (kW) 7.5 10 11 15
AC-3 Starting squirrel-cage motors, 3Ø 220-240V (kW) 2.2 3 4.5 5.5
interruption while running 3 pole 380-440V (kW) 4 5.5 7.5 11
500V (kW) 5.5 7.5 10 13
660V (kW) 5.5 7.5 8 11
1Ø 110V (kW) 0.75 1.1 1.2 1.6
2 pole 220-240V (kW) 1.3 2.2 2.5 3.2
380-440V (kW) 2.2 3.7 4.5 5.5

➊ Suitable for switching off load (AC-20) above 660V, but only up to 660V for switches with screws at the rear (LE switches).

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Technical Information
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Technical Information
L2-12 L2-16 L2-20 L2-25
Rated Operating Loads (cont.) IEC/VDE/BS
AC-4 Starting squirrel-cage 3Ø 220-240V (kW) 0.75 1.5 3 4
motors, reversing, 3 pole 380-415V (kW) 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5
braking, plugging 440-550V (kW) 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5
660V (kW) — — — —
AC-23A Periodic switching of 3Ø 220-240V (kW) 2.2 3 4.5 5.5
motors or other highly 3 pole 380-440V (kW) 4 5.5 7.5 11
inductive loads. 500V (kW) 5.5 7.5 10 13
660V (kW) 5.5 7.5 8 11
1Ø 110V (kW) 0.75 1.1 1.2 1.6
2 pole 220-240V (kW) 1.3 2.2 2.5 3.2
380-440V (kW) 2.2 3.7 4.5 5.5
Rated Power UL/CSA (FLA) (FLA) (FLA) (FLA)
Normal motor load full 120V (HP) 1 (7.2) 1.5 (12.0) 2 (13.6) 3 (19.2)
voltage rating (similar to 3Ø 240V (HP) 2 (6.8) 3 (9.6) 4 (12.4) 6 (18.0)
AC-3) 3 pole 480V (HP) 5 (7.6) 7.5 (11.0) 8 (11.6) 12 (17.0)
600V (HP) 5 (6.1) 7.5 (9.0) 10 (11.0) 15 (17.0)
1Ø 120V (HP) 0.5 (9.8) 0.75 (13.8) 1 (16) 1.5 (20.0)
2 pole 240V (HP) 1 (8.0) 1.5 (10.0) 2 (12) 3 (17.0)
DC Switch Ratings Contacts in Series
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Rated Current Ie
Rated Voltage [V] 24 48 72 96 120 144 192 [A] 12 16 20 22
DC-21A 48 96 144 192 240 288 384 [A] 10 12 16 18
For resistive loads T ≤ 1ms 60 120 180 240 300 360 450 [A] 8 10 12 14
Ue max = 600V 110 220 330 440 550 660 – [A] 2 2.5 4 5
220 440 660 – – – – [A] 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
440 – – – – – – [A] 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5
Rated Making/Breaking Capacity (=1.5 x Ie)
1.05 x rated voltage [V] 25.2 50.4 75.6 100.8 126 151.2 201.6 [A] 18 24 30 33
50.4 100.8 151.2 201.6 252 302.4 403.2 [A] 15 21 24 27
For resistive loads T ≤ 1ms 63 126 189 252 315 378 504 [A]

12 18 18 21
Ue max = 600V
115.5 231 346.5 462 577.5 – – [A] 3 4.5 6 7.5
231 462 – – – – – [A] 0.75 1.12 1.05 1.2
462 – – – – – – [A] 0.52 0.78 0.47 0.75

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Rated Current Ie
Rated voltage [V] 24 48 72 96 120 144 192 [A] 8 10 12 14
30 60 90 120 150 180 240 [A] 4.5 5.5 7 8
For inductive loads T = 50ms 48 96 144 192 240 288 384 [A] 1.5 2 2.5 3
Ue max = 600V 60 120 180 240 300 360 450 [A] 1 1.2 1.5 1.8
110 220 330 440 550 660 – [A] 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Rated Making/Breaking Capacity (=1.1 x Ie)
1.1 x rated voltage [V] 26.4 52.8 79.2 105.6 132 158.4 184.8 [A] 8.8 11 13.2 1.54
33 66 99 132 165 198 231 [A] 4.95 6.05 7.7 8.8
For inductive loads T = 50ms 52.8 105.6 158.4 211.2 264 316.8 369.6 [A] 1.65 2.2 2.75 3.3
Ue max = 600V 66 132 198 264 330 396 462 [A] 1.1 1.32 1.65 1.98
121 242 363 484 605 – – [A] 4.95 6.05 7.7 8.8
Rated Power Pe
Rated voltage [V] Contacts in Series
24 1 [kW] 0.12 0.15 0.20 0.25
DC-23A, DC-3, DC-5 24 2 [kW] 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.37
For inductive loads T ≤ 1ms 48 2 [kW] 0.25 0.30 0.37 0.50
48 3 [kW] 0.30 0.37 0.50 0.75
60 2 [kW] 0.25 0.30 0.37 0.50
60 4 [kW] 0.37 0.50 0.75 1.00
110 4 [kW] 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.20
110 6 [kW] 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60
220 4 [kW] 0.37 0.50 0.75 1.00
220 6 [kW] 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Technical Information
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Technical Information
L2-12 L2-16 L2-20 L2-25
Rated Making/Breaking Capacity
(=4 x Ie)
1.05 x rated voltage [V] Contacts in Series
25.2 1 [kW] 20.0 25.0 33.3 41.6
25.2 2 [kW] 33.3 41.6 50.0 61.6
DC-23A, DC-3, DC-5 50.4 2 [kW] 21.0 25.0 30.8 41.6
For inductive loads T ≤ 50.4 3 [kW] 25.0 30.8 42.0 62.4
7.5ms 63 2 [kW] 16.6 20.0 24.6 33.2
63 4 [kW] 24.6 33.3 50.0 66.4
115.5 4 [kW] 18.1 27.2 36.4 44.0
115.5 6 [kW] 36.4 43.6 51.0 58.2
231 4 [kW] 6.7 9.1 13.6 18.2
231 6 [kW] 18.1 21.8 25.2 27.2
Maximum Wire Gauges
Rigid Wire AWG (2)18…12 (2)18…12 (2)16…10 (2)16…10
[mm2] (2)1…2.5 (2)1…2.5 (2)1.5…6 (2)1.5…6
Fine Strands AWG (2)18…12 (2)18…12 (2)16…10 (2)16…10
[mm2] (2)1…2.5 (2)1…2.5 (2)1.5…4 (2)1.5…4
Max. Torque Ratings [lb-in] 9 9 10.6 10.6
[Nm] 1 1 1.2 1.2
Protection Class
Switch Handle Assembly
LFS2- UL 3 / 3R / 12 3 / 3R / 12 3 / 3R / 12 3 / 3R / 12
All others IEC IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66
Switch Body IEC IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Mechanical Life Millions of operations 1 1 1 1
Rated Breaking 220V (A) 72 96 128 176
Power factor 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.35

380V (A) 72 96 128 176
Power factor 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.35
660V (A) 53 72 86 112
Power factor 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
L2 Rotary Cam Switches

Ambient Temperature (Fº) (Fº) (Fº) (Fº)

Operation Min…Max (C°) -25…+60 -25…+60 -25…+60 -25…+60
(-13…+140) (-13…+140) (-13…+140) (-13…+140)
Storage only Min…Max (C°) -40…+80 -40…+80 -40…+80 -40…+80
(-40…+176) (-40…+176) (-40…+176) (-40…+176)
Maximum Altitude (without derating) (m) ≤2000 ≤2000 ≤2000 ≤2000
(ft.) ≤6561 ≤6561 ≤6561 ≤6561
Maximum Mechanical
Operations (without derating) (cycle/hr.) 1200 1200 1200 1200
Maximum Electrical Operation (without derating) (cycle/hr.) 120 120 120 120

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

LE2 Panel Mount - Screw Fixing

Dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions not intended for manufacturing purposes.



Type “Q” Dim “P” Dim

LFS2-A-4 48 X 48 28
LFS2-I-4 48 X 48 28
LFS2-S-4 48 X 62 28
LFS2-A-6 64 X 64 28
LFS2-I-6 64 X 64 28 “L” DIM (# of wafers)
LFS2-S-6 64 X 78 28 Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
LFS2-N-6 67 X 67 34 LE2-12/16 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 114
LFS2-G-6 67 X 67 34 LE2-20/25 44.5 57 69.5 82 94.5 107 119.5 132

LE2 Panel Mount - Central Nut Fixing

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

“L” DIM (# of wafers)

Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
LE2-12/16 67.5 77.5 87.5 97.5 107.5 117.5 127.5 137.5
LE2-20/25 69 81.5 94 106.5 119 131.5 144 156.5

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

LA2 Base Mount

Dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions not intended for manufacturing purposes.

Type “Q” Dim “P” Dim “B” Dim

LFS2-A-4 48 X 48 28 36
LFS2-I-4 48 X 48 28 36
LFS2-S-4 48 X 62 28 36
LFS2-A-6 64 X 64 28 48
LFS2-I-6 64 X 64 28 48 “L” DIM (# of wafers)
LFS2-S-6 64 X 78 28 48 Type 1 2 3 4
LFS2-N-6 67 X 67 34 48 LA2-12/16 58 68 78 88
LFS2-G-6 67 X 67 34 48 LA2-20/25 59 71.5 84 96.5
* Add 2.5mm for DIN rail 46277.

LA2 Base Mount with Modular Shaft Extensions

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

“L” Dim (# of wafers)

LA2-12/16 LA2-20/25
“R” 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Module 82 92 102 112 83 95.5 108 120.5
2 Modules 106 116 126 136 107 119.5 132 144.5
Type “Q” Dim “B” Dim
LFS2-A-4 48 X 48 36 3 Modules 130 140 150 160 131 143.5 156 168.5
LFS2-I-4 48 X 48 36 4 Modules 154 164 174 184 155 167.5 180 192.5
LFS2-S-4 48 X 62 36
5 Modules 178 188 198 208 179 191.5 204 216.5
LFS2-A-6 64 X 64 48
LFS2-I-6 64 X 64 48 Shaft “F” “Y” Dim 6 Modules 202 212 222 232 203 215.5 228 240.5
LFS2-S-6 64 X 78 48 LA2-G2830 2.5-9.5 * Add 2.5mm for DIN rail 46277.
LFS2-N-6 67 X 67 48 LA2-G3194 9 - 18 • With more than 4 modules attach the first one to the switch with the screws supplied with
LFS2-G-6 67 X 67 48 LA2-G3195 14 - 23 the LA2-G2853.

visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Series L2 Rotary Cam Switches

LA2 Base Mount with Metal Shaft Extension

Dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions not intended for manufacturing purposes.

“L” DIM (# of wafers)

Type 1 2 3 4 Type “A” Dim
LA2-12/16 54 64 74 84 LA2-G3393 110 - 235
LA2-20/25 55 67.5 80 92.5 LA2-G3394 230 - 350
* Add 2.5mm for DIN rail 46277.

LA2 Base Mount with LFS2-P-4

L2 Rotary Cam Switches

“L” DIM (# of wafers)

Type 1 2 3 4
LA2-12/16 35 45 55 65
LA2-20/25 35.5 48 60.5 73

* Add 2.5mm for DIN rail 46277.

SSNA2014 visit www.sprecherschuh.com/ecatalog for the most up to date information

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