How to Think About Marketing
‘The three main reasons why people don’t get the results they want from their busine:
Lock of focus on one idea.
Leck of focus on the ideal customer.
‘The size of the action they take is too smal.
orkoting is what you de to put your product/service in front of potential customers, Sales fe what you do to
lose the deal and get the piace of work.
orketing aings people into your shop]cate Soles get them to buy a cake wih thet coffee whet the
Marketing brings tate to your abate, Soles closes the deal ond helps them to make a buying decision,
‘Wie think about our sales and marketing as a funnel Your marketing efforts pour people into the top of your
funnel and eventually soles drop ou ofthe bottom The funnel isc numbers yore and it shows the stops
your potential customers wl ote on thei ay to.en order
_Attho top ofthe funnel are the handful of methods yeu going to choose to promote your business, the
‘iad of te funnel is about once you've get them hooked in what mare information do they n2ed to make
‘a decision, and atthe bottom ete close
Tobring tis toi, lat us run trough how we sl Rebel Business School courses and what our rarkting
4-5 Meetings
Rebel Business School
Sales Funnel
How we sell Rebel‘We nave three primary methods we use to market Rebe! Business School social meta ik Lnkedn and
“witer, direct omeit and sending Alan and Simon to speak at conferences. The more we doo! these
‘ctivtos the more people we engage with and the more potential business leads we find
For example it we send 427 emails to CEOs ot housing essocations what do you tink happens?
We got 30 instant ut-ot-atce replies, wo get a few “dont emi me ever again” replies (Ihe really hurt the
first time tnappene) ond we gota fw his is interesting give me a ca ropes, This normaly leads to 6 8
calls with intrested people. the call goes realy well thon ths normally lads to 4= 5 meetings at their
fies. the mesting goes roaly wel it loads 1o us sending ther a proposal and possible business coming
cout the other end!
50 427 emails lead to 1-2 possinle deals. Can you see the #20 of ne action we have to take to get business?
‘he mare efor: wo put nat te top ofthe tunnel, the beter chance we have got ot winning business and 26
rote people we can help,
Hore’s what we wont you to take away from tis
Hore is one thing we knew you try and sllte everybody, you'lend up selling tonobody.
How do you describe the custome who is MOST LIKELY to buy your product or serview? Youneed to know
very, ver clearly excely who you ae targeting. the clearer you are the ease itis to choose the best
marketing methods to fil your tunnel,
2. Choosing the marketing methods to use
(Once youre clear on who your target custom
is. you then need to explore these questions
+ where de my customers go? Online and in teats (or mt asthe ide 207)
+ How can ldo tin a way therelbe most receptive?
“hi wll help you make some choices about the best markating tac you can use ta reach your customers
‘hare is one single answer to every question youl ever ask about marketing:
Which social media platform should | use?
Who's your customer
Should | email people?
Who's your customer
Should | print flyers?
Who's your customer?
exploring your marketing decisions in this way willl help you make your decisions. then you
‘can decide on the marketing methods that you will use to fil your funnel. We've worked with
companies ike British Airways and Sainsbury's who have invested MILLIONS in knowing their
‘customers, and ensuring thelr businesses remain customer-centric - why would they de
3. The size of the action
\Whon we fst started Reba, wo sent thity-fve ttre. tied to tive phone cal, wo meetings and one sale
(ive wore lucky). We shouldve sent 5, we send aut 590 emails to our potential customers, here's what
hoppensHow helpful are you finding this? Let us know any feedback
+ 6-8notlorme
+ 6-8 not now
+ 2013 tcko me off yourlst
+ 6-8 intorostng: tel me more
(Out of he interesting tll me more" phone cll wil get 4-5 face-to-face meatings ond secure 3-4 soos
inthe ear dye we can be paralysed by tear of
when there's ne rep
Doni sn five email, sen FIVE HUNDRED.
(sue ond only send one or twa email then get depreseed
1 youre not filing your funnel youre not ling your pockets. only we had aad ths atthe start of Rebel
We would have got so much further, se much faster. tis ll about the se othe action you take
|. Decide on your target customers
2. Work cut the range of marketing tools you are going to use to reach them (Twitter, Facebook phone
3. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION: contact all of erm, make ithappen ane get out thera,
“4 Work through the funnel and the steps you have to tate to get toa sole
sack tothe
i ea i a i ea
Get to the Results Faster Marketing Mini Marketing Mini
[Rebel Entrepreneur Experiments 31 Rebel Experiments 2 | Rebel
Podeast Entrepreneur Podcast Entrepreneur Podcast
fzanoverver 8 29Novemoar bs
othe andl ofthe ast episode, Youare a grown-up busines, Ihave been tolling to you about
Toby wont away to work t 90 sponding money on advorising runing mareating min
some actual Nos" or tnd You ars esting in Facebook experiments gottng out the
out adverts, working nardto grow ana testing andrnecsuting the
your busingss ond... results. ast episode, Adar