Activity Sheet Week 4
Activity Sheet Week 4
Activity Sheet Week 4
Week 4
Difference Between Animal and Plant Cell
Plant cell is large and rectangular in shape. Animal cell is small and has an irregular
Cell wall is present Cell wall is absent
The nucleus lies on one side of the cell Nucleus lies at the center
Mitochondria are present in fewer numbers Mitochondria are present in large numbers
Plastids are present Plastids are absent
Centrosomes are absent Centrosomes are present
One large central vacuole is present Many small vacuoles are present
Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference in the shape of a plant cell with that of an animal cell?
2. Which organelles or cell parts are found in both cells?
3. Which organelle or cell part is presented only in plant cells?
4. Which organelle or cell part is present only in animal cells?
Activity Sheet
Week 4
Difference Between Animal and Plant Cell
Activity Sheet
Week 4
Cell: Basic Structure and Funtional Unit of All Organism
Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.
You are an organism just like the plants and animals.
The circulatory system is one of the organ systems that
make up an organism. It is made up of the heart, blood vessels,
and blood.
Figure 4 shows a model of a human heart. Your heart is
about the size of your fist. It pumps and circulates blood to the
different parts of the body through the blood vessels.
Certain diseases affect the heart and cause it to function
improperly. To learn more about these diseases and what they
do to the heart, interview relatives or neighbors who have heart
problems or who know of people who have the disease. You can
also use the internet and the library to read articles about how
certain diseases affect the heart, its parts, and the whole
Q5. Refer to Figure 4. What parts of the human heart do you see?
Q6. What do you think will happen to the heart if any of these parts were injured or diseased?
Q7. If these parts of the heart were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen to the
The excretory system is another organ system that makes up an organism. It is made up of
different organs that help the body eliminate metabolic wastes and maintain internal balance.
These organs include a pair of kidneys. Figure 5 shows a model of a human kidney. What
shape does it look like?