Savings Goals + Spending Tracker
Savings Goals + Spending Tracker
Savings Goals + Spending Tracker
I am worthy of abundance.
05 Ready to finally get your financial
sh*t together?
Fear not, friend. Let's break it down and see just how quickly you can
reach those goals! It's not as hard as you might think.
Your goal can be anything you want. New car, house down payment,
fancy vacation... sky's the limit. Let's do this!
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Divide your goal by 10. Those will be your incremental
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I challenge you, for the next 30 days, to track every single purchase you
make in the Spending Tracker on the next page.
Print the tracker out and carry it with you, or keep it on your
phone/tablet... whatever will be easiest for you to actually remember to
track everything.
next page
2. Log EVERY SINGLE PURCHASE you make and give it a category. Also log
how that purchase made you feel after a few hours of thinking about it.
3. At the end of 30 days, go through and highlight all the different purchases
by category (assign each category a color) and add them all up.
4. Reflect. What did you learn about your money? What areas can you
improve in? How much could you have saved if you cut out unplanned
Click the link below to be taken to the Savings Goals Worksheet and
expense tracker in Google Sheets form.
click here
Maybe You...
With the right mindset, the right work ethic, and the right
systems in place, anyone can learn how to save money.
Now my goals are a lot bigger, and each time I set a new
goal... I REACH IT.
take an inventory
Take a total inventory of your
finances to get completely
learn to budget
Learn how to create a budget
that works for you and STICK to
that budget. Every month.