Max Flow Notes
Max Flow Notes
Max Flow Notes
Tim Roughgarden
3 2
s 5 t
2 3
Figure 1: (a, left) Our first flow network. Each edge is associated with a capacity. (b, right)
A sample flow of value 5, where the red, green and blue paths have flow values of 2, 1, 2
Formally, an instance of the maximum flow problem is specified by the following ingre-
• a directed graph G, with vertices V and directed edges E;1
• a source vertex s ∈ V ;
• a sink vertex t ∈ V ;
• a nonnegative and integral capacity ue for each edge e ∈ E.
3 (3) 2 (2)
s 5 (1) t
2 (2) 3 (3)
Figure 2: Denoting a flow by keeping track of the amount of flow on each edge. Flow amount
is given in brackets.
Since the point is to push flow from s to t, we can assume without loss of generality
that s has no incoming edges and t has no outgoing edges.
Given such an input, the feasible solutions are the flows in the network. While Figure 1(b)
depicts a flow in terms of several paths, for algorithms, it works better to just keep track of
the amount of flow on each edge (as in Figure 2).2 Formally, a flow is a nonnegative vector
{fe }e∈E , indexed by the edges of G, that satisfies two constraints:
Capacity constraints: fe ≤ ue for every edge e ∈ E;
Conservation constraints: for every vertex v other than s and t,
amount of flow entering v = amount of flow exiting v.
The left-hand side is the sum of the fe ’s over the edge incoming to v; likewise with the
outgoing edges for the right-hand side.
The objective is to compute a maximum flow — a flow with the maximum-possible value,
meaning the total amount of flow that leaves s. (As we’ll see, this is the same as the total
amount of flow that enters t.)
All of our maximum flow algorithms can be extended to undirected graphs; see Exercise Set #1.
Every flow in this sense arises as the superposition of flow paths and flow cycles; see Problem #1.
1.2 Applications
Why should we care about the maximum flow problem? Like all central algorithmic prob-
lems, the maximum flow problem is useful in its own right, plus many different problems are
really just thinly disguised version of maximum flow. For some relatively obvious and literal
applications, the maximum flow problem can model the routing of traffic through a trans-
portation network, packets through a data network, or oil through a distribution network.3
In upcoming lectures we’ll prove the less obvious fact that problems ranging from bipartite
matching to image segmentation reduce to the maximum flow problem.
A flow corresponds to a steady-state solution, with a constant rate of arrivals at s and departures at t.
The model does not capture the time at which flow reaches different vertices. However, it’s not hard to
extend the model to also capture temporal aspects as well.
Note that the path search just needs to determine whether or not there is an s-t path in
the subgraph of edges e with fe < ue . This is easily done in linear time using your favorite
graph search subroutine, such as breadth-first or depth-first search. There may be many
such paths; for now, we allow the algorithm to choose one arbitrarily. The algorithm then
pushes as much flow as possible on this path, subject to capacity constraints.
3 (3) 2
s 5 (3) t
2 3 (3)
Figure 3: Greedy algorithm returns suboptimal result if first path picked is s-v-w-t.
This greedy algorithm is natural enough, but does it work? That is, when it terminates
with a flow, need this flow be a maximum flow? Our sole example thus far already provides
a negative answer (Figure 3). Initially, with the all-zero flow, all s-t paths are fair game. If
the algorithm happens to pick the zig-zag path, then ∆ = min{3, 5, 3} = 3 and it routes 3
units of flow along the path. This saturates the upper-left and lower-right edges, at which
point there is no s-t path such that fe < ue on every edge. The algorithm terminates at this
point with a flow with value 3. We already know that the maximum flow value is 5, and we
conclude that the naive greedy algorithm can terminate with a non-maximum flow.4
ue − fe
v w
ue (fe )
v w
Figure 4: (a) original edge capacity and flow and (b) resultant edges in residual network.
3 2
s 2 3 t
2 3
We need a way of formally specifying the allowable “undo” operations. This motivates
the following simple but important definition, of a residual network. The idea is that, given
a graph G and a flow f in it, we form a new flow network Gf that has the same vertex set
of G and that has two edges for each edge of G. An edge e = (v, w) of G that carries flow fe
and has capacity ue (Figure 4(a)) spawns a “forward edge” (u, v) of Gf with capacity ue − fe
(the room remaining) and a “backward edge” (w, v) of Gf with capacity fe (the amount
of previously routed flow that can be undone). See Figure 4(b).5 Observe that s-t paths
with fe < ue for all edges, as searched for by the naive greedy algorithm, correspond to the
special case of s-t paths of Gf that comprise only forward edges.
For example, with G our running example and f the flow in Figure 3, the corresponding
residual network Gf is shown in Figure 5. The four edges with zero capacity in Gf are
omitted from the picture.6
If G already has two edges (v, w) and (w, v) that go in opposite directions between the same two vertices,
then Gf will have two parallel edges going in either direction. This is not a problem for any of the algorithms
that we discuss.
More generally, when we speak about “the residual graph,” we usually mean after all edges with zero
residual capacity have been removed.
1.5 The Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Happily, if we just run the natural greedy algorithm in the current residual network, we get
a correct algorithm, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.7
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
For example, starting from the residual network of Figure 5, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
will augment the flow by units along the path s → w → v → t. This augmentation produces
the maximum flow of Figure 1(b).
We now turn our attention to the correctness of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. We’ll
worry about optimizing the running time in future lectures.
1.6 Termination
We claim that the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm eventually terminates with a feasible flow. This
follows from two invariants, both proved by induction on the number of iterations.
First, the algorithm maintains the invariant that {fe }e∈E is a flow. This is clearly true
initially. The parameter ∆ is defined so that no flow value fe becomes negative or exceeds
the capacity ue . For the conservation constraints, consider a vertex v. If v is not on the
augmenting path P in Gf , then the flow into and out of v remain the same. If v is on P ,
with edges (x, v) and (v, w) belonging to P , then there are four cases, depending on whether
or not (x, v) and (v, w) correspond to forward or reverse edges. For example, if both are
forward edges, then the flow augmentation increases both the flow into and the flow out of
v increase by ∆. If both are reverse edges, then both the flow into and the flow out of v
Yes, it’s the same Ford from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
decrease by ∆. In all four cases, the flow in and flow out change by the same amount, so
conservation constraints are preserved.
Second, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm maintains the property that every flow amount fe
is an integer. (Recall we are assuming that every edge capacity ue is an integer.) Inductively,
all residual capacities are integral, so the parameter ∆ is integral, so the flow stays integral.
Every iteration of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm increase the value of the current flow by
the current value of ∆. The second invariant implies that ∆ ≥ 1 in every iteration of the
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Since only a finite amount of flow can escape the source vertex,
the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm eventually halts. By the first invariant, it halts with a feasible
Of course, all of this applies equally well to the naive greedy algorithm of Section 1.3.
How do we know whether or not the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm can also terminate with
a non-maximum flow? The hope is that because the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm has more
path eligible for augmentation, it progresses further before halting. But is it guaranteed to
compute a maximum flow?
2 Proof of Correctness
2.1 (s, t)-Cuts
Recall the following definition from last lecture:
Definition 2.1 (s-t Cut) An (s, t)-cut of a graph G = (V, E) is a partition of V into sets
A, B with s ∈ A and t ∈ B.
Sometimes we’ll simply say “cut” instead of “(s, t)-cut.”
Figure 6 depicts a good (if cartoonish) way to think about an (s, t)-cut of a graph. Such
a cut buckets the edges of the graph into four categories: those with both endpoints in A,
those with both endpoints in B, those sticking out of A (with tail in A and head in B), and
those sticking into A (with head in A and tail in B.
The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm continues to terminate if edges’ capacities are rational numbers, not
necessarily integers. (Proof: scaling all capacities by a common number doesn’t change the problem, so we
can clear denominators to reduce the rational capacity case to the integral capacity case.) It is a bizarre
mathematical curiosity that the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm need not terminate with edges’ capacities are
Figure 6: cartoonish visualization of cuts. The squiggly line splits the vertices into two sets
A and B and edges in the graph into 4 categories.
where δ + (A) denotes the set of edges sticking out of A. (Similarly, we later use δ − (A) to
denote the set of edges sticking into A.) Recall that edges sticking in to the source-side of
an (s, t)-cut to do not contribute to its capacity.
Theorem 2.2 (Optimality Conditions for Max Flow) Let f be a flow in a graph G.
The following are equivalent:9
(2) there is an (s, t)-cut (A, B) such that the value of f equals the capacity of (A, B);
(3) there is no s-t path (with positive residual capacity) in the residual network Gf .
Theorem 2.2 asserts that any one of the three statements implies the other two. The
special case that (3) implies (1) implies the correctness of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
Corollary 2.3 If f is a flow in G such that the residual network Gf has no s-t path, then
the f is a maximum flow.
Meaning, either all three statements hold, or none of the three statements hold.
Recall that Corollary 2.3 implies the correctness of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, and more
generally of any algorithm that terminates with a flow and a residual network with no s-t
Proof of Theorem 2.2: We prove a cycle of implications: (2) implies (1), (1) implies (3), and
(3) implies (2). It follows that any one of the statements implies the other two.
Step 1: (2) implies (1): We claim that, for every flow f and every (s, t)-cut (A, B),
This claim implies that all flow values are at most all cut values; for a cartoon of this, see
Figure 7. The claim implies that there no “x” strictly to the right of the “o”.
Figure 7: cartoon illustrating that no flow value (x) is greater than a cut value (o).
To see why the claim yields the desired implication, suppose that (2) holds. This corre-
sponds to an “x” and “o” that are co-located in Figure 7. By the claim, no “x”s can appear
to the right of this point. Thus no flow has larger value than f , as desired.
We now prove the claim. If it seems intuitively obvious, then great, your intuition is
spot-on. For completeness, we provide a brief algebraic proof.
Fix f and (A, B). By definition,
value of f = fe = fe − fe ; (1)
e∈δ + (s) e∈δ + (s) e∈δ − (s)
| {z } | {z }
flow out of s vacuous sum
the second equation is stated for convenience, and follows from our standing assumption
that s has no incoming vertices. Recall that conservation constraints state that
fe − fe = 0 (2)
e∈δ + (v) e∈δ − (v)
| {z } | {z }
flow out of v flow into of v
for every v 6= s, t. Adding the equations (2) corresponding to all of the vertices of A \ {s} to
equation (1) gives
value of f = fe − fe . (3)
v∈A e∈δ + (v) e∈δ − (v)
Next we want to think about the expression in (3) from an edge-centric, rather than vertex-
centric, perspective. How much does an edge e contribute to (3)? The answer depends on
which of the four buckets e falls into (Figure 6). If both of e’s endpoints are in B, then
e is not involved in the sum (3) at all. IfPe = (v, w) with both endpoints in A, then it
contributes fe once (in the subexpression e∈δ+ (v) fe ) and −fe once (in the subexpression
− e∈δ− (w) fe ). Thus edges inside A contribute net zero to (3). Similarly, an edge e sticking
out of A contributes fe , while an edge sticking into A contributes −fe . Summarizing, we
have X X
value of f = fe − fe .
e∈δ + (A) e∈δ − (A)
This equation states that the net flow (flow forward minus flow backward) across every cut
is exactly the same, namely the value of the flowf .
Finally, using the capacity constraints and the fact that all flows values are nonnegative,
we have
value of f = fe − fe
|{z} −
e∈δ (A) ≤ue e∈δ (A) ≥0
≤ ue (4)
e∈δ + (A)
A = {v ∈ V : there is an s v path in Gf }.
Conceptually, start your favorite graph search subroutine (e.g., BFS or DFS) from s until
you get stuck; A is the set of vertices you get stuck at. (We’re running this graph search
only in our minds, for the purposes of the proof, and not in any actual algorithm.)
Note that (A, V − A) is an (s, t)-cut. Certainly s ∈ A, so s can reach itself in Gf . By
assumption, Gf has no s-t path, so t ∈ / A. This cut must look like the cartoon in Figure 8,
with no edges (with positive residual capacity) sticking out of A. The reason is that if there
were such an edge sticking out of A, then our graph search would not have gotten stuck at
A, and A would be a bigger set.
Figure 8: Cartoon of the cut. Note that edges crossing the cut only go from B to A.
Let’s translate the picture in Figure 8, which concerns the residual network Gf , back to
the flow f in the original network G.
1. Every edge sticking out of A in G (i.e., in δ + (A)) is saturated (meaning fu = ue ). For
if fe < ue for e ∈ δ + (A), then the residual network Gf would contain a forward version
of e (with positive residual capacity) which would be an edge sticking out of A in Gf
(contradicting Figure 8).
2. Every edge sticking into in A in G (i.e., in δ − (A)) is zeroed out (fu = 0). For if
fe < ue for e ∈ δ + (A), then the residual network Gf would contain a forward version
of e (with positive residual capacity) which would be an edge sticking out of A in Gf
(contradicting Figure 8).
These two points imply that the inequality (4) holds with equality, with
We can immediately derive some interesting corollaries of Theorem 2.2. First is the
famous Max-Flow/Min-Cut Theorem.10
Proof: The first part of the proof of Theorem 2.2 implies that the maximum value of a flow
cannot exceed the minimum capacity of an (s, t)-cut. The third part of the proof implies
that there cannot be a gap between the maximum flow value and the minimum cut capacity.
Next is an algorithmic consequence: the minimum cut problem reduces to the maximum
flow problem.
Corollary 2.5 Given a maximum flow, and minimum cut can be computed in linear time.
This is the theorem that, long ago, seduced your instructor into a career in algorithms.
Proof: Use BFS or DFS to compute, in linear time, the set A from the third part of the
proof of Theorem 2.2. The proof shows that (A, V − A) is a minimum cut.
In practice, minimum cuts are typically computed using a maximum flow algorithm and
this reduction.
3 Bipartite Matching
Figure 9: Visualization of bipartite graph. Edges exist only between the partitions V and
We next give a famous application of maximum flow. In the bipartite matching problem,
the input is an undirected bipartite graph G = (V ∪ W, E), with every edge of E having one
endpoint in each of V and W . That is, no edges internal to V or W are allowed (Figure 9).
The feasible solutions are the matchings of the graph, meaning subsets S ⊆ E of edges that
share no endpoints. The goal of the problem is to compute a matching with the maximum-
possible cardinality. Said differently, the goal is to pair up as many vertices as possible (using
edges of E).
For example, the square graph (Figure 10(a)) is bipartite, and the maximum-cardinality
matching has size 2. It matches all of the vertices, which is obviously the best-case scenario.
Such a matching is called perfect.
a c a c a c
b d b d b
Figure 10: (a) square graph with perfect matching of 2. (b) star graph with maximum-
cardinality matching of 1. (c) non-bipartite graph with maximum matching of 1.
Not all graphs have perfect matchings. For example, in the star graph (Figure 10(b)),
which is also bipartite, no many how many vertices there are, the maximum-cardinality
matching has size only 1.
It’s also interesting to discuss the maximum-cardinality matching problem in general
(non-bipartite) graphs (like Figure 10(c)), but this is a harder topic that we won’t cover
here. While one can of course consider the bipartite special case of any graph problem, in
matching bipartite graphs play a particularly fundamental role. First, matching theory is
nicer and matching algorithms are faster for bipartite graphs than for non-bipartite graphs.
Second, a majority of the applications of already in the bipartite special case — assigning
workers to jobs, courses to room/time slots, medical residents to hospitals, etc.
Proof sketch: Given an undirected bipartite graph (V ∪ W, E), construct a directed graph
G0 as in Figure 11(b). We add a source and sink, so the new vertex set is V 0 = V ∪W ∪{s, t}.
To obtain E 0 from E, we direct all edges of G from V to W and also add edges from s to
every vertex of V and from every vertex of W to t. Edges incident to s or t have capacity 1,
reflecting the constraints the each vertex of V ∪ W can only be matches to one other vertex.
Each edge (v, w) directed from V to W can be given any capacity that is at least 1 (v can
only receive one unit of flow, anyway); for simplicity, give all these edges infinite capacity.
You should check that there is a one-to-one correspondence between matchings of G and
integer-valued flows in G0 , with edge (v, w) corresponding to one unit of flow on the path
s → v → w → t in G0 (Figure 11). This bijection preserves the objective function value.
Thus, given an integral maximum flow in G0 , the edges from V to W that carry flow form a
maximum matching.11
All of the maximum flow algorithms that we’ve discussed return an integral maximum flow provided all
the edge capacities are integers. The reason is that inductively, the current (pre)flow, and hence the residual
capacities, and hence the augmentation amount, stay integral throughout these algorithms.
u w
1 1
u w
∞ ∞
s t
1 1
v x v x
Figure 11: (a) original bipartite graph G and (b) the constructed directed graph G. There is
one-to-one correspondence between matchings of G and integer-valued flows of G0 e.g. (v, w)
in G corresponds to one unit of flow on s → v → w → t in G0 .