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Modeling and Simulation of a Solar Oven Box-Type with Thermal Storage

Article · July 2017


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3 authors, including:

Sofian Talbi Rachid Malek

Université Mohammed Premier Université Mohammed Premier


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Modeling and Simulation of a Solar Oven Box-Type
with Thermal Storage
Sofian Talbi*l , Khalil Kassmi*1 Rachid Malek *2
ILaboratory Electromagnetism Signal Processing and 2 Laboratory Electromagnetism Signal Processing and
Renewable Energy LESPRE, Team: Materials, Electronics Renewable Energy LESPRE, Team: Materials, Electronics
and Renewable Energies MERE and Renewable Energies MERE
Faculty ofScience, Department ofPhysics National School of Applied Sciences - Oujda
Mohammed Premier University, Mohammed Premier University,
Oujda 60000, Morocco Oujda 60000, Morocco.
Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract-The purpose of this study is to analyze the energy made; the storage block was made in cast iron and granite
behavior of a solar oven box-type with four reflectors inside and (rock). Thermal behaviour for different ratios heights-diameters
outside and with thermal storage. To achieve this work, we have and sizes in the solar area area input were realized.
modeled the equations of heat balances transient by numerical
simulation by using Matlab (the method of runge -kutta of order Solar cookers have exposed satisfactory efficiency in many
4). Hence, we were able to determine the temperature profiles in part of the world (i.e., Africa, etc.). Despite their functions'
different parts of the oven as weil as in the material storage. restrictions, the main problems that have been faced exist in the
longer cooking time and cooking time of various food dishes is
Keywords-component; Solar -Oven box-type; Reflectors; of about 2 to 3 hours for the box type cookers and I hour to 2
Modeling; Transitional Regime; Reflectors; Thermal Storage. hours for those in concentration, due to the low frring
temperature compensation [8], in the absence of cooking
I. INTRODUCTlON overnight. In this context, we suggest the design and
implementation of effective solar ovens, flexible to all
Nowadays, more than 2 billion people use the forests for situations, operators directly after solar sun and thermal energy
frrewood to bake in the kitchen. [I] To bound deforestation of that are delivered by the reflectors that store heat energy to the
the forests, solar cookers offer many programs for rural areas to material storage.
strongly encourage people to use solar cooker to bake. The use
of solar cookers helps to limit deforestation and protect the In this paper, we present the results concerning the direct
environment. However, in the literature, we have more work utilization of solar energy. After describing the structure of the
that illustrate these. Reddy and Rao [2] have gained a oven prototype, we describe the equations governing the
mathematical model for a type of solar cooker box doubled phenomenon of conversion of solar radiation into heat. At that
glazing, which effectively works with both. These last point, we present the modeling results concerning temperature
containers increase the design of solar box ovens. Thulasi et al. profiles, glazing 1, the glazing 2 of bou iIIard the waters, of the
[3] have found a mathematical model for a solar cooker box- absorber, and the heat storage materials.
type and they have exposed problems for a great quantity of
parameters that participate in the thermal operation of solar 11. STRUCTURE OF THE SOLAR OVEN
cookers. Terres and Quinto [4] also have offered the numerical
results when a box type solar cooker with inner reflectors was Figure 1 shows the tlowchart ofthe solar oven, which is the
calculated in two cases of application. The frrst of them was a subject of our study. The different blocks of this oven are:
comparative with a previous design made in Tanta, Egypt, and
the second one was a nwnerical test for long time operation.
El-Sebaii and Domanski [5] have shown the fact that the • Four external reflectors whose role is to capture
temperature distribution acheived experimentally is very close maximum solar radiation.
to numerical results of the constructed modeI.H.H. Terres- • Four internal reflectors whose role is to reflect sunlight
Pefiaa et al.[6] have presented the mathematical model of solar onto the absorber.
cooker type box with internal reflectors, they have approved
this model by comparison with experimental results in the EI- • A Double-glazing whose role is to keep the heat inside
Seba work and Doman. Kariuki et al. [7] have applied fmite- the box by the greenhouse effect.
differences to acquire the numerical reproductions in a pot that • Thermally insulated box (hemp wool, alwninum,
contains a cold water. The pot was positioned on a hot storage wood) to minimize heat loss in the solar oven.
block and the time was assessed until the water had been boiled
or the temperature in the water had reached a maximum value. • The absorber whose role is to support the cooking
For a given capacity in a pot, numerical simulations were utensil.

978-1-5090-5713-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

• The paraffin for heat storage.
Outputs - Inputs + SSlorages=O (1)
At fIrst, the solar radiations are converted and
transformed into heat by an absorber. The rays penetrate
through the window in an insulated box. Then, the Energy balance on the outer glazing node Tg1:
temperature rises gradually, and the black container placed
inside is found immersed in the heat.

Finally, the energy model can be written as:

Figure 1. The flowchart ofthe solar oven, four internal and external refl ectors.
With:Tc = 0.0552 * Tamb1.5 , for the relationship
• Energy balance on the outer glazing node Tg2 :
In this section, as it is shown in Figure 2, we have tried to
detennine theoretically the models of thermal balance
equations in a solar cooker box four inner and outer reflector. (4)
To write the heat balance in a solar cooker box, we have
assumed the following assumptions to simplify the model: Finally, the energy model can be written as:

• Heat exchanges are unidirectional.

• The temperature is uniform in each component of the
cooker. (5)
• The wind speed is constant.
• The thermo-physical properties of the glass, air, and
absorber are considered constant within the range of
the operation of the cooker temperatures.
• The heat exchange coeffIcients are constant. This is With: radiative transfer coeffIcient between the
done to facilitate the numerical solution ofthe model. absorber plate and the glass[9] :

Reflectors (6)

o Node representing • Energy balance on the pot node: Tr

extern01 gfoss heat Tgl
Node representing internalglass
t;, heatTg2 (7)
" Node representing recipients

o Node representing steams Finally, the energy model can be written as:
heat Tw
Node representing absorbers
Node representing the heat
• of the storage materia l Tst

Figure 2. The different mechanisms ofheat exchange

• Energy balance on the water node bouillard:

The thermal balance being written during a time interval as
folIows :
the maximwn temperature reached a value of 37 oe To
(9) 13h30min.
• During the summer season, sunlight varies during the
day to 260 W / m2 to 850 W / m2 • The maximum solar
• Energy balance on the absorber node: radiation reaches 910 W / m2 to 13h41min, and the
maximum temperature reached a value of 47 ° e to
(10) 14h03min.
• During the winter season, sunlight varies during the
day to 130 W / m2 to 850 W / m2 • The maximum solar
Finally, the energy model can be written as: radiation reaches 920 W / m2 to 13h40min. The
maximwn temperature reached a value of 22 ° e to



(11) 700

S 500
C 400
«S 300
• Energy balance on T st storage materials [10]: '6
&. 200

9:03:03 10:03:0311:03:02 12:03:02 13:03:01 14:03:01 15:03:0016:03:00 17:03:00
Figure 3. Illuminations for three seasons

Finally, the energy model can be written as:


m st ' CPst -dTst = -Aab .5 eT. ab - T)

(13) Variable Amount Units
dt eab mgl= mg2 I
mst 5 Kg
mw 1
Cpab 897
A=Ag1=Ag2 1.20
In this section, we have presented the results of our system 0.18
regarding lighting and outdoor temperature that have been S"II 0.0391
obtained using the weather station located in our laboratory. S"p 0.0532
S"p 0.0646
S"14 0.0731
Other results vitrage 1 temperature, temperature glazing 2,
the temperature of the absorber, and the water temperature to 8 "p 40
8 "eI2 50
bouillard are obtained from numerical modeling under matalb Degree
8 "13 60
by the method of order Range Kutta 4. 8 "jA 70

Table 1 presents the numerical simulation data that have Aab 0.18
been used in this study. Aw 237
e ab 0.6
Finally, complete content and organizational editing before re 0.11
fonnatting. Please take note of the following items when M
ri 0.01
proofreading spelling and grarnmar: Hw 0.25
hcl ,e" [12] 13.8
hcl ,g l-g2 [12] 3.8 W/m2 k
A. Evolution of illumination and temperature during this he2 [12] 4.4
season three
P 0.35
Ctg 0.17
The figure 3 and 4 represent respectively the variation of the E=E g l=Eg2 0.35
illwnination and external temperatures during the three Ee 0.8
seasons: Cab

• During the spring season, sunlight varies during the These results show that the climatic conditions of
day of 290W / m2 to 910W / m2 , the maximum illumination and temperature are favorable for a proper
solarradiation reaches 910 W / m2 to 13h40min, and functioning of our cooker in both seasons of spring and
summer, and a malfunction during the winter. It is for these
reasons that the power of solar cooker depends on sunshine.
For a given illumination when cut, the power and performance ~~
of our cooker begin to cancel. To remedy this problem, we opt 180
for the integration of thermal storage. 160

140 /
~ 120
/ /
~ 100
40 /

6o 60 /
~ 1I
8. 20 20
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
E limelhl

~ 10 Figure 6. Temperature profile of inner glazing 2

9:03:03 10:03:03 11 :03:02 12:03:02 13:03:01 14:03:01 15:03:00 16:03:00 17:03:00

D. Profile ofthe temperature ofthe water in bouillard
Time [h]
Figure 4. External temperatures for three seasons.
Figure 7 shows the evolution of the temperature of the
water bouillard during three seasons in one day
B. Temperature profile of the glazing 1 • During the spring season, the temperature of the water
bouillard varies during the day of 52.76 0 to 59.67 0 C;
the water temperature at maximum bouillard reaches
Figure 5 shows the variation of temperature profile of the 62.76 to 13h33min.
outer glazing transient. It ranges from 18 0 C to 20 0 C. This
can be explained by the fact that the outer glazing is located in • During the summer season, the temperature of the
the ambient air. water bouillard varies during the day of 56 0 C to 65 0
C; the temperature of the water reaches maximum
bouillard 68.65 to 14hllmin.

• During the winter, the water temperature in bouillard

~ ---- r---..... varies during the day of 36 0 C to 45 0 C; the water
~ temperature at maximum bouillard reached 47 to
G "-.
19 .~ 70

18.5 62
10 11 12 13 14 15 ~ 54
---- summer
- e- spring
Time[h] ~

Figure 5. Tthe variation ofthe first glazing temperature profile

f;5 50 Ä winter
!: 48
C. Temperature profile ofthe glazing 2 38
09:33:03 10:48:03 12:03:02 13:18:01 14:33:01 15:48:01 17:03:00
Figure 6 shows the change in the inner glazing temperature Tg2 . h' Time rhl . .
in transient. Here, we found that increasing the temperature Flgure 7. C anges In water temperature fODoUlllard dunng three seasons

value of 20 0 C to 187 °C 9am to 15h. These results show that

importance of the capture of solar radiation by the additional
reflectors, and the temperature inside of the oven starts to E. Profile of the temperature of the absorber
Figure 9 shows the variation of the temperature of the
absorber transient. Here, we have found that the increase of the
temperature over time; the temperature of the maximum
absorber reaches the value of 231 0 C to 15 :00. These results
show that the interest of our design, which will contribute to
solve of the problem that is previously mentioned and reduce
the cooking time.
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Figure 9. Materials storage temperature profile A :Area (m 2)
Q :Heat flow (w)
V. CONCLUSION h : Heat transfer convection coefficient (W/m 2k)
T :Temperature (0C)
In this paper, we have modeled the design of solar oven box- t : Time (s)
type with four reflectors inside and outside and with thermal G : Incidental solar radiation (w/ m2 )
storage by the numerical modeling of heat equations. The Subindex
simulation results have shown the information of the thermal g :Glass st: Storage
behavior of our oven, its good working (temperature increase, amb : Ambient ab : Absorber
storage for non-sunny periods) and reducing the cooking time al : Aluminum r :Cooking pot
considerably. e: Thickness w: Water
ex: External c: Sky
ref: Reflector
Greek letters
(7 : Stefan-Boltzman constant (5.669* 10-6 w/m 2 K 4 )

p : Reflectivity & : Emittance

a : Absorptance , :Transmittivity
A. : Thermal conductivity

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