0203 APPROVED FINAL VERSION On Assessment Tool For CDCs & LCs 2015
0203 APPROVED FINAL VERSION On Assessment Tool For CDCs & LCs 2015
0203 APPROVED FINAL VERSION On Assessment Tool For CDCs & LCs 2015
A. General Information
Age: ________
This Assessment Tool is based on the Standards and Guidelines for the Center-Based Early Childhood Programs for 0 to 4 Years Old Filipino
Children. It is intended to be used for the Granting of Recognition to Public and Private Child Development Centers/Learning Centers. The Tool
contains Standards, Guidelines and Indicators. Standards are written general statements of actions, behaviors, characteristics and conditions
agreed by stakeholders against which others are judged or measured while Guidelines are statements that determine courses of action which aim
to streamline particular processes according to sound practices. The Indicators and sub-indicators are specific statements of actions, behaviors,
characteristics and conditions agreed to by the stakeholders, the presence of which tells whether a standard has been fulfilled.
It has the following areas with the number of indicators and sub-indicators and the maximum points that a public or private CDC/LC will
get after the evaluation.
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ii. Interview (I) of the Center staff and partners/stakeholders, and
iii. Document Review (DR) of the Center’s file of the Child’s Personal Data, Physical Health Inventory, Child’s Nutritional Status,
Center’s Policies, Curriculum Guides, Teaching-Learning Activities, Classroom Program/Routines, etc.
2. The Evidences to be Gathered by the Evaluator(s) are cited in each Indicator to ensure that the score given is valid and reliable.
3. The Rating for each Indicator shall be the Maximum Point of 1 or 0 for non-compliance of the Indicator.
4. Under Remarks, indicate the important information about the indicator that the CDC/LC needs to comply.
5. After rating each Area, count the points and write the Total Points in the space provided for.
Standard: The program promotes health, nutrition, and safety of infants, toddlers and young children through education of the Center staff and
parents who are responsible for the implementation of health, nutrition and safety practices, and the prevention and protection of children from
illnesses and injuries.
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A. HEALTH AND NUTRITION SERVICES for infants, toddlers and young children are made available in coordination with the Barangay Health
Center/Rural Health Unit Physician, Midwife, Dentist and the Barangay Health Worker/Barangay Nutrition Scholar or by a private licensed
physician/nurse and dentist. The CDC/LC ensures that each child has access to a thorough health and nutritional status assessment using age-
appropriate screening of the developmental milestones to include but not limited to vision, hearing, and oral health needs.
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7. Infants and young children are 1 DR -CDC/LC Records of
referred by the CDC/LC staff to an Referral
accessible Local Government Unit -Immunization Record
(LGU) health facility or private health
clinic for the provisions of :
- Vaccines under the Expanded
Program on Immunization (EPI) as
mandated by the Department of
Health (DOH) ,
8. - Information and support on 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
exclusive breastfeeding, parents as respondents
complementary feeding with -ECCD Card/Baby Book
continued breastfeeding and proper
9. - Micronutrient supplementation 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
(Vitamin A, Micronutrient Powder parents as respondents
and Iron), -ECCD Card/Baby Book
10. - Deworming, 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
parents as respondents
-ECCD Card/Baby Book
11. - Oral health care, and 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
parents as respondents
-Dental Records/ECCD Card
12. - Growth monitoring and promotion 1 DR Child Growth System Form
(measurement of weight, height /
13. The Center has a plan for the care of 1 DR CDC/LC Policies
a sick child.
14. The Center has a written protocol for 1 DR CDC/LC Policies
the care of mildly ill children to meet
individual needs for food, drink, rest,
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and comfort.
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be able to recover or get back to a
normal status.
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food experiences.
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32. Young children are encouraged to 1 O, I -Observation
consume food according to their Notes/Children’s Meals
individual capacity; unfinished food -Interview Notes with
should be brought home to reduce food Parents as Respondents
33. Meals and snack times are social 1 I/O Interview notes/Inspection
interactions and provide learning notes
experiences on proper eating habits to
34. Young children are encouraged without 1 I/O Interview notes/Inspection
coercing or negative consequences to notes
eat a well-balanced diet and food is not
used as a reward or punishment.
35. Opportunities are provided for children 1 I/O/DR -Curriculum-Special Activity
to be involved in activities related to the -Picture(s) of the activity
preparation and serving of meals and
staff and these children are encouraged
to eat together.
C. The Center ensures Food and Water Safety, and Hygiene.
36. The Center promotes and implements 1 I/O Interview notes/ Presence
proper hand washing practices for of clean washing facilities,
children and staff and hand washing soap and
messages are properly displayed in water/Observation notes
dining and toilet facilities.
37. A source of clean and sanitary drinking 1 O/DR Receipts from the water
water is available to young children station/Record of
and if public or private well is used, the Inspection
Center provides evidence that the
water source has been inspected and
approved by the authorized agency.
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38. Foods are properly prepared in a clean 1 I/DR/O Sanitary permit/
facility, stored in clean covered Interview notes /Presence
containers and served safely and if of clean covered
transported, these should be in containers/Observation
appropriate sanitary containers. notes during inspection
39. Non-disposable dishes, bottles, 1 I/O Pictures
drinking and eating utensils are Note from the house
thoroughly washed and sanitized keeping staff
before use.
40. All unfinished food products are 1 O Photograph evidence
disposed of properly.
41. All garbage containers used are 1 O/I -Photographs
emptied and cleaned daily and are -Interview note
maintained in sanitary condition.
D. SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING PROGRAM in Child Development Centers is made available to young children.
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45. Children on supplemental feeding are 1 O, DR -Observation Notes/during
provided with experiences that feeding
promote proper nutrition and healthy - Photographs
eating habits. -Curriculum
Learning Activities
46. Children are supervised during 1 O, I -Observation Notes/during
supplementary feeding by the Center feeding
staff with active participation of -Photographs
parents. -Interview Notes with
stakeholders as
47. Community leaders and LGU nutrition 1 DR -CDC Official documents on
councils/committees participate in the Nutrition Council/
preparation and conduct of Committees
supplemental feeding programs, and in -List of activities
monitoring and evaluation of undertaken
nutritional status of children.
E. The Center implements a CLEAN AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT and INJURY PREVENTION program among young children and staff.
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-Observation Notes
51. The Center is cleaned and maintained 1 I Interview Notes of
according to schedule. stakeholders as
53. Trash is stored in segregated (i.e. 1 O, I -Observation Notes/
biodegradable and non-biodegradable) Presence of appropriate
and covered disposal containers, which containers
are emptied daily. -Interview Notes with
stakeholders as
54. All cleaning supplies are stored in a 1 O, I -Observation Notes as seen
secure place out of reach of children. during the visit
-Interview Notes with
stakeholders as
55. Major housekeeping and repair 1 I Interview Notes with
activities are conducted when children stakeholders as
are not around. respondents
56. The Center has a procedure for 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
reporting injuries, accidents or stakeholders as
problems that may occur that require respondents
rapid response on the part of the staff. -CDC/LC Policy/Record for
reporting injuries,
57. Individual medical problems and 1 DR CDC/LC Log book of Child’s
injuries that require medical attention Medical Problems/Injuries
other than minor first aid are recorded
and reported to the parents
58. At least one telephone or cell phone is 1 I -Interview Notes with
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made available on the school premises stakeholders on the
for this purpose. presence of phone
59. Injury log that includes name of child; 1 DR CDC/LC Log book of injuries
date, time and location of accident; that happened
description of injury and how it
occurred; treatment given and the
name of the person who gave the
treatment, and names of witnesses.
60. The staff administer the basic first aid 1 I, DR -Interview Notes of
treatment in cases of slight stakeholders on the
injuries/bruises. presence of first aid kit
-CDC/LC Log book of first
aid treatments
61. A first aid kit is available at all times in 1 O, I -Observation Notes on the
the Center and is replenished as often presence of first aid kit
as necessary. -Interview Notes with
stakeholders on the
presence of first aid kit
62. There are procedures for injury 1 I, DR -Interview Notes with
prevention and management of parents as respondents
medical emergencies during field trips. -CDC/LC Policies
The Center ensures that a first aid kit
and list of emergency numbers for the
children are available on any field trip.
F. The Center implements CHILD PROTECTION PROGRAM.
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64. The Center facilitates the conduct of 1 DR CDC/LC Records on
child-protection seminars related to Seminars on Child Abuse
child abuse and neglect participated by and Neglect
the parents and authorized
guardians/caregivers. Written
procedures are available for protecting
children against abuse and neglect.
65. Staff receive training regarding 1 DR CDC/LC Records of Training
policies, procedures, and legal and for Staff/ Certificates
professional responsibilities about earned from training
reporting suspected child
66. The Center cooperates in investigation 1 DR CDC/LC Written
of child abuse/neglect, including Report/Interview Report
identifying parents of currently or
previously enrolled in the Center,
disclosure of information to any
authorized person for the investigation
of the allegation and protection of
children, if applicable.
Standard: The Child Development Center/Learning Center has outdoor play area and a classroom environment that are safe and accessible to
young children, including those with special needs with appropriate and sufficient facilities, equipment and learning materials. Its classroom floor
area is conducive to play experiences, exploration, and learning with separate areas that are regularly used for other purposes.
The public CDC is located in a government property and its maintenance and supervision is ensured by the Local Government Unit.
The private CDC/ LC is registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission and has a business permit from the Mayor’s Office and is maintained
and supervised by its Administration.
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A. The OUTDOOR PLAY AREA is safely maintained and encourages play and learning.
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7. Play area is clearly visible to staff 1 O Observation Notes
members at all times. There is a
shaded area or protection from direct
sunlight in the outdoor play area and
pathways are clear for emergency
evacuation and accessible to
8. Staff check children’s clothing to be sure 1 O, I -Observation
it is appropriate for playground safety. Notes/Classroom Activities
-Interview Notes with
parents as respondents
B. The CENTER ENVIRONMENT is safely maintained and encourages play and learning.
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24. Space is subdivided into areas so that 1 O Observation Notes
young children can play individually,
together and in small groups and in a
large group, and to accommodate the
variety of activities contained in the
25. Manipulative learning materials for 1 O Observation Notes
play area are accessible to children.
D. There is a variety of CONTENTS (Facilities, Equipment and Instructional Materials) that are safely maintained.
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29. - Musical Instruments to introduce 1 O, I -Observation Notes
young children to sounds and on use of musical
encourage them to sing, hum or instruments
whistle to themselves; to see -Interview Notes with
patterns in music and nature, to be parents as respondents
sensitive to environmental sounds
as well as to human voice.
30. - Arts and Crafts to stimulate 1 O, I, DR -Observation Notes
children’s curiosity towards the on activities for arts and
development of their own artistic crafts
and creative ability. -Interview Notes with
parents as respondents
-Children’s Outputs on Arts
& Crafts
31. - Hygiene, Toilet and Hand washing 1 O, I -Observation Notes
facilities for teaching and learning on hygiene, toilet and hand
proper hygiene and cleanliness so washing facilities
children could experience the -Interview Notes with
development of health habits parents as respondents
through demonstration.
- Access to safe clean water for
drinking, hand washing and tooth
brushing inside or within the Center.
- Availability of water for flushing of
toilet and general use inside or within
the premises of the Center.
- Group hand washing facilities that can
accommodate at least five (5)
children at a time with proper roofing
and safe access if outside the Center.
- Proper drainage for waste water.
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32. The contents are of sufficient quantity 1 O, I -Observation Notes on
for the number of children enrolled at contents
any time, and are arranged to -Interview Notes with
promote independent use. parents as respondents
33. The contents that require teachers’ 1 O Observation notes on
supervision are stored out of proper labelling of the
children’s reach. contents
34. All furniture and fixtures, equipment 1 O Observation Notes on
and learning materials are clean and furniture, fixtures and
safe and in workable condition and equipment
are not hazardous to young children.
Standard: The Child Development Center (CDC)/Learning Center (LC) contributes positive interactions and relationships among children and other
adults to develop each child’s potential, and a sense of individual value and belonging as part of the community and to become a responsible
community member.
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8. The staff provide all children including 1 O, DR -Observation
those with special needs with equal Notes/Classroom
opportunities to take part in their Activities
activities to be able to interact -Curriculum
according to their capabilities. Guide/Teaching-
Learning Activities
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11. The program has written statements 1 DR Policy Documents
defining the rules, policies, and
procedures for the behavior
management of 3 to 4 year old
children directed to the goal of
maximizing their growth and
development, and protecting the
group and individuals within it.
12. The rules and procedures are posted 1 DR -Policy Documents Center and Home agreement
in a noticeable place and provided to -Minutes of PTA/ PTCA
and discussed with parents during Meetings
Parents Teachers Association/Parents
Teachers and Community meetings.
13. The program uses positive behavior 1 O, DR -Observation
management techniques such as Notes/Classroom Activities
setting reasonable and positive -Curriculum
expectations, offering choices and Guides/Teaching-Learning
providing children an opportunity to Activities
verbalize their feelings, which
encourage children to develop self-
control through understanding.
14. The program is designed to promote 1 O, DR -Observation
positive behaviour techniques (i.e. Notes/Classroom Activities
modelling, redirection, positive -Curriculum
reinforcement, and encouragement) Guides/Teaching-Learning
that are discussed and practiced Activities
consistently among staff in a
reasonable and appropriate manner.
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15. Self-discipline is encouraged in 1 O, DR -Observation Notes
children and the parents follow the -Posted Classroom Daily
Center’s arrangement, daily Schedule
scheduling and allowing children, to -Curriculum
resolve their own conflicts as Guides/Teaching-
appropriate. Learning Activities
Standard: The program employs and support teaching and non-teaching staff who possess the required education qualifications and essential
knowledge and imbued with desirable values. The management provides the continuing professional development to promote young children’s
learning and development and to support family’s diverse needs.
1. The program ensures that qualified staff
are hired for any position available in
the Center.
- The Child Development Teacher has:
a) a Bachelor’s Degree in Childhood 1 DR -Transcript of Records
Education or Elementary Education
preferably with Specialization on
Early Childhood/ or any degree
related to Education like Bachelor’s
degree in Psychology, Child Study,
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Family Life and Child Development,
among others;
b) attended basic trainings or 1 DR -Certificates Issued
seminars related to Early Childhood
Care and Development (ECCD) or
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
c) skills on community mobilization
and effective oral communication, 1 DR, O -Personal Data
and preferably one who is Sheet/Resume
computer literate; -Observation Notes on oral
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33The Child 3. - The Teacher Aide has:
a) at least completed the Secondary 1 DR -High School Diploma
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c) computer literacy skills. 1 O -Observation Notes on
computer skills
5 - Other Administrative staff in private 1 DR -Transcript of
CDC/LC meet required educational Record/Certificate issued
qualification of their position. by the Institution
B. Staff development provides opportunities for PROFESSIONAL GROWTH and CONTINUING EDUCATION.
Standard: The Center implements a curriculum that is anchored on the National Early Learning Framework (NELF), and is consistent with the Early
Learning Development Standards (ELDS) validated for Filipino children. The curriculum manifests developmentally appropriate practices which
have a component of systematic assessment that provides information on children’s development and learning that is used to plan for and modify
the instructional program.
A. Curriculum is carefully PLANNED to appropriately respond to the DEVELOPMENTAL NEEDS of every young child in the Center.
D. Instruction is ADJUSTABLE based on the regular assessment of the young children. Several ASSESSMENT METHODS are used to help
determine the child’s developmental progress when planning for instruction including those children with special needs.
Learning Activities
Standard: The Center promotes harmonious family relationship, and builds a strong collaborative working relationship with stakeholders towards
effective delivery of programs and services.
A. The Center implements SUPPORTIVE PARTNERSHIP with parents as the PRIMARY EDUCATORS of their young children. Staff and parents will
keep each other WELL INFORMED about their child’s development and the programs and services implemented.
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2. Written information on delivery of 1 DR Copies of CDC/LC
programs and services and policies of Handbook/
the Center are provided to the parents Brochure/Fold
upon admission of their young children Out/Handouts
to the Center. There should be signed
agreements with parents in relation to
the rules and regulations of the Center.
3. Opportunities are given to 1 DR CDC/LCA List of
parents/authorized Parents/Authorized
guardians/caregivers to participate on Guardians/Care-givers who
the following activities to enhance participated in activities
their knowledge and skills for the
development of the full potential of
their young children: Parent education
or Responsible Parenthood (e.g. Parent
Effectiveness Services Seminar (PESS),
Empowerment Reaffirmation of
Paternal Abilities Training (ERPAT),
reinforcing/promoting positive
behavior, alternative discipline);
Family Support Program; Curriculum
review and development of
instructional materials; Children’s
assessment on their growth and
development; and Trainings on First
Aid, Disaster Preparedness, PABASA sa
Nutrisyon, and Nutrition in
4. Family members and guardians are
given written instructions to attend the
following: CDC/LC File of
- Organization of Child Development 1 DR communications
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Center Parents’ Organization/ *re organization of
Committee, and PTA/PTCA
5 - CDT/CDW, Parents and Barangay 1 DR *re CIP development,
conduct regular meetings to develop implementation,
the Center’s Improvement Plan (CIP) evaluation
and its implementation, and to
evaluate the implemented activities.
6. The Center’s program is sustainable 1 DR CDC/LC Documents on - Interview
through the parents’ support: activities participated by
- Ensure continuity of the significant parents/ pictures
activities being done in the Center
(e.g. hand washing, tooth brushing,
7. - Promote parents/authorized 1 I CDC/LC List of Volunteers
guardians/caregivers to become
active volunteers of the Center and
the community.
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and environment care, protection and -Teaching Learning-
conservation. Activities about the
-Pictures of the community
10. The Center links/networks with 1 DR CDC/LC List of Stakeholders
partners/ stakeholders to contribute,
develop and sustain programs that
will among others promote safety and
protection of young children from
abuse and neglect.
Standard: The program is efficiently and effectively administered and managed by a qualified local CDC/LC Committee/Board/Office that focuses
attention to the needs of the young children, their parents and staff to promote quality integrated services in health, nutrition, early education and
social services. The Program Focal Person/Administrator/Director/Principal provides leadership and support to staff and families so young children
have high quality experiences.
1. The Public CDC has the evidence of the 1 DR, I -Barangay/ Municipal Registration
authority to operate programs under Council Resolution
the Local Government Unit as provided -Deed of Donation
in R.A. 10410 known as the “Early -Building Permit
Years Act of 2013.” -Interview Notes with the
local officials
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The Private CDC/LC maintains 1 DR -SEC Registration -
documents that fully and completely -Mayor’s Business Permit
identify its ownership. Corporations,
partnerships, or associations identify
their officers and maintains a file that
includes, where applicable, the
agreement/constitution/articles of
organization and by-laws and
registered in the Securities and
Exchange Commission and has a
business permit from the Local
Government Unit.
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6. - observe classroom instruction and 1 DR - Observation & Feed -
provide feedback to the CDTs/CDWs backing Reports of
and other staff; C/MSWDO
- Accomplishment Reports
of the C/MSWDO
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10. - support the implementation of the 1 DR, I -Action Plan for
standards for early childhood Implementation of
programs. Standards
Training on Standards
-Activity Reports
-Interview Notes with local
govt. officials, CDT/ CDW
and parents as
11. Records of the results of the 1 DR, I -Center’s File of -
supervisory visits are made available Supervisory Reports
to the Child Development -Interview Notes with
Teacher/Worker and to the Teacher CDT/CDW/ Teacher Aide
Aide and shall serve as the bases for and parents as
the performance evaluation of these respondents
D. The administration through the Child Development Teacher/Worker has CHILD RECORDS that are MAINTAINED and KEPT CONFIDENTIAL
for each child.
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14. A child’s parent(s) has the right to add 1 DR, I - Center’s Policy
information, comments, data, or any - Interview Notes with
relevant material to the child’s record parents as respondents
or has the right to request deletion or
amendment of any information
contained in the child’s record, if
supported by a legal document.
E. The program has procedures for REFERRAL.
For the Private CDC/LC, the 1 DR, I - Copy of the vacancy announcement
recruitment and hiring are in - Application papers on file
accordance with the rules and - Interview with the HR, applicants &
procedures approved by its hired staff
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G. The MONTHLY SALARY of the PUBLIC CDT/CDW/TEACHER AIDE shall be shouldered by the LGU while PRIVATE CDCs/TEACHER AIDES and its
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF shall be paid on time by the CDC/LC Board/Committee/office that hires them.
18. The salary of the public CDT/CDW will 1 DR, I - 201 file
be based on the Salary Grade of - Contract
Teacher I (SG II) of the Department of - Pay slip
Education but the amount will - Interview with the Budget/HR
depend on the monthly salary Officer
schedule of the local government
personnel per DBM Local Budget
Circular no. 99 dated May 25, 2012.
19. The Teacher Aide in public CDC shall 1 DR, I - Board Resolution
be paid on an honorarium basis as - Contract
approved by the Sangguniang Bayan - Pay slip
Resolution of the Local Government - Interview with the Budget/HR
Unit. Officer
H. The program MAINTAINS A CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL RECORD for each staff member.
20. The confidential personnel record 1 DR, I - 201 file in secured storage
includes, but is not limited to the - Interview Notes with the HR and
following: staff as respondents
- employee’s resume,
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- documentation that employee has
qualifications required for the
- reference verification,
- medical and dental records,
- documentation of staff in-service
- annual evaluation,
- attendance records, and
- verification that employee has
received and understood program
21. The records of personnel files are 1 DR, I - 201 file
updated and well-maintained and the - Interview Notes with the HR and
management upholds confidentiality of staff as respondents
these files.
E. How to Fill up Tables 1 and 2 and Compute the Rating for Each Area
1. The Evaluator(s) shall fill up Table 1 or Consolidated Individual Ratings Sheet. Each evaluator will write the Total Points he/she gave in each Area. The
sum for the Total Points will be indicated in the column Consolidated Maximum Points Earned by the CDC/LC for each Area. The Consolidated Total
Points shall be divided into three (3) to get the Average Maximum Points Earned for each Area.
2. The Evaluator(s) shall fill up Table 2 or Summary Sheet for the Public/Private CDC/LC. This Sheet has five (5) columns: Areas, Maximum Points (for
Public/Private CDC/LC), 75% Level of Compliance, Average Maximum Points Earned and Rating (Complied With or Not Complied With the
Requirements). The column on the 75% Level of Compliance indicates the Minimum Points that the CDC/LC should earn in each Area in order to qualify
for Recognition.
3. The Evaluator(s) shall fill up the column on the Average Maximum Points Earned.
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4. For the column on Rating, the Evaluator(s) shall compare the Average Maximum Points Earned with the Points indicated in the 75% Level of Compliance
for each Area. If the Points are the same or exceed the 75% Level of Compliance, the Evaluator(s) will write Complied With Requirements. If not, the
Evaluator(s) will write Not Complied With Requirements.
5. If the CDC/LC has earned Complied With Requirements in all the seven (7) Areas, it is qualified for Recognition.
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MAXIMUM (Complied With
POINTS EARNED or Not Complied
With Requirements
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3. Address: __________________________________________________________________________
(No.) (Street) (Subdivision/Barangay)
(City/Municipality) (Province) (Region)
Pre-K1 Pre-K2
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6. Name of Barangay Captain/Authorized Person (Public CDC): ______________________________________________
Name of Administrator/Director/Principal (Private CDC/LC): ______________________________________________
Name & Signature above the Name & Designation
Barangay Captain: LGU /Authorized Person: NGA/GOCC (Public CDC)
Administrator/Director/Principal (Private CDC/LC)
Date: _____________________________
City/Municipal Social Welfare Development Officer/
ECCD Focal Person
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Date: ______________________________________
3. Address: __________________________________________________________________________
(No.) (Street) (Subdivision/Barangay)
(City/Municipality) (Province) (Region)
Pre-K1 Pre-K2
A. Center Environment
3. Does the Center protect the children from abuse and neglect?
B. Clientele/Children Served
5. Does the Center have the list of names of children ages 1 to 4 years living in the
6. Are the parents/guardian aware of the location and the services provided by the
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C. Child Development Teacher/Worker and Other Staff
_________________________________________________ ____________________________
Name & Signature Date
City/Municipal Social Development Officer/
ECCD Focal Person
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3. Address: __________________________________________________________________________
(No.) (Street) (Subdivision/Barangay)
(City/Municipality) (Province) (Region)
Pre-K1 Pre-K2
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6. Name of Administrator/Director/Principal: ______________________________________________
1. Photo copy of the SEC Registration ( with the Original Copy for presentation only)
2. Profile of the Center that describes its location, ownership and the goals and
objectives, and the program (s) to be offered
3. Description with pictures of the lot size, indoor and outdoor area, number of
buildings/classrooms, facilities, equipment and instructional materials available for
effective instruction
1. Do the outdoor and classroom environment ensure access for children and adults
with special needs (with ramps and railings) by compliance with the requirements of
Batas Pambansa Bldg. 344 “An Act to Enhance Mobility of Disabled Persons by
Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions, Establishments and Public Utilities to Install
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Facilities and Other Devices”?
2. Does the CDC/LC meet the current state and local building codes and safety
4. Can the door’s entry and exit be opened inward and outward but not swinging?
______________________________________ ____________________________
Name & Signature of C/MSWDO/ECCD Focal Person Date
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1. Observation Sheet
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2. Interview Sheet
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3. Document Review Sheet
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Letter head of the City/Mayor’s Office
is hereby issued to
(Name of the registered private CDC/LC)
for compliance of requirements set by the ECCD Council for Center-Based Programs
for the 0 to 4 Years Old Children.
Given this ____ day of ____, 20___ in ____________________, Philippines.
(Name of the City/Municipal Mayor
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10. NCR Pasig City Dr. Teresita G. Inciong Vice Chairperson & Executive Director,
ECCD Council
11. NCR Pasig City Dr. Yolanda S. Quijano Education Consultant,
ECCDC Secretariat (Sec.)
12. NCR Pasig City Simeona T. Ebol PMO, ECCDC Sec.
13. NCR Pasig City Remylen M. Malaquilla EA/PDO II, ECCDC Sec.
14. NCR Pasig City Pia Leah M. Abad PO III, ECCDC Sec.
15. NCR Pasig City Barbie Mae C. Dumlao PO III, ECCDC Sec.
16. NCR Pasig City Pia C. Chavez PDO II, ECCDC Sec.
17. NCR Pasig City Rona B. Datur PDO I, ECCDC Sec.
18. NCR Pasig City Ever-Ben R. Rogero PDO I, ECCDC Sec.
19. NCR Pasig City Eldy U. Oñas PDO, ECCDC Sec.
20. NCR Pasig City Renn Wilson G. Diola AA, ECCDC Sec.
21. III Pampanga Jill Matienzo ECCD Focal Person, Municipal Hall, Pampanga
22. VI Antique Lazaro G. Petinglay PSWDO, Municipal Hall, Antique
23. X Misamis Oriental Emelia P. Andea PSWDO, Municipal Hall, Misamis Oriental
24. NCR Makati City Marissa Fernandez Validator, Makati City Hall, Makati City
25. NCR Makati City Elizabeth Empleo Validator, Makati City Hall, Makati City
26. NCR Metro Manila Concepcion S. Llaga CSWDO, , City Hall of Muntinlupa
27. NCR Metro Manila Cecilia C. Navarro ECCD Teacher, , City Hall of Muntinlupa
28. NCR Metro Manila Maricel L. Dacuycuy ECCD Head, City Hall of Muntinlupa
29. NCR Malabon City Melissa N. Ferrer CDT, Hulung Duhat, Malabon City
30. NCR Malabon City Aldrin C. Ferrer CDT, Tugatog, Malabon City
31. NCR Manila Marivic M. Gabriel CDT, Pandacan City
32. IV-A Laguna Judith J. Hasil CSWDO, City of Sta. Rosa
33. IV-A Laguna Lucille M. De Leon MSWDO. Municipal Hall, Sta. Cruz, Laguna
34. IV-A Laguna Jovita M. Valdeabella DCW Coordinator, Sta. Cruz, Laguna
35. IV-A Laguna Francisca C. Mondes MSWDO, Pagsanjan, Laguna
36. IV-A Rizal Monette N. Martin CSWDO, Antipolo City
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37. IV-A Rizal Ma. Jennifer T. Dilag MSWDO, Binangonan, Rizal
38. VII Negros Oriental Susan V. Mira MSWDO, Bindoy, Negros Oriental
39. XI Davao del Norte Sally C. Balili RSW, Div. Chief, Tagum City
40. V Sorsogon Marivic F. Enguerra CDT, Gubat, Sorsogon
41. VI Iloilo Maria Ruby Ann J. Hilaga CDT, Pavia, Iloilo
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Participants to the Two-Day Revision of the
Assessment Tool for the Granting of Permit and Recognition to
Child Development Centers and Learning Centers
ECCD Council Secretariat Conference Room
April 29-30, 2015
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12 Eldy U. Oňas Program Development Officer ECCD Council
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