MMPB-005 Marketing of Financial Services
MMPB-005 Marketing of Financial Services
MMPB-005 Marketing of Financial Services
Marketing of Financial
Indira Gandhi
Financial Services in India 5
Marketing of Banking and Other Services 71
Merchant Banking and Allied Services 193
Sector Specific Marketing Strategies 219
Emerging Issues 261
Prof. K. Ravi Sankar, Mr. Gautam Bhardwaj*
SOMS, IGNOU, New Delhi Invest India Economic Foundation
Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Acknowledgement: Parts of this course is adapted from the earlier MS-423: Marketing of
Financial Services course and the persons marked with (*) were the original contributors and
the profiles are as it was on the date of initial print.
Mr.Tilak Raj
Assistant Registrar
MPDD, IGNOU, New Delhi
April, 2023
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Block 3 deals with Merchant Banking and Allied services where we discuss
about issue management and under writing services and stock broking
services. Both of these services are going to be of importance due to the role
of capital markets in raising of funds for corporate sector and subsequent
liquidity of listed instruments
Block 4 deals with sector specific marketing strategies for insurance, mutual
funds and pension funds.All these three services are growing and in light of
changing demographics these services have immense potential to grow at
even higher pace
This, the first block on the Course on Financial Services Marketing in India,
aims at providing you with a general overview of the financial services
markets in India, the main issues and concerns in these markets today and the
conceptual understanding of the underlying consumer behaviour in relation to
financial services. The block also provides the concepts of services marketing
as applied to financial services in general, which would need to be applied by
you in building up your understanding of the entire course. The block
consists of four units covering the above mentioned concepts and inputs.
Markets: An
1.1 Introduction
12 Types of Financial Markets in India
1.3 A Brief Historical Perspective of Development in Financial Markets
14 Money Market
15 Foreign Exchange Market
1.6 Components of the Corporate Securities Market
1.7 Private Placement Market in India
1.8 Mutual Funds Market in India
1.9 Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIS)
1.10 Stock Exchanges - Operations
1.11 Depository Systems for Indian Stock Exchange
1.12 Debt Market
1.13 Government Securities Market
1.14 The Role of Payment and Settlement System in India
1.15 Treasury Bills
1.16 Housing Finance Market
1.17 Summary
1.18 Self Assessment Questions
Financial markets exercise enormous influence over modern life as they are
the main channels through which savings are channelized to the investment in
the economy. This unit explains the purposes different financial markets
serve and clarifies the way they work. The main role of financial markets is:
Financial Services
• In the mobilisation and allocation of saving in the economy
in India
• In transmitting signals for policy specially during financial crisis and
period of high inflation
• In facilitating liquidity management that is consistent with overall short-
and medium-term policy objectives
• Providing future income streams by way of investments
Financial firms match the available funds of savers and investors with
borrowers and others seeking to raise funds in exchange for future payments.
The products, instruments, and markets used to facilitate this matching are
numerous each having its own risk and return characteristics.
• Financial Assets
• Financial Intermediaries/Financial Institutions
• Financial Markets
• Financial Rates of Return
• Financial Instruments and
• . Financial Services
• Provision of liquidity
• Mobilization of savings
• Size transformation/Capital formation
• Maturity transformation
• Risk transformation
• Lowering of cost of transaction
• Payment mechanism
• Assisting new projects
• Meet short and long term financial needs
• Provide necessary finance to the Government Financial Services
Markets: An
• Accelerate the process of economic growth of the country Overview
Activity 1
1. Looking at the financial service markets given above which do you think
are the most dynamic markets in India and why?
Financial Services
2. Do you think you can identify financial service markets other than those
in India
listed above? List these.
Two sectors that need their due credit are Insurance and Mutual fund and, the
post-1991 period was especially good for these sectors. Various national and
foreign entities beginning to participate in the Mutual fund sector and lead to
the diversification of the sector. Under the regulatory purview of IRDA, the
insurance sector has become a much more disciplined and dynamic sector
with the participation of national and foreign players. This sector with a
highly diversified product portfolio with a much wider inclusion of customers
has also strengthened the financial system in India.
The post-1991 era transformed the Indian Financial System with a newer type
of organizational infrastructure like Credit Rating Agencies, Technical
Consultancies, Custodian Service Providers, portfolio managers, Foreign
Institutional Investors brought much needed dynamism in the economy.
The Government and regulatory authority’s viz.the Reserve Bank and the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) continued to strengthen the
financial infrastructure in terms of prudential regulations, improvements in
payments and settlement system, adoption of communication technology and
widening and deepening of various segments of the market.
The central bank's (that is the Reserve Bank of India) interventions in the
money market to influence liquidity serve as a signaling device for other
segments of the financial system.
• Call (overnight)
• Short Notice (up to fourteen days) money,
• Term Money
• Commercial Paper (CPS)
• Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
• Money Market Mutual Funds
• Commercial Bills
Financial Services
• Treasury Bills
in India
• Inter-Corporate Funds.
Of these, call and short notice market and Treasury Bills form the most
important segment of the Indian money market and banks, financial
institutions and Primary Dealers (PDs) are major players in the money market.
There was significant softening of call rates in the nineties on account of the
strong improvement in liquidity. The RBI intervened regularly through repo
operations so that the money market rates do not dip to unreasonably low
levels on a prolonged basis.
The rates for other money market instruments also exhibited a downtrend,
given the improved liquidity situation. Not surprisingly, the banks' reliance
on relatively high-cost funds declined.
Easy liquidity conditions gave a boost to the issue of commercial paper (CP)
at lower costs.
Activity 2
Can you name three money market instruments? Please take any one of the
three and research in detail.
Activity 3
Talk to some users in the money market and discuss with them to find the
reasons why the money market mutual funds in India have not met with the
expected degree of success.
12 …………………………………………………………………………………
1.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET Financial Services
Markets: An
The Indian Foreign exchange market is where you may buy and sell other
countries' currencies. The exchange rate of a currency is determined by the
demand and supply of currencies and global macro economic factors.
Foreign Exchange Market, is a decentralized global marketplace for foreign
currency trading. The FOREX market is an OTC (over-the-counter) market
1. Primary,
2. Secondary
1. Merchant Bankers
Financial Services
2. Underwriters,
in India
3. Portfolio managers,
4. Debenture trustees,
5. Bankers to an issue,
6. Registrar to an issue,
7. Share Transfer agents,
8. Rating Agencies.
Secondary Market
1. Security depositories,
2. Custodian of securities, and
3. SRO (Self Regulating Organisations)-Association of Mutual Funds,
(AMFI), Association of Merchant Bankers (AMBI), Association of
Custodial Agencies of India (ACAI) and Registrars Association (RAIN)
Sources of Funds for both Primary and Secondary markets:
1. Individuals
2. Businesses.
3. Public Sector entities.
Mechanism for rising further capital include
• Existing share holders are offered additional securities on pre-emptive
basis in primary markets situations.
• In secondary markets, outstanding securities are traded.
• Recently SEBI has proposed trading in Futures and Options (as Capital
market derivatives.) (This will mean SCRA will be amended.)
• SEBI, as an autonomous regulatory body, overseas, supervises and Financial Services
Markets: An
controls control intermediaries like Mutual Funds, Merchant Bankers, Overview
Under-writers, Port-folio managers, Debenture trustees, Bankers,
Registrars to issue(s). Share transfer agents. Stock Brokers, Sub-brokers
etc. Foreign institutional investors, Plantation companies schemes
including that of Rating Agencies. SEBI also prohibits trading
To augment the capital markets there is need for regulations to regulate
• to help solve liquidity problems,
• to monitor and strengthen financial soundness.
• to broadening of scope of business,
• to promoting of competitiveness.
• to increasing the transparency, efficiency, faimess honesty and
• to educate and provide proper guidelines to investors in securities.
• to develop increase in long term savings:
• to protect investor interests.
• to develop and create market integrity by augmenting efficiency in
clearing and
• settlement system;
• to improve transparency and efficiency.
• to encourage further market development.
• to encourage level playing.
General common objectives
• There should be timely, proper, adequate, complete, fair, reasonable
transparent information with a bearing upon the companies working:
• Trading/dealings should reflect fairness and high transparency:
• There should be honest and competent service;
• Market integrity should be maintained;
• Market quality should be cost efficient, price continuity, price discovery
and quality of paper should be investor further friendly lest one loses
• High level of innovativeness;
• Effective economic efficiency for the benefit of the investor should be
created 15
Financial Services
in India
New Issues Market
The aggregate new capital issues floated by the government companies, non-
government public limited companies (private sector), public sector
undertakings and banks and financial institutions (in public sector) through
prospectus and rights is decreasing as corporate are increasingly making use
of private placement.
The amount raised through, in past 2 years was Rs.59, 939 through 40 issues
in the year 2022 and Rs.1, 19.882 crores through 63 issues
In terms of instruments, debt has been the most preferred mode under this
arrangement. It may also be noted that the private placement market has been
witnessing the introduction of several innovative debt instruments such as
step-down/step-up. Notwithstanding its rapid stride, healthy development of
the private placement market called for regulatory norms and standards
especially because it is a highly informal market. These included disclosure
requirements in the memorandum of information. protection of investors'
interests, transparency in the event of retailing private placement issues etc.
The secondary market for privately placed issues has remained more or less
illiquid, which may also require policy intervention.
Activity 4 Financial Services
Markets: An
What is the recent trend in Private Placements? Overview
Can you name one sector which has raised funds extensively with this
The Unit Trust of India (UTI) set up in 1964 under an Act of Parliament, was
the first mutual fund in India
During 1987-1992, seven new mutual funds were established in the public
sector. A change in the Government policy in 1993 led to the entry of private
corporates and foreign institutional investors etc. into the mutual fund
segment taking the tally of mutual funds to 32 by end-March 1997 and
subsequently as of March 2023; 44 Mutual funds are operating in India
The total assets under the management of all the mutual funds as of March
2023 are estimated at about Rs.40,04,638 crore.
Activity 5
Make a comparison of all the schemes of any two mutual funds.
Financial Services
in India
Key Players in a Mutual Fund
Four key players are involved in the setting up of a mutual fund viz.,
• a sponsor
• a trustee
• an asset management company (AMC)
• a custodian.
Generally speaking, such schemes are listed on the stock exchanges for
dealings in the secondary market.
Increase in the number of MFs and the types of schemes offered by them to
the investors resulted in infusion of competition in this industry. It was,
therefore, considered necessary that all mutual funds follow uniform norms
for valuation of investments and accounting practices so that the investors
could judge their performance on a comparable basis.
the mutual fund industry in India is the tax shelter. A mutual set up by public
sector bank or a financial institution or that authorised by SEBI is exempted
from tax under Section 10 (23D) provided it distributes 90 per cent of its
The specialised status enjoyed by the mutual funds industry in terms of fiscal
incentives is one of the stimuli for its growth and accordingly, during the
seven-year period from 1987-88 to 1994-95, the industry registered an
annualized growth of 40 per cent. The subdued stock market conditions
during the last two years coupled with the perceived lack of transparency in
the functioning of MFs, delayed refunds, poor accountability and lack of
efficient service, led to poor performance of many MF schemes resulting in
low or even negative returns thereby eroding the investors' interests,
18 Consequently, the resource mobilisation by the mutual funds (other than UTT)
during 1995-96 and 1996-97 was low and in respect of UTI, there were large Financial Services
Markets: An
reverse flows in view of substantial repurchases. It is, therefore, widely Overview
recognised that mutual funds need to revamp their operations, be responsive
to investor needs and infuse greater expertise and efficiency in their
operations in order to win over the investors' confidence.
Activity 6
What ails the Mutual Funds industry in India?
Talk to about ten investors in mutual funds; about their expectation from their
funds before they invested... Have their expectation been met. What do you
think are the possible causes in case the expectations are only partly met.
Besides, the Exchange secured in-principle approval from the SEBI for the
introduction of trade guarantee Fund (TGF) aimed at protecting the interest of
investors. The overall performance of BSE, however, was not very
encouraging as the market capitalization of the listed scrips declined.
The turnover on the capital market segment of the NSE rose over four-fold
during 97 was also more than double that on the BSE, despite the spectacular
rise in the latte The NSE, through its nation-wide network (with connectivity
to over 100 cities), has acquired the status of a premier stock exchange in the
country. The National Securities Depository Lid (NSDL) promoted by NSE. 19
Financial Services
IDBI and UTI became operational in October 1996
in India
Activity 7
What role did FIIs play in the Asian Monetary Crisis? From you knowledge
of the financial service market in India, and the FIIs role here, do you foresee
anything like the Asian Monetary Crisis happening here? Why or why not?
Against this backdrop, the passing of the Depositories Act by the Parliament
in August 1996 paved the way for setting up of multiple depositories which
would vastly improve the efficiency of the capital market. The Act vests
SEBI with the powers of registration of depositories and participants and to
approve and amend the bye-laws of a depository and allows for
dematerialisation (and rematerialisation) of securities in depositories thereby
facilitating the transfer of securities through electronic book entry..
Study the depository services being offered by any bank of your choice.
Write a brief note on the way the depository service are being marketed.
Primary Dealers in the turnover of NSE was 37 per cent, 30 per cent and 10
per cent. respectively, while the balance 23 per cent was accounted for by
financial institutions. mutual funds, corporates, provident fund trusts,
individuals and overseas corporate bodies. Thus, the secondary market
activities of the debt market in India continued to expand through WDM
segment of the NSE
In order to raise this amount, the Central Government accessed the market on
several different occasions, with lower devolvement Reserve Bank and PD,
as also with lesser strain on interest rate, than
Financial Services
in India
Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities
The average monthly turnover in Government securities was, however,
marginally lower The average monthly turnover increased significantly in the
backdrop of a steady decline in interest rates.
Open Market Operations (OMO)
The open market operations including repo activities came into a sharper
focus during the ties given the imperative of neutralising the excess liquidity
generated from the buildup of foreign exchange reserves as well as the need
for rates of interest and exchange rates to rule at reasonable levels. The need
for efficient payments system has been heightened in the context of OMO. In
fact, the broadening of the securities eligible for OMO as well as fostering
the confidence in the financial system presupposes a well- functioning
payments and settlement system.
Activity 9
What could be the changes you foresee in the Securities market in the near
This is particularly so because inter-bank exposures, more often than not, are
unsecured in nature. In such an eventuality, not only the central bank be
called upon to perform its function as the "lender of the last resort', but the
public confidence over the functioning of the market may also be jeopardized.
In the banking segment too, the inter-bank clearing system was strengthened.
Besides, electronic credits and debits system would require to the strongly
promoted The Reserve Bank has already introduced DVP mode of settlement
for Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) transactions in Government securities,
electronic payment system to initiate balance enquiry and extended the MICR
cheque clearing to non-metropolitan centers. These apart, it has been decided
by the Reserve Bank to set up a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)
network to provide reliable communication to the financial sector. It is
expected that VSAT would not only improve payments and clearing systems,
but also facilitate funds transfers, and build-up of securities settlements on a
centralized basis.
They are distributed through auctions that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
holds on a regular basis. Banks, trusts, institutions, and individuals can all
buy T-Bills. However, financial institutions are usually the ones who invest
the most in them. Beyond investment products, they play a crucial role in the
financial market. The RBI receives treasury bills from banks in exchange for
money from repo operations. They can also store it to satisfy their Statutory
Liquid Ratio (SLR) requirements.
Financial Services Therefore, Treasury Bills are a vital monetary instrument used by the Reserve
in India
Bank of India. It assists RBI in regulating the economy’s total money supply
and in raising funds.
14-Day T-Bill
These bills mature fourteen days after the date of issuance. They are
auctioned off on Wednesday, and payment is made the following week on
Friday. The auction is held weekly. These bills are sold in multiples of one
lakh rupees, and the minimum investment is one lakh rupees.
91-Day T-Bill
These bills reach maturity 91 days from the date of issuance. They are
auctioned off on Wednesday, and payment is made the following week on
Friday. Each week, they are auctioned off. These bills are sold in multiples of
Rs.10,000, and the minimum investment amount is Rs.10,000.
The National Housing Bank (NHB) continued its policies for developing a
sustainable housing system and improving the accessibility of institutional
credit, particularly to small borrowers. Out of the 25 Housing Finance
Companies (HFCs) approved by NHB for financial assistance, 24 had
achieved the stipulated minimum capital adequacy norm of 8 per cent. To
ensure a level playing field for mobilisation of deposits in a deregulated
environment, NHB freed the interest rates on deposits accepted by HFCs with
net owned funds of Rs.50 lakh and more subject to the conditions similar to
those stipulated by the Reserve Bank in respect of NBFCs While allowing
greater freedom to HFCs in determining their lending rates, NHB also
deregulated the interest rates to be charged from the ultimate beneficiaries by
the primary agencies on all loans above Rs.50,000 under its refinance
Activity 10
What are the types of facilities offered by housing finance companies? What
are some of the tax benefits that have been given to enhance the use of
housing finance?
These units attempt to provide a general overview of the financial services
markets in India. An attempt has been made to give you the current trends in
the various components of the financial services markets. These components
and their inter linkages have also been discussed. Some recent development
like depository system for Indian Stock Market and role of foreign
institutional investor has also been discussed.
and Concept
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Marketing and the Financial Services
2.3 Marketing as a Functional Area of Management
2.4 Financial Services and the Different Marketing Orientations
2.5 Difference between Services and Products Physical Goods
2.6 Characteristics of Service
2.7 Marketing Mix for Financial Services
2.8 Marketing Strategy and Financial Services
2.9 Summary
2.10 Self-Assessment Questions
The first barter exchange can be looked upon as a reflection of the realisation
that exchange added value for both the parties to the transaction. This indeed
marked the of marketing. The recognition of value addition ultimately led to
the development of task specialisation, by far the first real step forward in
economic development. The last century has seen 'marketing' develop from a
mere practice, into a major academic discipline.
Marketing in the true sense of the word, is relatively new to the financial
sector. Until recently, marketing in most financial sector organisations was 27
Financial Services
largely synonymous with advertising and public relations and it was not until
in India
the 1970s that marketing department was formed on any scale. (Newman
1984). Even then. The role of marketing tended to be tactical. Strategic
marketing was seen as a relatively low status activity with senior
management being dominated by executives with a background in finance
(Hooley and Mann, 1988). In the last decade, marketing has developed as a
more integrated function within financial service organisations largely
because of rapid changes in the operating environment. Nevertheless, Morgan
and Piercy (1990) suggest that marketing remains relatively young
management function in the financial service sector.
To focus on one financial service i.e. banking, let us look at the definitions as
applied in the sector. The definition of bank marketing, as referred to by the
NIBM, Pune is as follows:
This definition highlights the following points: Marketing of
Services: Issues
i) Banks provide services - with all the service characteristics discussed in and Concept
this unit being associated with them.
ii) The aim is to satisfy customers' needs and wants. The needs and wants
are mostly financial in nature and some may be even incidental to or
related to the main functions.
iv) The competitive element, efficiency and effectiveness are major factors
in the process, of designing and delivering these services.
v) Organizational objectives are still the driving force.
b) The purpose of the bank is to create, win and keep a customer. The
customer is and should be the central focus of everything the bank does.
Marketing is much more than just advertising and promotion: it is a basic part
of total business operation. What is required for the bank is the market
orientation and customer consciousness among all the personnel of the bank.
Activity 1
with the marketing, offer separate career opportunities and are often
undertaken by specialists, with the marketing manager responsible for co-
coordinating all the separate but inter-related activities.
In fact, the process of marketing management is not different from any other
functional area of management in that is essentially comprises of four key
tasks: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control.
The second task of the manager is the planning process. The marketing
manager must plan both long-term marketing direction for the organisation
(strategic planning), including e.g. the selection of targets and the marketing
programmes and tactics that will be used to support these strategic plans.
Both strategic and tactical plans must, of course, be acted upon, if they are to
have any effect. The implementation tasks of marketing management involve
such activities as staffing, allocating tasks and responsibilities, budgeting and
securing any financial and other resources needed to translate plans into
The fourth, and sometimes neglected task of the manager is measuring and
evaluating progress against objectives and target established in plans. Control
Financial Services
of marketing plans can be problematical with difficulties associated with both
in India
measuring marketing performance and pinpointing cause and effect. For
example, market share, a frequently used measure of marketing performance
and hence a basis for marketing control, needs very careful analysis and
interpretation if it is to provide a useful basis for controlling the effectiveness
of marketing the strategies and plans. Both qualitative and quantitative
techniques of control should be used by the marketing manager and including
budgetary control, control of marketing mix effectiveness in turn, forms part
of analysis function discussed earlier, thereby completing the essentially
circular nature of these four inter- related tasks
Although it can be seen that marketing has a very important functional role
within the organisation, the practice of marketing should not be restricted to
the marketing department. A marketing-oriented business has implications
for the way people throughout the organisation respond to the initiatives that
are forthcoming from marketing
The production concept holds that consumers will favour those products that
are widely available and low in cost. Managers of production-oriented
organisations concentrate on high production efficiency and wide distribution
2) The second situation is where the products cost is high and has to be
brought down through increased productivity to expand the market.
In the 19 century and early of the 20 century the fundamental role of business
was seen as production. Manufacturers were in suppliers' market and were
faced with a virtually insatiable demand for goods and services. Firms
concentrated on production and productive efficiency in order to bring down
costs. Firms tended to manufacture and offer products that they were good at
producing with customers' requirements and satisfactions of secondary
importance. This production mentality was a workable philosophy as long as
sellers market existed.
The Product Concept/Orientation Marketing of
Services: Issues
Often sellers are guided by the product concept. and Concept
The product concept holds that consumers will favour those products that
offer the most quality, performance or innovative features. Managers in
these product. centered organisations focus their energy on making
superior products and improving them over time.
These managers assume that buyers admire well-made products and can
appraise product quality and performance. Marketing management may
become a victim of 'better- mousetrap fallacy, believing that a better
mousetrap will lead people to beat a path to its ore. At a place where there are
no mice, the product would hardly sell!
Many firms have, in their own opinions, produced excellent products, but not
necessarily of the type, customers want to buy. Manufacturers who focus
their attention on existing products and pay little or no attention to the
changing needs and wants of the marketplace suffer from what as often
termed 'marketing myopia'. This is very short- sighted viewpoint where firms
are so busy concentrating on their products that they fail to take customers'
requirements into account.
Even today, firms can be found who pay little regards to the needs and wants
of their customers and still have the product concept as the guiding
philosophy of their businesses Such firms take the attitude that they produce
excellent products and that people will want to buy them.
Activity 2
In the context of financial services can you identify example from the Indian
industry. where the product concept is being followed? What do you think is
the disadvantage of using such a concept.
The selling concept (or sales concept) is another common approach many
firms take to the market.
The selling concept holds that consumers, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy
enough of the organization’s products. The organisation must therefore
undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort.
A management orientation that assumes that consumers will either not buy or
not buy enough of the organization’s products unless the organisation makes
a substantial effort to stimulate their interest in its products.
From the above definition, the implicit premises of the selling concept are as
Financial Services
1) Consumers can always be induced to buy more through various sales
in India
Peter Drucker, one of the leading management theorists, puts it this way:
There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. However, the
aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is
to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service
fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer
who is ready to buy. All that should be needed than is to make the
product or service available.
Marketing based on hard selling carries high risks. It assumes that customers
who are coaxed into buying the product will like it; and if they do not, they
will not bad-mouth it to friends or complain to consumer organisations. In
addition, they will possible forget their disappointments and buy it again.
One study showed that dissatisfied customers may bad-mouth the product to
ten or more acquaintances; bad news travels fast.
During the times of famous scams in stock market, a foreign bank was in
serious trouble as the probable losses would have threatened its viability to be
in the business Many small scheduled banks had put their funds by way of
deposits in that bank. The news items revealed names of such banks and in
some cases, they were just rumours, however, had serious implications on
those small banks due to such rumours which spread very fast in their
command area and frightened depositors queued up their branches to
withdraw their deposits which gave a severe jolt below the belt to such banks
as a result of the rumours. They had to do a lot of PR and clarifying work to
bring back their deposits
The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals
consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and
delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than
For example, the detergent industry caters to the passion for whiter clothes by
offering a product that pollutes rivers and streams, kills fish and injures
recreational opportunities.
These situations call for a new concept that enlarges the marketing concept.
This new concept may be termed the societal marketing concept.
Activity 3
From the Indian media scene, select examples of financial services where the
selling concept, the marketing concept and the societal marketing concept,
respectively are shown as being practiced.
When we examine them, we can see that there is not such a clear-cut line
between services and products as might be thought. Many products in fact
include large elements of service in their delivery. Looked at from the buyer's
point of view, services may also form a vital part of the total bundle of Marketing of
benefits which is sought, particularly in industrial markets Services: Issues
and Concept
Likewise, many services include a large contribution from hardware: hotels,
airlines, fast food outlets are all classed as services but the physical elements
in the offering are a very large part of what customers buy. What is different
is that as buyers we do not receive ownership of the physical elements of a
service, but merely rent them for a period.
Levitt has suggested, "There are not such things as service industries. There
are only industries that service components are greater or less than those of
other industries are. Everybody is in service". Levitt was emphasizing that
with almost every tangible core physical product, an intangible service
component is associated.
Goods-Service Continuum
Financial Services
in India
Intangibility Marketing of
Services: Issues
Intangibility is relevant only to the pure service element, the hotel bed and and Concept
the hamburger are very tangible. The problem of intangibility is that it is
difficult to communicate and display exactly what the product is. It is often
not possible to taste, feel, see hear or small services before they are purchased.
Opinions and attitudes may be sought before hand, a repeat purchase may
rely upon previous experience, the customer may be given something
tangible to represent the service, but ultimately the purchase of a service is
the purchase of something intangible.
This refers to the fact the production and consumption of the service is
inextricably intertwined. The implications of this are that the consumer is
involved in production. Further, in many cases other consumers are also
involved at the same time, as in most retailing situations. This may be a
positive aspect of the benefits delivered (in a theatre or club), or it may be
potential negative aspect (waiting in queues at the post office). Whether the
buyer is physically present or not, the product comes into existence only
when it is bought, it cannot be mass produced in advance (although the
physical components may be, to some extent). Goods are usually purchased,
sold and consumed whereas services are usually sold and then produced and
Perish ability
This means that the service cannot be stockpiled. If a seat is unfilled when the
plane leaves or the play starts, it cannot be kept and sold next day or next
week, that revenue
Thus, while legal service is less tangible, varied and can be performed away
from the customer, a fast food service is highly tangible, generally
standardised and usually performed near the customer. Different service
organisations offering similar services can place differing emphasis on each
of these characteristics to obtain competitive advantage and advantage in the
market place. Thus, one management consultant could offer a highly bespoke
service and undertake all assignment personally; another could subcontract
work to associates, thus potentially increasing the scale of business but
possible losing the benefit of a highly individual approach.
Marketing of
Services: Issues
and Concept
Definition of Service
A service is any act of performance that one party can offer to another that is
essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.
Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. (Kotler and
Bloomm 1984).
1) Services are largely activities' or they are a series of activities rather than
2) As a result the services are intangible.
3) They take place in the interaction between the customer and the service
provider, which means that the services are produced and consumed
Customer has a role to play in the production process as the services are
provided in response to the problems of customers as solution.
In banking context, the bank has to be continuously aware about the changing
Financial Services
demands and expectations of the customers. At times they have to tailor such
in India
products/schemes thinking about the customer's probable expectations with
changing market senario e.g. telebanking or e-banking have been thought of
much in advance than customer himself asking for such products as the banks
have networked ATMs and computerised services like Demat which a
customer giving for computers would easily opt to have this benefit. Thus,
banks not only have to keep the present needs and wants of customers but
also have to innovate to create wants for the customers to extend
services/technology to meet his requirements.
As marketing moves towards tactical issues, it also moves closer to and must
be more tailored to, the distinguishing features of specific products and
markets. In the context of marketing mix, this suggests that in the case of
services, the composition of that mix, and the management of its elements
can be quite distinctive.
Having determined where to compete and whom to compete, the firm will
have effectively determined its product/market scope. However, it must also
establish an appropriate position for its products in the target markets. The
whole purpose of positioning products in markets is to establish a
competitive edge for the products. For example, American Express Cards
may be seen as positioned as a high prestige charge card, with level of service
and price reflecting the prestige of the card holder. In selecting a position, the
marketing strategy is essentially defining the image, which the organisation
wishes to create for its product.
Once a position has been selected, that position will guide the formulation of
the marketing mix. Product attributes, pricing decisions, methods of
distribution and communication should all seek to reflect the chosen position.
Activity 3
Looking at the Indian Marketing Scenario around you can you identify the
differentiation strategies adopted by some financial services in India?
Enumerate some of these differentiations observed by you.
Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in the target market.
The particular marketing variables under each P are shown in the figure
Financial Services
in India
Target Customers
A company may not be able to adjust all the marketing mix variables in the
short run Normally, the firm can change its price, sales force, size and
advertising expenditures in the short run. Development of new products and
modifications in its distribution channels. Are more feasible in the end. Thus,
the firm typically makes fewer period to period marketing mix changes in the
short run than the number of marketing mix variables suggest
The most basic marketing mix tool is product, which stands for the firm's
tangible offer to the market, including the product quality, design, features,
branching, and packaging. The company cold also provides various services
such as delivery, repair, and training as well as running an equipment leasing
Place another key marketing mix tool, stands for the various activities the
company undertakes to make the product accessible and available to target
customers. The company must identify recruit and link various intermediaries
and marketing facilitators so that its products and services are efficiently
supplied to the target market. It must understand the various types of retailers,
wholesalers, and physical distribution firms and how they make their
Promotions, the fourth marketing mix tool, stands for the various activities
the company undertakes to communicate and promote its products to the
target market. Thus, the company has to hire, train, and motivate salespeople.
It has to set up communication and promotion programmes consisting of
advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and public relations.
It may be noted that 4Ps represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools
available for influencing buyers. From a buyer's point of view, each
marketing tool is designed to deliver a customer benefit. Rober Lautherborn's
suggestion was that the 4Ps correspond to the customers' 4Cs:
Product: Bank marketing is unique in the sense both product (services) and
its delivery are very important. The product has to suit to customers' needs
and wants. Customers are interested in the variety (range) of products that
suit to their needs. The quality of product/service is the factor, which decides
customer preference to select a product from the given range of products that
suit to their needs by the same bank or different banks. The returns in terms
of interest payable by the bank, the packaging (suitably scheme) its branding
etc. like 'Suvidha scheme' or 'kamdhanu' or 'Grihavitta scheme' also count in
customers choosing bank products..
Price: In the competitive banking scenario, the price of a product is also very
important as it reflects/matches with the cost to the customer. Although they
know that, the interest rate payable has a ceiling by IBA/RBI, the
permutation combination of interest rate differentials mean a lot to customer
in term of pricing. The interest rates charged on loans (short, medium and
long term) and offered on deposits schemes by the banks is the impact of
pricing most visible to customer to decide and choose a banks' product.
Similarly, service fees, other charges do count to differentiate different
products of banks.
Place: The studies by IBA (mentioned in subsequent units) indicate that safe
and convenient place of a bank (branch location) is perhaps the foremost
preference area for a customer to opt for a bank's products/services.
Promotion: How the bank tailors, markets and advertises its products is the
key to success or otherwise in bank marketing. Communication by a bank
with its customers and public at large through advertisements, brochures, and
hoardings and through PR exercise in and out of its premises using its well-
trained sales force enables it to create better image amongst to get more
Let see in brief the importance and relevance of balance 3 Ps as well with
respect to marketing of banking services:
Financial Services
People: This is the most important of the 7 Ps in bank marketing which
in India
includes the entire workforce of the bank i.e., executives, officers, employees
and the subordinate staff. The banks policies and systems are converted into
service only through people and that is why well trained and motivated work
force, which is committed to better customer service as a mission, is the
backbone of a bank's marketing efforts. The appearance of the counter staff,
the interpersonal skills of the sales force, the positive behavior and approach
of those coming in contact with customers and reflecting right interest and
care towards customers result into positive customer interaction which
enables the bank to grow its business successively over the years.
Process: Starting with the pro-active polices for better customer service and
simplified procedures systems to facilitate fast work flow by the employees
who are well empowered and who deliver the goods with quality
consciousness for pleasing the customer, the process has to have a proper mix
of quality, delegation, direction and discretion for effective customer service.
Activity 5
In the contest of your own bank or any other financial services provider you
are familiar with, identify the TP elements of the marketing mix
Financial Services
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Complexity of Consumer Buying Decisions
3.3 Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour
3.4 Needs and Motives
3.5 Individual Perception
3.6 Learning and Habit Development
3.7 Family Influences on Buying Behaviour
3.8 Behavioral Models for Analyzing Buyers
3.9 Consumer Behaviour: Some Learning Points for Financial Services
3.10 Summary
3.11 Self-Assessment Questions
3.12 Suggested Readings
3.13 Further Readings
Some people regard marketing as an art. Others consider it a science.
Actually, it is a combination of the two. Marketing involves the effective
blending of the behavioral science-anthropology, sociology, psychology with
the communications art writing, graphics, photography, drama, to motivate,
modify or reinforce consumer perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behavior. To Consumer
Behaviour in
accomplish this, marketing professional must be constantly aware of the Relation to
consumer's attitudes, beliefs, likes and dislikes habits, wants and desires. Financial Services
Moreover, since these are always changing, steps must be taken to monitor
Third, people are often unable to explain their own behavior. A man may say
he bought a shirt because he needed it and it was at a discount of 30%. The
real reason may be different.
People often do not understand why they behave as they do. In addition, if
they do understand their true motivations, they may fear expressing them. For
example, an executive who purchases a new Mercedes probably would be
reluctant to admit it if the real reason for the purchase was his insecurity
amongst his peer group.
Activity 1
Talk to your colleagues about some of the purchases of financial services that
they have been making. Ascertain how over a period of time
Often a combination of motives underlines our behavior in making a decision. Consumer
Behaviour in
The reasons (motives) a person switches an account from the city bank to the Relation to
people's bank may be (1) the people's bank is closer to work (II) it does not Financial Services
charge for overdrafts and/ or (111) the staff at the peoples bank are more
Activity 2
1) What are the various needs in terms of the above hierarchy that are
targeted by the following financial products?
Credit Cards
Fixed Deposits.
Safety Bonds.
ii) Looking at the needs and consequent buyer motivation how do you
suggest that these products should be promoted? Advice.
Self-concept and roles: We all carry images in our minds of whom we are
and who we want to be. If a man wants to appear successful and wealthy, he
may favour a "Gold" credit card from citibank of American express rather
than from an Indian bank
Marketers are very concerned with the perceptions that consumers have of
their products or services, because to the consumer, the perception is the
reality. As marketing consultant Howard Moskowitz says, if the consumer
wants a 'natural taste and if the consumer thinks lemonade with additives
tastes natural, that is what we will give her.
'Lemon flavor' is lemon flavor, whether you get it from a tree or from
chemical ingredients. The constituents are different but what is perceived as
lemon flavor is lemon flavor. That is reality'. Similarly a customer of an old
nationalized bank say SBI or BOI will continue will be a valuable customer
of that bank as long as his ego is not hurt and motives of security and
convenience are satisfied. He would believe "A bank is a bank why shift to
another when he is happy with the present bank'
Selective perception: One of the major problems that marketers face is the
fact that each individual exercises selective perception.
The average adult is exposed to nearly 10,000 messages a day twice as many
as we are 10 years ago. Yet most people are hardly aware of most of theses.
We are limited not only by the physical capacity of our senses but also by our
interests. We focus attention on some things and avoid others. A single
newspaper may contain hundreds of advertisements but the average reader
recalls only a small number of these and is influenced by even less.
Recent research has shown that new automobile buyers are more likely to
read advertisements about the brands of cars they have already purchased
than about competitive makes. This selectivity makes it important for
marketers to obtain satisfied customers and build brand loyalty, and the
product to fit the image created by advertising. Satisfied customers will be Consumer
Behaviour in
less likely to obtain information about competing products and probably will Relation to
not even notice it when it is forced on them. Bank customers often prefer to Financial Services
For example, people who use a 'diners club' credit card because they believe
it is the most prestigious and widely accepted card, may receive a mailer
from 'ANZ Grindlays that proves that their gold card is even more exclusive
with many more advantages. This exposure may create dissonance because of
the gap between current thinking and "new evidence. Marketers such and
ANZ Grindlays hope that the recipient experiences dissonance because the
"Diners club' card holder upon seeing the proof of greater effectiveness or
value might than relieve the uncomfortable tension resulting from the
dissonance by applying for an ANZ Grindlays card.
Activity 3
Study the perception of some of your friends and colleagues about the
recently advertised financial services like the following. Note these
a) Safety Bonds.
b) Jeevan Suraksha Scheme,
c) MTNL Card
d) Cards
What are the various inputs that have resulted in these perceptions? What are
the principles of selectivity that have been applied by your respondents?
Stimulus response theory, on the other hand, treats learning as a trial and
error process whereby needs, motives or drives are triggered by some cue or
stimulus to cause the individual to respond in an effort to satisfy that need.
Satisfaction, then rewards or reinforces the response by reducing the drive
and producing repeat behavior the next time the drive is aroused.
Why most consumer behavior is habitual: There are three reasons that
consumer behavior is habitual. First, we resort to habit when we select
products because it is easy. When we consider an alternative to an existing
brand choice, we are forced to think, evaluate, compare, and then decide.
This is difficult for most of us, not to mention risky. We may be dissatisfied
with the new choice.
Second, we rely on habit because of necessity. Consider the person who Consumer
Behaviour in
purchases 25 items at a provision, store. To evaluate all the features and Relation to
ingredients of competitive brands would require hours, which no one has the Financial Services
The Citi never sleeps' for Citibank’s round the clock services;
Habit reinforcement- once consumers are won over, to get them to remain
habitual users. Each time a consumer uses a product and is satisfied with it,
the habit is reinforced. Continued satisfaction may reinforce the habit to such
a degree that the purchase decision is virtually automatic. Examples of
second and third generation customers of banks around in each city...
Activity 4
Look at the various promotions/advertisements for financial services. Identify
the ads that are directed at
1. Habit breaking.
2. Habit acquisition.
3. Habit reinforcement
Financial Services
We are all aware as to how our needs and expectation change over different
stages in our lifecycle. Your priorities as a teenager or a young adult or a
family man are very different. These differences are important and marketer
as they enable the marketer to fine tune his marketing effort by using family
life cycle as a segmentation variables.
The family life cycle was developed in 1960 and was based on variables like
marital status, number and ages of children, work status and age. It has since
then, been widely used as a segmentation tool.
Because our age, income and family requirements, except for the necessities
change over time, the family life cycle and identification of family needs over
various stages of the FLE are useful inputs to the marketer. The family life
cycle consists of 5 stages, the young bachelor stage, the full nest I, the full
rest II the empty nest and the solitary survivor stage. Expenditure priorities
and need for money at different stages have interesting implication for the
demand for various financial services. Figure 1 gives you an idea of varying
requirements of consumers for banking services.
Source: Adopted from Exhibit 6.4. The family life cycle and Banking needs "Marketing of
Financial Services Many Ann Pezzullo American Bankers Association, McMillan
Behaviour in
Financial Services
Four different models of the buyer's "black box' are detailed along with their
respective marketing applications:
Adam Smith set the tone by developing a doctrine of economic growth based
on the principle that man is motivated by self-interest in all his actions.
Jeremy Bentham refined this view and saw man as finely calculating and
weighing the expected pleasures and pains of every contemplated action.
Alfred Marshall was the great consolidator of the classical and neoclassical
tradition in economics. His theoretical work, but his method was to start with
simplifying and to examine the effect of a change in a single variable (say
price) when all other variables are kept constant. Over the years, his methods
and assumptions have been refined into what is now known as the modern
utility theory: economic man is bent on maximising his utility and does this
by carefully calculating the consequences of any purchase.
From one point of view the Marshallian model is tautological and therefore
neither true nor false. The model holds that the buyer acts in the light of his
best 'interest'. However, this is not very informative,
2) The lower the price of substitute products, the lower the sales of this
product and the lower the price of complementary products, the higher
the sales of this product applies in case of over drafts and loans.
3) The higher the real income, the higher the sales of this product, provided
it is not an inferior product holds good regarding medium and long-term
deposits if perceived as safe and interest rate is reasonable.
4) The higher the promotional expenditures, the higher the sales applies to
credit cards, consumer loans and ATM cards
The validity of these hypotheses does not rest on whether all individuals act
as economic calculating machines in making their purchasing decisions. For
example, some individual may buy less of a product when its price is reduced.
They may think that the quality has deteriorated or that the ownership has
less status value.
However, for most goods a price reduction increases the relative value of the
goods in many buyers’ minds and leads to increase sales. This and the other
hypotheses and intended to describe average effects. This is observed in
respect of reduction of interest rates in case of loans by banks
However, economic factors alone cannot explain all the variations in sales.
The Marshallian model ignores the fundamental question of how product and
brad preferences are firmed. It represents a useful frame of reference for
analyzing only one small corner of the buyer's mind the black box'.
Activity 5
Do you think that the Marshallian model appears well to financial services
like banking on investment advisory services? Why or why not?
This has its origins in the experiments that Russian psychologist named
Pavlov conducted on dogs Pavlov rang a bell each time before feeding a dog.
Soon he was able to induce the dot to salivate by ringing the bell whether or
not food was supplied. Pavlov concluded that learning was largely an
associative process and a large component of behavior was conditioned this
way. The model has been refined over the years, and is today based on four
central concepts those of drive, cue, response and reinforcement Consumer
Behaviour in
Relation to
Drive: Also called needs or motives, drive refers to the strong stimuli internal Financial Services
to the individual, which impels action. Psychologists draw a distinction
between primary physiological drives such as hunger, pain, cold, thirst etc.
and learned drives which re- derived socially such as cooperation, fear
acquisitiveness. A customer of a bank once recognized and responded
positively will show drive to come repeatedly.
Cue: A drive is very general and impels a particular response only in relation
to a particular configuration of cues. Cues are weaker stimuli in the
environment and/or in the individual, which determine when, where and how
the subject responds. Thus, a cold drink advertisement can serve as a cue,
which stimulates the thirst drive in a child. His response will depend upon
this cue and other cues, such as the time of day, the availability of other thirst
quenches and the cues intensity.
Cue configurations are constantly changing. The individual may see a new
bank branch near his house, or a special advertising offer for a bank credit
card. Experimental psychologists have found that the same learned response
will be elicited a similar pattern of cues; that is, learned responses are
generalized. A homemaker will buy a similar brand of tea when her favorite
brand is out of stock.
Many refinements and changes in emphasis have occurred in this model. The
instinct concept has been replaced by more careful delineation of basic drives;
the three parts of the psyche are regarded now as theoretical concepts rather
than actual entities; and the behavioral perspective has been extended to
include cultural as well as biological mechanisms.
Motivation research has proved some interesting and bizarre hypothesis about
what may be in the buyer's mind regarding certain purchases.
playing can provide some insights into the minds of the small group of
examined individuals; but a 'leap of faith' is sometimes necessary to
generalize these findings to the population.
Financial Services
Nevertheless, motivation research can lead to useful insights and provide
in India
inspiration to creative men in advertising and marketing. Appeals aimed at
the buyer's private world of hopes, dreams, and fears fan often be as effective
in stimulating purchase as more rationally-directed appeals.
Veblen was trained as an orthodox economist but evolved into a great social
thinker. He was man primarily as a social animal conforming to the general
forms and norms of his larger culture and to the more specific standards of
the subcultures and face to face grouping to which his life is bound. His
wants are greatly molded by his present group memberships and his aspired
group memberships.
Veblin's best known example of this is in his description of the leisure class.
His hypothesis to that much of economic consumption is motivated not by
intrinsic needs or satisfaction so much as by prestige seeking He emphasized
the strong emulative factors operating in the choice of conspicuous goods like
clothes, cars and houses.
The various streams of thought crystallized into the modern social sciences of
sociology. culture anthropology and social psychology. Basic to them is the
view that man's attitudes and behavior are influenced by several levels of
society culture, subcultures, social classes, reference groups, and face-to-face
groups. The challenge to the marketer is to determine which of these social
levels are the most important in influencing the demand for his product.
The most enduring influences are from culture. Man tends to assimilate his
culture's mores and folkways, and to believe in their absolute rightness until
he confronts members of another culture.
Social Class
People become differentiated not only horizontally but also vertically through
a division of labor. The society becomes stratified socially based on wealth,
skill, and power. Sometimes castes develop which the members are reared for
certain roles or social classes develop in which the members feel empathy
with others sharing similar values and economic circumstances.
Members of the lower class try to keep up with the times, if not with the
Mehta’s. They stay in older neighborhoods but buy new kitchen appliances.
They spend proportionately less than the middle class on major clothing
articles does, buying a new suit mainly for an important ceremonial occasion.
They tend to raise large families and their children generally enter manual
occupations. This class also supplies many local storekeepers, garage owners,
politicians, sports stars and labor-union leaders. Such segment keeps their
funds in savings banks mainly for getting liquid funds to be available in case
of day-to-day needs.
Financial Services
in India
Reference Groups
There are groups in which the individual has no membership but with which
he identifies: and may aspire to reference groups. Many young boys identify
with test cricket players or astronauts, and many young girls identify with
Hollywood stars. The activities of these popular heroes are carefully watched
and frequently imitated. These reference figures become important
transmitters of influence, although more along lines of taste and hobby than
basic attitudes
Groups that have the immediate influence on the person's tastes and opinions
are face-to-face groups. This includes all the small 'societies' with which he
comes into frequent contact his family, close friends, neighbors, fellow
workers, fraternal associates and so forth. His informal group memberships
are greatly influenced by his occupation, residence and stage in the life cycle.
For the marketer, this means that brand choice may increasingly be
influenced by one's peers. For such products as cigarettes and automobiles,
the influence of peers is unmistakable.
The role of face to face groups has been recognized in recent industry
campaigns attempting to change basic product attitudes. For years the milk
industry has been trying to overcome the image of mild as a 'satisfied' drink
by portraying its use in social and active situation. The means wear industry
is trying to increase male interest in clothes by advertisements indicating that
business associates judge a man by how well he dresses.
Of all face to face groups, the person's family undoubtedly plays the largest
and most enduring role in basic attitude formation. From them, he acquires a
mental set towards not only religion and politics, but also toward thrift,
chastity, human relations land so forth. Although he often rebels against
parental values in his teens, he often accepts these values eventually. Their
formative influence on his eventual attitudes is undeniably great.
Family members differ in the types of product messages that they carry to
other family members. Most of what parents know about cereals, candy and
toys comes from their children. The wife stimulates family consideration of
family appliances, furniture and vacations. The husband tends to stimulate
the fewest purchase ideas, with the exception of the automobile and perhaps
66 the home.
The marketer must be alert to what attitudinal configuration dominates in Consumer
Behaviour in
different types of families and also to how these change over time. For Relation to
example the parent's ideas about the child's rights and privileges have Financial Services
undergone a radical change in the last 30 years. The child has become the
centre of attention and orientation in a great number of households, leading
some writers to label the modern family a 'filliarchy'. This has important
implications not only for how to market for today's family but also on how to
market to tomorrow's family when the indulged child to today becomes the
Reward always your loyal customer before your customer thinks he/she
deserves specials from you.
Similarly hold back your potential defector. Attract the fence sitters. Serve up
unparalleled value to your customer, is the watch word in the new
millennium customer psyche. After all why he or she should be with you and
for what if you cannot take care of him or her!
'Customer delight should add value to both the customer and the company.
Don't provide a free lunch'.
What is a delight-It is a fulfillment of latent needs that the customer is not yet
aware of -a quality of service that he/she does not consider possible from
marketers complete personalization of a standardized product or service an
Financial Services unexpected benefit that does not result in profits for the company solutions to
in India
problems offered by a company's personnel at personal initiatives.
What justifies a delight only continuously rising satisfaction levels can hold
back potential defectors ever-rising value strengthens the loyalist's resolve
not to switch to the competition the promise of constant surprise turns
experimenters into lifelong customers entry barriers are raised for new
competitors who have to set new standards and the compulsion to innovate
constantly leads to pay-offs in cost reductions and quality. How to generate
delight? Strive constantly to provide additional customer value in every
transaction, use a flexible service envelope around the core product to
generate surprise benefits, constantly surpass expectations that the customer
has built around your product or service treat every customer as though
he/she is the only customer whom the company wants, look for expectation
performance gaps in order to identify opportunities to delight.
Hence, it is relevant to know that the only safe way to bet on market is to
assess whether a company is capable of creating greater value for the
customer than its rivals. The challenge there is to attain a value insight. In
fact while the value system is market specific, it is influenced by the level of
consumer evolution and the nature of alternatives available as well as the
cultural conditioning of customers.
C.K. Prahalad and Garry Hamel's concept is that in emerging markets there is
a great need for foresight because of rapid pace of change which needs an
understanding of future drivers of value of three planes, Macro consumer
changes plane, competitive offerings plane and the categories codes plane.
Value foresight being crucial in the emerging markets, needs an
understanding of the likely changes in the value system driven by historical
events, fresh competition and the new cultural categories.
This unit explored the basic concepts for understanding the way a consumer
believes in selecting and consuming product and services. In order to be able
to manage their marketing effectively, marketers of financial services must
understand why and how people believe, so that the pricing, distribution and
communication of the organisations offer can be profitably offered to them
target markets. Buyer motivation is created by current or partially fulfilled
needs. The resulting behavior is also influenced by individual’s perception of
the stimuli surrounding them. Apart from needs and perception, a number of
individual variables like consumer learning, their personality and self concept
as well as group variable like family culture, sub-culture reference groups Consumer
Behaviour in
and society affect buyer behavior. The various models given in the unit Relation to
furnish some explanations of how these variables material to create Financial Services
2. A.H. Mas low, "Motivation and Personality (New York: Hamper and
2. Mite Sujan and James Bateman, "The Effect of Brand Position Strategies
on Consumer Brand and Category Perception "Journal of Marketing
Research Nov. 1989 pages 454-467.
Financial Services
in India
Behaviour in
Relation to
Financial Services
Financial Services
in India
and Services
4.1 Introduction
4.11 Summary
The product/service offering is among the most crucial element in marketing
of banking services.
In this unit we will discuss the important concepts of the types of banking
products, product life cycle, product strategies, product analysis, product
development and innovation and role of brand in marketing of bank's services.
For a product or service, when it is marketed the following two aspects are
very significant:
1) Product Line
2) Product Mix
3) Branding
4) Packaging
In the following paragraphs we shall discuss all the above aspects elaborately.
and Services
The normal connotation to differentiate between the product and the service
is that the is something tangible and service means something intangible. In
general marketing terms, word product is mostly used. Philip Kotler defines a
product as :
The bank's products are its deposit or borrowing scheme or other products
like credit card or foreign exchange transaction which are tangible and
measurable whereas service can be such products including the way/manner
in which they are offered which cannot be shown but can be expressed.
But if two banks have same or similar products and pricing; it is the service
(though abstract) which differentiates between these two banks and the better
service (delivery or offering) which wins customer's confidence and satisfies
It can, therefore, be said that the better service is even more important than
just a good product when we talk about marketing of banking services.
The discussion and process of understanding the bank marketing will not be
complete unless we know the various products/schemes tailored by different
banks to cater effectively to the customers’ needs. Important among the
banking products are the following
Deposit Accounts
Knowing the human behaviour with respect to wants and needs or rather
making wants to be felt as need is the first challenge in marketing of bank's
schemes. The second challenge is the resistance to change and/or new ideas
Marketing of Banking which becomes a touch barrier in the process of marketing products/services
and Other Services
of a bank.
Banks, therefore, tailor various deposits schemes and market them to either
their/existing customer or the new segments of customers. Before selling the
deposit schemes, it becomes necessary to identify the needs and aspirations
of the customers to make them most ideal and acceptable to satisfy their
From the marketing angle the different deposit schemes of the bank can be
grouped on the basis of:
Let us first discuss the type of 'main deposits' from the broad classification
• Savings Deposit
• Demand Deposit
• Time Deposit
Are deposits which are not repayable on demand. Such deposits are repayable
on a fixed date in future which is termed as a date. Rate of interest for the
said period is contracted at the time of opening the account. Deposits held
under these following schemes are called time deposits.
1) Short (Term) Deposit: Deposits for a period of 15 days and less than 12
months" are called short term deposit. Rate of interest is as prevailing
from time to time as directed by RBI.
Marketing of Banking 2) i) Fixed Deposits: Deposits for a period of 12 months and above upto
and Other Services
120 months are termed as fixed deposits. Minimum amount accepted
is Rs. 100/- Interest is paid in 1/2 yearly basis at agreed rate and as
directed by RBI from time to time
Some schemes combine recurring deposit and fixed deposit schemes benefits.
When loan is allowed e.g. such deposits (where allowable) interest on that
loan is charged 2% above the rate of interest payable on these deposits which
is a price to cover the cost involved in that transaction.
One more shifts is, earlier most brochures highlighted only interest rate or
benefits but now service charges are also advertised in a subtle and friendly
Activity 1
a) Just to have an idea of how the deposit schemes are marketed, you must
look at some of the brochures of a (i) Private Bank (Vysya bank), (ii)
Foreign Bank (ANZ Grindlays Bank); about deposit schemes and service
charges. Please go through them, read between the lines and note your
observations as part of your understanding.
Non-Resident Account
As per FERA, 1973, an Indian Citizen staying outside India (except in Nepal
or Bhutan) for employment or carrying out business or vocation outside India
or for any other purpose in circumstances indicating his intention to stay
abroad or for an uncertain period is called "non-resident'
a) Indian citizens who proceed abroad for higher studies, business visits or
medical treatment continue to be treated as persons resident in India even
during their temporary absence from India. 79
Marketing of Banking Indian citizens staying abroad on foreign government/government assignment
and Other Services
world bodies or officials of Central/State Government, Public Sector
undertaking and deputed posted abroad to their offices including Indian
Diplomatic missions are treated as non-resident during their stay abroad.
Persons of Indian origin means a person who himself or either of his parents
or any of his grand-parent was an Indian citizen or a permanent resident in
undivided India at anytime.
iii) all are resident in the same country if belonging to bilateral group (now
modified or in the same or different countries in Ext. group)
Funds in N.R. (E) accounts can be accepted in any currency if they are
transferred to in an approved manner from the country of residence of the
account holder or from any other foreign country if the country of residence
of the account holder and the country from which remittance is received are
both in same group (now modified).
iii) Transfer from accounts to account holder ad the same another branch of Banking Products
and Services
1) Tax Exemption
1) Income tax
1) Wealth tax
i) Gift tax
2) Repatriation of balances held in N.R. (E) account including interest is
allowed without prior reference to RBI.
3) Interest rates payable are higher for N.R. (E)
4) Reconversion facility is available
5) Funds from NR (E) can be transferred to N.R. (Ext) Term Deposit
In order to balance liquidity and profitability properly, banks have to use their
available (lendable) funds judiciously keeping in mind the statutory
requirements imposed by RBI.
The advances are granted to eligible borrowers as per bank's policy, available
lendable funds, bank's corporate plan, its performance budget and borrowers'
character, capacity. capital and credit needs.
7) Margin Depending on the security a cushion is required in case of Banking Products
and Services
recovery by sale of asset and this is normally dependent on the type of
security - which be marketable, ascertainable, saleable and transferable.
As the bank's function is to accept deposits from customers and lend money
to borrower, the advances are granted on short-term, medium term or long
term basis depending on the fix deposit, lendable funds, exposure to
industries and bank's business policy and profitability requirement.
b) Non-Fund:
a) Fund Facilities
ii) Loans The loan is normally for acquiring fixed assets and repayable
within 12 months, 1-3 years, 5-7 years or 10 years.
In loan there is usually only one debit and several credits (repayment) in a
phased- predefined manner.
iv) Bills purchased and bills discounted-A bill of exchange comes into
being when business transactions takes place on credit basis.
b) Non-fund limits
1) Bank Guarantee
This like L/C is called as non-fund facility as immediately parting with funds
is not required and it earns good commission to the banks.
2) Letter of Credit
An Inland L/C is when both buyer and seller are in India and Foreign L/C is
issued on behalf of Indian buyer (importer) to the Foreign Seller (exporter).
The L/C is on the basis of the contract between buyer and seller and the bank
undertakes to honour the commitment on behalf of the to pay the amount in
case of satisfying stipulated condition
The buyer gets credit and seller gets an assurance from and the corporate Banking Products
and Services
client either buyer seller gets the benefit of this arrangement.
Products in Demand
a) Consumer Loans
b) Credit Cards
Due to the restrictions of loanable funds and the less demand for loanable
funds by industry the profits of banks were affected during the period when
stock market and industrial scenario was slack. Merely mobilising deposits
does not mean sound marketing policy. It becomes all the more necessary to
market the loans as well to improve profitability. Similarly, taking into
account the customers need to buy things in the open market either products
of high value of moderate value consumer loans and credit cards serve the
purpose of satisfying such need adequately thereby matching consumer's
demand and supply of bank's loanable funds.
a) Consumer Loans
Like financing the needs of working capital (for current assets) and loan (for
fixed assets) of an industrial customer or a trader, banks also finance
'consumer loans under different captions to its individual customers. The
middle class being the largest segment of bank depositors (savers) and their
purchasing power being tapped by various companies in consumer durable
industry, the job of identifying credit needs of such already tapped segment
makes it easier for the banks to market the consumer loans. As such
customers have ready needs to buy consumer durables like fridge. TV, stereo,
two wheeler, etc. for which they have comfortable cash flow but not the
capital (ready cash/balance) to purchase such items of their own.
1) For whom?
• It can be availed by individuals who are 18 years of age. (As minors are
not entitled)
Marketing of Banking • It is offered for worthwhile purchase or approved purpose to purchase an
and Other Services
article, furniture, TV/Video, air-conditioner or a vehicle-2 wheeler or 4
• The amount can be minimum Rs.5,000/- to maximum Rs.5.00 lacs
• The purpose can be besides, purchase of consumer durable goods, to
pursue higher education or for holiday or meeting wedding expenses etc.
• The security taken while advancing such loan is hypothecation of asset
so purchased or lien over another asset of adequate value to cover the
loan amount.
• The repayment is in equated monthly instalments (EMI) which is to be
repaid over a period of (minimum) 12 mouths to (maximum) 60 months.
This is arrived at after verifying the customer's income, saving/repaying
potential and the life of asset so purchased.
• The repayment can be through a standing order or by collecting post-
dated cheques from the customer.
• Interest rate charged for such leans is as per bank's policy and RBI
guidelines from time to time.
Although such loans have very good potential demand from middle class
customers, it becomes obligatory for the banker to do a thorough scrutiny of
the customer and his creditworthiness as well repaying capacity. For this
purpose a probing scrutiny is made to cover the following important aspects.
The acceptable ratio normally is 75% The higher the ratio, the greater is the
risk (minimum amount of income after all expenses + instalment of consumer
loan should not be less than Rs 3,500/- for individual customer and not less
than Rs.5,000/- for professional self employed)
(ii) Some banks insist that the net pay packet should not be less than 45 to Banking Products
and Services
50% of Gross Pay (monthly salary) after accounting for the EMI of
loan asked for/considered.
The minimum value of such assets blocked should not be less than
Rs.50,000/- for salaried customers and not less than Rs.1.00 lacs for
professional customers.
Therefore EMI -
Rs. 4028.00
Besides interest:
Marketing of Banking Banks have had very good experience about these consumer loans in terms of
and Other Services
customers demand and as nationalised banks were not encouraging such
loans (except loans, FD), Co-operative banks, private sector banks and
foreign bank have tapped this segment very well and have deployed the funds
and broadened customer base on one hand and have earned good income as
b) Credit Cards
'Plastic Money' or credit cards have become very popular as bank's product
and have wide acceptance in Indian Market.
The credit card allows a holder to make purchases (upto his sanctioned credit
limit) without making purchases in lending shops/markets to make payment
of bills electricity or telephone or to withdraw funds (cash upto a predefined
limit) as and when required.
The profile for the prospective visa card holders can be wide i.e. persons of
18 years to 60 years of age. Higher middle income, professionals and
financially mature segment is the largest segment for credit cards.
• Salient Features:
• It is open even for non-customers (non-account holders)
• No entrance fee is charged
• Annual subscription fee of Rs.250/- is charged
• add-on cards are issued @ Rs.200/- each
• These are affiliated to visa international
• It is valid for transactions in a chain of over 8- 10000 merchants
• Minimum amount payable can be as low as 1/20th (5) of the principal
• Cash advance of upto a certain limit is allowed on which 2% (p.m.)
service charges are charged.
• For purchases, no service charge is applied if a payment comes within 15
• The owner of the card is sanctioned a revolving credit facility which Banking Products
and Services
satisfies his 'Ego Needs' and also 'purchases-anywhere, anytime-need as
• Cardholder's limit is enhanced every year.
• This enables bank to have higher profits and more holders (who can be
non- customers, in its wings)
1) Width
2) Depth
3) Consistency
For the purpose of diversification, frequent changes are made in the product
mix. Broader product mix enables better business turnover to minimise the
risk of failure.
1) Cost of production/delivery
2) Demand from customers
3) Advertising/distribution cost
4) Policy of the bank
Acceptability of any product or product mix depends upon :
1) Consumer acceptance
2) Satisfactory Performance
3) Adequate distribution
Marketing of Banking 4) Effective Packaging/Branding
and Other Services
5) Good service/delivery
It can thus be seen from the foregoing details that in marketing of banking
services, product mix consists of product lines which mean similar products
or services like deposits, loans, investment counselling services. In each
product line there can be different products like example under category of
deposits there can be saving or checking accounts. The width depends upon
such number of product lines whereas the depth means how many product
types are offered in a particular product line. To cite an example a bank
giving 12 different types of loans like education loan, housing loan, industrial
finance, consumer durable loan, etc. has a broader product mix. Depending
upon the market demand i.e. customer's needs this mix has to be widened or
deepened as a prudent marketing strategy.
Activity 2
Looking at your bank, describe the product mix offered by you. How is this
mix different from the product mix offered by a Multinational Bank?
As each product passes through certain typical but definite stages in its life-
span, we will look up into the important stages:
i) introduction
ii) growth
iii) maturity
iv) decline
Banking Products
and Services
A key concept on which marketers rely is the concept of PLC i.e. Product
Life Cycle. It in essence means the stages in product life from its conception
to obsolescence as mentioned earlier. From strategic view point it provides
important guidelines about product management.
The figure given above depicts a typical PLC where the Y-axis shows
volume of sales (business), X-axis shows the time scale.
Introductory Stage/Phase
This is the stage when a new service or product has just been introduced in
the market This stage in the product's life cycle is characterised by low sales
and most of the times negative profits which may be due to lack of awareness
about the product or limited distribution or unfamiliarity with the product.
Growth Stage
After a product survives the introductory stage, it passes into the growth stage.
At this point, competitive strategies by other banks can affect the growth. The
promotional tend to during this stage to keep up the sales. The
product/services are fine-tuned during this stage. Sales tend to grow and
profits increase during this phase. Market acceptance of the product is the key
factor at this stage.
Maturity Stage
Decline Stage
In real life, in banking being a financial service industry, all products need
not follow such a cycle but still the concept of product life cycle has
important place in product marketing strategy. The bank, knowing what
happens to different products and services at different stages in a given
economic scenario in a market can decide and improve its planning. In fact
the trial balances, monthly MIS data and quarterly business figures compiled
by the planning divisions can indicate the demand and supply position of
various products as inter-se composition (vis-a-vis budgeted pattern) and as a
percent share of the total market vis-a-vis the potential for each product. A
suitable flexible plan with a matching pricing strategy can ensure sustained
growth of all the products ensuring growing business and matching profits of
course with growing customer satisfaction.
Understanding product life cycle may provide inputs for strategic planning at
various stages.
ensured growing demand, very good sales and also very good profit due to
lucrative lending rates charged to such customers who had smooth cash flow
but not lump sum money to buy the much needed car or home or TV/VCR Banking Products
and Services
which were strongly marketed by the seller of these products. In this growth
phase, aggressive marketing by product launchers in these industries enabled
bank to fulfill the needs created by them through their (banks') own products
and services. Here, so to say the growth phase of real estate, consumer
durable and automobile industry coincided (matched) with growth phase of
products/services marketed by banks - which was a very good timing to
launch and continue provision of such products as loans and credit limits or
loans/advance against deposits, shares etc.
When all the banks started giving liberal loans for products marketed by
these 3 sectors, the competition went up although the demand was growing,
which resulted in maturity or saturation of banks' products/services and
compelled some banks to adjust the pricing (lending rates) downwards to
continue their products/services to be attractive to buyers so as to ensure the
business growth.
The saving accounts or pass book accounts have also reached the maturity
phase as the growing awareness amongst the customers for higher yield make
such low yield products less attractive. Due to the change in interest rate
structure which is linked to the demand and period of (short term) deposits,
customers don't like to block more funds in such type of accounts except for
basic safety and liquidity criteria to meet urgent/unforeseen expenses. To
overcome the decline in such accounts some banks have started flexi-
accounts giving a combination of saving and short term investment to
provide mobility at the same time ensure retaining of low cost funds for the
There has been a clear-cut decline in current account of traders who don't
block any funds in such '0' yield accounts and arrange funds to get the
cheques passed as and when the clearing cheques are received.
Due to tax-saving option in the market the short term deposits are getting
diverted to such schemes which provide safety, short term liquidity, and
comfortable yield and tax concessions.
Through observing and monitoring the product life cycle, it becomes easier to
decide and implement the product development strategy.
Marketing of Banking Generally, these are four strategies recommended for growth in business and
and Other Services
profits which are:
1) Market Penetration
2) Market Development
3) Product Development
4) Product Diversification
It can be shown through the following Figure:
Market Penetration
Market Development
Managing bank's product/service mix in increasingly competitive market Banking Products
and Services
determines the success or survival of banks in the volatile market situations.
Activity 3
With respect to the Banking services, identify some mature products. What
are the strategies being followed by banks to revitalise or promote these
products? What suggestions would you like to offer in this regard?
Normally such ideas for new products pass through following stages:
The very modern manifestation of new product development has been the
consumer- convenient-credit card. The major impetus of bank charge account
plans began about 3 decades ago when the Franklin National Bank near New
York city sponsored a plan which received massive publicity within the
banking community. By mid 60's, seventy- five commercial banks had set up
such credit plans. However, risk of recovery and lack of quick profits let to
gradual withdrawal of new entrants from the plan. It took almost a decade to
establish credibility amongst merchants regarding acceptability of credit
cards and streamline recoveries. As time passed revolving credit and shift of
Marketing of Banking charges to consumers was acceptable and then credit cards became a buzz
and Other Services
word. This innovation has thereafter proved to be of convenience to
customers, enabled merchants in sales promotion and proved to be profitable
for the banks as well.
Any product or service developed by a bank has to satisfy the of the customer.
In fact, the product development, positioning, launching etc. is decided based
on customer needs only. It is, therefore, necessary that the strategies keep the
customer needs and satisfaction as the focal point.
• Financial Security
• Service
• Convenience
• Attractive yield
• Low cost loans
• Personalised service
• Advice/Counselling
• Easy Access
• Simple Procedure
• Attractive Package
• Friendly Approach
• Variety of Products
Would prefer a bank Would have need for Would prefer for high
which provides security, proper saving with safety, higher yield.
convenience and quick, safety of funds, counselling advice and
friendly service at reasonable yield and personalised service at
convenient hours. availability of low cost convenient location.
loans for children's
education, convenient
location and convenient
Thus some needs like safety, liquidity, better yield, personalised service and Banking Products
and Services
convenient location and timing are the common factors which have to be
satisfied by any bank's product.
The following are some of the real life examples of new products developed
by banks to meet the growing needs/expectations of its customers:
i) Flexible deposits
ii) Debit cards
iii) Credit cards with ATM card
iv) Cumulative deposits
v) Facility of over drawing and saving bank account.
Such new products are developed keeping in mind the growing/new demands
arising out of customers' needs/expectations within the guidelines/directives
of IBA/RBI with permutation combination of interest payable on deposit
Activity 4
Identify any three new products in the banking sector. What are the specific
customer needs that these products are targeted at?
Product I
Product 2
Marketing of Banking Product 3
and Other Services
v) If the bank's name is highly established and accepted the brand name Banking Products
and Services
should include that (bank's) name also like 'citicard' or 'Indbank' fund or
'Bobcard', etc.
d) They satisfy the status needs or the emotional needs of the customers.
d) Customer may even pay a higher price for branded product than an
unbranded one.
As the brand enables seller bank to build up a certain image which in turn
ensures receptivity of advertising as well as repeat business and consumer
loyalty, brand plays an important role in marketing of banking services.
In banking industry as the competition is 'cut throat' and products are quite
similar as to the basic nature and benefits/returns to the customers, the service
delivery and branding are excellent tools which enable a bank to create and
maintain an image among the customers.
Like the brand names 'TATA" or "Godrej" or even "Lijjat Papad" or "Zandu
Balm", customer loyalty goes to products which are linked to the brand
names of their established and well known producers.
Brand name has to give a positive message and create pleasant associations.
In USA there are more than 5 lacs brands registered. In India also thousands
of brands are registered. It has become important even here in India where
products of widely different nature are entering the selling channels.
Marketing of Banking Branding is significant and essential in banking until faith and confidence of
and Other Services
the customers are firmly established.
In India the banks have been creating their distinct marks by establishing
brands for their total image like A Bank with personal touch' or 'Friendly
Bank', 'Good to Bank With'. Bank to bank upon or Growing with you' etc.
Such brand names were not product related but provider related and banks
largely by positioning themselves within the perceptual marketplace to gain a
more advantageous position.
In fact at the macro level or corporate level the positioning provides a bank
framework to view itself in the industry concerning the totality of its
orientation towards the marketplace strategy and as micro application w.r.t. a
specific product or service brands can help to establish its products in the
competition market.
Can Share
It can be, therefore, said that brands are very important as product (marketing)
strategy in marketing of bank's services as branding indicates how the
organisation chooses to use branding as an integral part of its overall
marketing strategy. To the customer such brand name means a way to
identify the product and differentiate the product from other similar products
in the market.
ii) What are the product brands which are more beneficial to me which
bank offers distinct from other bank's products,
In summary, both bank's brand and product brand are important in the
marketing strategy for more clientele, more customer satisfaction and more
business in the long run.
Activity 5
In terms of brand recall and recognition, which are the most successful
brands of banking products, in your view? According to the concepts just
studied by you, what accounts for the clear identity of these brands.
Brand I ………………………………………………………………….
Brand II ………………………………………………………………….
Brand IV ………………………………………………………………….
Marketing of Banking Process Cycle in Product Development
and Other Services
The product development in banking depends on many factors which
together with the steps in the process decide the success or otherwise of a
product launched.
The process cycle is the stages of product while it is given in the hands of a
customer. It is like a flow-chart of steps involved in this process. Let us take a
simple example of a savings bank deposit account. The following aspects are
involved before opening the account.
Thus the Savings Deposit as a product develops from the cash brought in by
the customer and deposited in his account opened after passing through the
aforesaid process.
a) customer's benefit
In such delivery of service, the process cycle and a specific market segment
has to be considered specifically.
1) Protection
2) Appeal
3) Perform
4) Convenience
5) Cost-effectiveness
Colourful and Crisp plastic envelops of FDRS by many banks facilitate the
close of sale on a very positive note and attract other customers as well. It
serves as a means of publicity and has retention value and multiplier effect to
popularise not just the product but the image of the bank as well.
Activity 6
What are the differential advantages that 'packaging' as explained above, can
bring about for banking products? From your own bank, pick up illustration
of use of packaging to create differentiation or sales appeal for consumers.
…………………………………………………………………………. Banking Products
and Services
ii) The classical example of fixed deposit --to know the stages of delivery
of a bank product.
Let us first take the example of a Flex Units Deposit Account of a Private
Sector Bank.
With this type of facility (product), the bank can offer higher interest to
customers without affecting their liquidity position which gives the attractive
option to customers to have both liquidity as well as higher yield.
Let us first understand how this scheme works as a product and then try to
see the intricacies involved in such product development:
ii) In case of need, to meet the cheques drawn by the customer, his term
(Flexi) deposit gets transferred to his S.B. Account.
iv) The transfer of funds from SB Account to term deposit account is made
at a minimum of 5 units of Rs.1000/- each and a further in multiples of
Rs.1000/- each.
Thus the product development in case Flexi Deposit Account requires close
co-ordination between the following departments
Benefits Banking Products
and Services
- The customer pays no service charges withdrawals take place through
C/A cheques
- Freedom to avail 75% of deposit as withdrawal
- Despite withdrawals, deposit continues to earn interest
- The customer's money is safe
The term deposits are accepted as short term, simple fixed deposit or reinvest
Thus the above stages involved in delivery of a simple case of bank fixed
deposit enables to visualise how the product delivery process has many stages
from the time a customer approaches for a particular product (being
attracted/convinced by its use in fulfilling his specific need) till it is actually
In this unit an effort has been made to expose you to the concept of product
and product mix in the context of banking services. Basic description of the
different banking products to enable you to understand the wide range of
service products on offer today was provided.
The concept of product like cycle and new product development process, as
well as I the market development strategies for banking products were
2) Explain briefly the 'product life cycle' concept with reference to a bank's
4) People do not just buy a bank's product they buy service". Illustrate
citing examples
5) In order to attract the customers, what strategies will you adopt in your Banking Products
and Services
Which deposits will be best suited for the old prisons among your customers?
Fixed Cost: It is the cost that does not vary with cost of
production or sales
Marketing of Banking
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types Of NBFCs
5.3 NBFCS In India Economy
5.4 Role Of Non-Bank Lenders: In Last-Mile Delivery Of Financial
5.5 India's growth aspirations
The Indian financial landscape consist of many players, each addressing
various financial requirements of a diverse and heterogeneous population in
terms of financial characteristics and one such player is NBFC sector. Even
before the term ‘Financial Inclusion” came into popular discourse NBFCs
were serving the customers in underserved and unbanked areas. They play a
complementary role in banking system by broadening access to financial
services, enhancing competition and diversification of the financial sector.
• Loan against property (LAP) for micro and small business owners as
well as construction and real estate development firms
Since the expertise of NBFCs is sector specific they operate in niche segment,
where they can leverage their capability and expertise in more efficient
sourcing of customers, prompt provision of services, specialized sectoral
expertise, better underwriting etc. to overcome their funding cost Non Banking
disadvantage. Companies
NBFCs, as the name suggests, are companies that provide credit like banks
but are not banks. The main difference being the way in which NBFCs raise
capital. Banks can accept public deposits – both demand and time whereas
NBFCs are not allowed to accept to accept demand deposit and only a tiny
fraction of them are allowed to accept time deposits. Most NBFCs fund
themselves by borrowing from commercial banks and by issuing bonds or
debentures (often to banks and mutual funds), in addition to equity capital.
Apart from this classification RBI also classifies NBFCs based on access to
Public Deposits. All NBFCs are classified into a small group of deposit
taking (D) and a larger group of non-deposit taking (ND) companies. Based
on size these companies are further sub classified as systemically important
non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND-SI) and all other non-deposit taking
NBFCs were considered a separate group (NBFCs-ND).
After the regulatory overhaul in October 2022, NBFCs are segregated into
four layers, namely,
Base Layer (NBFC-BL),
Middle Layer (NBFC-ML),
Upper Layer (NBFC-UL) and
Top Layer (NBFC-TL)
based on their size, activity, and perceived level of riskiness. In terms of size,
Marketing of Banking NBFC-BL comprises all NBFCs-ND with asset size below `1,000 crore.
and Other Services
NBFCs-ND with asset size above `1,000 crore and NBFCs-D are put in
Exhibit 2: Classification of NBFCs by activity as per new regulatory Non Banking
framework Companies
Investment and consumption are major drivers of economic growth, for both
consumption and investment sustained availability of credit is required
Historically in the Indian economy, credit has grown faster than gross
domestic product (GDP).
Banks are major source of credit in the formal economy whereas bond
markets and non-bank lenders accounted for a relatively smaller share of
credit till 2014.At that time due to NPAs problem the credit growth rate of
banks started shrinking and a part of this short fall was made up by NBFCs.
Exhibit 4 depicts the credit deployed by The overall credit deployed by non-
bank lenders is over INR 35.9 lakh crore (as on Sept-2019) and contribute to
nearly 25% of the domestic credit in the system.
NBFCs grew at an annualized rate of 19% over the last 10 years, whereas
HFCs have had a linear growth - an annualized rate of 21% during the same
period. These specialized mortgage financiers have carved out a niche for
themselves in an intensely competitive (bank dominated) market by lending Non Banking
to self-employed/ informal sections of society while maintaining healthy Companies
asset quality. About three-fourth of loans assets are attributed to individual
retail borrowers for purchase/ construction of housing unit .
Nonbank lenders became a vehicle for business activities that banks were
unable to undertake due to regulatory restrictions.
Non-bank lenders have gained market share from banks in key segments such
as retail consumer loans, lending to micro and small enterprises, vehicle loans
and housing loans. They have been able to capture share by catering to
underserved and unbanked customer segments (Exhibit 5).
Many small and medium sized non-bank lenders provide last mile credit to
under banked areas. Over the years, they have increased their branch
footprint and 70% of branches are located in semi-urban and rural areas .
Over the last few years, microfinance emerged as a product to promote
financial inclusion and has been termed as “Next wave of Financial
inclusion”. Microfinance if used in judicious manner both by customers and
lenders has potential for poverty reduction, assisting vulnerable groups and
improving standards of living.
Non-bank lenders have been successful in bridging the credit gap for the
entire spectrum of customers ranging from high ticket structured loans to
corporates/ HNIs to microfinance customers due to their higher risk
underwriting capacity, credit-assessment skills and deep understanding of
customer or of an asset being financed.
level. Banks prefer lending to entities with stronger balance sheets or to lower
risk segments such as the salaried class of people. Non-bank lenders support
financially weaker sections of society by channelizing financial resources to
Marketing of Banking capital formation. A large share of their assets (~45%) is deployed into retail,
and Other Services
MSME and vehicle finance segments. The ground-level presence and high
touch based collection mechanism is the key differentiator.
Non Banking
The key levers to bridging this gap includes Companies
Favourable demographics
Over the past few decades governments have initiated some major policy and
reform measures e.g., GST, Make in India, FDI norms liberalization,
Atmanirbhar Bharat package etc. These measures are expected to increase
employment and domestic investment, which will provide growth leading to
increased consumption.
Increased Urbanization
India’s urban population is expected to be 40% of total population by 2030
35% in 2019 Increased population moving to urban centers is expected to
spur credit demand.
Marketing of Banking Segmentation strategy
and Other Services
An appropriate well designed segmentation strategy helps the firms to define
the scope and focus of their services and identify opportunities likely to
generate success.
Once probable alternatives are identified for these, the firm will narrow down
the alternatives taking into considerations the following
Firms offer products and services where they have competitive advantage and
to gauge competitive advantage/ disadvantage firms shall analyse —intensity
of competition, cost of risk, target customer base, size of market, yield rate,
growth rate, operating efficiency, ability to bundle and cross-sell with
existing products
Customer Experience
With wide variety of players operating in NBFC space and entry of Fintech
companies customer expectations have evolved. They expect seamless,
interaction across multiple touch-points. To be customer focused firms would
require customer insight by constructing customer personas and journey
Customer retention
Building customer loyalty can result in life long revenue stream from
customers. Strategy should focus on reducing customer attrition
Marketing of Banking Leverage technology advances to reduce decision time and pro-actively
and Other Services
manage risk
Technology-based models can transform approach to underwriting reducing
decision time. . Technology can be used to detect, manage and mitigate credit
NBFCs are an important player in the credit landscape of India addressing
the credit needs of the population which is financially excluded. As they
grew in size and complexity they have also venture into areas in which
traditionally banks were operating. As the size of the economy is growing so
are the credit needs of the population and NBFCs have to a large extent
addressed those needs. In times of technological innovations and to adopt to
change strategies are needed especially when one is operating in mass market
crowded with many players.
2. What are the various types of NBFCs and explain how are they
Marketing of Banking
6.1 Introduction
62 Banking Services and Issues in Delivery
63 Channels of Distribution for Banks
6.4 Types of Branches
6.5 Electronic Methods of Distributing Financial Services
6.6 Pricing of Banking Products/Services
6.7 Pricing Objectives
6.8 Pricing Methods
6.9 Pricing Reviews and Committees
6.10 Price Setting in Practice
6.11 Promotion of Banking Products/Services
6.12 Guidelines on Advertising by Public Sector Banks
6.13 Sales Promotion
6.14 Internal Communication
6.15 Marketing Information Systems (MIS)
6.16 Summary
6.17 Self Assessment Questions 6.18 Further Readings
In an organisation engaged in marketing, channels of distribution for
financial services should be thought of as a means to increase the availability
and/or convenience of services that help satisfy the needs of existing users or
124 increase their use among existing or new customers. The marketers of
financial services has to ensure facilitating right product for the right people Distribution,
Pricing and
at the right place and at the right price. Pricing can be strategically used as Promotions
the tool to meet/reduce the competition. Pricing is equivalent to the total Strategy for
Banking Services
product offering which includes the brand name, package, product benefits,
service delivery, credit extended. It can be described a sum of expectations
and satisfactions. Promotion is a generic term used for the communication
efforts of the firm that are directed towards achieving the objectives of a
marketing strategy. You will see in this unit how the promotion mean
conscious efforts towards integrating its marketing strategies with business
Activity 1
i) Based on your experience of the bank branches that you are familiar with,
with respect to a specific branch, enumerate the components of the
distribution functions carried on by the branch.
ii) In addition to the tasks mentioned 6.1. does the branch carry out any
other activities in relation to the distribution function. Describe.
2) Technological barriers
Pricing and
Strategy for
Banking Services
Marketing of Banking The Branch Network
and Other Services
Bank's major distribution outlets are their branches. The design and
development of the branch network will be affected by:
The mass (retail) market: Standard products, relatively inflexible in Distribution,
Pricing and
performance and cost, can be offered to this market. It spells out the Promotions
requirements of geographical decentralisation, standardized services, heavy Strategy for
Banking Services
advertising and promotion, attractive services and above all cost effective
Banks are now changing the image of their branches. Bank branches used to
be serious, dull places that often intimidated customers. All the staff used to
work behind security screens and this created an unfriendly atmosphere. Now,
some security screens have gone, banking halls are brighter and a friendly
atmosphere has been created that is less daunting for customers. Branches are
more like a financial services shop Newly designed branches are open,
planned and many staff have moved into the banking hall to tables, to advise
customers in a friendly way about financial matters, opening of accounts,
solve problems or answering queries.
It is expected that by the end for this millennium, the most important aspects
of branch workload will be ATMs, telebanking and the retail counter in that
order. Currently, the developed countries' bank branch workload is in reverse
order, the retail counter demanding the most time and effort from the branch
staff and management. In Indian conditions, the lion's shares of service is
through retail counter only. The other. components in the delivery system
have just begun to catch up
Activity 2
a) You may have noticed changes in the layout and placement of various
services within the bank. Briefly list these changes in respect of your
own bank.
Marketing of Banking …………………………………………………………………………….
and Other Services
b) Talk to at least 10 long standing bank customers and take their feedback
on these changes. Report on the feedback received by you. What do you
think is the impact of these changes on service delivery?
1) Full service branch: The full service branch has been the conventional
delivery system, providing a full range of the products and services
offered by the institution to both corporate and retail customers however,
in the developed countries, the services provided by banks have incased
immensely as deregulation has led them to extend their range of
conventional financial service variants. In India, too with the
liberalisation and deregulation in the financial sector, similar position is
set to be evident soon.
The hub and spoke structure has many benefits. One very important benefits
is that it is part of a rationalisation strategy. The new structure reduces the
large amount of replication that was occurring at every site (including
expensive equipment and personnel) and which was not being used in an
efficient way anyhow. This reduction and regrouping at the key site has
vastly reduced the excessive duplication in a move towards getting the bank
to provide the correct range of services in an area.
Overall the tendency is towards fewer bank branches. The reason for this is
that, the high operational and staffing costs of running a branch, the increase
in scale and benefits of automation and technology, the advent of direct
banking (via telephone, home link and in-touch services offered to larger
financial customers), and the mergers and /or acquisitions by banks, have
given rise to rationalisation (reduction) of the number of branches.
1) Channel profitability
2) Branch profitability
3) Customer profitability
The Indian experiments of opening rural branches, service area approach and
directed lending uniquely combined both the marketing and social
responsibility roles for bankers. The liberalisation and deregulation may
focus more on the viability of operations more than in the past and hence, the
aspects that go to make a branch profitable will need to be addressed more
Activity 3
Marketing of Banking • The impact of ATM installation on a financial institution's image and its
and Other Services
ability to differentiate its services/products.
Financial services today are making determined efforts to make use of the
latest technology is changing the market rapidly and this will have a major
impact on financial services branches. ATMs and Eftpos (electronic fund
transfer at point of sale) are much more efficient in cost savings, time and
Calculations, show that on an average an ATM equals (or leads to) a total net
labour savings of 1.33 full time staff. There are a number of important
reasons for installing ATMS.
6) to provide the bank with clear strategic advantages (for example entry
barriers, greater economies of scale, and product differentiation).
ATM: Many banks now have ATMs outside their branches. Those outside
offer 24 hours banking to customers. Some banks also have an ATM in the
lobby and customers use their security card to enter the lobby and then use
the machine in the normal way. These machines can be used to withdraw
cash, pay money and cehques into an account or to order statements balances
or information packs ATMs are also now located at many of the larger retail
stores and at factories. The machines are maintained by the local branch The
development of the ATM network may mean that at some point of time in the
future, cashiers will be replaced by the ATM machines.
A recent study estimates that in a full service branch, the cost per transaction
is US$ 1.07 as against US$ 0.54 for telephone banking, USS 0.27 for ATM
full service, USS 0.015 for PC banking and US$0.01 for internet based
Activity 4 Distribution,
Pricing and
a) Discuss with 15-20 bank customers, the uses and applications that they Strategy for
have been making of the electronic modes of banking. What are the Banking Services
specific advantages they perceive?
Pricing affects the product cost and also plays a key role in decision making
of the buyers (customers) Pricing is affected by competitions, seasonality and
general trend of demand and supply. In short, it can be said that the price is
determined by cost,
demand and competition in the market. Price in the eyes of the consumer is
the evaluation of the total product offering which includes the brand name,
package, product benefits, service, delivery, credit extended etc. Price can be
defined as the money value of a product or service agreed upon in a market
transaction and can be shown as -PRICE-sum of expectations + satisfactions
Marketing of Banking Pricing for Profitability
and Other Services
In a competitive market, price is determined by free play of demand and
supply. Price will increase or decrease depending on increase or decrease in
the demand for product. Pricing decisions link the marketing actions with the
financial objectives of organisations. Pricing affects:
1) Sales Volume
2) Profit Margin
3) Rate of return on investment
4) Product position
5) Image of the organisation
Pricing is the key decision through which the other marketing strategies have
to consider in order to result into profit or revenue like:
Price simply read can be described as 'cost plus profit. Therefore, proper
analysis of cost and proper decision regarding profit level have direct impact
on pricing decisions/ strategy.
1. Growth in Sales-A low price can achieve higher growth in sales volume
but may the profit level adversely.
2. Market Share The customer acceptance is reflected by market share of Distribution,
Pricing and
a product and is an indicator of acceptability of price. Promotions
Strategy for
3. Competition -To face the competition, prices can be lowered to Banking Services
maintain sales or in the absence of it, prices can be revised but stable
prices help in maintaining image or brand name and quality.
i) Perceived value pricing: These are based on the belief the consumers
have about the value of products and pricing is based on these
assumptions. This is supplemented by market research and if price is
more than buyer - recognised value, it may affect sales whereas if price
is less than buyer - recognised value, the revenue will suffer.
Many other times the price will be just below a round figure say Rs.59.20 (to
show it is less than Rs.100) or Rs 499.00 (i.e. not Rs.500/- or above).
Sometimes instead of giving a 20% discount, the price per unit per-se will be
constant (uncharged) but it will advertised that on purchase of 4 units one
unit will be free.
iii) Promotional Pricing: This is used for promoting high level of sales or to
clear excess stock which although is with a reduced profit margin
improves sales and reduces holding cost.
iv) Skimming: This strategy is to 'skim the cream' Le. adopting a high price
approach. When the product is new and innovative and in a monopolistic
or less competitive market, the price will be higher (like in mobile
Marketing of Banking phones) which can be progressively reduced with entry of more
and Other Services
producers and skimming the cream sufficiently
There are four main cost based pricing methods which are:
2) Cost-plus pricing
3) Break-even analysis
4) Managerial Pricing
The competitive pricing means pricing to compete with the leader in the
market with respect to the price.
It can be either to set higher price initially and then to offer discounts known
as 'discount pricing' or to significantly increase sales volume by competing
with others already leading in the market by undercutting the prices
significantly with the sole idea of penetrating the market.
a) Interest cost
b) Servicing cost
Interest Cost 67
140 100
The interest rates for banks in India have been administered for decades by Distribution,
Pricing and
the Reserve Bank of India and the service charges have been advised and Promotions
administered by the 1.B.A. with which although in funds management market Strategy for
Banking Services
forces and demand and supply do play a role, in respect of interest or service
charges, the market forces did not affect to any considerable extent.
Now, even the public sector banks have freedom to stipulate rate schedules
for such activities which are not covered under uniform schedules. The
interest rates on domestic deposits can also be fixed by banks, within the
stipulated range, for deposits with different maturities
With the winds of globalisation and liberalisation flowing freely in India and
the competition faced due to aggressive marketing strategies and innovative
products by private and foreign banks, the banks have to re-think their
marketing policies - more so the pricing strategies
Activity 5
With regulated interest rates and uniformity in service charges for a longtime,
customers too are now aware and many accept the service fees/transaction
fees charged by banks in giving better and prompt service.
Marketing of Banking There have been many studies to analyse the ways and means to improve
and Other Services
profitability of banks
• The very 1st report on cost aspects of Indian Banks was published in
• Traditionally, interest or funds activities were the only source of profit
for the banks.
• The remittance business and bills business did not prove to be of much
help in increasing profit/revenue.
• Besides profit from forex business and exchange profit, there was not
enough amount under other income which now is increasing steadily.
• Before standardisation efforts by IBA, banks were using different
methods for service charges like
• flat service charge
• measured service analysis
• complete analysis method
• On bill business the fees charges were not very adequate compared to the
service rendered.
• In 1985 IBA efforts for rationalisation and standardisation of service
charges met with success to bring about uniformity in several banking
services. while public sector banks are governed by IBA guidelines, the
foreign banks and the private banks had the freedom to decide their own
The committee of public sector banks for service charges was set up to
provide guidance, check costing and decide the implementation schedule.
In the second phase exercise was given by RBI to each bank to work out cost
in following fields:
1) Transfer pricing
2) Pricing of different services
3) Analysis cost trends
4) Cost benefit analysis for concession etc.
5) Break-even analysis of branches to categories and monitor profit making Distribution,
Pricing and
and loss making branches and to decide strategy. Promotions
Strategy for
• With the advent of new departments and products, like merchant banking, Banking Services
investment, counselling, project consultancy, etc. pricing of new
products, services was required to be based on cost assessment and
commercial (viability) criterion.
• Even at the branch level awareness was created to be in tune with macro
level (corporate) planning and decide selective recommending/selling of
bank's products at branch for better pricing mix and better overall
We have seen from the discussion on earlier pages that in Indian Banking it
has been a regulated pricing system, till recently regarding interest as well as
the service costs.
If we take a look at the following table (taken from the consumer federation
of American report) it will be clear as to how bank fees/services vary and
customers accept such a variety of service fees.
bounced cheque
returned deposit
Marketing of Banking Banks have to develop better strategies and understanding with customers to
and Other Services
convince regarding the cost by way of service fees as essential for good
quality service.
Primarily two types of approaches are being adopted by banks abroad to set
1) Bundling
2) Auction
Price Determination
It is not just the interest rates alone that determine pricing, it is also the fee-
based pricing (for services rendered) that is fast gaining momentum. As each
deposit/product or service has potential to achieve certain marketing goal to
satisfy a particular customer segment. the pricing must be set with respect to
the said objectives and customer needs ability and level of satisfaction.
Target Pricing
If we look at the factors determining the "base" price level for any
organisation, its relevance to banking can be judged.
Lendable funds- Banks have to work within the framework of RBI guidelines Distribution,
Pricing and
due to which a bank can lend only a certain portion of mobilised deposits Promotions
after providing for cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio i.e. out of Strategy for
Banking Services
Rs.100 funds only about 58% can be lend as loans/credit. It becomes obvious,
therefore, that the revenue by interest on lending should be enough to cover
the cost of interest paid on deposits and administration cost.
SPREAD- Due to the limitations of CDE (Credit Deposit Ratio) and lack of
sufficient demand for borrowings in the money market all banks are
consciously considering the service fee concept to improve their profitability
on the SPREAD is not quite enough to improve the profit planning in view of
higher administrative costs and non-interest bearing advances (non-
performing assets).
This means in one branch there will be high supply (deposits) and high
interest payable and no demand or interest receivable whereas as in other
branch there will be high demand and high (profitability) interest receivable
but no supply
is, therefore, taken to compensate this demand and supply of funds and
interest payable receivable by transferring pricing concept where high deposit
branches are taken as fund supplies and certain interest is payable to them
and high advances branches have to pay certain interest to such supplying
• Advertising
• Publicity
• Sales Promotion
• Person-to-person communication
• Bank's internal communication process, etc. 145
Marketing of Banking These elements of promotion serve as the links between the Bank and the
and Other Services
target segment of its market (customers).
Promotion thus means the Bank's well organised, planned and goal oriented
communication efforts which must be in congruence with its overall business
goals and objectives in the desired market area keeping specific needs of
customer in mind.
Sales Promotion
Public Relation
In the service industry like Banking, promotion assumes all the more
important position as what we really sell is 'abstract thing i.e. service with the
interest rates, range of product etc. being more or less same, the service given
through proper promotional channel makes all the difference between two
Banks in marketing context.
Promotion can thus mean 'communicating with the buyer (customer), in order
to strengthen his attitudes that are favourable to the (Bank's) sellers' offering
and to change his attitudes which are unfavourable to the sellers. This
presupposes ensuring that such buyers become satisfied customers of the
Bank, now or later.
Joel Dean in his paper published in 1966 had raised a very significant
question "Does advertising belong in the Capital Budget ?" Dean's thesis is as
follows, "Most advertising is, in economic essence, an investment. How
much to spend on advertisement is, therefore, a problem of investment
economics. A new approach is required economic and financial analysis of
future. This approach focusses on future after-tax, cash flows and centers
around the profit productivity of capital."
July 1982 It was advised that the total advertising expenditure should not
exceed 0.1 (1/10) % of Bank's Gross Earnings.
April 1984 There was a sort of ban on incurring expenditure on publicity and
advertising up till September 1984. However, the foreign banks were allowed
to incur Advertising Expenditure to the extent of 50% of their expenditure
under this head during the previous year.
1987 Public Sector Banks were permitted to incur expenditure upto 0.05
(1/20)% of their gross earnings from Domestic Operations on Domestic
Publicity. For publicity abroad, banks were allowed to incur additional upto 1
(1/10)% of their Gross Earnings on Advertising and Publicity.
Marketing of Banking The Joint Publicity Committee (JPC) of Public Sector Banks constituted in
and Other Services
1971 with Government approval played active role since February 1976. In
1980 all the 28 Public Sector Banks were brought under its preview and joint
action was proposed as follows:
1) Press
ii) Hoardings/posters
v) Films
i) Deposit mobilisation
Unlike the Public Sector Banks, leading Foreign Banks had liberal approach
and higher budgets to regularly advertise in leading newspapers, newsletters,
catchy brochures and attractive hoardings in prime locations of metropolitan
cities. This enabled them to continuously build a positive and brighter image
in the eyes of customers which also reflected in their multifold business
achievements and high profitability vis-a-vis public banks.
Effectiveness of Advertising
Activity 6
…………………………………………………………………………………. 149
Marketing of Banking ………………………………………………………………………………….
and Other Services
The following activities are usually the part and parcel of sales promotion
From the above discussion it can be understood that the sales promotion is an
activity which enthuses the salesforce and distributors to sell more products
and also makes the potential buyers eager to buy, use or consume a product
more frequently.
Marketing of Banking Steps required in sales promotion
and Other Services
Sales promotion pre-supposes a planned and sustained activity involving
systematic steps which includes:
4) Selling the idea that the salesman is enthusiastic colleague and helps the
people in promoting campaigns
Some of the foreign banks do the sales promotion jobs through information
booklets and brochures sent with credit cards etc. in excellent manner.
ii) Market information : This means knowing who will buy the product ,
when he will buy and why he buy ? this gives an idea about the
probable market share and enable to decide promotion (selling) strategy
to specific segment of the market. this also enable the seller to decide
on the advertising through proper media keeping in view the specific
needs of the potential buyers
iii) Reaching the customers : After ascertaining the market and ensuring
proper product knowledge to all concerned: when it’s time to teach the
customers, the campaign has to take into account :
c) GEOGRAPHICAL TIMIMG – to ensure that when the customers Distribution,
Pricing and
respond, in adequate, product will be available at all probable locations Promotions
of demand. Strategy for
Banking Services
Personal Selling : Sales promotion also can be done through personal selling.
in banking context, it is the clerk at the customers who is the primary contact
point with both existing and potential buyers (customers) well informed and
well-trained staff at the counter eager to explain the scheme to the customers
using smile, courtesy and proper communication process can ensure
successful sales promotion through personal selling within the branch, across
the counter.
• seminar
• exhibitions
• deposit mobilization-month/fortnight
• branch anniversary etc. are some of the other special sales promotion
measures taken bank
• The effectiveness of sales promotion depends upon the following four
Marketing of Banking Strengths of Sales Promotion
and Other Services
Having looked into the details of advertising and sales promotion we can
make a comparison as under:
We have just discussed the role of advertising and sales promotion at some
length. 'Publicity' is a generic term used for a wide range of activities ranging
from antics of stars in films or media to genuine methods of getting a product,
service or even an organisation (or even an individual) 'talked about' and Distribution,
Pricing and
more widely known to the public. Promotions
Strategy for
The Oxford English Dictionary gives definition of the word 'Publicity' as Banking Services
"The quality of being public, the condition or fact being open to public
observation or knowledge. The business of making goods or persons publicly
The publicity differs from Advertising not in its aim but in its technique/s.
Whereas the latter has a more specific job to do i.e. inform and motivate,
publicity seeks to interest and draw attention, without essentially motivating
or informing the public,
Publicity can be good or bad. With high customer expectations and presence
of various consumer councils these days it is just possible that a branch of a
bank can get wide bad publicity for some mistakes/flaws or inadequacies in
giving service.
The publicity handouts or press releases are the commonest form of publicity.
Such a press release must
Publicity does the job of reducing ill effects of bad news and also positive
effects of good news if properly backed by proper public relation.
For such a budget or business plan, Head Offices of the banks assess the
business targets of various branches, divisions, zones and regions in the past
with reference to the achievement (of deposits and advances targets) and the
market shares vis-a-vis branches of other banks in that command area. Field 155
Marketing of Banking Managers, Planning Officers and P.R. or marketing specialists assist in this
and Other Services
function to assess the projected levels of business at micro (branch) and
macro (corporate) levels.
Internal communication used for this purpose uses "Top to Bottom' and
'Bottoms up' approach as shown below:
In this manner the expectations of the CMD are conveyed with respect to
corporate goals using data in the past and changes in economy and business
environment appealing to the managers/staff to realistically assess the
business potential in the common area of their branches and to arrive at
revised business targets as expected by corporate goals based on analysis of
market and potential of branches Motivational Techniques and Recognition
measures are used in such an exercise of budget or business plan.
1) House Journals
2) Circular
3) Corporate objective/Business plan booklet
4) D.O. letter for encouragement/appreciation
5) Posters, etc.
Integrated Marketing Communication Distribution,
Pricing and
The integrated marketing communication is used through corporate strategy Strategy for
as can be represented through the following diagram: Banking Services
7 Feedback/ Evaluation
Evaluation of
Effect Result
Pricing and
(MIS) Promotions
Strategy for
Banking Services
Since having accurate data and information regarding Buyers' (Customers')
needs and wants is a very crucial requirement and also the feedback and
evaluation after implementing the integrated marketing communication; the
MIS i.e. Marketing Information System becomes another vital pre-requisite
of an integrated communication system.
This serves TWIN objectives i.e. analysis of data for marketing opportunities
and locating grievances/problems and offering solutions to them.
1) Customers' details
2) Product range
3) Place (location)
4) Pricing details
6) Competitors' details
Thus, MIS has to be designed taking into account the business needs.
In addition to using all the above types of promotional measures and MIS, the
bank has to be prompt to launch a product or service at proper time to suit to
the customers' requirement.
Dos Don'ts
Listen Be aggressive
Be humble Intempt Pricing and
Strategy for
Call customer by name Neglect a customer Banking Services
The success of marketing of banking services apart from the service product
itself, depends upon the three pillars:
• Distribution
• Pricing
• Promotion strategies
There has been a shift from fixed rates link to PLR and MLR to flexible rates
to induce more healthy competition and better customer service. The fee-
based service or service based fee concept is gaining ground and banks have
to make this concept more consumer friendly backed by improved quality of
customer service.
Marketing of Banking 2 Technological advancement has enabled the introduction of various
and Other Services
models of delivery for banking services. Please discuss.
Retaining Bank
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction
7.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Banking
7.4 Relationship Marketing and Attracting Customers
7.5 Customer Relationships Management
7.6 Retaining Customers Through Quality, Service and Values
7.7 Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction
7.8 Image as a Managed Perception
7.9 Fulfilling Promises: Internal and Interactive Marketing
7.10 Customer Service and Customer Care
7.11 Bank Marketing: Future Challenges
7.12 Summary
7.13 Self-Assessment Questions
7.14 Key Words
7.15 Further Readings
In the earlier units of this block you looked at the various elements of the
marketing mix for banking services. This unit deals with the strategies for
generating consumer satisfaction and retaining bank consumers.
Mr. James E. Turner during the 11th International Retail Banking Conference,
at London, November 1992, opined:
Competitors are targeting the most profitable segments of your customer base.
He argued that operating with a high level of service quality made sense
because it saved money instead of costing it. This rationale was based on the
fact that it was less costly to do a job right at the first time.
It is also less expensive to keep a current customer than to attract a new one,
as various studies have shown. Premium quality always brought premium
price from the most profitable hut demanding and heavy financial service
user customers, who generally did a switch banks at the slightest change
That a satisfied customer is not only more likely to stay with the bank, but
may also recommend it to others, was good and sufficient reason for Mr.
Turner to advocate service quality even in times of recession, even when
profit margins were at strain. The more affluent the customer is, the more
influential he is in referring other customers who are high users of financial
Institutions that make service quality a high priority, tend to have high
employee morale and low employee turnover.
Total customer value is the bundle of benefits customers expect from a given
product or service. The customer adds values from sources like - product,
services, personnel and image and may perceive an offer to be of more total
customer value, if additional value is perceived through some of these
Total customer cost consists of more than the monetary cost. As Adam Smith
observed two centuries ago, 'The real price of anything is the toil and trouble
of acquiring it. It includes the buyer's anticipated time, energy and psychic
costs. The buyer evaluates these costs along with the monetary cost to form a
picture of total customer cost.
A rational buyer's action would be to buy from whoever offered the highest
delivered value.
In bank marketing context, we may say that the following values are the most
sought after:
1. Safety: Since keeping money at home is very risky and creates a sense of
insecurity, every customer treats safety of funds as the primary value and
looks up to banks as safe place to keep their hard earned savings.
4. Speed: Customers rate time as high as money and due to automation and
rapid progress of technology and IT, speed is becoming yet another value,
Criteria % Preference/Response
Suitable location 46 63
Quality of service 24 09
Variety of service 11 02
Interest rate 02 02
Canvassing 03 03
Security 03 06
Credit 07 03
Emergency need 04 07
100 100
b) Safety: Depositors are very often placing their hard earned money in a
bank and a worrying factor for them is 'is the bank safe? To quell the
fear, the background of the bank, its promoters, international
connections, the years it has been operating in the country, all influence
the choice.
Activity 1
The criteria listed above have been researched with respect to individual
customers. Talk to at least 3 organisation, elicit from them the criteria they
would consider most important to their definition of a "good bank". List these
criteria and comment upon how different, if at all, are these from the criteria
considered important by individual consumers.
There are three primary objectives for the study of relationship marketing:
sell new products and services to the existing customers. You can also reach
critical audiences such as your sales force and your shareholders to motivate
and inform them about issues that affect them personally.
There are simultaneous and major long-term benefits both to the marketer
and the consumer. Firstly, accurate targeting produces fewer communications
with less wastage and better results. Incorporating a relationship marketing
strategy allows for the fine tuning of the marketing communications plan and
Activity 2
1…………………… …………………
2……………………… ………………..
3……………………… ………………..
4…………………….. ………………..
Customer Markets
Customer must, of course remain the prime focus area for marketing activity.
But the focus needs to be less on "transactional marketing' and example on
the one-off sale or hooking a new customer and more on the building of long-
term client relationships.
This is not to say that new customers are not important - indeed they are vital
to the future of most financial service businesses. A delicate balance needs to
be maintained the efforts directed at existing and new customers.
as below:
Transaction Relationship
Many marketers put their main efforts on the initial activities of identifying
prospective customers and attempting to convert them into customers, rather
than on both deepening and widening the scope of the relationship. It is
ultimately more rewarding to ascertain the needs of customers and cross sell
additional products and services which will subsequently result in strong
supporters and active advocates for the company and its services. For
example an ANZ Grindlays Bank current account holder could well be
receptive to applying for a credit card as car loan, loans against assets etc.
Referral Markets
The best marketing is that which is carried out by the company's own
customers; that is why the customer loyalty ladder and the creation of
advocates is so important. But existing markets are not the only sources of
referral. Referral markets to under many names intermediaries, connectors,
multipliers, agencies and so on.
A strategy retreat was subsequently organised which included sessions on Attracting and
Retaining Bank
referral sources, including presentations from several important Customers
intermediaries. The bank received a lot of criticism during these presentations.
Made aware through it research of the importance of this business, the bank
established a task force to develop better relations with referral sources and
establish a marketing plan to deal with referral markets. The result was
noticeable and continued improvements in business generated by referral
Most organisations will need to take similar action. The current and potential
importance of referral sources should be established and a plan developed for
allocating marketing resources to them. Efforts should be made to monitor
results and cost benefits. However, it is worth emphasizing that developing
these relationships take time and that the benefits of increased marketing
activity this area may to come to fruition immediately.
Supplier Markets
This new relationship has been termed differently at different places. For
example, at AT&T, it is 'vendor ship partnership'; at electronics group
Phillips in Europe it is called 'co-makership". In the US, it is referred as
reverse marketing. Whatever the term, however the aim is close co-operation
between customer and supplier from a very early stage, mutual concentration
on quality, commitment to flexibility, lowest costs and long- term
Recruitment Markets
The key scarce resources for business is no longer capital or raw materials
they are skilled people, a vital perhaps the most vital element in customer
service delivery. An the situation is not getting easier, even if unemployment
climbs to historic levels. The reason: demographic trends. The new skilled
workers entering the labour market originate from the following key
groups :16-24, and 25-34. If demand outstrips the supply, which is quite
possible then effectively marketing an organization to its potential employees
will become vital success factor. A brief case study shows the kind of effort
that may have to be made:
Several years ago a large and well known accountancy practice was having
problems attracting new recruits. The reasons were hard to discover. Its
recruitment was old fashioned and lacked visual impact. A marketing plan to
Marketing of Banking try improve the situation involved redesigning recruitment literature (with the
and Other Services
help of recent graduates), sending the brightest partners on university visits
with managers with interesting experiences to recount, and sponsoring
awards and prizes at target universities. As a result of this marketing plan, the
firm's offers to acceptances ration increased by nearly 200% within two years.
Activity 3
With respect to your own bank and at least one other bank that you are
familiar with, identify the efforts that the banks have made to reach and
a) Referral Markets
b) Supplier Markets
c) Recruitment Markets
Do you think these efforts are sufficient? Give your suggestions for creating
an adequate level of such efforts for your organisation.
So we find, that acceptance and relevance are the key twin concepts of
successful 'after marketing'.
• Current customers
• Prospective customers
• Lapsed on lost customer
Banks that have carefully segmented their customer universe can use a host
of methods to address key customer groups, as below:
• Bank newsletters
• Corporate videos
• Special interest magazines
• Invitations to cultural and other events
• Affinity product introductions
All these devices seek to create a deeper relationship with customers and also
communication a sense of belonging to an exclusive club. For example, a
citigold credit card holder may receive complimentary copies of a specially
conceived and produced quarterly magazine; invitations to exclusive music
and theatre performance; discounts at five star hotels etc.
Banks should also implement ongoing studies to track the status of lost
customers so that appropriate actions can be taken to stem the attribution rate.
The key issues monitored through these studies are the following:
Customer Satisfaction
Expectations get formed, on the basis of the buyer's past buying experience,
statements made by friends and associates and marketer and competitor
information and promises. If the marketer raises expectations too high, and
the company cannot match its delivery with the expectation level, the buyer is
likely to be disappointed. On the other hand, it the company sets expectations
too low, it won't attract enough buyers although it will satisfy those who buy.
• Courtesy
• Problem-solving ability
• Environment
• Speed
• Accuracy
• Range of service.
In the past, we have focused more on the operations and security activities of
delivering financial services than on the human side of the equation. We may,
for example, try to teach tellers to be friendly and thank customers but at the
end of the day, the only things we monitor are their technical errors and
drawer count. In turn, tellers are rewarded, or not rewarded, based only on
how they perform the operational aspects. It is therefore not surprising that
customer service is difficult to improve, and
Assurance : The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their Attracting and
Retaining Bank
ability to convey trust and confidence. Customers
This gap depends on the size and direction of the first gaps associated with
the delivery of service quality.
From the should be rapidly extended to reception and telephone service, new
accounts or personal bankers, extending upward through the organization to
commercial lending, trust and private banking.
The metaphor of the 'moment of truth is a very powerful idea for helping
people in services business shift their point of view and think about the
customer's experience. Donald Porter as Director of customer service quality
assurance for British Airways, points out:
If you are a service person, and you get it wrong at your point in the
customers' chain of experience, you are very likely erasing from the
customer's mind all the memories of the good treatment he or she may have
had up until you. But if you get at right, you have a chance to undo all the
wrongs that may have happened before the customer got to you. You are
really the moment of truth.
Karl Albrecht and Ron Zemke, in their book 'Service America', indentified
three important characteristics that differentiate outstanding service
organizations from mediocre ones:
Kari Albrecht (1984) suggested that the relationship between the company
and its customer be represented by the service triangle model as shown below:
The Service
The Customer
They suggest that first and foremost, a clear conception of the motivational
structure of the customer, needs to be in place. Some kind of workable model
for service can be attempted only thereafter. The aim would be to agree upon
a basic business strategy that will service to differentiate company from its
competitors, in the mind and in the experience of the customers. In many
cases, it is a very challenging task to formulate a nontrivial philosophy of
service that can really make a difference. The service strategy must mean
something concrete and valuable to the customer, something he or she is
willing to pay for.
Armed with an understanding of the customer's buying motivations and Attracting and
Retaining Bank
concept for service that will position the bank advantageously in the market- Customers
place, the marketer must explore the interplay between the strategy, the
people of our organization, and the systems that are available to them to get
the job done.
It is instructive to take each of the parts of the service triangle and to explore
some of the obvious interactions. Each of the lines in the diagram can
represent an important dimension of impact.
b) Conversely, the line that flows from the service strategy to the customer
represents the process of communicating the strategy to our market. It is not
nearly enough that we give good service, or that our service is uniquely better
in some way; the customer has to know that fact for it to do us any good.
This line connecting the customer and the people of the organization explains
itself. It is be crucial point of contact, the continuation interplay that accounts
from more of the moments of truth. It is this interplay that presents the
greatest opportunity for gain or loss, and for creative effort procedural
systems as well as physical hardware. Many negative moments of truth in the
business world arise because of system peculiarities and malfunctions. When
the customer's interest is treated as an afterthought in the design of service
delivery systems, the situation is virtually programmed for mediocrity and
dissatisfaction. Forms that don't make sense and are impossible to fill out,
illogical or confusing building layouts, and administrative process that
burden the customer with tasks that could be handled by service employees
all make it more difficult for the people to provide service effectively.
a) The three outer lines of the service triangle tell their own individual
stories as well. For example, think about the interplay between the
people and the systems. How often have you seen highly motivated
people prevented from giving the quality of service they really wanted
to give because of nonsensical administration procedures, illogical task
assignments, regressive work rules, or poor physical facilities? In
situations like these, the service concept is nothing more than normal
procedure. Front-line people are usually much better prepared than their
manager to find ways to improve the systems they use every day. The
big question is do, their managers realize that facts, and are they willing
to invite the people to contribute what they know? 181
Marketing of Banking b) The line connection the service strategy with the system suggests that
and Other Services
the design and development of the physical and administrative systems
should follow logically from the definition of the service strategy. This
seems obvious, but given the inertial resistance to change found in most
large orgnisation, it sometimes seems like a Utopian precept.
c) And finally, what about the line that flows between the service strategy
and the people? That line suggest that the people who deliver the
service need to have the benefit of a clearly defined philosophy from
management. Without some sense of focus, clarity and priority, it is
difficult for them to keep their attention on service quality. The
moments of truth tend to deteriorate and regress to mediocrity.
Banks reflect their mission or values to project such image in their literature
like brochures and in advertisements like ::
Let's return now the concept of the service triangle (See Figure). When we
can find the elements of (1) a meaningful service strategy (2) customer-
oriented front-line people and (3) customer-friendly systems working in self-
reinforcing interplay, we are doing what is necessary to earn a positive image.
We are creating such an image indirectly by managing the customer's
experience. We are reinforcing his or her perception of our organization by
182 making things come out right at the moments of truth.
Retaining Bank
Marketing of Banking Managing service recovery is also important in building customer satisfaction.
and Other Services
Exceeding customer expectations when things go wrong, may leave a
stronger positive impressions on customers.
Service Quality Attracting and
Retaining Bank
The most recent trend in many service industries has been their emphasis on
quality as a vehicle for sustaining competitive edge. Berry et al (1989)
believe that service excellence is key strategic weapon, highlighting that
service quality is the marketing strategy for the financial service industry.
Service quality must have the full commitment of every echelon in the
organization, but essentially it is the commitment of top management that
yields the initial quality orientation. "Effective quality strategies should
involve all levels of staff and should be supported, planned and directed by
managers at the top to the organisation". (D. Hutchins-1986)
Many definitions are applied to the concept of service quality, and phrases
such as 'meeting customer expectations', or 'providing customers with what
they want, when they want and at an acceptable cost' are well-known
explanations of the meaning of quality. Essentially, quality is a judgmental
issue relating to an individual's perceived expectations of service and actual
service performance.
Customer Care
The satisfaction of customer needs depend on how far the bank optimizes its
internal procedures. Decisive factors or internal quality are technology and
organizational aspects. The following requirements must be met:
Marketing of Banking • Speed (Same day processing of transfers)
and Other Services
• Security (ensuring that transactions are handled correctly)
• Accuracy and
• Punctuality.
In the second phase, the focus shifted on hire purchase, factoring, venture
capital funds and reforms in stock market and capital market.
Let us now review the latest glimpse of the latest trends in bank marketing
which will give a glimpse of the changing fabric of banking services and its
effect on marketing of banking services.
The banking business is becoming more and more complex with the changes
emanating from the liberalisation and globalisation, with UTI, NSC,
Company Debentures and NBFCT competing in deposits and new private
banks and foreign banks competing in advances, with aggressive marketing
strategies, bankers are becoming growingly aware about the need for
With the restricted (though now free to decide) rates of interest on deposits
and advances the main emphasis is being given on:
Marketing has not remained just a strategy but many banks like Citibank,
Hongkong Bank in Foreign Bank Sector and State Bank of India, Canara
Bank among the nationalised bank sector adopted a pro-consumer philosophy.
In India % In USA %
i) Political/legal dimensions
ii) Technological dimensions
iii) Socio-cultural dimensions
iv) Economic dimensions
v) Competitive dimensions
The following Table will indicate the effect of changes in economy on saving
pattern which too is a very important dimension leading bankers to reorient
their marketing strategy
The money supply (M-3) has been affecting growth of banks' deposits which
is, in fact, the raw material for banking services. These is almost perfect co-
relation between money supply and deposit growth. Due to changing rates of
interest on deposits, there is also shift in the patters of short term, medium
term and long term deposits with Banks. Due to large supply of bank credit to
government and the corporate sector preferring to raise money through the
share market, it has also been affecting the growth of advances. This exerts
pressure on profitability which compels bank to go for low cost deposits and
higher rates on advances. This leads to more emphasis on selling to corporate
clients, The growth of market and vide spread of debenture and share culture
provides the corporate sector a direct access to saver causing dis-
intermediation. This too forces the banks to provide new types of services in
the investment area. The money market instruments also have shown
innovative additions like (CP) Commercial Paper (CD) Certificate of Deposit,
Stock invest, Mutual Money Market Fund, etc.
le the corporate sector, despite easy access of credit which enabled the small
and medium industries to widen their entrepreneurial base, the adoption of
Tandon and Chore Commit- see norms for credit decision and credit
monitoring (which had the objective of orienting the corporate borrower to
gain more and more for self reliance in equity), has been a compelling factor
for corporate sector to turn to capital market to raise additional funds/ equity
Now with more liberalisation of bank credit to corporate sector against the Attracting and
Retaining Bank
present slack state of affairs in the capital market, banks can aggressively Customers
utilise their marketing strategies to market their products/schemes to
corporate sector borrowers whereby the resources can be gainfully employed.
This can ensure comfortable profit margin for the banks and more
importantly higher economic growth through better industrial output
Changing banking scenario in India is causing changes in the marketing
strategies of commercial banks.
Due to the freedom to decide interest rates on deposits and advances vis-a-vis
the shifts in demand and supply of deposits of loanable funds, banks are
turning more towards relationship (bank) marketing and selling to corporate
clients. Instead of concentrating on high cost deposits and more number of
customers with low deposit, banks are preferring the corporate clients. Banks
are also devising new and innovative schemes to attract corporate borrowers.
Such an exercise has to be carried out to ensure that the cost of funds is kept
low and return are better so that profitability is maintained and banks can
strengthen their capital base as required by the Narasimhan Committee.
With relationship and transaction banking banks are also becoming more
quality oriented and offer quick and courteous customer service. To facilitate
this swiftly and selling to corporate clients better banks also have to have a
pro-active work culture and a flexible structure. The concept of venture teams
can be useful for the banks for selling suitably to the corporate customers as
it has the combination of line and functional type of organization. The banks
organisational structure for selling to corporate customers must be flexible
with motivated personnel who are properly empowered so that they can
mobilise the customers for long term banking relations. A corporate
marketing department can also be set up to cater to the corporate clients All
this requires proper promotional strategies
The bank marketing has, therefore, become a very complex and yet
interesting subject as it requires the knowledge of economics, sociology,
psychology, banking and also marketing concepts. The buyer behaviour and
socio-economic situation being constantly changing, an on-going monitoring
and reorienting the promotional strategy is the essence of effective marketing
of banking services.
Marketing of Banking
and Other Services
We started off our discussion in this unit with the observation that
competition has been eating into the margins of banking industry.
Improvement of service quality is what will keep a customer and the cost in
doing a thing right at the first time is cheaper than the process of recovery. IT
is proved be far more expensive to win a new customer than to retain an
existing one and hence it is big business sense to keep the service standard at
high enough levels as per the perceptions of the client so that he does not get
tempted to look the other way.
Expectations get formed on the basis of buyer's past experience, marketer and
competitor information etc. Successful companies raise expectations and
deliver matching performance, always aiming for Total Customer
Satisfaction (TCS).
Service quality must have the full commitment of every echelon in the
organization, but essentially it is the commitment of top management that
yield the initial quality orientation.
It can be summed up that banks exist because of customers and that is why
their products and services must meet with customer's growing expectation in
terms of product price and delivery and the quality of the service.
iii) With respect to banking services, explain the concepts of service quality,
customer value and customer satisfaction. Briefly identify the sources of
the five gaps with respect to the discussion on gap analysis in the unit.
iv) What do you understand by the term "Moments of Truth", How can a
bank manage to convert most of its moments of truth into winning
transactions. Explain with reference to your own bank.
Organisation is a living being which has a life cycle and it grows. It is the
formation of an effective executive and the administration of an effective
Marketing of Banking
and Other Services
Attracting and
Retaining Bank
Marketing of Banking
and Other Services
Issue Management
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Merchant Banking in India.
8.3 The Capital Market
8.4 Issue Management
8.5 Role of an Issue Manager
8.6 Other Agencies Involved in Issue Management
8.7 Monitoring by SEBI
8.8 Self-Assessment Questions
8.9 Further Readings
Merchant Banking as defined in the Narasimhan Committee Report means:
Activity 1
List out the merchant banking services given by your organisation. Find out
the fee-based income earned by the hank through these services during the
last 3 years.
The number of lead merchant bankers may not exceed in case of any issue of:
Activity 2
Merchant Banking …………………………………………………………………………………
and Allied Services
This refers to the market of new issues of capital and debt instruments. The
Primary Market operations include:
Secondary Market
The secondary market is where the securities acquired by the investor are
traded. The market provides liquidity to various capital market instruments.
The secondary market players are the investors who are willing to sell or buy
the scrip the speculators who trade for profits only, the stock exchange which
198 routes these transactions of purchase and sell, and the broker/member of the
Issue Management
stock exchange, investment adviser and the transfer agent. The regulator
body (SEBI in India), takes care of interest of all the parties involved,
specially the investors.
Types of Issues
Companies raise capital or debt through various sources. The decision about
a particular source of finance is based on various parameters such as the
capital structure, the cost of capital cost of borrowing, the instruments to be
floated, the ease of operation, the time period for which the funds are needed
and market position of demand and supply from the various sources and so
Merchant Banking The issues may be classified as under
and Allied Services
i) Public Issue: It is the most common method of raising long-term assets.
The instruments normally offered to the public are shares, and
debentures/bonds. Shares can be equity shares, preference shares.
Preference shares can be cumulative, non-cumulative, redeemable or
non-redeemable. Debentures or bonds can be of various types such as
convertible, convertible, non-convertible, bearer bonds, mortgage bonds
etc. The offer to the public is made through the issue of prospectus for a
fixed number of shares at a stated price. Any person can apply for the
shares. The prospectus is required to disclose all the material and
essential factors of the company. Provisions of Companies Act, SEBI
guidelines. Income Tax act, Indian Contract Act, is required to be
followed strictly in the process of this issue.
II) Rights Issue: Shares offered to the existing shareholders of a company
are called right shares, and the issue is called rights issue. While issuing
such shares to the existing shareholders, a time limit within which they
have the option of exercising the right is prescribed. After the limit, the
directors of the company may dispose off the shares as they think fit.
iii) Private Placements: It is a speedier and cost effective way of raising
capital. When a company does not intend to go public through a
prospectus and wants to issue securities to the public through a private
arrangement then this process is called making a private placement of
securities SEBI has prescribed limits for the minimum number of shares
and amount for such private placements, to be made with the individuals
and corporate. The role of regulatory authority is limited, as it takes
place mostly through bilateral negotiations between the investor and the
company. The new companies which are new, and unknown to the public
find this method of raising capital quite fast and cost effective.
The procedure and steps for managing public issues fall under two phases.
These phases are completed by the Issue Manager.
Both these phases are monitored and regulated by SEBI through regulations,
Activity 3
Issue Management
1. Promotion of the issue
2. Pricing aspect of the issue
3. Processes involved in creating access of the investor to the application
Issue Management
Post Issue Activities:
After the closure of the issue, the Lead manager has to manage the Post Issue
activities pertaining so the Issue.
10. Investor's grievances: The lead manager is also required to handle the
grievances of the investors.
Rights Issue
For rights issue the lead manager should submit the draft of the letter of offer
to SEBI, six weeks before the issue is scheduled to open for subscription.
Any suggestions would be received within 3 weeks from SEBI should 203
Merchant Banking incorporated within the draft before filing the letter of offer. The copy of final
and Allied Services
letter of offer should be sent to SEBI 2 weeks before the opening date of
issue. The issue should be offered the existing shareholders. The allotment
formalities for offers received from the right holders should be completed.
Activity 4
With respect to the Issue Management, process studied by you for activity 3,
fist out the various pre and post issue activities that were undertaken by the
6. The Advertisers
Merchant Banking
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Stock Exchange and Its Functions
9.3 Membership of the Stock Exchange (Stock Broker)
9.4 Role of the Member (Stock Broker)
9.5 Code of Conduct for the Brokers
9.6 The Duties of the Investor
9.7 Trading Procedure at the Stock Exchange
9.8 Related Institutions and Terminology
9.9 Summary
9.10 Self-Assessment Questions
9.11 Further Readings
The working of the capital market is very technical, and highly sensitive, and
hence requires an expert knowledge of the rules and regulations. The
stockbroker acts as an important intermediary between the investor, the
company, and the stock exchange. The stockbroker is a member of a
recognised stock exchange and is engaged in buying. selling, and dealing in
various capital market securities. He has to observe the discipline on
maintaining adequate capital, registration with SEBI, payment of fees,
maintenance of books and records for the investors, and ensure fair play in
the dealings. He may or may not appoint a sub broker. A sub broker is also
required to be registered with SEBI. The sub-broker cannot enter into direct
dealing with stock exchange or other market players. He has to route his
transactions through the broker only.
SEBI Stock Brokers Rules and SEBI Stock Brokers Regulations are
important enactments, which protect the interests of the investor, the
208 company and the stock exchange. The Stockbroker or sub-broker who has to
Stock Broking
be the member of a Stock exchange has to play his role within the framework Services
of these enactments.
A stock market refers to the organised market, where securities are traded. It
consists of investors, brokers or members of the stock exchange, stock
exchange, companies, and regulatory authority. The securities traded on the
stock exchange include various long-term financial instruments, raised by the
companies for meeting their financial requirements.
Stock Exchange
Every stock exchange is a link between the general public and corporate
bodies interested in raising long-term resources. Hence, it is responsible for.
Stock exchanges are the important constituent of the Capital Market. Well-
regulated and smoothly functioning stock exchange is an indicator of the
developed capital market.
Activity 1
How many stock exchanges are currently functioning in India. Find out the
statistical details of any 4 of them for the last 3 years.
The relationship between the stockbroker and the investor involves great
deal of trust, and is governed by Stock exchange bye-laws, SEBI rules and
regulations. The broker is indemnified by the client. He has a lien on the
property of the client for payment of amount due as margin money, brokerage,
interest and other expenses.
Merchant Banking
and Allied Services
The Stock Broker means the Member of Stock Exchange.
Sub-Broker means any person not being a member of a stock exchange who
acts on behalf of a stock broker as an agent or otherwise for assisting the
investors in buyings/elling or dealing in securities through stock brokers.
The relationship between the investor and the stock broker is based on utmost
mutual trust and faith. In addition, it is obligatory on the part of the investor
as well as the broker to perform the business with utmost care and honesty,
maintaining high levels of secrecy, integrity and clarity in the transactions.
A stock broker is required to perform his duty with integrity, high standards
of fairness, and promptitude in all his dealings. He is required to exercise
skill, care, and diligence in the conduct of his business. He should not indulge
in any manipulative, fraudulent or deceptive transactions or schemes or
spread rumors with a view to distorting market equilibrium or making
personal gains. A stockbroker shall not either create false market singly or in
concert with others or indulge in any act detrimental to the investor's interest
or which leads to interference with the fair and smooth functioning of the
market. A stock broker shall not involve himself in excessive speculative
business in the market beyond reasonable levels not commensurate with his
financial soundness.
Duties to the Investor: The stockbroker shall issue to his client, a contract
note, for all the transactions, in a form specified by the stock exchange.
Stock broker shall not make a recommendation to any client who might be
expected to rely thereon to acquire, dispose of, retain any securities unless he
has reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for
such a client upon the basis of the fact, if disclosed by such a client as to his
own security holding, financial situation and objectives of such investment.
Activity 2
a) The client places an order with his broker/sub broker, for purchase/sale
of a specified security within the specified range of price.
b) Broker executes the order, i.e. completes the deal for either purchase or
sale of the specified number of security instruments through another
Merchant Banking broker.
and Allied Services
c) The brokers prepare the contract note.
d) Delivery of shares by broker/client, against the bill or delivery note.
e) Payment against the delivery note.
Types of delivery of securities
a) Spot delivery: delivery of security and payment is made on the day of
contract or on the next day.
b) Hand Delivery: delivery and payment should be made within 14 days of
contract date. This period may be extended by Stock Exchange, in slots
of 14 days at a time, up to a maximum of 90 days.
c) Special delivery: is completed beyond the period of 14 days, and is
permitted by Board or President of Stock Exchange.
The broker is expected to see that the delivery is good. This means that the
security certificate should not be fake, forged or mutilated, and must be
properly signed by the transferor as per his specimen signature. The broker
should be fully aware of the SEBI guidelines about good and bad deliveries,
and ensure that the delivery is not bad.
Asking price: The lowest price at which the stockholder is willing to sell the
Bid: An offer of a price one is willing to pay for buying the security.
Closing out: When a party to contract does not fulfill delivery against sale or
payment against delivery of documents, the other party closes out the
transaction, through the medium of stock exchange. The loss or gain is borne
out by the defaulter.
Activity 3
What do you understand by BSE and NSE? Which are the international
equivalents of these terms?
A stockbroker must be a member of a Stock Exchange, and should hold the
necessary certificate from SEBI, for dealing with the securities because of the 215
Merchant Banking investor’s .He has to provide high standards of service to the investors, the
and Allied Services
stock exchange and the SEBI. He is required to maintain the books of
accounts and necessary record. He should fulfill the general obligations such
as payment of fees to SEBI, and abide by the code of specified, allow the
records and transactions to be inspected by the SEBI/Stock exchange
authorities. He must ensure fair play. The investor on the other hand should
not be carried away by the advice of the broker, and should take his prudent
Merchant Banking
and Allied Services
Stock Broking
Merchant Banking
and Allied Services
Insurance Services
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Broad Spectrum of Insurance Services
10.3 Need for Marketing Insurance Services
10.4 Scope for Growth of Marketing Insurance Services
10.5 Limitations in Marketing of Insurance Services
10.6 Strategies for Effective Marketing
10.7 Role of Other Institutions in Marketing of Insurance Services
10.8 Summary
10.9 Self-Assessment Questions
India, with a population over 140 crore, accounting for 17.76% of the world
population is ranked tenth (eleventh in 2020) in global insurance business
with a market share of 1.85 per cent in 2021. In India, overall insurance
penetration was 2.71 per cent in 2001 and has increased to 4.2 per cent in
2020. As per economic survey 2022,”In 2020, the penetration for life
insurance in India is 3.2 per cent and nonlife insurance penetration is 1 per
cent. Implying that only 3 out of 100 are covered by some kind of life
insurance, While India is at par with international average in terms of
insurance penetration for life insurance, we lag behind in terms of non-life
insurance. Globally, insurance penetration was 3.3 per cent for the life
segment and 4.1 per cent for the non-life segment in 2020.”
Total insurance premium in India increased by 13.46 per cent (7.8 per cent
inflation adjusted real growth) in 2021 whereas global total insurance
premium increased by 9.04 per cent (3.4 per cent inflation adjusted real
growth) during the year. Coverage provided by traditional life or health
insurance models is very low in the country. It is due to many reasons
Sector Specific including low per capita income, high proportion of rural population, lack of
Marketing Strategies
financial literacy among many others.
In life insurance business, India is ranked ninth (tenth in 2020) in the world
in 2021. India's share in global life insurance market was 3.23 per cent (3.11
per cent in 2020) during 2021. Life insurance premium in India increased by
14.16 per cent (8.5 per cent inflation adjusted real growth) in 2021 whereas
global life insurance premium increased by 9.91 per cent (4.5 per cent
inflation adjusted real growth).
In non-life insurance business, India is ranked fourteenth in the world same
as last year. India's share in global non-life insurance market was 0.78 per
cent (0.76 per cent in 2020) during 2021. The Indian non-life insurance sector
recorded 11.30 per cent (5.8 per cent inflation adjusted real growth) growth
during 2021 whereas the global non-life insurance premium had only 8.37
per cent growth (2.6 per cent inflation adjusted real growth).
Globally, the share of life insurance business in total premium was 43.69 per
cent and the share of non-life insurance premium was 56.31 per cent during
2021. However, the share of life insurance business for India was high at
76.14 per cent while the share of non-life insurance business was at 23.86 per
Table 10.1: Premium Volume by Region in the World in 2021
Table 10.1 and Table 10.2 depict the relative position of the Indian Insurance Marketing of
Insurance Services
Sector. From the above discussion it is clear that India’s insurance sector is
progressing, but there is still huge untapped potential both in life and non-life
insurance sector.
But the big question is whether the players are able to effectively exploit the
potential by creating and marketing attractive insurance products with high
rates of return on premium investment. This would help deepen the market as
the same family could opt for different schemes catering to different needs.
Usually the insurance contract provides for the payment of an amount date of
maturity or at specified dates at periodic intervals or at unfortunate death if it
occurs earlier. Obviously, there is a price to be paid for this benefit. Among
other things the contract, also provides for the payment of premiums by the
assured. Life insurance is universally acknowledged as a tool to eliminate
risk, substitute certainty for uncertainty and ensure timely aid of the family in
the unfortunate event of the death of the breadwinner. In other words, it is the
civilized world's partial solution to the problem caused by death.
Life insurance in its existing form came to India from the United Kingdom
with the establishment of the British firm Oriental life Insurance Company in
Calcutta in 1818 followed by the Bombay Life Insurance Company in 1823.
LIC was formed in September 1956 by an act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act
1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 50 million.
LIC has more than 2000 branches. It is made up of 100 divisions, into 7
zones, there are about 5,58,000 agents in the country.
Unlike any other saving plan a life insurance policy affords full protection
against risk of death. In the event of death of policy holder, the insurance
company makes available the full sum assured to the policy holder's near and
dear ones. In comparison, any other savings plan would amount to the total
savings accumulated till date. If the death occurs prematurely, such savings
can be much lesser than the sum assured. Evidently, the potential financial
loss to the family of the policyholder is sizeable.
A life insurance policy is the only financial instrument the proceeds of which
can be protected against the claim of the creditor of the assured by effecting a
valid assignment of the policy.
- A life insurance policy can, after a certain time period (generally three
years), be surrendered for a cash value. The policy is also acceptable as a
security for a commercial loan, for e. g . A student loan. It is particularly
advisable for housing loans when an acceptable LIC policy may also cause
the lending institute to give loan at lower interest rates.
Death is not only the hazard that is insured; many polices also include
disability benefits. Typically, these provide for waiver of future premium and
payment of monthly installments spread over certain time period.
- Many policies can also provide for an extra sum to be paid (typically equal
to the sum assured) if death occurs as a result of accident.
Under the Indian Income Tax Act, tax relief is also available
Activity 1
Talk to 5 LIC policy holders and discuss with them the benefits they perceive
in investing in LIC. List these benefits. How these do perceived benefits
224 compare with those listed above.
………………………………………………………………………………… Marketing of
Insurance Services
The Government of India subscribed to the capital of LIC and GIC, in turn,
subscribed to the capital of the four companies. All the companies are
government companies registered under the Companies Act.
The different types of General Insurance products are listed below. While
most policies are optional i.e. at the behest of the insured, some are
mandatory. The mandatory ones are:
Motor insurance
Public liability (for corporate class).
Other policies include
Fire insurance:
Building or Flat
Furniture fixture and others
Loss of profit i.e. consequential loss
Miscellaneous Insurance:
Personal Accident
Burglary, theft
Workmen's Compensation
Fidelity guarantee
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Inland vessels, ocean going vessels, fishing & sailing vessels, freight at risk,
construction of ships, voyage insurance of various vessels, ship breaking,
onshore & offshore risks including construction risk.
Non-traditional / Rural:
Cattle I Hens
Water pump for agriculture
Other livestock.
Activity 2
From your own general insurance agent collect information on which are the
most bought general insurance policy schemes apart from the mandatory
The insurance products have a distinct feature where benefits of the product
come at the later date and at times after a considerable time.
Among the financial services to the insurance sector gets the least priority to
ether investments avenues provide immediate yield. Marketing of
Insurance Services
In case of life insurance the case is further complicated as in India people
have belief, traditional culture and religious background and tendency to
leave everything to fate. This happens especially in rural areas.
The rural market is still untapped. The insurance sector is yet to exploit this
which has vast potentialities.
Over the period of time the L.I.C have come out with multipurpose better
attractive terms insurance's policies which certainly needs effective
marketing to wipe of the synergic ideas in the minds of people that life
insurance policies are mainly for death hazards.
The General insurance have wide scope for marketing as small and medium
business entrepreneurs are yet to reap the benefits of general insurance
b) The insurance sector is thrown open to private and corporate sector. This
will certainly expand the business dimensions.
d) With the increased spirit of investment education and awareness there are
already indications of increased participation.
Activity 3
2) There are mainly two stages of selling an insurance product, one is to sell
the product by convincing an investor and the other one is post-sale
service. The LIC being the only agency having monopoly over this
sector suffers with poor quality of post sales service.
3) Even though the insurance sector has been opened for private sector and
foreign institution, their operational efficiency may not be that easy.
Problems such as weak stock market, bad loans and poor returns on
investment, would affect the efficient functioning of these companies. Marketing of
Insurance Services
4) The rural and social sector offers enormous opportunities to market
insurance products but poor infrastructure, communication and slow pace
of information technology are obstacles in the required growth of
insurance services in these areas.
8) There are no better avenues available for consumer education where they
could understand protection of their rights and interests.
9) Practically absence of other players in the market other than L .I. C has
lost the spirit of competitiveness and thereby choice of better yield, quick
disposal of claims, cost of premium etc. to investors.
11) Lack of multipurpose products suiting and meeting various short term
requirements and short liquidity is another factor where marketing
efforts get setback.
13) There are few products of general insurance suitable for household sector
such as theft, fire etc but lack of awareness large sector of society affects
marketing among programme.
However to augment the business in this sector and exploit huge resources
available in the markets, marketing strategies will have prominent role.
Broadly we would effective cover the following factors influencing
marketing strategies
a) Salesmanship skills
b) Consumer education
c) Financial and fiscal planning
d) Economic factors
Salesmanship Skills
One who works by fits and starts does not succeed in his objective. One has
to work according to a well-thought out plan of work. Therefore plan of
works has to be: result effective, cost effective and time effective.
Product Knowledge
It is obvious that a life insurance agent must know the product he is selling.
What he is selling is an INTANGIBLE commodity. Therefore, an agent
should not have superficial knowledge about various types of policies. He
must be able to draw out the philosophy behind the launch of a product or
insurance plan.
Ability to Convince
Imagine a situation where an agent says to his client " I will get to my office
and find out". Such a salesman will not be able to convince his prospects.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: Yes, it has the powers to convince others An
agent, order to be successful in must attain training sessions or seminars on
insurance whether held by his company or outside agency. He should make it
a habit to read daily the material connected with his profession.
Consumer Orientation
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Selling Right Type of Policy
An agent should never go by his personal gains. The benefit of the customer
(life assured) should be uppermost in his mind. It is said a stitch in time saves
nine. However, for an insurance agent a right advice brings nine
opportunities. Therefore, always sell the right type of policy.
Activity 4
Contact at least 5 people who have tried to claim their motor insurance or
household insurance policy in the event of a mishap. On the basis of their
feedback note the kind of problems customers may face while collecting
policy claims. What is the advise that you basis collected would have for the
marketers of insurance on the of the feedback by you.
Behavioural Aspects
Behaviour means how one treats others. Do you consider others as human
beings having same basic instincts like 'you? If you have emotions and
sentiments, others too have.
An agent should have a very high morale at all times. Temporary set-backs
should not be allowed to dampen the enthusiasm and &termination. Never
feel frustrated an agent syndrome has to hear “NO” frequently. This “NO” or
negative attitude of others is part of nature of your job.
One as an agent may put across his view to others. If they are able to
understand it in clear and unambiguous terms then be is said to have
communicated well. If the listener is not able to grasp full meaning of what
you say, here is a communication gap and one nay have to re-phrase what has
to be conveyed. The essentials of a good communication are:
Have patience: a customer is always right. it is you who are to convince him.
Do not annoy hid Have patience in your nature.
i) You are very wise in buying insurance, but it does not have benefit of
children education.
ii) We have a Jin which gives you option to receive maturity value in the
shape of annuity, it will take care of pour old age.
iii) Objections at the 'interview stage" must be met with forceful but correct
and accurate answer Mind, it is the clinching moment for the salesman.
An agent who does not keep association with his policyholder is bound to
either fail or remain just a lo\r producer of business. He cannot develop his
contacts, and thus cannot grow in his profession. The life assurance contracts
run for long period during the course of which the policyholder faces
situations when he is to deal with an insurance company for some work such
as raise loan, registration or change o nomination etc. If the agent does not
assist him on these occasions, the assured feels deceived by the agent.
The above are some of the useful tips to enhance salesmanship ability and
form important part of marketing strategies.
In the past several decades, a social movement has arisen to ensure that the
voice of the customer is heard and responded to. This has become known as
consumerism and refers to politics and activities designed to protect the
interest: and rights of consumers. Four consumer’s rights have been accepted
as basic.
The marketing strategies have to be very effective towards this goal. There is
also an immense need for creating greater awareness among the insurance
products through consumer education. There should be short period
workshops, seminars and consumer meets where insurer could participate
If the above tests are applied, one may be tempted to look around for some
most perfect' investment from which to expect everything. There is not a
single wonder investment which has all those attributes together. One cannot
have the opportunities of windfall gains of the stock market with the safety of
Government securities, or the lit cover and tax concessions of life insurance,
all in one. A sacrifice has to be made for the sake of one or the other
The 'highest' return and the 'best' return are not necessarily the same thing
High return may be offset by risk to capital. The best return should be
determined but advantage an investment offers to achieve ones financial
objectives under one's own circumstances in life.
The rural and social sector has practically been neglected so far with the
benefits of insurance services. People of this segment, by and large remain
untouched. With the establishment of IRDA every new insurer is required to
fulfill the following obligations towards the rural sector during the first five
i) Five per cent in the financial year:
ii) Seven per cent in the second financial year;
iii) Ten per cent in the third financial year;
iv) Twelve per cent in the' fourth financial year;
v) Fifteen per cent in the fifth year;
Of total policies written direct in that year.
i) Five thousand in the first financial year;
ii) Seven thousand five hundred lives in the second financial year;
iii) Ten thousand lives in third financial year;
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
iv) Fifteen thousand lives in the fourth financial year;
v) Twenty thousand lives in the fifth year;
vi) Marketing strategies: Our definition of rural and social sectors enables us
to segregate the clients into following categories;;
1) Agriculture farmers, big and small
2) Shopkeepers, small traders, commission agents etc,
3) Employees of pnnchnyats, municipal committee, market committees and
primary school teachers etc.,
4) Persons living below poverty line.
The first three categories listed above have some means of livelihood and
enjoy varying degree of financial status and income. Upper strata forming big
farmers and traders are found to possess all the amenities of urban rich.
Therefore a regular liaison has to be with them. The degree of liaison needed
should be more frequent than what is required for urban areas. A village
friendly policy, having in-built provision for extended days of grace and
revival period, is needed. The fourth group, comprising of person below
poverty line, need special efforts.
Economic Factors
The insurance services in our country have wide scope. for growth. A huge
number of investors could|, be covered with effective marketing practices.
The operational difficulties encountered to far effective marketing will
altogether have a new look henceforth due in to large number of players in
the market, the professional skills to mobilize the business will have key role
in competitive environment. With the increased participation by various
segments, the role of other institutes will also increase considerably.
11.1 Introduction
11.5 Summary
Mutual funds are simple and transparent financial intermediaries, but in
practice are complex. The Investment Company Institute (USA) has
classified more than 21 types of funds offered by mutual fund. They range
from growth funds to precious metals funds to single state municipal bond
fund. A variety of fee structures are used to charge customers for fund
services. And, evaluating the performance with funds objectives may seem to
many customers a mystical science.
Mutual funds can compete with one another either by satisfying different
economic function or by configuring the activities in the value change so as
to produce either a low-cost or a differentiated product.
This Unit discussed the various types of differentiation that mutual funds use
to market their services. Investor perceptions towards various features of
mutual funds will give you an insight into the inputs that should go into the Marketing of
Mutual Funds
design of a specific scheme. To enable you to have an overall idea of the
mutual fund services and the investor profile relevant statistics in the form of
comprehensive tables are provided at the end of the unit,
Mutual funds are characterized by many advantages that they share with
other forms of investments and some that are unique to themselves. The
primary objectives of an investment proposal would fit into one or
combination of two broad categories i.e. income and capital gains. How
mutual fund is expected to be over and above an individual in achieving these
two said objectives, is what attracts investors to opt for mutual funds. The
mutual fund route of investment offers several important benefits. Some of
these are:
Tax Benefit: Many schemes of mutual funds provide tax shelter. Like in
India, for equity linked schemes of mutual funds, under section 88, tax rebate
upto twenty percent of investment (upto Rs. 10,000/-) is available. Under
Section 80L income from mutual funds dividends along with other specified
incomes, upto Rs. 10,000/- is exempted from tax. Such provisions vary from
country to country.
Low Operating Costs: Mutual funds having large investible funds at their
disposal avail economies of scale. The brokerage fee or trading commission
may be reduced substantially. The reduced operating costs obviously increase
the income available for investor. Investing in securities through mutual
funds thus has many advantages over organizing a personal portfolio. Other
advantages include the option to reinvest dividends, strong possibility of
capital appreciation, regular returns, etc. Mutual funds are also relevant in
national interest. The test of their economic efficiency as financial
intermediary lies in the extent to which they are able to mobilize additional
savings and channelize them to more productive sectors of the economy.
Operational Classification
On the basis of the way the schemes are operated, they can be divided into
240 open-ended and close-ended schemes.
Opened Ended Schemes: Such schemes accept funds from investors by Marketing of
Mutual Funds
offering its units on a continuing basis. Such mutual funds schemes even
stand ready to buy their shares or units (shares in USA, unit in India).
Further, these shares or units are normally not traded on the stock exchange.
Open-ended schemes have comparatively better liquidity despite the fact that
these are not listed. The reason is that investor can any time approach mutual
fund for sale of such units. No intermediaries are required. Moreover, the
realized amount is certain since repurchase is at a price based on declared net
asset value. No minute to minute fluctuations in rates haunt the investors. In
such funds, the option to reinvest its dividend is also available.
In India as per SEBI (MF) regulations, every mutual fund is free to launch
any or both types of schemes including interval scheme. In the USA, UK and
Canada close ended funds are popular as investment companies/trusts,
whereas open-ended funds are known as mutual funds. Such distinction is not
made in India. In the countries mentioned above mutual funds are more
popular than investment companies. Till mid 1994, in India also close ended
funds were popular but later on investors’ preference for open-ended funds
forced mutual funds to change their product offers.
Return-based Classification
To meet the diversified needs of investors, the mutual fund schemes are
designed accordingly. Basically, all investments are made to earn good
returns. Returns expected are in the form of regular dividends or capital
appreciation or a combination of these two. In the light of this fact, mutual
fund schemes can also be classified on the basis of returns.
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Income Funds: For investors who are more curious for regular returns,
Income funds are floated. Their object is to maximize current income. Such
funds distribute periodically the income earned by them. These funds can
further be split into two categories: those that target constant income at
relatively low risk and those that attempt to achieve the maximum income
possible, even with the use of leverage. Obviously the higher the expected
return, the higher the potential risk of the investment.
Conservative Funds: These are funds with a philosophy of its issue offer
document announcing objectives as: (1) to provide a reasonable rate of
return, (2) to protect the value of investment and, (3) to achieve capital
appreciation consistent with the fulfillment of the first two objectives. These
are also known as middle of the road funds, such funds divide their portfolio
in common stocks and bonds in a way to achieve the desired objectives. Such
funds have been most popular and appeal to the investors who want both
growth and income.
Investment-based Classification
Mutual funds may also be classified on the basis of securities in which they
invest. Basically, it is renaming the sub-categories of return-based
Equity Fund: Such funds, as the name implies, invest most of their
investible funds in equity shares of companies and undertake the risk
associated with the investment in equity shares. Such funds are clearly
expected to outdo other in a rising market, because these have almost all their
capital in equity. A special type of equity fund is known as ‘Index Fund’ or
‘Never beat market fund’. These funds have comparatively lower operating
Bond Fund: Such funds have their portfolio consisting of bonds, debentures,
etc. ‘This type of fund is expected to be very secure with a steady income but
with little or no chance of capital appreciation. Obviously risk is low in such
funds. In this category we may come across the funds called Liquid Funds as
the focus is on liquidity and they are associated with lower risks and low
Balanced Fund: The funds which have in their portfolio a reasonable mix of
equity and bonds are known as balanced funds. Such funds will put more
emphasis on equity shares investments when the outlook is bright and will
tend to debentures when the future is expected to be poor for shares. Majority
of funds fall in this category, of course, their mix proportion varies. Marketing of
Mutual Funds
Sector-based Classification
Leverage-based Classification
Some mutual funds broad base their investible funds by borrowings from the
market and then make investments, thereby making leverage benefits
available to the mutual fund investors. Such funds are known as ‘leveraged
funds’. It depends on the regulating provisions in a country whether
borrowings are allowed or not. Normally leverage funds use shorts sale,
which allows the management of the fund to avail the advantage of
declining markets in order to realize gains in the portfolio. Leverage funds
also use Options, specifically, Call Options.
Other funds
There are some other types of schemes which do not fit in to the above given
classifications. Some of such funds are mentioned here. There are ‘load
funds’ and ‘no-load funds’. In load funds, the mutual funds charge a fee over
and above the net asset value from the purchaser. In No load funds, no load
fee is charged because little sales efforts are made to promote the funds unit
sales except through direct advertising. Mutual funds schemes can also be
designed to offer some tax exemption. Besides these, there are money mutual
funds which interact only in money market. Offshore mutual funds (also
known as regional or country funds) are the funds mobilizing funds abroad
for deployment in India market. Many mutual funds abroad have floated
property funds, art funds, commodity funds, energy funds etc.
Activity 1
a) Contact some mutual fund investors and ask them why do they invest in
mutual fund schemes?
Introducing new products is not cost less. A complex must incur the direct
costs of lawyers and accountants, time and expense to educate sales people
and consumers. New funds may cannibalize existing complex accounts. It is
feared that new fund that performed disastrously and received media
attention could harm the sales of existing funds. A study shows that on an
average, independent load fund complexes introduced about half as many
new products as no-load and captive-border complexes. However, there is a
strong positive association between growth and a strategy of differentiation
through new-product introductions.
Bond Funds
Bond funds can be floated in order to generate high current income with a
minimum of risk. As seen in the recent times many bonds have been
oversubscribed, launching of bond funds would facilitate to wipe out the fear
in the minds of investors caused by poor performance of growth funds or
stock funds. Such fund concentrates either only on high-grade corporate
bonds or holding a mixture of different grades.
Index Funds
Money market fund can also be created to meet the short-term shortage of
liquidity and will earn higher rates of return.
Dual Funds Marketing of
Mutual Funds
At the fund's inception, two classes of stocks are sold, each class having the
same number of shares and same rupee value. One class is income share that
is entitled to receive all the dividend income earned by the fund after
expenses are deducted. They are assured a minimum dividend and have
claims against other class of shares. At the termination of the fund, Income
shares will be redeemed for an amount approximately equal to the original
purchase price and any unpaid dividends. The other class of share is capital
shares that are entitled to receive all assets remaining at termination after the
preferred has been redeemed. This class is not entitled to receive any
dividends during operation.
Leverage Funds
These funds use borrowed funds to their utmost in order to increase size of
the value of the portfolio. The excess returns over the cost of the borrowing
will benefit the unit holders of funds.
Although most of the bonds have higher than average risks, these unit holders
are rewarded higher yields. Though individuals would not prefer such bond,
such funds can be floated to niche markets.
Low-Fee Strategies
Mutual funds charging lower fees tend to dominate and grow faster than
funds charging higher fees, unless funds can convince that they offer highly
differentiated products. The fund selling an equal but lower-fee product
would enjoy a cost advantage that from economies of scale. Perold and
Salomon (1991) found that Mutual funds may achieve economies of scale in
record keeping reporting and marketing/distribution and economies of scope
in marketing/distribution and liquidity services. Fund may also enjoy
economies in investment selection. Dermine and Roller (1992) supports that
complexes can achieve scale and scope economies, and those fees charged
are statistically related to proxies that measure these economies. These
studies documented scale and scope economies in the mutual fund industry.
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Figure 1: Strategies for mutual Funds
Activity 3
Assume that your bank is planning to launch a mutual fund. What are the
problems and opportunities that you foreseen for such a service? What
strategies would you suggest for effective marketing of the mutual fund.
Mutual funds can effectively implement their marketing strategies to market
their products to mobilise the individual savings mostly in the form of
currency and bank deposits. Such scheme would cater to the needs of investor
who prefer high safety, regular income and life cover. Studies show that
investor prefer investment more in liquid form than in non-liquid form. The
management of mutual funds should also consider lo improve their quality of
investor services.
Mutual Funds
Perold, Andre and Robert Salomon ( 1991), The Right Amount of Assets
Under Management Financial Analysts Journal, May/June 1991.
Sahadevan,, K.G. and Thiripalraju, Mutual Funds India Fact book, Institute
of Capital Markets, (Navi Mumbai). Mutual Funds Data, Interpretation and
Analysis ( under print), Prentice-Hall of India, (New Delhi).
Sirri, Erik R and Tufano , Peter, (1993), Cornpetitiorr and Change in the
Mutual Fund Industry, In Financial Services Perspectives and Challenges By
Hayes, Samuel 1, III (Ed.), Harvard Business School Press (Boston).
Sector Specific
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Emerging Dimensions Relating to Investment Services
12.3 Pension Funds: A General Overview
12.4 Why Pension Plan?
12.5 Types Pension Plan
12.6 Pension Fund Risk
12.7 Funds Management
12.8 Pension Fund Investment: General Guidelines
12.9 Pension Funds and Capital Markets
12.10 Pension Funds: Some Related Statistics
12.11 Summary
12.12 Self-Assessment Questions
12.13 Further Readings
Since the volume of International business and capital flows are increasing,
the commercial banks are likely to be exposed to different types of risk and
there is a need to hedge these exposures. The emerging ,derivatives in foreign
countries are increasingly used by hanks to bring variations in the sensitivity
of their funds and also the underlying portfolio, It is the right time that forex
dealers, especially the commercial banks, in India, familiarize with the
complexity of these instruments and acquires skills to manage these emerging
The pension funds are playing a very important role in U.S.A, and other
European countries in ensuring channelizing of savings into fruitful
diversified investment portfolio.
In the U.S. the first pension plan was established by the end of 19th Century
by Railroad. (The earliest one set up in 1875 by American Express Company
was later on closely associated with Railroad). At that time the pension plan
was quite informal and that too at the discretion of the employer and used as 249
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
a disciplinary devise. During depression in 1930’s, the many pension plans
failed to make payment to the beneficiary. These wide spread collapse of
pension plans led to more regulations and it was also a major factor for the
establishment of government sponsored pension plan and social security.
The World War II brought a major expansion of pension plans. This was
necessitated due to scarce labour, government imposed wage control and
social security benefit. In 1949, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld decision of
National Labour Relation Board that pensions were a legitimate part of
collective bargaining. Since then, the pension funds have grown rapidly.
• Most old people live in poor countries (which is also (he most populous),
a pattern that will intensify towards 2030. By then, more than three-
quarters of the world s old people will be in areas not now industrial
more than half in Asia and more than a quarter in China alone.
Indian old age population would increase from 6.5 per cent in 1990 to the
extent of Marketing of Pension Funds 7.58 per cent in 2000, 13 per cent in
1030, 28 per cent in 2100 and 30 per cent in 2150.
Political pressures lead to tax financed benefit formulas that are not
• High payroll taxes that are not closely tied to benefits discourage
• Today's children and young workers may pay the price of higher taxes,
lower pensions, and therefore lower living standards, as old age
dependency rates rise and growth declines.
Activity 1
In case of option No. l employee receives only after tax income of 0.7 (1.00 -
0.3). This after tax income is deposited in a bank which earns rate of interest
of 14 per cent. His effective rate of return would be 9.8. In this case,
employee receives Rs. 7001- after paying 3 0 per cent taxes on gross income
of Rs. 10001- and depositing in a bank for 35 years. The interest earned on
savings again reinvested after paying the tax' for that income for each year.
Therefore, his return after 35 years will be Rs.18,457.8 after 35 years. This
amounts to a rise of 26.37 times over his initial investments.
In case of option No. 2, employee receives after tax income and takes an
insurance policy of Jeevan Dhara at a single payment of Rs. 31.50. It will
accrue and would receive an amount of Rs. 1,0001- after 35 years. It amounts
to 31.75 times over his initial investment.
In case of option No. 3, employer contribute Rs. 1,0001- to the pension plan
instead of paying him after tax income of Rs. 7001-. The pension plan
accrues an assumed rate of 12 per cent, the amount returned to the
beneficiary would be Rs. 52,8001-. It comes to 52.8 times over his initial
Considering the above three options, it is obvious for an individual to opt for
a pension fund which accrues 52.8 times over his initial investment even at a
lower rate of return of 12 per cent.
Activity 3
Looking at the kind the interest rates now prevailing in the country, carry out
the relative benefit analysis/or the prevailing pension fund schemes in your
organisation for yourself as an employee.
Defined Contribution Plan: This plan specifies the contribution and pension
income depends upon the amount of contribution, number* of years in which
contributions are made and the performance of the fund. Thus risk of
investment is transferrer1 to the investors in the pension fund. Defined
contribution pension plans come in several legal forms: Money Purchase
Pension Plans, 401(k) plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).
Hybrid Pension Plans: These combine features of both defined benefit and
defined contribution plans. It appeals to both employee as well as employers,
since bearing of investment risk by the employee in case of defined
contribution plan, while it is expensive and complex to implement defined
benefit plans for employers. Thus there will be risk sharing between sponsor
and members of the plans. Floor-Offset Plan is one of the hybrid plans.
Employee contributes a certain amount each year to a fund as in defined
contribution plan. The employer guarantees a certain minimum level of
benefits, depending on the employee's number of years of service as in a
defined benefit plan. The employer manages the fund and informs the
employee periodically of the value of his investment. If the managed fund
does not generate sufficient growth to achieve the present levels of benefit,
the employee is obliged to contribute an additional amount to bridge the gap.
• Coverage Risk
• Replacement Risk
• Investment Risk
• Longevity Risk.
Replacement Risk: Employee who retires will not be able to maintain the
standard of living after retiring comparable with same standard of living
during pre-retirement periods.
Tax benefit should be given for employee to contribute more to funds as well
as to contribute longer time so that replacement risk can be reduced.
Longevity Risk: Risk that the retiree will live longer than expected and thus
exhaust the amount saved for retirement before he dies. This risk can
perfectly be hedged against of Mutual Marketing Funds, insurance, since
longevity risk is 'beneficial to insurance companies and mortality risk is
Insurance and Pension Funds beneficial to pension funds. The life insurance
companies would be more beneficial by floating pension funds and pension
fund institutions would be more benefited by floating life insurance
Inflation Risk: The risk of price increases, which erode the purchasing
power of the lifetime savings. This risk were entirely depend on government
policy, fiscal deficit and central bank's monetary policy. The government
must bring a regulation similar to ERISA in USA and form the Pension
Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC). The corporation would guarantee at
254 least inflation risk by charging insurance premium for eligible pension
fund. The corporation liabilities should be guaranteed by central government Marketing of
Pension Funds
and central bank which are accountable for inflation.
Risk Sharing
Certain risks that are uncorrelated across individuals, such as longevity risk,
are minimised by pooling across the largest number of people including
everyone in a single insurance pool or reinsuring across several smaller pools
since the average outcome for the group is much more certain than the
experience of any particular individual.
Other risks, such as disability risk, are subject to moral hazard problems,
which should be constrained to keep costs down.
Some degree and type of indexation, shifting part of the inflation risk to
younger workers, is needed to prevent the very old from living in poverty
during inflationary periods Investment, insolvency, and political risks are real
and potentially large, but they cannot be reduced through risk pooling
because they are correlated across individuals and subject to moral hazard
problems. Diversification is the solution here. Diversification across several
managerial and financing mechanisms protects pensioners against exposure
to extreme failure of any one arrangement, reducing overall risk for the old.
Activity 3
Pension fund benefits from regular inflow of funds on contractual basis and
for long-term liabilities which together imply little liquidity risk. Pension
funds are contractual annuities meaning that the lump sum withdrawals are
precluded each during the period their claims are payable after retirement.
The members of the pension funds are willing to accept low liquidity, giving
potential for higher returns at a greater risk and liberal portfolio regulations
are also responsible for better management and growth of pension funds.
Time also needs to be taken as an important variable in the investment
decision process. Long- term investment could reduce risk significantly and
increase return. Madhusoodanan (1997) found that taking longer term view of
the market definitely pays rich rewards. That is, buy and hold strategy is
likely to be better than any trading strategy on long-term basis. this is in
conformity with several stock markets. Thus it is very important to look
beyond asset allocation strategies based on the risk-returns trade-off of
different asset classes.
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Asset Classes and Diversification
How much fund the pension plan should raise and what kind of assets to
invest in are the questions which hove different implications depending upon
the types of plan. For defined Marketing of Pension Funds employer
contribution plan, has to make a promised contribution each year and has no
other funding decisions to make. The only question with defined contribution
plan is how to invest the assets. The standard portfolio theory that it would be
best with some well diversified combination or stocks, bonds and treasury
bills. More risk employee wants to take higher the proportion will be in the
stocks. In practice, most pension plans in U.S. are fully funded meaning that
assets equal the present value of benefits already in earned by employee.
Pension plan is equally split between stocks and bonds. This fifty-fifty ratio
gives possible explanation for the pension fund. There are number of factors
term which determine the appropriate asset mix policy. The factors are long-
term prospects of the capital markets, short-term fluctuations in economic
values, plan assets and liabilities, A the impact of returns on employers'
contributions and riskiness of the portfolios. Most pension funds choose the
mutual funds to rely on the investment expertise from mutual funds. Further,
real returns on pension funds show that privately managed funds do better
than publicly managed funds. Domestic vs. International Diversification
How much funds the pension plan have has different implications depending
upon the types of plan. The firms owing pension fund shall chose the funding
and tie portfolio strategy with higher net present value. This leads to two
opposite solutions. Under funding needs to buy risky assets, over funding
facilitates to buy high grade bonds.
Ambachtsheer points out that pension funds can be classified on the basis of
liability goals. It can run on the basis of termination liability goal or going
concern goal. A termination liability definition assumes that goal of the fund
is to meet current accrued liabilities. The going concern liability reflects an
assumption that the pension benefits accruing will actually be paid out over
time and that the nominal pay-out value will reflect actual inflation
experience. The investment implications varies according to the selection of
goal of the pension fund. If the pension obligations is termination obligation,
then passive fund management is enough. If the duration of the liabilities is
known, investments are to be made in the portfolio of assets that matchless
the duration of the liabilities. An immunization strategy is constructed
256 through a portfolio of zero coupon long dated paper or coupon paying fixed
income securities. The immunization strategy is subject to an element of Marketing of
Pension Funds
interest rate risk. If the pension liabilities are going concern basis,
investments in stocks could be worth considering. Then the element of
market risk will be with the fund. If the termination liability view is static
view of the world, then the going concern is a dynamic view of the world.
Foreign Investments
Though international diversification ensures reduction of risk and maximise
the expected returns, many pension funds are biased towards domestic
investments either by prudent man rule or restrictions by the government.
Performance Measurement
Let us now see how the performance of a given pension fund can be
measured. To take an example. Cost Effectiveness Inc. (CEM) have created a
seven-point GAAP for measuring pension fund management operation
(Source: Ambachtsheer, 1994)
• When peer comparisons of fund operating costs are made, only Marketing of
Pension Funds
incremental operating Cost components calculated with identical
decomposition procedures are comparable.
• More than 60 per cent of the household savings are in the form of
currency and deposits, which can be channalised through pension fund
reforms (See Table 15).
• Provident and pension fund assets in India constitutes only below 20 per
cent of GDP as against average of 30 per cent for developed countries
(See Table 16), though percentage of household savings are almost
Sector Specific • The regulations should encourage wide diversification across assets and
Marketing Strategies
countries although to 8 smaller extent in the initial periods.
On account of their sheer volume, pension funds assume great significance
for investment services and as sources of funds. Countries like India have
clearly specified, for the Government Provident Fund avenues in which the
pension funds can e invested in addition to the providential norms which
have been prescribed. This unit explains the need and significance of pension
funds and the type of pension funds across countries that are in vogue today.
The type of risks associated with pension funds and the general guidelines for
investment of service funds have been discussed. Important statistics in
relation to pension funds have been provided to enable to you to have an
overall view of this market across courtiers.
4. What are the risks associated with pension plans? Can these risks be
managed? How?
Marketing of
Pension Funds
Sector Specific
Marketing Strategies
Technology and
Learning outcomes
After going through this unit you what should be able to:
• Provide an overview of technology use in present day Financial Services
• Discuss the potential and impact of the adoption of emerging
technologies for the marketers as well as consumers
• Discuss the role and importance of digital marketing for Financial
Services in India
• Describe the different digital marketing tools that can be integrated into a
financial services marketing plan
• Develop and apply an effective digital marketing strategy for financial
service organisations
• Suggest the measures that should be applied to assess the effectiveness
of a digital marketing programme for financial services
Unit structure
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Fin tech: Technology as an enabler and related issues
13.3 Impact of technology on user experience for financial services
13.4 Digital Marketing and Financial service
13.5 Digital Marketing tools relevant for financial services
13.6 Developing a Digital Marketing strategy
13.7 Monitoring the effectiveness of Digital Marketing
13.8 Let us Sum up
13.9 Self-assessment questions
13.10 Further Readings
Recall the use of financial services like banking, insurance, investment
planning, mutual fund investment and others that you and your family may
have used or acquired in the last three months. If you recall your acquisition
or consumption journey, right from search for alternatives to alternative
evaluation to decision and final buying or completing the user transaction,
you would realise the support that digital resources in terms of digital and
social media advertising as well as net banking sites plus website linked
processes provided to you as a consumer in terms of product and competitor
information, suggesting criteria for evaluation and helping with queries
through the CRM support. You would also realise that only for a very few, if
any of these processes, did you need to actually visit the service provider or
physically interact with the service personnel at these service establishments.
Does that make you realise that a large number of marketing processes right
from product information, to marketing communication to actual product 263
Emerging Issues
delivery and use in financial services are being managed through digital
means? Digital Marketing has, on account of the changing technology
facilitation and the emerging consumer behaviour in respect of availing the
convenience of this facilitation, has assumed a great significance for financial
services. You have been introduced to the basic concepts of Digital
Marketing in your core Marketing course, Marketing for Managers in Unit 14
of the course. In this unit, you will be exposed to the application and
implementation of Technology in financial services and to the rising
importance of digital marketing for the sector as well the upcoming trends
in user expectations and user experiences in financial services in the digital
marketing and servicing environment.
The fast paced technological changes have witnessed an accelerated rate of
development of new products and services leading to intensified competition
on the one hand and rising consumer expectations on the other.
In the past few years, the impact of technology on financial services has been
massive. Businesses are compelled to let go off the traditional financial
practices and follow agile, innovative approaches to stay ahead of the
The emergent technology applications to the financial services sector have
become so clearly visible and widespread that a new term “Fin tech’ has been
coined to collectively refer to them. The term Fin tech refers to the
integration of technology into offerings by financial services companies in
order to improve their use and delivery to consumers. It primarily works by
unbundling offerings by such firms and creating new markets for them. Fin
tech is utilized to help companies, business owners, and consumers better
manage their financial operations, processes, and day to day operations by
utilizing specialized software and algorithms that are used on computers and,
increasingly, smartphones. Firms specialising in Fin tech have evolved over
the years to develop, customise and offer fin tech solutions to financial
service providers like banks, investment firms, insurance ,financial
intermediaries and indeed stock broking firms. Large financial institutions are
now increasingly investing in their own in house Fin tech divisions or
The rapid acceleration of change has spawned entirely new portfolios of
products and services in fields such as mobile banking, online investments
and digital payments. Partly as one of the impacts of the pandemic, and the
accelerated transformation it brought about, new technologies were harnessed
to overcome the difficulties imposed by restricted movements, slowdown of
processes and bottlenecks in consumer servicing
New technologies aim to improve efficiency, service quality and customer
experience. If their adoption is done well, it could help the financial industry
Technology and
create innovative solutions, develop new business models and target new Digital Marketing
markets. Tapping the potential of application programming interfaces (APIs)
and the cloud, and using data to create customized solutions, could ensure
that investment in digitization delivers good returns as well as opportunities
for market leadership. Further, financial institutions can better target potential
consumers and market their products and services with the enabling support
of data analytics, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Applications
like predictive behavioural analytics that encompass data mining, data
visualization, algorithm clustering, and neural networking to find patterns or
trends in data are being used to forecast future behavior trends based on
current or past behavior analysis include identifying customers likely to drop
out or default; identifying products customers are likely to buy next and
developing an understanding of emerging behavior. Uses of predictive
segments. To quote Ravi Narayanan Country Head -Branch Banking &
Retail Trade FX Business, “We organized the Digital Innovation Summit in
March (21) where we invited a couple of fin tech companies and start-ups to
collaborate with us in areas of emerging technology. As a part of the
program, we have collaborated with an AI based start-up Senseforth to help
us develop our conversation- based platform. I am sure in the next six month
you will be able to see a more enhanced chat related services being offered
by HDFC Bank”
Some development of technology adoption in the insurance sector can be
seen in the online buying and renewal op policies in both life and non life
insurance sector as well as portals like Policy that allow
consumers to search and evaluate all possible option on a single platform and
make informed decisions, Some other technology related developments as
per the IBEF report on Overview of Indian Insurance Industry 2022, are
shared below:
-In August 2021, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance tied up with the National
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to provide a unified payments
interface auto pay
-November 2021, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance partnered with NPCI
Bharat BillPay, a subsidiary of National Payments Corporation of India
(NPCI), to offer ClickPay feature to its customers
- In November 2021, Acko, a digital insurance start-up, raised US$ 255
million in funds
In August 2021, PhonePe announced that it has received preliminary
approval from IRDAI to act as a broker for life and general insurance
products. As a result, the company can now offer insurance advice to its 300+
million users.
Activity 1
Analyse the recent financial service products announced by leading banking
and insurance companies in India. Select any 3 of the most innovative ones
among these and comment upon the role of technology in the design and
delivery processes of these services 265
Emerging Issues
Until quite recently, financial services institutions offered a variety of
services under a single umbrella. The scope of these services encompassed a
broad range from traditional banking activities to mortgage and trading
services. In its most basic form, Fin tech unbundles these services into
individual offerings. The combination of streamlined offerings customized to
different consumer segments with the help of technology enables financial
service organizations to be more efficient and cut down on costs associated
with each transaction.
Most industry analysts liken fin tech innovations in trading, banking,
insurance, financial advice, and products to ‘disruption,’ Financial products
and services that were once the realm of branches, salesmen, and desktops
,move toward mobile devices and have become more democratized, moving
away from institutional processes to a direct to consumer processes. This has
made it easier for consumers to access services from the comfort of their own
respective locations, while the entire informational and delivery access is
available through a chatbot or digital assistant based interactive support.
Emerging technologies in the financial services industry like chatbots and
automation interfaces, reduce man-hours, improve the quality of customer
relationships, and improve profitability. While the impact of new technology
in financial services will differ based on the function, most service providers
stand to benefit from an investment in these applications
Let us try to understand how technology impacts consumer user experience
of financial services by going through the benefits that accrue to the Financial
Service organizations implementing technology applications in a sustained
• Coverage:; Through Internet and mobile connectivity, technology has
enabled almost everyone to access banking , insurance and investment
services easily. It is in sharp contrast to the traditional banking
system that allowed only for branch based coverage, which therefore
limited the coverage to the available branch networks. Nowadays,
266 signing up for financial services is just as easy as a few clicks on smart
Technology and
phones, tablets or laptops. Technology has enabled FinTech companies Digital Marketing
to break geographical barriers in terms of coverage.
• Convenience: As shared in the introductory section of this unit,
technology has created levels of convenience for both service providers
and consumers that were unheard of in the days of traditional banking or
other financial services. Right from signing up for the service, making
customer inquiries, payments, accessing loans, transferring funds ,mobile
and net banking applications enable customers to access their services
from anywhere at any time. Such apps have eliminated the need for
consumers to queue up at brick-and-mortar premises of the service
provider to get access to the service. You would have seen countless ads
on people managing their stock investing portfolios from the
convenience of their homes on their laptops or mobile, well before they
begin their work day !
• Safety : supported by robust software solutions for fraud detection or
detection of breach in any aspect of the transaction processes have
rendered technology supported banking or other Financial Services
transactions relatively safer options. Well defined processes are in place
to make sure customer are not put to any loss if unauthorized
transactions are timely reported
• Speed: This is one of the most visible benefits as online transactions and
processes date get completed in a matter of minutes rather than taking up
hours in terms of accessing the service physically.
• Overall User Service Experience: The combined impact of variables like
speed safety convenience and availability of end to end solutions for a
given financial service, on a single portal have served to enhance the
overall user experience for consumers. Add to these the associated
services of resolution of queries, interactive chat bots as a personalized
assistants as well as customer relationship managers or advisors online or
over phone and you would realize how financial service providers have
integrated a large number of technology solutions to make the entire user
experience far more satisfying and productive, one that can lead to long-
term customer relationships and brand loyalty.
Activity 2
Talk to about 10 young professionals about their use of financial services to
assess their use of technology based applications like mobile and net banking,
digital wallets and online insurance buying. Share below what are the main
benefits they derive from these applications and what are the main challenges
they have encountered in the use of such services
Emerging Issues
Important emerging trends in technology that could be transformational
for financial services include the following:
• Digital Experience platforms for Banks
Digital experience platforms for banks are not new but emerging
technologies like hybrid cloud are enabling financial institutions to find
new ways of engaging with and serving the consumer better. For
example, hybrid cloud(cloud/server)solutions are applied to provide
consumers both privacy and accessibility to a variety of Financial
Services. Digital platforms also allow for real-time intelligent data
integration, real-time digitization, personalization, and make way for
advanced analytics. Another relatively new application is API platforms,
where customers can integrate their banking data into other apps and
• AI Applications : Also termed as cognitive technologies, Artificial
Intelligence applications are increasingly being explored for their
transformational potential in financial services. AI with its high-
computing and cognitive abilities can be applied by financial services
industry to manage risk, identify data patterns to make decisions on real
time information, and detect fraud.AI applications can impact back room
operations, product delivery and security, as machines use simple
algorithms to complete activities ranging from routine data entry to risk
evaluation to loan form processing, freeing up huge employee time for
large banks. These application are accessible to smaller financial
institutions as well as well, with tools to automate specific processes
such as documentation, data sharing, data analysis and customer
• Chatbots –While chatbots have existed for a long time, their new
popularity is on account of their AI powered conversational capability to
handle a large proportion of business to consumer communications
efficiently and effectively. It is predicted , that over time, upwards of
70% Business-customer communication will be transacted through AI
powered Chat bots in the financial service sector
• Blockchain Simply described, blockchain is a digital, ever-growing list
of data records. Such a list is comprised of many blocks of data, which
are organized in chronological order that are linked and secured by
cryptographic proofs. This technology is still at a low adoption rate . It is
the technology mainly used in so far crypto currencies like Bit coin and
has been used by large banking systems like J P Morgan Chase.
Consultancy firm Accenture predicts that Investment banks could
achieve saving of ten billion dollars by using this technology for their
clearing and settling processes.
• Automation ;Automation technologies like robotic process automation
( RPA) have found application in financial services as they have the
potential to cut down operational costs by automating routine , repetitive
processes. Unlike Artificial Intelligence applications, RPA uses simple
Technology and
preprogrammed rules encompassing structured data ( for example- Digital Marketing
incoming data on interest charts) or unstructured data (forms filled in by
hand) to handle digitization, approval, risk flagging and irregularity
detection. RPAs primarily function is to generate reports, logging data,
automating repeatable processes, and maintaining logs, for example to
automate processes to clear routine payments instantly, provided all
preconditions are met by using pre programmed simple rules
• Cloud Computing: In the age of widespread use of mobile based
accessing and transacting of financial services like banking, insurance
and investments and an even more pervasive use of digital wallets across
different services, financial services providers have begun applying
cloud computing technology to achieve the delivery of all these
seamlessly. For an interlinked global financial service industry that
enables transactions on a 24 hour basis, cloud computing supports
mobility in a true sense and helps keep up with the digital customers’
Cyber security
In financial services that control and utilise large volumes of confidential and
sensitive consumer data, security of that data and technologies to ensure that
no third party breach in data security ever compromises customer confidence,
is of vital importance. Financial service providers invest significantly in
Cyber security technologies like Open Standard Authorisation to help protect
them from third party attacks or deliberate breaches.
Embedded Finance
Embedded finance is a new tech in financial services that is still at early
adoption phase in developed economies. It is a concept that allows non-
financial platforms to integrate payments for loans, insurance, debit cards,
and investment instruments. Embedded financial services are especially
beneficial for e-commerce enterprises since they help improve client loyalty
by facilitating transaction speed.
As you are aware , financial service organizations operate in a highly
regulated environment , and with currently changing the regulations to both
from the government and the financial markets regulators, it often becomes
difficult to keep track if every one of their operations across different
locations and in different regulatory environments is fully compliant and
legal at all times .RegTech is a Fin tech application that enables financial
institutions to monitor the correctness and legality of their actions
automatically and assists in adhering to legal requirements and avoiding
fines. The term RegTech was first coined by UK's Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA) in 2015 who called it: “A subset of Fin tech that focuses on
technologies that may facilitate the delivery of regulatory requirements more
efficiently and effectively than existing capabilities.
Emerging Issues
Activity 3
Discuss with some professionals from the financial service sector or your
own service providers to get an idea of which among the above emerging
technology applications are being used or are planned to be used in their
respective financial services in India. Briefly describe the way the technology
is being used
The rapid proliferation and adoption of technology in our lives has, changed
the way we live, work, save, spend and behave, perhaps irreversibly. While
awareness and access to products and services, financial services included,
has become far more widespread, competition among the marketers for the
larger segment of the same common consumer pool for their financial
services has become intense, resulting in escalating use of digital marketing
to have a closer and in depth understanding and engagement with consumers
for more focussed and targeted marketing effort. It follows the simple
marketing logic of consumer orientation- As a service provider you need to
be where your consumers are, and as increasingly , a growing number of
consumers are migrating to accessing financial services through mobiles ,
payment wallets and internet , marketers need to have an effective digital
presence to reach out and service these consumers
A simple way of defining digital marketing is to say it is “the achievement of
marketing objectives through application of digital technologies, data and
digital media. Philip Kotler and Armstrong in a more comprehensive
definition have defined digital marketing as ‘A form of direct marketing
which links consumers with sellers electronically using interactive
technologies like emails, websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive
television, mobile communications etc’ for communication, underlining that
digital marketing, through the means of electronic devices connects the
consumers directly with the marketers, in two way interactive relationships.
A key focus of digital marketing apart from the vast access and consumer
convenience it creates is on cost effectiveness, it is an effective way of
reaching out and servicing consumers with the help of websites, SMSs,
emails, Social Media and Search Engine marketing.
You have already been exposed to types of digital marketing and the benefits
of digital marketing to business in general through your exposure to your
Technology and
core course on Marketing. In this unit we will build upon those inputs in the Digital Marketing
specifically context of financial services.
The primary goal behind digital marketing for financial services is to
improve customer engagement and win trust through maintenance of regular
touch and building relationships that are more interactive. It therefore
follows that financial services, in order to maintain and enhance their
competitive edge in this digital age ,will need to implement digital strategies
to gain more visibility ,reach more potential customers, service them better,
resolve their queries or complaints expeditiously and maintain a regular touch
through active interaction. Digital marketing, through application of IT tools
and processes has effectively enabled all of these. To make this possible,
financial institutions have begun allocating a significant portion of their
budget earmarked for digital marketing across various channels.
Financial institutions are leveraging omni channel marketing for a wider
consumer reach. As consumers of services like banking, insurance,
investment advisory, mutual funds, pension plans and more, you would have
noticed that you are getting more email and SMS alerts from financial
institutions as well as search engine based push to service websites. Add to
that the power of big data, and consumer analytics and you can easily
imagine how financial service providers can now reach out to prospective
consumers with targeted campaigns and communication messages that align
with their lifestyle to enhance the conversion rate and user experience
following their conversion.
According to a 2022 BFSI report on marketing communication spend by the
financial services industry, the figure reached Rs 2587 crores in 2022. The
media wise break up of this expenditure will make you realise the growing
significance of digital marketing for this sector
A well targeted and effective content strategy in digital media for a financial
service provider can improve his brand awareness, and customer engagement,
and earn the trust of both prospects and customers. By leveraging digital and
traditional marketing simultaneously in an integrated marketing effort
financial service providers can gain valuable and measurable insights for
traditional and digital marketing. To quote the Chief Digital Officer of Kotak
Mahindra Bank, Deepak M Sharma, “We are in the midst of digital 271
Emerging Issues
revolution, where all aspects of our lives are getting transformed using digital
enablers. At Kotak Mahindra Bank, it is our endeavour to offer all our
customers a frictionless & delightful banking experience…………It has
been our effort to provide enriching content & relevant tools with deep
personalization to give you a unique experience and ease of transactions,”
Activity 4
A. In the context of the banking services used by you and your family,
identify the various digital marketing applications your bank/banks have
used to reach out to you about their new products and service offers, to
promote their services and to connect with you in one way or the other.
List out these activities below
B. How would your response differ if the services in question were
automobile insurance or mutual fund investments? Describe below
In the Unit 14 of your core course on marketing, you have been introduced to
the tools to use by digital marketers. As well as the pull and push digital
marketing approaches applied. A brief recap of the types of tools you have
studied would include search engine marketing, search engine optimization,
social Media Marketing, radio ,television ,mobile and online advertising,
content marketing, e-mail marketing, pay per click method, viral marketing
and influencer or affiliate marketing. In this unit, let us look at the
approaches that are relevant to the digital marketing of Financial Services
You must also appreciate that the present day consumers interact with
businesses using a combination of smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop
computers, TVs, gaming devices, virtual assistants (like Amazon Echo) and
other connected devices, creating the opportunities for marketing outreach for
marketers using multiple channels across digital devices
From the above list, the following digital marketing tools have been found
to be applied most and quite effectively by Financial Services providers like
Technology and
banks, insurance companies, investment companies, non banking financial Digital Marketing
companies, mutual fund agencies and others. These applications have been
used to attain multiple marketing objectives like building brand awareness
and trust, developing innovative and multiple ways of engaging with the
customer, tracking the user experience of customers throughout the
transactions cycle, managing client conversion and enhancing it, generating
new leads and constantly keeping track of consumer feedback and service
Social Media Marketing:
With consumers spending increasing hours of their own time on social media
like Facebook , Linkedin, Pintrest Instagram ,Web communities,Whatapp
and Youtube, these sites become an obvious choice for marketers to access
and engage with their consumers. Social media have become a highly
effective avenue for financial services for building brand awareness,
developing a deeply engaged consumer connect through sharing of brand
stories and consumer experiences, interacting with them on a regular basis
and indeed for developing insights into their behaviour through the
conversations shared. These sites are also valuable platforms for sharing
useful content and actionable knowledge about new products, new features,
reviews and ratings received and in general building their brand story.
Search Engine Optimisation
As you are well aware, search engines crawl the Internet search for required
content and therefore aid people to find out what they’re looking for in terms
of information, content or sources of information. Examples of the most
common search engines are Goggle, Bing, Yahoo, AOL,Baidu and
Of these Google is by far the most used search engine with 92% of all
searches being conducted and handling about 3.8 billion searches every day.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of orienting your financial
service for e.g. your bank website, to rank higher on a search engine results
page (SERP) so that your bank receives more traffic. The aim is typically to
rank on the first page of Google results for search terms that are most
relevant to your target audience for a given Financial Service. The term used
for non ad, regular searches are organic search. SEO is about making
improvements to your website’s structure and content so its pages can be
discovered by people searching for what you have to offer, through search
engines. Technically speaking, you need to use a set of technical and content
practices so that your website page gets aligned with the ranking algorithm
of the search engine, so that your website page can be easily found ,crawled,
indexed and appears in the search engine result page in response to the
queries made by prospective consumers.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach used to attract,
engage, and retain your target audience by creating and sharing
relevant material ,blogs, articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. This
approach helps establish expertise, promotes brand awareness and brand trust 273
Emerging Issues
and create top of the mind awareness for your brand. Financial Service firms
have been using a variety of content marketing approaches ranging from blog
posts and white papers, checklists (enabling bank consumers to plan for
retirement , or saving them from cyber frauds) videos , podcasts and
interactive webinars.
Content marketing should ideally focus not only on generating relevant and
fresh content, to keep your consumers engaged but also provide usable and
valued information that empowers the consumers and builds their trust in
your brand. Effective content should ideally engage the interest of the
consumers sufficiently for them to read and interact through their comments,
replies and suggestions.
Email Marketing:
Once you start generating consumer inquiries and traffic from your website
or as a result of your SEO efforts, it helps you build sizeable contact data on
your prospective consumers. In addition, a Financial Service provider may
have contact database of existing consumers engaged in traditional banking
relationships with them. Marketing of financial services, use these contact
databases to generate their email mailing lists which provide an excellent
communication tool to engage with customers in a more personalized and
interactive manner. Financial Service providers use these to send newsletters
, keeping the customers informed about new developments, new products,
exciting special offers or additional services being offered to long-term
customers in the marketing is also a very effective tool to keep consumers
informed about any changes in services or regulatory requirements in respect
of a given service.
A key objective of e-mail marketing is exploiting the potential for a close
personalisation based on the information collected through the other tools
being used in conjunction, for example consumer reviews and chatbots .
Used in an integrated fashion, these approaches can lead to customer
engagement and long-term customer loyalty.
Mobile optimised web design
In the evolving digital business ecosystem ,your website is your first
introduction to your most important stakeholders-the customers! Research
shows that visitors to a commercial website, make their favourable or
unfavourable impression about the website within 54 milliseconds of being
on the site. For any financial service that intends to utilize the advantages of
digital marketing, it is imperative that the website design is accorded
significant attention from a marketing orientation point of view.
The organization’s website , in order to be an effective marketing interface
needs to be easily navigable, with visual elements that complement the
design. For financial services which are characterized by offering
consumers a variety of choices for a given product, it is good practice to
build the search function into navigation itself.
Since a large proportion of consumers of financial services that use digital
274 mode, utilize their mobile phones for conducting their service transactions,
Technology and
service websites need to be optimised for use on mobile phones Digital Marketing
Chat bots :
We discussed Chatbots under section 13.3 of this unit. As marketing tools,
Chatbots offer the advantage of quick and efficient two way communication
with consumers on a 24/7 basis and always hold forth till a Customer service
representative can take over for more individualised issues. The AI based
Chatbots are becoming an increasingly important tool of handling consumer
communications including complaint resolution ,initiate corrective action for
errors or faults
To take an example from the banking sector, Chatbots can be used for a
variety of banking processes, like collecting and processing data and
documents, creating and managing customer accounts, providing account
details and balance information, reducing the impending wait time and
paperwork by using existing data to automate processes for clients, doing
KYC processes, making and receiving payment transactions, etc. By
automating these processes, the bank improves the speed and responsiveness
of its communication while simultaneously improving the overall customer
AI supported chatbots in the banking industry can be also be used as virtual
financial advisory assistants.
Analysis of Consumer Reviews
Consumer reviews can be a valuable source of frank, candid opinions of
consumers, following their transactional activity with the service provider.
Once consumers have started using the financial services, it is useful for the
provider to get a real time evaluation of the user experience with different
processes and their overall review. The analysis of these reviews can generate
highly useful insights into what consumers really have to say about how well
or otherwise a given service is being performed and what are the issues
impacting the user’s consumption journey. The output of such analysis can be
used to generate ideas for process improvement, new product concepts, ideas
for increasing speed and reliability of processes as well as to resolve generic
complaints. Consumer reviews can be solicited or encouraged not only on
your website one but also on social media sites like the Facebook
Activity 5
A. Analyse the last 5 email marketing messages received from your bank,
your insurance company, your investment advisory company or your
mutual fund.
What are the marketing objectives or functions being fulfilled by the
email marketing tool in each case? From your understanding of the
contents of this unit, what additional role can e mail marketing play?
B. Visit the websites of three major banks and 2 insurance companies.
Study the marketing function that their Chatbot functionality is
performing. Comment upon the scope and range of communication being
Emerging Issues
CRM and Role of
Content Structure
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Analytics and CRM
14.3 Analytics for CRM Objectives
14.3.1 Market Segmentation
14.3.2 Identify customer groups
14.3.3 Understand customer behaviour
14.3.4 Predict future behaviour
14.3.5 Personalize customer experience
14.3.6 Measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns
14.4 Understand Customer Sentiments
14.5 Cross-Selling and Up-Selling
14.6 Personalized Marketing
14.7 Improve Customer Service
14.8 Increase Customer Sales
14.9 Reduce Customer Churn
14.10 Glossary of key terms
14.11 Questions
14.12 Further Readings
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the practice of managing
interactions with customers and analysing their behaviours to improve
business relationships. Analytics, on the other hand, is the process of
analysing data to extract insights and make informed decisions. Analytics in
CRM involves using data analytics techniques to better understand
customers' needs and preferences, and to optimize business operations. In this
chapter, we will discuss the application of analytics in CRM and its benefits.
Emerging Issues
Analytics helps to analyse customer feedback and sentiment to identify trends
and improve customer service. For example, a company may use analytics to
identify common complaints and issues, and take steps to address them. It
helps identify products and services that are commonly purchased together,
and offer them as a bundle or package. For example, a company may use
analytics to identify customers who have purchased a specific product, and
offer those related products or services.
Here are some ways analytics can help with sentiment analysis:
Monitor social media: Social media platforms are a rich source of customer
feedback and sentiment data. Analytics tools can monitor social media
conversations and identify the sentiment expressed in customer comments
and posts. This information can help businesses understand how their
customers feel about their brand, products, or services and identify areas for
Test and optimize campaigns: Analytics can help businesses test and
optimize their personalized marketing campaigns by tracking key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, click-through rates,
and customer acquisition costs. By analysing this data, businesses can
optimize their campaigns and improve their ROI.
Identifying customer pain points: Analytics can help identify areas where
customers are struggling or experiencing difficulties. This can help
businesses prioritize improvements and allocate resources to address these
pain points.
Analytics can help better understand customers, improve response times, and
proactively address issues to deliver a more personalized and effective
customer service experience.
For example Netflix uses analytics to identify which TV shows and movies
are most popular among its subscribers. By analysing viewing patterns and
Emerging Issues
preferences, Netflix can tailor its content offerings to individual subscribers,
increasing customer satisfaction and reducing the likelihood of churn.
Amazon uses analytics to personalize the customer experience by analysing
customer data such as purchase history, browsing behaviour, and
demographics. By tailoring product recommendations and marketing efforts
to individual customers, Amazon can increase customer satisfaction and
reduce the likelihood of churn. Similarly leading CRM firm Sales force uses
analytics to monitor customer engagement and identify at-risk customers. By
analysing customer interactions and engagement rates, Sales force can
proactively reach out to at-risk customers and address issues before they lead
to churn.
CRM: Customer Relationship Management, a strategy used by businesses to
manage interactions with customers and potential customers.
1) What is the role of analytics in CRM?
2) What are some examples of how analytics can be used in CRM?
3) What are the benefits of using analytics in CRM?
4) How can analytics be used to improve customer service?
5) How can analytics be used to increase sales?
Emerging Issues
• Discuss the future trends of financial services
• Describe the macro trends
• Discuss about economic frictions
• Describe the role of economies of scale and scope
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Global macro trends
15.3 Economic frictions and forces in financial Services
15.4 The Impact of digital innovation on key economic frictions
15.5 Consequences for financial service firm
15.6 Shifting economies of scale and scope
15.7 Impact on financial services providers
15.8 Summary
15.9 Self Assessment Questions
The financial services industry is at a pivotal point in its evolution in the light
of global economic crisis’s, pandemics, geo political tensions and renewed
focus on millennium development goals, new technologies, and evolving
investment preferences, and other drivers of change. All these developments
are transforming the economy from being producer-led to one led by
The back end processes of financial institutions are making increasing use of
artificial intelligence (AI),cloud services(including cloud computing and
storage), and distributed ledger technology (DLT).The application of these
technologies are transforming financial market trading and regulatory and
supervisory technology (regtech and suptech) thereby substantially
decreasing cost of operations. In order to survive and compete, dig ital
Since many of the innovations are technology intensive and require huge
capital and infrastructure there is also a likelihood that innovations may lead
to concentration among both traditional and new financial services providers.
New players and business models have potential to disrupt and challenge
financial stability, financial integrity, fair competition, and consumer
protection (including data privacy), thereby requiring novel regulatory and
supervisory approach.
Digital and financial innovations have enabled both consumers and financial
institutions to address to a significant extent challenges of financial
intermediation – including asymmetric information,Uncertainty, incomplete
markets, and fixed and variable costs of production
As we discuss about future trends the recent pandemic of COVID -19 will
have major impact on fundamental economic factors for 2-3 years and it will
take some time to return to growth stage of pre pandemic level.
Let us briefly discuss few of the pronounced macro economic trends that will
have impact on design, structure and operations of financial firms in the
This has reduced the net interest margins of banks and asset price distortion.
Similarly for insurance companies the returns have been impacted, but on the
flip side low interest rates have pushed the investors away from cash holdings
to mutual funds and other alternative investments.
The recent spurt in interest rates is due to inflation and is likely to subside
once inflation is bought under control
This development has happened due to the increased cost differential (and
availability) of
Regulated versus unregulated capital. Post financial crisis and pandemic; the
need to repair and rebuild
For incumbent financial institutions, the rise of alternative capital brings into
question their very
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) will govern the fresh
investment and funding in the real economy and will be increasingly be done
on the basis of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.
Advanced countries especially European countries will require detailed
disclosures regarding sustainability and other related measures.
The off shoring of back office activities of banks and financial institutions
will continue due to cost pressure and relative advantage of qualified
manpower available in developing economies.
Apart from the factors discussed above the financial institutions will be
facing the following additional challenges:
Usually financial institutions focus and operate in niche areas’, but in quest
for growth, new revenue streams and market expansion they venture into new
but inter related areas. For example banks moving into insurance and
eventually becoming universal banks providing range of financial service,
micro financial institutions becoming small banks
Unviable commercially. This is where the new age financial services come
into play case in point is micro financial institutions and micro finance.
Emerging Issues
To produce and offer financial services companies require not only structure,
processes and trust capital but also physical infra structure in form of man
power, equipments and premises for physical location. To manage and
process customer transactions. With digital innovations this mix of resources
is changing on the positive side accruing significant cost benefits to existing
companies and lowering barriers to entry for new entrants.
Analysis of these data can generate useful insights which can be used for
credit analysis, process efficiency, risk management, product design,
customer service and other areas.
Another advance
Better information generated through consumer data from other activities and
analytics, could improve risk assessment and reduce the need for collateral as
an indicator of creditworthiness in lending..Small businesses and individual
with no credit history or limited credit history can also be provided financial
services based on their profile generated through their digital transactions.
Traditional FIs and marketing channels design and sell standardized products,
with little scope for consumer centric design and development of products.
With information available not only about financial transactions but also
about various facets of individual tailored services, such as loans, investment
advice, or retirement planning structured according to individual
circumstances of the can be developed based on AI .
CRM and Role of
The financial services value chain consists of four broad components:
i. customer interface
ii. back-office functions,
iii. infrastructure, and
iv. balance sheet.
The operations that ‘manufacture’ financial services involve the first three of
Prior to the advent of fin tech, the combination of transactions costs and
economies of scale and scope resulted in large financial intermediaries that
tended to be vertically and horizontally integrated, providing all four
components internally.
Prior to the advent of fin tech, the combination of transactions costs and
economies of scale and scope resulted in large financial intermediaries that
tended to be vertically and horizontally integrated
Such new providers initially focus on one segment of market and wean away
customers from that particular segment. They also broaden access to financial
services for under served and un served customer segments.
Established companies from other sectors like telecom, retail, and ecommerce
will also enter into financial services as they can leverage their existing
customer base and customer trust already established in their core market.
Some are able to combine financial services with other products or core
capabilities as part of a platform offering.
That has been accomplished to the shifting of the scale effects to the service
providers, previously these services were performed in house now they have
been outsourced. Scale remains important for service providers of in part by
shifting the scale effects to the infrastructure providers; scale remains highly
relevant in areas of cloud computing and data processing and software
Assembly costs. User inertia, trust, simplicity and convenience , often result
in preferences for a single provider of financial services that offers varied
range of financial products and services . even if each individual product
may be less convenient or well-designed, or marginally more expensive, than
those of alternative niche providers. In order to avoid cost to the time, effort,
and potential confusion of assembling fragmented services from various
niche players and moving funds between them customers stick to the
platform/ financial service provider thereby the incumbent FI save on
boarding costs and convenience for the user creates economies of scope for
the FI.
The financial services eco system in future would consist of three main types
of entities, which are:
• Existing players
• Fin techs
• Big techs
These factors will affect different financial services providers differently. The
impact will depend on their current market positions and ability to leverage
Existing players with advantages in trust capital and regulatory position will
try to integrate technology in their operations to protect their existing
positions and face competition. Multi-product incumbents ameliorate
customer switching and assembly costs. Disaggregation can disrupt this
business mode. Offering of niche specialised services can erode stand alone 303
Emerging Issues
profit of incumbent’s products and services. The fixed cost base of
incumbents will impact profitability of remaining low margin products. Large
incumbents will have to build upon their existing strength of scale, customer
base, regulatory expertise and capacity to update technology to compete with
big techs. Small incumbents will have to rationalise their cost structure by
using on demand infra structure and external service providers
Fin techs are small niche players and their operations are mainly technology
based. Their core strength lies in leveraging data and connectivity for
marketing, sales, customer acquisitions, distribution and delivery of their
products and services. Economies of scale and scope are relevant and come
into play when one is operating in mass market such as financial services. Fin
techs will have to offer a wide variety of services to amortize customer
acquisition and regulatory compliance cost over a large revenue base.
Big techs
Big techs by their nature of operations have an added advantage over fin
techs, big techs that already have a large customer base for non-financial
business lines. Big techs venturing in financial services will have to focus on
trust capital, addressing regulatory concerns especially anti trust laws and
reaching out to consumers as marketing of financial services is more
Big techs with their existing strength have all the resources like capital,
customer base &trust which enhance their economies of scale and scope and
also network effect. The main impediment in their operations in financial
services may be the lack of physical touch points and distribution and
delivery infra structure. Regulatory and compliance function which is much
specialised may also act as one of the bottleneck in their operations.
• Payments
The use of digital wallets with credit card interface will eliminate the need to
physically carry credit cards thus allowing niche cards to gain popularity with
value conscious.
These innovations will place pressure on credit card transaction volume and
interest income; limiting issuers’ ability to offer attractive loyalty
programmes and reducing competitiveness in the face of merchants who are
able to directly offer their own incentives (e.g., loyalty points, special offers).
Financial services are changing the ways in which it conducts business.The
main catalyst for this change is the rapid development in the field of
technology and its application in financial services. New technology players
are also entering financial services and threatening the position of the
existing financial services providers