Inception Report - Tanasport - Package-4

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Preparation of Development Plan

for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong

District: Risk Sensitive Land Use
Urban Development Directorate

Inception Report
Traffic and Transport
Surveys and Studies

December 2017

DevConsultants Limited (DevCon)

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Report Overview ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Brief Background and Purpose of the Study ......................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of the Project ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Scope of Services ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Activities to Date ................................................................................................................................... 5

2 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Consultants’ Organization ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Logistics and Support ............................................................................................................................ 7

3 WORK PLAN AND STAFFING ................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Updated Work Plan ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Staffing Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 8

4 REVIEW OF RELEVANT REPORTS ........................................................................................ 9

4.1 Seventh (7TH) Five Year Development Plan ........................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Government’s Project in Seventh Five Year Plan........................................................ 10
4.1.2 Transport Infrastructure Strategy for the Seventh Five Year Plan ............................. 11
4.2 National Perspective Plan ................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.1 Transport for the Future-Vision .................................................................................. 17
4.2.2 Policy Objectives ......................................................................................................... 17
4.2.3 Sub-Sectoral Goals, Objectives and Strategies ........................................................... 17
4.3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) .............................................................................................. 19
4.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 22

5 COLLECTION AND REVIEW OF RELEVANT DATA ......................................................... 23

5.1 Collection of Geo-physical Maps and Relevant Reports ..................................................................... 23
5.1.1 Government’s Future Projects .................................................................................... 23
5.1.2 Feasibility Study Report for Mirsharai Economic Zone, Bangladesh Economic Zones
Authority (BEZA) ................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.3 Data Collection from Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh
5.2 Collection of Basic Statistics: Present Activities .................................................................................. 31
5.2.1 Population ................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.2 Education .................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.3 Employment Status ..................................................................................................... 32
5.2.4 Household structure, Sanitation facilities and Drinking water facilities..................... 34
5.2.5 Health.......................................................................................................................... 34
5.2.6 Commercial Activities ................................................................................................. 35
5.2.7 Transportation Facilities ............................................................................................. 35
5.2.8 Present Power Supply Situation and Telecommunication at Mirsharai ..................... 35
5.3 Review of the Available Data .............................................................................................................. 35
5.4 Additional Data Requirement ............................................................................................................. 36

6 ANALYSIS OF RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY FINDINGS .................................................. 38

6.1 Identified Problems and Possible Solutions ........................................................................................ 38
6.2 Results of the Consultation Meeting ................................................................................................... 38

Inception Report -i-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
6.3 Prospects of Development/ Possible Road Network .......................................................................... 40
6.3.1 Network Connectivity with BEZA ................................................................................ 42
6.3.2 Network Connectivity within Mirsharai ...................................................................... 42
6.3.3 Network Connectivity with Tourist Spots ................................................................... 43
7 TRAFFIC SURVEY DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Survey Requirement and Types .......................................................................................................... 45
7.2 Methodology of the Surveys ............................................................................................................... 46
7.2.1 Production-Attraction Survey ..................................................................................... 46
7.2.2 Traffic Count Survey.................................................................................................... 46
7.2.3 Origin-Destination Survey ........................................................................................... 47
7.2.4 Travel Time Survey ...................................................................................................... 47
7.2.5 Stakeholder Interviews ............................................................................................... 48
7.3 Preliminary Plan for Surveys ............................................................................................................... 49
7.4 Tentative Survey Schedule .................................................................................................................. 51

8 Next Actions .............................................................................................................................. 53

9 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 53

List of Tables:
Table 4.1: RHD Targets for the 7th Five Year Plan ................................................................................................ 12
Table 4.2: Seventh Plan Railway Objectives and Targets ..................................................................................... 15
Table 5.1: Area, No. of Households, Population and Population Density of the Project Area ............................. 31
Table 6.1: Geometric Design Standards (LGED) .................................................................................................... 41
Table 6.2: Traffic Criteria for Design of Roads (LGED) .......................................................................................... 41
Table 7.1: Tentative External and Internal OD and Vehicle Count Survey Locations ........................................... 50
Table 7.2: Tentative Travel Time Survey Routes................................................................................................... 50

List of Figure:
Figure 2.1: Consultant's Organization..................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4.1: Priorities of Seventh Five Year Plan .................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5.1: Mirsharai-Teknaf marine drive ........................................................................................................... 23
Figure 5.2: Alignment of Cross-Border Road ........................................................................................................ 24
Figure 5.3: Part of the Proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway ......................................................................... 24
Figure 5.4: Coastal Expressway............................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 5.5: Location of Sabroom to Ramgarh Bridge ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 5.6: Location of Ramgarh Port ................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5.7: Location of Sitakunda Port ................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 5.8: Location of Bay Terminal .................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 5.9: Future Double Line Track from ........................................................................................................... 28
Figure 5.10: Proposed Transportation Network for Mirershorai EZ ..................................................................... 29
Figure 5.11: Existing Road Network of the Study Area ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 5.12: Distribution of population by age group and school attendance ..................................................... 32
Figure 5.13: Employment Status of Mirsharai Upazila ......................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.14: Employment Status based on Employment Sector .......................................................................... 33
Figure 5.16: Type of Household Structure ............................................................................................................ 34
Figure 5.15: Sanitation Facilities of Mirsharai Upazila .......................................................................................... 34
Figure 5.17: Drinking Water Facilities ................................................................................................................... 34

Inception Report -ii-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
Figure 5.18: Present Power Supply Situation of Mirsharai ................................................................................... 35
Figure 5.19: Government’s Projects and Consultant’s Proposed Tentative Road Network ................................. 37
Figure 6.1: Tentative Future Road Network of Mirsharai Upazila ........................................................................ 44
Figure 7.1: Flow Chart of Steps of Travel Demand Forecasting ............................................................................ 46
Figure 7.2: Sample O-D Survey Setup ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 7.3: Tentative Survey Locations and Travel Time Survey Routes of Mirsharai Upazila ............................. 52


Appendix-A: Notes of the Consultation Meetings

Inception Report -iii-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
Mirsharai is a land of potentials and various development possibilities. With smooth communication by
means of road, rail and waterways, it is an ideal location for economic cum industrial development. In
addition, Mirsharai is blessed with abundance of natural resources and scenic beauties having hilly
forest areas, hill streams and waterfalls of Chittagong Hill Tracts on one side and the Bay of Bengal on
the other. The first multi-sector EZ in the country has also been under-construction within this very
location. There are immense possibilities to develop Mirsharai as a modern industrial hub and a place
of eco-tourism.
The success of developing Mirsharai as a tourist center and Special Economic Zone depends on the
availability of modern amenities connected through a sustainable transportation system. For this, it is
necessary to understand the present state of the transport system based on which a sustainable
transportation system can be built for the future. Therefore, a thorough traffic study is on the existing
road network is imperative. This will shed light on the recent state of transportation as well as provide
information about its pros and cons and possibilities for future development. Through this transportation
survey and studies, an improved transport system will be proposed which will be efficient, affordable
and sustainable for the growth of Mirsharai Upazila.
Objectives of the Project
The main objectives of the project package is to develop a comprehensive computerized transportation
planning tool (model). This model will be used to:
• Prepare integrated land use and transportation model for Mirsharai.
• Prepare disaster management plan for Mirsharai from the perspective of transportation.
• Develop new and improved affordable and effective transportation network for Mirsharai Upazila.
Scope of the Project
As per TOR, scope of services can be outlined as the following major tasks:
• Transport Surveys and Studies for the Project
• Database Preparation and Management
• Preparation of Development Plan of Mirsharai by Integrating Transportation Planning with Land Use
and Disaster Management Plan.
Commencement of the Project
The contract for consultancy services between Urban Development Directorate (UDD), the Client and
DevConsultants Limited (DevCon), Bangladesh, the Consultant, was signed on November 15, 2017.
The total duration of the project is 4 (four) months.
The consultants, as per the requirement of the TOR, is submitting now the Inception Report for the
project and the major portion of the report deals with the following:
Review of Relevant Reports
After discussion with UDD, the consulting team has identified the following documents to be relevant
are those are required to be reviewed for this project:
Reports Published By
Seventh Five Year Plan General Economics Division (GED)
(FY2016 – FY2020): Planning Commission
Accelerating Growth, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Published
Empowering Citizens in December 2015
Perspective Plan of General Economics Division
Bangladesh (2010- Planning Commission
2021): Making Vision Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Published
2021 a Reality in April 2012
Integration of Support to Sustainable and Inclusive Planning (SSIP) Project
Sustainable General Economics Division (GED)
Development Goals into Planning Commission
the 7th Five Year Plan Published in February 2016

Inception Report -1-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
The Chapter-4 reviews the reports/ plans listed above and presents the excerpts from the three major
reports regarding the developing Bangladesh especially emphasizing aspects relating to transportation
and particularly to this project.
Collection and Review of Relevant Data
The consultants, following the reconnaissance field visit have expedited to collect the relevant data from
the secondary sources as much as possible and review those for integration in the transport planning
for the particular project. The Chapter-5 deals with the review of the secondary database that is already
collected and enlists those still to be acquired. Documents were collected and reviewed on the following
major projects:
Projects: Data: Statistics:
• Mirsharai –Teknaf Marine • Existing road network • Population
Drive Road Project • Growth center • Education
• Cross-Border Road Network • Rural market • Employment Status
Improvement Project • Administrative boundary • Household structure,
• Dhaka Chittagong • Upazila and union Sanitation facilities and
Expressway Project on PPP headquarters Drinking water facilities
Basis • Health
• Coastal Expressway from • Commercial Activities
Shitakunda via Chittagong to • Transportation Facilities
Cox’ Bazar • Present Power Supply
• Indo-Bangla Maitree bridge Situation and
from Sabroom to Ramgarh Telecommunication at
• Ramgarh Port Mirsharai
• Sitakunda/ Mirsharai Port
• Bay Container Terminal
• Construction of double line
between Laksham-Chinki
Ashtana, Mirsharai (JICA
funded)-On going
• Modernization of 11 station’s
signaling system in between
Chinki Astana, Mirsharai-
Chittagong (EDCF)-On going
Traffic Survey Design
The report covers the requirements, methodology and preliminary planning for the traffic surveys
requisite for this assignment. The objectives of the traffic survey are two folds. Firstly, it provides idea
about the existing traffic demand available supply in the form of infrastructure and services. Secondly,
it acts as the input for the travel demand forecasting model that is to be constructed as the output of the
project which will enable UDD to analyze various traffic scenarios with respect to changed network as
well as land use scenarios. The consultants have identified the following 5 types of surveys to be
 Production-Attraction Survey
 Traffic Count Survey
 Origin-Destination (OD) Survey
 Travel Time Survey
 Stakeholder Interviews
The Chapter-7 elaborates the survey requirements along with the preliminary survey design to be
approved by the Client.

Dr. Moinul Hossain

Team Leader

Inception Report -2-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

1.1 Report Overview
This report prepared by DevCon covers literature review and survey design activities under the
Traffic and Transport Surveys and Studies (Package-4) project. The report also presents a brief
introduction of the mother project ‘Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila: Risk
Sensitive Land use Plan (MUDP)’ itself; information of the project area i.e., Mirsharai Upazila, scope
of services under this particular component and the work schedule and staffing arrangement to
achieve the project goal and specific objectives step-by-step. This is to investigate and identify the
demand and expectation of the local community as well as the government agencies and ensure
integration with various ongoing/ proposed development projects in and around the study area to
come up with a pragmatic and futuristic development plan for Mirsharai.
In short, the report will highlight the following:
• Project Objectives, Work Program & Personnel
• Review of the 7th Five Year Plan, National Perspective Plan and Sustainable Development
• Review of the Available Data from Different Secondary Sources
• Traffic Survey Design
• Analysis of Findings of the Reconnaissance Survey, and,
• Analysis of Findings from Stakeholder Interviews
These highlights of the report are broken down into chapters as reflected in the table of contents.

1.2 Brief Background and Purpose of the Study

Mirsharai Upazila, located only 60km
away from port city Chittagong, is a land
of various development possibilities. It
is surrounded by Feni District & the
River Feni on the North, Sandwip
Channel (connecting the Bay of
Bengal) on West, Khagrachhari District
on the North-East & Chittagong on the
South. With smooth communication by
all means of road, rail and waterways, it
is a potential location for economic cum
industrial development. In addition,
Mirsharai is blessed with abundance of
natural resources and scenic beauties
having hilly forest areas, hill streams
and waterfalls of Chittagong Hill Tracts
on one side and the Bay of Bengal on
the other. At the same time, Mirsharai is
blessed with excellent geographical
advantage making it a suitable location
to establish a bay terminal for the
Chittagong Port Authority. The work of
establishing one of the largest
Economic Zones (EZ) have also
commenced in Mirsharai. These are the
key drivers of change for the Upazila
under study.

Inception Report -3-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
In tourism sector with holistic planning and establishment of easy accessibility, Mirsharai can be a
great tourist attraction. Again the proposed Special Economic Zone would generate many industry
related new activities including huge vehicular traffic on air, rail, road and water. This phenomenon
would have both positive and negative impact on the socio-economic condition and existing land
use pattern of the region. The proposed planning package would guide such probable changes in
the socio-economic condition and land use pattern of the region and would also address the
adverse impact of such changes by presenting a proposal for sustainable transportation system.
Also, this project has been under taken to protect the region from depletion of its natural resources
and character and for tourism development as well.
Furthermore, the success of developing Mirsharai as a tourist center and Special Economic Zone
depends on the availability of modern amenities connected through a sustainable transportation
system. For this, it is necessary to understand the present state of the transport system based on
which a sustainable transportation system can be built for the future. Therefore, a thorough traffic
study on the existing road network is imperative. This will shed light on the recent state of
transportation as well as provide information about its pros and cons and possibilities for future
development. Through this transportation survey and studies, an improved transport system will be
proposed which will be efficient, affordable and sustainable for the growth of Mirsharai Upazila.

1.3 Objectives of the Project

The main objective of the project package is to develop a comprehensive computerized
transportation planning tool (model). This model will be used to:

• Prepare integrated land use and transportation model for Mirsharai.

• Prepare disaster management plan for Mirsharai from the perspective of transportation.
• Develop new and improved affordable and effective transportation network for Mirsharai Upazila.

1.4 Scope of Services

The goal of the project is to prepare a development plan for Mirsharai Upazila. For this, it is
necessary to understand the transportation network in the study area to be achieved through
various traffic and transportation surveys which will eventually help to understand the transport
network of the project area.
The survey firm is vested with the responsibility for the following activities:

• The firm shall conduct all necessary traffic and transport surveys and studies through digital
system and collect all relevant data and information for the project and upload the collected data
to website instantly through online communication device.
• Survey firm shall prepare working paper on the relevant fields under study and at the end of
each month submit a report containing all information to be uploaded to website and ensure that
all data and information are accessible to viewer.
• The firm shall be responsible for quality of data and information collected, data processing,
cleaning and editing and presentation into tabular form.
• The survey firm shall provide all necessary assistance in gathering and procuring all relevant
traffic and transportation related attribute and spatial data of relevant features within the project
area, GIS database operation and management, analysis and preparation of maps and reports
till completion of the project.
• Shall deliver all raw and processed data along with working papers containing guidelines for
preparing the planning package as required by PD.
• The survey firm shall assist the UDD team members in preparation of final and all relevant
reports till completion of the project.
For achieving the goal and objectives, the following sub-objectives need to be fulfilled (some of
these will be the output of the other packages of the project running parallel to this package):

Inception Report -4-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
» To prepare a socio-economic geodatabase of the study area related to transportation modeling
and land use planning.
» To prepare an inventory of existing land use of the study area using GIS and conduct survey to
calculate the trip production-attraction rates for various land use.
» To prepare an inventory of road network as well as transportation system (road network, public
transport facilities, options for non-motorized trips etc.) of the study area using GIS.
» To conduct a comprehensive household travel demand survey.
» To obtain values for various demographic and socio-economic indicators included in the model.
» To forecast the land value and land use as impacted by changes in transportation accessibility
and policies.
» To collect detailed data on freight movement and develop travel demand forecasting models for
» To simulate transportation operations in details at the project area.
» To simulate vehicular traffic flow to analyze and solve traffic bottlenecks.
» To estimate the risk, resilience and vulnerability of the network under general operating condition
and even during extreme conditions.

1.5 Activities to Date

The following milestones have been achieved so far:

• The consultant has formed the team, setup office for the project as well as prepared the
schedule of the project.
• The first kick off meeting was held with the client on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at the
head office of UDD and subsequently a series of meetings were held between the consulting
team and the site office of UDD.
• The consulting team has paid a visit to the project site between 25th and 26th of November.
During that time, they have collected these information/ data or performed the following

o Identified the major stakeholders. They are:

 Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
 Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
 Bangladesh Railway (BR)
 Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
 Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)
 Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA)
 Forest Department
 Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC)
 DC Office, Chittagong
 UNO/ Land Office, Mirsharai
 Pourashava Offices (Mirsharai and Baroiyarhat)

o Had meetings with:

 Project Director, in the UDD HQ (Dhaka),
 UDD Mirsharai/ MUDP Officials, in Mirsharai
 Representatives Forest Department and of BWDB, in Mohamaya
 Honorable Mayor, Mirhsarai Pourashava (in presence of Councilors and SI,
Mirsharai Thana)
 Secretary to Honorable Mayor, Baroiyarhat Pourashava
 Locals people throughout the project area

o Consulting team has performed reconnaissance survey on the following sites:

Inception Report -5-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
Intersection Growth center Bazar Tourist Spot
Baraiyerhat Santir Hat Abu Torab Bazar Mohamaya Lake
Zorawargonj Abur Hat Azampur Hat Khoyachhara Waterfalls
Chitanner Baman Sunder Hat Bishu Mia Bazar
Mithachara Mirsharai Hat Haidkandi Bazar Project Sites
Mirsharai Hadi Fakir Hat Domdoma Bazar BEZA Economic Zone
Bara Takiya Bhorer Bazar Mithanala Bazar Muhuri Project Access
Bazar (Shaherkhali)
Sarkarhat Sufia Bazar Road
Zorawargonj Bazar
Muhurighat Bazar

• Compiling the aforementioned progresses, the consulting team has submitted the mobilization
report on December 7, 2017.
• The consultant team has already received valuable comments from the client and prepared the
responses about how they were addressed as accompanied in the inception report.
• All available secondary data were collected and reviewed for
• The consulting team has performed a thorough review on the available important literature
(national policies and plans) related to transportation of the country and to this study on
Mirsharai; and compiled the excerpts in Chapter 4 of this report.
• Finally, the consulting team has adopted the exact survey methodology and planning required
to develop the travel demand forecasting model for this project.

Inception Report -6-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

2.1 Consultants’ Organization
The consultant team has been formed keeping in mind the type of works to be performed under this
project and the amount of relevant experience needed for the task. Dr. Moinul Hossain is vested
with the responsibility of the Team Leader. He has 15 years of professional experience in
transportation planning and traffic engineering. He has experience in transport modelling, traffic
management planning, traffic simulation by using ArcGIS compatible Transport Planning Software.
He is also the local representative of Citilabs, USA, the developer of Citilabs CUBE, which is one
of the leading transportation planning software products available in the market.
The Team Leader will be assisted by the other 2 (two) professionals i.e., Transport Survey Expert,
Mr. Mizanur Rahman and Transport Survey Supervisor, Sultana Rajia. They all have required
experience in their respective line of work and are well capable of performing the duties assigned
on them. Ms. Rajia has received training from Citilabs on transportation modelling. The team will
be assisted by the administrative or other support staff for the project. According to the
characteristics of the designed surveys, a number of survey teams and a data entry team will be
formed to work under the direct supervision of Transport Survey Expert and Transport Survey
Supervisor. The whole team will work with the close coordination of the Project Director and will be
overall assisted by the project management and coordination team of DevCon.
The consultant’s organization for the assignment can be presented with the following diagram:


Figure 2.1: Consultant's Organization

2.2 Logistics and Support
In order to achieve the objectives as set out in the TOR and explained in the methodology of work,
various logistics related to office accommodation, transport, computer facilities, and field survey
equipment, support staff and various communication facilities are required. These facilities required
for the project can be arranged for by DevCon. However, some counterpart facilities will essentially
be ensured by the Client, such as-
- UDD will assist in communication and arrangement of meetings with various important
stakeholders of the project
- UDD will issue letters for notice, permission and approval for performance of the survey and
related field activities
- UDD will expedite collection of data from other government agencies as and when required

Inception Report -7-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT


3.1 Updated Work Plan
The consultants have been working as per the TOR scope of services and the work program
suggested in the methodology. However, all measures have been taken to expedite the project
activities and the first two reports have been submitted before stipulated time. This is for the purpose
of preparing well for the traffic surveys and development of the travel demand model. The adjusted
work schedule in connection with the actual work progress have been demonstrated in the following
bar diagram:
No. Activity
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
TASK 1.1 Mobilization of Activities
TASK 1.2 Startup Meeting and Planning for Surveys
TASK 1.3 Reconnaissance Field Survey
TASK 1.4 Project Design
TASK 1.5 Submission of Mobilization Report
TASK 2.1 Geo-physical Maps and Report Collection
TASK 2.2 Assessment of Present Transport System
TASK 2.3 Socio-Economic Data Collection
TASK 2.4 Preparation and Submission of Inception report
TASK 3.1 Survey Preparatory Activities
TASK 3.2 Traffic Surveys
TASK 3.3 Preparation of Database
TASK 3.4 Preparation and Submission of Draft Survey Report
TASK 4.1 Preparation of Working Paper
TASK 4.2 Assistance to Project Team/Project Implementation Committee
TASK 4.3 Submission of Interim Report
TASK 5.1 Preparation of 20 years Travel Demand Model
TASK 5.2 Assistance in Overall Planning
TASK 5.3 Preparation and Submission of Draft Final Survey Report


TASK 6.1 Presentation to the Client and Obtaining Approval
Preparation and Submission of Final Survey Report w ith
TASK 6.2
Necessary Modification
TASK 6.3 Progress Reporting
TASK 6.4 Assistance in Publication and Web Development

Continuous Task Intermittent Task Submission of Deliverables

3.2 Staffing Schedule

The project staffs have been mobilized right after the contract signing and the project activities were
commenced along with the staff mobilization. The professionals engaged in the project will be
working in the following schedule:
Staff-month input by month Total staff-month input
No Name of Staff Position
M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 Home Field Total

[Home] -
Transport Planning Expert
1 Dr. Moinul Hossain 4.00
(Team Leader) [Field] 4.00
1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00

[Home] -
2 Md. Mizanur Rahman Transport Survey Expert 3.00
[Field] 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00

[Home] -
3 Sultana Rajia Transport Survey Supervisor 3.00
[Field] 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00

TOTAL 10.00

Inception Report -8-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT


After discussion with UDD, the consulting team has identified the following documents to be relevant
and required to be reviewed for this project:
Reports Published By
Seventh Five Year Plan General Economics Division (GED)
(FY2016 – FY2020): Planning Commission
Accelerating Growth, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Published
Empowering Citizens in December 2015
Perspective Plan of General Economics Division
Bangladesh (2010-2021): Planning Commission
Making Vision 2021 a Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Published
Reality in April 2012
Integration of Sustainable Support to Sustainable and Inclusive Planning (SSIP) Project
Development Goals into General Economics Division (GED)
the 7th Five Year Plan Planning Commission
Published in February 2016
The following sections present the excerpts from these reports that will have influence in proposing
the road network as well as developing the travel demand forecasting model. It is to be mentioned
that some parts of the text have been written in RED or ORANGE or have been EMPHASIZED.
These parts of the review are to arrest the attention of the readers as they highly influence this

4.1 Seventh (7TH) Five Year Development Plan

The Seventh Five Year Plan was prepared by General Economics Division (GED) under Planning
Commission of Bangladesh. The Plan was published in December of 2015.
A major strategic challenge for the Seventh Five Year Development Plan of Bangladesh is to set
investment priorities in a way that Bangladesh gets best results from its limited resources. This is
an issue not only for optimally prioritizing public investment needs but also in picking right PPP
friendly projects.

Inception Report -9-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
The transport infrastructure strategy for the Seventh Five Year Development Plan has been built
on the lessons learned and experience gathered from the implementation of the Sixth Five Year
Plan. There are some priorities in the plan as illustrated by Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Priorities of Seventh Five Year Plan

From the above figure, it is clearly evident that Priority 2 and 3 will have direct impact on the project
as Chittagong port is constructing a new terminal in Mirsharai. In addition, the Dhaka Chittagong 4-
lane highway dissects the study area and this highway will provide connectivity to the Trans-Asian
Highway project.
The key elements of the transport sector development for the Seventh Five Year Plan are:

Focus on Transformational Project and Timely

Reinvigorating the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Procurement Reforms

Operational Efficiency

Pricing Policies

Transport Infrastructure Financing Strategy

Institutional Reforms in Transport

4.1.1 Government’s Project in Seventh Five Year Plan

The Government has already identified the following high-priority projects for the transport sector.
The projects marked with RED will have high influence and the ones marked with ORANGE will
have moderate to high influence on this project:

• Continue to repair, maintain, improve and expand existing roads on a priority basis
• Construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge to be completed by 2018
• Construction of a multi-lane tunnel underneath the river Karnaphuli in Chittagong

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• Conversion of nationally important highways into four lanes gradually
• Connect important economic activity hubs such as Payra Port and Economic Zones to National
• Continuation of investment to reform and modernise railways.
• Construction of circular rail road track around Dhaka city.
• Construction of the 3rd Sea port at Payra in Patuakhali.
• Construction of a sea port and an LNG terminal at Moheshkhali
• Construction of third terminal at Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport (HSIA)
• Construction of a new airport named Khan Jahan Ali Airport
• Feasibility study for construction of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib International Airport.
• Feasibility study for construction of a road-rail tunnel underneath the river Jamuna.
• Feasibility study for construction of Sub-way (underground railway) in Dhaka city
• Strengthen Fleet capacity while making Biman a profitable organisation by improving its
management and enhancing the capacity of passenger transport.

While the Government has already identified the above high priority projects and initiated
implementation, the following priorities are also considered as transformational investments for
taking Bangladesh to a higher growth trajectory:
• The development of a balanced 3R (Rail, River & Road) based multimodal transport infrastructure
• Timely completion of critical transport links (roads, bridges, railways and river waterways) related
to regional and multi-regional connectivity.
• Provision of access controlled ‘Backbone Road Network’ considering strategically important
national highways.
• Combining inland water transport with the existing road transport system as well as ensuring a
healthy road alignment.
• Give priority to regional transport connectivity
• Improving on transport safety standards to reduce incidence of accidents by implementing safety
audit periodically.
• Promoting and revitalizing tourism industries, an integrated land use and transport planning for
all the potential water front sites viz. Cox’s Bazar, Jaflong, Kuakata etc. should be adopted in an
urgent basis.
• Reduction of maintenance frequency and thereby recurring cost of roadways, utmost attention
should be given to make road infrastructure durable.
• Development of middle-income enabled quality infrastructures with high-speed mobility facilities.
• Strengthening Planning Commission’s sectoral institutional capacity with strong
planning wings in key infrastructure Ministries having highly qualified professional planners.

4.1.2 Transport Infrastructure Strategy for the Seventh Five Year Plan Roads, Highways and Bridges

The Road Transport and Highways Division has a vision to build sustainable, safe & quality road
infrastructure and integrated modern mass transport system for achieving desired socio-economic
development in the country. The targets of RHD has given in the following table.

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Table 4.1: RHD Targets for the 7th Five Year Plan

Physical Activities 7th FYP Targets (FY2016-FY2020)

Construction of 4 lane roads 300 km
Construction of roads other than 4 lane 340 km
Improvement/ Rehabilitation of roads 2, 500 km
Construction of Flyover/ Overpass 7, 000 meter
Construction of Bridges/ Culverts 14, 800 meter
Reconstruction of Bridges/ Culverts 6, 800 meter
Regarding highways, the topmost priority is to convert important national highways into four lanes.
The initial effort will focus on completing the ongoing highway projects; especially the upgrading of
the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (along with the double tracking of the railway connection) is of
utmost importance. The project has already been almost completed except for the three bridges
along the way namely Kanchpur, Meghna and Gumti Bridges. The other strategies are:
• Improve road safety situation in the country by achieving 50 per cent reduction in road traffic
accident fatalities by 2020.
• Gradually developing the existing interrupted highways to uninterrupted arterial roads by adopting
two-tiered access controlled layout configuration for segregating mobility and accessibility
functions of highways.
• As at-grade junctions’ dictates constructing interchange facility that should increase overall
capacity of the highways, besides highway widening at the major-major junctions.
• Towards achieving arterial roadway configuration by reducing carriageway side-frictions and
conflicting usages of highway, strict roadside land use development and right of way (ROW)
control policies should be adopted.
• Instead of raising the height of road network in coastal districts against sea level rise (SLR), better
strategy would be developing coastal embankment/polder infrastructures as “Climate resilient” to
save all sorts of assets within the protection area.
• Address the issue of road damage from overloading, the implementation of road damage
monitoring system will be strengthened with enforcement of penalties for violation.
Urban Transport
The top priority is to lower urban road network congestion through appropriate investments as well
as transport management. Like other successful metropolitan mega cities of the world,
infrastructural development, maintenance, traffic enforcement, public transport operation, public
utilities etc. there needs to be active consideration for bringing those under a strong unitary
metropolitan authority.
For coordinated development of metropolitan cities and urban areas, like other countries
consideration was given in the Plan to establishing an autonomous urban development authority
(UDA). It was mentioned that in the absence of this type of development authority, major cities and
urban areas of Bangladesh are growing unsustainably and haphazardly without any planned mass-
transit infrastructure and mainly based on smaller sized vehicles. It is understood from this Plan
that UDD can play an important role in filling up the gap and the success of Mirsarai project will
bolster this claim.
The strategies of Seventh Plan regarding urban transport improvement are:
• Developing a balanced multimodal system.
• Adopting decentralization policy; it can be started with the gradual shifting of Garment Industries
from the core areas.
• Emphasis should be placed on efficient traffic management to ease congestion.

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• Mass transit oriented land use and transport development policies
• Focus needs to be on the development of signal free road network and public transport
infrastructures (viz. dedicated bus lanes, passenger transfer facilities, bus bays, turnaround
facilities, stopover terminals etc. which are now grossly missing)
• Besides reclaiming footpath, adequate pedestrian friendly walking and crossing infrastructures
should be developed.

Rural Transport
The strategies for the development of the road system include updating of a Road Master Plan,
adoption of a Rural Roads & Structures Maintenance Strategy, maintenance plan and according
higher priority to maintenance over new construction, exploring technological options to construct
quality roads with available construction materials, introduction of measures to stop overloading,
adoption of procedures to maximize generation of employment for the poor, ensuring quality of
construction, more involvement of Local Government Institutions (LGI) and ensuring utilization and
maintenance of constructed facilities. All these strategies will be reflected in this Project.
Strategic Priorities of LGED for Rural Transport Development and Management
The First Priority will be to Double lane/Upgrade and maintain selected busier Upazila Roads (a
list will be provided in this Project suggesting which roads should fall under this category to have a
sustainable transportation system for Mirsharai), Union Roads that are being used by a large
number of commercial vehicles including maintenance/rehabilitation of bridges/culverts in these
roads. At the same time, connection with rural roads with railway and waterways will be given
priority in order to promote and integrate multimodal transport system. Proper maintenance of the
existing paved rural network will also be included in priority. The Second Priority will be to improve
Upazila Roads, Union Roads and prioritized Village Roads including culverts/bridges which have
strategic importance to connect road network, railway and waterway. Preparation of a Land Use
Map to initiate planned development will also be included in the second priority. The Third Priority
will be to improve Growth Centres and construction of ‘ghat’ facilities at Growth Centres located on
the bank of inland waterways to ensure better integration of road and water ways and thereby
stimulating the rural transport and trading system. Also, development of rural waterways will be
included in the third priority. It is relevant to mention here that this Project will include plan on how
to improve road facilities within or adjacent to the Growth Centres.
The major strategies suggested by the Seventh Five Year Plan are as follows:

• The rural infrastructure development/improvement will be planned and implemented based on the
findings of Effect/Benefit/Impact/feasibility studies carried out in respect of rural infrastructure
development projects of LGED
• A guideline for investment prioritization and selectivity will be developed and calculation of economic
rate of return will be adopted to guide the major investment decisions.
• Rural Road Master Plan of LGED will be updated. The updated Master Plan will be followed for
infrastructure development projects covering Upazila and Union roads including bridges/culverts,
bridges/culverts on village roads and development of growth centres/markets, ghats and Union
Parishad HQ etc.
• For sustainability of rural infrastructure, adequate maintenance system and a viable funding
mechanism based on local resources and emphasizing local participation and ownership will be
• Since the requirements for maintenance are increasing, the Government and the local bodies will
make special efforts to fully fund these needs and LGED will make continuous efforts to improve
maintenance efficiency and ensure local participation.

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The main targeted priorities for rural road development and maintenance during the 7th Plan will
include the following:

• Improvement of the Upazila Road (5000 Km).

• Double lane/Widening/ Up gradation/Rehabilitation of selected Upazila /Union Roads that needs
up-gradation being used by a large number of commercial vehicles (10000 Km)
• Improvement of road safety engineering at junctions of LGED roads with National Highways
• Improvement of the selected Union Road. (8000 Km)
• Improvement of prioritized Village Road (12000 Km)
• Re-construction/Double lane of Bridges and Culverts on Upazila Road, Union Roads (12000 Meter)
being used by a large number of commercial vehicles
• Construction of Bridges and Culverts on Upazila Road, Union Roads (140000 Meter)
• Construction of Bridges and Culverts on prioritized Village Road (50000 M)
• Development of Growth Centres and Rural Markets -1200 Nos
• Construction of all remaining Union Parishad Complexes (1900 Nos)
• Extension of Upazila Complexes (400 Nos)
• Construction and rehabilitation of Cyclone Shelters and killas (1238 Nos)
• Land Use Planning and Management Project in the Upazillas of Bangladesh
• Development of Growth Centre centric Urban centres in selected Upazillas of Bangladesh-300 Nos
• Improvement of road safety engineering in rural roads to minimize road accidents.
• Periodic and Routine maintenance of Paved and Herring Bone Bond (HBB) roads & structures on
rural roads
Strategies for Improvement in Rural Transport
The strategies to meet the above priorities include the following:

• The development strategy for the rural transport will be reoriented for efficient external access
through optimal integration of road and inland water transport and off-road internal accesses;
• Improvement in resource mobilization will be made through introduction of user charges and fees
by the agencies in all areas of transport and for all use of transport network;
• Provision of required incentive packages for the private sector for greater participation will be
ensured, not only in transport services, but also for infrastructure building
• Identification and implementation of preventive, emergency and post-disaster mitigation measures
will be made.
• Adequate care will be taken while developing transport network and service so that these do not
cause environmental pollution and affect ecological balance.
• Attention will be given to improve transport safety standards including specific attention to women
safety in all means of transportation with a view to substantially reducing the incidence of
• National standard for road design, geometry and loading capacity will be set, especially for the
rural roads connecting the upazilas with zila.
Hence, it can be observed that the suggestions for a new road network and improvements of the
existing one for Mirsharai, as supposed to be proposed by the Project, will need to be coordinated
with LGED, RHD and the City Authorities as the outcome needs to be reflected on Rural Road
Master Plan, the plans for RHD to improve connectivity with LGED roads and the existing master
plans of the cities.

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The Government places special emphasis on railway communication, as it is cheaper, safer and
fuel-efficient and this will continue in future. The core objectives and targets for the railway sector
for the Seventh Plan are summarized in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Seventh Plan Railway Objectives and Targets

Goal/ Objectives Actions Specific targets

Expand and improve Expansion of railway network to Undertake construction of 856
railway system to expand rail operations kilometer of new rail track
provide safer, better, Double tracking of important Undertake dual gauge double
environment friendly sections and gauge unification to tracking of 1110 kilometer
& less expensive overcome operational bottlenecks
transport facilities to Rehabilitate/upgrade existing rails Undertake rehabilitation of 725 km
the national and for improved speed and safety of existing rail track
international traffic Construction of railway bridges Undertake construction of rail
to increase its and other infrastructure for bridges, improvement of level
market share. operational improvement. crossing gates and improvement of
Increase its market other infrastructure
share from 4% to Procure new locomotives to Purchase 100 new locomotives, 1
15% in freight improve service quality locomotive simulator and 4 relief
transport, 10% to cranes.
15% in container Procure new coaches for Purchase 1120 passenger coaches
transport between passenger comfort and rehabilitate 624 coaches.
Dhaka-Chittagong Upgrade railway workshops and Procure modern maintenance
Port and 4% to 10% maintenance equipment
in passenger Improve rail speed and safety Upgrade rail signal for 81 stations
transport Improve rail efficiency Strengthen railway management
Improve railway finances Eliminate operational deficit through
price increases and operational
efficiency gains.
The railway expansion program is based on the following strategic considerations:

• Shortening the Dhaka –Chittagong rail distance.

• Double tracking of all major railway corridors by phases.
• Developing a full access controlled right of way as well as capital intensive grade separated
measure to make level crossing free allowing segregated rail corridor and thereby ensuring
operation of commuter trains in urban areas. Emphasis would be given to higher frequency and
speed without affecting the roadway capacity.
• Strengthening South Asia regional and Trans-Asian railway connectivity.
• Modernization of train (Electric Traction System), improving the speed and efficiency to move the
containers to and from the hinterland more efficiently and thereby to make the railway profitable
• Priority would be given to connect large EPZ/SEZ mouth ICDs and thereby to develop market
oriented container transport friendly new railway infrastructures.
• In the long run for even distribution of traffic load, urban contribution of railway in terms of carrying
commuter traffic needs to be increased by adopting two-tier railway system i.e. sub-urban and
urban rail. Urban rail network needs to be developed by including the circular rail.
Along with routine and regular activities/ projects/ programmes, the following major/remarkable
projects are underway to be implemented during Seventh Five Year Plan;
 Construction of Single Line Duel Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu
and Ramu to Gundhum near Myanmar Border.
 Padma Bridge Rail Link Project (Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga- Jessore)

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 Construction of Double Track Standard Gauge Railway Line from Dhaka to Chittagong via
Comilla/ Laksam (expressway)
 Construction Modern Railway Workshop at Rajbari.
 Construction of Double Line (Duel Gauge) Railway Track between Joydebpur-Iswardi sections;
 Construction of Bangabandhu Railway Bridge (2nd) over the River Jamuna;
 Construction of Railway line from Khulna to Mongla Port with feasibility Study; and
 Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and Conversion of Existing Rail Line into Dual
Gauge between Akhaura and Laksam.
Hence, the strategies outlined suggest heavy rail based development in this Project area. Also,
some of the priority projects listed above pass through the Project area.

As part of the above strategy, the construction and reconstruction of 441 km rail line is already
under way. To make railway communication between Dhaka and Chittagong more efficient, the
Government has taken initiatives to upgrade Dhaka-Chittagong corridor into double lines. Port Infrastructure

While there has been improvement in Chittagong Port container handling efficiency, further efforts
are needed to increase efficiency in line with good international practice. To this end, during the
Seventh Plan, priority would be given to:

• Reducing port induced semi-trailer truck traffic by developing wider intermodal rail and river
• Developing the Chittagong Port as “Climate resilient” against sea level rise (SLR) and land
subsidence potential.
• Maintaining and improving the navigability of the channel through capital dredging and regular
maintenance dredging
• Increasing container handling capacity through expansion of terminal/yard facilities, acquisition of
modern container handling equipment and procurement of harbour crafts and vessels to ensure
improved operating system.
• Setting up ICDs/CFS by the Public/Private sector at all potential cargo distribution centres across
the country to decongest the port.
• Involving private sector in port management and port development infrastructure on
BOO/BOT/PPP model for which a clear, reliable and transparent policy guideline is to be approved
by the Government
• Improving institutional capability in training, planning, safety and environmental management
control in the port.
In relation to this, CPA has already completed the task of preparing a Master Plan, conduct the
feasibility study for the Bay terminal and also award the tender to conduct the feasibility study of a
port in Mirsharai. All these projects will have impact on this Project and the analysis will consider
the traffic being generated from these projects.

4.2 National Perspective Plan

The National Perspective Plan was prepared by General Economics Division (GED) under Planning
Commission. The report was published in April, 2012.

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The ‘Vision 2021’ aims at developing Bangladesh into a resourceful and modern economy through
efficient use of information and communication technology. The Perspective Plan provides the road
map for “Making Vision 2021 a Reality” through accelerating the growth and laying down broad
approaches for eradication of poverty, inequality, and human deprivation. A brief summary of “The
Perspective Plan” on Transport Sector has been discussed which is as follows.

4.2.1 Transport for the Future-Vision

The vision of the perspective plan is to establish a safe, low cost, modern and technologically
dependable, environmentally friendly inter-modal transport system with a view to reducing the
financial cost and time for both commercial traffic, cargo and for public transportation.

4.2.2 Policy Objectives

The main objective of the perspective plan is to develop an efficient, sustainable, safe and regionally
balanced transportation system in which various modes complement each other, interface
appropriately and, where possible, provide healthy competition to each other. The broad policy
objectives are as follows:
• Meeting the transport demand generated by higher rate of growth of GDP.
• Introduction of modern technology for increasing capacity and improving quality and productivity.
• Development of the two sea ports.
• Establishment of effective railway linkages between the east and west zones of the country.
• Re-orientation of the development strategy for rural transport for efficient external access through
optimal integration of road and inland water transport and off-road internal accesses.
• Development of some of the critical inter-modal transport network that will allow the connectivity of
neighbouring countries to the two sea ports of Bangladesh.
• Participation in global and regional transport connectivity initiatives that will help develop the land
route links between South Asia and East Asia through Bangladesh.
• Improvement in resource mobilization through introduction of user charges and fees.
• Provision of required incentive packages for the private sector for ensuring greater participation not
only in transport services, but also for infrastructure building.
• Transport development strategy framework will be broadened by incorporating the vital urban
transport dimension starting with improvement in transport services of greater Dhaka city.
Adequate care will be taken while developing transport network and service so that these do not
cause environmental pollution and affect ecological balance.

4.2.3 Sub-Sectoral Goals, Objectives and Strategies Roads
The primary road network consists of national highways, regional highways and zila roads (former
Feeder Road Type A) which is constructed and maintained by RHD. The other roads – upazila
roads, union roads and village roads –serve mainly rural areas, and are constructed and maintained
by the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
The long-term goal of the perspective plan is to develop a safe, cost effective, efficient and
sustainable system of land transport that facilitates economic development through the movement
of people, goods and services throughout the country.

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• Upgradation and maintenance of the existing roads relative to new road construction through
removing backlog and strengthen capabilities in all the fields of road maintenance.
• Routine and periodic maintenance programmes will be drawn up by concerned authorities.
• National Highways should receive priority attention to ensure a high level of service, safety and
quality. The Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (NH1) is to become a six-lane road while the other highways
should gradually become four-lane by 2021. These roads can form part of the regional road network,
as well as the Trans-Asian Road network facilitating trade between Bangladesh and neighbouring
• Ensuring balanced development across the country, there should be an adequate number of east-
west connections.
• Improvement of the road connectivity with neighbouring countries through various regional
cooperation forums Urban Transport

The aim of urban transport development is to improve transport and traffic infrastructure so as to
meet existing and potential demands, and developing an integrated and balanced system in which
all modes (motorized and non-motorized) can perform efficiently and each mode can fulfil its
appropriate role in the system. The main objective of urban transport policies should be to support
sustainable urban development. Rural Transport

It is important to give attention to ways that the rural transport infrastructure, particularly the physical
infrastructure, can support rural economies. Roads, waterways, or both serve most of rural markets
and growth centres. Upazila roads (formerly, Feeder Road Type B) connect growth centres to the
RHD road network or to the upazila headquarters or connect one growth centre with another. Union
roads connect union headquarters with the upazila headquarters, and local markets with each
other, while village roads connect villages and farms to local markets and union headquarters. All
these roads, along with waterways, are important for the efficient functioning of rural markets.
Access to markets will encourage improvements in market facilities.
The long-term goals of the perspective plan with respect to rural roads are (i) to provide all-weather
access to all growth centres, all union parishad complexes, most rural markets and other rural
service delivery centres, and (ii) to improve rural accessibility to facilitate agricultural production and
marketing. The strategies may be adoption of a Rural Road Master Plan and Maintenance Plan
with priority accorded on maintenance over new construction, and more involvement of LGIs in
ensuring utilization and maintenance of constructed facilities. Railways
The vision of the Perspective Plan is to expand and improve the railway system to provide safer,
better, a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective transport facility to national and
international traffic through establishing international rail links for regional/sub-regional connectivity
and Trans Asian Railway (TAR), e-governance, introduce modern technology such as metro rail in
Dhaka and undertake modernization of signalling system to ensure safety.
• Rehabilitate, upgrade/improve and replace old-aged infrastructures and rolling stocks to
reduce journey time, improve the service quality and to build the image of railway as a
safe and reliable means of transport.
• Augmentation of line capacity along selected corridors, acquiring modern locomotives,
coaches and wagons.

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• Increasing market share in freight
transport, in container transport
between Dhaka-Chittagong Port and
in passenger transport.
• Organizational reforms introducing a
modern financial management
system, improved
maintenance and operational system
and human resource development.
• Connect the Capital City with Cox’s
Bazar, Mongla Port, Tungipara,
Barisal, Chittagong
Hill Tracts and other areas where rail
network does not exist.
• Improve Commuter Train Services to provide better urban transport facilities to the daily
passengers around Dhaka, Chittagong, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Parbatipur, Nilphamari, Sylhet etc.
• Improve efficiency and cost recovery. Ports and Shipping

The Maritime transport sector is critical to the economic development of Bangladesh. The objective
of the perspective plan is to promote efficient, effective and internationally competitive port and
shipping facilities to enhance international trade and exports.

• Maintain and improve the navigational channel through capital dredging and regular maintenance
• Develop efficient inland distribution of container traffic by road, rail, and inland water transport to
relieve the congestion and long travelling time at Chittagong Port.
• Expansion of terminal/yard facilities and improvement of operations through the acquisition of
modern container handling equipment and procurement of harbour crafts and vessels.
• Urgent establishment of ICDs/CFS at all potential cargo distribution centres across the country.
• PPP in port management and port development infrastructure through a BOO/BOT model using a
clear, transparent policy guideline.
• Improve institutional capability for training, planning, safety, and environmental control. Multi-Modal Transport

Multi-modal transport has the potential to reduce transport expenditure and time. The modes should
be integrated, and the communication system should be improved to facilitate tracing the vehicles
and sharing information among different stakeholders, such as importers/exporters, port authority
and shippers.

4.3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The report was prepared by General Economics Division (GED) under the Support to Sustainable
and Inclusive Planning (SSIP) Project under Planning Commission. The report was published in
February, 2016.
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 associated targets. The goals are as follows:

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
for all
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full
and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts1
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt
and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global
partnership for sustainable development

Among these goals the Consultant team finds out some targets which may be related to the project.
Some these targets are fully/partially aligned with the “Seventh Five Year Plan”
Targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Target 1.1: By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as
people living on less than $1.25 a day

Target 1.a: Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through
enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for
developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and
policies to end poverty in all its dimensions

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Target 5.c: Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of
gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels

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Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Target 6.5: By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including
through transboundary cooperation as appropriate

Target 6.6: By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests,
wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all

Target 8.1: Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in
particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed

Target 8.2: Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological
upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive

Target 8.3: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job
creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth
of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services

Target 8.9: By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates
jobs and promotes local culture' and products

Target 8.a: Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed
countries, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade- Related Technical
Assistance to Least Developed Countries

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable

industrialization and foster innovation

Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and
trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being with a focus
on affordable and equitable access for all

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Target 11.2: By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport
systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention
to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older

Target 11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage

Target 11.7: By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public
spaces, in particularly for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities

Target 11.a: Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban
and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning

Target 11.b: By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting
and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation
and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with
the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management
at all levels

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

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Target 12.2: By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development

Target 14.2: By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid
significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their
restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans

Target 14.5: By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with
national and international law and based on the best available scientific information

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Target 15.1: By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and
inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and
drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements

Target 15.2: By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of
forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and
reforestation globally

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide
access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all

Target 16.6: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels

Target 16.7: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision- making at all

Target 16.10: Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in
accordance with national legislation and international agreements

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership
for sustainable development

Target 17.11: Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to
doubling the least developed countries' share of global exports by 2020

Target 17.16: Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by
multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and
financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all
countries, in particular developing countries

Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships,
building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

4.4 Conclusion
The literature review has presented the excerpts from three major reports regarding the developing
Bangladesh especially emphasizing aspects relating to transportation and particularly to this
project. From this discussion, it is also highlighted the components, strategies and priorities that fall
in tandem with the aim and objectives of this Project. The final travel demand forecasting model
and its suggested sustainable transportation system plan will reflect all these issues highlighted in
the literature review.

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Apart from conducting literature review on major documents related to the Project, substantial
amount of secondary data were also amassed for this project. The following subsections lists the
relevant data sources and the description of data that the consulting team found to be relevant for
this project.

5.1 Collection of Geo-physical Maps and Relevant Reports

5.1.1 Government’s Future Projects

Road Network
Projects Source
Mirsharai –Teknaf Marine Drive Road Project Report on Sustainable Transport
Cross-Border Road Network Improvement Project System: A Road to Development
Dhaka Chittagong Expressway Project on PPP (Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
Basis Road Transport and Highways Division)
Coastal Expressway from Shitakunda via
Website of CDR International
Chittagong to Cox’ Bazar

Mirsharai –Teknaf Marine Drive Road Project

The proposed Mirsharai-Teknaf Marine Drive is a
route along the sea shore which will connect
Asian Highway network as well as India,
Myanmar and China especially Kunming. The
route passes beside the largest sea port of
Bangladesh and the largest ship breaking yard of
the world. The project road will contribute to the
development of tourism in the area and facilitate
regional connectivity. It is now under construction
and it is directly connected to the Economic Zone
of Mirsharai.
After completion of this road the connectivity with
Mirsharai will be improved and economic
development will be flourished in home and
Cross-Border Road Network Improvement
RHD has plan to take upgrading of Ramgarh-
Heako-Baraiyarhat road section project to Figure 5.1: Mirsharai-Teknaf marine drive
establish improved connectivity between Bangladesh and North-East Indian states. The proposed
commencement of civil work is January 2019 and the completion of civil work is December 2021.
The project will be implemented through RHD under Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges in
order to build a reliable and efficient cross-border road network among neighboring countries. This
road will coincide with Asian Highway 1 and 41 and also a part of Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal
Motor Vehicle Agreement planned corridor.
This project will improve the connectivity of Mirsharai with North-East Indian states and make the
area an important industrial hub and also improve the eco-tourism.

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Figure 5.2: Alignment of Cross-Border Road

Dhaka Chittagong Expressway Project on PPP Basis

The project aims at construction of a 217 kilometers expressway along Dhaka-Chittagong corridor
on public private partnership basis. The expressway is proposed to be constructed parallel to
National Highway, N1. When the expressway will be completed and opened the development of
Mirsharai will be flourished, land use pattern will change, congestion will be reduced, regional,
national and international road connectivity will be improved. Mirsharai EZ will also be benefited.

Figure 5.3: Part of the Proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway

Coastal Expressway from Shitakunda via Chittagong to Cox’ Bazar

As part of the feasibility study for the Marine Drive Expressway and Coastal Protection Works CDR
International, in cooperation with DevConsultant from Bangladesh, was appointed to carry out the
Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment for China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC).
Through this project, the Bangladesh Government intends to improve the accessibility of the
Southeast region of Bangladesh along with an improvement of the flood safety. Nowadays, the area
is moderately accessible which hampers the economic development of the region, comprising of

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the Chittagong and Cox’ Bazar districts. The area
is characterized as hilly area with relatively short
rivers where the coastal low-lying delta planes are
affected by tidal waves and river flooding, which
frequently damage households and vital
The alignment of the Expressway runs from
Shitakunda via Chittagong to Cox’ Bazar. The
total length of the trajectory is about 170 km in
total and includes approximately 100 bridges and
80 km of coastal protection works. The proposed
roads will be a dual four-lane carriageway of 21.6
m in width, with a bituminous road surface. It will
become a national trunk road upon its completion.
Positive impacts of the project are i) increase of
the flood safety ii) the creation of employment
opportunities during construction iii) better
economic opportunities for local business and iv)
unlocking of the hinterland for socio-economic
This expressway directly connects the
Mirsharai Paurashava and overlap with the Figure 5.4: Coastal Expressway
Mirsharai-Teknaf marine drive
Projects Source
Indo-Bangla Maitree bridge from Sabroom to Dhaka Tribune, Published on October 11, 2017
Ramgarh at 01:56 pm, written by Shilajit Kar Bhowmic
Indo-Bangla Maitree Bridge from Sabroom to Ramgarh
The construction of the Indo-Bangla Maitree
Bridge from Sabroom to Ramgarh is
currently in full swing. National Highway
Infrastructure Development Corporation
Limited (NHIDCL), a nationalized company
of the Indian government is supervising the
complete project. The India-Bangladesh
Maitree Bridge, is a 180m long four-lane
approach road construction project that was
implemented bilaterally between the two
countries. The bridge will connect
Sabroom, a border town in southern Tripura
with Ramgarh in Bangladesh, which will
allow India to use Chittagong as a “port of
call.” The route will provide a significant
road link to India’s north-eastern states,
Figure 5.5: Location of Sabroom to Ramgarh Bridge
and facilitate greater trade and exchanges
between the two countries.

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Ports and Bay Terminal
Projects Source
Ramgarh Port Bangladesh Land Port Authority (BLPA)
Sitakunda/ Mirsharai Port Chittagong Port Authority
The Daily Star and the Strategic Masterplan for Chittagong
Bay Container Terminal
Port (ADB)
Ramgarh Port
The government has decided to establish three new
land ports in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) to ensure
smooth and efficient trade with India and Myanmar.
The ports will be built at Ramgarh in Khagrachhari,
Gundam in Bandarban and Tegamukh in
Rangamati. Among these ports Ramgarh will
establish trade connection with India’s Tripura

Ramgarh port will be connected with Mirsharai

Upazila by the Ramgarh-Heako-Baraiyarhat road
section. This will make a positive effects in export-
import business for Mirsharai and Economic Zone
of BEZA.

Sitakunda/ Mirsharai Port Figure 5.6: Location of Ramgarh Port

To meet the challenges of globalization and
liberalization of world trade and economy,
Chittagong Port Authority has undertaken many
ambitious projects to enhance the capacity of
Chittagong Port, improve efficiency and quality
of services and also develop adequate facilities
to turn itself into a world class regional port.
Bangladesh has planned to construct an
Economic Zone in Feni-Mirsharai area. To
establish that zone a port or terminal is very
important. Moreover that port/terminal will be an
intermediate port/terminal helping the services
of Chittagong Port Authority. The proposed
location is in and around Sitakunda Upazila near
Mirsharai. The total area of the port will be 28
square kilometers. The proposed port/terminal
will be able to handle more containers and bulk
cargos and decrease the pressure on
Figure 5.7: Location of Sitakunda Port
Chittagong Port.

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Bay Container Terminal
The new terminal named Bay Terminal on Patenga coastline with all modern port facilities to
mobilize port activities and reduce transportation cost is now in top priority list of Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina. The government has initiated a move to construct a bay container terminal with the
Indian credit to enhance the capacity of Chittagong Port, which will reduce congestion at the port.
An 11km char had emerged about some 800 meters off the coast. It was not visible before 1990
and a channel was also created there where the sea depth in some areas is up to 10 meters. The
possible footprint of the new Bay
Terminal, measuring up to 2,500m
quay length and up to 1,000m
depth of land is also already
shown on the figure above. This
would lead to a total area of up to
around 250ha.
The outer anchorage of the
Chittagong Port is also near the
area where sea depth is up to 12
to 13 meters. The feasibility study
to construct the terminal is
ongoing by a German Company
and the Chittagong Port Authority
(CPA) intends to open the terminal
in 2021 after the completion of 1st
phase works. The distance of
Figure 5.8: Location of Bay Terminal
Chittagong Port from the outer
anchorage is now 15km and this distance will come down to only 1km once the terminal is set up.
Again, the capacity of the anchoring ships will be increased from present 19 ships to an estimated
35 ships at a time.

Projects Source
Construction of double line between Laksham-
Chinki Ashtana, Mirsharai (JICA funded)-On
Master Plan, Bangladesh Railway Authority
Modernization of 11 station’s signaling system
in between Chinki Astana, Mirsharai-Chittagong
(EDCF)-On going

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Construction of double line between Laksham-Chinki Ashtana, Mirsharai
The construction work of 61
kilometer railway track doubling
between Laksham and
Chinki Astana on Dhaka-
Chittagong section is a sub-
project of Dhaka-Chittagong
Railway Development Project.
The main objective of this sub
project is to increase the line
capacity of Laksam-Chinki
Astana section for efficient train
operation and to meet fast
growing freight and intercity
passenger traffic. There also will
be the scope for laying broad-
gauge lines too.
Figure 5.9: Future Double Line Track from
Modernization of 11 stations’ Laksham-Chinki Astana
signaling system in between Chinki Astana, Mirsharai-Chittagong
Eleven railway stations will be remodeled under this project. This project includes: Design, Supply,
Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Computer based Interlocking Color Light Signaling
System and Related Works & Services at eleven (11) Stations of Chinki Astana-Chittagong Section.

5.1.2 Feasibility Study Report for Mirsharai Economic Zone, Bangladesh Economic
Zones Authority (BEZA)
Proposed Transportation System
The Figure 5.10 shows the proposed transport network of Mirsharai Economic Zone
Approach/ Access road: Two approach/access roads has been suggested in EZ plan. One is from
Dhaka-Chittagong old highway, with the intersection to the highway at Borotakiya Bazar, distance
from Borotakiya Bazar to the site is about 9.30 Km, and another approach/access road is from
Zorawargonj intersection to Muhuri Project Embankment. The distance from Zorawargonj to Muhuri
Project Embankment is about 7 Km. BEZA suggests to extend the road up to 4-lanes. According to
BEZA there are some possibilities and constraints of the existing two access roads.
4-lane highway Construction: There is also a proposal to connect the EZ with the Port Link Road
in Chittagong by constructing a new 4-lane highway on the existing BWDB dike/Embankment Road,
by improving it. It will also be constructed if the demand for industries rises higher and there is a
need for a direct alternative connection to the Chittagong Port and Chittagong City. The following
figure shows the transportation system proposed for Mirershorai EZ.
Port/Jetty: A jetty will be established to transport coal directly to the proposed 600MW coal-fired
power plant. A channel route is proposed to connect this site with the deep sea, in order to import
Rail access: Closest rail station at Borotakiya RS from Chittagong railway station is available and
it may be used in future for rail connectivity to EZ.

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5.1.3 Data Collection from Local Government Engineering Department (LGED),
In Mirsharai upazila there is Upazila pucca and katcha road, Union pucca and katcha road, Village
road. Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway, Regional Highway and Zila road connect the Mirsharai
with other district. The Consultant Team collects the following database from LGED in both GIS
format and hard copy. The Figure 5.11 represents the road network of Mirsharai with other features.
 Existing road network
 Growth center
 Rural market
 Administrative boundary
 Upazila and union headquarters

Figure 5.10: Proposed Transportation Network for Mirershorai EZ

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Figure 5.11: Existing Road Network of the Study Area

Source: LGED

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5.2 Collection of Basic Statistics: Present Activities

5.2.1 Population
Total population of Mirsharai upazila is 3, 98,716 and total household size is 79,545. Population
density of the upazila, 826 persons per square kilometer. Urbanization rate of the upazila is 7.83%.
Table 5.1 represents the area, households, population and density of the project area.
Table 5.1: Area, No. of Households, Population and Population Density of the Project Area

No. of
Paurashava/Union Area (ac) Population density (per sq.
Baroiyarhat Paurashava 2399 11602
Mirsharai Paurashava 3507 16218
Dhum 5587 3419 16770 742
Durgapur 3742 4351 21128 1395
Haitkandi 3271 3700 19051 1439
Hinguli 4562 5889 29133 1578
Ichhakhali 15754 5205 27980 439
Karerhat 39144 7362 35467 224
Katachhara 3446 4366 23596 1692
Khaiyachhara 1483 4879 23423 3903
Mayani 4590 3549 18285 984
Mirsharai 2816 3164 16828 1477
Mithanala 5338 4445 23109 1070
Maghadia 2626 4832 23406 2203
Osmanpur 5034 3046 14645 719
Saherkhali 8609 3049 16912 485
Wahedpur 4682 4752 24981 1319
Zorwarganj 5517 7631 36182 1621
Source: BBS, Population Census, 2011, Community Series: Chittagong

5.2.2 Education
Education rate: 52.01% (Aged 7+ population)
• School-going students: 95544 (3-29 aged)
• Government primary schools: 145
• Government registered primary schools: 23
• Community primary schools: 14
• Private unregistered primary schools: 12
• Primary School attached with high school: 1
• Private high schools: 44 (including 5 girls’ schools)
• Kindergarten schools: 12
• Madrasas: 24 (1 women’s madrasa)
• Independent Abtedia madrasas: 17
• Private degree colleges: 3
• Intermediate colleges: 2 (1 girls’ college)
• Textile engineering college: 1

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Figure 5.12: Distribution of population by age group and school attendance

The literacy rate of Mirsharai is 52.01%. Mainly primary and secondary education rate is high than
university level. After higher secondary level the number of students is become lower (see the
Figure 5.12). That means the tendency to receive higher education among people of the Upazila is
low. When the upazila will be developed and the economic zone will be operational more
employment opportunities will be created which will lead to higher incomes for the youth and also
for adult, and this will lead to the expectation toward the contribute to higher attendance levels of
children including girls at schools leading to overall higher education for all.

5.2.3 Employment Status

The project area is predominantly agriculture-based and partly fisheries-based. Main occupations
of the upazila are: agriculture 34.06%, forestry 2.23%, agricultural labourer 15.86%, wage labourer
3.39%, commerce 10.8%, service 16.89%, fishing 1.32%, transport 2.37% and others 11.26%.
Turning to the employment status, it appears that mainly male population are involved in
employment sector rather than female. Women are predominantly engaged in the household work.
Of those not having jobs, the number of women is higher than that of men which indicates that
women’s domestic labor may not be counted in the labor force. The employment status clearly
shows (See Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14) that the majority are dependent on agriculture related
activities. The number of people in the service sector is almost one third of the number who are
involved in agriculture. The very low number of people employed in industry is due to lack of

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Figure 5.13: Employment Status of Mirsharai Upazila

Figure 5.14: Employment Status based on Employment Sector

With the improvement of Mirsharai upazila, development of economic zone and tourism sector
employment opportunities for people of Mirsharai will be generated and also provide them a better
socio economic status and thus, empowerment especially for women.
The EZ which alone will generate 532,440 job opportunities, will not only change the scenario of
the Upazila but also that of the neighboring Upazilas and will contribute to a reduction in migration
to the large cities such the capital, Dhaka and the nearby mega-city of Chittagong. This locality is
expected to become a new hub for business the service sector with all urban facilities.

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5.2.4 Household structure, Sanitation facilities and Drinking water facilities
The household pattern, sanitation facilities and behavior shows a grim picture of poverty. Most of
the households have kutcha houses in the upazila. A very low percentage of households have
pucca houses. The number of people using proper sanitary toilets is small, most people have non-
water sealed sanitary ones. Sixty percent of households have non-sanitary toilets and 22% have
non-sanitary toilets in the upazila. Again 94% people use tube-well for drinking water purpose. This
information is important for the project as it provides insight into the economic status of the Mirsharai

Figure 5.16: Sanitation Facilities of Figure 5.15: Type of Household Structure

Mirsharai Upazila

Figure 5.17: Drinking Water Facilities

in Mirsharai Upazila

5.2.5 Health
There is one 50 beds Upazila hospital in the Mirsharai upazila. Besides it there are 14 family welfare
centres, 7 union health centres, 3 private clinics and one mother and child welfare center.
The data on occupations, education and household types give an idea of the locality. From these
variables, it can be said that the area is impoverished and not many well-off families live in the area.
But at the Upazila Headquarters there are several structures and buildings and institutions but
established in an unplanned manner. Also, the data explains the low private vehicle ownership and
high dependencies on public transport by the local people.

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5.2.6 Commercial Activities
Manufacturing Facilities: Carpet industry, pipe mill, ice factory etc. Cottage industries consists of
weaving 903, goldsmith 110, blacksmith 100, potteries 100, bidi 4, tailoring 250, wood work 150,
bamboo work 200 and sanitary 20.
Markets, Hats, Bazars and Fairs: Hats and bazars are 30, most noted of which are Mohajan Hat,
Abu Torab Bazar, Kamar Ali Bazar, Boro Daroga Hat, Karer Hat, Baroia Hat, Shantir Hat, Jorarganj,
Mithachara, Fakir Hat, Abur Hat and Bamonsundar Daroga Hat; fairs 5.

5.2.7 Transportation Facilities

Existing Roads: Pucca 193 Km, semi pucca 119 Km and mud road 1500 Km; railways 16 Km;
waterways 11 nautical mile. Traditional transport are palanquin, Shampan boat and bullock cart.
These means of transport are either extinct or nearly extinct.
Existing Modes: The conventional public transport services are only available in Mirsharai along
the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. Within the Paurashava/Union/Village, unconventional modes of
transport – mainly auto rickshaws, easy bikes and leguna serve as para transit. Rickshaws are also
predominant just like throughout Bangladesh. Even along the Dhaka-Chittagong highways,
alongside conventional buses and mini-buses, a substantial number of leguna were seen in

5.2.8 Present Power Supply

Situation and
Telecommunication at
Power supply
At present, electricity is supplied to the
area by the Rural Electrification Board
(REB) by 11 KV line connected to REB’s
33 KV sub-station at Mithachara,
capacity 20 MVA. But it can only deliver
10MW due to the limited power supply.
Grid supply in the area is not available
now. Some Solar Home systems are
Upazilla Exchange is connected by
Optical Fibre Links (OFC) to the
Chittagong main Exchange. Figure 5.18: Present Power Supply Situation of

5.3 Review of the Available Data

The consultant team are reviewing all data that are available at hand and will collect other necessary
reports and documents from the concerned entities. From the review of the data as briefed in the
Aection 5.1, the following projects taken by the government directly or indirectly link with the study
- Mirsharai-Teknaf Marine Drive Road Project
- Cross-Border Road Network Improvement Project
- Dhaka Chittagong Expressway Project on PPP Basis

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- Coastal Expressway from Shitakunda via Chittagong to Cox’ Bazar
- Indo-Bangla Maitree Bridge from Sabroom to Ramgarh
- Functioning of the Proposed Ramgarh Port in Khagrachhari
- Sitakunda/ Mirsharai Port (CPA)
- Bay Container Terminal (CPA)
- Construction of double line between Laksham-Chinki Ashtana, Mirsharai
- Modernization of 11 station’s signaling system in between Chinki Astana, Mirsharai-
These project interventions have been marked and linked with the proposed tentative road network
for the Mirsharai Upazila in the Figure 5.19: Government’s Projects and Consultant’s Proposed
Tentative Road NetworkFigure 5.19

5.4 Additional Data Requirement

The additional data requirements are highlighted in Chapter 7 and the data will be collected through
survey and from meetings with the stakeholders. Chapter 7 outlines in detail the data collection
methodologies to be followed in this Project.

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Figure 5.19: Government’s Projects and Consultant’s Proposed Tentative Road Network

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6.1 Identified Problems and Possible Solutions
A detailed description of the surveys along with their methodologies is presented in Chapter 7.
Following are the probable problems that the survey team may encounter along with the plausible
Production Attraction Survey: In this survey, the survey team needs to conduct household survey
to obtain information about trip production. It may be difficult to get access to households without
permission from the community. The consulting team will work with the local community, i.e., the
Wards, to get the activities endorsed so that the survey team gets easy access and cooperation
from the households selected as samples. Similar support will also be required to collect information
on trip attraction from the locations with commercial interest.
Traffic Count and OD: The survey team will conduct count study in several locations. It will be
logistically more compatible to select local people, preferably university or college students, as the
enumerators who will be trained by the consulting team. At the same time, the safety and security
of the surveyors on field also require to be ensured. The consulting team identifies the Origin-
Destination survey to be associated with the highest level of complexity as it requires stopping
vehicles on road and asking them questions related to their Origin and Destination. It is highly
recommended in the text books to conduct this survey with direct assistance from the traffic police
department. Hence, necessary arrangements are needed to be made. It is important to mention
here that the consulting team has already discussed the issue with the Mayor of Mirsharai
pourashabha who eventually introduced the consulting team with a relevant police officer.
With active support from UDD, it is expected that the other surveys that will be conducted will not
have any substantial problems associated with them.

6.2 Results of the Consultation Meeting

Separate meetings with major stakeholders, i.e., municipal authority, LGED, RHD, UNO office,
representatives of different communities that can directly be impacted from transportation planning
were identified during the reconnaissance survey. In individual meetings, the objectives of the
project were explained to obtain their remarks, the public demand, specific development needs and
opportunities with available alternative options in the study area. Although in general, organizing
FGDs are beyond the scope of a reconnaissance survey, considering the time constrains, FGDs
were organized with the identified major stakeholders only. The objective of this first FGD was to
introduce the project to the community, reconfirm the selected locations of interest that need to be
investigated, obtain support from on-site through the local community while planning in project office
in Dhaka and gain assurance of cooperation from the community. Meetings that took place already
• Start-up Meeting with Project Director, in the UDD HQ (Dhaka),
• Meeting with UDD Mirsharai Officials, in Mirsharai
• Meeting with Forest Department and representatives of BWDB, in Mohamaya Lake
• Meeting with Honorable Mayor, Mirhsarai Pourashava (in presence of Counsilors and SI, Mirsharai
• Meeting with Secretary to Honorable Mayor, Baroiyarhat Pourashava
• Discussion with locals, throughout the project area
• Follow-up Meeting with Project Director, in the UDD HQ (Dhaka)
The notes of the abovementioned meetings and discussions are attached in Appendix-A. The
consultants have considered all the issues as brought about in the meetings and the future transport
network is being planned in an integrated manner. However, the follow up meeting with the PD was
crucial and the actions taken to address his valuable remarks are as follows:

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

Remarks from the Project Director Actions Taken

The Project Director, Mr. Akhtaruzzaman Those remarks were well noted and the
shared his remarks on the submitted Mobilization Report were updated accordingly for
‘Mobilization Report’. final submission.

In case of road design standard, the PD said The consultants will propose the most pragmatic
that the study area has both jurisdictions transport solution. However, the administrative
(roads) of both LGED and RHD. The and jurisdictional issues will be dealt with during
tentative road network outlined in the report the coordination meeting among different
is mostly under the jurisdiction of LGED. authorities.
Therefore, he suggested the consultant team
to consider the LGED road standard as well
for network design. If it is necessary to follow
the RHD standard then the consultant team
must discuss with LGED and later propose a
logical road design standard for Mirsharai.

The PD discussed with the team about the The proposed road network and the model will be
future land use provisions alongside the prepared accordingly.
future road network and improved land use
of the contained (pocket) areas in between
old and new alignments.

In Chinki Astana railway station, more This will be done during the upcoming field trip to
passengers and goods are loaded and the project sites especially to the tourist spots.
unloaded than Mirsharai. PD asked the team
to exploit all possible road connectivity to the
tourist spots from the station. He also
inquired about how the tourist spots can be
accessible for aged persons and what
facilities can be provided for them.

BEZA proposed a railway connectivity to EZ The Stakeholder Interview section in Chapter 7

through the Bara Takiya. PD asked the elaborates the important issues for discussion
consultant to study the feasibility of the with BEZA. The road network will be proposed
connection. He also told the team to consult following a thorough review of the available data,
with BEZA and BR about their future plans the meeting with BEZA and after collection of the
for Mirsharai. updated layout EZ.

As Mirsharai is close to the Bay of Bengal, it During the next field visit, the consultants will
should be ensured through the plan that inspect such possibilities.
people can easily access the sea beach at
the toe end of the EZ Site and necessary
road connectivity should be provided during
the planning.

PD also suggested that the linkage between During the next field visit, the consultants will find
BISIC and EZ must be ensured in future road a possible solution to this.
network plan.

Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Further information is required on this matter and
Sheikh Hasina, promised that a Tourism City will be collected from the Stakeholder Interviews.
will be developed by centring the Mohamaya
Lake in Mirsharai. PD asked consultant team
to design future road network for tourist spots
considering this vision for tourism

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

Mr. Akhtaruzzaman, PD, said that major The improved regional connectivity will be shown
regional connectivity should be shown in a in the final plan.

PD also asked the consultant team to find The report is to be collected from UDD and
out, after reviewing all policies and proposals further review will be made.
of different government plans and projects,
all the gaps of existing road network and
those estimated in different sectoral
development plans. He also told to review
the study report on “The Bay of Bengal
Industrial Growth-Belt (BIG-B) Initiative,
JICA” for better understanding of the regional
and national connectivity with the Mirsharai.

6.3 Prospects of Development/ Possible Road Network

After compiling the data and information gathered during the reconnaissance survey, the consulting
team ran several brain storming sessions to come to the conclusion that a sustainable
transportation system in Mirsharai will vastly depend on strict enforcement of a land use plan. The
consultants broadly divided the study area into four parts– i) the BEZA, ii) the model town to be
proposed by UDD at the outskirt of BEZA with Mirsharai at its east, iii) the existing habitation of
Mirsharai, and, iv) the eco-tourism zone located at the east of the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. The
proposed sustainable transportation plan for the next 20 years will be based on the idea that each
of these zones will be able to entertain their internal traffic demand with their internal transportation
network. There will be semi access controlled roads connecting between each of these roads with
the sole purpose to cater for the inter zonal traffic. Finally, each of these zones will have direct
connectivity to the Dhaka-Chittagong highways. The consulting team also believes that it is
imperative that the land use adjacent to the proposed transportation network is strictly maintained
so that each component of the proposed network can retain its functional classification.
The possible future road network for Mirsharai proposed by the consultant team also recommends
two flyovers connecting Mirsharai to Khagrachari and Fatikchari without hindering the operation of
the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. Rail connectivity with the Upazila and with Economic Zone will be
proposed after discussion with the Bangladesh Railway authority. For connecting the tourist spots
walking/ bi-cycle trail has also been proposed along the railway. The Figure 6.1 represents the
possible future road network of Mirsharai.
The consultants have studied the design standards of both RHD and LGED, and the capacity of
different classes of the two road authorities. After a thorough review of the same and considering
the requirement of the future traffic the newly proposed roads are based on three RHD design
standard (Type 2, Type 2a and Type 3a) as presented below:
• Road Type 2:
Maximum capacity: 4500

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Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
• Road Type 2a:
- For use where there
are many NMVs,
such as through
towns and villages
- Maximum capacity:
4500 PCU/hr.

• Road Type 3a
- For use where there
are many NMVs,
such as through
towns and villages
- Maximum capacity:
2100 PCU/hr.

It is to be mentioned here that the consultants acknowledge that most of the roads within the project
area are under the jurisdiction of LGED. At the same time, the national plans summarized in this
inception report suggest that seamless connectivity should be provided between the economic zone
and the national highway. Acknowledging that, for the development of the travel demand
forecasting model, the consulting team will be evaluating both LGED (category 3 and 4 as shown
in the table below) and RHD standards. The LGED standards are governed by the peak hour PCU
as presented with Table 6.2.
Table 6.1: Geometric Design Standards (LGED)

Design Carriageway Hard shoulder Verge Crest Width

Type (m)/ (ft) (m)/ (ft) (m)/ (ft) (m)/ (ft)
8 3.0/ 10 0.0/ 0 1.25/ 4 5.5/ 18
7 3.7/ 12 0.0/ 0 0.90/ 3 5.5/ 18
6 3.7/ 12 0.0/ 0 1.8/ 6 7.3/ 24
5 3.7/ 12 0.9/ 3 0.90/ 3 7.3/ 24
4 5.5/ 18 0.0/ 0 2.15/ 7 9.8/ 32
3 5.5/ 18 1.2/ 4 0.95/ 3 9.8/ 32

Table 6.2: Traffic Criteria for Design of Roads (LGED)

Peak hour maximum Daily commercial

Design Type passenger car units vehicles maximum
(PCU) (trucks and buses)
8 (90) 50
7 (130) 100
6 (210) 200
5 (290) 300
4 530 600
3 800
Note: For types, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the criterion should be daily commercial vehicles. For types 3 and 4 criterion should be peak
hour PCU’s.

The consulting team will be evaluating the traffic demand during peak hours from BEZA by
comparing the land area and traffic demand from Dhaka EPZ as BEZA is currently under
construction and there is no traffic to and from it at this moment. Afterwards, it will be tested whether
the design criteria are satisfied by the traffic demand. If not, then the consulting team will
recommend following RHD standards. For demonstration purpose only, in this inception report,
RHD standards have been followed to explain the proposed future road network. The final model

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will evaluate both RHD and LGED standards by calculating the LOS for various stages of the project
and provide a plan to gradually upgrade the standards of the existing road network.

6.3.1 Network Connectivity with BEZA

Interchanges/ Flyovers (marked as dark red circle)
Two flyovers at Baraiyar Hat (Hinguli) and Mirsharai has been proposed to avoid the congestion of
these two important intersections.
East-West Highways Connecting Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (RHD Road Type 2a) (marked
as dark pink line)

• These roads will connect the Economic Zone (EZ) and the Model Town of Mirsharai with the
• These roads will be heavily access controlled and North-South local traffic movement will be
allowed only at intersections where North-South major highway intersects with these roads.
The proposed road links are:
- Baraiyar Hat-Santir Hat-Golaker Hat-Azampur Hat
- Zorwargonj-Bishu Miar Hat-Osmanpur-Azampur Hat-Murhrighat Bazar-Embankment
(Already been proposed by BEZA as access road to EZ)
- Mirsharai-Mithanala Bhorer bazar-Embankment
- Khaiyachara-Abu Torab Bazar-Kazir Taluk-Embankment which is now under construction

These all roads will be connected to encircled road of the proposed model town of EZ.

Marine Drive Connection

The existing embankment road is proposed as marine drive road from Mirsharai-Teknaf which is
now in under construction.
Rail Road
Proposal of possible rail road connection will be planned after the discussion with Bangladesh
Railway Authority.

6.3.2 Network Connectivity within Mirsharai

East-West Highways Connecting Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (RHD Road Type 2a) (marked
as blue line)

• These are proposed to connect Mirsharai local traffic to Dhaka-Chittagong Highway

• Also, these routes will be used by the passenger traffic to access EZ of BEZA
The proposed road links are:
- Chowdury Hat-Katachara-Julanpur Bazar-Embankment
- Wahidpur-Domdoma Bazar-Haidkandi-Embankment
- Boro Darogar Bazar-Kamar Ali Bazar-Samaitir Hat-Embankment
North-South Highways (RHD Type 2a) (marked as medium coral light color line)

• These roads will form artery for the local traffic generated from Mirsharai and destined to various
parts of Mirsharai where trip length is high
• Through these roads local traffic will cross the East-West roads connecting Economic Zone.
The proposed roads are:

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
- Kamar Ali Bazar-Samaitir Hat-Gozaria Bazar-Anander Hat-Khayer Hat-Kazir taluk-Thakur
Hat-Sufia Bazar-Ichak Driver Hat-Shahaje Bazar-Julanpur Bazar-Abur Hat-Bishu Miar Hat-
Bangla Bazar-Golaker Hat
- Chaitanar Hat-Chowdhury Hat-Mithanala Bazar-Mithanala Bhorer Bazar-Shadhur Hat-Abu
Torab Bazar-Haidkandi Bazar-Kamar Ali Bazar.
East-West Highways Connecting North-South Highways (RHD Road Type 2) (marked as red
color line)

• These roads will be connected with the North-South roads to increase mobility of local traffic
Proposed links are:
- Chitanner hat-Abur hat
- Chowdhury hat-Katachara-Shahaye Bazar
- Mithanala Bazar-Sufia Bazar
- Hadi Fakir Hat (opposite side)-Bhuiya hat-Anander hat

6.3.3 Network Connectivity with Tourist Spots

Walkway/Bi-cycle Trail (marked as gray color line)

• A paved walkway or bi-cycle trail (10 feet) has been proposed parallel to the railway track from
Mohamaya Lake to Khoiyachhara and other waterfalls so that tourists can easily access the sites
and enjoy the beauty of the village site.
2 Lane Undivided Road Connectivity (RHD Road Type 3a) (marked as dark green color line)

• These roads will connect Mohamaya Lake and Khoiyachhara and other waterfalls with Dhaka-
Chittagong Highway
• Speed will be limited to ensure the slow movement of vehicles

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Zone, BEZA

Figure 6.1: Tentative Future Road Network of Mirsharai Upazila

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT


The objectives of the traffic survey are two folds. Firstly, it provides idea about the existing traffic
demand available supply in the form of infrastructure and services. Secondly, it acts as the input
for the travel demand forecasting model that is to be constructed as the output of the project which
will enable UDD to analyze various traffic scenarios with respect to changed network as well as
land use scenarios. The following sub sections elaborate the survey requirements along with the
survey design.

7.1 Survey Requirement and Types

According to the TOR, the consultant team will be responsible to construct a 20-year prediction
model for transportation of the project area. A simple four-step travel demand-forecasting model
will be constructed with the survey data that will determine the travel demand on the future road
network of Mirsharai Upazila.
To estimate the future traffic demand on the future road network of Mirsharai the following surveys
will be conducted:


This will comprise production from the households’ daily trips survey and attraction to the
commercial land use and will contribute to the trip generation.

The traffic count reflects the base year demand in terms of categorized traffic volume.

The OD facilitates identifying final Traffic Assessment Zones (TAZ), demand for different external
and internal zones, as well as directional distribution at different intersections.


The travel time study produces the generalized travel cost matrix and determines the shortest
routes for different OD pairs.
The stakeholder interviews involves stakeholders from different concerned entities, the community
truck, bus and UCMs, assisting in identifying the transportation modes and the users of the
proposed road network. This will enable in designing future transportation network as well as
services around this network which can be constructed, operated and maintained sustainably.
These surveys will input in different steps of the travel demand model in the following manner:

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Figure 7.1: Flow Chart of Steps of Travel Demand Forecasting

7.2 Methodology of the Surveys

The methodology adopted for the surveys to be conducted are characterized by the properties of
the existing roads and traffic, and will be as follows:

7.2.1 Production-Attraction Survey

For the survey, the study area is to be divided into a number of zones (internal TAZ).
Production Survey will be done mainly by the interview on households. The interviews will
concentrate on the daily trip behavior- average travel time, mode choice behavior, cost of travel,
time of travel including the basic information such as no. of family members, age, gender, income
level etc. The sample size for the survey will be 20 to 30 families randomly chosen in each Zone.
Attraction Survey will be carried out focusing on the commercial activities within each zone. The
commercial places of interest can be large farms, industries, offices/ business institutions, growth
centers etc. For this particular study area, the proposed EZ and the tourist spots are major points
of attraction. The survey will incorporate the factors like floor space, location, number of attracted
people etc.

7.2.2 Traffic Count Survey

External Traffic Count
This will be executed at the entry-exit points of Mirsharai Upazila and shall be located on the roads
providing national/ regional connectivity. This count will be done for 8 hours, divided into peak and
off peak hours, at each location based on RHD vehicles categories. The results will be compared
with the RHD counts at similar locations and the 8 hour count data will be projected into 24 hour
count data.
Internal Traffic Count
This count will be done at major intersections within the study area at peak of the day and for 2
consecutive hours. Since the internal routes lack private vehicles and large ones such as Bus,
Trucks, Lorries etc. the survey will concentrate mainly on unconventional modes/ para transit

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
vehicles, NMVs etc. The reconnaissance survey revealed that there is almost no presence of private
cars on the local roads though a substantial number of motorcycles were observed.

7.2.3 Origin-Destination Survey

In a transportation study it is often necessary to know the exact origin and destination of the trips.
It is not only necessary to know how many trips are made, but also group these trips with reference
to the zones of their origin and destination. The information that are collected from the OD survey
are: land use of the zones of origin and destination, household characteristics of the trip making
families, time of the day when the journeys are made, trip purpose and mode of travel. Origin is the
place where trip begins and destination is the place where trip ends.
For the purpose of the project, External and Internal OD Surveys will be undertaken at the same
survey stations as that of the External and Internal Traffic Count Surveys. The duration and vehicle
category for the surveys will be also matching with the count study. Text books recommend that in
case of the External OD Survey, the data is to be collected stopping every 10th vehicle of each
category which will enable the modeler to have access to information on 10% of the flow data.
However, considering the large volume and speed of traffic on national and regional highways, the
consulting team understands that it may not be possible to stop more than 5% of the traffic on busy
Dhaka-Chittagong highway. However, 10% sample size may be achieved for the regional highways,
such as, R151 (Baraiyerhat-Karerhat-Heako-Narayanhat-Fatikchhari (Haidchokia) Road) and
Z1021 (Mirsarai-Fatikchhari (Narayanhat) Road). On the other hand, 10% of the passing traffic
during the Internal Count Survey will be interviewed for Internal OD Survey. It was noticed during
the reconnaissance survey that the internal count sites mostly have CNGs and other unconventional
modes of transport along with NMVs and motorcycles. Also, it was noticed that most of the CNGs
operate as para transits where a group of people will ride them having same trip OD. These such
vehicles will be directly interviewed and their occupancy will be counted. The following figure shows
a sample OD survey setup.

Figure 7.2: Sample O-D Survey Setup

7.2.4 Travel Time Survey

A number of major routes will be selected for the survey and the survey will be conducted following
the ‘Average car technique’; where vehicles (typically a commonly available sedan car) having
PCU value equal to 1 are driven through the traffic stream at average speed and travel time for
each link of each route are calculated. The following steps will be followed during the survey:
The steps followed were as follows:

• For each route, each day one passenger car will be dispatched from one end of the route at
specified time.
• Drivers will be instructed to drive at the speed of the average traffic stream.

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• Each route will be divided into nodes (nodes may be intersection or specific landmarks) and links
(section between two intersections or landmarks), or only route will be considered to find out
continues travel time depending on the circumstances.
• Drivers will be presented with printed sheets containing the names of the nodes and instructed
to note down the time ‘after’ crossing each node/note down the time traveling the entire route.
• Drivers will be instructed to ensure that they will not make any stops while traversing a route. All
stops for re-fueling, refreshment, etc. will be performed after the driver have been reached one
end. Special arrangements will be made with gas stations to ensure that the vehicles do not have
to queue to refuel.
• Each route will be covered once (working days only) and the study period will be fixed by the

7.2.5 Stakeholder Interviews

From the preliminary reconnaissance, it was apparent that the following stakeholders are required
to be consulted to prepare an acceptable sustainable transportation system. Apart from UDD, the
client, the name of the stakeholders along with their power and potential are listed below:
• RHD: The Project is dissected into several areas by Dhaka Chittagong highway as well as
regional roads connecting Khagrachari, Fatikchari or regional roads under construction to be
connected to the proposed Economic Zone. Hence, any modifications recommended for these
roads are to be proposed after consultation with RHD.
• LGED: The local roads in Mirsharai are now under the jurisdiction of LGED. The Project is
expected to propose several modifications on these roads, which includes, expansion,
intersection treatment, pavement quality improvement, better connectivity with RHD roads, etc.
The consulting team has explored the road design guidelines by both LGED and RHD and feels
that some of the proposed network changes may require upgrading LGED roads to RHD
standards. Hence, discussion with both RHD and LGED will be required.
• Bangladesh Railway (BR): Two projects of BR has been under construction in Mirsharai
Upazila namely:
o Construction of 61 kilometer double line between Laksham-Chinki Ashtana, Mirsharai:
The main objective of this sub project is to increase the line capacity of Laksam-Chinki
Astana section for efficient train operation and to meet fast growing freight and intercity
passenger traffic.
o Modernization of 11 stations’ signaling system in between Chinki Astana, Mirsharai-
Chittagong: This project includes Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, and
Commissioning of Computer based Interlocking Color Light Signaling System and
Related Works & Services at eleven (11) Stations of Chinki Astana-Chittagong Section.

The Consultant team will discuss with BR authority for more information regarding their plans.
• Pourashavas and Wards: Mirsharai Upazila is composed of 2 Pourashavas- Mirsharai and
Baraiyarhat; and 18 wards. It is important to discuss and coordinate with the Pourashava
Authorities before planning the transport system with the proposed integrated road network for
the study area. In addition, their support will be needed in preparing the master plan of their
jurisdiction areas and they are the stakeholder who need to be well informed about the traffic
surveys in order to obtain local support as much as possible. The mayors and their subordinates
have already declared their willingness to cooperate their level best during execution of the
survey and that can assure all logistic supports such as Land Acquisition etc. required for
construction of new roads and widening of the existing. In the previous encounter, they have
already expressed their points of interest in the existing road network to improve overall

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
connectivity, mobility and accessibility and have accompanied the consultant team to visit
important places within Mirsharai.
• BEZA: The proposed Economic Zone is a vital factor in the socio-economic development of
the study area. Thus, discussion with the EZ authority, BEZA and their technical team/
consultants is crucial for developing the transport network for Mirsharai. The consultant team
will arrange meetings with BEZA HQ and Mirsharai EZ officials to collect basic layout and the
number of commercial activities that they will be serving. This will help forecasting the traffic
generating from the proposed EZ and include those in the demand model.
• Department of Forestry: A major component of the Project is to provide sustainable traffic in
the forest area of Mirsharai which is blessed with scenic beauties such as Mahamaya Lake and
an array of twelve fountains which have high potential to become major tourist attractions.
During the reconnaissance survey, it was understood that the Department of Forestry has major
plans in transforming the whole area into a touristic site. The consulting team expects that the
tourist spot will attract people not only from outside but also from the housing areas which will
be feeding the Economic Zone with workforce. Hence, in order to provide necessary
accessibility within the touristic location as well as to and from the tourist location, it is imperative
to know about the plans of the Department of Forestry.
• Parjatan: Similar information will be sought from Parjatan if they have any short or long term
plans to conduct any development projects around the natural habitat of Mirsharai.
• Local Para transit unions: It was revealed during the consultation with the city authority during
the reconnaissance survey that the CNGs, Easy Bikes and Legunas that operate in the Project
site are run by local para transit unions. It is necessary to understand the business model, policy
as well as their operational method to represent the existing public transport scenario within the
study area. Also, the Project expects to propose public transport solutions for the future years.
Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with the local para transit unions.
• Others: During the aforementioned meetings, it is not unlikely that some other stakeholders
will be identified who have major stakes in the Project. Accordingly, appointments will be
arranged and they will be consulted.

7.3 Preliminary Plan for Surveys

In line with the adopted methodology for each survey, the following plan is considered for execution
of the surveys:
Production-Attraction Survey
For Production-Attraction Survey, the study area has been divided into 16 zones. Other than these
sixteen zones the rest of the zones are to be considered as external zones. The zones are as
Zone 1: Karerhat
Zone 2: Hinguli
Zone 3: Dhum
Zone 4: Zorawargonj
Zone 5: Osmanpur
Zone 6: Durgapur
Zone 7: Katachhara
Zone 8: Ichhakhali
Zone 9: Mirsharai
Zone 10: Mithanala
Zone 11: Shaherkhali
Zone 12:Maghadia
Zone 13: Khaiyachhara
Zone 14: Mayani
Zone 15: Wahedpur
Zone 16: Haitkandi

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Traffic Count and OD Surveys:
For External Vehicle Count and OD Surveys, four locations have been chosen to pick the all traffic
that enters and exists the Mirsharai from different locations of the country. And for Internal Vehicle
Count and OD Surveys, six locations have been identified to observe the internal traffic
movements of Mirsharai Upazila.
Table 7.1: Tentative External and Internal OD and Vehicle Count Survey Locations

External Survey Locations Internal Survey Locations

Rup Nogor Filling Station Janata Super Market
Baraiyar Hat Bus Stand Muhuri Project Road
Stadium/Nasru Medicine Center Thakur Dighi Bazar
Boro Darogar Hat Mirsharai Paurashava HQ
Bara Takiya Bazar
Sarkar Hat

Note: All these locations are tentative. The Consultant team will finalize the exact locations after
the second visit of Mirsharai and after discussing the Project Director.

Travel Time Survey

Furthermore, seven routes have been selected for travel time survey. Table 7.2 presents travel
time routes showing important landmarks.
Table 7.2: Tentative Travel Time Survey Routes

Route No. Route Name (including links and landmarks)

Route 1 Janata super market-Santir Hat-Golaker Hat-Bishu Miar Hat-Abur Hat-Sattar

Bhuiyar Hat- Baman Sundardarogar Hat GC-Sufia Bazar-Kazir Taluk Sameter
Hat-Khayer Hat-Anander Hat-Bhuiyan Hat-Shaherkhali Bhorer Bazar GC-
Haidkandi Bazar-Kamar Ali Bazar-Boro Daragar Hat

Route 2 Bangla Bazar-Osmanpur road-Azampur Hat-Muhurighat Bazar-BEZA


Route 3 Intersection of Zorawargonj-Borburia ghat road and Muhuri project road (M.
Rahman Store)-Bishu Miar Hat-Azampur Hat

Route 4 Thakur Dighi Bazar-Chowdhuri Hat-Julanpur Bazar-Takerhat-Muhurighat Bazar-

BEZA Embankment

Route 5 Mirsharai Paurashava HQ-Mithanala Bhorer Bazar-Sufia Bazar-Baman

Sundardarogar Hat GC-Shahaje Bazar-Julanpur Bazar-Takerhat Bazar

Route 6 Bara Takiya Bazar-Abu Torab Bazar-Kazir Taluk Sameter Hat-BEZA


Route 7 Sarkar Hat-Domdoma Bazar-Haidkandi Bazar-Shaherkhali Bhorer Bazar Growth

Center-BEZA Embankment

It is to be mentioned here that during the reconnaissance survey, GPS machine was kept turned
on, and on several locations synchronized photos were taken while driving on the routes mentioned
above in Table 7.2. During the main survey, similar strategies will be followed and the combined
results will be presented.

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT
Figure 7.3 represents the tentative survey locations for traffic count and O-D surveys and the routes
for travel time survey in designated colored lines.

7.4 Tentative Survey Schedule

It is evident from the earlier subsections that the survey activities will comprise 5 different types of
surveys. However, the vehicle count and OD surveys can be operated at the same locations and
same time. For execution of the surveys a 5-day program has been developed keeping in mind the
time constraint for the whole assignment. Again, another field visit is planned to finalize the survey
design before actually mobilizing the surveyors to field. The next visit will confirm the exact survey
locations, logistic requirements i.e.; number of vehicles, number of enumerators and supervisors
needed for each station, survey related equipment and facilities they will require etc.
The schedule of the surveys can be as follows:
Sl. Task Duration Day
D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5
1 Preparatory Activities 1 day
2 Production-Attraction Survey 4 days
3 External Count & OD Survey 2 days
4 Internal Count & OD Survey 2 days
5 Travel Time Survey 3 days
6 Stakeholder Interview 4 days (intermittent)

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Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

Figure 7.3: Tentative Survey Locations and Travel Time Survey Routes of Mirsharai Upazila

Inception Report - 52 -
Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District:
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4) DRAFT

The consulting team is at present preparing for the onsite survey to accomplish the data collection
as outlined in Chapter 7. However, the final dates of the survey will be selected after UDD approves
the survey methodology. Arrangement of logistics will be made accordingly. At the same time, the
consulting team has already commenced the work of preparing the travel demand forecasting
model. The consulting team is using Citilabs CUBE ver. 6.4.2 to develop the model and in this
regard, the consulting team has already coded the network for the existing traffic condition. Once
the data are collected, the consulting team will analyze those, convert those to be entered into
CUBE format and develop the model accommodating various future scenarios. Also, the survey
data will be collated, checked and corrected for preparation of the database and the raw database
(full or in parts) data will be submitted to the Client for their review and comments in the form of
Interim Report, the next report in line.

The main purpose of the project is to develop land use integrated new and improved affordable and
effective transportation network for Mirsharai Upazila using modern transportation modelling
software after a thorough traffic survey carried out in the project area. To fulfill the purpose, Urban
Development Directorate (UDD), the Client has taken initiatives and vested DevConsultants Limited
(DevCon), Bangladesh with the responsibilities of required consultancy services. On the way of the
mission and up to submission of the Mobilization Report, the consultants have finalized the project
start up activities, identified the secondary sources for data collection, the stakeholders and ongoing
as well as future projects having impact on the study area, conducted reconnaissance survey and
carried out meetings with a number of stakeholders in Mirsharai. In addition, a preliminary
transportation network has also been proposed combining all these data and information.
Since the submission of the Mobilization Report, the following progresses have been made:
• After submission of the mobilization report, the clients received comments from UDD which
substantially assisted in how to move forward. A summary of the comments/ suggestions and
the actions taken to address those can be found in Section 6.2.
• The consulting team has conducted a comprehensive literature review on the existing
literature and documents which are relevant to the Project. The three major documents which
were reviewed include– Seventh Five Year Plan (7th FYP), National Perspective Plan and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Excerpts from these reports that were directly
related to the Project were summarized and presented.
• The consulting team has prepared a comprehensive list of available secondary data to be
useful to the Project along with mentioning their sources. Based on that, the further survey
requirements were identified and justified.
• The consulting team has identified the types of survey required for the travel demand
forecasting model, determined the location of survey and proposed the methodologies to be
followed for each of the study.

In Chapter 8, the direction in which the Project will move forward is also laid out.

Inception Report - 53 -
Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Appendix A: Notes of the Consultation Meetings

Inception Report -1-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Start-up Meeting with Project Director (MUDP), UDD

Location: Urban Development Directorate (UDD) HQ, 82, Segunbagicha, Dhaka- 1000.
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 22, 2017; 11:00 am

Ahmed Akhtaruzzaman, Project Director (MUDP), UDD
Ahsan Habib, Asst. Planner & PM (MUDP), UDD
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) This was the first meeting that took place between the UDD officials and the team members of
DevCon, thus the participants of the meeting introduced themselves.

2) The Project Director, Mr. Akhtaruzzaman briefly described the nature of the project, its goal and
UDD’s approach towards the MUDP. He also pointed out the development opportunities of
Mirsharai Upazila considering the two important aspects of (i) Economic Zones and EPZ those
are being constructed by BEZA and BEPZA; and (ii) Tourist Spots on the South-Eastern part of

3) With the help of a printed GIS map of Mirsharai and the road network map LGED, PD identified
the access road to the EZ sites that is already under construction by RHD along the Abu Torab
Bazar road previously owned by LGED. He also added that this alignment has some drawbacks
such as:
 The has a number of sharp bents since the road is being constructed on the same alignment
as that of the previous, it will reduce driving comfort, increase chances of accidents and limit
the average speed of vehicles
 An important canal is being filled up for the construction of the road, which will in turns cause
drainage problem in the surrounding area,
 The alignment passes through an important marketplace (Abu Torab Bazar) and thus there
will be traffic congestion on the access road near the built up area; this will result in a long
travel time.
Considering the above, Mr. Akhtaruzzaman emphasized on proposing alternative access routes
to the Economic Zones

4) The PD asked the consultants to exploit all possible options and propose a multi-modal transport
network for the study area with both improved local and regional connectivity; taking into account
the rail connectivity, waterways and even MRT. He also mentioned a direct connectivity from the
EZ sites to Shonagazi, Feni can be established.

5) The consultants were asked to visit the tourist spots and propose better access to the spots and
direct connectivity in between different ones, and innovative but practical ideas for introduction
of modern facilities for tourists such as safety for hiking, ropeway etc.

6) The PD also sought solution for keeping road transport operational within the Mirsharai city area
during the recurring seasonal flush floods.

7) The consultant team members shared the reconnaissance tour program with UDD counterparts
when Mr. Ahsan Habib discussed the consultants about the important checkpoints (of Mirsharai)
to visit during reconnaissance, make arrangement for logistic support (including issuance of
letter) and initiated communication with one of the Mayors and the local representatives of UDD
in Mirsharai who would assist the survey team in field.

8) At last, the PD requested the consultant team members to arrange a demonstration of the
Transport Modelling Software that will be used in this project.

Inception Report -2-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of 1st Meeting with UDD Officials in Mirsharai Office

Location: MUDP Project Office (UDD), Mirsharai.

Date & Time: Saturday, November 25, 2017; 11:00 am

Md. Saifur Rahman, Planner, UDD
Md. Monir Hossain, Nokshakar
S M Saidul Islam, Nokshakar
Md. Shahinur Rahman, Nokshakar
Md. Nazrul Islam, Nokshakar
Renu Miah, Rekhakar
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The Team Leader (TL) introduced the team with the UDD local representatives and started the

2) Using the maps already prepared in consultant’s Dhaka office, the TL discussed purpose of the
reconnaissance field visit and places to visit to obtain the remarks and suggestions from the local

3) The UDD officials shared their views regarding the field visit and recommended important
locations to visit and helped fine tune the tour program. They also assigned two persons- Mr.
Monir and a local volunteer to be with the team and provide all necessary logistic support and
guidance throughout the tour.

4) It was also assured that the traffic survey team during the thorough field surveys would get local
community support as much as needed, and introduced the team with the Co-founder of the 300-
member strong local student association, USAM.

5) On request of the TL and as per earlier instruction of the PM (UDD), Mr. Ahsan Habib; Mr. Saidul
Islam arranged an appointment with the Honourable Mayor (Mirsharai Pourashava) Mr. Gias
Uddin at the day’s end.

Inception Report -3-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Meeting with USAM (University Students Association of Mirsarai)

Location: MUDP Project Office (UDD), Mirsharai.

Date & Time: Saturday, November 25, 2017; 11:30 am

Md. Nahid Mahamood, Co-founder, USAM
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) Mr. Nahid, the Co-founder of University Students Association of Mirsharai introduced himself with
the transportation consultants and briefly described the visions & activities of their group.

2) Upon sharing the purpose of the reconnaissance, Mr. Nahid confirmed that as a local resident of
Mirsharai, he can take the team to all the sites to visit within the available time and suggested
the best route plan for the visit.

3) The TL briefed about the nature and extent of the traffic surveys to be carried out under the
Package-4 assignment and asked how the local community could assist in that. In response, Mr.
Nahid mentioned their association has 300 active members ready to provide any voluntary field
support during the surveys and being students of various universities and colleges, they could
also take part in the survey activities as well.

Inception Report -4-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Meeting with Mayor, Mirsharai Pourashava

Location: Mirsharai Pourashava Office, Mirsharai.

Date & Time: Saturday, November 25, 2017; 4:00 pm

Md. Gias Uddin, Hon. Mayor, Mirsharai Pourashava
Ward Councillors of 2 wards
Sub-inspector, Mirsharai Thana
Md. Monir Hossain, Nokshakar (UDD)
S M Saidul Islam, Nokshakar (UDD)
Md. Nahid Mahamood, Co-founder, USAM
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The Mayor in spite of his other activities managed time for the meeting with the consultant team
and a number of other important city persons were present in the discussion. The formal
introduction was done by the UDD representatives present in the Mayor’s office.

2) The Team Leader shared his observations after visiting various places of significance within the
Mayor’s jurisdiction and most importantly the EZ sites. After that, he sought suggestions from the
Mayor for possible road network improvement and his visions regarding Mirsharai.

3) In response, the Mayor had the following remarks:

 The proposed access road from Bar Takiya towards Mirsharai EZ may create huge traffic
congestion in the area. Also, there are 4 large/ small markets/ GCs which will understandably
be affected due to widening of the road. Again, the zigzag geometry of the road creates
difficulties. Moreover, the existing canal, which contains the floodwater, is being filled up.
Instead of the extension of this road Mayor proposed to extend road Mithachara to EZ via
Baman Sundar Hat GC. He also added that the surrounding area of that alignment is mostly
vacant- devoid of any notable development and will not require much resettlement work and
land acquisition is very much possible to widen the road up to 100 feet.
 The Fatikchhari road (Z1021) from Mirsharai is too narrow and encroached by bazars, shops
and residential buildings. These developments are mostly in unplanned, which makes the
situation worse. Moreover, this is the only road toward the Fatikchhari. Mayor has the interest
to widen this existing road and improve the connectivity between two Upazilas.
 It is very significant to widen and straighten the RHD regional road R151 (Hinguli-Kararhat-
Ramgarh Rd.) which connects the Ramgarh Land Port and there are about 42 nos. of bridges
that need to be rehabilitated or reconstructed.
 There is a proposal of construction of a new canal from Mohamaya lake towards the EZ that
is waiting for the ECNEC approval
 The area under his jurisdiction especially Ward nos. 11, 12 and 13 suffer from flooding and
waterlogging; the Mayor required solutions to solve the problem and stated that the roads
within this area need to be raised.
 In reply, of the TL’s query, the Mayor mentioned about an available space for possible terminal
of the public transports.
4) The Team Leader noted all the comments from the Mayor and promised to evaluate these options
while planning the road network for Mirsharai.

5) The meeting ended with a nice arrangement of Lunch by the Mayor and followed by photo session
and tea.

Inception Report -5-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Discussion at Mohamaya Eco Park, Mirsharai

Location: Mohamaya Eco Park, Mirsharai.

Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, 2017; 10:00 am

Md. Gholam Kabir, Forest Beat Officer, Forest Department
Tour Operator, Mohamaya Eco Park
Representatives of BWDB
Person in-charge, Parking Area, Mohamaya Eco Park
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) Mr. Kabir, representative of the Forest Department took the team to points of interest within the
Eco Park and briefed about different facilities like food, accommodation, connectivity, recreational
activities etc. for the tourists.

2) It was noted that the recreational activities such as boating, kayaking, fishing, kayaking etc.
including the parking area; are leased to private parties on yearly basis. The leasing is done and
managed by the Department of Forest. However, the rates for the tourists vary from season to
season and are different for the local indigenous people living nearby.

3) The local representatives of the BWDB stated that the lake’s discharge is controlled by a sluice
gate built and operated by BWDB, and there are boats reserved for the department which the
survey team could use if required.

4) The FBO also mentioned that there is a proposal for development of the Mohamaya Eco Park
submitted to ECNEC for budget allocation which will comprise various touristic facilities
improvement such as Ropeway, Cable car, Cottage etc.

5) The parking area in-charge told the team that the Eco Park has insufficient parking facility. During
the off season the tourist cars are limited but during the season, it is multiplied many times and
they cannot accommodate all the vehicles coming to the spot. The surplus vehicles then take
place in the access road which is also very narrow and create congestion.

Inception Report -6-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Wrap up Meeting at UDD Field Office, Mirsharai

Location: UDD Field Office, Mirsharai

Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, 2017; 12:30 pm

Md. Saifur Rahman, Planner, UDD
Md. Monir Hossain, Nokshakar, UDD
S M Saidul Islam, Nokshakar, UDD
Md. Shahinur Rahman, Nokshakar, UDD
Md. Nazrul Islam, Nokshakar, UDD
Renu Miah, Rekhakar, UDD
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The reconnaissance survey team was invited for lunch to the MUDP Project Office at Mirsharai,
and a short discussion took place following lunch.

2) The Team Leader shared his observations from the reconnaissance up until then and briefed the
UDD officials about the next actions and preliminary planning for the traffic survey. He also sought
their assistance when the team visits Mirsharai next for detailed planning and surveys. In addition,
he expressed the need for an office and housing space for the survey supervisors and
enumerators to visit Mirsharai for survey purpose.

3) Mr. Saidul and Mr. Monir confirmed that they will assist in finding a rental accommodation for
office and housing in the earliest and that they will arrange for any local support and logistics,
which might be required during execution of the traffic surveys.

4) Mr. Monir then arranged an appointment with the Mr. Foyz Ahmed, Secretary to the Mayor of
Baroiyar Hat Pourashava with the Mayor not being at the station.

5) The discussion ended with tea and handshakes.

Inception Report -7-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Meeting with Baroiyar Hat Pourashava

Location: Baroiyar Hat Pourashava Office, Mirsharai

Date & Time: Sunday, November 26, 2017; 3:00 pm

Mr. Foyz Ahmed, Secretary to Mayor
3 nos. of other staff of the office
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The meeting was brief and started with a formal introduction among participants. Mr. Foyz
greeted the team with snacks and tea and started the discussion.

2) As the Team Leader described the nature and objectives of the assignment, the Secretary shared
his following remarks in accordance with the vision of his Mayor:

 The regional road (R151) is desired and proposed to be widened up to 4 lanes to

accommodate higher volume of traffic when the land port and the EZ are fully operational

 A Flyover is envisioned across the Hinguli intersection carrying the traffic from the EZ towards
the land port in Ramgarh

 Two options could be there for accessing the EZ sites; which are (i) Hinguli-Santir Hat-Dhum-
Azampur Hat-Muhurighat Bazar-EZ Embankment; and (ii) Zorwarganj-Bishu Miar Hat-
Azampur Hat-Muhurighat Bazar-EZ Embankment

 A 247 crore worth project is already in place for establishing direct connectivity with Noakhali
over the sluice gate through Shonapur Road which will reduce 50km of distance to that if the
highway is taken

 Widening is required for the municipal (LGED) roads to eradicate traffic congestion

 The Zorwarganj-Borburia Ghat Road can be reconstructed and made operational with a
bridge across the river Feni to connect with the national highway bypassing the Hinguli
intersection, Santir Hat and Baraiyar Hat GCs.

3) The Team Leader took notes of the comments from the secretary and promised to consider all
these options while planning.

Inception Report -8-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Tea Stall Meetings

Location: Various locations, Mirsharai

Date & Time: November 25-26, 2017; 10:00 am-3:00 pm (intermittently)

Local people at different locations, Mirsharai
Md. Monir Hossain, Nokshakar, UDD
Md. Nahid Mahamood, Co-founder, USAM
3 nos. of other staff of the office
Dr. Moinul Hossain, Team Leader, DevCon
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The UDD officials took active part in setting up the discussions and briefed the locals about the
MUDP Project after introducing the consultant team.

2) These meetings held at various locations of the existing road network with local people as

3) The output of such discussions were mainly key information regarding nearby growth centres,
markets, available modes of transport and other important places for the road network.

4) The local people shared the facilities they already enjoy and the problems encountered in road

5) The Team Leader welcomed the demands of the public regarding the improvement of the
transport facilities.

Inception Report -9-

Preparation of Development Plan for Mirsharai Upazila, Chittagong District: Appendix-A
Risk Sensitive Landuse Plan (MUDP) Traffic and Transport Survey (Package: 4)

Notes of Follow-up Meeting with Project Director (MUDP), UDD

Location: Urban Development Directorate (UDD) HQ, 82, Segunbagicha, Dhaka- 1000.
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 13, 2017; 12:00 pm

Ahmed Akhtaruzzaman, Project Director (MUDP), UDD
Ahsan Habib, Asst. Planner & PM (MUDP), UDD
Yarun Nesa Khanam, Asst. Planner (MUDP), UDD
Sultana Razia, Transport Survey Supervisor, DevCon
Hamim Ahmed, Project Coordinator, DevCon

1) The Project Director, Mr. Akhtaruzzaman shared his remarks on the submitted ‘Mobilization

2) In case of road design standard, the PD said that the study area has both jurisdictions (roads) of
both LGED and RHD. The tentative road network outlined in the report is mostly under the
jurisdiction of LGED. So he suggested the consultant team to consider the LGED road standard
as well for network design. If it is necessary to follow the RHD standard then the consultant team
must discuss with LGED and later propose a logical road design standard for Mirsharai.

3) The PD discussed with the team about the future land use provisions alongside the future road
network and improved land use of the contained (pocket) areas in between old and new

4) In Chinki Astana railway station more passengers and goods are loaded and unloaded than
Mirsharai. So, PD asked the team to exploit all possible road connectivity to the tourist spots from
the station. He also inquired about how the tourist spots can be accessible for aged persons and
what facilities can be provided for them.

5) BEZA proposed a railway connectivity to EZ through the Bara Takiya. PD asked the consultant
to study the feasibility of the connection. He also told the team to consult with BEZA and BR
about their future plans for Mirsharai.

6) As Mirsharai is close to the Bay of Bengal, it should be ensured through the plan that people can
easily access the sea beach at the toe end of the EZ Site and necessary road connectivity should
be provided during the planning.

7) PD also suggested that the linkage between BISIC and EZ must be ensured in future road
network plan.

8) Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, promised that a Tourism City will be
developed by centring the Mohamaya Lake in Mirsharai. PD asked consultant team to design
future road network for tourist spots considering this vision for tourism development.

9) Mr. Akhtaruzzaman, PD, said that major regional connectivity should be shown in a map.

10) PD also asked the consultant team to find out, after reviewing all policies and proposals of
different government plans and projects, all the gaps of existing road network and those
estimated in different sectoral development plans. He also told to review the study report on “The
Bay of Bengal Industrial Growth-Belt (BIG-B) Initiative, JICA” for better understanding of the
regional and national connectivity with the Mirsharai.

Inception Report - 10 -

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