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1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
2. Mission/Vision.....................................................................................................................................5
A. existing mission and vision statements Ethio telecom.....................................................................5
B. Improved mission and vision Statement and reason for improvement...........................................5
C. Comparison of mission and vision statements to leading competitors............................................6
3. Internal Assessment............................................................................................................................8
A. Financial ratio analysis.....................................................................................................................8
B. firm’s organizational chart...............................................................................................................9
C. improved/recommended organizational chart..............................................................................10
D. market positioning map with firm and competitors......................................................................11
E. marketing strategy of the ethotelcom...........................................................................................11
F. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix...........................................................................................15
4. External assessment.............................................................................................................................17
A. major competitors of ethotelocm.....................................................................................................17
B. Competitive Profile Matrix of Ethio telecom.....................................................................................17
D. list of threat and opportunities of Ethio-telecom..............................................................................18
E. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix.........................................................................................20
5. Strategic formulation,............................................................................................................................22
A. SWOT MATRIX...................................................................................................................................22
B. SPACE Matrix,....................................................................................................................................24
C. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix.............................................................................................26
D. Internal-External (IE) Matrix..............................................................................................................27
E. grand strategy matrix.........................................................................................................................27
F. Quantitative strategic planning matrix QSPM................................................................................29

6. Strategy Implementation...................................................................................................................33
A. EPS/EBIT analysis...............................................................................................................................33
B. Projected income statement.............................................................................................................34
C . Projected balance sheet...................................................................................................................35
D. Projected financial ratio.................................................................................................................36
7. Strategy Evaluation............................................................................................................................37
A. Balanced scored card.....................................................................................................................37

1. Introduction
The introduction of telecommunication in Ethiopia date back to 1894, Ethiopia
telecommunication corporation is the oldest public telecommunication operator in Africa Ethio
telecom is located in Addis Abeba, Ethioia and its parts of the telecommunication service
industry Ethio telecom has been serving the nation for 125 years.

Present status of the telecommunication are exchange capacity; total number of exchange
capacity of 780000 lines , out of this 171 are automatic digital exchange with 760,368 capacity
line .The total numbers of fixed telephone subscribers has reached 484,368

Ethiotelecom is an integrated telecommunication solution provider operation in Ethioia . we offer

internet,data, VAS, international and voice services. we offer internet ,data ,VAS , international
and voice services.Ethio telecom provides interconnects voice ,SMS, and transit services . we
have active voice partners in Africa , Europe , America and Asia ( to locate on world map )
currently Ethio telecom points of presence in London tele house , Djibouti landing station.

Following the announced market reform to create a competitive market structure, it has been
decided to prepare a three-year new strategic plan to get ready for the upcoming change and to
reshape the company to be run with business orientation and competitive mindset.This strategy
mainly followed emergent strategy approach to accommodate a changing reality, considering the
nature of the business and the ongoing market change in our context. Balanced Scorecard
framework has been used as a planning tool while preparing this strategy.

Ethio telecom to develop strategic plan assess the identified SWOT analysis Enabler and
challenges are identified, organization capacity resource value chain market offer, industry trend
key factor shaping telecom business operators experience , customer need current customer need
expected ,and expectation market.

This strategy development has been led and coordinated by Strategy and Program Management
Division, from preparing high level draft strategy elements, benchmarks, roadmap, mobilizing
the technical team and alignment of strategies to the final validation of the document. A
dedicated technical team composed of commercial, technical and support domains has been
established to accommodate end to end business needs and perspectives in the strategy. The
strategy development exercise has been conducted twice at senior management levels by focus
group (selected chief officers) and by all executive management team.

To ensure competitiveness and sustainable growth of the company, this strategy document has
been prepared by reviewing relevant government policies, stakeholders ‘interest analysis on top
of the below major elements.

By 2025, Ethiopia is expected to grow 11% and generate 18m new mobile subscribers,
according to a recent report by telecom trade body GSMA (Global System for Mobile
Communications).Now a day at the consultation the Ministry of Finance held with ICT, banking
professionals and relevant parties on the bidding process and current preparation of selling 40
percent share of the state owned Ethio Telecom for foreign operators. Out of the remaining 60
percent share 55 percent will remain to be Government share while 5 percent will be sold for
Ethiopians. In addition to partially privatizing Ethio Telecom, the government has also decided to
bring in two new international telecom operators opening the industry for competition.

2. Mission/Vision

A. existing mission and vision statements Ethio telecom

Vision: To become a world-class provider of telecom services.

Mission: To provide world-class, modern and high-quality telecom services for all citizens
equitably so as to transform the multifaceted development of the country to the highest level.

B. Improved mission and vision Statement and reason for improvement

To provide secured, reliable and high quality and delivery more value our customer at
reasonable cost, developing, with emphasis on innovation, technology,encouraged and
reward superior performance of our employee, sustainable social responsibility and
strength mutually beneficial relationship with our stake holder with long term focus,
excellent assets and service -------------
Reason of Improved the mission statement of Ethio telecom

The mission statements are its can be clear, short simply,the mission statements of the Ethio
telecom are not fil-fill the basic components of mission specially,customer, survival and growth,
self-concepts ….

- Mission statements of the telecom are not explaining the firm responsive in social and
community, not specify the competitive advantage and aspiration of the firm and
financial soundness are not clearly set on the statement based up on this reason the
mission statements improved the statement by using the nine components, and shortly set.

Its must be the include the customer and employee perspectives can motivate the staff and
employee to achieve, growth development and social responsibility of the for the society.

Improved Vision statements of the Ethio telecom

Aspire to be most competitive in world class, lead innovative and digital services provider of

Reason of the improved the vision statements of the Ethio telecom because of the able to more
attractive and to set more clear vision statements

C. Comparison of mission and vision statements to leading competitors.

Ethio telecom state monopoly’s privatization, part of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s
extensive economic reform program, is underway as the Ethiopian government processes
the dozen bids it received for a minority stake from multinationals and consortiums in

The deal, probably the most anticipated corporate restructuring on the

Continent, attracted bids from nine telecoms companies including MTN Group of South
Africa, Saudi Telecom, Atisalat, Telkom SA, and a consortium of the Vodafone group
which includes Kenya’s Safaricom, and its parent company, Vodacom of South Africa. It
also includes two non-telecom operators, ethio telecom are sell 49 % of market share for
MTN and Vodacom telecom operation company but the 51 % of market share are control
for ethio telecom company .

D. Comment on your vision and mission in terms of how they support the strategies
you envision for your firm.

EthioTelcom the vision an mission statements are supports the strategy that are financial capacity
, quality of services , customer experience continuous incremental improvements , modern
technology , accessibility and affordability and quality of services are the sub issues of the
strategy but in the broad stream the strategy between2019- 2022 BRDGE strategy on the best
customer experience , reputable brand , innovative product and service and technology
experience , developed people oriented learning organization , growth in financial capacity and
excellency in operation .

The first of the strategy ofEthiotelecom are best customer experience this strategy are
supported by the mission components of customer and products this are by provided sustainable

products and services , by similar quality of service to the customer , customer of this are well
know the products and services of the Ethiotelecom , so this strategy are supports the mission of
the first Ethiotelecom strategy

Innovation products , services and excellency this strategy are drive from the mission statements
of the components of technology and products , the vision of Ethiotelecom are supports the
strategy that means the vision are competitive on the world class of the telecom services
regarding to this its required the good and capable of innovation strategy of good and services to
compete in world class , and it must be used good technology are reliable and high quality of
good and services this supports the strategy of the innovation products , services and
technology excellency

Growth in financial capacity are the another strategy of the Ethiotelecom this strategy are
supported the vision and mission of the telecom company that are its are concerned for growth
and survival, its strength finical benefits by achieving the growth strategy

Excellency in operation activity this strategy highly linkage on the employee and technology
usages of the firms that means firms excellency determine by the skills of the employee and
technology advancements are great roll, and the mission and vision of the organization are
supported this strategy and the strategy of the firms are drive from the mission of the

Reputable brand and develop people-oriented learning organization are highly linkage on the
mission and vision of the organization over whole and this strategy are drive from the
components of the public image, philosophy and its critical image of the company

In general the mission and vision of the Ethiotelecom are support the major six strategy and its
has high related because of the strategy of the firm are developed from the missionstatements,
and the mission statements are developed from the vision of the firm so it’s are supported for
each other’s.

3. Internal Assessment
A. Financial ratio analysis.

2016 2017 2018

Current ratio 2.97 2.87 2.95
Fixed asset 2.58 2.5 2.7
Total asset turn 2.90 3.00 3.21
Gross profit 1.65 1.35 1.95
Net profit margin 2.65 2.5 2.3
Return on 1.42 1.5 1.6
Debt ratio 1.54 1.75 1.65
Time interest 0.78 0.65 0.82
earned ratio

Receivable turn 0.97 0.85 0.9

over ratio
Average collection 1.2 1.52 1.35
TABELE 3.1 financial ratio analysis

Financial ratio of Ethio telecom current ratio of the company are has 2 birr and 97 cents for one
birr of its current liability, this are show the company has good performance and its current
liability of are covered by the current assets of the company

Fixed assets of the turn over ratio are company has 2 birr and 58 cents in net sales for every birr
invested in fixed assets

Total asset turn over ratio of the Ethio telecom are generated 3 birr and 20 cents in net sales for
every birr invested in total assets. Based on this ratio analysis the company are capably to
generated high profits.

Profitability ratio analysis are the gross profit margin are profit are 1.65 cents for every birr
this are show the company are its used cost leadership strategy and it has good selection of the
material to company

Net profits margin based on the data show the net income and net sales This means that Ethio
telecom has acquired 2 birr and 35 cents profit from each birr of sales. The ratio is indication of
cost minimization strategy and less expenses management

Ethiopia’s external stock total was around $28 billion. Leverage ratio of the overall activity of
the Ethiotelecom are its has good capability of solvency ratio the amount are low ratio to cover
the liability of the firms that’s indicated the firm’s assets are high ratio that the long term liability
of the company. Borrowings ,Deferred tax liabilities, Other non-current liabilities, Provisions

In addition to increasing revenue, ethio telecom was able to decrease operating costs from 45%
of total revenue to only 30% of total revenue during that same timeframe. These costs savings
initiatives are focused in the areas of transmission, inventory, network operating costs (including
fuel), and IT costs. Total capital expenditures amounted to 11.88 , of which 90% went to
improvements in network quality, capacity, and coverage. Net income increased from 47.63
billion birr to 17.54 billion birr. . Free cash flow saw a 55% improvement from 9.35 billion to
14.51 billion birr. Ethio telecom dividend policy pays used of free cash flow in dividends.
Financial statements are prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards

Considered the effectiveness of the internal audit function and monitored adherence to the annual
internal audit plan. Reviewed the performance over activity of the telecom are business risk
officer to which the internal audit function reported to during the yearend , In today progress of
the Ethiotelecom incurred cost are mostly for the ,Intangible assets such as , Software, Capital
work-InProgress.in large part due to network expansion and a 5.8% increase in its subscriber
numbers.At 46.2million subscribers, the company now covers account nearly half of the country’s

B. firm’s organizational chart

Organizational chart of the Ethiotelecom are its are some parts are goodThese organizations have
direct, vertical relationships between different levels and also specialists responsible for advising
and assisting line managers , chief executive officers are directly linkage to the chief
communication officers , chief customer care officers , chief human resources officers and chief
information officers , this relationship are strongly positive effects on the all activity of the

organization because of the communication back bone of the each activities of the whole

Such organizations have both line and staff departments. Staff departments provide line people

with advice and assistance in specialized areas (for example, quality control advising production

department).Even through anorganization structure allows higher flexibility and specialization it

may create conflict between line and staff personnel. Line managers may not like staff personnel

telling them what to do and how to do it even though they recognize the specialists’ knowledge

and expertise. , Some staff people have difficulty adjusting to the role, especially when line

managers are reluctant to accept advice.Staff people may resent their lack of authority and this

may cause line and staff conflict.

Mostly this type of the organizational structure created some negative impacts of the overall

systems of the company that are Co-ordination between line and staff may become difficult.

Because of the authority are notspecify between them Committee Organizational Structure

Features:Formed for managing certain problems/situations.

C. improved/recommended organizational chart

Our group recommend are Line and staff organizational chart types are important because of the

line relationships are formal and a position in the direct chain of command that is responsible for

the achievement of an organization’s goals and the principle of unity of command is violated

when functional authority exists on Ethio telecom company the services are international that

means direct, vertical relationships between different levels and also specialists responsible for

advising and assisting line managers. Because of the communication of each workers are has

great roll for archiving the goal of the organization

Chief of strategy and program chief of telecom excellence academic, chief of marketing and
international business it must be specialized staff expertized staff and give some responsibility
and authority its need unique powers are need.

D. market positioning map with firm and competitors

This map show the market penetration strategy by creating image of there prodact on customer
maind through greatest market effort and how we’ll differentiate” our offering and create value
for our market. It’s about carving out a spot in the competitive landscape, putting our stake in the
ground, and winning mindshare in the marketplace – being known for a certain “something.”

E. marketing strategy of the ethotelcom of good and bad points versus

competitors and in light of strategies you envision for the firm.
Good point
Ethio Telecom has rolled out a three year development strategy which it said would enable it to
thrive in a competitive market.
The development strategy dubbed Bridge is believed to transform the state-owned monopoly
into a competitive company as the government is working to liberalize the telecom sector. This
strategy assumes that in the first year of the strategic period (2020), market reform activities may

not be completed, thus Ethiotelecom will continue as a sole telecom operator and there will not
be ownership change.
In the following two fiscal years (2021 & 2022), the strategy assumes competitive market
This strategy will be revised according to government decision on the modality of the telecom
market restructuring
The strategy focuses on the delivery of incomparable experience to potential and existing
customers throughout their interaction with Ethio telecom by being customer centric using
analytical marketing through mining big data to respond to behavior of individuals and micro-
segments; providing easy to use, tailored and affordable solutions; simplifying customers’
journey through digitalization and enhanced customer service management; improving service
availability and quality; securing customer privacy. Following these accomplishments, Ethio
telecom can ensure customer satisfaction and build strong and long-lasting relationship with its
Bad point
 Size, competitors, stage of growth not more known.
 No Customer segments or Groups of prospects with similar wants & needs
 The firm strategy not more shows Competitive analysis orStrengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats in the landscape.
 Method for delivering value orHow firm deliver value to your market at the highest
level not more clear.
The strategy we envision for the firm is product development strategy

f. Show a map locating the firm’s operations and Discuss in light of strategies you envision.
Also, perhaps show a Value Chain Analysis chart.

The strategy we envision for the firm is market penetration strategy by using economics
scale and detrmaing the price of product by considering there compotator price

This map show how well the Ethio telocm competing with their major compotator by providing
quality service and how they determent there competitive price related to their compotator.

Value chain analysis chart

no operation cos
Cost =12345 58954 34678 45692 35781
The above value chain analysis chart show the company cost form purchasing to
selling of product .in above map show
G. Discuss (and perhaps show) show the ethotelocm Web site and e-commerce
efforts/abilities in terms of good and bad points.
Good point
Developed countries approach the goal by card-base payment;
Developing countries approach the goal by mobile payment, and realize corner transcendence
Huge market development potential. Mobile operators are in excellent position to harness this
Bad point
Contact information is buried or missing
Something as simple as having your (clear) contact information in an obvious place can add
legitimacy to your site and go a long way in building trust with potential customers
Design not user-friendly
Sometimes it’s the little design elements that get overlooked. Even a minor tweak can have a
significant impact, so don’t neglect to take into account details such as font styles and size
have poor or no content
Imagine arriving at a website and there’s nothing (or almost nothing) there
Site is not responsive : The number of people using mobile phones keeps ticking upwards and
needs to be taken into considerations when you design your website
site loads painfully slow: People are inherently impatient. Even if company has gripping content
and a gorgeously designed site, they’re not going to sit around and wait for it to load.
h. Show your “value of the firm” analysis.
Committed for quality and efficiency and able to ensure excellent customer experience
the value chain analysis of the ethotelocm is used to calculate total cost the company out flow
i. List up to 20 of the firm’s strengths and weaknesses. Go over each one listed without “reading”

 Large customer base
 Drastic tariff adjustment, introduction of new packages, multiple new products and
 Regular surveys and events to respond to customers’ needs.
 Strong financial capacity System
 Scalable and wide telecom infrastructures
 Deployment of process based work management
 Implementation of modern technologies
 Acquisition of multiple office buildings, warehouses, infrastructure sites

 Young and educated employees that can simply adapt to changes, new systems and
 Having a telecom academy center (TExA)
 Smooth relationship between the management and employees
 Collaboration between the labor union and executive management Skill
 Knowledge sharing practices across the company
 Strong community services like school-net, Woreda-net, rural connectivity and Agri-net

 Delay in service provisioning and maintenance
 Limitation in ensuring quality of service.
 Limited geo-marketing practices
 Weak customer experience management System
 Systems synchronization problems
 Weak OLA management
 Limitation on project management
 Gap in domain expertise knowledge
 Limitation in talent acquisition, development and retention
 Lack of dominant leadership style
 Management team highly engaged in operational activities
 Limitation in internalizing vision, mission and adherence
 Limitation in promoting company brand.

F. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix.

Sterangth Weight Rat WS
Large customer base 0.08 4 R
Drastic tariff adjustment, introduction of new packages, multiple new 0.07 3 0.32
products and services 0.21
Regular surveys and events to respond to customers’ needs. 0.11 4
Strong financial capacity 0.09 3 0.44
Scalable and wide telecom infrastructures 0.08 4
Deployment of process based work management 0.06 3 0.32
Implementation of modern technologies 0.06 2 0.18
Acquisition of multiple office buildings, warehouses, infrastr 0.07 4 0.12
Young and educated employees that can simply adapt to changes, 0.02 4

new systems and technologies 0.08
Having a telecom academy center (TExA) 0.06 4
Smooth relationship between the management and employees 0.01 3 0.24
• Collaboration between the labor union and executive management Skill 0.01 3 0.03
Knowledge sharing practices across the company 0.02 4 0.03
Strong community services like school-net, Woreda-net, rural 0.08
connectivity and Agri-net

Delay in service provisioning and maintenance 0.02 3 0.06
Limitation in ensuring quality of service. 0.02 3 0.06
Limited geo-marketing practices 0.03 3 0.09
Weak customer experience management 0.03 3 0.09

Limitation on project management 0.02 3 0.06

Systems synchronization problems 0.03 4 0.12
Weak OLA management 0.01 3 0.03
Limitation on project management 0.01 2 0.02
Gap in domain expertise knowledge 0.01 3 0.03
Limitation in talent acquisition, development and retention 0.01 1 0.01
Lack of dominant leadership style 0.02 2 0.04
Management team highly engaged in operational activities 0.01 3 0.03
Limitation in internalizing vision, mission and adherence 0.02 4 0.08
Limitation in promoting company brand 0.02 4 0.08

Total =1 =3.4

4. External assessment
A. major competitors of ethotelocm
The top 10 competitors in Ethio Telecom's competitive set are Cell C, Telkom
SA SOC Limited, Neotel, Vodacom Pty. Limited, MTN Group, Econet Group,
Umoya, SEACOM, Ltd., IS, Afrihost (Pty) Ltd., Emirates Telecommunications
Group Company PJSC, Mascom Wireless, Ooredoo, Adapt IT, Saudi Telecom
Company and Nmisa Use pie charts, maps, tables, and/or figures to show
the intensity of competition in the industry.

B. Competitive Profile Matrix of Ethio telecom.

least 12 factors and two competitors

Factor W S ws Compotat Competitor Weighted
or 1 Weight 2 Score
Score ed Score
Marketing 0.25 4 1 4 1 4 1
Product 0.1 2 0.2 4 0.4 4 0.4
Brand 0.25 3 0.75 1 0.25 2 0.55
Location 0.05 2 0.1 1 0.05 4 0.2
Customer 0.2 1 0.2 3 0.6 1 0.2
Customer 0.05 1 0.05 1 0.05 2 0.1
Product 0.1 3 0.1 3 0.3 1 0.1
=1 =2.4 2.65 2.5

D. list of threat and opportunities of Ethio-telecom

 Government's commitment to support and promote the sector

 Peaceful relations and economic ties with neighboring countries

 The nation is being seat of international organizations and avenue for many economic,
social and political conferences.


 Increasing economic growth the country

 Emerging industrial parks, small and medium enterprise, technology based service
delivery business models


 Growing population number with high young segment

 Increasing urbanization, digitalization and technology attachment with day to day life of
the society.


 Rapid technology growth & alternatives solutions

 Availability of competitive technology providers

 Growing number of startup and innovators in the ICT sector

 Digitalization and smart phone growth


 Establishment of Independent communication service regulations body


 Suitable climatic conditions for infrastructures deployment and day to day



 Neighboring countries political instability impacts international get ways functionality.


 Higher inflation rate

 Low digital literacy rate

 Lack of reliable data on demographic & different institutions

 Vandalism on telecom infrastructures

 Integration gap with stakeholder (ERA, EEU, Regional governments)


 Dynamism and short life cycle of telecom infrastructures

 Dynamism of fraud and security risks


 Competitive telecom market

 Limitation on awareness and acts of law enforcements for damages on telecom

infrastructures and fraudulent activities


 The countries landscape, mountainous terrains and canyons challenging for

infrastructural deployment.

E. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix.
Key external factors Weight Sco Weighted
re score

1. Government's commitment to support and promote the sector 0.02 3 0.06

2. Peaceful relations and economic ties with neighboring countries 0.01 1 0.01
3. The nation is being seat of international organizations and avenue for many
economic, social and political conferences. 0.04 2 0.08
4. Increasing economic growth the country
5. Emerging industrial parks, small and medium enterprise, technology based
service delivery business models 0.03 4 0.14
6. Growing population number with high young segment 0.05 2 0.1
7. Increasing urbanization, digitalization and technology attachment with day to
day life of the society.
8. Rapid technology growth & alternatives solutions 0.07 4 0.28
9. Availability of competitive technology providers 0.05 3 0.15
10. Growing number of startup and innovators in the ICT sector
11. Digitalization and smart phone growth 0.04 3 0.12
12. Establishment of Independent communication service regulations body
13. Suitable climatic conditions for infrastructures deployment and day to day 0.05 3 0.15
0.06 3 0.18
0.08 4 0.32

0.07 2 0.14
0.03 2 0.06


1. Neighboring countries political instability impacts international get ways 0.01 1 0.01
2. Higher inflation rate 0.05 3 0.15
3. Low digital literacy rate 0.08 2 0.16

4. Lack of reliable data on demographic & different institutions 0.06 2 0.12

5. Vandalism on telecom infrastructures 0.05 2 0.1
6. Integration gap with stakeholder (ERA, EEU, Regional governments) 0.03 2 0.06
7. Dynamism and short life cycle of telecom infrastructures 0.02 2 0.04
8. Dynamism of fraud and security risks 0.03 3 0.09
9. Competitive telecom market 0.00 2 0.00
10. Limitation on awareness and acts of law enforcements for damages on telecom 0.03 2 0.06
infrastructures and fraudulent activities
11. The countries landscape, mountainous terrains and canyons challenging for 0.04 2 0.08
infrastructural deployment.

Total 1 2.66

5. Strategic formulation,
Strengths Weakness
1. Large customer base 1. Delay in service provisioning
2. Strong financial capacity implementation and maintenance
of modern technology 2. Limited geo-marketing
3. Young and educated employees that can practices
simply adapt to changes, new systems and 3. Gap in domain expertise
technologies knowledge
4. Knowledge sharing practices across the 4. Limitation in talent
acquisition, development and
5. Learning curve ( long term year
5. Limitation in promoting
6. flexible company structure
company brand.
7. Scalable and wide telecom infrastructures
6. Limitation on project
Opportunities - expanding its product through market
1. Government's commitment to development strategy within the country to - Promoting the brand of the
support and promote the sector provide the telecom service, in place where company by using the
advantage of the countries
telecom service is not yet been fully
2. The nation is being seat of bring the hub of regional,
addressed, this can be done by the strength continental , and international
international organizations and of strong financial base and the organizations
avenue for many economic, social opportunities of digitalization and smart
and political conferences phone growth. Besides it is possible to - Making joint venture with
develop new market In the neighboring well known telecom
3. Peaceful relations and economic companies abroad which has
countries to generate additional revenue,
ties with neighboring countries quit intensive innovative skill
thus it can be possible exploiting the strong
and technological
4. Growing population number with financial base of the company and the advancement so as to learn
high young segment opportunity of peaceful relation and project management experts
economic tie with the neighboring
5. -Rapid technology growth & countries.
alternatives solutions - New product development, introducing
new products which are not currently in use.
6. Growing number of startup and
By using the opportunity of government’s
innovators in the ICT sector
commitment to support and reform the
7. Digitalization and smart phone sector and the advantage of having modern
growth technology and strong financial base.
- Concentric diversification for growing
population number with high young
segment to exploit company’s flexible
structure and financial base

Threats -Adopting market penetration strategy in - Cost reduction through
-Neighboring countries political
order to reduce the adverse effect of low centralized resource allocation
instability impacts international get
ways functionality. digital literacy rate by strong financial base. and mobilization ranging from
-Higher inflation rate - new product development strategy to by headquarter to different
-Low digital literacy rate
using learning curve and financial base to districts,
-Lack of reliable data on demographic
& different institutions reduce the effect of dynamism and short life - Developing tight policies to
-Vandalism on telecom infrastructures cycle of telecom service.
-Integration gap with stakeholder keep the telecom infrastructure
- Back ward integration strategy to reduce
(ERA, EEU, Regional governments) from theft fraud and damage
-Dynamism and short life cycle of the cost of supply
- engaging on aggressive
telecom infrastructures
-Dynamism of fraud and security risks advertisement campaign to
-Competitive telecom market promote the image and brand of
-Limitation on awareness and acts of
law enforcements for damages on the corporation and increasing
telecom infrastructures and fraudulent awareness of the nation on
telecom services

B. SPACE Matrix,
List of factors used in developing space matrix

Internal Strategic Position External Strategic Position

Financial Position (FP) Stability Position (SP)

Return on investment Technological changes
Leverage Rate of inflation
Liquidity Demand variability
Working capital Price range of competing products
Cash flow Barriers to entry into market
Inventory turnover Competitive pressure
Earnings per share Ease of exit from market
Price earnings ratio Price elasticity of demand
Risk involved in business

Competitive Position (CP) Industry Position (IP)

Market share Growth potential
Product quality Profit potential
Product life cycle financial stability
Customer loyalty Extent leveraged
Capacity utilization Resource utilization
Technological know-how Ease of entry into market
Control over suppliers and distributors Productivity, capacity

Factors Average weight

Financial position 6.2
Industry position 5.28
Competitive position -3
Stability position -3.1

According to the evaluation average score of financial position is 6.2, industry position is 5.28,
competitive position is -3 and stability position is -3, 1. Besides the value of X axis is 6.2 + (-3.1
) = 3.1 and the value of Y axis is 5.28+ (-3) = 2.28

Thus value of directional vector shows that the company’s position is in the first quadrant (in
aggressive quadrant)



3 *


-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7







Based on the space matrix above the company is in a good position the exploit opportunities
hamper the effect of threats, effectively using its distinctive quality and minimizing its weakness.

So the strategic implication of this matrix is that the company can engage in different intensive
strategies integration and diversification.

Market penetration, especial by price adjustment or big discount on its product it can increase the
market share and revenue of the company.

Forward integration acquiring different agents and shops especially in different remote areas of
the country even at kebele level can maintain its market share and profitability.

Diversification of its product for example by devoting its resource on research and development
department it can diversify its product on different software programming application.

C. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix

Relative market share

Stars (II) Question Marks (I)

Cash Cows (III Dogs (IV)

Quadrant II businesses (Stars) represent the organization’s best long-run opportunities for growth
and profitability. Divisions with a high relative market share and a high industry growth rate
should receive substantial investment to maintain or strengthen their dominant positions.
According to the matrix the relative position of Ethio telecom is in the second quadrant, which is
star. Because, it has high market share (as it is a monopoly in the industry) and the telecom
industry is highly growing sector.

- expanding its product through market development strategy within the country to provide the
telecom service, in place where telecom service is not yet been fully addressed, this can be done
by the strength of strong financial base and the opportunities of digitalization and smart phone
growth. Besides it is possible to develop new market In the neighboring countries to generate
additional revenue, thus it can be possible exploiting the strong financial base of the company
and the opportunity of peaceful relation and economic tie with the neighboring countries.

- New product development, introducing new products which are not currently in use. By using
the opportunity of government’s commitment to support and reform the sector and the advantage
of having modern technology and strong financial base.

- Concentric diversification for growing population number with high young segment to exploit
company’s flexible structure and financial base.

D. Internal-External (IE) Matrix
The IFE total weighted scores
Strong average weak
3.0- 4.0 2.0- 2.99 1.0- 1.99
the EFE
l IFE = 3.4
EFE =2.66
2.0- 2.99
n 1.0 -1.99

The result of internal external evaluation matrix depict that Ethio-telecom stands on IV place
which is average weight of external factors evaluation which is 2.66 and average weight of
internal factor evaluation matrix which is 3.4 is in the range of strong weight
So, accordingly with the above result obtained by internal external evaluation matrix it is
possible to pursue growth strategies and further building the potential of the firm, because the
result lies on the range of grow and build the organization.

E. grand strategy matrix

The Grand Strategy Matrix is based on two evaluative dimensions: competitive position and
market (industry) growth.

And it has four quadrants which shows the combination of competitive position and
market( industry growth . Firms located in Quadrant I of the Grand Strategy Matrix are in an
excellent strategic position. For these firms, continued concentration on current markets (market
penetration and market development) and products (product development) is an appropriate

Firms positioned in Quadrant II need to evaluate their present approach to the marketplace
seriously. Although their industry is growing, they are unable to compete effectively, and they
need to determine why the firm’s current approach is ineffective and how the company can best
change to improve its competitiveness, Because Quadrant II firms are in a rapid-market-growth
industry, an intensive strategy (as opposed to integrative or diversification) is usually the first
option that should be considered. However
Quadrant III organizations compete in slow-growth industries and have weak competitive
positions. These firms must make some drastic changes quickly to avoid further decline and
possible liquidation. Extensive cost and asset reduction (retrenchment) should be pursued first.
An alternative strategy is to shift resources away from the current business into different areas
(diversify). If all else fails, the final options for Quadrant III businesses are divestiture or
Quadrant IV businesses have a strong competitive position but are in a slow growth industry.
These firms have the strength to launch diversified programs into more promising growth areas:
Quadrant IV firms have characteristically high cash-flow levels and limited internal growth
needs and often can pursue related or unrelated diversification successfully. Quadrant IV firms
also may pursue joint ventures

Ethio-telecom can be traced in the first quadrant where market growth and strong competitive
position. So the strategies to be pursued are intensive strategies. Market penetration which
increasing is the sale of products or service through different mechanisms like increased
promotion sales discount, price discount and additional package.

F. Quantitative strategic planning matrix QSPM

Table: Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, QSPM

S. Key Factors weigh Adding Only

No t Operators EthioTelecom
1 Government's commitment to 0.02 2 0.04 4 0.08
support and promote the sector
2 Peaceful relations and 0.01 4 0.04 2 0.02
economic ties with neighboring
3 The nation is being seat of 0.04 4 0.16 3 0.12
international organizations and
avenue for many economic,
social and political conferences.
4 Increasing economic growth the 0.03 3 0.09 4 0.12
5 Emerging industrial parks, 0.05 4 0.20 2 0.10
small and medium enterprise,
technology based service
delivery business models
6 Growing population number 0.07 4 0.28 3 0.21
with high young segment
7 Increasing urbanization, 0.05 4 0.20 2 0.10
digitalization and technology
attachment with day to day life
of the society.

8 Rapid technology growth & 0.04 3 0.12 2 0.08

alternatives solutions

9 Availability of competitive 0.05 3 0.15 2 0.10

technology providers

10 Growing number of startup and 0.06 3 0.18 2 0.12

innovators in the ICT sector

11 Digitalization and smart phone 0.08 4 0.32 2 0.16

12 Establishment of Independent 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14

communication service
regulations body

13 Suitable climatic conditions for 0.03 3 0.09 2 0.06

infrastructures deployment and
day to day operations
1 Neighboring countries political 0.01 2 0.02 1 0.01
instability impacts international
get ways functionality.

2 Higher inflation rate 0.05 2 0.10 3 0.15

3 Low digital literacy rate 0.08 4 0.32 2 0.16

4 Lack of reliable data on 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18

demographic & different

5 Vandalism on telecom 0.01 2 0.02 3 0.03


6 Integration gap with 0.03 2 0.06 1 0.03

stakeholder (ERA, EEU,
Regional governments)

7 Dynamism and short life cycle 0.02 3 0.06 2 0.04

of telecom infrastructures

8 Dynamism of fraud and security 0.03 3 0.09 2 0.06


9 Competitive telecom market 0.04 4 0.16 2 0.08

10 Limitation on awareness and 0.03 2 0.06 3 0.09

acts of law enforcements for
damages on telecom
infrastructures and fraudulent

11 The countries landscape, 0.04 2 0.08 1 0.04

mountainous terrains and
canyons challenging for

infrastructural deployment.

weight 1


1 Large customer base 0.08 4 0.32 2 0.16

2 Drastic tariff adjustment, 0.07 2 0.14 3 0.21
introduction of new packages
3 Multiple new product and 0.11 4 0.44 1 0.11
4 Regular surveys and events to 0.09 3 0.27 2 0.18
respond to customers’ needs
5 Strong financial capacity 0.08 4 0.32 3 0.24
6 Scalable and wide telecom 0.06 2 0.12 4 0.24
7 Deployment of process based 0.06 3 0.18 2 0.12
work management
8 Implementation of modern 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14
9 Acquisition of multiple office 0.02 2 0.04 3 0.06
buildings, warehouses, infrastr
10 Young and educated employees 0.01 3 0.03 2 0.02
that can simply adapt to
new systems and technologies

11 Having a telecom academy 0.01 1 0.01 2 0.02

center (TExA)
12 Smooth relationship between 0.02 2 0.04 3 0.06
the management and employees
13 Collaboration between the labor 0.01 2 0.02 1 0.01
union and executive
management Skill
14 Knowledge sharing practices 0.06 3 0.18 2 0.12
across the company

15 Strong community services like 0.06 1 0.06 3 0.18

school-net, Woreda-net,rural
connectivity and Agri-net

1 Delay in service provisioning 0.01 2 0.02 3 0.03
and maintenance

2 Limitation in ensuring quality 0.02 2 0.04 1 0.01
of service.

3 Limited geo-marketing 0.03 3 0.09 2 0.06

4 Weak customer experience 0.03 4 0.12 3 0.09
management System

5 Limitation on project 0.02 2 0.04 1 0.02


6 Systems synchronization 0.03 2 0.06 3 0.09

7 Weak OLA management 0.01 3 0.03 4 0.04

8 Limitation on project 0.01 2 0.02 4 0.04


9 Gap in domain expertise 0.01 3 0.03 2 0.02


10 Limitation in talent acquisition, 0.01 3 0.03 1 0.01

development and retention
11 Lack of dominant leadership 0.02 2 0.04 3 0.06

12 Management team highly 0.01 4 0.04 2 0.02

engaged in operational
13 Limitation in internalizing 0.02 2 0.04 3 0.06
vision, mission and adherence
14 Limitation in promoting 0.02 4 0.08 1 0.02
company brand
Weight 1
STAS 6.30 4.72

Based on the result from the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, the sum of the total

attractiveness score is 6.30 for adding an operator and 4.72 for EthioTelecom. Hence the result

clearly shows the best alternative strategy is adding operators.

It is important to invite and add operators for the country. Ecommerce will have an opportunity

to be experienced by the population as additional operator is coming to the market. There will be

also knowledge transfer from the newly coming operator, because they have global experience

on telecom industry. This alternative also creates a huge amount of job opportunity for the newly

graduate professionals as well as the experienced personnel. Finally, this is a possible means to

achieve the targeted objective on growth and transformation.

6. Strategy Implementation

A. EPS/EBIT analysis
Since it is a state owned company, the possible means for supporting the recommendation is via

government. The state should give due attention for selling part of the company to increase the

income and service provided by the company. So that there will be possible rise of income before

tax and technological transfer for the expansion of ecommerce for the country market.

There are Limitations of the analysis for earning per share on the operator side. It is well known

that the company has no share holders rather; it is a state owned operator so difficult to analyze.

But it is possible to increase the revenue of the government by adding two or more operators in

the market. There are two possible means of collecting revenue are, through tax system and

foreign currency earnings during services abroad.

B. Projected income statement.
Revenue 2016 2017 2018 Projected

Revenue 20.7billion 30.2 billion 35 billion 47.7 billion

Other income 859000 9135000 1056000 1152428

Direct network and technology (2450000) (2435000) (2700000) (2445600)
Operating cost
cost of hand sets and other accessories (154000) (1456000) (1656500) 1560000
Interconnect and roaming cost (135000) (137000) (185000) (196600)
Staff cost (1020000) (1134000) (1154000) (100733)
Selling distribution and market expense (19000) (19700) (19850) (9516000)
Government and regulatory cost (212000) (214000) (214780) (1135900)
Impairment of trade receivables and (38000) (39500) (39800) 15691000
contracts assets
CBN resolution (485000) (490000) (483000) (8266980)
Other operating expenses (213412) (212726) (214085) (213411)
EBITDA 31,981,082,07 34,956,236,88 47,661,126,18
26,996,132,58 4 5 4

Deprecation of properties , plant and (246850) (284520) (275630) (269000)

Amortization of intangible assets (81200) (76500) (74270) (71730)
Impairments of good will (19781) (15485) (16785) (17350)
Operating profits 26995784755 31,980,706,56 34955870200 47660768104
Tax 9448524664 11193247299 12234554570 16681268836
NI 17547607922 20787459270 22721315630 30979499268

The income statements of the ethio telecom are its has good position and the profits are increased
on the ascending orders that means by showing the three years income statements are increases
at increase level,

C . Projected balance sheet

Total Current Assets 259000000


Direct network and technology (2445600)

Operating cost
cost of hand sets and other accessories 1560000

Interconnect and roaming cost (196600)

Staff cost (100733)

Selling distribution and market expense (9516000)

Government and regulatory cost (1135900)

Impairment of trade receivables and contracts assets cost 15691000

Deprecation (213411)

Total cost 3085859244

D. Projected financial ratio
2016 2017 2018 Projected
Current ratio 2.97 2.87 2.95 2.93
Fixed asset 2.58 2.5 2.7 2.59
Total asset turn 2.90 3.00 3.21 3.03
Gross profit 1.65 1.35 1.95 1.65
Net profit margin 2.65 2.5 2.3 2.48
Return on 1.42 1.5 1.6 1.5
Debt ratio 1.54 1.75 1.65 1.64
Time interest 0.78 0.65 0.82 0.75
earned ratio

Receivable turn 0.97 0.85 0.9 0.9

over ratio
Average collection 1.2 1.52 1.35 1.35

The financial ratio are its has benefits for the strategic plan of the telecom services , the strategic
plan are best customer service financial ratio performance are support this strategic because the
to maintain the customer satisfaction its by using digitalization and enhancing customer
managements on focused on the activity financial ratio it can be provided easy to use the
products incomparable experience to potential of existing the customer interaction with the
company .financial capacity ;- to maximizing the profitability of the company the financial
ratio of the firms are benefits to know and examine the profitability of the service indifferent
districts, by show the activity or management ratio and profit margin of the company , its are
benefits the strategic to expanded investments in urban and rural area of the country by
expanding the infrastructures and different digital systems. Product / service excellency ;-
financial ratio are explain the capacity of the firms in the over whole , product and service
excellence is it’s the provide value based , innovative and diversified products and service for the
customer . for improvements and expansion products financial ratio capability are its have great
roll ,Operational excellence ; - operational effectiveness of the company in the activity and
interaction to partner and stake holder so this are basic for the assets management ratio capacity
of the company , however the financial ratio has benefits on the strategic of the company

7. Strategy Evaluation
A. Balanced scored card
The balanced score card is prepared and attached as an annex because it is computed by excel
format and quit difficult to prepare by word. So kindly find it on annex.

This term paper is evaluated the strategic management of the company found in Ethiopia,

EthioTelecom. The company is working as a telecommunication operator. The review includes

strategic formulation, strategic implementation and strategic evaluation. The company under

review is one of the company among the various types of state owned companies in the country.

The company under review is the only company providing a service across the country. As the

operator is the only service provider, it is difficult to compare it performance with in the country.

Hence there is no competition in the country, so it is difficult to compare the ratio with the

respective companies working in Ethiopia. The only possible option that can be evaluated is

Operator working across the Globe and working in the continent. Based on the industry average,

EthioTelecom is experiencing the lowest grade in every aspect. Based on the strategic evaluation,

EthioTelecom achieved the lowest annual revenue per employee and Annual revenue in terms of

USD. Number of country being served and number of customers are very far from the industry

average. The other important issue is related to the technology use. Ethio Telecom is still using

2G and 3G and a very small percent on 4G, however most of the operators are working with 4G

and 5G. One of the big revenue streams for mobile network operator is Digital transaction,

Mobile Money, which allows to access financial services around the world. However, Ethio

Telecom is being serving with the nation with more of traditional services such as like voice

which is the dominate; data which is currently is growing, and SMS which is an infant stage.

At the end, It is known that, Ethiopia has got a very huge population in Africa next to Nigeria.

Telecommunication operators have a various opportunity for their profit as well as to have a

positive impact on the growth and transformation of the country. One of the important area

operators should play is the electronic commerce. Ethio Telecom should take a leading role in the

development of Ecommerce in the country. It is an infant stage and the country is very far from

the globe market. Government should also prepare a legal document for the establishment of

ecommerce in the country together with stake holders. Finally, the population of Ethiopia will

have an opportunity to enjoy and see the trophy of the ecommerce in the near future.

Finally, the government is currently trying to invite operators from abroad, at least two additional

in the market. The existing Operator, Ethio telecom will be divestiture part of it for preparing for

a better competition. It is believed that the transformation taken by the government is part of

home grown economic development sector, the coming few years, the telecom industry will be

flourishing and will be advanced in the market.


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