OHS-PR-09-03-F02 HIRA - 001 Warehouse - Store-Laydown Yard Rev.2021
OHS-PR-09-03-F02 HIRA - 001 Warehouse - Store-Laydown Yard Rev.2021
OHS-PR-09-03-F02 HIRA - 001 Warehouse - Store-Laydown Yard Rev.2021
4. Hisham Mohd Sub Con Civil Supervisor 1 to 3 (L) - Low Risk acceptable – Monitor & manage as appropriate with frequent review
Review by: Syed Fida Signature: Date: 22, Aug-2023 APPROVED BY / MANAGER or SUPERVISOR: Safdar Khan DATE: 22, Aug-2023 NEXT REVIEW DATE: 21, Aug-2024
Identify the hazard on the given task and conduct assessment of the actual site condition, all identified risk should provide with a plan to eliminate or control the risk.
Risk Issue
Risk Ranking
(Improve Existing Controls/
Work Activity Follow up By Whom
Item #
1 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Vehicular accident • Designate location for unloading of materials
Property damage of adjacent structure or • Designate spotter and flagman to guide all
appurtenances equipment and personnel movement
• Floor and traffic routes suitable for the
vehicles using them.
• Vehicle routes kept free of obstructions (with
spillages being cleaned up promptly)
• Worksite Supervisors to closely monitor the Site Manager
activity & recommends precautionary measures Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
if unsafe act or unsafe condition have been Safety Engineer
noted during the course of the work Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Parking of cars and vans only allowed in
marked spaces well away from external
delivery/dispatch area.
• Sensible speed limits imposed and adhered to.
Excessive noise Noise can cause hearing loss, headache. • Conduct noise survey on the activity area to
determine the ear plug/ear muff capacity to be Site Manager
provided. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Train employees on how to wear the earplug Safety Engineer
/Earmuff properly. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Adequate signage to warn of hazards.
Poor lightingsin the recieveing area Poor lighting strains eyes and may cause eye • Provision of suitable & adequate illumination.
discomfort (burning, etc.) and headaches. • Check illumination level is suitable or no.
• Check the task is free from veiling reflection of
• Ensure proper lighting is provided.
• Conduct illumination survey on those areas Site Manager
suspected to have insufficient lighting to ensure Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
that lighting is checked and that correct lighting Safety Engineer
levels are maintained. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Location that required additional illumination
must be reported to their respective
supervisor/foreman for the arrangement.
Mechanical failure during delivery which • All delivery vehicles shall be inspected by the
Poor working condition of delivery may cause vehicular accident resulting to authorized driver on a daily basis to ensure that
vehicles property damage, fatality or injuries truck is in good working condition before using
to the site
• Truck shall not be used if found any defects or
damage that might affect its safe operation
• Repair of delivery vehicles shall not be done
on the site. It must be brought to the
designated work shop and only certified Site Manager
mechanic shall make repair of the truck Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Select and mobilize only good condition Safety Engineer
delivery vehicles Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Trucks certification and registration must be
secured and available
• Alldriver shall be oriented with the proper use
on how to fill out the daily inspection checklist
• Lease trucks and driver must be from establish
Incompetent truck driver Property damage, fatality or injuries during • Driver must have certification and license
delivery of materials • Implementation of Log-in and Log-out from
the security post. Site Manager
• Equipment / vehicle insurance must be Site Engineer
secured and available 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Recording and registry for all vehicles, Supervisor/ Foreman.
operator and driver shall be made.
• All operator and driver must sign the drivers’
2 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Delivery of hazardous substances Fumes may cause staff eye irritation and • Number of vehicles delivering materials is
respiratory irritation. relatively low and exposure very limited; this
prevents build-up of fumes.
• Drivers not allowed to leave vehicles’ engines
running in warehouse. Site Manager
• Roller shutter doors and warehouse windows Site Engineer
open, where practicable, to assist ventilation. 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Hazard communication program should be Supervisor/ Foreman.
implemented ( effective training on identifying
chemical hazards, proper handling, storage, and
disposal of chemicals, and the use of
appropriate PPE.)
2 Unloading of goods/materials Incompetent forklift operator Forklift operated incorrectly can cause • Ensure all forklift operators are competent
from delivery truck to receiving serious damage to operators, nearby and have completed certified training.
area workers and property • Perform regular refresher training and
evaluation when an operator is observed
operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
• Perform daily pre-start forklift equipment Site Manager
inspections to check for controls and Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
equipment damage. Safety Engineer
• Records and monitoring for equipment Supervisor/ Foreman.
certificate and operator’s license
• Re-training schedule / plan for the flagman
• Defensive driving course from accredited
Expose to high noise (above 85dB) Hearing loss or impairment due to • Issuance and wearing of ear plug / defender
continuous exposure ANSI S3.19 – 1974 or equivalent)
• Periodical replacement of PPE’s
Site Manager
• Avoid more than 8hrs exposure to sound
Site Engineer
85dB above level 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• PPE acceptance pledge of the workers/drivers
Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Good stocks and availability of PPE’s
Simultaneous movement of equipment in Struck-by or collision with other • Provide trained flagman to assist the operator
the receiving area moving equipment resulting to property and wearing reflective vest
damage from vehicular accident • Provide trained flagman with reflective vest
along with Red and Green flags.
• Complete barricade must be provided, and Site Manager
the flagman shall position outside the barricade. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Defensive driving course to the driver Safety Engineer
• Continuous orientation and training to all Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Isolating or provide barricade and appropriate
signages in the area
Receiving area has Insufficient lights / Struck with nearby structure or personnel • Good planning and position of lighting system.
poorly illuminated • Initiate in conducting lighting survey
• Provide sufficient illumination to the work
place by installing HV lamp on the area
• Lighting shall be installed on all locations that
could provide adequate illumination to the Site Manager
activity Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Corrective action if the lighting survey deviate Safety Engineer
from the requirement Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Monitoring and maintenance of the lighting
• Ensure sufficient stocks of lighting fixture /
3 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Equipment in poor condition (Forklift) Failure of equipment may lead to accident • Operator and driver shall carry out daily
or injuries equipment inspection prior to work
• Operator must be ensuring the equipment are
suitable for the task
• Safe use of equipment must be discussed
during daily toolbox meeting by the foreman or
• Reverse audible alarm must be working Site Manager
properly Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Periodical maintenance program for all Safety Engineer
equipment and vehicle. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Verification for all equipment checklist by the
safety personnel or foreman in-charge
• Competency registry for all operator and
• Documentation of daily toolbox meeting
• Registry / records of equipment maintenance
Usage of conveyor belt for unloading from Moving parts can trap parts of the body (eg • Guards provided for moving parts.
trucks fingers/hand/arm) causing crush injuries. • Conveyor instructions show it meets guarding Site Manager
standards.¡ Site Engineer
• Emergency stop button provided. 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Regular maintenance. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Weekly check on guarding and condition of
3 Unloading of heavy materials Damaged slings were used Falling of load causing crushing leading to • Lifting gears shall be inspected regularly
(cable drums, GIS equipment in fatality/severe injury or damaging the • Crane Operator license/certification
crates, etc). at laydown yard material or any object in the work area. • Equipment registration & certification
• Equipment check list must be verified
• Signal man/rigger availability
• Area cordon off and sign in place Site Manager
• No manual handling to be allowed for heavy Site Engineer
load 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Use of tagline Supervisor/ Foreman.
• All damaged and old lifting gears shall be
remove from the service
• Certified Rigger shall be assigned
• Close Monitoring
• Refresher training for the qualified personnel
Uneven ground surfaces/ground stability Overturning of equipment resulting to • Ensure that the ground is compacted, leveled
severe physical injury, fatality, damaged of and approved by civil engineer.
load and any object hit by the equipment • Equipment should be positioned away from
the edge of excavations or holes
• Deploy out rigger and use appropriate
spreader pads. Site Manager
• Load the material as per the designed loading Site Engineer
capacity of the vehicle 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Only authorized personnel shall work on the Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Weight of load clearly marked / known
• Make sure the chain or sling in balance
position of the load
• Area shall be isolated with soft barrier and
with Lifting on Progress signs
Short/damaged portable ladder used Fall resulting to severe physical injury, fatality • Ensure that ladder provided is long enough to
reach the top of the load.
• Only good condition ladder is allowed to be
use, inspected and with Item number to make Site Manager
sure that it is registered and regularly checked. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• 5 minute toolbox talk prior to start the task Safety Engineer
• Conduct in house training for working at Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Close monitoring
4 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
High ambient temperature Accident resulting injury or ill health to • Provide sufficient drinking water and
personnel scheduled breaks.
Heat exhaustion • Monitoring of heat index value and provision
Fatigue of rest shelter area for the workers
Dizziness • Drinking containers shall be protected from
direct exposure from the sunlight. Site Manager
• All personnel must undergo a Heat Stress Site Engineer
Awareness Training. 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Post some heat stress campaign at the site to Supervisor/ Foreman.
increase the worker's awareness.
• Worker shall receive awareness and
orientation on the heat stress management
• Follow accordingly heat stress procedure
• Regular monitoring of heat index and follow
guidelines to avoid incidents
4 Transporting of unloaded Incorrect manual handling/ lifting of All warehouse staff could suffer from • Ensure to plan correct manual lifting
materials from receiving area material muscular injuries (Back pain, strain, procedures and body positioning before the
going to the racks fractures) actual lift.
Pinch/crash points resulting hand injuries • Only 20 kg allowed lifting by an individual.
• Use buddy system if load exceed.
• Use hand protection (cotton gloves minimum)
during handling of materials.
• Keep hands away from pinch/crash points
• Ensure safe and clear pathways before lifting. Site Manager
• Remaining manual handling tasks to be risk Site Engineer
assessed using HSE’s Manual handling 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
assessment Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Provide material handling equipment for
transport of heavy and large materials /
• Inspection oh Material Handling equipment
prior to use
• Provide Manual handling Training to the
Usage of manual/motorized pallet jacks Foot Injuries ,Back Trauma, Shoulder Strain • Perform a basic pallet jack and workplace
or Dislocation, Bruising or Lacerations inspection at the beginning of every shift or
Property Damage before using the pallet jack for the first time
each work day.
• Ensure the electric plug and cord on a
motorized pallet jack is not missing prongs and
the cord is not frayed
• Wear required PPE when operating any pallet
• Ensure loads are stacked evenly on the forks
before moving the pallet jack.
• Do not ride on the forks of a pallet jack or
allow others to be carried. Don’t stand on a Site Manager
pallet jack. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• If any defects or issues are found during the Safety Engineer
inspection do not operate the pallet jack and Supervisor/ Foreman.
report immediately.
• Report damaged or excessively worn pallet
• Report pallet jacks with a failing hydraulic unit.
• Know the maximum load limit of the pallet
jack you are operating. Never overload a pallet
• Do not store pallet jacks in any area where
they block fire extinguishers, emergency
equipment or any exits.
Park unused pallet jacks on a level surface, with
the forks lowered.
5 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Poor Access/ Egress Physical injury from slip, trips & fall • Access pathways to be kept clear from any
• Conduct housekeeping before, during and
after work to ensure free access/egress.
• Any obstructions shall be moved and kept
materials away from any access. Keep work area Site Manager
free from loose tools and materials Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Storekeeper must ensure clear and safe Safety Engineer
access/egress Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Inspection of ground or floor stability and
evenness should be ensured. All floor opening
should be completely closed or must be
barricaded with signage for caution &
awareness to avoid falling of person
Warehouse/store not provided with Heat exhaustion • Provide sufficient ventilation.
adequate ventilation Heat Stress (stroke, cramps, skin rashes etc.) • Provide sufficient drinking water and
scheduled breaks.
• Conduct temperature/humidity monitoring to
ensure safe working condition. Site Manager
• New employee shall complete the Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
acclimatization process Safety Engineer
• All personnel must undergo in a Heat Stress Supervisor/ Foreman.
Awareness Training.
• Post some heat stress campaign at the site to
increase the workers awareness.
5 Stacking, moving, handling, and Carrying loads that are either too large or Strains and sprains from lifting loads • Workers should attach handles or holders to
storing of materials too heavy loads.
• Workers should always wear appropriate
personal protective equipment
• Use proper lifting techniques
• Only up to 20 kg is allowable for each worker Site Manager
to lift. Site Engineer
• If the load is heavier, buddy system is advised 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Ensure that all workers are provided with Supervisor/ Foreman.
required mandatory PPEs such as: Helmet (ANSI
Z89.1, CE EN397), Safety Glass, Safety Shoes,
Cover all, Safety Gloves, Dust Mask
• Ensure that all personnel are trained in proper
manual handling
Awkward posture Body pain or injury • Establish systems so workers are rotated away
Improper body position Musculoskeletal disorder from tasks to minimize the duration of
continuous exertion, repetitive motions, and
awkward postures.
• Design a job rotation system in which
employees rotate between jobs that use
different muscle groups.
• Conduct an ergonomic study to apply controls
coming from the results of the survey. Site Manager
• Discuss proper ergonomics during tool box Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
meeting Safety Engineer
• Avoid repetitive movement over the course of Supervisor/ Foreman.
the work
• Provide rest breaks
• Rotate workers from performing the work
• Conduct daily tool box talk as per specific
• Ensure that all personnel are trained in proper
manual handling
6 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Falling objects and collapsing loads Can crush or pin workers, causing injuries or • Ensure that stacks are stable and self-
from racking and during movement death supporting
• Do not store pipes and bars in racks that face
main aisles to avoid creating a hazard to
passersby when removing supplies
• Observe height limitations when stacking
materials Site Manager
• Consider the need for availability of the Site Engineer
material 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Sign fixed to racking stating maximum Supervisor/ Foreman.
•Racking is designed to be suitable for the loads
carried and has not been modified.
• Staff report any damage to racking
• System in place to make sure defective pallets
withdrawn from use immediately.
Usage of portable ladder to reach the top Staff could suffer severe or even fatal • Inspect the ladder, check for loose or
of the rack injuries if they fell damaged rungs, steps or braces. If
you find a ladder in poor condition, don’t use it.
Report it.
• Make sure when you set up the ladder it is on
solid level ground, you may
need to use a wooden or plastic leveling wedge.
• Apply the four to one rule; ladder should be
one foot from the wall for
every four feet of height.
• Step ladders should be completely opened
and the spreader locked
before use. Site Manager
• Straight or extension ladders should extend Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
three feet above the top Safety Engineer
support point or landing; secure the ladder to Supervisor/ Foreman.
prevent it from moving.
• Always face the ladder when climbing and
hold on with both hands. Carry
tools in a tool belt or raise and lower with a line.
• Check your shoes and ladder rungs for
slippery material.
• Don’t lean out to the side; keep your body
positioned between the side
rails. If something is out of your reach get down
and move the ladder.
• Choose the right ladder for the job. Don’t use
step ladders in place of a
Poor illumination inside warehouse Slips, trips and falls are some of the leading • Add more light fixtures in appropriate places.
causes of injuries • Illumination Survey to be requested from
Safety Department and implement the
recommendation from the survey.
● Paint walls and ceilings light colours so light
can be reflected
● Replace bulbs on a regular schedule. Old Site Manager
bulbs give less light than new ones, so replace Site Engineer
them before they burn out. Follow 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
manufacturers' instructions. Supervisor/ Foreman.
● Clean light fixtures regularly. Dirt on light
fixtures reduces the amount of light given off.
Light fixtures with open tops allow air currents
to move dust up through the fixtures so dust
and dirt do not accumulate on them.
7 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Storing Hazardous Materials Fire, Explosion and/or sudden release of • Label all chemical containers fully.
pressure • Provide a specific storage space for each
chemical, and ensure return after each use
• Store volatile toxics and odoriferous chemicals
in ventilated cabinets. Please check with your
environmental health and safety personnel for
specific guidance.
• Store flammable liquids in approved
flammable liquid storage cabinets. Small
amounts of flammable liquids may be stored in
the open room. Check with your local authority Site Manager
(e.g., fire marshal, EH&S personnel) for Site Engineer
allowable limits. 3 2 6 • Supervisory Control 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
• Use appropriate resistant secondary Supervisor/ Foreman.
containers for corrosive materials. This protects
the cabinets and will catch any leaks or spills
due to breakage.
• Seal containers tightly to prevent the escape
of vapors.
• Separate all chemicals, especially liquids,
according to compatible groups. Follow all
precautions regarding storage of incompatible
materials. Post a chemical compatibility chart
for reference, both in the lab and next to
chemical storage rooms.
Health hazards • Check both container labels and Materials
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) before starting any
job involving hazardous materials
• If you or anyone else in a storage area is
accidentally exposed to a hazardous substance,
get out immediately (the exposed person
should always receive prompt first-aid
attention, and a supervisor or emergency
coordinator should always be contacted).
• Wear appropriate protective clothing and Site Manager
equipment Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Keep hazardous materials in well-maintained Safety Engineer
storage areas (good ventilation and drainage Supervisor/ Foreman.
are key, as well as ensuring that the appropriate
emergency equipment is available)
• Good housekeeping practices (routinely and
thoroughly check the state of containers for any
holes, leaks, signs of rust or rot, missing labels
and always keep things as neat and clean as
6 Replacing of dead lightings, Working at Elevated Area Staff could suffer severe or even fatal • Obtain valid Work at Height Permit prior to
defective exhaust fans, etc in the injuries if they fell start of Work
high ceiling/walls of warehouse • Reduced the working at height if possible to
eliminate fall hazards.
• Ensure fall prevention (toe boards, hand
railings) & protection equipment (i.e. full body
harness) are inspected and color coded to
ensure safe use.
• Provision of scaffolding platform, lifeline and
anchorages if necessary.
• Working area must be provided with proper
access (ladders) and reachable by workers,
installation of work platform if possible. Site Manager
Shortcut not allowed. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• All personnel working at height of more than Safety Engineer
1.8 meters shall be equipped with a (FBH) full Supervisor/ Foreman.
body harness with 2 shock absorbing lanyard.
• Access ladder and landing must be free from
any obstruction that may result to any slips,
trips or fall.
• Use of MEWP like man lift, scissor lift etc.)
• Supervisor/foreman must identify areas with
risk of falling are provided with suitable fall
• Worksite Supervisors to closely monitor the
activity & recommends precautionary measures
if unsafe act or unsafe condition have been
noted during the course of the work
8 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
7 Usage of portable electrical Faulty electrical equipment Could receive potentially fatal electrical • Building designed with fire-resisting materials.
equipment at the store shocks or burns • Exits and fire exits marked and kept clear.
• Fire extinguishers located throughout
• Access to all exits and fire extinguishers kept
clear at all times.
• Fire detection and alarm system in place.
• Fire evacuation procedures displayed at each
fire alarm point.
• Maintenance contracts for extinguishers and Site Manager
detection/alarm system. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Discussions with insurer on the provision of Safety Engineer
automatic closing of roller-shutter doors linked Supervisor/ Foreman.
to fire alarm to be decided upon.
• Fire drill and training in use of extinguishers
held once a year.
• Smoking prohibited in the warehouse.
• Cleaner ensures no debris left around
• All staff trained in good housekeeping during
8 Store rack repairs / door Hot works (welding, cutting, grinding) Fire; If trapped in the warehouse, all staff • Building designed with fire-resisting materials.
modification and visitors could suffer from smoke • Exits and fire exits marked and kept clear.
inhalation or burns which could potentially • Fire extinguishers located throughout
kill. warehouse.
• Access to all exits and fire extinguishers kept
clear at all times.
• Fire detection and alarm system in place.
• Fire evacuation procedures displayed at each
fire alarm point.
• Maintenance contracts for extinguishers and Site Manager
detection/alarm system. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Discussions with insurer on the provision of Safety Engineer
automatic closing of roller-shutter doors linked Supervisor/ Foreman.
to fire alarm to be decided upon.
• Fire drill and training in use of extinguishers
held once a year.
• Smoking prohibited in the warehouse.
• Cleaner ensures no debris left around
• All staff trained in good housekeeping during
9 Collected scrap / damaged Scattered objects / materials lying on the Struck with sharp and hard object resulting • Labeling of storage box (good items, scrap /
materials and equipment ground injury to worker damage items, by capacity, etc.)
• Immediate disposal or sending the damage
one to the buyer
• All material location and storage shall be
barricaded and provided with adequate signage
• Daily inventory of the collected
scrap/damaged items
• Training / awareness regarding the
segregation of collected scrap/damaged items
• Records / registry for the quantity of collected Site Manager
scrap/damaged items Site Engineer
• Designate location for scrap and damaged 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
materials be stored only on a designated Supervisor/ Foreman.
storage area
• Designate material disposal area with
secondary containment intended for the
hazardous liquid material
• Provide storage box for cables
• Remove all unwanted / protruding materials /
• Provision of color coded waste bins at the site
9 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
10 Loading of scrap / damaged Incompetent forklift operator Forklift operated incorrectly can cause • Ensure all forklift operators are competent
materials and equipment to serious damage to operators, nearby and have completed certified training.
trucks for disposal workers and property • Perform regular refresher training and
evaluation when an operator is observed
operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
• Perform daily pre-start forklift equipment Site Manager
inspections to check for controls and Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
equipment damage. Safety Engineer
• Records and monitoring for equipment Supervisor/ Foreman.
certificate and operator’s license
• Re-training schedule / plan for the flagman
• Defensive driving course from accredited
Expose to high noise (above 85dB) Hearing loss or impairment due to • Issuance and wearing of ear plug / defender
continuous exposure ANSI S3.19 – 1974 or equivalent)
• Periodical replacement of PPE’s Site Manager
• Avoid more than 8hrs exposure to sound Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
85dB above level Safety Engineer
• PPE acceptance pledge of the workers/drivers Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Good stocks and availability of PPE’s
Simultaneous movement of equipment in Struck-by or collision with other • Provide trained flagman to assist the operator
the receiving area moving equipment resulting to property and wearing reflective vest
damage from vehicular accident • Provide trained flagman with reflective vest
along with Red and Green flags.
• Complete barricade must be provided, and
Site Manager
the flagman shall position outside the barricade.
Site Engineer
• Defensive driving course to the driver 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Continuous orientation and training to all
Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Isolating or provide barricade and appropriate
signages in the area
Equipment in poor condition (Forklift) Failure of equipment may lead to accident • Operator and driver shall carry out daily
or injuries equipment inspection prior to work
• Operator must be ensuring the equipment are
suitable for the task
• Safe use of equipment must be discussed
during daily toolbox meeting by the foreman or
• Reverse audible alarm must be working Site Manager
properly Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Periodical maintenance program for all Safety Engineer
equipment and vehicle. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Verification for all equipment checklist by the
safety personnel or foreman in-charge
• Competency registry for all operator and
• Documentation of daily toolbox meeting
• Registry / records of equipment maintenance
11 Widthrawing of needed materials Material requested are either too large or Strains and sprains fromcarrying the object • Workers should always wear appropriate
in the warehouse too heavy to carry by the worker personal protective equipment
• Use proper lifting techniques
• Only up to 20 kg is allowable for each worker
to lift. Site Manager
• If the load is heavier, buddy system is advised Site Engineer
• Ensure that all workers are provided with 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
required mandatory PPEs such as: Helmet (ANSI Supervisor/ Foreman.
Z89.1, CE EN397), Safety Glass, Safety Shoes,
Cover all, Safety Gloves, Dust Mask
• Ensure that all personnel are trained in proper
manual handling
10 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
Staff awkward posture Body pain or injury • Establish systems so workers are rotated away
Improper body position when picking the Musculoskeletal disorder from tasks to minimize the duration of
materials on the rack continuous exertion, repetitive motions, and
awkward postures.
• Conduct an ergonomic study to apply controls Site Manager
coming from the results of the survey. Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Avoid repetitive movement over the course of Safety Engineer
the work Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Rotate workers from performing the work
• Ensure that all personnel are trained in proper
manual handling
Falling objects and collapsing loads Can crush or pin workers, causing injuries or • Ensure that stacks are stable and self-
during movement death supporting
• Observe height limitations when stacking
• Consider the need for availability of the Site Manager
material Site Engineer
• Sign fixed to racking stating maximum 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
loads/configuration. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Racking is designed to be suitable for the
loads carried and has not been modified.
• Staff report any damage to racking
Usage of portable ladder to reach the top Staff could suffer severe or even fatal • Inspect the ladder, check for loose or
of the rack injuries if they fell damaged rungs, steps or braces. If
you find a ladder in poor condition, don’t use it.
Report it.
• Make sure when you set up the ladder it is on
solid level ground, you may
need to use a wooden or plastic leveling wedge.
• Straight or extension ladders should extend Site Manager
three feet above the top Site Engineer
support point or landing; secure the ladder to 3 2 6 • Supervisory Control 3 1 3 YES
Safety Engineer
prevent it from moving. Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Always face the ladder when climbing and
hold on with both hands. Carry
tools in a tool belt or raise and lower with a line.
• Choose the right ladder for the job. Don’t use
step ladders in place of a
straight or extension ladder
12 Widthrawing of needed materials Inadequate capacity of lifting gears and Serious accident that may result to severe • Inspect lifting gears before use to ensure that
at laydown yard accessories for cable drums and GIS injury or death it is free of any damage, kink, crack, shear,
equipment Damage of materials change in diameter, bent, deformed or sign of
• Check lifting gears Safe Working Load to
ensure capability to lift the load without
breaking Site Manager
• Damaged lifting gears or any sign of defects Site Engineer
3 2 6 • Supervisory Control 3 1 3 YES
should not be used for lifting Safety Engineer
• Periodical inspection and / or color coding for Supervisor/ Foreman.
all lifting gears (shackles, sling belt, wire rope,
• Tool box talk to be conducted before starting
• Consider the third-party certification for all
lifting gear
Exposure to strong wind above 32 kph, Uncontrollable load swing • Monitor wind speed and stop lifting job if
sand storm wind speed increases more than 32 km/h
• Load shall be lowered, placed on the ground
and suspend the lifting activity
• Crane’s boom shall be retracted and facing Site Manager
opposite the wind direction Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Outrigger shall be deployed while crane is in Safety Engineer
standby position Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Safety Officer shall monitor the wind speed
while lifting activity is ongoing
• Equipment shall have integrated anemometer
11 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)
High temperature (outside areas more Expose to heat can cause illness and death • Adjust work timing and exposure of the
than 50deg.C) (other heat illness such as heat stroke, heat workers
exhaustion, skin rashes, etc.) • Provide supplemental hydration powder or
Dizziness liquids
Nausea • Reminds to drink plenty of water
Dehydration • Taking or recording the heat index at the Site Manager
workplace Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
• Establish a complete heat illness prevention Safety Engineer
program Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Safety awareness / training related to heat
stress, etc.
• Certified first aider must be available
• First aid kit shall be in different location with
13 Housekeeping and clearing the Scattered materials and tools Slip, trip and fall • Housekeeping program will be put in place
work area Finger and foot injury. • Housekeeping will be done at the start and
end of every shift
• Waste bins shall be provided and segregated Site Manager
as per standard Site Engineer
• Pathways shall be cleared at all times 2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
Safety Engineer
• Tools will be kept in proper storage area Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Regular disposal of waste to avoid
• Checklist shall be used for stacking and
storage practices.
Waste accumulation Fire • Dispose generated waste into the designated
waste disposal areas only.
• Remove all materials, tools and generated
waste after the work is done Site Manager
• Assign dedicated personnel to collect waste Site Engineer
2 2 4 • Supervisory Control 2 1 2 YES
and unnecessary materials to dispose Safety Engineer
appropriately to the dedicated trash bins Supervisor/ Foreman.
• Provide trash bin in the work area in
accordance with the classification of waste
12 HIRA-Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Form and Register OHS-PR-09-03-F02 (A) Rev. 0 Rev.ision Date (May 2021)