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Human resources (HR) are an important factor in an organization or in a

company. This is because an organization or company will not function if there are
no good human resources. This will also not work well if there is no management
of human resources in an organization or company. Whatever the form and purpose,
an organization or company is created based on a vision and mission to achieve
goals for the benefit of humans and is managed by humans as well. Human resource
management is very important to do and the work of this article is to explain a brief
analysis of what kind of managerial efforts can be made to improve performance
and motivation.

Keywods : Management, Reward System, Human Resources, Performance,



2.1 Background

Every level of education, be it bachelor's, master's or doctoral level, is of course

required to carry out research in the form of scientific work or what can be called
writing a thesis, thesis and dissertation. Currently, there are many scientific article
websites that function as a forum for journal publications carried out by academics,
both lecturers and students. This article was created to make it easier for researchers
to carry out future research in accordance with the scope of discussion which is
almost the same as previous research regarding the problems that will be discussed
in this article. This is also useful for strengthening a theory that will be used by
researchers in conducting research and also looking at the relationship of related
variables and building a temporary hypothesis/conjecture.

This article discusses "Management Analysis of Human Resources

Management (HR) in an Effort to Improve Performance and Motivation Through a
Reward System". This article analyzes the influence of Management (X1), HR
management (X2), Reward System (X3), on efforts to improve employee
performance and motivation (Y1), a study of Human Resource Management
(HRM) literature.

2.2 Formulation of the problem

Based on the background that has been explained, a series of problems will
be formulated which will be discussed in this literature review article and
this article will focus more on the literature review, discussion and results.
The problem formulation for this article is as follows:

1) Does human resource management have a relationship and impact

on efforts to improve employee performance and motivation?
2) Can the Reward System improve employee performance and


• Study Site
The technique of collecting data from internet media and analyzing are the
method i use for my research.
• Online Data Search/Internet Searching

Internet searching is the process of searching for data through internet media to
obtain informationbased on references, journals, articles or online legislation
related to the object of research.


Management (X1)

A company certainly has a clear vision and mission, making this vision and
mission certainly makes it easier for the company to determine the company's future
direction. The establishment of a company certainly has certain reasons, both to
increase value, to improve the lives of company owners/shareholders, and to be
useful for the environment around the company (Septin, 2019).

Management in a company is very important, this is because a good level of

management can make the work process easier. Management in a company is
usually carried out by the company's board of directors or managers in the company.
Company managers or directors have an important role in a company in taking steps
and activities to manage the human resources in their company (Hakim, 2009).
Even though company managers and directors are part of the company's human
resources, they are still given the responsibility to manage other human resources
in the company, this is because company managers and directors have a functional
role in the company's daily operational activities.

Due to the functional nature of this task, it is useful for supporting other work
units, the manager's position here does not have centralized authority over other
work departments, but a manager has authority over staff/employees within the
scope of human resource management itself (Hakim, 2009). This can be explained
by the fact that human resource management carried out by company leaders
towards employees is very important and greatly influences the achievement of the
company's stated vision and mission.

Human Resources Management (HR) (X2)

Achieving organizational and company goals cannot be separated from good

human resource management. Whether large or small the number of human
resources in an organization/company is not used as a measure of success in
achieving organizational/company goals. The quality of human resources plays an
important role in achieving a goal, this is because human resources in the company
have a role in implementing, planning and mastering various aspects concerned
(Bukit et al., 2017).

Human resources are an important component or a potential that contains a role

in realizing certain goals. It requires good human resource management to produce
quality human resources (Bukit et al., 2017). As has been explained, the heart of the
progress or failure of an organization or company is the capability of its human
resources themselves.

Reward System (X3)

Rewards have been defined in various ways by leading scientists in the world

world. Rewards can be said to be an award if the action or task given has been
completed. A simple analogy is that rewards given by an organization/company can
make employees in a company more enthusiastic about completing future tasks
(Kankanhalli et al., 2005).

This Rewards System is considered important for companies that want to

improve the quality of human resources in their company. This is because the basic
nature of humans is that the more results they get, the more their performance will
increase so that their personal goals are achieved. In line with the individual goals
of each employee, the better the employee's performance, the company goals will
be achieved more quickly.

Performance and Motivation (Y1)

As one of the most famous motivational theorists at the moment, Maslow

postulates that people are motivated to fulfill their own needs and realize that these
needs can be arranged in such a way into a hierarchical system of interests.
According to Maslow, people always expect better conditions. better than previous
conditions (Antonides & Antonides, 1991).

The motivation and performance of every human resource in a company is very

important to maintain for the continued achievement of company goals. As has been
explained, human resources are the heart of a company so that it continues to run,
so it is important to improve the performance and motivation of every employee in
the company. Many factors influence the level of performance and motivation of
existing employees in a company, such as personal factors, work system factors,
facility factors provided by the company, leadership factors, and situational factors
(Alesani & Hathorn, 2013).

1. Personal factors
2. Work system factors Performance and Motivation
3. Facility factors
4. Leadership factors
5. Situational factors

The concept of the Neohuman Relations approach also explains that human
relationships established by fellow humans will make a job easier and will make
the work done produce optimal results in its intended purpose (Dumez, 2018). This
is important to do so that the company or organization in its business journey has a
good structure and will make the results of the business journey produce maximum

Referring to Classical Organizational Theory regarding business management

that will produce optimal results, there are four important points that will be
explained if this Reward System is run by a company or organization. These points
are planning, organizing, directing and controlling. These points will certainly be
optimal if company or organization leaders use a business management approach
through the Neohuman Relations approach (Dumez, 2018). The theories and
approaches that have been explained are related to each other, this is because human
resource management cannot be done with just a system, but the approach to
implementing human resource management in a company or organization also
requires a social or social approach. which can be called Neohuman Relations.

• This article discusses and analyzes Human Resource Management (HRM)

variables, namely: the influence of Management (X1), HR management
(X2), Reward System (X3), on efforts to improve employee performance
and motivation (Y1). Where the influence of management, HR
management, Reward System, has an effect on increasing employee
motivation and performance. The following research articles that already
exist and are very relevant to this article are :

Human Resources Management Has a Relationship and Impact on Efforts to

Improve Employee Performance and Motivation

Running a business, a person must understand and deepen the knowledge of

good management, such as structure and implementation of management practices
should. The science of business management is very broad if you want to explain it
one by one, but in this article we will explain how important the science of business
management is in determining the progress or failure of an organization or
company. Business management is a process of planning, organizing, coordinating
and controlling human resources in order to achieve targets effectively and
efficiently (Mazza, 2005). This statement explains the importance of organized
business management and good management so that the organization or company
gets maximum results and of course achieves its goals effectively and efficiently.
In line with this thinking, it is also said that business management has five main
ideas, namely Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling (Alesani & Hathorn,

Nowadays human resource management is considered important for every

company so that the process of achieving company goals becomes easier to achieve.
Management in a company plays a very important role in formulating strategies to
support quality in every aspect of the company. One of them is employee
performance and motivation, human resource development can also be called a
preparation process for each relevant individual to take on different responsibilities
and it is not uncommon for individuals to take on a higher portion of responsibility
within a company (Krisdiantoro , 2017).

1) Planning
1) Planning
2) Organizing Employee
2) Organizing Management of Human
3) Leading Performance and
3) Leading Resources Management in an
Motivation with a
4) Controlling 11
4) Controlling Effort to Improve Employee
good HR
Performance and Motivation

In its management to improve employee performance, it includes various

functions, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Organizing, 3) Leading, 4) Controlling which
have their respective roles in each function (To the Faculty of Islamic Economics
and Business IAIN Purwokerto for Fulfilling One of the Requirements to Obtain
Bachelor of Economics Degree, 2018). These functions are in line with what has
been explained above, namely that these functional components are an important
part of human resource management efforts to improve employee performance and
Reward Systems Can Improve Employee Performance and Motivation

Rewards are a form of appreciation given by a company/organization to

employees who make work achievements. The relationship between variables and
problems in improving employee performance and motivation is very influential on
each other, this is because an award can make employee performance better.

Planning is very important to carry out a business management pattern that aims
to manage human resources to be more motivated and improve the quality of worker
performance. This is very necessary to do, because without careful planning, all
business management processes will not run well. With a reward system
implemented by an organization or company, there must be careful planning
regarding what should be given to workers if the worker has achieved the work
target. With the lure of awards, the author is very confident that workers will be
more enthusiastic about carrying out their work and will be very motivated in doing
their work (Indah et al., 2019).

Organization in carrying out the Reward System pattern is very necessary. This
is because in good human resource management, an organizational structure is very
important to implement. Organizing in this case is to make it easier for workers to
do their respective jobs. With good organization, workers become more focused on
completing the assigned work (Alesani & Hathorn, 2013).

After planning and organizing, direction is needed (Mazza, 2005). This is useful
for expediting the scheme that has been implemented. In the course of business
management, there is a need for direction as well as functioning as a supervisory
aspect for workers in carrying out their work. The author considers that direction is
also an aspect of supervision, this is because when conducting direction, it
automatically includes supervisory actions as well. When giving direction, the head
of the company or organization also indirectly checks the work that has been done
and tests the workers' understanding of the work to be done.

With a Reward System implemented, these three patterns will run well and will
produce results for the company. It also makes it easier for companies or
organizations to control workers. Indirectly, a company or organization has more
power by implementing a Reward System. Companies or organizations have
strength because at the beginning there was a reward system for workers if the work
done by the worker was optimal and could achieve predetermined targets. Simply
put, the existence of this Reward System really helps companies or organizations
to achieve the targets and targets that have been set.

• Human resource management has been considered important for every
company so that the process of achieving company goals becomes easier
to achieve. Management in a company plays a very important role in
formulating strategies to support quality in every aspect of the company.
One of them is employee performance and motivation, human resource
development can also be called a preparation process for each relevant
individual to take on different responsibilities and it is not uncommon for
individuals to take on a higher portion of responsibility within a company.
• Management to improve employee performance includes various functions
including : 1) Planning, 2) Organizing, 3) Leading, 4) Controlling which
have their respective roles in each function.
• Rewards are a form of appreciation given by a company/organization
to employees who make work achievements. The relationship between
variables and problems in improving employee performance and motivation
is very influential on each other, this is because an award can make
employee performance better. Indirectly, a company or organization has
more power by implementing a Reward System. Companies or
organizations have strength because at the beginning there was a reward
system for workers if the work done by the worker was optimal and could
achieve predetermined targets. Simply put, the existence of this Reward
System really helps companies or organizations to achieve the targets and
targets that have been set.


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Interaction between humans is very important to do well, humans are social
creatures who need each other. Likewise, if it is related to human resource
management in an organization or company, everything will run smoothly if
people who have goals can manage other people well who will launch or
achieve the desired targets and goals. Reward systems in the world of business
management are very important to implement, this is because people will be
more enthusiastic about doing something if there is something they want to get.
Company or organization owners want to achieve goals in the form of success
in the company or organization's achievement targets, as well as people who as
workers, they will also be enthusiastic about helping the company owner to
achieve targets and goals because they also receive an award from the company
owner. Therefore, human resource management through a Reward System can
improve employee performance and motivation to achieve goals or targets.

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