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Received: November, 29, 2023
Revised: December, 31, 2023
Available online: January, 05, 2024
at : http://ejurnalmalahayati.ac.id/index.php/nursing/index
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
Background: Sundari General Hospital has implemented an online registration system as a solution to the
problem of patient backlogs. Patient registration via the national health insurance mobile (M-JKN) application at
Sundari General Hospital has yet to reach the set target.
Purpose: To analyze patient registration through the national health insurance mobile application at Sundari
General Hospital.
Method: Qualitative research uses a case study approach. The research was conducted from April to July 2023.
The informants in the study were 10 people. The research instrument uses a list of questions as an interview
guide. The information-gathering process was carried out using in-depth interviews, observation and
Results: Showed that the input component has been running well, but there are still some obstacles, such as
training for officers, inadequate patient infrastructure, and socialization to patients. The patient registration
process has been carried out according to the SOP, but there are still many patients who need help
understanding the use of the M-JKN application. The output component needs to be optimized due to the low
participation of patients who register through the M-JKN application.
Conclusion: Patient registration via the national health insurance mobile application at Sundari General Hospital
has been going well, although there are still obstacles, and utilization is still low. However, it has been quite
effective in reducing the buildup of patient queues.
Article 15 Republic of Indonesia Minister of Online registration using mobile phone-based
Health Regulation No. 55 of 2013 concerning the technology is a registration method that allows
regulation and implementation of medical recorder patients to avoid long queues at hospitals (Rohman
duties. This article explains that medical recorders & Marsilah, 2022). In Indonesia, several hospitals
can facilitate the provision of medical record services still use a manual registration system, especially in
and health information in two forms, namely manual the registration section. As a result, there is a buildup
medical record services and computerized of queue numbers for outpatients, and storing patient
registration. The use of technology is expected to medical history data on document sheets causes
simplify, speed up and overcome existing problems frequent problems arising from delays in collecting
in the work of medical recorders, especially the patient data (Faizah, 2021).
problem of long registration times, which cause a The online registration application can
backlog of patients (Solihah & Budi, 2018). significantly reduce the waiting time for patients in
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
outpatient care and has been able to meet users. General Hospital in 2023 came 231 (8%) in January,
However, the number of users is still stagnant, and 362 (13%) in February, 397 (13%) in March, 287
there are still obstacles that prevent patients from (13%) in April, and 399 (12%) in May, with a target
switching to using the Application to register set by social security agency on health of 80% every
(Kurniawati, Djasri, & Utarini, 2022). Based on the month.
results of a literature study in hospitals, the online Based on interviews with online queue officers,
outpatient registration service is effective because it using the application requires credit; this is one of
makes the work of officers easier and shortens the reasons why patients want to wait to register
waiting times (Muta’ali, 2021). Online registration of online via the application. There needs to be more
outpatients at M Djamil Hospital, Padang City, has awareness among some patients about writing
been said to be successful because it makes it online via the M-JKN application. Patients do not
easier for people to register for outpatient care understand how to use the M-JKN application, and
(Afdoli & Malau, 2019). The implementation of the more patients are elderly, so the M-JKN application
national health insurance mobile application in requires human assistance to operate. Apart from
Subulussalam City has yet to go entirely well, that, based on an initial survey of several social
effectively and efficiently (Rinjani & Sari, 2022). security agency on health participating patients at
The use of an online registration system by Sundari Hospital, the M-JKN application sometimes
Sundari General Hospital is a strategic step to needed fixing; patients thought that registering via
overcome the problem of patient accumulation. the application was complicated; registering online
Online registration has been carried out via the could not consult or ask questions as freely as
national health insurance mobile application since writing in person. Some patients say that registering
January 2023. This application is the latest online is the same as registering in person because
innovation from social security agency on health in the waiting time is extended.
the form of a mobile application that makes it easier
for users to carry out various administrative activities. RESEARCH METHOD
Apart from that, if the social security agency on The research method used is qualitative research
health card is left behind when needed for treatment, with a case study approach. The main objective of
social security agency on health participants can use this research is to determine the patient registration
the national health insurance mobile application by process at Sundari Hospital via the M-JKN
showing their electronic card in the national health application. The research was conducted at Sundari
insurance mobile application to the officer Regional Hospital from April to July 2023. Research
(Wulanadary, Sudarman, & Ikhsan, 2019). informants were chosen using the purposive
Use of the M-JKN application in Medan City in sampling method. This research involved 10
2020 reached 76,979; in 2021, it reached 55,984; in respondents, including the Head of medical records,
2022, it reached 93,699; and as of April 2023, it the Person in charge of medical records, 2 online
reached 43,315. The utilization of online queues in registration officers, 3 patients who registered via the
Medan City from January to June was 891,577 M-JKN application and 3 patients who reported
users. In 2021, at Sundari General Hospital, the offline. The information-gathering process was
number of social security agency on health carried out using in-depth interviews, observation
participants registering for outpatient treatment and documentation. The process of checking the
reached 26,042, while for inpatient treatment, it validity of information uses triangulation of methods
reached 6,196. In 2022, social security agency on and sources. Data analysis includes several
health patient visits for outpatient care will reach techniques, such as presenting data, reducing data,
30,666, while for inpatient care, they will reach and drawing conclusions.
6,985. The use of the M-JKN application at Sundari
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
The research subjects in this study were aged 22-56, with the most education being Bachelor's and Diploma.
The research subjects consist of critical informants, prominent supporters, and triangulation. Key informants
consisted of the Head of Medical Records, 3 Main Informants, Online Registration Officers and the Person in
Charge of Medical Records, Supporting Informants, namely three patients who registered online through the M-
JKN application and triangulation Informants 3 patients who registered directly at Sundari General Hospital.
Human resources ambassadors. In the Medan City Branch Social
From the results of interviews that have been Security Agency on Health Circular Number 455/I-
conducted, it was found that there are two online 01/0223 dated 23 February 2023 regarding
registration officers at Sundari Regional Hospital. Optimizing Online Hospital Queues, it is stated that
The first officer is on duty in the M-JKN corner to the M-JKN application ambassador is a form of
assist patients in using the M-JKN application. support and improvement for hospitals in an effort to
Meanwhile, the second officer invited patients to use increase the utilization of online queues using M-
the M-JKN application for patient registration. The JKN. The criteria for an ambassador for the M-JKN
two officers are referred to as M-JKN application application are having an M-JKN Hospital
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
ambassador sash, having Smile, Greet, Greet, Polite JKN application to patients as an online queue with
and Neat, having the ability to provide precise and the term "pick up the ball", namely by approaching
targeted education and high enthusiasm in providing patients one by one to offer to use the M-JKN
information on the use of M-JKN. The two M-JKN application.
application, ambassadors at Sundari Hospital have
met the application ambassador criteria set by social Facilities and infrastructure
security agency on health Medan City. The results of the interviews show that the
Even though there have been efforts by M-JKN hospital's infrastructure is sufficient, such as the
application ambassadors to encourage patients to availability of Wi-Fi, credit, computers, brochures,
use the M-JKN application, there are still many and banners. However, several obstacles occur for
patients who prefer to register directly at the hospital patients, namely needing a cellphone and needing
on the grounds that writing via the application is credit because the first registrant of the M-JKN
complicated and they cannot consult or ask the application requires credit to get an OTP code to be
registration officer. In implementing online able to enter the application. This is one of the
registration and offline registration services, the shortcomings of the M-JKN application, which
capabilities and skills possessed by human requires recognition to log in for the first time.
resources are not all D3 medical record graduates, Apart from that, problems also occurred with the
so in 2019, Sundari General Hospital held training for M-JKN application system, which still needed to be
all medical record officers discussing registration, more optimal because an error occurred in the
reporting issues, compiling medical record files and application, which resulted in patients not being able
others. However, training for online registration to register for treatment from the application. Two
officers has not yet been carried out. days before big holidays such as the Eid al-Adha,
Based on interviews that have been conducted, social security agency on health does not notify
Sundari General Hospital currently does not have a hospitals that registration for services is closed on
specific SOP for online registration, so it still relies on the M-JKN application, so patients cannot register for
guidelines from social security agency on health in treatment. Many patients who come for treatment do
the registration process. The aim to be achieved by not follow the usual control schedule, so they cannot
implementing online registration via the M-JKN register on the application and have to go to the
application is to reduce queue buildup and allow hospital to have the previous date removed so they
patients to come to the hospital according to the can note for treatment on the M-JKN application.
doctor's hours. This is in accordance with social
security agency on health Medan City Branch Process
Circular No 455/I-01/0223, which states that the use In the patient registration process, there are no
of online queues via the M-JKN application is to special conditions required, only that the patient is a
support improving the quality of effective and referral patient, has a cellphone and has downloaded
efficient treatment services for National Health the M-JKN application. The registration process for
Insurance - Healthy Indonesia Card participants. patients who register online and offline is different.
To ensure the effectiveness of implementing The procedure for patients who register online via
online registration via the M-JKN application, Sundari the Application is to click on service registration and
General Hospital carries out evaluation and then select the advanced referral health facility. If
monitoring every month. This is in accordance with there are multiple referrals available, the user must
social security agency on health Medan City Branch then select the desired referral. After this, the user
Circular Number 1204/I-01/0623 that hospitals that must proceed to select the planned visit date and the
still need to achieve targets are expected to be able doctor in question. After all data is entered
to increase their achievements in line with targets accurately, users can click on the service list to get
through regular monitoring and evaluation (daily, the queue number. To complete the check-in
weekly and monthly). Apart from that, Sundari process, users must click the "check-in" option on
General Hospital has a strategy to introduce the M- the minimum service day, ensuring this is done at
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
least one hour before service time and within a one- been set due to several factors, such as many
kilometre radius of Sundari General Hospital. patients being elderly so they cannot use cellphones,
Meanwhile, for patients who register directly, the may not understand how to use them, not having
patient must first take a queue number, wait in line cellphones, some patients are not interested in
when called, hand over the files, and then go to the registering via M-JKN application. Despite this, social
poly of the destination. Patients who register offline security agency on health patients are satisfied and
have a waiting time at registration of approximately will continue to use the M-JKN application to register
half an hour, while patients writing online can go at Sundari General Hospital. To overcome these
directly to the registration section to confirm that they obstacles, the hospital made the offline registration
have registered online and can go directly to the counter into two counters, promoting it to patients by
designated polyclinic. picking up the ball so that patients are interested in
Based on the results of the interview, the online registering via the M-JKN application so that Sundari
registration process via the M-JKN application has General Hospital can achieve the targets set by
several obstacles, such as the patient's cellphone social security agency on health.
being inadequate, the M-JKN application cannot be
used for IOS users, patients are too dependent on DISCUSSION
the M-JKN application ambassador, because the Inputs
application ambassador's job is only to register and Human Resources
teach it, next the patient registers himself. Even Health human resources play an essential role in
though a brochure containing the steps to register on achieving optimal levels of public health. Health
the M-JKN application is already available. Patients human resources are health and health support
who do not understand how to use mobile workers who actively work and dedicate themselves
applications have to come to the hospital twice to to health management (Attriani, 2022). In
register and receive treatment. Many patients implementing online registration, health human
choose to register directly at the hospital because resources at Sundari General Hospital play a role in
some patients are not interested and think that terms of both quantity and quality. Health workers,
registering directly at the hospital is easier and they known as M-JKN application ambassadors, have
can freely ask questions if they have anything to ask. played an active role in providing services related to
Registering online saves time and does not require the M-JKN online queue service. This research is in
queuing, unlike registering offline, patients have to line with research that has been conducted, showing
wait in line both at registration and when they receive that social security agency on health Subulussalam
doctor's services. has quite good human resources because the
Patient registration via the M-JKN application is implementation of the M-JKN application regarding
considered effective in reducing queues; registration human resources is very affordable (Rinjani & Sari,
officers do not need to enter patient data because it 2022). Human resources are quite an essential
is automatically entered into the system. In contrast component in the health information system, and
to offline registration, officers must enter patient data their existence must be supported by appropriate
into the system. The quality of service for patients competencies (Sekarlati, Nurcahyati, & Rosmawan,
who register directly and online is different. The 2019).
difference is in the waiting time. Patients who report Health human resource competency plays a
via the mobile application will get assistance from a crucial role in organizational development and
doctor more quickly because they do not have to competition with other organizations. When recruiting
wait in line; they can come to the hospital according workers, organizations should consider a person's
to the doctor's hours. abilities (Pramanasari, Mere, Manafe, Tule, &
Bibiana, 2023). However, at Bahagia Makassar
Outputs General Hospital, the health human resources
The achievement of patients registering online component of online registration still needs to be
via M-JKN has not yet met the targets that have practical. Apart from medical recorders and health
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
information, there are officers with backgrounds Republic of Indonesia Law No. 44 of 2009, hospitals
other than medical records, namely public health and are required to establish SOPs in order to effectively
dental nurses (Asriyanti, Talib, Syamsuddin, carry out and manage the various activities, services
Djayadie, & Qasim, 2023). Just like research and functions provided by their facilities. Because
conducted at the Mitra Plumbon Hospital Neurology there is no SOP, it cannot be ascertained whether
Clinic, in the registration section, the officers who the existing health services comply with procedures
were used as users of the medical record information or not. A service requires a standardization of
system still had high school backgrounds. In service to achieve predetermined targets or goals
accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Minister effectively (Dewi, Machmud, & Lestari, 2020). The
of Health Regulation no. 55 of 2013, the availability of SOPs for carrying out online
implementation of medical record work is regulated registration activities at Sundari General Hospital
in Article 2, which mandates that all activities related already exists, but social security agency on health
to medical records and health information must be guides the existing SOPs. Registration is carried out
carried out by a Medical Recorder (Franki & Sari, in accordance with the established SOP. The online
2022). registration process is designed to suit patient needs
Training for hospital staff is essential to improve and is characterized by its user-friendly nature that
human resource competency. However, online allows patients to follow it easily. Apart from that, Dr.
registration officers at Sundari General Hospital have Sardjito Central General Hospital also implemented
yet to receive training. Similarly, research conducted SPO to increase the efficiency of registration
at Bahagia Makassar General Hospital shows that procedures and ensure accuracy in accessing
training or outreach activities related to online medical services. The use of SPO as a patient
registration have yet to be carried out (Asriyanti et registration method aims to make it easier to obtain
al., 2023). Training is a process to increase services at outpatient clinics via internet-based
employee competency in training expertise, skills, media. This patient registration process is designed
abilities and knowledge so that they can carry out to adapt to the specific requirements and demands
their work efficiently and effectively to achieve of the existing health service system (Septian, 2021).
organizational goals or objectives. The more training The implementation of SPO at the Solo Eye
that is attempted, the more direct impact it will have Hospital is hampered by a lack of health personnel in
on the employee's ability to carry out their duties the medical records unit, which impedes its
(Gitasari & Rudi, 2021). Training is essential to performance. According to the hospital accreditation
increase the knowledge of medical record officers. commission, SPOs must be created with the aim of
There is a positive relationship between training and ensuring that the various stages of work carried out
increased knowledge and achievement of standards routinely can be carried out effectively, efficiently,
after the training is carried out. Training also results safely and consistently. Compliance with appropriate
in changes in officers' attitudes and views towards standards is essential to improve service quality
achieving standards (Roviq, Soepangat, (Puspita, Werdani, & Darnoto, 2018).
Windiyaningsih, & Damayanti, 2020). Sundari General Hospital has made efforts to
attract patients to register through the M-JKN
Method application with the term pick-up ball. One way that
Guidelines are procedures required for the can be done is outreach to social security agency on
implementation of certain service stages. According health patients. The socialization of online
to Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic registration application services is one example of
Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (PER/21/M- Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital’s efforts in
PAN/11/2008), the use of standard operating encouraging patients to use the application. This was
procedures (SOP) for all stages of government achieved by inviting patients directly and displaying
administration is considered significant in achieving information banners in Dr. Sardjito Central General
an efficient, effective and economical bureaucracy Hospital, apart from various social media platforms.
(Shofiana, Arso, & Fatmasari, 2019). According to This is necessary because participation involves
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
both patients and Dr. Sardjito Central General Facilities and infrastructure at Dr Soeroto
Hospital himself has a vital role in the success of Regional General Hospital Ngawi is really needed in
online-based services. Full support from patients the hospital. The existing infrastructure still needs to
also has a significant impact on the success of improve, such as delays in computers when they are
implementing the online registration application turned on, and various types of infrastructure need to
(Septian, 2021). At Sundari General Hospital, be improved. The available infrastructure can
evaluations are carried out every month to see the support officers in completing data on patients who
achievement of patient participation in patient register online. However, sometimes, on computers
registration via the M-JKN application. This is connected to other servers, there are still delays
different from Bahagia Makassar General Hospital, when the computer is running. Inadequate
where there has yet to be socialization regarding the infrastructure includes computers and CPUs that still
implementation of online registration, and there is no use old versions. Apart from that, there are several
team that routinely carries out monitoring and obstacles when patients register online, such as poor
supervision (Asriyanti et al., 2023). signal, slowness or delays on the patient's cellphone
when registering (Faizah, 2021). To be able to
Facilities and infrastructure achieve exemplary service, apart from having
Facilities and infrastructure are tools to support expertise in their respective fields, individuals must
the comfort of service staff for patients registering for also have the ability to use materials as a medium to
outpatient care so that when providing services and achieve their goals.
serving those patients, they can run well (Destriyani,
2020). Sundari General Hospital has provided Process
facilities and infrastructure such as Wi-Fi, computers, The registration process at Sundari General
free credit, banners, and brochures. Meanwhile, the Hospital can be done online via the M-JKN
facilities and infrastructure needed by patients are application or directly at the hospital. Procedures for
cellphones, internet access and recognition. Based the online registration process via the M-JKN
on the results of interviews, many of the first application are available in the M-JKN corner in the
registrants for the M-JKN application had no credit, form of a brochure. However, to register on the
no cellphones, cellphones needed to be in better application, most patients are still too dependent on
condition, the internet network around the patient's officers, so patients cannot note themselves via their
residence could have been better, and sometimes cell phones. In line with research conducted at Dr
the Application experienced errors. The vulnerability Soeroto Regional General Hospital Ngawi they were
of applications for online registration means that stated that there are established methods or
servers often go down, hampering online services procedures to guide officers in carrying out online
(Sofianto, 2020). registration properly. Apart from that, the outpatient
The limited facilities and infrastructure are a registration flow can be done online and manually.
significant challenge to the effectiveness and However, there are still patients who need
efficiency of the online registration application clarification when registering online, so patients ask
service system at Dr. Sardjito Central General for help from their families who understand the M-
Hospital. The online registration process carried out JKN application. The patients' interest in writing via
by Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital needed to the M-JKN application could be higher because
be improved by an adequate internet network patients think writing via the application is
(Septian, 2021). The inhibiting factors in complicated. So many people prefer to register
implementing the M-JKN application are not having a directly at the hospital (Faizah, 2021).
cellphone, not having credit or internet, invalid Just like the people of Subulussalam, most of
people's cellphone numbers, little cellphone memory them prefer to register conventionally because many
capacity, and lack of network access in areas where people need help understanding how to use the
network access is difficult to reach (Maulana, Basori, application and the habits of people who receive
& Meigawati, 2023). conventional services (Rinjani & Sari, 2022). Apart
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
from that, many of the patients at Sundari Hospital the central, provincial, district and city levels. These
are elderly, so they do not understand how to use standards are set based on regional conditions and
cell phones. At the Solo Eye Hospital, if you capacity progress, ensuring that appropriate
implement registration via the web, there will be performance benchmarks are met. The
problems because most of the patients are elderly implementation of minimum service standards in
and do not understand the latest information hospitals is expected to help implement the minimum
technology. So, there are problems with online service standards for hospitals. The minimum
registration (Puspita, Werdani, & Darnoto, 2018). standard for outpatient services is set at <60
Implementing an online registration application minutes. Minimum hospital services serves as an
helps increase ease and speed in service compared indicator to assess the minimum performance that
to manual registration. The process of registering must be achieved. This functions as monitoring and
and distributing patient medical record files from the assessment that relies on factual evidence to
manual registration counter to the polyclinic takes a demonstrate accountability for the quality of services
long time, resulting in delays in polyclinic services provided. The presence of the M-JKN application
and long patient waiting times. Distribution of patient can save waiting time at the hospital because
medical record files can be done in the morning by patients can determine the time to come to the
the filling officer if registration is done via the online hospital so that the time that should be used to wait
registration application (Septian, 2021). Patients who in line can be used for other activities; the patient's
register via the M-JKN application certainly differ in schedule for checking in at the hospital becomes
the quality of service in terms of waiting time. more effective (Puspita, Werdani, & Darnoto, 2018).
Patients who register online can save time getting
services; patients can come to the hospital by Outputs
adjusting the doctor's hours. In the registration Based on interview results, patient participation in
queue, patients can see a string of registration registering online still needs to improve because
numbers that have been called based on the type of more people choose to register manually. Online
registrant. The queuing system at the polyclinics registration via the M-JKN application has yet to be
provides information on the number of registered utilized optimally by patients at Sundari General
patients and the number of patients who have been Hospital. The use of information technology-based
served at each polyclinic. At the polyclinic, patients applications certainly has an impact on bureaucratic
will be given a queue number and given an reform, especially in public services. The majority of
estimated duration of treatment (Sofianto, 2020). hospitals have felt the benefits, both externally and
The online registration system at Regional internally. From an external perspective, benefits
General Hospital needs to be improved. In particular, manifest in expedited service, predictable waiting
some patients have difficulty using the online times, transparency, and equity, thereby increasing
registration application and, therefore, have difficulty patient satisfaction and reducing queue duration.
registering. In addition, the application media is Utilization of information technology-based systems
limited; it can only be used on certain patients. increases labour productivity, speeds up processes,
Meanwhile, there are groups of patients who cannot and increases the ease of providing services. This
access the application. Apart from that, the system in system has a significant impact on hospital
the application shows a slower response. The performance, covering various aspects such as
advantages of patients who have received a doctor's efficiency and accuracy of staff performance,
queue number include increased waiting time increased professionalism, ease of monitoring and
efficiency, practicality, and no need to queue, and it evaluation processes, and enforcement of employee
can be done anywhere (Rohman & Marsilah, 2022). discipline, including punctuality of doctors and
According to the Decree of the Minister of Health awareness of daily patient load. The use of
No.129/Menkes/SK/II/2008, minimum hospital information technology provides convenience for
service standards refer to the level of service both the public and employees, thus increasing the
mandated to be implemented by the government at efficiency and effectiveness of the work system
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: *E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i6.13174
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 06, No.6, December 2023: 498-508
Qualitative research: Utilization of the mobile application of national health insurance (JKN) to increase the effectiveness
of services
(Sofianto, 2020). The majority of patients at the Many of the patients at Sundari General Hospital are
Pratama Salma Clinic, 60%, are satisfied with the elderly who do not master technology. It can be
use of registration on the M-JKN application. There concluded that patient registration via the M-JKN
is a relationship between social security agency on application at Sundari General Hospital has been
health participant patient satisfaction and online running well and effectively because it can save
registration on the application (Pohan, Meliala, & time, you can register anywhere, get service faster
Sulisna, 2022). and have guaranteed waiting times. Although the
Based on research conducted at M Djamil number of users is still far from the target and there
General Hospita, Padang City, it can be said to be are still several obstacles found.
very effective, in accordance with the effectiveness
criteria put forward by Duncan, as quoted from SUGGESTION
Richard M Streets In General, the implementation of Hospitals should provide more effective outreach
service innovation carried out by social health to social security agency on health patients
security institutions is exemplified by the regarding the use of the M-JKN application to
development of the M-JKN application in line with increase patient interest. For Social Security Agency
advances in science and technology. This initiative on Health, it would be better if the system in the M-
has received significant support from the community, JKN application is improved so that the server in the
as evidenced by the widespread use of the M-JKN application is better and patients don't need to use
application. Users have reported many benefits credit to log in to the application.
derived from this innovation, including accelerated
service delivery, increased convenience, reduced ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
distance barriers, increased operational efficiency, The researcher would like to thank the entire
and increased accessibility to services in various academic community of the North Sumatra State
locations. Therefore, to further increase comfort and Islamic University, Sundari General Hospital and all
improve the quality of services in the future, it is parties involved in helping, providing suggestions
recommended that people continue to use M- JKN and input on this research.
services. In addition, it is important for the
government, especially the Ministry of Health and REFERENCES
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