Chapter 2 - The Origin of The Solar System
Chapter 2 - The Origin of The Solar System
Chapter 2 - The Origin of The Solar System
Alex N. Halliday
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Chapter Outline
1. Introduction 29 7. The Asteroid Belt 48
2. Star Formation and Protoplanetary Disks 30 8. Growth of Gas and Ice Giant Planets 49
3. Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System 33 9. Planetary Satellites 51
4. Nucleosynthesis and Short-lived Isotopes 38 10. Extrasolar Planets 52
5. Early Stages of Planetary Growth 41 11. Summary and Future Prospects 53
6. Formation of Terrestrial Planets 43 Bibliography 54
time test decades of theory on how stars work. The 2. STAR FORMATION AND
parallel development of methods for extracting isotopic PROTOPLANETARY DISKS
information at the submicron scale has opened up a new
window to the information stored in such grains. The solar system formed 4.5e4.6 billion years ago by
4. The development of multiple collector inductively collapse of a portion of a molecular cloud composed of gas
coupled plasma mass spectrometry has made it possible and dust, rather like the Eagle or Orion Nebulae. Some of
to use new isotopic systems for determining the mech- the stardust from that ancient nebula has now been isolated
anisms and timescales for the growth of bodies early in from primitive meteorites. Their isotopic compositions are
the solar system. vastly different from those of our own solar system and
5. Our theoretical understanding of planet formation has provide fingerprints of nearby stars that preceded our Sun.
advanced substantially in several areas, including new These include red giants, asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
models for the rapid growth of giant planets, a better stars, supernovae and novae. From studying modern
understanding of the physical and chemical evolution of molecular clouds it has also become clear that stars like our
protoplanetary disks, and the growing realization of the Sun can form in significant numbers in close proximity to
ways in which planets can migrate substantially during each other. Such observation also provide clues as to how
and after their formation. own solar system formed because they have provided us
6. Powerful new computer codes and equations of state have with images of circumstellar disksdthe environments in
been developed recently, which make it possible to make which planetary objects are born.
realistic, high-resolution simulations of collisions between Observations from infrared telescopes such as the
planet-sized bodies. These developments are greatly Spitzer Space Telescope have shown that many young stars
improving the realism of models for planetary growth, give off more infrared radiation than would be expected for
and may offer the solution to some long-standing puzzles blackbodies of the same size. This infrared excess comes
about the origin of Mercury, the Moon, and asteroids. from micron-sized grains of dust orbiting the star in an
optically thick (opaque) disk. Dark, dusty disks can be seen
Today, the formation of the solar system is being studied with the Hubble Space Telescope surrounding some young
using three complementary approaches. stars in the Orion Nebula (Figure 2.1). These disks have
l Astronomical observations of protoplanetary disks been dubbed proplyds, short for protoplanetary disks. It is
around young stars are providing valuable information thought that protoplanetary disks are mostly composed of
about probable conditions during the early history of the gas, especially hydrogen and helium, and in a few cases this
solar system and the timescales involved in planet for- gas has been detected, although gas is generally much
mation. The discovery of new planets orbiting other harder to see than dust. The fraction of stars having a
stars is adding to the astonishing diversity of possible massive disk declines with stellar age, and large infrared
planetary systems, and providing additional tests for excesses are rarely seen in stars older than 10 Myrs.
theories of how planetary systems form. In some cases, such as the disk surrounding the
l Physical, chemical, and isotopic analysis of meteorites
and samples returned by space missions is generating
important information about the formation and evolu-
tion of objects in the solar system and their constituent
materials. This field of cosmochemistry has taken off in
several important new directions in recent years,
including the determination of timescales involved in
the formation of the terrestrial planets and asteroids, and
constraints on the origin of the materials that make up
the Solar System.
l Theoretical calculations and numerical simulations are
being used to examine every stage in the formation of the
solar system. These provide valuable insights into the
complex interplay of physical and chemical processes
involved, and help to fill in some of the gaps when
astronomical and cosmochemical data are unavailable.
In this chapter we will describe what we currently know FIGURE 2.1 Proplyds are young stellar objects embedded in an optically
about how the solar system formed, and highlight some of dense envelope of gas and dust. The objects shown here are from the Orion
the main areas of uncertainty that await future discoveries. Nebula.
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 31
about 0.1 parsecs (0.3 light-years), much less than the in all portions of a disk, creating so-called dead zones
distance between stars in the Sun’s neighborhood. where material flows inward more slowly and the gas
It is unclear precisely what causes the densest portions becomes denser. Disks are also eroded over time by pho-
of a molecular cloud (called molecular cloud cores) to toevaporation. In this process, gas is accelerated when
collapse to form stars. It may be that contraction of a cloud atoms absorb ultraviolet photons from the central star or
core is inevitable sooner or later due to the gravitational nearby, energetic stars, until the gas is moving fast enough
attraction of material in the core, or an external event may to escape into interstellar space.
cause the triggered collapse of a core. The original T Tauri stars often have jets of material moving rapidly
triggered collapse theory was based on the sequencing away from the star perpendicular to the plane of the disk.
found in the ages of stars in close proximity to one another These jets are powered by the inward accretion of material
in molecular clouds. This suggests that the formation and through the disk coupled with the rotating magnetic field.
evolution of some stars triggered the formation of addi- Outward flowing winds also arise from the inner portions of
tional stars in neighboring regions of the cloud. However, a disk. T Tauri stars are strong emitters of X-rays, gener-
several other triggering mechanisms are possible, such as ating fluxes up to 104 times greater than that of the Sun
the impact of energetic radiation and gas ejected from other during the strongest solar flares. Careful sampling of large
newly formed stars, the effects of a nearby, pulsating AGB populations of young solar mass stars in the Orion Nebula
star, or a shock wave from the supernova explosion of a shows that this is normal behavior in young stars. This
massive star. energetic flare activity is strongest in the first million years
Gas in molecular cloud cores is typically moving. When and declines at later times, persisting for up to 108 years.
a core collapses, the gas has too much angular momentum From this it has been concluded that the young Sun
for all the material to form a single, isolated star. In many generated 105 times as many energetic protons as today. It
cases a binary star system forms instead. In others cases, a is thought that reactions between these protons and material
single protostar forms (called a T Tauri star or pre-main in the disk may have provided some of the short-lived
sequence star), while a significant fraction of the gas goes isotopes whose daughter products are seen today in mete-
into orbit about the star forming a disk that is typically 100 orites, although the formation of most of these isotopes
astronomical units (AU) in diameter. Temperatures in predate that of the solar system (see Section 4).
T Tauri stars are initially too low for nuclear reactions to The minimum mass of material that passed through the
take place. However, T Tauri stars are much brighter than solar nebula can be estimated from the total mass of the
older stars like the Sun due to the release of gravitational planets, asteroids, and comets in the solar system. However,
energy as the star contracts. The initial collapse of a all these objects are depleted in hydrogen and helium
molecular cloud core takes roughly 105 years, and material relative to the Sun. Ninety percent of the mass of the
continues to fall onto both the star and its disk until the terrestrial planets is made up of oxygen, magnesium, sili-
surrounding molecular cloud core is depleted. con, and iron (Figure 2.4), and while Jupiter and Saturn are
The spectra of T Tauri stars contain strong ultraviolet mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, they are
and visible emission lines caused by hot gas falling onto the enriched in the heavier elements compared to the Sun.
star. This provides evidence that disks lose mass over time When the missing hydrogen and helium is added, the
as material moves inward through the disk and onto the star, minimum-mass solar nebula (MMSN) turns out to be
a process called viscous accretion. This process provides 1e2% of the Sun’s mass. The major uncertainties in this
one reason why older stars do not have disks, the other
reason being planet formation itself. Estimated disk
accretion rates range from 106 to 109 solar masses per
year. The mechanism responsible for viscous accretion is
unclear. A promising candidate is magnetorotational
instability (MRI), in which partially ionized gas in the disk
becomes coupled to the local magnetic field. Because stars
rotate, the magnetic field sweeps around rapidly, increasing
the orbital velocity of material that couples strongly to it
and moving it outward. Friction causes the remaining
material to move inward. As a result, a disk loses mass to its
star and spreads outward over time. This kind of disk
evolution explains why the planets currently contain only
FIGURE 2.4 Pie chart showing the bulk composition of the Earth. Most
0.1% of the mass in the solar system but have retained more of the iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), and sulfur (S) are in Earth’s core, while the
than 99% of its angular momentum. MRI requires a certain silicate Earth mostly contains magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), and oxygen
fraction of the gas to be ionized, and it may not be effective (O) together with some iron.
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 33
number come from the fact that the interior compositions of 3. METEORITES AND THE ORIGIN OF
the giant planets and the initial mass of the Kuiper belt are
poorly known. Not all this mass necessarily existed in the
nebula at the same time, but it must have been present at Much of the above is based on theory and observations of
some point. Current theoretical models predict that planet other stars. To find out how our own solar system formed it
formation is an inefficient process, with some mass falling is necessary to study meteorites and interplanetary dust
into the Sun or being ejected into interstellar space, so the particles (IDPs). These are fragments of rock and metal
solar nebula was probably more massive than the MMSN. from other bodies in the solar system that have fallen to
Gas in the solar nebula became hotter as it viscously Earth and survived passage through its atmosphere. Mete-
accreted toward the Sun, releasing gravitational energy and orites and IDPs tend to have broadly similar compositions,
absorbing sunlight. The presence of large amounts of dust and the difference is mainly one of size. IDPs are much
meant the inner portions of the nebula were optically thick smaller of the two, typically 10e100 mm in diameter, while
to infrared radiation so these regions held on to much of this meteorites can range up to several meters in size. Most such
heat. Numerical disk models show that temperatures objects are quite unlike any objects formed on Earth.
probably exceeded 1500 K in the terrestrial-planet forming Therefore, we cannot readily link them to natural present-
region early in the disk’s history. Viscous heating mainly day processes as earth scientists do when unraveling past
took place at the disk midplane where most of the mass was geological history. Yet the approaches that are used are in
concentrated. The surfaces of the disk would have been some respects very similar. The research that is conducted
much cooler. The amount of energy generated by viscous on meteorites and IDPs is dominated by two fields:
accretion declined rapidly with distance from the Sun. In petrography and geochemistry. Petrography is the detailed
the outer nebula, solar irradiation was the more important examination of mineralogical and textural features.
effect. Protoplanetary disks are thought to be flared, so that Geochemistry uses the isotopic and chemical compositions.
their vertical thickness grows more rapidly than their This combined approach to these fascinating archives has
radius, As a result, the surface layers are always irradiated provided a vast amount of information on our Sun and solar
by the central star. For this reason, the surface layers of the system and how they formed. We know about the stars and
outer solar nebula may have been warmer than the events that predated formation of the Sun, the nature of the
midplane. material from which the planets were built, the solar neb-
The nebula cooled over time as the viscous accretion rate ula, the timescales for planetary accretion, and the interior
declined and dust was swept up by larger bodies, reducing workings and geological histories of other planets. Not only
the optical depth. In the inner nebula, cooling was probably these, meteorites provide an essential frame of reference for
rapid. Models show that at the midplane at 1 AU, the understanding how our own planet Earth formed and
temperature probably fell to about 300 K after 105 years. differentiated.
Because the energy generated by viscous accretion and solar The geochemistry of meteorites and IDPs provides ev-
irradiation declined with distance from the Sun, disk idence that the Sun’s protoplanetary disk as well as the
temperatures also declined with heliocentric distance. At planets it seeded had a composition that was similar in
some distance from the Sun, temperatures became low some respects to that of the Sun itself (Figure 2.5). In other
enough for water ice to form, a location referred to as the respects, however, it is clear the disk was a highly modified
ice line. Initially, the ice line may have been 5e6 AU from residuum that generated a vast range of planetary compo-
the Sun, but it moved inward over time as the nebula cooled. sitions. The composition of the Sun can be estimated from
Some asteroids contain hydrated minerals formed by the depths of lines associated with each element in the
reactions between water ice and dry rock. This suggests Sun’s spectra (although this is problematic for the lightest
water ice was present when these asteroids formed, in which elements and the noble gases). Today, the Sun contains
case the ice line would have been no more than 2e3 AU almost 99.9% of the total mass of the solar system. A
from the Sun at the time. sizable fraction of this material passed through the solar
Meter-sized icy bodies drifted rapidly inward through nebula at some point, which tells us that the composition of
the solar nebula due to gas drag (see Section 5). When the original nebula would have been similar to that of the
these objects crossed the ice line they would have evapo- Sun today. The challenge is therefore to explain how it is
rated, depositing water vapor in the nebular gas. As a result, possible that a disk that formed gas giant objects like
the inner nebula probably became more oxidizing over time Jupiter and Saturn with compositions like the Sun, also
as the level of oxygen from water increased. When the flux generated rocky terrestrial planets like the Earth
of drifting particles dwindled, the inner nebula may have (Figure 2.4).
become chemically reducing again, as water vapor diffused Most meteorites are thought to come from parent bodies
outward across the ice line, froze to form ice, and became in the main asteroid belt that formed during the first few
incorporated into growing planets. million years of the solar system. As a result, these objects
34 PART | I The Solar System
108 Magnesium gases, which are all highly depleted. For this reason
Sulfur chondrites have long been viewed as representative of
106 the dust and debris in the circumstellar disk from which
Argon the planets formed. So, for example, refractory ele-
104 ments that would have resided in solid phases in the
circumstellar disk have chondritic (and therefore solar)
102 relative proportions in the Earth, even though the vol-
atile elements are vastly depleted. The nonmetallic
components of chondrites are mostly silicates such as
Beryllium olivine and pyroxene. Chondrules are a major compo-
nent of most chondrites (see Figure 2.6). These are
0 20 40 60 80 roughly millimeter-sized rounded beads of rock that
Atomic number (Z ) formed by melting, either partially or completely. Their
FIGURE 2.5 The abundances of elements in our Sun and solar system is
mineral-grain textures suggest they cooled over a period
estimated from the spectroscopic determination of the composition of the of a few hours, presumably in the nebula, with the
Sun and the laboratory analysis of primitive meteorites called carbona- heating possibly caused by passage through shock
ceous chondritesdthought to represent unprocessed dust and other solid waves in the nebular gas. Some chondrules are thought
debris from the circumsolar disk. To compare the abundances of different to have formed later in collisions between planetary
elements it is customary to scale the elements relative to 1 million atoms of
silicon. The pattern provides powerful clues to how the various elements
objects. Most chondrites also contain calciume
were created. See text for details. Based on a figure in Broecker, W. S. How aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs, see Figure 2.7),
to build a habitable planet with kind permission. which have chemical compositions similar to those
predicted for objects that condensed from a gas of
roughly solar composition at very high temperatures. It
is possible that CAIs formed in the very innermost re-
carry a record of processes that occurred in the solar nebula
gions of the solar nebula close to the Sun. Dating based
during the formation of the planets. In a few cases, the
on radioactive isotopes suggest that CAIs are the oldest
trajectories of falling meteorites have been used to establish
surviving materials to have formed in the solar system.
that they arrived on orbits coming from the asteroid belt.
CAIs in the Efremovka chondrite are 4.5673 0.0002
Most other meteorites are deduced to come from asteroids
Ga old based on the 235/238U-207/206Pb system, and this
based on their age and composition. IDPs are thought to
date is often used to define the canonical start to the
come from both asteroids and comets. A few meteorites
solar system. The oldest chondrules appear to have
did not originate in the asteroid belt. The young ages
and abundances of the noble gases trapped inside the
Shergottite-Nakhlite-Chassignite (SNC) meteorites suggest
they come from Mars. Roughly a 100 SNC meteorites
have been found to date, and a comparable number of
lunar meteorites from the Moon are also known.
The Earth is currently accumulating meteoritic material
at the rate of about 5 107 kg per year. At this rate it would
take more than 1017 years to obtain the Earth’s current mass
of 5.97 1024 kg, which is much longer than the age of the
universe. While it is thought that the Earth did form as the
result of the accumulation of smaller bodies, it is clear that
the rate of impacts was much higher while the planets were
forming than it is today.
Broadly speaking meteorites can be divided into three
types: chondrites, achondrites, and irons, which can be FIGURE 2.6 Chondrules are spherical objects, sometimes partly flat-
distinguished as follows: tened and composed of mafic silicate minerals, metals, and oxides. They
are thought to form by sudden (flash) heating in the solar nebula. Some
1. Chondrites are mixtures of grains from submicron- formed as much as 2 million years after the start of the solar system.
sized dust to millimeter- to centimeter-sized particles Photograph courtesy of Drs M. Grady and S. Russell and the Natural
of rock and metal, apparently assembled in the solar History Museum, London.
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 35
Differentiated planetary objects
Chondrite groups
Eucrite parent body
(possibly Asteroid 4 Vesta)
0 20 40 80 60
Time after start of solar system (millions of years)
FIGURE 2.8 The current best estimates for the timescales over which very early inner solar system objects and the terrestrial planets formed. The
approximated mean life of accretion is the time taken to achieve 63% growth at exponentially decreasing rates of growth. Based on a figure that first
appeared in Halliday, A. N., & Kleine, T. (2006).
36 PART | I The Solar System
These tend to be richer in highly volatile elements such Earth but with slightly different chemistry and isotopic
as carbon and nitrogen compared to other chondrites, compositions. They clearly represent the near-surface
although as with all meteorites these elements are less rocks of planets and asteroids that have melted and
abundant than they are in the Sun. Ordinary chondrites differentiated. A few achondrites come from asteroids
are more depleted in certain volatile elements than that appear to have undergone only partial differentia-
carbonaceous chondrites, and are largely made of sili- tion. In principle, it is possible to group achondrites and
cates and metal grains. Enstatite chondrites are similar distinguish which planet or asteroid they came from.
but highly reduced. Chondrules are absent from the The oxygen isotopic composition of a meteorite is
most primitive, volatile-rich group of carbonaceous particularly useful in this respect. Isotopically, oxygen
chondrites (the CI group), either because their parent is extremely heterogeneous in the solar system, and
body formed entirely from matrixlike material or planets that formed in different parts of the nebula seem
because chondrule structures have been erased by sub- to have specific oxygen isotope compositions. This
sequent reactions with water in the parent body. makes it possible to link all the Martian meteorites
Chondrites also contain presolar grains that are sub- together, for example (Figure 2.10). These meteorites
micron grains that are highly anomalous isotopically are specifically linked to Mars because nearly all of
and have compositions that match those predicted to them are too young to have formed on any asteroid; they
form by condensation in the outer envelopes of various had to come from an object that was large enough to be
stars. These represent a remarkable source of informa- geologically active in the recent past. This was
tion on stellar nucleosynthesis and can be used to test confirmed by a very close match between the compo-
theoretical models. sition of the atmosphere measured with the Viking
2. Achondrites are silicate-rich mafic and ultramafic lander and that measured in fluids trapped in alteration
igneous rocks not too dissimilar from those forming on products in Martian meteorites. In fact, Martian mete-
orites provide an astonishing archive of information into
4.0 how Mars formed and evolved as discussed in Section 6.
To date, only one asteroidal source has been positively
Mars (SNC)unpuld.
3.5 Moon, Wiechert et al. 2001 identified: Vesta, whose spectrum and orbital location
strongly suggest it is the source of the howardite,
δ 17O SMOW (%º)
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
δ 18O SMOW (%º)
other elements that have a chemical affinity for iron, form. Chondrites and achondrites are mainly composed of
called siderophile elements. Like chondrites, irons can silicates that undergo physical and chemical alterations on
be grouped according to their likely parent body, and the surface of Earth more rapidly than the material in iron
several dozen groups or unique irons have been found. meteorites. Furthermore, iron meteorites are highly
The textures of mineral grains in iron meteorites have distinctive, so they are easier to recognize than stony
been used to estimate how quickly their parent bodies meteorites. For this reason, most meteorites found on the
cooled, and thus the depth at which they formed. It ground are irons, whereas most meteorites that are seen to
appears that most irons are samples of metallic cores of fall from the sky (referred to as falls) are actually chon-
small asteroidal parent bodies, 10e100 km in radius. drites. Most falls are ordinary chondrites, which probably
These appear to have formed very early, probably reflects the fact that they survive passage through the
within a million years of CAIs, when there was atmosphere better than the weaker carbonaceous chon-
considerable heat available from decay of short-lived drites. The parent bodies of ordinary chondrites may also
radioactive nuclides (see Section 6). Others appear to have orbits in the asteroid belt that favor their delivery to
have formed by impact melting at the surface of aster- Earth. IDPs are less prone to destruction during passage
oids and these are later. A rare class of stony-iron me- through the atmosphere than meteorites so they probably
teorites (amounting to about 5% of all nonchondritic provide a less biased sample of the true population of
meteorites) called pallasites contain an intricate interplanetary material. Most IDPs are compositionally
mixture of metal and silicate (Figure 2.12). It is thought similar to carbonaceous rather than ordinary chondrites and
these come from the coreemantle boundary regions of this suggests that the asteroid belt is dominated by
differentiated asteroids that broke up during a collision. carbonaceous-chondrite like material.
Mass spectrometric measurements on meteorites and
Note that there are no clear examples of mantle material
lunar samples provide evidence that the isotopes of most
within meteorite collections. The isotopic compositions of
elements are present in similar proportions in the Earth,
some elements in irons reveal that they have been exposed
Moon, Mars, and the asteroids. The isotopes of elements
to cosmic rays for long periodsdup to hundreds of millions
heavier than hydrogen and helium were made by nucleo-
of years. This means their parent bodies broke up a long
synthesis in stars which generate extremely anomalous
time ago. Because they are extremely hard they survived
isotopic compositions compared to the solar system. Since
the collisions that destroyed their parent body as well as
the solar nebula probably formed from material from a
any subsequent impacts. In contrast fragments of mantle
variety of sources, the observed isotopic homogeneity was
material (as with samples excavated by volcanoes on the
originally interpreted as indicative that the inner solar
Earth) are extremely friable and are more easily disrupted
nebula was very hot and planetary material condensed from
by collisions.
a w2000 K gas of solar composition. However, a variety of
Survivability is also an issue for meteorites entering
observations including the preservation of presolar grains
Earth’s atmosphere and being recovered in recognizable
in chondrites suggest that the starting point of planet for-
mation was cold dust and gas. This homogeneity is there-
fore nowadays interpreted as indicating that the inner
nebula was initially turbulent, allowing dust to become
thoroughly mixed. CAIs sometimes contain nucleosyn-
thetic isotopic anomalies. This suggests that CAIs sampled
varied proportions of the isotopes of the elements before
they became homogenized in the swirling disk. With
improved mass spectrometric measurements evidence has
been accumulating for small differences in isotopic
composition in some elements between certain meteorites
and those of the Earth and Moon. This area of study that
searches for nucleosynthetic isotopic heterogeneity in the
solar system is ongoing and is now providing a method for
tracking the provenance of different portions of the disk.
However, oxygen and the noble gases are very different
in this respect. Extreme isotopic variations have been found
for these elements. The different oxygen and noble gas
FIGURE 2.12 The pallasite Esquel is a mixture of silicate (olivine) and
iron metal that may have formed at a planetary core/mantle boundary. isotope ratios provide evidence of mixing between
Photograph courtesy of Drs M. Grady and S. Russell and the Natural compositions of dust and those of volatile (gaseous) com-
History Museum, London. ponents. Some of this mixing may have arisen later when
38 PART | I The Solar System
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900
Half-mass condensation temperature (K)
FIGURE 2.13 The estimated composition of the silicate portion of the Earth as a function of the calculated temperature at which half the mass of the
element would have condensed. The concentrations of the various elements are normalized to the average composition of the solid matter in the disk as
represented by CI carbonaceous chondrites. White: atmophile elements; yellow: refractory lithophile elements; blue: moderately volatile lithophile
elements; green: slightly siderophile elements; red: moderately siderophile and chalcophile elements; black: highly siderophile elements. It can be seen
that refractory lithophile elements are enriched relative to CI concentrations. This is because of core formation and volatile losses compared with CI
chondrites. The moderately volatile lithophile elements like K are depleted because of loss of volatiles. Siderophile and chalcophile elements are depleted
by core formation. However, the pattern of depletion is not as strong as expected given the ease with which these elements should enter the core. The
explanation is that there was addition of a late veneer of chondritic material to the silicate Earth after core formation. From Halliday, A. N. (2003).
the nebula cooled, possibly because large amounts of elements is planetary collisions. Energetic collisions
isotopically distinct material are thought to have arrived between large bodies would have generated high temper-
from the outer nebula in the form of water ice. There are atures and could have caused further loss of moderately
also possibilities for generating some of the heterogeneity volatile elements. For this reason, the terrestrial planets
in oxygen by irradiation within the solar nebula itself. have compositions that differ from one another and also
Samples of the solar wind obtained by the Genesis space from chondritic meteorites. The Moon is highly depleted in
mission suggest that the oxygen isotope composition of the moderately volatile elements (Figure 2.9) and is thought to
solar nebula changed over time as the first stages of planet be the product of such an energetic planetary collision.
formation took place.
The terrestrial planets and asteroids are not just depleted
in nebular gas relative to the Sun. They are also very
depleted in moderately volatile elements (elements such as 4. NUCLEOSYNTHESIS AND SHORT-
lead, potassium, and rubidium that condense at tempera- LIVED ISOTOPES
tures in the range 700e1350 K) (Figure 2.9 and 2.13). In
With the exception of hydrogen and helium, the elements
chondritic meteorites, the degree of depletion becomes
we see in the solar system were mainly made by nuclear
larger as an element’s condensation temperature decreases.
reactions in the interiors of other stars, a process called
It was long assumed that this is the result of the loss of gas
stellar nucleosynthesis. If one examines Figure 2.5, seven
from a hot nebula before it cooled. For example, by the time
rather striking features stand out.
temperatures became cool enough for lead to condense,
much of the lead had already accreted onto the Sun as a gas. l The estimated abundances of the elements in the Sun
However, it is clear that moderately volatile elements are and the solar nebula span a huge range of 13 orders of
depleted in chondrites at least in part because they contain magnitude. For this reason they are most easily
CAIs and chondrules that lost volatiles by evaporation compared by plotting on a log scale of relative abun-
during heating events. The least depleted chondrites (CI dance such that the number of atoms of Si is 106.
carbonaceous chondrites) contain no CAIs or chondrules. l Hydrogen and helium are by far the most abundant
Another mechanism for losing moderately volatile elements in the Sun, as they are elsewhere in the
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 39
universe. These two elements were made from sub- stable nuclide because there is no stable isotope with
atomic particles shortly after the Big Bang. a suitable mass. Such nuclides are instead created with a
l The abundances of the heavier elements generally very high flux of neutrons such that unstable nuclides
decrease with increasing atomic number. This is produced by neutron irradiation receive additional
because most of the elements are themselves formed neutrons before they have time to decay, jumping the gap
from lighter elements by stellar nucleosyntheis. to very heavy nuclides. These are r-process isotopes
l Iron is about 1000 times more abundant than its (produced by a rapid burst of neutrons). Such extremely
neighbors in the periodic table because the binding high fluxes of neutrons are generated in supernova
energy of an atomic nucleus is highest for iron. This explosions and in particular in the cores of very large stars
provided enhanced stability for iron nuclei during (e.g. 25 solar masses).
nucleosynthesis. The composition of the Sun and solar system repre-
l Lithium, beryllium, and boron are all relatively under- sents the cumulative w8 billion year previous history of
abundant compared to other light elements because they such stellar processes in this portion of the galaxy prior to
are unstable in stellar interiors. collapse of the solar nebula (Figure 2.14). It is unknown
l A saw-toothed variability is superimposed on the how constant these processes were. However, the iso-
overall trend reflecting the relatively high stability of topes of some elements in meteorites provide evidence
even-numbered isotopes compared to odd-numbered that stellar nucleosynthesis was still going on just prior to
ones. the formation of the solar nebula. In fact the formation of
l All the elements in the periodic table are present in the the solar system may have been triggered by material
solar system except those with no long-lived or stable being ejected from a massive star as it was exploding,
isotopes, viz. technetium (Tc), promethium (Pm), and seeding the solar nebula with freshly synthesized
the transuranic elements. nuclides.
Chondrites show evidence that they once contained
Elements lighter than iron can be made by nuclear fusion short-lived radioactive isotopes probably produced in
because the process of combining two nuclei to make a massive stars shortly before the solar system formed. As
heavier nucleus releases energy for elements up to and already pointed out, most stable isotopes are present in the
including iron. Fusion provides the main source of energy same ratios in the Earth, the Moon, Mars, and different
in stars, and is activated when the central pressure exceeds a groups of meteorites, which argues that material in the
critical threshold, i.e. when a star reaches a certain mass. solar nebula was thoroughly mixed at an early stage.
Larger stars exert more pressure on their cores such that However, a few isotopes such as 26Mg are heterogeneously
fusion reactions proceed more quickly. Massive stars shine distributed in chondrites. In most cases, these isotopes are
more brightly than small stars, and have shorter lifetimes as
a result. When a star has converted all the hydrogen in its
core to helium, nuclear reactions will cease if the star is Isotopes and time-scales
small, or proceed to the next fusion cycle such as the
% abundance remaining
conversion of helium to carbon if the star is sufficiently
massive to drive this reaction. Lithium, beryllium, and long-lived
boron are unstable at the temperatures and pressures of
stellar interiors, and they are rapidly consumed. Small
amounts of these elements are made by spallation reactions
from heavier elements by irradiation in the outer portions of short-lived (extinct)
stars. nucleosynthesis in stars
Nearly all nuclides heavier than iron have to be made 0
collapse of solar nebula end of planetary growth
by neutron irradiation because their synthesis via fusion start of planetary growth
would consume energy. Nuclear reactions in stars generate start of galaxy time present
large numbers of neutrons, and these neutrons are readily
FIGURE 2.14 Most solar system nuclides heavier than hydrogen and
absorbed by atoms since they are not repelled by the helium were produced in stars over the history of our galaxy. This sche-
nuclei’s electrical charge. Neutron addition continues until matic figure shows the difference between nuclides that are stable, those
an unstable isotope is made that decays to an isotope of that have very long half-lives (such as 238U used for determining the ages
another element, which then receives more neutrons until of geological events and the solar system itself), and those that have short
another unstable nuclide is made and so forth. These are half-lives of <108 years, assuming all were produced at a constant rate
through the history of the galaxy. The short-lived nuclides decay very fast
s-process isotopes (produced by the slow but continuous and provide crucial insights into the timescales of events, including
production of neutrons in stars). However, some of these planet formation, immediately following their incorporation into the solar
isotopes cannot be made simply by adding a neutron to a nebula.
40 PART | I The Solar System
the daughter products of short-lived isotopes. In other system with Soddy and Rutherford’s equation for radioac-
words, the excess 26Mg comes from the radioactive decay tive decay:
of 26Al. Every atom of 26Al decays to a daughter atom of
26 26 26
Mg; therefore Al Al
26 27 Al
¼ 27 Al
elt (2.4)
Mg today ¼ 26 Mg original þ 26 Al original (2.1) original BSSI
TABLE 2.1 A List of Short-Lived Isotopes Thought to have Existed in the Early Solar System Based on the Distribution of
their Decay Products in Meteorites.
the range 106 to 104 for isotopes with half-lives of Supernovas are sufficiently energetic that they could
0.7 106 to 30 106 years. This is as expected if all these tear apart a molecular cloud core rather than cause it to
isotopes were synthesized in roughly similar proportions collapse. Shocks waves with a velocity of at least
just prior to the start of the solar system. Many of these 20e45 km/s are capable of triggering collapse but if the
isotopes have initial abundances similar to those that would velocity exceeds w100 km/s, a molecular cloud core will
be formed by an AGB star. However, models for AGB stars be shredded instead. If the supernova was sufficiently far
do not predict the amounts of 53Mn and 182Hf that once away the shock wave would have slowed by the time it
existed. In fact, 182Hf (half-life ¼ 8.9 Myrs) requires a large reached the molecular cloud core. However, the supernova
flux of neutrons of the kind produced in the supernova cannot have been more than a few tens of parsecs away
explosion of a much larger star. It is possible that more than otherwise 41Ca (with a half-life of only 0.104 Myrs) would
one kind of nucleosynthetic process gave rise to the short- have decayed before it reached the solar nebula. The former
lived isotopes in the early solar system. At present is seems presence of 41Ca in CAIs may provide the best constraint
likely that a nearby supernova was involved because the on the time between nucleosynthesis of the short-lived
abundance of 60Fe, which has a fairly short half-life, is too isotopes and their incorporation into the solar system. To
high to be explained by alternative sources. Some isotopes do this, it will be necessary to ascertain the particular stellar
that may have been present have yet to be found, including source(s) that gave rise to these isotopes, so that the initial
Sn with a half-life of 0.3 Myrs. This is an r-process amount of 41Ca can be calculated.
isotope that should have been present in the early solar
system if a supernova occurred nearby. While modeling
these processes is complex, it appears that the supernova 5. EARLY STAGES OF PLANETARY
explosion of a 25-solar-mass star may explain the correct
relative abundances of many of the short-lived isotopes,
including 182Hf, provided that roughly 5 solar masses of Dust grains are a relatively minor constituent of proto-
material was left behind in the form of a supernova remnant planetary disks, but they represent the starting point for the
or a black hole. formation of rocky planets like Earth, and probably also
42 PART | I The Solar System
gas-rich planets like Jupiter. These grains are small, typi- midplane in about 103e104 orbital periods if these were the
cally 1 mm in diameter or less. In a microgravity environ- only processes operating.
ment, electrostatic forces dominate interactions between If the gas was turbulent, particles would have become
such grains, and these forces help grains stick together coupled to turbulent eddies due to gas drag. Particles of a
when they collide. Charge transfer during grain collisions given size were coupled most strongly to eddies whose
can lead to the formation of grain dipoles that align with turnover (rotation) time was similar to the particle’s stop-
one another, forming aggregates up to several centimeters ping time, given by
in size. Freshly deposited frost surfaces also make grains rr
stickier, and increase the ability of grain aggregates to hold ts ¼ (2.7)
rgas cs
together during subsequent collisions.
Laboratory experiments show that low-velocity colli- Meter-sized particles would have coupled to the largest
sions between grains tend to result in sticking, while faster eddies, with turnover times comparable to the orbital period
collisions often cause grains to rebound. Irregularly shaped P. In a strongly turbulent nebula, meter-sized particles
micron-sized grains often stick to one another at collision would have collided with one another and with smaller
speeds of up to tens of meters per second. Fluffy aggregates particles at high speeds, typically tens of meters per second.
may stick more readily than compact solids as some of the Gas pressure in the nebula generally decreased with
energy of impact goes into compaction. However, the pri- distance from the Sun. This means gas orbited the Sun more
mary components of chondritic meteorites are compact slowly than solid bodies, which moved at the Keplerian
chondrules so further compaction cannot have played a big velocity. Large solid bodies thus experienced a headwind of
role in the formation of their parent bodies. In general, up to 100 m/s. The resulting gas drag removed angular
sticking forces scale with the surface area of an object, while momentum from solid bodies, causing them to undergo
collisional energy scales with mass and hence volume. As a radial drift toward the Sun. Small particles with ts << P
result, growth becomes more difficult, and break up be- drifted slowly at terminal velocity. Very large objects with
comes more likely, as aggregates become larger. It is ts >> P were only weakly affected by gas drag and also
possible that early growth in the solar nebula took place drifted slowly. Drift rates were highest for meter-sized
mainly as the result of large objects sweeping up smaller bodies with ts z P (see Figure 2.16), and these drifted
ones. This idea is supported by recent experiments that have inward at rates of 1 AU every few hundred years. Rapid
found that small dust aggregates tend to embed themselves inward drift meant that these bodies collided with smaller
in larger ones if they collide at speeds above about 10 m/s. particles at high speeds. Rapid drift also meant that meter-
Dust grains, grain aggregates, and chondrules would sized objects had very short lifetimes, and many were
have been closely coupled to the motion of gas in the solar probably lost when they reached the hot innermost regions
nebula. The smallest particles were mainly affected by of the nebula and vaporized.
Brownian motiondcollisions with individual gas mole- The short drift lifetimes and high collision speeds
cules, which caused the particles to move with respect to one experienced by meter-sized particles have led some
another, leading to collisions. Particles also settled slowly researchers to conclude that particle growth stalled at this
toward the disk’s midplane due to the vertical component of
the Sun’s gravitational field. Settling was opposed by gas
drag so that each particle fell at its terminal velocity:
r vkep rz
vz ¼ vkep (2.5)
rgas cs a2
where r and r are the radius and density of the particle, rgas
is the gas density, a is the orbital distance from the Sun, z is
the height above the disk midplane, and cs is the sound
speed in the gas. Here vkep is the speed of a solid body
moving on a circular orbit, called the Keplerian velocity:
vkep ¼ (2.6)
where Msun is the mass of the Sun. Large particles fell faster
FIGURE 2.16 The lifetime of solid particles orbiting at 1 AU from the
than small ones, sweeping up material as they went,
Sun in the minimum-mass solar nebula when the particles drift inward due
increasing their vertical speed further. Calculations show to gas drag. Drift rates are fastest for meter-sized particles, which are lost
that micron-sized particles would grow and reach the in a few hundred years unless they rapidly grow larger.
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 43
size because particles were destroyed as fast as they particles tended to accumulate at temporary, high-pressure
formed. This is often referred to as the meter-sized barrier. zones in the turbulent gas. As particles accumulated they
This remains an open question, however, due to a shortage began to shield one another from the headwind, slowing their
of experimental data regarding the physics of collisions in a inward drift and allowing more particles to accumulate at the
microgravity environment, and uncertainty about the level same location. Each of these mechanisms provides a
of turbulence in the solar nebula. It is possible that a small possible route to planetesimal formation in turbulent proto-
population of lucky objects successfully passed through the planetary disks.
meter-sized barrier because they never experienced a The difficulties associated with both the meter-sized
destructive, high-speed collision. barrier and GI mean that the question of how planetesi-
Bodies larger than 1 km generally took a long time to mals formed remains open for now. However, the fact that
drift inward due to gas drag. These objects were also large roughly half of young stars have debris disks of dust
enough to have appreciable gravitational fields, making thought to come from asteroids and comets implies that
them better able to hold on to fragments generated in col- growth of large solid bodies occurs in many protoplanetary
lisions. For these reasons, growth became easier once disks, even if the mechanism remains obscure.
bodies became this large. Much effort has been devoted to
seeing whether kilometer-sized bodies could have formed
directly, avoiding the difficulties associated with the meter-
sized barrier. Gravitational instability (GI) offers a PLANETS
possible way to do this. If the level of turbulence in the The growth of bodies beyond 1 km in size is better under-
nebula was very low, solid particles would have settled stood than planetesimal formation itself. Gravitational in-
close to the nebula midplane increasing their local con- teractions and collisions between pairs of planetesimals
centration. If enough particles became concentrated in one dominate the evolution from this point onward. A key factor
place, their combined gravitational attraction would render in determining the rate of growth is gravitational focusing.
the configuration unstable, allowing the region to become The probability that two planetesimals will collide during a
gravitationally bound and collapse. If the particles were close approach depends on their cross-sectional area
then able to contract enough to form a single solid body, the multiplied by a gravitational focusing factor Fg:
resulting object would be roughly 1e10 km in radius. Such
an object is called a planetesimal. Fg ¼ 1 þ (2.8)
GI faces severe obstacles, however. As solid particles 2
accumulated near the nebula midplane, they would have
begun to drag gas around the Sun at Keplerian speeds, while where vrel is the planetesimals’ relative velocity, and vesc is
gas above and below the midplane continued to travel at sub- the escape velocity from a planetesimal, given by
Keplerian speeds. The velocity difference between the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
layers generated turbulence, puffing up the particle layer vesc ¼ (2.9)
until a balance between vertical sedimentation and turbu-
lence was reached. This balance may have prevented particle where M and r are the planetesimal’s mass and radius,
concentrations from becoming high enough for GI to occur. respectively. When planetesimals pass each other slowly,
Calculations suggest that the solid-to-gas ratio in a vertical there is time for their mutual gravitational attraction to
column of nebula material had to become roughly unity focus their trajectories toward each other, so Fg is large, and
before GI would take place. This means that the concen- the chance of a collision is high. Fast-moving bodies
tration of solid material had to become enhanced by one to typically do not collide unless they are traveling directly
two orders of magnitude compared to the nebula as a whole. toward each other because Fg y 1 in this case. The relative
If a region of the disk did start to undergo GI, it would only velocities of planetesimals depend on their orbits about the
contract to form a planetesimal if the relative velocities of Sun. Objects with similar orbits are the most likely to
the particles in that region became low enough. Turbulence collide with each other. In particular, planetesimals moving
and radial drift both lead to large relative velocities between on nearly circular, coplanar orbits have high collision
particles and may have rendered GI ineffective. probabilities while ones with highly inclined, eccentric
The presence of turbulence may not have been entirely (elliptical) orbits do not.
detrimental to growth. Numerical simulations show that Most close encounters between planetesimals did not lead
chondrule-size particles would be strongly concentrated in to a collision, but bodies often passed close enough for their
stagnant regions in a turbulent nebula, a process called mutual gravitational tug to change their orbits. Statistical
turbulent concentration. Larger, roughly meter-sized parti- studies show that after many such close encounters, high-
cles would have been concentrated by a second process mass bodies tend to acquire circular, coplanar orbits, while
called the streaming instability. These highly mobile low-mass bodies are perturbed onto eccentric, inclined orbits.
44 PART | I The Solar System
This is called dynamical friction, and is analogous to the As embryos became larger, they perturbed planetesi-
equipartition of kinetic energy between molecules in a gas. mals onto highly inclined and eccentric orbits. The plane-
Dynamical friction means that on average, the largest bodies tesimals began to collide with one another at high speeds,
in a particular region experience the strongest gravitational causing fragmentation and breakup. A huge number of
focusing and therefore they grow the fastest (Figure 2.17). subkilometer-sized collision fragments were generated,
This state of affairs is called runaway growth for together with a second generation of fine dust particles. Gas
obvious reasons. Most planetesimals remained small, while a drag operates efficiently on small fragments, so their orbits
few objects, called planetary embryos, grew much larger. rapidly became almost circular and coplanar. As a result,
Runaway growth continued as long as interactions be- many fragments were quickly swept up by embryos,
tween planetesimals determined their orbital distribution. increasing the embryos’ growth rates still further.
However, once embryos became large enough, gravita- Numerical calculations show that embryo feeding zones
tional perturbations from these objects came to dominate were typically about 10 Hill radii in width, where the Hill
the motion of the smaller planetesimals. This transition radius of an embryo with mass M and orbital radius a is
took place when given by
Memb Semb > Mplan Splan M
rh ¼ a (2.10)
where Memb and Mplan are the mass of a typical embryo and
planetesimal, respectively, and Semb and Splan are the sur- If an embryo were to accrete all the solid material in its
face densities of the embryos and planetesimals. feeding zone it would stop growing when its mass reached a
The evolution now entered a new phase called oligar- value called the isolation mass, given by
chic growth. The relative velocities of planetesimals were 3 3 3 =
8b p Ssolid a6
determined by a balance between perturbations from
Miso y (2.11)
nearby embryos and damping due to gas drag. Embryos 3Msun
continued to grow faster than planetesimals, but growth
was no longer unrestrained. Large embryos stirred up where S is the surface (column) density of solid material in
nearby planetesimals more than small embryos did, that region of the disk, and b z 10 is the width of a feeding
weakening gravitational focusing and slowing growth. As a zone in Hill radii. The surface density in the Sun’s proto-
result, neighboring embryos tended to grow at similar rates. planetary nebula is not known precisely, but for plausible
Embryos spaced themselves apart at regular radial values, the isolation masses would have been about 0.1
intervals, with each one staking out an annular region of Earth masses at 1 AU, and around 10 Earth masses in the
influence in the nebula called a feeding zone. outer solar system. Calculations suggest that bodies
approached their isolation mass in the inner solar system
roughly 105 years after planetesimals first appeared in large
numbers. Growth was slower in the outer solar system, but
bodies were probably nearing their isolation mass at 5 AU
after 106 years.
Large embryos significantly perturbed nearby gas in the
nebula forming spiral waves. Gas passing through these
waves had a higher density than that in the surrounding
region. Gravitational interactions between an embryo and
its spiral waves transferred angular momentum between
them. For conditions likely to exist in the solar nebula, the
net result was that each embryo lost angular momentum
and migrated inward toward the Sun. This is called
type-I migration. In an isothermal (uniform temperature)
disk, the migration rate is proportional to an embryo’s
mass M and the local surface density of gas Sgas and is
given by
da M Sgas a2 vkep 2
z 4 vkep (2.12)
FIGURE 2.17 Runaway growth of a few large planetesimals takes place dt Msun Msun cs
due to a combination of dynamical friction (which gives large
planetesimals circular and coplanar orbits), and gravitational focusing
where cs is the sound speed in the gas and vkep is the orbital
(which increases the chance of a collision between bodies moving on velocity of a body moving on a circular, Keplerian orbit.
similar orbits). Type-I migration became important once embryos grew to
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 45
As embryos grew larger, their temperatures increased planet’s water. The deuterium to hydrogen (D/H) ratio seen
due to kinetic energy released during impacts and the in most comets is twice that of Earth’s oceans, which
decay of radioactive isotopes in their interiors. Short- suggests these comets supplied at most about 10% of
lived isotopes such as 26Al and 60Fe, with half-lives of Earth’s water. To date, one comet has been observed with a
0.7 and 2.6 Myrs, respectively (Table 2.1), were partic- D/H ratio similar to Earth, so it is possible that Earth
ularly powerful heat sources early in the solar system. acquired a substantial amount of water from a subpopula-
Bodies more than a few kilometers in radius would have tion of comets.
melted if they formed within the first 2 million years, Planetesimals from the asteroid belt are another
when the short-lived isotopes were still abundant. Em- possible source of water. Carbonaceous chondrites are
bryos that melted also differentiated, with iron and especially promising since they contain up to 10% water
siderophile elements sinking to the center to form a core, by mass in the form of hydrated silicates, and this water
while lighter silicates formed a mantle closer to the would be released upon impact with the Earth. Calcula-
surface. tions suggest that if the early asteroid belt was several
The abundances of the most highly siderophile elements orders of magnitude more massive than today, it could
(such as platinum and osmium) in Earth’s mantle are higher have supplied the bulk of Earth’s water. From the current
than one would expect to find after the planet differentiated meteorite record it seems unlikely that this water could
since most siderophile material should have been extracted have been delivered after core formation like the late
into the core. The amount of the platinum in the core is veneer of highly siderophile elements. There are a number
sufficient to cover Earth’s surface to a depth of about a of reasons for this but a compelling case comes from the
meter. However, even that which is residual in Earth’s fact that carbonaceous chondrites and Earth’s mantle have
mantle and which provides our platinum and gold jewelry, different osmium isotope ratios. As a result, the delivery of
is much more than expected unless it was added after core water to Earth and its acquisition of a late veneer were
formation had ceased. The most likely explanation for these separate processes that occurred at different times in its
high abundances therefore is that Earth continued to history.
acquire some material after its core and mantle had finished The origin of Earth’s atmospheric constituents is also
separating. This late veneer may amount to almost 1% of somewhat uncertain. When the solar nebula was still pre-
the total mass of the planet. sent, planetary embryos probably had thick atmospheres
The degree to which this late veneer also provided Earth mostly composed of hydrogen and helium captured from
with some of its inventory of volatiles, namely, water, the nebula. Most of this atmosphere was lost subsequently
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and the noble gases, is uncertain; by hydrodynamic escape as hydrogen atoms were accel-
some argue that the major portion was accreted earlier. erated to escape velocity by ultraviolet radiation from the
Even the amount of water that Earth contains is debated. Sun, dragging other gases along with them. Much of
Earth’s oceans contain about 0.03% of the planet’s total Earth’s current atmosphere was probably outgassed from
mass. At least as much water exists in the mantle and some the mantle at a later stage. Some noble gases currently
think there could be an order of magnitude more. The escaping from Earth’s interior are similar to those found in
present amounts of water and other volatiles, even if they the Sun, which suggests they may have been captured into
were better quantified, may not reflect the original situa- Earth’s mantle from the nebula or were trapped in bodies
tion. Earth may have also suffered removal of volatiles as it that later collided with Earth. Most of the xenon produced
grew from energetic collisions. There would also have been by radioactive decay of 244Pu and 129I (Table 2.1) has been
some dissipation of dissociated hydrogen to space. Finally, lost, which implies that Earth’s atmosphere was still being
reactions with iron could have led to segregation to the core eroded 100 Myr after the start of the solar system, possibly
of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, just like the by impacts.
platinum group elements. Radioactive isotopes can be used to place constraints on
Temperatures at 1 AU are currently too high for water the timing of planet formation. The hafniumetungsten
ice to condense, and this was probably also true for most of system is particularly useful in this respect since the parent
the history of the solar nebula (pressures were always too nuclide 182Hf is lithophile (tending to reside in silicate
low for liquid water to condense). As a result, Earth mantles) while the daughter nuclide 182W is siderophile
probably received most of its water as the result of colli- (tending to combine with iron during core formation)
sions with other embryos or planetesimals that contained (Figure 2.19). Isotopic data can be used in a variety of ways
water ice or hydrated minerals in their interiors. Planetes- to define a timescale for planetary accretion. The simplest
imals similar to modern comets almost certainly delivered method uses a model age calculation, which corresponds to
some water to Earth. However, a typical comet has a the calculated time when an object or sample would have
probability of only about one in a million of colliding with needed to form from a simple average solar system reser-
Earth, so it is unlikely that comets provided the bulk of the voir, as represented by chondrites, in order generate its
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 47
180Hf/184W and 238U/204Pb fractionation in the Earth FIGURE 2.19 Hafniumdtungsten chronometry
provides insights into the rates and mechanisms of
formation of the solar system whereas U-Pb
180Hf/184W = 180Hf/184Wsolar system ~ 1.3 chronometry provides us with an absolute age of
total Earth
Total Earth the solar system. In both cases the radioactive
238U/204Pb ~ 0.7 > 238U/204Pbsolar system ~ 0.14 parent/radiogenic daughter element ratio is frac-
has chondritic total Earth
Hf/W but tionated by core formation, an early planetary
nonchondritic process. It is this fractionation that is being dated.
U/Pb Silicate Earth The Hf/W ratio of the total Earth is chondritic
Core (average solar system) because Hf and W are both
or Primitive Mantle
Rich in W and Pb refractory elements. The U/Pb ratio of the Earth is
Rich in Hf and U
Poor in Hf and U enhanced relative to average solar system because
Poor in W and Pb
approximately >80% of the Pb was lost by vola-
tilization or incomplete condensation mainly at an
180Hf/184W early stage of the development of the circumstellar
silicate Earth = 30
disk. The fractionation within the Earth for Hf/W
core = 0 and U/Pb is similar. In both cases the parent (Hf or
238U/204Pb U) prefers to reside in the silicate portion of the
silicate Earth = 8–9
238U/204Pb Earth. In both cases the daughter (W or Pb) prefers
core = 0 to reside in the core.
isotopic composition. For the 182Hf-182W system this time certainly formed within about 3 million years of the start of
is given as the solar system (Figure 2.8).
The existence of meteorites from differentiated aster-
oids suggests that core formation began early and this is
1 6 182 Hf confirmed by 182Hf-182W chronometry. Therefore, most
tCHUR ¼ ln4 180
l Hf BSSI planetary embryos would have been differentiated when
0 182 13 they collided with one another. Although Mars grew
W extremely rapidly, Earth does not appear to have reached its
B 184 W
184 W
@180 SAMPLE A5 current size until the giant impact that was associated with
184 W
184 W
the formation of the Moon (see Section 8). 182Hf-182W
chronometry for lunar samples shows that this took place
(2.13) more than 30 Myrs after the start of the solar system. There
where tCHUR is the time of separation from a CHondritic is other evidence that this could have been as late as
Uniform Reservoir, l ¼ (ln 2/half-life) is the decay constant 100 Myrs and it has long been recognized that the forma-
for 182Hf (0.078 per million years), and (182Hf/180Hf)BSSI is tion of the Moon probably happened near the end of Earth’s
the BSSI ratio of 182Hf to 180Hf. Tungsten-182 excesses accretion, and this is consistent with the results of Moon-
have been found in Earth, Mars, and the HED meteorites, forming impact simulations. This is also consistent with
which are thought to come from asteroid Vesta, indicating the W isotopic composition of the silicate Earth itself
that all these bodies differentiated while some 182Hf was still (Figure 2.20). This shows that the Earth accreted at least
present. Iron meteorites, which come from the cores of half of its mass within the first 30 Myrs of the solar system.
differentiated planetesimals, have low Hf/W ratios and are However, the data are fully consistent with the final stage of
deficient in 182W. This means these planetesimals must have accretion being around the time of the Moon-forming
formed at a very early stage before most of the 182Hf had impact. Because the Earth accreted over a protracted
decayed. New, very precise 182Hf-182W chronometry has period rather than in a single event it is the simplest to
shown that some of these objects formed within the first model the W isotope data in terms of an exponentially
2 million years of the solar system (Figure 2.8). decreasing rate of growth (Figure 2.20).
New modeling of the latest 182Hf-182W data for Martian
F ¼ 1 eð1=sÞt (2.14)
meteorites also provides evidence that Mars grew and
started differentiating within about 1 million years of the where F is the mass fraction of the Earth that has accu-
start of the solar system. This short timescale is consistent mulated, s is the mean life for accretion in Myrs
with runaway growth described above. So far, isotopic data (Figure 2.20), and t is time in Myrs. This is consistent with
for other silicate objects has not been so readily explicable the kinds of curves produced by the late George Wetherill
in terms of very rapid growth. However, asteroid Vesta who modeled the growth of the terrestrial planets using
48 PART | I The Solar System
1.0 come from Vesta, show this crust formed only a few million
τ = 10
years after the solar system, according to several isotopic
0.8 13 17 systems. The survival of Vesta’s crust suggests the impact
Mass fraction of Earth
25 rate in the belt has never been much higher than today since
0.6 50 the crust formed. For these reasons, it is thought that most
100 of the asteroid belt’s original mass was removed at a very
0.4 early stage by a dynamical process rather than by colli-
sional erosion.
0.2 The asteroid belt currently contains a number of orbital
wetherill 1986 resonances associated with the giant planets. Resonances
τ = accretionary mean life (Myrs)
0 occur when either the orbital period or precession period of
0 20 40 60 80 100 an asteroid has a simple ratio with the corresponding period
Time (Myrs) for one of the planets. Many resonances induce large
FIGURE 2.20 The mean life of accretion of the Earth (s) is the inverse of changes in orbital eccentricity, causing asteroids to fall into
the time constant for exponentially decreasing oligarchic growth from the Sun, or to come close to Jupiter, leading to close en-
stochastic collisions between planetary embryos and planets. The growth counters and ejection from the solar system. For this
curves corresponding to several such mean lives are shown including the
one that most closely matches the calculation made by the late George
reason, there are very few asteroids that orbit the Sun twice
Wetherill based on Monte Carlo simulations. The mean life determined every time Jupiter orbits the Sun once, for example. When
from tungsten isotopes (Figure 2.8) is in excellent agreement with the nebular gas was still present, small asteroids moving on
Wetherill’s predictions. eccentric orbits would have drifted inward rapidly due to
gas drag. After the giant planets had formed, a combination
of resonances and gas drag may have transferred most
Monte Carlo simulations. The W isotope data are consistent objects smaller than a few hundred kilometers from the
with a mean life of between 10 and 15 Myrs depending on asteroid belt into the terrestrial-planet region. Larger
the exact parameters used. This is fully consistent with the planetary embryos would not have drifted very far. How-
timescales proposed by Wetherill. From these protracted ever, once oligarchic growth ceased, embryos began to
timescales it is clear that Earth took much longer to gravitationally scatter one another across the belt. Numer-
approach its current size than Mars or Vesta, which prob- ical simulations show that most or all of these bodies would
ably formed from different mechanisms (Figure 2.8). eventually enter a resonance and be removed, leaving an
asteroid belt greatly depleted in mass and containing no
objects bigger than Ceres. The timescale for the depletion
of the belt depends sensitively on the orbital eccentricities
The asteroid belt currently contains only enough material to of the giant planets at the time, which are poorly known.
make a planet 2000 times less massive than Earth, even The belt may have been cleared in only a few million years,
though the spatial extent of the belt is huge. It seems likely but it may have required as much as several hundred
that this region once contained much more mass than it million years if the giant planets had nearly circular orbits.
does today. A smooth interpolation of the amount of solid Finally, as we saw earlier, the asteroid belt may have lost
material needed to form the inner planets and the gas giants much of its original mass due to the migration of Jupiter
would place about 2 Earth masses in the asteroid belt. Even while the solar nebula was still present.
if most of this mass was lost at an early stage, the surface The albedos and spectral features of asteroids vary
density of solid material must have been at least 100 times widely from one body to another, but clear trends are
higher than it is today in order to grow bodies the size of apparent as one moves across the asteroid belt. S-type
Ceres and Vesta (roughly 900 and 500 km in diameter, asteroids, which generally lie in the inner asteroid belt,
respectively) in only a few million years. appear to be more thermally processed than the C-type
Several regions of the asteroid belt contain clusters of asteroids that dominate the middle belt. These may
asteroids with similar orbits and similar spectral features, include the parent bodies of ordinary and carbonaceous
suggesting they are made of the same material. These chondrites, respectively. C-types in turn seem more pro-
clusters are fragments from the collisional breakup of cessed than the P-type asteroids that mostly lie in the outer
larger asteroids. There are relatively few of these asteroid belt. These differences may reflect differences in the
families, which implies that catastrophic collisions are composition of solid materials in different parts of the
quite rare. This suggests the asteroid belt has contained nebula, or differences in the time at which asteroids
relatively little mass for most of its history. The spectrum of formed. Ordinary and enstatite chondrites, which probably
asteroid Vesta, located 2.4 AU from the Sun, shows that it come from the inner asteroid belt, tend to be dry, while
has a basaltic crust. The HED meteorites, which probably carbonaceous chondrites from the middle and outer belt
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 49
contain up to 10% water by mass in the form of hydrated interior structure of Jupiter remains quite uncertain since
minerals. This suggests that temperatures were cold enough we lack adequate equations of state for the behavior of
in the outer asteroid belt for water ice to form and become hydrogen at the very high pressures found in the planet’s
incorporated into asteroids where it reacted with dry rock. interior. The upper atmospheres of both planets are
Temperatures were apparently too high for water ice to enriched in elements such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and
condense in the inner asteroid belt. It is possible that some argon, compared to the Sun. It is thought likely that these
of the objects currently in the asteroid belt formed else- enrichments extend deep into the planets’ interiors but this
where. For example, it has been proposed that many of the remains uncertain.
parent bodies of the iron meteorites, and possibly Vesta, Giant planets may form directly by the contraction and
formed in the terrestrial-planet region and were later collapse of gravitationally unstable regions of a proto-
gravitationally scattered outward to their current orbits. planetary disk. This disk instability is analogous to the
Iron meteorites from the cores of melted asteroids are gravitational instabilities that may have formed planetesi-
common, whereas meteorites from the mantles of these mals, but instead the instability takes place in nebula gas
asteroids are rarely seen. This suggests that a substantial rather than the solid component of the disk. Instabilities
amount of collisional erosion took place at an early stage, will occur if the Toomre stability criterion Q becomes close
with only the strong, iron-rich cores of many bodies sur- to or lower than 1, where
viving. A number of other meteorites also show signs that Msun cs
their parent asteroids experienced violent collisions early in Q ¼ (2.15)
Spa2 vkep
their history. Chondrites presumably formed somewhat
later than the differentiated asteroids, when the main where vkep is the Keplerian velocity, cs is the sound speed,
radioactive heat sources had mostly decayed. Chondrites and S is the local surface density of gas in the disk. Gas in
are mostly composed of chondrules, which typically an unstable region quickly becomes much denser than the
formed 1e3 Myr after CAIs. Chondrite parent bodies surrounding material. Disk instability requires high surface
cannot be older than the youngest chondrules they contain, densities and low sound speeds (cold gas), so it is most
so they must have formed several Myr after the start of the likely to occur in the outer regions of a massive proto-
solar system. For this reason, it appears that the early stages planetary disk. Numerical calculations suggest instabilities
of planet formation were prolonged in the asteroid belt. will occur beyond about 5 AU in a nebula a few times more
While chondrites have experienced some degree of thermal massive than the MMSN. What happens to an unstable
processing, their late formation meant that their parent region depends on how quickly the gas cools as it contracts,
bodies never grew hot enough to melt, which has allowed and this is the subject of much debate. If the gas remains
chondrules, CAIs, and matrix grains to survive. hot, the dense regions will quickly become sheared out and
destroyed by the differential rotation of the disk. If cooling
is efficient, simulations show that gravitationally bound
8. GROWTH OF GAS AND ICE GIANT clumps will form in a few hundred years, and these may
ultimately contract to form giant planets. Initially, such
PLANETS planets would be homogeneous and have the same
Jupiter and Saturn are mostly composed of hydrogen and composition as the nebula. Their structure and composition
helium. These elements do not form solids or liquids at may change subsequently due to gravitational settling of
temperatures and pressures found in protoplanetary disks, heavier elements to the center and capture of rocky or icy
so they must have been gravitationally captured from the bodies such as comets.
gaseous component of the solar nebula. Observations of The evidence for dense cores at the centers of Jupiter
young stars indicate that protoplanetary disks survive for and Saturn suggests to many scientists that giant planets
only a few million years, and this sets an upper limit for the form by core accretion rather than disk instability. In this
amount of time required to form giant planets. Uranus and model, the early stages of giant-planet formation mirror the
Neptune also contain significant amounts of hydrogen and growth of rocky planets, beginning with the formation of
helium (somewhere in the range 3e25%), and so they planetesimals, followed by runaway and oligarchic growth.
probably also formed quickly, before the solar nebula However, planetary embryos would have grown larger in
dispersed. the outer solar system for two reasons. First, feeding zones
Jupiter and Saturn also contain elements heavier than here are larger because the Sun’s gravity is weaker, so each
helium and they are enriched in these elements compared to embryo gravitationally holds sway over a larger region of
the Sun. The gravitational field of Saturn strongly suggests the nebula. Second, temperatures here were cold enough for
it has a core of dense material at its center, containing volatile materials such as tars, water ice, and other ices to
roughly 1/5 of the planet’s total mass. Jupiter may also have condense, so more solid material was available to build
a dense core containing a few Earth masses of material. The large embryos.
50 PART | I The Solar System
In the outer solar system, bodies roughly 10 times more explanation is that the growth of these planets slowed
massive than Earth would have formed via oligarchic because they each became massive enough to clear an
growth in a million years, provided the disk was a few times annular gap in the nebula around their orbit. Gap clearing
more massive than the MMSN. Bodies that grew larger than happens when a planet’s Hill radius becomes comparable to
Mars would have captured substantial atmospheres of gas the vertical thickness of the gas disk, which would have
from the nebula. Such atmospheres remain in equilibrium been the case for Jupiter. Gas orbiting a little further from
due to a balance between an embryo’s gravity and an out- the Sun than Jupiter would have been sped up by the
ward pressure gradient. However, there is a critical core planet’s gravitational pull, moving the gas away from the
mass above which an embryo can no longer support a static Sun. Gas orbiting closer to the Sun than Jupiter was slowed
atmosphere. Above this limit, the atmosphere begins to down, causing it to move inward. These forces open up a
collapse onto the planet forming a massive gas envelope gap in the disk around Jupiter’s orbit, balancing viscous
that increases in mass over time as more gas is captured forces that would cause gas to flow back into the gap.
from the nebula. As gas falls toward the planet it heats up as Numerical simulations show that generally gaps are not
gravitational potential energy is released. The rate at which cleared completely, and some gas continues to cross a gap
a planet grows depends on how fast this heat can be radiated and accrete onto a planet. However, the accretion rate de-
away. The critical core mass depends on the opacity of the clines as a planet becomes more massive. Saturn’s growth
envelope and the rate at which planetesimals collide with may have been truncated because the combined gravity of
the core, but calculations suggest it is in the range 3e20 Jupiter and Saturn cleared a gap in the disk around both
Earth masses, possibly less if the envelope is enriched in planets.
heavy elements. The growth of the envelope is slow at first, Uranus and Neptune are referred to as ice-giant planets
but speeds up rapidly once an embryo reaches 20e30 Earth since they contain large amounts of materials such as water
masses. Numerical simulations show that Jupiter-mass and methane that form ices at low temperatures. They
planets can form this way in 1e5 million years. Such contain some hydrogen and helium, but they did not acquire
planets are mostly composed of hydrogen-rich nebular gas, the huge gaseous envelopes that Jupiter and Saturn possess.
and are enriched in heavier elements due to the presence of This suggests the nebula gas had largely dispersed in the
a solid core. As with the disk instability, the planet’s region where Uranus and Neptune were forming before
envelope may be further enriched in heavy elements by they became massive enough to undergo rapid gas accre-
collisions with comets. tion. This may be because they formed in the outer regions
Measurements by the Galileo spacecraft showed that of the protoplanetary disk, where embryo growth rates were
Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is enriched in carbon, nitrogen, slowest. It is also possible that the nebula dispersed more
sulfur, and the noble gases argon, krypton, and xenon by quickly in some regions than others. In particular, the outer
factors of two to three compared to the Sun. If these regions of the nebula may have disappeared at an early
enrichments are typical of Jupiter’s envelope as a whole, it stage as the gas escaped the solar system due to photo-
suggests the planet captured a huge number of comets. evaporation by ultraviolet radiation.
Argon can be trapped in cometary ices but only if these ices The presence of a gap modifies planetary migration.
form at temperatures below about 30 K. Temperatures at Planets massive enough to open a gap still generate spiral
Jupiter’s current distance from the Sun were probably quite density waves in the gas beyond the gap, but these waves
a lot higher than this. This suggests either that the comets are located further away from the planet as a result, so
came from colder regions of the nebula or that Jupiter itself migration is slower. As a planet with a gap migrates inward,
migrated inward over a large distance. However, the fact gas tends to pile up at the inner edge of the gap, and become
that relatively refractory elements such as sulfur are present rarified at the outer edge, slowing migration as a result. The
in the same enrichment as the noble gases suggests these migration of the planet now becomes tied to the inward
elements may all have been captured as gases from the viscous accretion of the gas toward the star. The planet, its
nebula along with hydrogen and helium. If so, Jupiter’s gap, and the nebular gas all move inward at the same rate,
envelope must be nonhomogeneous, with the lower layers given by
depleted in heavy elements, perhaps due to exclusion from
high-pressure phases of hydrogen, while the upper layers da cs 2
¼ 1:5a vkep (2.16)
are enriched. dt vkep
It is unclear why Jupiter and Saturn stopped growing
when they reached their current masses. These planets are where a ¼ nvkep/(ac2s ) and n is the viscosity of the nebular
sufficiently massive that they would continue to grow very gas. This is called type-II migration. Type-II migration
rapidly if a supply of gas was available nearby. It is slows when a planet’s mass becomes comparable to that of
possible, but unlikely, that they stopped growing because the nebula, and migration ceases as the nebular gas dis-
the nebula happened to disperse at this point. A more likely perses. Migration can also be modified by the presence of
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 51
additional giant planets as we saw earlier when discussing passed through a resonance, or when this may have
the Grand Tack model. happened. It has been proposed that passage through a
Giant planets in the solar system experienced another resonance was responsible for the late heavy bombardment
kind of migration as they interacted gravitationally with of the inner planets, which occurred 600e700 million
planetesimals moving on orbits between the giant planets years after the start of the solar system and left a clear
and in the primordial Kuiper belt. One consequence of this record of impacts on the Moon, Mars, and Mercury.
process was the formation of the Oort cloud of comets.
Once Jupiter approached its current mass, many planetes-
imals that came close to the planet would have been flung
far beyond the outer edge of the protoplanetary disk. Some Earth’s moon possesses a number of unusual features. It has
were ejected from the solar system altogether, but others a low density compared to the inner planets and it has only
remained weakly bound to the Sun. Over time, gravitational a very small core. The Moon is depleted in volatile mate-
interactions with molecular clouds, other nearby stars, and rials such as water. In addition, the EartheMoon system has
the galactic disk circularized the orbits of these objects so a large amount of angular momentum per unit mass. If they
they no longer passed through the planetary system. Many were combined into a single body the object would rotate
of these objects are still present orbiting far from the Sun in once every 4 h! All these features can be understood if the
the Oort cloud. The ultimate source of angular momentum Moon formed as the result of an oblique impact between
for these objects came at the expense of Jupiter’s orbit, Earth and another large, differentiated body, sometimes
which shrank accordingly. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune referred to as Theia, late in Earth’s formation. Theia is the
ejected some planetesimals, but they also perturbed many Greek Titaness goddess who was the mother of Selene, the
objects inward, which were then ejected by Jupiter. As a goddess of the Moon.
result, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune probably moved out- Numerical simulations of this giant impact show that
ward rather than inward. much of Theia’s core would have sunk through Earth’s
As Neptune migrated outward it interacted dynamically mantle to coalesce with Earth’s core. Molten and vaporized
with the primordial Kuiper belt of comets orbiting in the mantle material from both bodies was ejected outward.
very outer region of the nebula. Some of these comets were Gravitational torques from the highly nonspherical distri-
ejected from the solar system or perturbed inward toward bution of matter during the collision gave some of this
Jupiter. Others were perturbed onto highly eccentric orbits mantle material enough angular momentum to go into orbit
with periods of hundreds or thousands of years, and now about Earth. This material quickly formed into a disk, from
form the Scattered Disk, a region that extends out beyond which the Moon accreted. Certain features of the Moon’s
the Kuiper belt but whose objects are gradually being composition are very similar to those of the Earth, which
removed by close encounters with Neptune. A sizable means that (1) Theia was formed from similar material, (2)
fraction of the objects in the region beyond Neptune were the resulting vapor and debris that condensed to form the
trapped in external mean-motion resonances and migrated Moon totally equilibrated with the outer portions of the
outward with the planet. Pluto, currently located in the 3:2 Earth, or (3) the Moon is mostly composed of material from
mean-motion resonance with Neptune, probably represents Earth rather than Theia, although most numerical simula-
one of these objects. tions tend to find that the opposite is true in this case.
As the giant planets migrated, it is possible that they The impact released huge amounts of energy, heating
passed through orbital resonances with one another. Such a the disk sufficiently that many volatile materials escaped.
resonance crossing may have had a profound impact on As a result, the Moon formed mostly from volatile-depleted
every part of the solar system, the combined effects of which mantle materials, explaining its current composition. The
have come to be known as the Nice model after the French simulations suggest Theia probably had a mass similar to
city in which it was developed. In particular, if Jupiter and Mars, which has roughly 1/10 the mass of Earth. We know
Saturn passed through a mean-motion resonance, the orbital little about Theia’s composition except that, like Mars, it
eccentricities of all four giant planets would have increased seems to have been rich in geochemical volatile elements
substantially. The orbits of the ice giants would have pene- such as rubidium compared to Earth (Figure 2.9). The Earth
trated deeply into the primordial Kuiper belt, gravitationally and the Moon have identical oxygen isotope characteristics
scattering large numbers of objects onto unstable orbits (Figure 2.10). It was once thought that this meant Earth and
crossing those of the other planets. Many comets would have Theia had a similar isotopic composition, but this similarity
been perturbed into the inner solar system as a result. In now appears to be the result of exchange of material be-
addition, the changing orbits of the giant planets would have tween the Earth and protolunar disk while the Moon was
perturbed many main-belt asteroids into unstable orbits also forming. The similarity may also mean that the Moon was
leading to a flux of asteroids into orbits crossing the inner mostly formed from material ejected from Earth’s mantle
planets. Currently, it is unclear whether Jupiter and Saturn rather than the impactor.
52 PART | I The Solar System
The satellites of the giant planets are much smaller situ. Several capture mechanisms have been proposed, but
relative to their parent planet than the Moon is compared to most are low-probability events, which makes them un-
the Earth. The Moon is roughly 1/80 of the mass of the likely to explain the origin of Triton. A more plausible idea
Earth, whereas the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn, and is that Triton was once part of a binary planet like the
Uranus each contain about 1/10,000 of the mass of their PlutoeCharon system, orbiting around the Sun. During a
respective planet. The satellites of the giant planets can be close encounter with Neptune, the binary components were
divided into two classes with different properties. Those parted. Triton’s companion remained in orbit about the Sun,
close to their parent planet tend to have nearly circular taking with it enough kinetic energy to leave Triton in a
orbits in the same plane as the planet’s equator and orbiting bound orbit about Neptune. Triton’s orbit would have been
in the same direction as the planet spins. These are referred highly eccentric initially, but tidal interactions with
to as regular satellites. Satellites orbiting further from the Neptune caused its orbit to shrink and become more cir-
planet tend to have highly inclined and eccentric orbits and cular over time. As Triton’s orbit shrank it would have
these are called irregular satellites as a result. The regular disturbed the orbits of smaller satellites orbiting Neptune,
satellites tend to be larger and include the Galilean satel- leading to their destruction by mutual collisions. This is
lites of Jupiter and Saturn’s largest satellite Titan. presumably the reason for the paucity of regular satellites
The orbits of the regular satellites suggest they formed orbiting Neptune today.
from circumplanetary disks orbiting each planet like
miniature versions of the solar nebula, while the irregular
satellites are thought to have been captured later. Large
satellites would have moved rapidly inward through a At the time of writing about 800 confirmed planets are
massive circumplanetary disk due to type-I migration, on a known orbiting stars other than the Sun, and several thou-
timescale that was short compared to the lifetime of the sand additional candidates await verification. These are
solar nebula. For this reason, it is possible that multiple referred to as extrasolar planets or exoplanets. Many of
generations of satellites formed, with the satellites we see these objects have been found using the Doppler radial
today being the last to form. It is also possible that the velocity technique. This makes use of the fact that the
circumplanetary disks had very low masses containing gravitational pull of a planet causes its star to move in an
much less gas than the solar nebula itself. Solid material ellipse with the same period as the orbital period of the
would have slowly accumulated in these gas-starved disks, planet. As the star moves toward and away from the
while the gas quickly passed through the disk and accreted observer, lines in its spectra are alternately blue- and red-
onto the planet. Large satellites would have formed slowly shifted by the Doppler effect, indicating the planet’s
as a result, limiting the degree to which they were heated by presence. Current levels of precision allow the detection of
impacts. This idea is consistent with the fact that three of gas-giant planets and ice giants, as well as Earth-mass
the Galilean satellites of Jupiter have retained volatile planets that orbit close to their star. The planet’s orbital
materials such as water ice, while Callisto never grew hot period P can be readily identified from the radial velocity
enough to differentiate. Orbital resonances involving two or variation. The mean radius of the planet’s orbit a can then
more satellites are common. For example, the inner three be found using Kepler’s third law if the star’s mass M* is
Galilean satellites Io, Europa, and Ganymede have orbital known:
periods in the ratio 1:2:4, and resonances are common in
the Saturnian satellite system. This contrasts with the a3 ¼ (2.17)
absence of resonances between the major planets. The 4p2
ubiquity of satellite resonances suggests many of the sat- Unfortunately, the Doppler method determines only one
ellites migrated considerable distances during or after their component of the star’s velocity, so the orientation of the
formation, becoming captured in a resonance en route. orbital plane is not known in general. This means one can
Some resonances may have arisen as the growing satellites obtain only a lower limit on the planet’s mass. For
migrated inward through their planet’s accretion disk. randomly oriented orbits, however, the true mass of the
Others could have arisen later as tidal interactions between planet is most likely to lie within 30% of its minimum
a planet and its satellite caused the satellites to move out- value.
ward at different rates. Many other extrasolar planets have been detected when
The Neptunian satellite system is different from those of they transit across the face of their star, typically causing
the other giant planets, having relatively few moons with the star to dim by a small amount for a few hours. Only a
most mass contained in a single large satellite Triton, which small fraction of extrasolar planets generate a transit since
is larger than Pluto. Triton is unusual in that its orbit is their orbital plane must be almost edge on as seen from the
retrograde, unlike all the other large satellites in the solar Earth. However, the space-based Kepler mission has sur-
system. This suggests it was captured rather than forming in veyed more than one hundred thousand stars, with the result
Chapter | 2 The Origin of the Solar System 53
that several thousand possible planets have been found. planets and this fraction may be much higher. The fraction
These await confirmation by ground-based observers using of planets with a given mass increases as the planetary mass
other techniques. grows smaller, despite the strong observational bias work-
When a planet is observed using both the Doppler and ing in the opposite direction. Roughly 10% of known
transit methods, its true mass can be obtained since the extrasolar planets have orbital periods of only a few days,
orientation of the orbital plane is known. If the stellar radius which implies their orbits are several times smaller than
is also known, the degree of dimming yields the planet’s Mercury’s orbit about the Sun. These planets are often
radius and hence its density. The densities of large extra- referred to as hot Jupiters or hot Neptunes due to their
solar planets observed this way are generally comparable to likely high temperatures. Theoretical models of planet
that of Jupiter and substantially lower than that of Earth. formation suggest it is unlikely that planets will form this
This suggests these planets are composed mainly of gas close to a star. Instead, it is thought that these planets
rather than rock or ice. In one case, hydrogen has been formed at larger distances and moved inward due to type-I
detected escaping from an extrasolar planet. Recently, a and/or type-II migration. Alternatively, they may have been
number of objects have been found with masses below 10 scattered onto highly eccentric orbits following close en-
Earth masses, and it is plausible that these are more akin to counters with other planets in the same system. In this case,
terrestrial planets or water-rich worlds with no analogue in subsequent tidal interactions with the star will circularize a
the solar system. planet’s orbit and cause the orbit to shrink.
Stars with known giant planets tend to have high met- More than 100 stars are known to have two or more
allicities, that is, they are enriched in elements heavier than planets. In a sizable fraction of these cases, the planets are
helium compared to most stars in the Sun’s neighborhood involved in orbital resonances where either the ratio of the
(Figure 2.21). (The Sun also has a high metallicity.) The orbital periods or precession periods of two planets is close
meaning of this correlation is hotly debated, but it is to the ratio of two integers, such as 2:1. This state of affairs
consistent with the formation of giant planets via core ac- has a low probability of occurring by chance, which sug-
cretion (see Section 8). When a star has a high metallicity, gests these planets have been captured into a resonance
its disk will contain large amounts of the elements needed when the orbits of one or both planets migrated inward.
to form a solid core, promoting rapid growth and increasing Several of the planetary systems found by the Kepler
the likelihood that a gas giant can form before the gas disk mission consist of multiple low-mass planets lying close to
disperses. their star. It seems likely that these planets or their building
Both the Doppler velocity and transit techniques are blocks must have migrated to their current location from
biased toward finding massive planets since these generate more outlying regions of their protoplanetary disk.
a stronger signal. Both are also biased toward detecting
planets lying close to their star. In the case of transits, the
probability of suitable orbital alignment declines with
increasing orbital distance, while for the Doppler velocity Thanks to improvements in isotopic chronology we now
method, one generally needs to observe a planet for at least know the timescales over which the Earth, Moon, Mars,
a full orbital period to obtain a firm detection. Despite these and some asteroids formed. Terrestrial-planet accretion
biases, it is clear that at least 20% of Sun-like stars have started soon after the solar system formed, leading to the
growth of some Mars-sized and smaller objects within the
first million years or so. This early accretionary phase was
Fraction of stars with planets
environment and that its water was delivered along with Technology has been a key driver, be it in the form of more
these siderophile elements in a late veneer. This now ap- powerful computers, mass spectrometers, instrumentation
pears unlikely given the composition of Earth’s mantle. for planetary missions, or new telescopes and detectors.
Instead, Earth probably acquired its water earlier, perhaps The near future looks equally exciting. The Atacama Large
from carbonaceous-chondrite-like asteroids, before core Millimeter Array promises to transform our knowledge of
formation was complete. This implies that the planet held protoplanetary disks with very high spatial resolution able
onto much of its water during the giant impact that led to to observe features as small as 1 AU in size, and sufficient
the formation of the Moon. sensitivity to detect many new molecules including organic
It now seems that chondrites, the most primitive mete- materials. Space missions will continue to expand our
orites in our collection both physically and chemically, survey of the solar system, such as the New Horizons and
actually formed at a rather late stage, after the parent bodies Juno probes en route to Pluto and Jupiter, respectively, and
of the iron meteorites had formed. Chondrites escaped the Rosetta spacecraft heading for comet Churyumov-
melting because the potent heat sources 26Al and 60Fe had Gerasimenko. In addition to National Aeronautics and
largely decayed by that point. For a long time it has been Space Administration and European Space Agency, space
thought that chondrites, or something similar, provided the agencies in Japan, China, and India are also becoming
basic building blocks of Earth and the other terrestrial active players in space exploration. The Doppler radial
planets, but it now seems that the parent bodies of the iron velocity and transit techniques continue to be refined and
meteorites provide a better analogue in this respect. are set to expand the catalogue of known extrasolar planets.
Currently, we do not have good dynamical or cosmo- The relatively new microlensing technique is opening up
chemical models for how chondrites and their constituents the possibility of finding Earth-mass planets. With luck, the
formed. Chondrules, CAIs, matrix grains, and presolar ongoing Kepler mission should finally answer the question
grains all survived in the nebula for several million years, of whether Earth-sized planets are common or relatively
undergoing different degrees of thermal processing, and rare. Here on Earth, continuing analysis of dust samples
then were collected together into large bodies. The from comet Wild 2 returned by the Stardust mission, and
refractory CAIs may have formed close to the Sun prior to solar wind samples from the Genesis mission, will enhance
being scattered across the disk, perhaps by turbulent our understanding of the cosmochemical evolution of the
motions within the gas. Supporting evidence for this solar system. New isotopic measurement techniques and
hypothesis comes from the recent discovery of high- a new generation of dynamic secondary ion mass spec-
temperature condensates in samples from comet Wild 2 trometers or ion probes are sure to generate exciting dis-
returned by the Stardust mission. Where chondrules formed coveries at a rapid pace. All in all, we have much to look
remains unclear, but these objects would have been highly forward to.
mobile as long as nebular gas was present, and they may
have drifted radially over large distances.
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