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Summative Assessment – II (2016-17)

(SET – B)
Std: VI Maximum Marks: 60
Subject: Science Duration: 2 hours

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The questions paper consists of 24 questions divided into 2 sections A and B.
(iii) Section A contains 2 questions of 1 mark each, 2 questions of 2 mark each, 8 questions
of 3 marks each and 4 questions of 5 marks each. Section B contains 6 questions of 1
mark each, which are multiple choice type questions and 2 questions of 2 marks each
Section A
Q.1 Define respiration. [1]

Q.2 Name the test which is considered as the sure test for magnetism. [1]

Q.3 What is physical change? Give one example of it. [2]

Q.4 Classify the following into objects having lustre and objects lacking lustre [2]
Cardboard, iron, rubber, gold

Q.5 Observe the picture and answer the following questions: [3]

(a) Identify the method of waste management shown in the picture.

(b) What is often developed on the land reclaimed by this method?
(c) In the 3R concept of waste management, __________ is based on
the principle of prevention is better then cure.
Q.6 (a) Write a short note on ‘composting’. [2]
(b) The process of composting using earthworms is called [1]

Q.7 Observe the picture and answer the following questions: [3]

(a) X is a ____________ substance. (hard/soft)

(b) What is the texture of X?
(c) If X is dropped in water, it sinks. Why?

Q.8 (a) What is formed during the process of photosynthesis? [1]

(b) We should breathe in air through our nostrils and not through our [2]
mouth. Give reason.

Q.9 (a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a magnetic compass. [2]

(b) How is magnetic compass useful? [1]

Q.10 (a) Describe the Earth core. [2]

(b) Which field is created due to the motion of the core caused by the
Earth’s spin? [1]

Q.11 (a) What are opaque materials? Give one example of it. [2]
(b) Distinguish between: [1]
Criteria Gaseous state Liquid state

Q.12 (a) Name the gas that is used in fire extinguisher. [1]
(b) Which property of this gas enables it to be used for extinguishing fire? [1]
(c) What is oxygen cycle? [1]

Q.13 (a) Copy and complete the table. [3]

Reversible/ Reason
Irreversible change
Compressing a
Cooking of food

(b) ‘Mixing can bring about change in matter.’ Justify this statement by [2]
giving two examples of it.

Q.14 Two balloons X and Y are arranged as shown in the diagram. Answer the [5]
following questions based on the diagram:



(a) What does boy do to increase the size of X? (1)

(b) The arrangement B shows that _________ of X and Y is same. (1)
(c) What will happen if you pierce Y with a pin? (1)
(d) What will you conclude from your above answers? (2)

Q.15 Answer the following questions: [5]

(a) Give reason for the following statement: (2)
Burning of a candle is chemical as well as physical change
(b) What would happen if urea is added in a beaker containing water? (2)
Give reason for your answer
(c) Give one examples of a natural change (1)

Q.16 Answer the following value based questions: [5]
When Aditya went to his native place, he was amazed to see that the villagers
worshipped a person because of his magical powers. The villagers said that
the magical man could pick up various agricultural tools without touching them.
Aditya doubted if there was any magic in this. While observing the magic, he
noticed that the agricultural tools that he picked up were all made of iron.
Aditya understood the trick. He placed a plastic object before the magical man
and asked him to pick it. The man could not pick it. Aditya revealed to the
villagers there was no magic in it. The villagers thanked Aditya for saving them
from being fooled further.
(a) Write one value illustrated by Aditya in the given situation. (1)
(b) Name two materials other than iron which could be picked by the (1)
magical man without touching it.
(c) Which substance was used by the magical man to trick the people? (3)
Also state two properties of this substance.

Section B
Multiple choice questions [6]
Q.17 Raj bought a horseshoe magnet to perform experiments. After performing his
experiments, he decided to keep it safe. Which of the following is the correct
way to ensure that the magnet do not lose its magnetism?
A. Keep it near electronic devices
B. Heat it
C. Keep a soft iron piece across theh poles of the magnet
D. Both A and C

Q.18 Rajat segregated waste from his house into two bins - X and Y bins. He put
vegetable peels, paper and spoiled food in bin Y while plastic and metal
objects in bin X. What can you conclude form his actions?
A. Bin X represents biodegradable waste.
B. Bin Y represents biodegradable waste.
C. Both bins represent biodegradable waste.
D. Both bins represent non-biodegradable waste.

Q.19 A student took two test tubes and filled half of each of them with water. He
added liquid X in one test tube and liquid Y in the other. He observed that liquid
X got completely mixed with the water and liquid Y did not. In the experiment:
A. liquid X is milk and Y is kerosene oil
B. liquid X is kerosene oil and Y is milk
C. liquid X is milk and Y is alcohol
D. liquid X is alcohol and Y is milk

Q.20 Vapours from a kettle containing boiling water is collected using a glass tube.
It is observed that this vapour forms water as it comes in contact with the cool
surface of the glass. Which of the following is true with respect to the change
A. It is chemical change
B. It is irreversible change
C. Both A and B
D. It is reversible change

Q.21 What of the following is correct with respect to X?

A. X is bubbles of air entering water on heating

B. X is soil particles entering water on heating
C. X is bubbles of air present in water which are escaping on heating
D. X is soil particles present in water which are escaping on heating

Q.22 Arjun divided certain objects into two groups. One group consisted of gold
earrings, copper utensils, and pencils. The other group consisted of cotton and
The property of materials on the basis of which the grouping was done is
A. lustre of the material
B. hardness of the material
C. solubility of the material in water
D. transparency of the material

Q.23 A metal ball and ring apparatus is taken and it is observed that the ring is [2]
slightly bigger than the metal ball.
(a) If the ball is __________, it will not pass through the ring
(b) What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment?

Q.24 (a) In the diagram of a magnet given below, if 1 represents north pole, what [2]
does 2 represents?
(b) What will happen if the above magnet is broken into two pieces along the
dotted lines?

1 2


Second Term Examination (2016-17)
(SET – B)

Name: ____________________________ Roll No:___________

Std: III Div_____ Subject: Hindi
Date:_________________ Invigilator’s Signature:______

General instruction:
All questions are compulsory.

Question 1 sahI ivaklp caunakr naIcao ide gae ir@t sqaanaaoM kI pUit- kIijae.
(i) hrI ba%tI ka Aqa- hO ¹ ……………………….
a. jaanaa b. Éknaa c. daOD,naa
(ii) nayao AQyaapk …………… ivaYaya pZ,ato qao.
a. marazI b. ihMdI c. saMsÌt
(iii) tjaoM baura[- …………………… kI hma¸ dRZ, saMklp hmaaro.
a. BaItr b. baahr c. AMdr
(iv) bauiZ,yaa ka nanha …………………… baImaar qaa.
a. baoTa b. paota c. naatI
(v) nayaa saala [k¹dUjao maoM …………………… baaÐTta hO.
a. duK b. ]phar c. KuiSayaaÐ

Question 2 naIcao ilaKo vaa@ya sahI hOM yaa galat ilaiKe.

(i) nae saala ka phlaa idna jaait¹pait AaOr BaodBaava sao kaosaaoM dUr rhta hO.……………………
(ii) rola kI pTiryaaoM pr nahIM calanaa caaihe. ……………………
(iii) AaQaI CuT\TI haoto hI laD,kaoM ka JauMD poD,aoM kI JaurmauT maoM KD,o haokr baityaanao lagaa.
(iv) maharaja nao bauiZ,yaa kao bauiZ,yaa khkr pukara. ……………………
(v) nayaa saala sabako ilae duKaoM ka samaacaar laata hO. ……………………

Question 3 ir@t sqaanaaoM kI pUit- kIijae.
(i) AinayaMi~t BaID, ka karNa hO¹laaogaaoM maoM yaatayaat ko inayamaaoM ko p`it …………………….

(ii) baUZo, sajjana nao doKa ik rsagaullao sao BarI …………………… KalaI qaIM.

(iii) rajaa kao …………………… mastk pr lagaa.

(iv) raoSanaI Apnao skUla ko jaUto¸ Gar kI caPplaoM AaOr saOMDla Aaid kao hmaoSaa ……………………

maoM hI rKtI qaI.

(v) nayaa saala fOlaata hrdma¸ zMDI …………………… bayaar.

(vi) naIta AaOr maIta daonaaoM …………………… qaIM.

Question 4 pMi@tyaaÐ pUNa- kIijae.

Balaa hI saaocaoM¸ kroM Balaa[-


hrdma AcCa kama.

Question 5 inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM ko ]%tr ek vaa@ya maoM ilaiKe.

(i) T/OiÔk jaama kI samasyaa kao kOsao kma ikyaa jaa sakta hOÆ

(ii) ivad\yaalaya maoM Aanaovaalao nayao AQyaapk ka naama @yaa qaaÆ

(iii) raoSanaI ko kmaro ko zIk saamanao kaOna¹saa kmara qaaÆ

(iv) bauiZ,yaa nao poD, pr p%qar @yaaoM maara qaaÆ

(v) ‘nayaa saala’ kivata ko kiva kaOna hOMÆ

(vi) TUTo hue caSmao kao naIta AaOr maIta nao khaÐ rK idyaaÆ

Question 6 sahI ivaklp caunakr naIcao ide gae ir@t sqaanaaoM kI pUit- kIijae.
(i) ‘daÐt KT\To krnaa’ mauhavaro ka Aqa- hO ¹ …………………………………….
a. har jaanaa b. hra donaa c. har KrIdnaa
(ii) ‘AmaIr’ Sabd ka ivalaaoma hO ¹ ……………………….
a. iBaxauk b. QanaI c. garIba
(iii) ‘saBaI baccao saao rho hOM.’ vaa@ya maoM iËyaa Sabd hO ¹ …………………………………….
a. saBaI b. saao rho hOM c. baccao
(iv) ‘Kusa’ Sabd ka Saud\Qa $p hO ¹ ……………………….
a. KuSa b. Kussa c. KUSa
(v) ‘jaao bahut Drta hao’ Anaok SabdaoM ko ilae ek Sabd hO ¹ ………………….
a. vaacaala b. Drpaok c. inaDr

Question 7 ‘djaI- kpD,o isala rha hO.’ vaa@ya maoM iËyaa SabdaoM kao roKaMikt kIijae.

Question 8 ‘kla maOM vaaipsa baaja,ar jaaegaa.’ ASaud\Qa vaa@ya kao Saud\Qa krko punaÁ ilaiKe.

Question 9 inamnailaiKt SabdaoM ko dao¹dao pyaa-yavaacaI ilaiKe.

(i) baoTI ¹ ………………………………… …………………………………

(ii) pxaI ¹ ………………………………… …………………………………

Question 10 ‘jaao dyaa idKata hO’ Anaok SabdaoM ko ilae ek Sabd ilaiKe.

Question 11 (i) naIcao ide gae AMkaoM kao SabdaoM maoM ilaiKe.
a. 32 ¹ …………………………………

b. 36 ¹ …………………………………

c. 38 ¹ …………………………………

(ii) naIcao ide gae SabdaoM kao AMkaoM maoM ilaiKe.

a. tOMtIsa ¹ …………………………………

b. pOMtIsa ¹ …………………………………

c. saOMtIsa ¹ …………………………………

Question 12 ivad\yaalaya kI trf sao Aayaaoijat ipkinak ka AnauBava batato hue maamaI jaI kao p~
naama ........................................................

pta ........................................................




idnaaMk .....................................................

saMbaaoQana ....................................................

AiBavaadna ..................................................

saMdoSa .....................................................................................................






Aapka BaaMjaa À AapkI BaaMjaI


Question 13 (i) naIcao ide gae SabdaoM kI sahayata sao AnaucCod pUNa- kIijae.

mana¹hI¹mana baMdr sao BayaBaIt hao maoro pasa jaadU ka iDbbaa hO

saaqa AcCa vyavahar nahIM ikyaa ]nhoM tao maOM
jaanavar kao BaI kOd kr sakta gava- ko saaqa ]na sabakao TolaIivaja,na idKayaa

ek idna baMdr baaolaa¸ “……………………………………………………… ¸ ijasamaoM

maOM baD,o¹sao¹baD,o ……………………………………………………… hUÐ.ijanhaoMnao maoro

……………………………………………………… ]samaoM kOd BaI kr cauka

hÐU.ijanhoM ivaSvaasa na hao¸ vao maoro Gar pr Aakr doK sakto hOM.” yah khkr baMdr

Apnao Gar laaOT gayaa.]sako jaanao pr saBaI jaanavar ]sako Gar phÐuca gae.baMdr nao baD,o

hI ……………………………………………………………………… .saaro

jaanavar AaScaya-caikt rh gae.vao …………………………………………

…………… gae.


(ii) inamnailaiKt maud\daoM kI sahayata sao khanaI ilaiKe.

ek iksaana ­ maugaI- palanaa ­ maugaI- ka raoja, saubah ek saaonao ka AMDa donaa ­ iksaana
ka KuSa haonaa ­ iksaana kao laalaca Aanaa ­ iksaana kao ]paya saUJanaa ­ iksaana ka
maugaI- kao maar Dalanaa ­ maugaI- ko poT sao kuC BaI na inaklanaa ­ pCtanaa ­ saIK.


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