The document contains listings for various TV channels including their names, logos and streaming URLs. It lists several channels like A&E, AMC, AXN available in HD, SD and sometimes FHD formats. These channels seem to be categorized under the group title "FILMES E SERIES" (Films and Series in Portuguese). The listings provide metadata like channel logo URLs to identify and stream these channels.
The document contains listings for various TV channels including their names, logos and streaming URLs. It lists several channels like A&E, AMC, AXN available in HD, SD and sometimes FHD formats. These channels seem to be categorized under the group title "FILMES E SERIES" (Films and Series in Portuguese). The listings provide metadata like channel logo URLs to identify and stream these channels.
The document contains listings for various TV channels including their names, logos and streaming URLs. It lists several channels like A&E, AMC, AXN available in HD, SD and sometimes FHD formats. These channels seem to be categorized under the group title "FILMES E SERIES" (Films and Series in Portuguese). The listings provide metadata like channel logo URLs to identify and stream these channels.
The document contains listings for various TV channels including their names, logos and streaming URLs. It lists several channels like A&E, AMC, AXN available in HD, SD and sometimes FHD formats. These channels seem to be categorized under the group title "FILMES E SERIES" (Films and Series in Portuguese). The listings provide metadata like channel logo URLs to identify and stream these channels.
title="FILMES E SERIES",FX SD #EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Megapix HD" tvg-logo="" group-title="FILMES E SERIES",Megapix HD
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Megapix SD" tvg-logo="" group-title="FILMES E