Research Proposal 2.0
Research Proposal 2.0
Research Proposal 2.0
Attributed to these are the low attention span and stress of the students, lack of
effective communication, school funding, and lack of exercise and motivation of the
teachers. Poor teaching practices and a lack of use of contemporary technologies are the
main causes of teaching methodologies. The degree to which teachers are prepared to
condition their students through teaching and learning activities greatly influences the
success of education, (Maxwell et al; 2017). As for the conditions affecting students'
health, fatigue is their primary cause. A study by the America School Health Association
(ASHA, 2021) found that providing children with a nutritious breakfast is crucial to their
long-term nutritional health. Young brains require a boost in the morning to function
properly (DOH, 2021). The mastery of the subjects by the teachers is another major
factor. Due to a shortage of instructors, some teachers are required to teach subjects
outside of their specialization. (Wright and Horn, 2013) assert that raising teacher
proficiency can enhance education. That is one of the reasons for the aforementioned gap,
along with the teachers' level of expertise.
Students need to be provided with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Giving children a
nutritious breakfast is crucial for their nutritional well-being (ASHA, 2021). Teachers
ought to use instructional materials and keep open lines of communication. The students'
attention span and learning increase to the extent that teachers are effective
communicators with them. According to (Kraft and Paypay, 2015), working together with
coworkers and the culture of trust and knowledge sharing that results from collaboration
have been linked to better student test-score gains and increased teacher effectiveness.
Teachers must create, implement, evaluate, and institutionalize standards for their
own professional development because, without the chance to enhance their teaching
methods, students' academic performance could suffer (Kishwar Naz, 2016). In any
teaching and learning process, mastery is crucial. This occurs because a teacher can only
impart what he possesses. What you don't have, you can't give. A teacher can make a
significant contribution to a country's development. Teachers have to possess a great deal
of knowledge and skills with regard to both teaching and assessment practices in order to
meet those demands and standards of quality education (Ksenia, 2017).
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the common problems and difficulties at the school
include the poor academic performance in some key subjects primarily mathematics. The concern
arise during the new normal situations due to the modular distance learning. Assessment and
activities were answered by the parents instead of the students. In line with this, searching for
solutions of the underperforming due to the circumstances dealing with the students becomes
more challenging.
With that, the Math Movers: PTA Program which means Math Movers: Peer Tutoring
Activities Program is a school activity where students teaches their schoolmates with the guidance
of the teachers that aim to uplift mathematics competencies among learners. This project was
proposed by the researchers to uplift those students who struggle with mathematics and has a hard
time in coping written activities in Mathematics. This is a peer tutorial program headed by the
Math Movers which helps every students to facilitate mathematical task.
The peer tutoring activities are categorized based on how much assistance each learners
requires, for example:
1. The school mathematics team headed by the school math coordinator conducted
series of meeting to propose and present the project to the head teacher/principal.
2. The researchers will conduct a preliminary test to all students in SNHS- Owaon
Extension to determine which students are mathematically proficient.
3. The researchers will assess and categorize the students based on the preliminary test
4. The researchers will inform the students who passed the preliminary test that they are
qualified to be a part of the Math Movers Organization.
5. The teacher/ math coordinator will create an organization for Math Movers.
6. Conducting a seminar for all Math Movers about their responsibilities, tasks and
7. Home visitation of target client/s by every adviser in order that the project will
be explained properly to the parents for the important role they must portray in
the entire project implementation. Parents and School Agreement were also
presented and signed by them as proof that they understand the entire process
and that they are willing to help for the benefits of their children.
8. Regular session for peer tutoring will be conducted every week as well as the
9. Monthly feedback and consulting with the tutees to ensure the progress.
Ensuring the safety of all the people involve on the project processes, the
researchers made sure to strict follow the safety standard and proper protocol amidst
COVID-19 pandemic for proper mitigation and prevention control.
Action Research Methods
The participants of this study are the selected 94 students who are considered lag
behind in written proficiency in Mathematics subject of SNHS- Owaon Extension for the
school year 2022-2023. They are the learners who needs help to cope up with the math
lessons they struggle. This is based on the preliminary test and home visitation conducted
by the researchers. Since the subject were chosen and identified by the researcher in a
non-random manner, the study used purposive sampling depending on the degree of
capability of the learners. The participants are subject to involve in Math Movers: Peer
Tutoring Activities Program in the prescribe time in order to uplift their level of
performance as aimed in this project.
The responder’s performance levels that are lag behind in terms of numeracy and critical
thinking skills are determined by calculating with the assistance of frequency, distributions by
percentages and rank. On the other hand, to compute the significant difference on the level of
written proficiency in mathematics that are lag behind per grade level as compared to after the
Math Movers: PTO Program as base on the test result of the researcher- administered
questionnaires during the pre-test and post-test. Since the data are from two different groups, the
study uses a two-sample test as its statistical test. A two-sample t-test is applicable in the
comparison of two (2) mean or percentages of two (2) samples when the standard deviation is
already given. Furthermore, it is commonly used to test if a new process or treatment is superior
to a current process or treatment (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989) which is suitable in this study.
The study started in December 2020 and ended in May 2021, covering the second and third
Action Research Work Plan and Timelines
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Please acknowledge all the references used in the research…