• Extrasystoles
• Ventricular tachycardia
QRS, PR interval ≥ 0.12 s, positive P wave • ST segment: end QRS - start T, isoelectric
• T wave: monophasic, positive and
• Frequency: number of beats per minute asymmetric
(bpm), 60-100 bpm, • QT interval: start QRS – end T, normal time
amplitude ≤ 2.5 mm, axis: 0 to 90° • QTc = QT/√RR < 440 msec
• Reciprocal changes
Extensive anterior Myocardial Infarction
Anterior myocardial infarction
Inferior myocardial infarction
• The AVB can be of very variable degree, ranging from a simple slowing
down of conduction to its complete interruption
First degree AV Block
• First-degree BAV: most
often NODAL
• A-V conduction slowing
is expressed by a
prolongation of the PR
interval beyond 0.20 s
AVB II, Mobitz Type I, with Wenckebach Period
• Gradual lengthening of the PR interval, until a blocked P wave occurs
and the cycle begins again
2nd degree AVB: Mobitz type II
• Unexpected occurrence of a blocked P wave without prior
prolongation of the PR interval.
AVB 3: 3rd degree block or complete AVB
• No P waves are conducted to the ventricles Blocking all P waves Total
dissociation between atria and ventricles
AVB 3: 3rd degree block or complete AVB
Right bundle branch block
• Interruption of conduction on the right branch of the HIS fibres
• Sometimes qRR' in V1
• QRS Widening: Complet RBB if QRS ≥ 120 ms; Incomplete RBB if QRS
Right bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block