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Cells Revision L02 HL

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Lesson 1 – Cells revision 2

Year: 10 Topic: Biology
Unit: Cells Date Set:

Information to read / watch:

The whole of CELL STRUCTURE. AQA Biology or combined science 9-1 revision for paper 1

Complete ME time tasks below

Extension: Extension Task

Additional Websites:
Complete cell division and transport in cells section

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Cells Revision Lesson 02 – ME Time task

Diagram 1 shows an animal cell and some of the structures inside the cell.

(a) Use words from the box to label structures A, B and C, on Diagram 1.

Characteristic Chromosome Gamete Gene Nucleus


Muscle cells divide to form new muscle cells.

(a) Which two cell components are copied before the muscle cells start to divide?

Tick two boxes.







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(b) Why do muscle cells need to divide by mitosis more often than most other cells?

Tick one box.

To contract the muscles

To repair the muscles

To supply more oxygen to the muscles

To transmit nerve impulses


(c) A sperm cell from a dog contains 39 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are there in each dog muscle cell?

Tick one box.






(d) A sperm cell fuses with an egg cell.

What is this process called?

Tick one box.




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Starfish can split in half. Each half can then grow new arms to form offspring.

This process is shown in the figure below.

(a) What process produces the starfish offspring?

Tick one box.

Asexual reproduction


Selective breeding

Sexual reproduction


(b) More cells are produced as the starfish grows more arms.

What process will produce more cells in the starfish as they grow?


(c) All the offspring produced are genetically identical.

What name is given to genetically identical organisms?


(d) Each body cell of the parent starfish contains 44 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are in each body cell of the offspring?

(Total 4 marks)

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Cells divide in a series of stages called the cell cycle.
Stage 2 of the cycle is mitosis.
The diagram below shows a simplified cell cycle for a human body cell.

(a) Draw one line from each stage in the cell cycle to what happens during that stage.

Stage in the cell What happens during

cycle that stage

Stage 1 Nucleus divides

Stage 2 Cell divides into two

Copies of the DNA are

Stage 3

(b) The mass of DNA in a human body cell at the start of the cell cycle is 6 picograms.

What mass of DNA will be in each of the new cells produced by this cell division?

Tick one box.

3 picograms

6 picograms

9 picograms

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12 picograms


(c) Stem cells are undifferentiated cells.

Which statement about stem cells is correct?

Tick one box.

Animal stem cells are found in meristems

Animal stem cells divide by meiosis

Meristem cells in plants can differentiate throughout

the life of the plant

Meristem cells in plants can only differentiate into one

type of cell

Stem cells from human embryos can differentiate into most types of human cell.

Research is being done into the use of embryonic stem cells in medical treatments.

The long-term effects of using embryonic stem cells in patients are not well understood.

In therapeutic cloning, human embryos are produced using a donated human egg cell and a cell from
the patient.

• The embryo produced contains the same genetic information as the patient.

• Stem cells are taken from the embryo and stimulated to divide to form cells the patient needs.

• The embryo is then destroyed.

(d) Suggest two advantages of therapeutic cloning.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(e) Suggest two disadvantages of therapeutic cloning.

1. _________________________________________________________________

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2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 8 marks)


Place these
features in the
correct part of the
Venn Diagram

Involves water only

Requires energy

Is passive
Movement of
Needs a semi-
High to low
Against a
Occurs in nature

How minerals get

into root hair cells
How oxygen leaves ACTIVE
How water keeps
plant cells turgid
Involves transport
of solutes

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An understanding of relative size is essential in science.

(a) Draw one line from each structure to the approximate radius of that structure.


1 × 10−14 m

a bacterial cell 5 × 10−10 m

a large molecule 1 × 10−10 m

an animal cell 1 × 10−6 m

an atom 2 × 10−5 m

3 × 10−9 m

The diagram below shows two model cells.

(b) Describe how the surface area to volume ratio changes as the length of the side of the model
cell increases.

You should include calculations in your answer.







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(c) Explain why a bacterium can rely on diffusion for gas exchange, but animals need a transport







(d) Some sugar molecules are absorbed from the small intestine into the blood by active transport.

Explain why the rate of absorption of these sugar molecules can depend on the concentration of
oxygen in the cells lining the small intestine.






(Total 13 marks)

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Challenge Task

A student has been given the following equipment and has been asked to investigate
the osmosis in cucumber tissue at different salt concentrations.
Describe how you would use this equipment to investigate osmosis in cucumber
tissue at different salt concentrations. How will you make it a fair test? (6)
Not all the equipment you will need is shown here, you will not need to write a risk


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Mark schemes

(a) A – nucleus

B – chromosome

C – gene

(a) mitochondria


(b) to repair the muscles


(c) 78

(d) fertilisation

(a) asexual reproduction

(b) mitosis

(c) clones

(d) 44


allow 1 mark for 1 or 2 correct

credit can be given where students have matched the
boxes correctly, for example numbering the boxes

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(b) 6 picograms

(c) meristem cells in plants can differentiate throughout the life of the plant

(d) any two from:

• may cure / treat diseases
cure medical conditions
produce replacement cells / tissues / organs
allow example e.g. diabetes / paralysis
allow cells can be stored for future use
ignore used in medical treatments
ignore patient makes / grows cells / tissues / organs

• cells unlikely to be rejected by patient)

ignore same genetic information

• cells / tissues of any type can be produced

ignore differentiated into most types of cells

• many cells produced

• cells produced could be used for research

• would reduce waiting time for transplants

ignore references to cost
ignore all reference to producing babies / IVF

(e) any two from:

• (potential) life is killed / destroyed
allow embryo is killed
ignore embryo is destroyed
ignore embryo is a life / becomes a baby

• shortage of donors / eggs

• egg donation / collection has risks

• do not yet know risks / side effects of the procedure on the patient
ignore long term effects are not well understood
allow may cause tumours / cancer

• may transfer (viral) infection

• poor success rate

allow in terms of viable egg / embryo / cell / tissue / organ
ignore references to cost
ignore unethical unqualified
Ignore reference to religion / beliefs

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(b) 1.5:0.125 and 6:1

converted to same scale for example

12:1 and 6:1
6:0.5 and 6:1
allow 1.5:0.125 and 1.5:0.25
allow 1.5:0.125 and 0.75:0.125

as the length of the side of the cube increases the surface area to volume ratio decreases
allow size for length of side
allow converse

(c) animal has a small(er) surface area to volume ratio (than a bacterium)
allow converse

(so) diffusion distance is larger in animals

volume to be supplied (with gas) by each unit of surface area is greater
allow converse

diffusion would not supply enough oxygen for the volume / size
diffusion would not remove enough carbon dioxide for the volume / size
diffusion rate per unit volume is slower
allow converse

(d) active transport requires energy because (sugar molecule) movement is from low
concentration (outside cell) to high concentration (inside cell)
allow active transport requires energy because (sugar
molecule) movement is against / up concentration gradient

(this) energy is transferred by respiration which requires oxygen


(and a) higher concentration of oxygen allows a faster (rate of) respiration (or energy

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Challenge Task:

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

Method is easy to follow and follows a logical sequence.
Method would produce valid results.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

An attempt is made to produce a logical sequence.
Method would produce valid results.

Level 1 (1-2 Marks)

An attempt has been made to produce a method, it is not in a logical sequence.
Would not produce valid results.

Indicative content:
Gather five cucumber cylinders.
Trim the cylinders so that they are all the same length (about 3 cm).
Accurately measure and record the length and mass of each cucumber cylinder.

Measure 10 cm3 of the distilled water solution and put into the first test tube.
Use a marker pen to label test tube as distilled water (0.0%).

Suitable salt concentrations e.g.

Measure 10 cm3 of the 0.5% salt solution and put into the second test tube.
Measure 10 cm3 of the 1.0% and put into the third test tube.
Measure 10 cm3 of the 1.5% and put into the third test tube.
Measure 10 cm3 of the 2.0% and put into the third test tube.

Add one cucumber cylinder to each test tube.

Make sure you know the length and mass of each cucumber cylinder in each test tube.
Record the lengths and masses of each cucumber cylinder in a table.
Leave the cucumber cylinders in the test tubes overnight in the test tube rack.

Remove the cylinders from the test tubes and carefully blot them dry with the paper towels.

Re-measure the length and mass of each cylinder (make sure you know which is which).

Record your measurements in the table.

Then calculate the changes in length and mass of each potato cylinder.

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