Tze ®nah Ure ®nah Go Ye and See-P Íginas-5
Tze ®nah Ure ®nah Go Ye and See-P Íginas-5
Tze ®nah Ure ®nah Go Ye and See-P Íginas-5
Hagar." "Whom thou lovest," said God. " I love them both, ”
said Abraham. God did not at once tell him to take Isaac, in
order not to frighten him, as also to reward him for each word
he spoke with Him.
And offer him there for a burnt offering. There, on Mount
Moriah. God did not say that he should slay him, but that he
should bring him up and bring him down again. But Abraham
thought that God ordered him there to sacrifice Isaac for a
burnt offering.
3 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, to do the
bidding of God , and he himself saddled his ass ; and he took
with him his two young men, Ishmael and Eliezer.
And clave the wood for a burnt offering. He split the wood
at home, thinking, perhaps there may be no wood there ; and
he carried the wood with him three days' journey.
Rabbi B'chai offers another explanation why Abraham took
the wood from his own house : viz. to be sure that the wood
was not attacked by insects, and that it was ( Kosher) clean for
use at the offering of a sacrifice. For the merit of his splitting
the wood, God split (divided) the Red Sea for his children .
4 And he saw the place afar off. Abraham said to Isaac,
" What seest thou ? " Isaac replied, " I see a pretty mount,
and on it a pretty cloud ." Abraham asked the young men ,
" What do ye see ? " They said " We see nothing." Then
said Abraham
5 Abide ye here with the ass. The Pirké d'Rabbi Eleazar
writes : The young men quarrelled together. Ishmael said,
" Isaac will be slaughtered, and I shall inherit all. " And
Eliezer said, " Thou hast been driven away from thy father's
house, therefore thou shalt not inherit, but I shall." Then a
Bath Kol (a voice from heaven) came forth and said, “ Neither
of you shall inherit."
The Midrash writes : Abraham thought, " If I do not tell
Sarah of my intended offering up of Isaac, when she (on my
return) does not see him, she will die ; if I do tell her before-
GENESIS XXII. 2-5. 123
hand, she will not consent. " Therefore Abraham told Sarah to
prepare a dinner for merriment. 66 For," said he, " I knew God
when I was three years old, and our son Isaac is now thirty-
seven years old, I must therefore initiate him to perform the
precepts. I intend going to offer a sacrifice on Mount Moriah ;
let him go with me. " Sarah gave permission to take Isaac
with him, and Abraham rose very early in order that she should
not repent ; also when all people were yet asleep, in order
that they should not dissuade him from offering up his son
Then Satan disguised himself as an old man, and presented
himself before Abraham, and said, " Where art thou going ? "
" I am going to pray," replied Abraham. (Satan) " What is
the use of the wood, and the fire, and the slaughtering knife ? "
(Abraham) " I shall remain some days, and the wood and fire
will be for cooking purposes. " (Satan) " Such an old man as
thou art, who hast no more than an only son in thine old age,
and wilt thou slay him ? Will God not punish thee ? " (Abra-
ham) " God told me to do so."
Then came Satan unto Isaac, and asked him, " Where art
thou going ? " Isaac replied, " I am going to learn to do the
commandments. " Satan said unto him, " Wilt thou be taught
after death, or when alive ? for thou art to be slaughtered !
Isaac replied, " If God wills that I should be slaughtered, I
will let it be so without resisting.
Satan then went to Sarah, and said unto her, "Where is
Abraham (gone ) with Isaac ? Thou shalt never more see thy
son Isaac." Sarah replied, " Let God do what He wills ! "
The Midrash writes also : That Satan made a great (flood of)
water, which reached up to the necks of Abraham and Isaac.
But Abraham prayed unto God, and said, " Lord of the Uni-
verse ! Thou hast bidden me to offer up my son Isaac for a
sacrifice unto Thee, therefore help me now to do so." Then
the flood of water disappeared.¹
1 Comp. Rev. xii. 15 , 16. The Talmud and the Midrashim have bor-
And we shall come again unto you. Abraham told the young
men, we will go to yonder place, and we shall return unto you.
Rashi writes : He said this prophetically, that they both would
return. Rabbi B'chai writes : Abraham had it in his mind that
he would return the bones of Isaac after they had been burnt
on the altar, therefore he said (the truth) we both will return.¹
6 And they went both of them together. Both of them to-
gether were equally happy as they went ; Abraham, who knew
that he was going to slaughter Isaac, was as happy as Isaac,
who knew nothing about it as yet.
7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My
father. It may be asked : What need is there for the text to
state that Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, since we know
it already that Abraham was his father ; and again, “And said
my father " what need had he to say that he was his father ?
Rabbi B'chai writes : He therefore called him twice, father,
father, in order that he might have compassion on him, as a
father (pitieth) his son.
And he said, My son. Abraham responded, "Thou
art my son." Isaac then asked, " If I am indeed thy son,
where is the sacrifice ? "
8 And Abraham replied, God will show us the sacrifice, my
son. Isaac then understood that he himself was to be offered
for a sacrifice , and therefore says the text once more—
They went both of them together. That is to say, although
Isaac knew now that he was to be offered as a sacrifice, yet
they went both of them together, of one heart and mind, and
equally happy (to slay and to be slain).
rowed many sentiments from the New Testament. See Index III. to Gen.
acc. to the Tal. , under the word New Test.
¹ In this case a little prevarication and mental reservation was necessary.
Father Abraham thus established a precedent for the conduct of his ortho-
dox children. So at least would reason a modern Jew. R. Akiva swore
with his lips and made it null in his heart ! The Talmud says ,plainly that
thoughts of the heart are not words of the mouth : דברים שבלב אינן
D7. Kiddushin, fol. 50A.
GENESIS XXII. 5-9. 125
The Chizkûni and the Imrae Noam ask : What need had
God to try Abraham, since He well knew that he would obey
all he was bid to do ? The answer is : The angel said unto
God, " In what is Abraham so much better than other right-
eous men, that Thou shouldest do so many wonders for him ?
God replied, " I will show you what Abraham is ; if I tell him
to slay his son, he will obey.
And bound Isaac his son. Abraham having bound Isaac's
hands and feet, and laid him upon the wood, Isaac besought
him thus : 66 Father, let me not see the knife, lest I shake with
fear, and thou shouldest not legally ( Kosher) slay me. " He
also begged his father not to tell Sarah (what had happened)
when on the housetop , or by the side of a pit, for she might
be frightened and fall down.
And Abraham took the knife in his hand to slay his son,
but a voice from heaven cried aloud, " Touch not Isaac to kill
him ! " Abraham said, " Let me shed a little of his blood."
But the angel replied :
Neither do thou anything to him. Make no blemish in him .
The B'chai writes : Abraham asked the voice that cried aloud,
"Who art thou ? " And the voice answered, " I am an angel. "
Abraham then said, " God Himself spoke with me to slay my
son, and now ( if I am not to slay him) let Him speak also
Himself with me."
15 And the Angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of
heaven the second time,
16 By Myself have I sworn. The angel told him that God
swore by Himself that He would bless the children of Isaac,
and multiply them as the stars of heaven, and as the sand
which is upon the sea shore. And Abraham said unto God,
"Let me say my say before Thee. First, Thou hast told me
that my principal children would be of Isaac ; then Thou
commandedst me to slay him ; and now again Thou biddest me
not to slay him." God replied, " I do not go from My word.
I only told thee to bring thy son for a burnt offering, but I
GENESIS XXII. 9-13. 127
have not bid to slay him. Now as thou hast brought him up,
thou mayest bring him down." Abraham said unto God ,
" Thou hast sworn, and I , too, swear, that I will not go down
from here till Thou hast promised me that Thou wilt remember
this (binding of Isaac) as an atonement for the sins of my
children, as if I actually had poured out the blood¹ of my son,
and as if his ashes were actually spread upon the altar.
The Imrae Noam asks : Why is it stated that the angel called
unto Abraham from heaven, without his coming down to him,
whereas to Hagar the angel came down from heaven and found
her at the well ? The answer is : The angel was obliged
promptly to call unto Abraham, for he was in a hurry to slay
his son . (There was no time for delay. )
For now I know that thou fearest God. God said unto
Abraham, " Now I can answer the angels why I show thee
more favour than to other people. "
13 And he looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a
thicket by his horns. The ram could not escape, and from the
six days of the creation he had been prepared for this purpose
(to be caught by the horns, and to be a substitute for Isaac) .
The Chizkûni writes : Because the ram was tied, Abraham
therefore understood that God provided it for a sacrifice in
place of his son. Had the ram not been tied , Abraham would
have thought that it belonged to another person, and would
not have taken it for a sacrifice.
The B'chai writes on the words 2 "Another caught in a thicket "
thus : When Israel are unclean with sin all the year round ,
they blow the horn of a ram on new year, and God forgives
them their sins.
1 The Talmud proves that no righteous man departs this life before
another equally righteous is born (from Eccles. i. 5 ) : " The sun rises and
the sun goes down." The sun of Eli had not set before that of Samuel
rose ; as it is said ( 1 Sam. iii. 3 ), " Ere the lamp of God was out
and Samuel lay down. " Kiddushim, fol. 72B.
1 We are told in Meggillah, fol. 15A : There were four beautiful women
in the world- Sarah, Abigail, Rahab and Esther. In Bava-Bathra, fol.
50A, we are informed, compared to Sarah, all other women were like apes.
2 = ויהיו.37
3 Four classes of people are like the dead : the poor, the lepers, the
blind, and the childless. Nedarim, fol. 64B.
good tidings that Rebekah was born, as his son Isaac would
then be able to have a wife of honourable connection, there-
fore he could not weep, for great joy, and hence he first
mourned for her and recounted her good works, and after-
wards he was able also to weep a little . And this is the
reason why the word " weep " is written with a small Caph,¹
because he only wept a little for her, for he was full of joy
and unable to weep much.
The Baal Hatturim writes : He wept but little for her,
because she was old when she died, and people weep little
for an aged person . Another explanation is : He wept little
for Sarah because she herself caused her own death when she
passed judgment on Abraham by saying : " The Lord judge
between me and thee." 2 And he who causes his own death
need not be wept for.
3 And Abraham stood up before his dead, and prayed the
children of Heth they should give him a sepulchre. The
Baal Hatturim writes : It is not lawful to talk in the presence
of the dead, for it is a contempt for the dead who cannot
speak. Therefore Abraham arose from before the dead and
went aside, and spoke to the children of Heth, saying—
4 I am a stranger, from a strange land, and I have settled
myself among you. Another explanation is : He spoke thus :
" If ye will sell me a sepulchre, well and good, I shall count
myself for a stranger and buy it of you ; but if ye will not sell,
then I am one settled in the land, and will by law take away for
myself a place for a sepulchre, for God has promised to give
me this land ."
The Chizkûni asks : Why has the Torah recorded in what
city Sarah died, but it does not record in what city Abraham ,
and Rebekah, and Rachel, and Leah have died ? The answer
is : Abraham sent Sarah to Hebron, in order that she should
be far from Mount Moriah, and should not soon learn that
her son Isaac was slain. But as the angel Sammael came to
Sarah and told her that Isaac was slain, her soul departed,
and she died .
Some say, Sarah was ill, and Abraham sent her to Hebron
because of the good air there, but when there she died on
account of what she heard about her son Isaac.
Give me a possession of a burying-
place with you. The B'chai
asks : What need had he to say " with you " ? The answer is :
Their arrangement was that each family had its own particular
cemetery, and when a stranger died they buried him separately
in a field. " Therefore," said Abraham, " give me a place for
a cemetery with you."
6 Thou art a mighty prince among us. The children of
Heth said unto Abraham, " Do not hold thyself for so little—
for a stranger—thou art a Divine personage among us ; choose,
therefore, the best of our sepulchres to bury thy dead, none
of us shall withhold from thee (his sepulchre) from burying thy
dead." Abraham said to the children of Heth, " If ye indeed
wish that I should bury my dead,"
8, 9 Hear me, and entreat for me to Ephron the son of
Zohar, that he give me the cave of Machpelah, which he has.
The cave was called Machpelah because it was double, one
cave over the other. Another explanation why the cave was
called Machpelah (i.e. double) is, because of the couples
buried there, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and
Rebekah, Jacob and Leah. Another explanation is, that the
cave was called double (Machpelah), because the length of
Adam was in the cave doubled up in two.
Abraham said, " I will give good silver for the cave."
Ephron replied, " A land which is worth four hundred shekels
of silver, what is that betwixt me and thee, between such
good friends as we are ? Bury, therefore, thy dead."
16 And Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which Ephron
named, for Ephron said at first, that he would make Abraham
1 In Bava-Bathra, fol. 141A, we read : " And the Lord had blessed
Abraham in all things. " Rabbi Meir, said ; He had no daughter. Rabbi
Yehudah said ; He had a daughter and her name was Baccol ( 3) . The
Comment of Tosephoth in loco says : He had a daughter, and her name
2 His eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all he had.
Eliezer was the chief in the house of Abraham.
The Chizkûni writes : Abraham sent Eliezer in preference
to any other servant to take a wife for his son Isaac, because
Eliezer was older than any other of all his servants, and an old
man is more to be trusted than a young man ; and therefore
says the text, his oldest servant. Nevertheless they still sus-
pected him, as we shall see further on.
2, 3 Put I pray thee thy hand under my thigh ; and I will
make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of
the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son ofthe
daughters of the Canaanites. Rabbi B'chai, and the Toldoth
Yitzkhac, and the Chizkûni write : It was a custom in ancient
times that a servant put his hand under his master's thigh as a
proof of subjection and faithfulness.
Rashi writes : He who swears must hold in his hand a book
or something else that is sacred. As Abraham had no book, he
ordered his servant to put his hand under his thigh, because it
was the first precept to Abraham which came through much
And I will make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven,
and the God of the earth. Rashi asks : Why is it that in
verse 7 is mentioned only, " The Lord God of heaven which
took me from my father's house, " and not as here, " the God
of the earth " ? The answer is : When God first led Abraham
from the house of Terah, He was not known then as a God of
the earth, but only as a God of heaven ; but when Abraham
came he made it known that God was a God of heaven and
of the earth.
That thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters
was Baccol. If it is asked why he did not give her to Isaac, for a son of
Noah might legally marry his sister ? It could be replied : Perhaps she was
too young, and he would not yet marry her to Isaac ; or, because she was
from Hagar and not from Sarah, and therefore he would not marry her to
GENESIS XXIV. 2-4. 135
of Canaan. " For I know," said he, " that God will give the
land of Canaan unto my children without their daughters."
5 And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman
will not be willing to follow me unto this land. And Abraham
said unto Eliezer, " If the woman will not be willing to follow
thee hither, then shalt thou be clear from this my oath, and
thou mayest take a wife unto my son from the daughters ofmy
companions, Aner, Eschol, and Mamre.¹ And Abraham prayed
and said :
7 The Lord God of heaven which took me from my father's
house, and from the land of my nativity, which is Ur of the
Chaldees, may He send an angel before thee that thou shalt
take a wife unto my son Isaac from thence.
The Toldoth Yitzkhac asks : What need had Abraham to
mention in his prayer that God took him from his father's
house and from his native land ? The reply is : Abraham said
in his prayer : " Thou , O God , hast led me from my father's
house, and from my native land, how can I now take a wife
from my own family ? Therefore it is but right that Thou
shouldest send an angel with Eliezer, that he should be able to
take a wife unto my son from my family, because I have kept
Thy command and came away from it."
10 And the servant took ten camels ofthe camels ofhis master,
and departed; and all the goods ofhis master were in his hands.
Abraham's camels were distinguished from all other camels
because they were always muzzled , that they should not be
able to feed on fields belonging to other people. And Eliezer
had a legal document in his hands in which all the property of
Abraham was made over to Isaac as a specific gift, in order
that they should be induced to send their daughter when they
saw that Isaac was so very rich.2
II And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by
¹ Chap . xiv. 13 .
2 This explains the phrase, which would otherwise be unintelligible,
" All the goods of his master were in his hand."
GENESIS XXIV. 4-15. 137
" 1
to pass, before he had done speaking." The answer is : The
word " He" refers to God, who is called He, as it is said,
" It is He that hath made us." 2 This is to say, God sent an
angel with Eliezer, and he caused Rebekah to come soon to
the well.
16 And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin,
neither had any man known her. The Toldoth Yitzkhac
writes : The text teaches us that God had accepted the prayer
of Eliezer, and caused such a damsel to come to the well that
never came there before for fear of young men, and not only
that she never went to the well, but even in her house also no
one could see her, because she was exceedingly modest, and
* *
this is why the text says no man had known her. *
And she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and
came up. It is not said : " And she drew " (the water) , but
only " and filled." From this have our sages inferred , that the
water had risen towards Rebekah, so that she had no need to
1 In the original the literal rendering would run thus : " And it came
to pass, he, before he had done speaking."
2 Ps. c. 3. 1 1. Here Rabbi B'chai lays stress on the personal
pronoun He (Hû in Hebrew), and converts it into a proper name for God.
The Talmud itself, and Rashi the first Talmudic commentator, and also
the orthodox Liturgy, take the same view, viz. that He (i.e. Hû) is the
Name of God. By Kabbalistic combination the ineffable Name Л ,
Jehovah, expresses a Duality in the Godhead-a He and a She-two Per-
sons in One God ; or the Unity of the Holy One, blessed be Hû ! and
his Shechinah. The Divine Husband and Wife is mentioned in the Jewish
Liturgy for Pentecost שכינתא בבעלה ; ליחדאand also in the daily
repeated formula : -לשם יחוד קב"ה ושכינתיה ע"י ההוא טמיר ונעלם ברוך
bi.e. "In the name of the Union of the Holy and Blessed Hû and
His Shechinah, the Hidden and Concealed Hû, blessed be JEHOVAH for ever ! ”
The name Hû, and the familiar name YAH, are of masculine and feminine
gender respectively, and the union of the two forms the name of 8 min)
ONE JEHOVAH : one, but of a Bisexual Nature, according to Kabbalists.
Hû and YAH, in a separate form, used to be invoked in the second Temple
on the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles, an imitation of which,
attended with all the ancient ceremonials now possible, may annually be
witnessed in the orthodox synagogue unto this day.
GENESIS XXIV. 15-25. 139
draw, but simply to fill her pitcher. When Eliezer saw that
the water rose towards Rebekah, he immediately ran towards
her, and asked for a little water to drink.
The Toldoth Yitzkhac writes : The text, " And she filled
her pitcher, and came up," teaches us that as soon as she had
filled her pitcher she immediately came up from the well ;
unlike the other damsels, who used to loiter at the well ,
Rebekah was modest and came up at once.
19 And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will
draw water for thy camels also.
21 And the man wondered at her, because Eliezer saw that
God began to prosper him.
22 The man took a golden nose-ring, of half a shekel weight,
and two bracelets for her hands often shekels weight ofgold. The
Chizkûni writes : It is not stated, " And he gave it to the
damsel ; " but, "And the man took." This means that Eliezer
took all in his hand, having it ready to give her when he
ascertained who she was. And he asked first-
23 Whose daughter art thou ? Another explanation is : He
first gave the ornaments, and he asked her who she was, in order
to show that he was very rich. But before Bethuel and Laban,
he said that he first asked her, and then gave her the ornaments.
Rashi writes : The reason why he first gave her the ornaments
was, because he fully relied on the merit of Abraham that she
must be of Abraham's family. He therefore gave her a golden
nose-ring of half a shekel weight, thus indicating that her chil-
dren will give shekels, half a shekel each. The two bracelets
stand for the two tables of the Covenant which her children
would receive from God ; and their weight being ten shekels
symbolically indicated the Ten Commandments.
23, 25 Is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in ?
The term " to lodge in" is with a Yod¹ (in the original), which
means to lodge in for one night. The reply, " Room to lodge
1 , with a Yod.
all that occurred and all he did on that day ; how he travelled
from Hebron in three hours-a distance of seventeen days'
journey, as it is stated in the text : " And I came this day unto
the well "—that is to say : " This day I left home, and this day
I came to the well. I also asked her whose daughter she was,
and afterwards I gave her the presents."
Rashi says : He first gave her the presents and then he
asked her whose daughter she was, because he relied on
Abraham's merit that she must be of his family.¹ Before
Rebekah's parents he said the reverse, lest they should taunt
him : " What a fool thou art, to give such valuable presents to
a maiden without first knowing who she was." This is the
reason why he reversed the statement, and said : " I asked her
whose daughter she was, and afterwards gave her the presents."
49 And now ifye will deal kindly and truly with my master,
tell me. The Imrae Noam asks : What need had he to beg
them so earnestly ? Did they decline giving up Rebekah to
such a rich house ? The reply is : They had heard that the
children of Abraham would be obliged to go into captivity,
and therefore they would not give Rebekah to Isaac. Hence
Eliezer had to beg much : " Deal kindly and truly with my
Rabbi Isseril asks : Why did Eliezer say, "kindly and
truly "? The term " truly " is never employed except when a
kindness has been done to a dead person when there is no
hope to receive a kindness in return, for then it is “ kindly and
truly," in other words “ a true kindness "—hoping for no return.
The reply is : Eliezer was very clever, and he said unto them,
" I beg you to do a true kindness to my master, and do not
desire that he should repay you for the same. "
1 Merit and luck are often two convertible terms. The luck of Abraham
gave Eliezer the assurance that he would be led to give the presents to
none other but to the right damsel. Luck is blind, and lucky people need
not see what they are about to do, for their luck will not be so unlucky as
to mislead them.
That I may turn to the right hand or to the left. " If ye will
not give me Rebekah," said Eliezer, " then I shall be obliged
to take a wife unto Isaac of the daughters of Ishmael, or of
the daughters of Lot."
50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing
proceedeth from the Lord; we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.
Laban was a wicked man ; he spoke before his father did, but
his father had let him speak first because he was shrewd in
his speech. He said first " bad " and then "good," because he
always thought more of bad than of good.
The B'chai says : From this we learn that every matrimonial
engagement is formed by God, as it is here stated : " The
thing proceedeth from the Lord." Our sages say : Forty days
before a man is born, a Bath Kol proclaims : So and so shall
marry so and so.¹
51 Behold Rebekah is before thee, take her and go to thy master,
as the Lord hath spoken. When Eliezer heard this, he wor-
shipped and thanked God. He then gave Rebekah costly
jewels of gold and silver, and beautiful dresses, and with these
he betrothed her. To her brother and mother he gave choice
fruit as a present.
54 And they did eat and drink, he and the men that were
with him, and tarried all night. On arising the following
morning, the angel came again to Eliezer ready to accompany
him, and Eliezer said : " Send me home to my master. "
55 And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel
abide with us a year or ten months, after that she will go.
Bethuel said nothing, for he was dead (as already mentioned).
The Chizkûni asks : Yesterday they said, " Behold Rebekah
is before thee, take her, and go," why now ask that the girl
should abide with them a year, or at least ten months ? The
answer is : They at first thought that the girl was to be en-
1 These two passages are drawn from the Talmud. Vide Moed Katon,
fol. 18B, and Soteh, fol. 2A. Bath Kol, i.e. The daughter of a voice, an
echo, a voice from heaven.
GENESIS XXIV. 49-58. 145
1 The Talmud informs us that Abraham was the first who instituted the
Morning Prayer according to the present form in the Jewish Liturgy ; that
תפלת מנחהPn pn ', Isaac instituted the Afternoon Prayer. Berachoth,
fol. 26B.
GENESIS XXIV. 58-XXV. 1. 147
This is a play on the word " incense, " which in Hebrew is Ketoreth, and
being similar in sound to Keturah, a connection is hammered out of the
two words, Keturah and Ketoreth.
GENESIS XXV. 1-6. 149
1 דיא תורה האט גישריבען פלגשם אן איין יו"דi.e. The Torah has
written Pilagshim (concubines) without a Yod. Here a very serious ques-
tion arises. We have examined several Hebrew Bibles, we consulted the
Hebrew Concordance, and have referred to the Talmud itself, but failed to
find anywhere the word without the Yod. Evidently this very positive
statement is made on the authority of Rashi, and this is asserted by Rashi
in as positive a manner. The question now is assuming that such a
high authority would not make a deliberate misstatement, when, and by
whom, was the text of our present Hebrew Bibles interfered with ? Who
inserted the Yod? Or has the Yod always been there ? In any case this
passage is remarkable for boldly presuming on the ignorance or carelessness
of the ordinary Jewish reader.
2 The version of this passage in the Talmud , and there commented on
by Rashi, is to this effect : Abraham delivered to the children he had by
Keturah, ID , " The name of uncleanness, " with which they learned
to practise witchcraft and do the works of the devil. Sanhedrin, fol. 91A.
" The name of uncleanness 99 is the antonym of * שם המפורשthe
ineffable name " of Jehovah. Miracles and wonders were and still are
performed by the Rabbis by the means of the Shem-hammephorash. So
the Jews say. See Tal. Misc. , p. 321 .
die quickly, that they should not be able to leave their last
will for their children, as was the case with the generation
of the Deluge ; they died quickly. But of a righteous man
the term is for good ; he dies quickly, but without pain, and
leaves behind his last will and testament.
9 And Isaac and Ishmael buried him. The text teaches us
that Ishmael had repented and had honoured Isaac by giving
him the precedence, as Isaac was more righteous than he ;
had not Ishmael repented, God would not have permitted him
to bury Abraham. So says Rashi, as also the Ramban and
the B'chai.
II And it came to pass after the death of Abraham, that God
blessed his son Isaac, with the (formal) blessing of mourners,
to console him.1 Another explanation is : Abraham did not
wish to bless Isaac, because he foresaw that Esau would come
out of him ; he then said, " Let God bless whom He will,”—
and God blessed Isaac.
to the firstborn and seated him in his father's place. " This
honour, " said Esau, " what is that to me that I should wait for
it till after my father's death ! Nobody knows who will die first,
especially as I go daily among wild beasts (hunting), perhaps
they will kill me first " (" Thus Esau despised his birth-
right ").
CHAPTER XXVI. — 1 , 2 And there was a famine in the land.
• And the Lord appeared unto him, and said, Go not
down into Egypt. Thou art not as thy father, who on account
of the famine went down into Egypt, for thou hast been a sacri-
fice upon the altar, and therefore the outside land (i.e. beyond
the Land of Israel) is not worthy to have thee upon it.
3 Sojourn in this land, for I will give it unto thy children,
and will bless them to be as many (in number) as the stars
of heaven.
5 Because Abraham obeyed My voice, and was pious . Our
sages deduce from this , that Abraham learned to know his
Creator when he was three years old, for he lived 175 years,
and " Because " (in the original Hebrew) has the numerical
value of 172, that is three years less than his whole lifetime
during which he obeyed God's voice, and observed the whole
law even before it was given (on Mount Sinai).
The B'chai asks : If the Patriarchs indeed kept the whole
law, why did Jacob marry two sisters ? and why did Amram
marry his aunt, 2 which the law forbids. The Ramban and the
Toldoth Yitzkhac reply : The principle of a precept is that
the precept be observed in the Land of Israel only, but Jacob
married two sisters outside the land (i.e. in a foreign country),
and also Amram married his aunt in Egypt. As for Joseph
having observed the Sabbath in Egypt, that was because the
1 = עקב.172
2 Amram was the father of Moses, and he married his aunt (Exod . vi. 20).
3 See Lev. xviii. 12.
✦ A Gentile unbeliever might ask : Where is it recorded in Scripture
that Joseph observed the Sabbath in Egypt ? To this the orthodox Jew