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ii'.,,, SAV PUBLIC SCH$OL, JI4&RSUGUffi&t...i.i.

'ji;iji';' ANNUAL ExAMlNATloft - 2017-18
? Dt-09'03'18

Name- Sec- RollNo.-

Marks Obtained- Examiner 5ign.- lnvigilator Sign-

L FiEI in tl:e blanks.
a) "_ festivel is celebrated by the people of l*adakh as Nevs Year
b) The rnusic instrument which was invented by Amir Khusro is.

c) A sitar have- curved metal frets.

d) ln Egypt God of Death is called-'
e) Volume of a cone is-.
discovered logarithm.
-' h) Luliana Semonova belongs to -,-country.
i) The lndian wrestler who won a medal in Olympics 2008 was.
j) The freestyle of skiing consists of tricks'
2. Mark the following statements as true or false.
a) Samudragupta was known as exponent of veena'
b) A soloist plaY Raga on sitar.
c) Bhavai is the folk theatre of Tamilnadu'
d) A single day of Bramha is known as Kalpa.
e) The largest mosque situated in Citael is Mosque of Muhammad Ali.
f) Pitakas are the sacred text of Buddism.
g) 25x92=2592.
h) Perimeter of rectangle is 4a.
i) Dan is Judo stands for grads of a student.
j) The brother of Undertaker of \ A/VE fame is Ken.
3. Answer in one word.
a) lt is an Amida Buddhist temple located in Uji neat Kyoto-

b) The place which is famous for Chikan work-

c) Tanjore is the folk painting of this place-.

d) A rectangle which four sides are same-.

e) The mathematician who calculated the value o'f n as'f,

f) A solid figure with plane curve as base and tapering to a point at the top-

g) The traditional form of unarmed combat developed by Japanese worrier was-

h) Number of packets in the carom board-

i) Olympics held for the handicapped-

j) Jitender Kumar is related to the game-

4. lWateh the foEt*wlmg.
- c\ i i.Ll-u=l.Lli

r,,\ t]
t. natio a. futahar-astra

2. Alpo*a J, 1-

:::" Turpa
,, *.*^i;--. "-
-! i"liJ[-.;;:lULtr.'
4" r*uF-r*r**t U.

e iitfae! Eif,nnt i
5. Ferpendicutl*t"

ft Rrarnha f"

7. Not equal to g. Cure far iliness

8. Viadanatheswara h. ll

9. Worli i. Kalpa

10. Parallel J.v

5. Tick the correct one. (1x10=i0)

a) Which sporl is associated with Rover Cup

a. Badminton b. Cricket c. Soccer d. Table Tennis

b) Skiing was first held in 1924 in Chamonix in

a. Franse b. UK c. USA d' eanada
c) Surno-wrestling is prevalent in

a. China b. JaPan c. Russia d' USA

d) The number of styles prevalent in each category of wrestling are
a. 10 b.9 c.8 €i'6

e) Who gave the earliest concept of Trigonometry?

a. Hipparchus b. John Venn c. william Jones d. Ftolemy

f; Perimeter of circle is
a.?r b' rf c.Znt" d' nr

g) 1+3+5+7+9=
a.22 b. 32 c.52 d.72

h) Hapi is known as
a. God of Nile b.God of Amazon c. Palace of Gujrat d. Embroidery
i) Bhavai is the dance of
a. Karnataka b.Gujrat c.Delhi d. Kerala

j) Kolkata is the folk dance of the state

a. Bengal b. Andhra Pradesh c. Rajasthan d. Gujrat

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