Viii GK
Viii GK
Viii GK
'ji;iji';' ANNUAL ExAMlNATloft - 2017-18
? Dt-09'03'18
L FiEI in tl:e blanks.
a) "_ festivel is celebrated by the people of l*adakh as Nevs Year
b) The rnusic instrument which was invented by Amir Khusro is.
f) A solid figure with plane curve as base and tapering to a point at the top-
r,,\ t]
t. natio a. futahar-astra
2. Alpo*a J, 1-
:::" Turpa
,, *.*^i;--. "-
-! i"liJ[-.;;:lULtr.'
4" r*uF-r*r**t U.
e iitfae! Eif,nnt i
5. Ferpendicutl*t"
ft Rrarnha f"
8. Viadanatheswara h. ll
9. Worli i. Kalpa
f; Perimeter of circle is
a.?r b' rf c.Znt" d' nr
g) 1+3+5+7+9=
a.22 b. 32 c.52 d.72
h) Hapi is known as
a. God of Nile b.God of Amazon c. Palace of Gujrat d. Embroidery
i) Bhavai is the dance of
a. Karnataka b.Gujrat c.Delhi d. Kerala