Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Departmental Objectives

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Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Departmental Objectives

At the end of the course of obstetrics & gynaecology the undergraduate medical students will be able to:
 provide proper care in managing women’s health including pregnancy, labour and puerperium and to
ensure maternal and neonatal health and well being and give proper advices.
 diagnose and manage patients with common obstetrical and gynaecological problems.
 describe the basic concept of Counselling and counsel the women in the field of Obstetrics and
 refer high risk cases appropriately.
 resuscitate new born babies and impart proper care.
 initiate & promote infant & young child feeding practices including exclusive breast feeding
 demonstrate appropriate attitude required to practise obstetrics and gynaecology.
 demonstrate an understanding about the impact of socio-cultural beliefs and environmental factors on
women in pregnancy, labour and puerperium including their overall reproductive health and violence
against women.
 counsel and inform women about contraception and family planning, and women’s right.
 be acquainted with ongoing programme to reduce maternal mortality & morbidity.
 demonstrate an understanding about common problem of adolescent females and care them
 describe the common problems of peri and post menopausal women and can provide proper care
 value the ethical issues in obstetrics and gynaecology.

List of Competencies to acquire:

 History taking, communication skill, obstetrical examination, gynaecological examination.
 Diagnosis of common clinical problems
 Preparation of a patient before anaesthesia
 Writing a discharge certificate after
- Normal delivery
- Caesarean section
- Evacuation of mole
- Hysterectomy
 Care of antenatal patients including nutrition and daily calorie calculation
 Care of postnatal patient
- Appropriate technique of breast feeding including position and attachment.
- Demonstation of complementary feeding- amount, frequency, content of food
 Management of normal labour with partograph plotting
 1st stage, 2nd stage & 3rd stage (AMTSL)
 Skill about Episiotomy
 PPH management
 Management of Eclampsia
 Shock management
 Writing a BT order
 Blood transfusion note
 Insertion of a cannula
 Catheterization
 Drawing of blood
 Hand washing
 Wearing of gloves,wearing PPE (Donning and Doffing)
 Identification of instruments/suture materials
 Trolly preparation for major & minor surgery

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Hours distribution in 3rd & 4th phases in details

Small group Departmental Phase Clinical/Bedside Formative Summative

Lecture (in hours) teaching integrated integrated teaching examination examination
(in hours) teaching teaching (in weeks) (in days) (in days)

Block posting
(in weeks)
(in hours) (in hours)
3rd 4th Total PBL, Practical 3rd 4th

leave 10 days

leave 10 days

Phase Phase demonstration , Phase Phase

Exam time

Exam time
15 days

15 days
Skill lab, 8wks 8wks
Tutorial & etc.
Total 30 60 90 58 hours (10 topics × 2 (42 topics × 3 16 weeks 04 wks 25 days 40 days
hours) hours)
= 20 hours = 126 hours

Grand Total 168 hours 126 hours 20 weeks 65 days

Time for integrated teaching, examination preparatory leave and formative & summative assessment is common for all subjects of the phase

Preventive aspects of all diseases will be given due importance in teaching learning considering public health context of the country and others
parts of the world.

Related behavioral, professional & ethical issues will be discussed in all clinical and other teaching learning sessions

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Hours distribution for Clinical/Bedside teaching in 3rd & 4th phases in details

Clinical/Bedside & Ambulatory care teaching (in hours)

2nd Phase 3rd Phase 4th Phase

Total weeks
Indoor clinical/ bedside teaching Indoor clinical/ bedside teaching Indoor clinical/ bedside teaching
{(2nd phase wks

(in three phases)

& & &

Total hours
Ambulatory care teaching Ambulatory care teaching Ambulatory care teaching + 3rd phase wks
Subject + 4th phase wks
Morning Evening Morning Evening Morning Evening
= Total three phases wks)
Indoor/ OPD/ Indoor/ OPD/ ×(6 days× 4 or 7 hours)}
Indoor/ OPD/ Emergency/ Indoor/ Emergency/ Indoor/
Emergency/ Indoor/ Out reached Emergency Out reached Emergency
Out reached Emergency center center
8 weeks 8 weeks
Basic Clinical Skills
- - 48 h (4w) 48 h (4w) - - 96 h (0+4+0)= 04 w × (6 days × 4 hrs)
Family Planning Clinic - - 24 h (2w) 24 h (2w) - - 48 h (0+2+0)= 02 w× (6 days × 4 hrs)
Gynae & Antenatal
- - 24 h (2w) 24 h (2w) - - 48 h (0+2+0)= 02 w× (6 days × 4 hrs)
Out-patient Clinic
Routine Obstetrics - - - - 36 h (3w) 36 h (3w) 72 h (0+0+3)= 03 w× (6 days × 4 hrs)
Routine Gynaecology - - - - 36 h (3w) 36 h (3w) 72 h (0+0+3)= 03 w× (6 days × 4 hrs)
Emergency Obstetric Care 24 h (2w) 60 h (2w) 84 h
- - - - (0+0+2)= 02 w× (6 days × 7 hrs)
E.O.C (Labour Room)
Total - - 96 hrs 96 hrs 96 hrs 132 hrs 420 hrs 16 weeks

Teaching/learning methods, teaching aids and evaluation
Teaching Methods Teaching aids In course
Large Small group Self Others
group learning
Bed side teaching, Laptop, Computer & Multimedia  Item Examination
Lecture Tutorials Assignme Integrated OHP, Transparency & Marker  Card final
(video PBL (Problem based nt, White board & Marker, Black board  Term
presentati learning) Self study & chalks, Flip Chart, Slide projector Examination
on) OPD- teaching Video, Dummy, Ultrasonography  Term final
Teaching in Family report, X-ray plate, View Box (written,
planning clinic Model, Television, VCR, Cassette, oral+
Demonstration in Specimen, Analysis report practical+clin
Operation theatre ical)
Demonstration in
wards/ skill room
(video presentation)
Field side teaching

Final Professional Examination:

Marks distribution of Assessment of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Total marks – 500 (Summative)
 Written =200
(Formative =(10+10)=20, MCQ=40 (SBA-20, Multilpe true false -20), SAQ & SEQ=140 (SAQ-
50+50=100) (SEQ-20+20=40)
 SOE=100
 Clinical=100
 Practical=100
Related Equipments/Instrument:
Forceps, Ventouse, Female bony pelvis & dummy foetus, Folley’s catheter, Plain rubber catheter
Sponge holding forceps, Alli’s tissue forceps, Artery forceps, Volsellum, Hegar’s dilators,
Uterine sound & Currette, Sim’s vaginal speculum, Cusco’s speculum, BP blade with handle,
Dissecting forceps, Needle holder, Suture materials
Contraceptives – OCP, progesterone only pill (POP or minipill), implants (2 rods and 1 rod),
Injectable contraceptives (IM and sub-cutaneous), IUCD, Barrier methods (condoms), IUD and
Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP).
MR Syringe with Canula

Core contents of Obstetrics:
Conception and development of fetoplacental unit
(a) Fertilisation, implantation, fetoplacental unit, placental barrier
(b) Placenta, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord: Development, structure and function
Anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy
Diagnosis of pregnancy
Counselling in reproductive health
Antenatal care
(a) Counselling
(b) Objectives, principles of antenatal care, identification of high risk pregnancy
(c) Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
(d) Vomiting in early pregnancy

Normal labour
(a) Criteria of normal labour
(b) Stages, mechanism of normal labour
(c) Diagnosis of labour
(d) Management of normal labour
(e) Assessment of progress of labour
(f) Monitoring maternal and fetal condition
(g) Partograph
(h) Pain relief
Normal puerperium
(a) Anatomical and physiological changes during puerperium
(b) Management of normal puerperium
(c) Post partum family planning
(d) IYCF -- Breast feeding & Complementary feeding
Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy including pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
Medical disorders in obstetrics
(a) Anaemia in pregnancy
(b) Urinary problems in obstetrics
(c) Diabetes
(d) Heart disease
(e) Hepatitis
Ante-partum haemorrhage
Definitions, classification, clinical features, complications and management
Rh incompatibility
Blood transfusion in Obstetrics
Multiple pregnancy
Definitions and types, clinical features, complications, diagnosis and principles of management
Malposition and malpresentation
Types, causes, diagnosis, complications and management
Abnormalities of labour
(a) Prolonged labour: Definition, aetiology, diagnosis, complications, management
(b) Obstructed labour: Definition, aetiology, diagnosis, complications, management

Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH)
Definitions, causes (atonic, traumatic and others) of PPH, prevention and management, follow up.
Abnormal puerperium
Causes ,diagnosis and management
The newborn
Resuscitation, examination and care of the newborn.
Neonatal problems
Birth Asphyxia
Other problems of newborn
IYCF -- Breast feeding & Complementary feeding
Causes, diagnosis and management
Obstetric operative procedures
Episiotomy, caesarean section, vacuum and forceps deliveries, version, destructive operations: their
indications an complications
Steps of operation:Episiotomy,vacuum & forcep delivery
Vital statistics:
Maternal morbidity & mortality
Perinatal morbidity.and mortality
Neonatal morbidity & mortality
Diagnostic aids in obstetrics
(a) Ultrasonography
 Basics of ultrasound
 Role in obstetrics
(b) Fetal monitoring- CTG
(c) Amniocentesis and other prenatal diagnostic techniques

Social Obstetrics
(a) Maternal & perinatal morbidities and mortalities
(b) Direct causes of maternal & perinatal morbidity and mortality – Contributing socio-economic
& environment factors
(c) Importance of family planning in prevention of obstetric problem
(d) Strategies for promotion of maternal health & prevention of illness emphasising maternal
nutrition, hygiene & medical care
(e) National programs for MCH&FP, EOC, Combined service delivery

Core contents of Gynaecology

Anatomy of the female reproductive organs
(a) Basic anatomy of uterus, ovaries, tubes, vagina and vulva
(b) Relationship of uterus, ovaries, tubes and vagina to other pelvic organs
(c) Developmental anomaly of genital organs

Physiology of reproduction
(a) Puberty and its complication, menstruation, ovulation
(b) Fertilisation and implantation
Bleeding in early pregnancy
 Abortion:
Definition, types, causes and management of all types of abortion and this complications.
 Ectopic pregnancy:
Definition, aetiopathology, clinical feature, differential diagnosis and abdomen of acute
principles of surgical management
 Trophoblastic tumours:
(i) Hydatidiform mole: types, clinical features, complications, differential diagnosis, management
and follow up.
(ii) Choriocarcinoma: diagnosis and management, follow up
Vaginal discharge
Physiological and pathological, Diagnosis and treatment.

Menstrual disorder
(a) Amenorrhoea:
Types, causes and principles of management
(b) Menorrhagia:
Definition, causes and management
(c) Metrorrhagia:
Definition, causes and management
(d) Dysmennorhoea : Definition types, causes and management.
(e) Abnormal uterine bleeding
Definition, PALM-COIN classification, diagnosis, principles of investigation and management
Genital tract infection
(a) Defensive mechanism of genital tract
(b) Pelvic inflammatory diseases: acute and chronic
(c) Sexually transmitted diseases
(d) Genital tuberculosis
Urinary incontinence – definition, types
(a) Genitourinary fistula:-
Types, causes, clinical features, principles of management, prevention
Other genital tract injuries:
(a) Perineal tear
(b) RVF

Genital prolapse
Types, aetiology,supports of uterus, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, principles of
Definition, types, clinical features, principles of management
Neoplasia of reproductive organs
 Benign & malignant conditions of vulva & vagina
 Benign, precancerous & malignant conditions of cervix
 Benign and malignant conditions of uterus
 Benign and malignant tumours of ovary
(a) Causes, investigation and management both male and female partner.
(b) Assisted reproductive techniques
(c) Concepts of medical biotechnology in relation to Obstetrics
Classification, mechanism of action, advantages, disadvantages, complications of all methods
particularly sterilization and MR & MRM
(a) Definition, physiological basis, changes in different organs of body, clinical features of
menopausal syndrome, principles of management
(b) Post-menopausal bleeding
(c) Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Diagnostic Technique
(a) Cervical smear
(b) Laparoscopy
(c) Hysteroscopy
(d) Colposcopy
(e) Ultrasonography
(f) CT scan
(g) MRI
Principles of common gynaecological operations:MVA,D&C,E&C,suction evacuation,hysterectomy.

Additional Contents
(1) Developmental structure of placenta
(2) Antenatal foetal screening
(3) Mechanism of onset of normal labour (theories)
(4) Labour analgesia
(5) Thromboembolism
(6) Other hypertensive disorders
(7) Pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in details
(8) Haemolytic anaemia
(9) Nephritis and renal failure in obstetrics
(10) Treatment of Rh incompatibility
(11) Management of IUGR
(12) Management of inversion of uterus
(13) Post-partum and post-MR contraception
(14) Diagnostic aids in obstetrics
(a) Ultrasonography
(b) Foetal monitoring-CTG
(c) Amniocentesis, CVS, MSAFP
(d) X ray

(1) Management of endometriosis - recent advances
(2) Assisted reproductive techniques
(3) Hormone replacement therapy
(4) Diagnostic techniques
(a) Laparoscopy
(b) Hysteroscopy
(c) Colposcopy
(d) Ultrasonography
(5) Hormonal disorders in gynaecology
(6) STDS
Lectures in Obstetrics (4th Year)
Content Lecture Hours (16)
1. Conception and development of 1 hour
fetoplacental unit
2. Fertilisation,implantation, 1 hour
placental barrier
3. Placenta, amniotic fluid and umbiliucal cord: Development, structure and 1 hour
4. Anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy 1 hour
5. Diagnosis of pregnancy 1 hour
(a) Objectives, principles of antenatal care, 1 hour
6. Antenatal care identification of high risk pregnancy
(b) Nutrition during pregnancy, lactation and 1 hour
Counseling on IYCF
(c) Vomiting in early pregnancy 1 hour
Evaluation 1 hour
7. Normal labour (a) Def, Stages, mechanism of 1 hour
normal labour
(b) Management of normal labour 1 hour
8. Normal puerperium Physiology & Management 1 hour
9. Baby (a) Examination and care of newborn 1 hour
(b) IYCF 1 hour
Evaluation 1 hour

Lecture contents in Obstetrics (5th Year)

Content Lecture Hours
1. Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy including pre-eclampsia and eclampsia 2 hours
2. Medical disorders in (a) Anaemia in pregnancy
obstetrics (b) Diabetes
(c) Heart diseases 3hours
(d) UTI, Hepatitis, Dengue, COVID & other
3. RH incompatibility 1 hour
4. Ante-partum haemorrhage (a) Definitions, classification, clinical features, 2 hours
complications and management

5. Multiple pregnancy Types and definitions, clinical features, 1 hour
complications, diagnosis and principles of
6. Malposition and malpresentation: causes and management (Breech, transverse 1 hours
Formative Assesment 1 hour
7. Normal labour  Review of what has already been taught 2 hours
 Diagnosis of stages and assessment of
progress of labour
 Pain relief
 Foetal monitoring
8 Induction of labour 1 hour
9. Abnormal labour (a) Prolonged labour: Definition, aetiology, 3 hours
diagnosis, complications, management
(b) Obstructed labour: Definition, aetiology,
diagnosis, complications, management
(c) Ruptured uterus
10. Post-partum haemorrhage Definitions, causes (atonic, traumatic and 1 hour
(PPH) others) of PPH, prevention and management
11. Puerperium (a) Review of what has already taught 1 hour
(b) Abnormal puerperium and management 1 hour
12. The new born (a) IYCF --Breast feeding and complementary 1 hours
(b) Management of asphyxia neonatorum 1 hour
(c) Jaundice & other problems in new born 1 hour
Formative Assesment 1 hour

12. IUGR, Pre-maturity, Post-maturity & IUFD and their complication 2 hours

13. Obstetric operative procedures Episiotomy, caesarean section, 2 hours

vacuum and forceps deliveries,
version, destructive operations: their
indications and complications
14. Vital statistics: MMR and perinatal mortality and morbidity: Definitions 2 hours
& ethical obstetrics, MDG, EOC
15. Diagnostic aids in obstetrics and modern advances in obstetrics 1 hours
(a) Ultrasonography
- Basics of ultrasound
- Advantages of ultrasound
- Role in obstetrics
- Limitation
(b) Foetal monitoring - CTG
(c) Amniocentesis, CVS

Formative Assesment 1 hour

Learning Objectives and Course Contents in Obstetrics
Learning Objectives Contents Teaching
The student should be able to  Feto placental Unit : 2hrs
 define the common terms used in obstetrics  Terms & definition
 define conception, fertilization implantation, fetoplacental unit and  Fertilisation, implantation, fetoplacental unit, placental
placental barrier. Barrier
 mention development, structure & function of placenta.  Placenta, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord: Development, 1 hr
 describe the formation, circulation and function of amniotic fluid. structure and function
 mention structural, function and development of umbilical cord.

 describe the anatomical changes during pregnancy  Anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy 1 hr
 describe the physiological changes of pregnancy
 take history of early pregnancy  Diagnosis of Pregnancy 1 hr
 mention the early symptoms and signs of pregnancy  Antenatal care 4 hours
 describe the characteristics of normal labour.  Normal Labour – stages, Mechanism and management. 2 hrs
 recognise each stage of labour
 plot the events of labour on partograph and interpret the graph
 describe the mechanism of labour
 mention the management of each stage of labour
 define pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, mention incidence, etiology, theories  Pregnancy induced Hypertension 3 hrs
ognise complications and describe management including use of  Pre-eclampsia
Magnesium Sulphate  Eclampsia
 define APH, mention its causes understand the types of APH  APH 2 hrs
 differentiate between placenta previa and abruptio placentae
 Placenta previa
 mention the complication of abruptio placentae including DIC.
 manage the placenta praevia, abruptio placentae  Abruptio placenta
 define post-dated pregnancy, state etiological factors, diagnose  Post Dated Pregnancy 1 hr
post-dated pregnancy, list complications, manage post-dated

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching
The student should be able to  Medical disorder in pregnancy :- a. Anemia b.Diabetes in 6hrs
 define and describe, incidence, complications, diagnosis and pregnancy c.Hypertensive disorders d. Heart disease in
management of anaemia, Diabetes in pregnancy , Hypertensive pregnancy
disorders and heart disease in pregnancy
The student should be able to Abnormal labour: 3 hrs
 define obstructed labour
 Obstructed Labour
 mention the etiological factors
 diagnose and manage the obstructed labour  Prolonged Labour
 describe the complications of obstructed labour
 Raptured Uterus
 define prolonged labour
 differentiate prolonged labour from obstructed labour
 describe the complications
 manage the prolonged labour
 define the ruptured uterus
 mention the etiological factors and incidence
 diagnose and manage
 define PPH  PPH 1 hrs
 list the types
 Retained placenta
 describe the causes of PPH
 describe the complications of PPH
 describe retained placenta
 diagnose and manage retained placenta
 diagnose and manage PPH.
 Prevention of PPH through use of AMTSL in facilities and Tab.
Misoprotol (orally) in the home deliveries.

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours

The student should be able to Obstetric operative procedure: 2 hrs

 describe the common obstetric procedures
 Induction of Labour
 describe the role of these procedures in obstetrics
 define and to differentiate it from trial of Labour  Version
 mention the types of induction
 Episiotomy /perineotomy
 describe the indication and complication of each type of induction
 define and know the types  Forceps delivery
 describe the procedure of version
 describe the indication and complications
 describe the post version management
 define and state the types and Episiotomy
 explain the indication and procedure
 describe the management
 describe the complications
 list the types
 explain the indication and prerequisite and contraindications
 describe the procedure
 list the complications
 write down the postnatal management

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours

The student should be able to

 Ventouse
 describe the ventouse extraction
 mention the indications and contraindications  LUCS
 mention the advantages
 Perineal tear
 describe the complications
 give postnatal management  Cervical Tear
 describe common obstetrics operations
 mention the history & define LUCS
 mention the different types
 describe the indications
 mention the steps of operation
 describe the complications
 write down the pre-operative and post-operative treatment.
 describe the different types & perineal tear
 diagnose and to manage the perennial tears
 describe Cervical Tears
 mention the etiological feature
 diagnose and manage
 mention the complications and its relations to PPH

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching
The student should be able to 2hrs
 describe the different destructive operations
 Destructive operations
 mention the indication of each destructive operations
 mention the pre-operative and post-operative management
 describe the complication of each destructive operation
 mention the role of destructive operations in modern obstetrics

 define and understand the normal puerperium

 mention the anatomical and physiological changes in normal puerperium 1hrs
 describe the process of involution
 manage the normal puerperium  Normal and abnormal puerperium
 describe the abnormal puerperium
 mention the complications of puerperium
 manage the abnormal puerperium

 describe the care of new born including application of Chlorhexidine drop on 1 hr

the umbilical stump
 Care of New Born:
 mention the immunization schedule of new born care
 mention the management of umbilical cord

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours
The student should be able to
 describe the asphyxia neonatorum  Asphyxia, Neonatorum 5 hours
 mention the causes of asphyxia  Breast Feeding & IYCF
 describe APGAR score and its interpretation  Birth Injuries
 diagnosis and manage  Neonatal Infections
 list the complications  Neonatal Jaundice
 describe the physiology of lactation
 describe the pre-lacteal feed, attachment, nipple infection, exclusive Breast
feeding Describe the physiology of lactation
 mention the advantages of breast feeding
 describe
 exclusive Breast feeding for the first 6 months and use it as Lactational
Amenohoea Method (LAM) of contraception
 colostrum and mature milk
 position, attachment and expression
 breast problem
 breast feeding in special situation
 list the 10 (Ten) steps
 describe BMS code
 describe LAM
 state maternity protection (leave and creche)
 counsel a mother for Breast feeding
 mention the advantages of breast feeding
 counsel a mother for Breast feeding
 list the 10(Ten) steps
 list the types
 describe the aetiology
 manage the birth injuries
 describe the common neonatal infection
 outline Diagnose and to manage  Foetal Monitoring
 list the complications
 describe foetal monitoring in pregnancy and in labour
 mention the different method used for foetal monitoring
 recognise the foetal distress and describe the management
 describe the interpretation of foetal monitoring.

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours

The student should be able to Diagnostic aid in obstetrics : 2 hrs

 describe the diagnosis and in obstetrics
 Ultrasonography
 mention the principles of ultrasound
 mention the role and advantages of ultrasonography in obstetrics  Radiology
 describe the indications of ultrasonography  Amniocentesis, CVS
 mention the limitations
 mention the principles of radiology
 mention the role and advantages
 describe its limitation in obstetrics
 mention the different views of Radiology in obstetrics
 define amniocentesis
 mention the advantages
 state the indications

Learning Objectives for Obstetrics
The student will be able to apply knowledge and understand of the following:
1. Normal pregnancy
 Diagnosis of pregnancy
 Antenatal Care
 Screening for high risk pregnancy
 Nutrition and Hygiene of a pregnant mother

2. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia. APH, Rh

incompatibility, IUGR, Multiple pregnancy, grand multiparity, pre-maturity, post maturity.
 Definition
 Aetiology
 clinical presentation
 Diagnosis
 Management
 Complication
 Follow up of treatment.

3. Medical disorders in pregnancy (Anaemia, Diabetes, UTI, Heart disease, Jaundice, Tuberculosis
& others)
 Incidence of diseases
 Natural history of diseases
 Aetiology
 Clinical presentation
 Diagnosis
 Management
 Effect on pregnancy and vice versa

4. Normal labour
 Definition
 Stages; mechanism
 Diagnosis
 Management
 Partograph

5. Abnormal labour
 Definition
 Types
 Diagnosis
 Management
 Follow-up

6. Puerperium:
 Definition of normal puerperuim
 Anatomical and physiologial changes
 Management of normal puerperium
 Post-natal care including general advice
 Course of abnormal puerperium
 Management of abnormal puerperium

7. New born:
 Definitions related to newborn
 Examinations and care of newborn
 Resuscitations
 Diagnosis and management of asphyxia, jaundice and neonatal infections
 Feeding problems

8. Common diagnostic techniques Ultrasonography, Radiology, Foetal Monitoring and

Amniocentesis, CVS
 Uses
 Advantages
 Disadvantages

9. Obstetric procedures and operations:

 Induction of labour
 Version
 Episiotomy
 Forceps delivery
 Ventouse delivery
 Destructive operations

10. Vital statistics and social obstetrics

 Maternal & Perinatal mortality and morbidities
 Causes of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidities including socio-economic and
environmental factors.
 Method of calculating MMR, PNMR
 National programs for MCH&FW, EOC,
 Counseling –basic concepts and specific counselling in specific obstetric situations.
 Ethical issues in obst. & gynae

Lectures in Gynaecology (4th Year)
Content Lecture
1. Anatomy of the (a) Basic anatomy of uterus, ovaries, tubes, 2 hours
female reproductive vagina and vulva
organs (b) Relationship of uterus, ovaries, tubes and
vagina to other pelvic organs
(c) Development & developmental anomaly of
genital organs
2. Physiology of (a) Puberty, menstruation, ovulation 2 hours
reproduction (b) Fertilisation and implantation
3. Formative Assesment 1 hour
(a) Abortion 1 hour
4. Bleeding in early Definition, types, causes and management
pregnancy of all types of abortion
(b) Ectopic pregnancy 1 hour
Definition, aetiopathology, clinical
features, differential diagnosis and
principles of surgical management.
(c) Trophoblastic tumours
I. Hydatiform mole: types, clinical features,
complication differential diagnosis, 1 hour
management and follow up.
II. Choriocarcinoma: diagnosis and
4. Formative Assesment 1 hour
6. Vaginal discharge (a) Physiological, vaginal discharge 1 hour
(b) Pathological and their management
7. Menstrual disorder (a) Amenorrhoea 1 hour
Types, causes and principles of management
(b) Menorrhagia
Definition, causes and management
(c) Metrorrhagia
2 hours
Definition, causes and management
(d) Dysmennorhoea
(e) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Definition, classification, diagnosis,
principles of investigation and management 1 hour
8. Formative Assesment 1 hour

Lecture contents in Gynaecology (5th Year)
Content Lecture Hours
1. Genital tract infection (a) Defense mechanism of genital tract 1 hour
(b) Pelvic inflamatory diseases: acute and chronic 1 hour
(c) Sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS
(d) Genital tuberculosis 1 hour
2. Urinary incontinence (a) Definition, types 1 hour
(b) Genitourinary fistula: 1 hour
Types, causes, clinical features, principles of management,
3. Genital tract injuries: (a) Perineal tear 1 hour
(b) RVF
(c) Vaginal stenosis
4. Genital prolapse Types, aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, 2 hours
principles of management
5. Formative Assesment 1 hour
6. Endometriosis Definition, types, clinical features principles of management 1 hour

7. Neoplasia of (a) Benign and malignant tumours of cervix 5 hours

reproductive organs Classification (fibroid, polyp, carcinoma cervix), clinical 2+1+2
features, staging investigation, diagnosis, principles of
(b) Benign and malignant tumours of uterus
(c) Benign and malignant tumours of ovary
8. Subfertility (a) Causes, investigation and management both male and female 2 hours
(b) Assisted reproductive techniques
9. Formative Assesment 1 hour
10. Contraception Importance of contraception, classification, mechanism of action, 3 hours
advantages, disadvantages, complications of all methods particularly
sterilization and menstrual regulation and MRM

11. Menopause (a) Definition, physiological basis, changes in different organs of 2 hours
body, clinical features of menopausal syndrome, principles of
(b) Post menopausal bleeding
(c) Hormone replacement therapy
12. Diagnostic Technique (a) Cervical smear 2 hours
(b) Laparoscopy
(c) Hysteroscopy
(d) Coloscopy
(e) Ultrasonography
13. Principle of common gynaecological surgeries 1 hour
14 .Preoperative preparation & post operative management of common gynaecological surgery 1 hour
15. Formative Assesment 1 hour

Learning Objectives and Course Contents in Gynaecology
Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours
At the end of session the students will be able to:
 describe the gross anatomy of ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes,
2 hours
vagina & vulva Basic Anatomy of genital organs
 mention the blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve
supply of these organs
 discuss the relations of the pelvic organs with each other
 describe the development and developmental anomly of pelvic

 define puberty, ovulation, menstruation, menopause,

climacteric, fertilisation and implantation
 mention the changes in reproductive organs in different stages Physiology of reproduction 2 hours
of life
 describe the mechanism of ovulation, menstruation
fertilisation, implantation
 mention the situations where physiology can get disturbed.

 describe the subject more clearly

 demonstrate communication and presentation skill.

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours

At the end of session the students will be able to:

 define each problems Bleeding in early pregnancy Abortion,
(2 + 1+ 2+ 1) hour
 mention the incidence of each problem ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole,
 classify abortions choriocarcinoma
 differentiate different abortions
 describe the pathology of mole and choriocarcinoma
 diagnose each problem
 manage each problem
 mention the complication of each problem
 describe the physiology of vaginal discharge.
 differentiate physiological and pathological vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge 1 hour
 diagnose the diseases causing vaginal discharge
 mention the treatment of vaginitis, cervicitis
 define amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, polymenorrhoea,
polymenorrhagia, Metrorrhegia, dysmenorrhoea, dysfunctional
uterine bleeding.
 mention types of amenorrhoea its causes and management 4 hours
Menstrual Disorder
 mention types of dymenorrhoea
 describe the causes and management of metrorrhagia
 mention the classification, diagnosis, principles of investigations
and management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours
At the end of session the students will be able to:
 describe the defence mechanism of genital tract Genital Tract infections
3 hours
 define, classify, diagnose manage pelvic inflammatory disease.
 mention the effects of sexually transmitted diseases on reproductive
health of women
 diagnose and treat a case of genital tuberculosis.
 define and classify urinary incontinence Urinary Incontinence 2 hour
 mention the types, causes, diagnosis, presentation and management
of genitourinary fistula.

 mention different types of perineal tear

 diagnose and manage perineal tear and RVF, vaginal stenosis Genital tract injuries 1 hour

 describe the aetiology of genital prolopse

 classify genital prolapse
 mention the clinical features
2 hours
 diagnose a case of genital prolapse Genitourinary prolapse
 mention the principles of management of genital prolapse.

 demonstrate communication and presentation skill

2 hours

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching
At the end of session the students will be able to:
 define endometriosis and adenomyosis Endometriosis
1 hours
 mention the clinical features and pathology of endometriosis
 describe the effects of endometriosis on reproductive health
 mention the principles of treatment of endometriosis.

 mention the different types of tumours arising from uterus, cervix,

ovraries, vagina, vulva
 classify the tumours of individual organs
 diagnose the tumours Neoplasm of reproductive organs 5 hours
 differentiate tumours arising from different organs.
 describe the complications of different tumours.
 discuss the principles of management of tumours of individual organs.
 name different screening tests done for gynaecological cancers.
 define infertility
 classify infertility
 describe the aetiology of infertility
 suggest investigations for both male and female partners.
 interprete the investigation reports.
 suggest appropriate treatment Subfertility 2 hours
 mention the assisted reproductive techniques available.

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours
At the end of session the students will be able to: Contraception 2 hours
 define contraception
 mention different types of contraceptions available
 describe the characteristics of ideal contraceptive
 describe the mechanism of action of each contraceptive
 state the advantages and disadvantages of different contraceptives.
 describe the methods of tubal ligation and vasectomy and
anaesthesia used
 mention the complications of tubectomy
 define MR.
 name the instruments used in MR.
 describe the procedure and importance of follow-up
 mention advantages and complications of MR
 mention the importance of counselling
 define menopause
 describe the anatomical and physiological changes in menopause
 describe menopausal syndrome and its management
 define post-menopausal bleeding (PMB)
 mention the causes of post-menopausal bleeding
 write down the investigation PMB Menopause 2 hours
 mention the management
 mention the hormone replacement therapy(HRT) in post-
menopausal women

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching
At the end of session the students will be able to:
 mention the different diagnostic techniques commonly used Diagnostic Technique
2 hours
including Visual Inspection with Acetic acid application (VIA test)

 mention the indication of cervical smear Cervical Smear

 describe the procedure of cervical smear
 interprete the findings
 explain its relation with carcinoma cervix

 be acquainted with instruments used in laparoscopy

 mention the indications and contraindications Laparoscopy
 describe the procedure
 mention the complications
 interprete the findings

 describe colposcopy
 be acquainted with instruments Colposcopy
 mention the indications
 describe the procedure
 interprete findings
 describe the advantages

 be acquainted with ultrasonography

 be acquainted with instrument Ultrasonography
 describe the role of ultrasonography in gynaecology
 interprete the findings

Learning Objectives Contents Teaching hours

At the end of session the students will be able to: Common Gynaecological Surgery
1 hour
 describe the different gynaecological operations
 mention the indication of each operation
 describe the complications of each operations
 write down the pre-operative treatment of each operation
 mention the pre-operative investigation of each operation
 write down post-operative treatment of each operation
 mention the relation of each operation with pregnancy and
reproductive life.
 describe the name of anaesthesia for each operation


The Core Curriculum for Clinical Attachment of 16 weeks has been organised into components of
clinical experience as follows:
1. Basic Clinical Skills (in-patient) 4 weeks
2. Family Planning Clinic 2 weeks
3. Gynae & Antenatal Out-patient Clinic 2 weeks
4. Routine Obstetrics 3 weeks
5. Routine Gynaecology 3 weeks
6. Emergency Obstetric Care E.O.C (Labour Room) 2 weeks
Fourth year M.B.B.S. students will participate in batches in turns in components 1, 2 and 3.
Component 1 will have 24 clinical teaching and learning sessions (4w x 6d=24) and
component 2 & 3 will have 12 like-wise sessions each (2w x 6d = 12).
Each session will be conducted for 2 hours every morning from 09.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
In the evenings, students will clerk/ practise for 2 hours from 07.00 p.m. – 09.00 p.m., under
Fifth year M.B.B.S. students will participate in components 4, 5 and 6.
Component 4 and 5 will have 18 clinical teaching and learning sessions each (3w x 6d =18)
and component 6 will have 12 like-wise sessions (2w x 6d =12).
Each session will be conducted for 2 hours every morning from 09.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
In the evenings, students will clerk/ practise under supervision from 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
The evening timing for component 6, however, will be from 4.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Topics included are relevant to every day clinical practise in the field of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Learning objectives (skills) are shown against each topic under each sessions.
Many of the topics of the content of the clinical course are supplemented by a study guide.
The study guides are structured to provide students with varied opportunities to facilitate active
involvement and self-directed learning and also to enable them to exercise responsibility under
guidance by making maximum and productive use of the period of time of their clinical attachment.
The study guide for the respective topic details
(a) introduction,
(b) pre-requisite learning,
(c) the learning objectives,
(d) learning opportunities,
(e) assignments,
(f) tasks to be performed,
(g) resources,
(h) self assessment questions.

4 weeks – 24 sessions in the morning


Session 1 (a) Introduction to Obstetrics & At the end of the session Tutorial/small group Participate in the
Gynaecology student will acquire knowledge discussion discussion
Review and understanding of:
(a) Common gynaecological
1. Common diseases & obstetrics terms, Organise Visit to different activity
2. Commonly used definitions common disease of O&G areas of O&G Department
that are prevalent in the
(b) Brief students on course community
objectives/ activities and (b) Course objectives,
student’s cards activities and students,
(c) Visit to ante-natal/ postnatal continuous assessment
wards; labour/ eclampsia card
room; septic ward; Gynae
ward; operation theatres
Session 2 Obstetric History taking Student will be able to: Demonstration by a) Practice by students in
teacher groups
This session will take the format (a) Take history of an b) Practice by individual
of a discussion detailing Obs. obstetrical case student
History taking, followed by the (b) Record the information on c) Case presentation
opportunity to clerk an Obs. the history sheet
patient in the ward and (c) Present case history
subsequently present the case

Session 3 Gynaecology history taking Student will be able to: Demonstration by teacher a) Practice by students in
This session will take a similar (a) Take history of b) Practice by individual
format to Session II. gynaecological case student
(b) Record the information on the c) Case presentation
history sheet
(c) Present a case
Session 4 Obstetric examination (a) Perform obstetrical Demonstration by teacher a) Practice by students in
examination groups
(i) General b) Individual case study
(ii) Abdominal using study guide
c) Present clinical findings
Session 5 Gynaecological examination Perform gynaecological Demonstration by teacher Practice by students on
examination dummy in clinical skill room
Taking of cervical smears (using I. General
models). II. Abdominal
III. Speculum examination
IV. Bimanual examination
Session 6 Antenatal care with identification of 1. To record the finding on the (a) Demonstration by a Practice by case study in
high risk pregnancies antenatal cards by teacher groups
(I) Taking proper history (b) Lecture Case study by group
(II) Performing general &
2. To advise pregnant women
for appropriate investigation
for screening for common
Session 7 & 8 Bleeding in early pregnancy Rationalize the plan of Lecture/ video show Discussion on individual
Abortion, Ectopic Pregnancy, molar management case study
pregnancy- chorio-carcinoma

Session 9 Septic Abortion Rationalize the plan of Lecturette/ video show Discussion, individual
management case study
Session 10 to 12 Normal labour and Partogram Recognise the events of labour Arrange video show/ a. Observe video show
Diagnosis, stages, Mechanism, Demonstration on b. Observe teacher’s
Management with partogram Plot the events on the partograph demonstration
partogram and interpret the c. Plotting on partograph
graph Demonstration of by individual
conducting normal d. Conduction of labour
Rationalize the use of labour under supervision

Conduct normal labour

Session 13 APGAR score, examination of Examine, diagnose problems Arrange video show/ Observe:
new born, resuscitation & care and take immediate care of a slide show/ - video show
of new born, breast feeding new born demonstration - slide show
- teacher’s

Session 14 & 15 Normal puerperium & post Counsel on Role play by teacher Role play by students in
natal care Abnormal small group
puerperium (a) Nutrition of mother
(b) Personal hygiene Practice with patients
(c) Postnatal exercise
(d) Breast feeding and
(e) Immunisation of baby
(f) Postnatal check-up
(g) Contraception

Session 16 Abnormal uterine bleeding (a) Collect appropriate clinical Lecture/ video show/ Discussion
Definition, differential information by history case demonstration Individual case study
diagnosis taking and examination
(b) Suggest appropriate
(c) Interpret and correlate the
investigations data with
clinical findings for clinical
(d) To plan and rationalize the
Lump Abdomen -do- -do- -do-
Abdominal / pelvic -do- -do- -do-
pain – P.I.D.
Theatre sessions (a) Write up appropriate Demonstration Practise by students
Preparation of pre & post operate and peer group
patient, preoperative order discussion
management, (b) Rationalize the order
operative procedure, Using study guide
post operative
Evening Session Clerk patients, observe labour room activities and practise the skills that the student learned in the morning sessions.
Session 23 Assessment (Oral/ Clinical / OSCE)

Session 24 Feedback

N.B: Students must submit 3 obs. & 2 Gynae, history and must fill up assessment card.

Family Planning Course
4th year Medical Students

Venue – Model Clinics of the Medical College Hospitals Duration–2 weeks

Day 1 - Administration and maintenance of records

2 - Promotion of family planning

3 - Counselling

4 - Oral combined contraceptive pills (OCPs) and Progesterone only pills


5 - Intra-uterine contraceptive device

6 - Permanent methods

7 - Injectable contraceptives (IM and sub-cutaneous)

8 - Implant (0ne rod and two rods)

9 - Safe period, lactational amenohhorrea method (LAM), condoms, coitus


10 - Day visit: Management issues in family planning.

Organisation of a clinic.

11 - Day visit: Organisation of a clinic (continued)

Working as a member of a team.
Acting as a supervisor.

12 - Assessment and feedback

Family Planning Course

Methods Aids Assessment

 Lecture
 Visit antenatal clinic & paediatric clinic.
 Group discussion  Black board  Question & answers
 Demonstration of record keeping  OHP  Observation
 Inspection of raw data collected at the clinic.  Radio of students
 Interpretation of the results in group discussion  Cassette  Check-list completion
 Small group teaching  Posters
 Role play  Flip chart
 Demonstration  Video
 Brainstorming  Variety of OCPs including
 Visit postnatal ward, Interview of patients individually to motivate them towards progesterone only pill (POP)
family planning.  Menstrual chart
 History of patients & counselling observation of examination.  Client
 Demonstration of operative steps on models or video  Specimen of IUCD
 Demonstration of counselling of a patient in real life or by video  Clients and dummy
 Demonstrating on injection, syringes, needle  Models
 Demonstrate on storage  Chart
 Demonstration of condoms  Different types of injectable
 Referral procedures contraceptives (IM and SC)
 Implant (one rod and two rods)
 Model of arm for demonstration of
implant insertion
 Model breast + baby
 Condom
 Emergency Contraceptive Pills

Day 1: Administration and Maintenance of records
Intermediate Educational Objective: At the end of the session the student will be able to perform the necessary supervisory and administrative
procedures of a family planning clinic and maintain proper records.
Specific educational objectives Contents
The student will be able to:
1) monitor staff programme Administration (organogram, responsibility, supervisory method,
maintain harmonious staff relations maintain good communications monitor the out Method of communication)
put of a worker Staff pattern
2) make appropriate referrals in an effective way between departments like the antenatal Interdepartmental linkages and Co-operation.
clinic, paediatric clinic, menstrual regulation clinic, and the family planning clinics Informed consent before prescription or procedure.
3) follow standard procedures which will prevent medico-legal problems Written consent.
4) write useful clinical records and maintain the ledger book Standard procedure manuals.
5) maintain data in an accessible and analysable form. Communication with other staff
analyse data collected at a family planning clinic and interpret the results Clinical record keeping
Data recording, analysis and interpretation.

Day 2: Promotion of Family Planning

Intermediate role: At the end of the session the student will be able to play a leadership role in the promotion of family planning.
Specific educational objectives Contents
A. At the end of the session the student should be able to: Definition of family planning
1. define Family Planning The population explosion
2. describe the importance of Family planning, particularly for our country - Health & population indices
3. demonstrate understanding that pregnancies can be avoided and spaced - Demographic pattern & trends in Bangladesh
4. describe the personal benefits of birth spacing Benefits of Family Planning:
5. communicate with, advice and motivate individuals and group of clients - personal
6. supervise and support health education programme - national
7. administer available posters/ leaflets - environmental
8. use electronic and other media Health education and counseling
9. demonstrate the ways and means of community education/ mobilization Community mobilization and participation
10. list the opportunities a medical practitioner has to promote Family Planning The use of media in the promotion of family planning
B. At the end of this session the students should have acquired the required skill to: The role of general practitioners, medical officers and specialists in the
1. communicate with an individual client about family planning promotion of family planning
2. build rapport Health care interview

Day 3: Counselling
Intermediate Educational Objective: At the end of the session the student should be able to explain the component of counselling, and be able
to achieve good Inter-personal relations in a counselling situation.
Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should be able to: I) Definition of counselling and the need for it
i) explain and define counselling and it’s need II) Level of communication
ii) explain inter-personal communication III) Inter-personal communication and feedback
iii) list the barriers to inter-personal communication IV) Barrier to communications
B. Students should have acquired the skill to be able to:
1. greet the client i) Communication skill
2. establish rapport ii) Counselling skill
3. ask reasons for coming iii) Taking account of educational status of the client
4. Inform about available contraceptive methods with their
- mode of actions Merits and demerits
- effectiveness
- method of application
- availability of services
- follow up
- referral system
5. Assist the client in making decisions
Day 4: Oral Contraceptive Pill
Intermediate Educational Objective: At the end of the session the student will be able to prescribe an appropriate Oral Contraceptive pill to the client.
Specific educational objectives Contents
The student should be able to:
1. explain the mode of action and effectiveness of the OCP Pharmacology of Oral contraceptives
2. list the advantages and disadvantages of OCP
3. make a checklist for indications and contraindications, and make appropriate case Comparison of OCP with other contraceptives
4. describe different OCP for making options for the client and advise the client about Side effects and complications of their management
proper administration of OCP
5. write history and physical findings to identify contraindications to the OCP
6. list the appropriate investigations
7. explain the follow-up procedure to the patient History and physical examination prior to OCP
8. describe the side-effects and complications of OCP and their management prescription
9. describe how to keep proper records for patients on OCP
Day 5: I.U.C.D.
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to advise clients on I.U.C.D. insertion & refer them to specific clinic.

Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should have acquired knowledge of the following and be able to: 1. Definitions & varieties
1. explain IUCD as a method of contraception 2. Mode of action and effectiveness
2. explain mode of action of IUCD and its effectiveness 3. Advantage & disadvantage
3. explain the advantage & disadvantage of IUCD 4. Selection criteria
4. list different types of IUCD 5. Time of insertion
5. take history and describe the steps of physical examination for case selection 6. P.V. steps of examination
6. describe the insertion procedure 7. Management of complications and
7. describe the follow-up procedure referral
8. explain the need of record keeping
B. Student should have acquired skills to do the following: a. Health care interview
1. Communicate with client - interview planning
2. Build rapport with his/her client - time
3. Assure clients - space
4. Take history of the client - kind of exchange
5. Physical examination of the client - interview questions
6. Refer to insertion centre - termination of interview
b. Assurance
c. Steps of history taking
d. Steps of physical examination
C. Should be able to describe the 3(three) procedure of IUCD insertion e. procedure of referral
Procedure of insertion of IUCD

Day 6: Permanent Methods
Intermediate Educational Objective: Students will be able to counsel clients to enable them to make a choice about the acceptance of vasectomy or tubal
Specific educational objectives Contents

At the end of the session, students should be able to: Description of different method
1. name and define different permanent methods of contraception and their effectiveness
2. counsel the patients Health care interview
3. select the patients
4. list the merits and demerits of these methods Steps of history taking and physical
5. refer the patients to the appropriate centres examination
6. take informed consent (obtaining consent from both husband and wife is not mandatory according
to Bangladesh Government policy) Steps of operative techniques
7. describe the steps of the operative techniques of these methods and the anaesthetic techniques used
8. list the complication sand their management Advantages and disadvantages
9. mention the time of effectiveness of each method
10. describe the importance of record keeping Complications and their management
11. give appropriate advice for post-operative follow-up
12. give advice about the very limited scope of reversal and the techniques used

Day 7: Injectables
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to select suitable patients for use of injectable contraceptives and counsel them
Specific educational objectives Contents
At the end of the session the student should be able to:
1. name different types of injectables Nature and type of injectables
2. counsel the clients
3. establish rapport Mode and duration of their action
4. describe mode of action
5. describe the advantage of injectables Advantages and disadvantages
6. describe the route of administration and duration of action
7. take an appropriate history and carry out an appropriate physical examination Indications and contra-indications
8. identify the different injectables and state their dose
9. select appropriate cases Complications and their management
10. list and manage the complications
11. advise the clients for follow-up
12. describe the importance of record-keeping

Day 8: Implant
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to advise clients on norplant implantation and refer them to specific clinic for implantation.
Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should be able to: 1. Definition
1. explain Implant as a contraceptive method 2. Role of implant as contraceptive method
2. explain mode of action of Implant and its effectiveness 3. Pharmocokinetics of Implant
3. list advantages and disadvantages of Implant 4. Mode of action of implant
4. describe how to take history 5. Advantages and disadvantages of implant
5. describe how to do physical examination needed for selection of client for implantation 6. Steps of history taking of the client for implant
6. list important laboratory investigation before doing implantation 7. Steps of physical examination
7. describe implantation procedure (insertion of one rod and two rods are different) 8. Hb% urine for routine and microscopy
8. describe follow-up procedure 9. Implantation procedure
9. explain the management of minor complication 10. Follow-up procedure
10. describe the implant removal procedure 11. Management of minor complications and referral for the major one
12. Implant removal procedure with indications

B. At the end of the session the student should acquire skills to do the following: 1. Health care interview
1. Communicate with the client - interview planning
2. Build rapport - time
3. Obtain consent paper signed by couple - space
4. assure client - kinds of exchange
5. take history of the client - interview questions
6. physical examination of clients - terminating interview
7. refer to implantation clinic 2. Consent paper and obtain sign/ agreement from the couple
3. Assurance
4. Steps of history taking
5. Steps of physical examination
6. Procedure of referral

C. Should be able to describe the procedure of implant implantation Procedure of implant implantation

Day 9: Safe period, lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM), condoms, coitus interruptus
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to advise clients about safe period as contraceptive procedure.
Session 1 – Safe period
Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should acquire knowledge of the following and be able to: 1. Definition of safe period
1. explain safe period as a method of contraceptive 2. Physiology of safe period and its
2. explain how safe period works as contraception role as contraceptive
3. list advantages and disadvantages of safe period 3. Advantages and disadvantages
4. describe how to produce menstrual chart and its use 4. Menstrual chart
5. describe follow-up procedure - definition
- preparation
B. Should be able to: - use
1. communicate with the client 5. Follow up advice
2. take history of the client 1. Health care interviewing
3. construct menstrual chart and explain to client 2. Steps of history taking
3. Menstrual chart and its use
Session 2- Lactational amenohorrea method (LAM)
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to advise clients about lactation as a contraceptive method by explaining it be an Exclusive
Breast Feeding approach.
Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should acquire knowledge of the 1. Physiology of lactation
following and be able to: 2. Role of lactation as contraception
1. explain lactation as a method of contraception, & describe exclusive breast 3. Advantages and disadvantages of lactation as contraceptive method
feeding 4. History taking of breast feeding
2. explain the amount of protection afforded by ‘exclusive breast feeding’ 5. Follow-up measures
3. describe the mode of action 6. Place of adopting additional method
4. list the advantages and disadvantages 1. Communication skill
5. describe the steps of history taking of breast feeding
6. describe the follow-up advice 2. Steps of history taking of breast feeding
7. explain the place of adopting additional method
B. Should have skill of the following and be able to:
1. communicate with client
2. take history of breast feeding of the client

Session 3 – Condom
Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be able to advise the clients about the condom and its use.
Specific educational objectives Contents

A. At the end of the session the student should acquire knowledge of the following and be able to: 1. Description of condom
1. explain condom as a method of contraception - materials
2. describe its mode of action 2. How it works as contraceptive
3. list its advantages and disadvantages 3. Advantages and disadvantages
4. describe the role of condoms in preventing STD/HIV infection. - follow-up
B. At the end of the session the student should acquire skill of the following and be able to: Use of condom
explain what to tell about the use of condom to the client

Session 4 – Coitus Interruptus

Intermediate Educational Objective: Student will be capable of advising a client about coitus interruptus
Specific educational objectives Contents
At the end of the session the student should be able to: 1. Local terminology used to describe coitus
1. describe the place played by coitus interruptus in reducing the fertility rate in the population interruptus
2. recognise from what a couple say that they are using coitus interruptus as a method of family 2. Reasons for failure of the method
planning 3. Advantages and disadvantages
3. communicate with clients about the method and describe its advantages and disadvantages,
especially the failure rate

Management issues in family planning. Organisation of a clinic
Day 10:
Specific educational objectives Contents

At the end of the session the student should be able to:

1. Management issues
1. list characteristics of a good Manager/ Team Leader
2. identify weaknesses of a bad Manager/ Team Leader 2. Leadership
- strengths
3. differentiate good management and poor management - weaknesses
4. identify management issues such as logistic supply system, FP user FU and complication

Organisation of a clinic. Working as a member of a team. Acting as a supervisor

Day 11
Specific educational objectives Contents

5. discuss organisational issues related to: 3. Record keeping

- booking of patients, - booking
- record keeping, - signed consent form
- signed consent forms, - follow-up procedure
- prescription, and
- follow-up procedure 4. Referral procedure
- issuing & administration of FP methods
6. describe a good referral procedure
B. Should acquire the necessary skill and be able to: 1. Report writing
1. write report on day visit 2. Presentation
2. present in forum

Day 12: Assessment and Feedback

(1) An OSCE will be held. Questions will be based on the educational objectives.

(2) Feedback on performance will be given by different teachers

(3) Students will provide the teacher with feedback on their perception of the course

(4) Marks will be awarded for attendance,

General performance,
Team performance on report and presentation,
The O.S.C.E.
Marks will be sent to the students the week after the course.


2 weeks (12 sessions in the morning)


Session 1 Introduction to Gynaecology and At the end of the session student will Lecture Participate
obstetrics demonstrate knowledge and Discussion
understanding of: Collect student
(a) Commonly used definitions assessment card
(a) Common gynaecological &
(b) Common diseases prevalent in obstetrics terms, common disease of
the community O &G that prevalent in the
(c) Vital statistics: birth rate,
MMR, causes, prevention, (b) vital statistics
perinatal mortality, live birth,
still birth (c) course objectives, activities and
students continuous assessment card
(d) Brief students on course
objectives/ activities and
student’s cards.

Session 2 History taking (obstetric & Gynae Student will be able to: Demonstration by teacher a) Practice by
history) students in
(a) take history of an obstetric and a groups
gynaecological case b) Practice by
(b) record the information on the history individual

Session 3 Clinical examination (Obstetrical (a) Perform obstetrical & gynaecological Demonstration by teacher a) Practice by students
& Gynaecology) examination in groups
(i) General b) Individual case
(ii) Abdominal study using study

Session 4 & (a) Diagnosis pregnancy, (a) Collect appropriate clinical Case demonstration Participation by students
5 antenatal care and advice and information by history taking and
advice. examination Tutorial Case study in groups

(b) Hyperemesis and minor (b) Suggest appropriate investigation

ailments common in
pregnancy. (c) Interpret and correlate the results of
investigations with clinical findings
for clinical diagnosis

(d) To plan and rationalize the

Session 6 to Common out patient -do- Case demonstration Participation by students
11 gynaecological problem Tutorial
Case study in groups
Abdominal swelling, abdominal Counsel patient or her spouse or relative Demonstration
pain/ P.I.D., vaginal discharge, or hospitalization for any common Role play Role play
amenorrhea, menorrhagia, gynaecological problems
infertility. Practice by students

Session 12 Assessment (Oral/ Clinical/ OSCE) & feedback


3 weeks – 18 sessions in the morning


Session 1 & Ante-natal Care and 1. Interpret the findings obtained by history Demonstration by a teacher
2 Screening for high taking physical examination and Practise by case study in
risk pregnancies investigation groups

2. Identify anaemia clinically Case study by group

3. Identify nutritional status Lecture Practice by students on

individual cases
4. Identify hypertension
5. Counsel women on importance of Demonstration by the teacher

(a) Regular antenatal care Role play by students in

(b) Nutrition small group
(c) Personal hygiene
(d) Healthy life style during pregnancy Role play by a teacher Exercise with patient
(e) Breast feeding
(f) Contraception

Session 3 &4 Hypertensive disorders in (a) Collect appropriate clinical Case demonstration by the Practise with problem
pregnancy information by history taking and teacher solving exercise in tutorial
(b) Suggest appropriate investigation
(c) Interpret and correlate the
investigations data with clinical
(d) Plan and rationalize the
Session 5 Abnormal lie/ presentation -do- -do- -do-
Session 6 Multiple pregnancy & -do- -do- -do-
Sessions 7 & Medical disorders -do- -do- -do-
8 Diabetes, Heart disease &
Session 9 Rh isoimmunization/ Grand -do- -do- -do-
Multipara / BOH/ H/O / C/S
Session 10 Ante partum haemorrhage -do- -do- -do-
Session 11 I.U.G.R. -do- -do- -do-
Session 12 to Puerperium & its -do- -do- -do-
13 complications


Session 14 to 16 Theatre Session To write preoperative orders, Demonstration by teacher Write preoperative orders,
Writing of preoperative operation operation notes, post
orders, operation note, post notes, post operative orders operative orders
operative order, observe
Observe common obstetric
common obstetric operations. operations
Evening Session Clerk patients, observe labour room activities and emergency operations and practise skills that the students learned in the morning sessions
Session 17 Assessment (Oral/ Clinical/ OSCE

Sessions 18 Feedback
N.B. All students must submit 5 histories and fill up the assessment card.
3 weeks – 18 sessions in the morning


Session 1 & Bleeding in early pregnancy (a) Collect appropriate clinical Case demonstration by the Practise with problem
2 Abortion, ectopic pregnancy, information by history taking and teacher solving exercise in tutorial
molar pregnancy including examination
choriocarcinoma (b) Suggest appropriate investigation Arrange problem solving Case study
(c) Interpret and correlate the tutorial
investigations data with clinical
findings for clinical diagnosis
(d) To plan and rationalize the
Session 3 & Abnormal uterine bleeding/ -do- -do- -do-
4 Amenorrhea

Session 5 Abdominal pain -do- -do- -do-

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Sessions 6 Abdomino-Pelvic swelling -do- -do- -do-

Ovarian tumour, Fibroid

Session 7 & Infertility -do- -do- -do-

8 Causes, investigations and
Session 9 Genital cancer -do- -do- -do-
&10 Carcinoma Cervix, Endometrial

Session 11 Genital tract injuries -do- -do- -do-

Vesico vaginal fistula, recto
vaginal fistula, third degree
perineal tear, vaginal stenosis

Sessions 12 Fertility Control Counsel clients on: Demonstration by teacher Role play
& 13 O.C.P, P.O.P, post-coital Fertility Control Video
contraception , barrier and O.C.P, P.O.P., post-coital Role play Practise with the clients
natural methods, IUCD, contraception, barrier and natural Tutorial
T.O.P/ M.R. methods, IUCD, T.O.P./ M.R.

Sessions 14 Theatre Session Write preoperative orders, operation Demonstration by teacher Write preoperative orders,
to 16 notes, post operative orders operation notes, post
Pre-operative management, operative orders
post-operative management
To Observe common Observe common
gynaecological operation gynaecological operations

Evening Clerk patients, observe gynae ward activities and practise those had learned in the morning sessions
Session 17 Assessment (Oral/ Clinical/ OSCE

Sessions 18 Feedback

N.B. All students must submit 5 histories and fill up the assessment card.

2 weeks – 12 sessions in the morning
Session 1 Management of normal labour, Recognise the events of labour Arrange video show/ a. Observe video show
partogram Demonstration on b. Observe teacher’s
Plot the events on the partogram and partograph demonstration
interpret the graph c. Plotting on partograph by
Demonstration on individual
Rationalise the use of analgesic conducting normal labour d. Conduction of labour under
Conduct normal labour supervision
Session 2 Induction of labour (a) Collect appropriate clinical Demonstration by the Practise with problem solving
information by history taking and teacher exercise in tutorial
(b) Suggest appropriate investigation
(c) Interpret and correlate the
investigations data with clinical
findings for clinical diagnosis
(d) Plan and rationalize the
Session 3 Management of bleeding in -do- -do- -do-
early pregnancy
Sessions 4 Management of bleeding in late -do- -do- -do-
Session 5 Management of eclampsia -do- -do- -do-
Session 6 Management of prolonged and -do- -do- -do-
obstructed labour/ ruptured
Session 7 Management of retained plaenta -do- -do- -do-
Session 8 Management of shock & sepsis -do- -do- -do-
Session 9 Obstetric operations (C.S, Write preoperative orders, operation Demonstration by teacher Write preoperative orders,
Forceps & ventouse deliveries, notes, post operative orders operation notes, postoperative
craniotomy.) orders
Observe obstetric operations

Sessions 10 Clinical Project work Present a case in a small group or Allocate students the project They will collect data and
seminar works. information about etiology,
At the outset of the labour diagnosis and management
room placement the students of the problem which will be
will be divided into sub groups presented by them during
and allotted with a common this session
clinical problem.

Evening Session Review sessions 1– 9:

Session 11 Assessment (Oral/ Clinical/ OSCE

Sessions 12 Feedback


4th YEAR M.B.B.S in 3rd Phase

Lecture 28 hours + Evaluation 2 hours =30 hours
TERM– I = 15 hours TERM– II = 15 hours
Lecture – Evaluation Lecture – Evaluation
14 hours 1hr 14 hours 1hr
Obstetrics (MCQ, SBA, SEQ, Gynaecology

5th YEAR M.B.B.S in 4th Phase

Lectures 60 hours+ Demonstration/Practical/Tutorial 58 hours+Departmental Integrated teaching = 20 hours + Phase IV Common Integrated teaching =126 hours

TERM – 1 = 20hours TERM – II = 22 hours TERM – III = 18 hours Demonstration/Practical/Tutorial

in TERM I, II & III= 58 hours
18hours Evaluation 2hr 20 hours Evaluation 2hr 16 hours Evaluation 2hr

Lecture –18hours NB: Lectures will Lecture – NB: Lectures will Lecture – NB: Lectures will Demonstration /
be followed by 20 hours be followed by 16 hours be followed by Video presentation
Gynae – 8 hrs evaluation Gynae – 8hours evaluation Gynae –9 hours evaluation
Obs – 10hrs (MCQ, SBA, Obs – 12 hours (MCQ, SBA, Obs –7 hours (MCQ, SBA, Gynae & Obs

(*) A demonstration will be a practical teaching session with a small group of students. It will be based on a patient’s history, specimens or instruments, graphs or
models or employ a video. Student participation is expected.
*Integrated teaching : Only for 5th year

Final Professional Examination
Assessment of Gynaecology & Obs.

Components Marks Total Marks

Paper – I –MCQ (SBA & Multiple true-false question) 10+10 =20
SAQ 5x10= 50 100
SEQ 10x2= 20
Two groups,in each group 5 SAQ ,1 SEQ
Marks from formative assessment 10
Paper - II-MCQ( SBA & Multiple true-false question) 10+10 = 20
SAQ 5x10 = 50
SEQ 10x2 = 20
Two groups, in each group 5 SAQ ,1 SEQ
Marks from formative assessment 10

Obs. Case 50 100
Gynae. Case 50
Obs 50 100
Gynae 50
Grand Total 500

 Pass marks 60 % in each of theoretical, oral and practical

There will be separate answer script for SBA & Multiple true-false question


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