Altai A8n Ac Catalog Eng 210830
Altai A8n Ac Catalog Eng 210830
Altai A8n Ac Catalog Eng 210830
Altai A8n (ac) Super WiFi Base Station Altai A8n for Wireless Broadband
The world’s leading 802.11n WiFi outdoor access The Altai A8n (ac) can serve as last mile
point optimized for maximum coverage and infrastructure for a wide range of wireless
highest throughput from a minimum number of broadband access applications. It provides low
installation sites. It is the A8n model with the 5 GHz deployment cost and fast provisioning of Wi-Fi
radio upgraded to 802.11a/n/ac standards. systems with the greatest coverage and
bandwidth per installed base station.
As an integral part of our Super WiFi network infrastructure, key benefits of the Altai A8n (ac) include:
Extended coverage in a Non-Line-of-Sight 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual band concurrent access
(NLOS) environment which matches the foot
print of most 3G/LTE deployments in dense Backhaul redundancy and access link safe mode
urban environments Adaptive interference control mitigates the
High 11ac throughout capacity up to 1,167 influence from surrounding interfering sources
Mbps data rate Standard 802.11b/g/n access and 802.11a/n/ac
4-sector x dual slant advanced Smart Antenna access/ backhaul
Technology provides flexible 70 to 360-degree Giga Ethernet or integrated 802.11a/n/ac wireless
and large vertical beamwidth coverage with backhaul
minimal holes in dense urban environments
Multi-radio 8x8:2 MIMO platform maximizing Remote configuration through the Altai Wireless
both uplink/downlink performance and access Management System (AWMS) or AltaiCare
network management solution