Composition of Atmosphere
The composition of Atmosphere is said to be a mixture of different gases. It envelops around the
Earth. 99% of total mas of atmosphere is confined to highest of 32 km from the Earth’s surface.
Structure of Atmosphere:
There are five layers in the structure of atmosphere depending upon temperature.
I. Troposphere:
It is the lowermost layer.
13 km height average with 8 km at poles and 18 km at equator (lesser at poles and greater
at equator).
The thickness is 18 km at equator because heat is transported to great heights by strong
convectional currents.
This layer has adult particles and water vapour.
Climate and weather changes occur here.
Temperature decreases at rate of 1 degrees celcius for every 165 m of height.
Zone separating troposphere from stratosphere is called tropopause.
Temperature at tropopause is minus eighty degrees celcius over equator and minus forty-
five degrees celcius over the poles. This remains constant through the year.
II. Stratosphere
It is found above the troposphere.
Extends up to 50 km of height.
Has ozone layer – absorbs ultraviolet radiation and shields life on earth from harmful
III. Mesosphere:
Above stratosphere
Reaches till 80 km height.
Temperature decreases with altitude here, by 80 km it reaches minus hundred degrees
The upper limit is called mesopause.
Solar Radiation
Earth receives most of its energy in form of short wavelengths.
Insolation is – incoming solar radiation.
Earth is a geoid, resembling a sphere.
Earth is farthest from the Sun – 4th July (Aphelion position)
Earth is nearest to the sun on – 3rd January (Perihelion position)
Factors responsible for variation in insolation during a day, season and a year:
a) Rotation of Earth
b) Angle of inclination of Sun’s rays.
c) Length of day
d) Transparency of atmosphere
e) Configuration of land in terms of its aspect.
Earth’s axis has a 66.5 degrees angle with plane of orbit round the sun leads to variation in
insolation at different latitudes.
Area covered by slant rays is more than vertical rays. Energy gets distributed and net energy
received per unit area decrease. The slant rays of Solar radiation are absorbed, scattered &
diffused more in deep atmosphere.
The Solar radiation spectrum is beautifully explained by the following diagram.
The same latitude, insolation is more over continents than on oceans.
Earth heated by Solar radiation then transmits the heat to atmosphere in Long wave form.
Conduction – It heats the lower layers of atmosphere. When two bodies of unequal
temperature come in contact with each other, there is flow of energy from warmer to
cooler body. The air in contact with land gets heated slowly and the upper layer in contact
also gets heated.
Convection– It occurs only in troposphere. The air in contact with earth rises vertically on
heating in form of current and further transmits the heat. Vertical heating of atmosphere
is convection.
Advection – The horizontal heat transfer through movement of air. In middle latitudes,
most of diurnal variations in daily weather is by advection. Loo is also due to advection.
Terrestrial radiation– The insolation received by the Earth is in form of short-wave
radiation. The Earth radiates energy to atmosphere in form of long wave radiation. The
gases like Carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse gases absorb this long wave radiation is
trap the heat.
The Atmosphere in turn radiates this heat in the space.
Heat budget of the Earth – Earth maintains its temperature. The amount of heat received in form
of insolation equals the amount lost by Earth through terrestrial radiation.
Albedo of Earth – The reflected amount of radiation or insolation from clouds, snow, and ice-
covered areas of earth is known as albedo.
There is surplus of net radiation balance between 40 degrees North and South. While there is
deficit in poles.
Heat represents the molecular movement of particles comprising a substance. Temperature is
measurement in degrees of how hot or cold a thing or place is.
a) Latitude – Insolation received varies according to latitude.
b) Altitude – Temperature decreases with increasing height. The rate of decrease of
temperature with height is normal lapse rate. It is 6.5 degree Celsius for per 1000 meters.
c) Distance from the Sea – The sea gets heated slowly, land heats fast. While sea loses heat
slowly, land loses fast. Variation of temperature over sea is less than on land. Sea and land
breeze influence on places near sea.
d) Air-mass and ocean currents – Passage of air masses and currents affects the temperature of
places where they pass.
e) Local aspects– They also influence the local temperature.
Isotherms are lines joining places having equal temperatures on map, are generally parallel to
Highest range of temperature is more than 60 degrees Celsius over North-Eastern port of
Eurasian continent, due to continentality.
Temperature Inversion:
Normal lapse rate – Temperature decreases with increased elevation. It is 6.5 degrees Celsius
per 1000m.
When normal lapse rate is inverted, it is called inversion of temperature.
Short duration but common in polar regions
Long winter night with clear skies and still air is the ideal situation.
Heat of day is radiated off during night. So by early morning, earth is cooler than the air above.
Surface inversion promotes stability in lower layers of atmosphere. Smoke and dust particles
collect beneath the inversion layer and spread horizontally filling lower strata of atmosphere.
Dense fog in morning of winter season will last for few hours till the Sun comes up.
Temperature Inversion in hills and mountains occur due to air Drainage. Cold air at hills and
mountains, produced during night, flows under influence of gravity.
It is heavy and dense, cold air acts like water and moves down slope to pile up deeply in
pockets and valley bottoms with warm air above.
Air drainage protects plants from frost damages.
Air in horizontal motion is Wind, And Atmospheric Pressure determines the rise and sink of air.
The pressure and winds in atmosphere determine formation of air masses and occurrence of
Atmospheric pressure – Weight of air column contained in a unit area from mean sea level to the
top of atmosphere is known as Atmospheric pressure. It is measured in force per unit area. It is
expressed in ‘milibar’/mb unit. For practical purposes, the atmospheric pressure is expressed in
Due to gravity, air at surface is denser and has higher air pressure. It is measured by the mercury
barometer or aneroid barometer.In lower atmosphere, pressure decreases rapidly with height.
At sea level, average atmospheric pressure is 1,013.2 milibar.
Wind – When air moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.
Vertical pressure gradient force is much larger than the horizontal pressure gradient. But we don’t
feel strong upward winds because vertical gradient is balanced by gravitational force. Horizontal
distribution of pressure is studied by drawing isobars at constant levels. Isobars are lines
connecting places having equal pressure. To eliminate effect of attitude on pressure, it is
measured at any station after reducing to sea level for purposes of comparison. Low pressure
system is enclosed by one or more isobars with lowest pressure at centre. High pressure system
is also enclosed by one or more isobars with highest pressure in centre.
The winds above 2 to 3 km from surface are free from frictional effect of surface and
controlled by pressure gradient and Coriolis force.
When isobars are straight and no frictional force acts then – Coriolis force balances
pressure gradient force and resultant wind blows parallel to isobars, known as Geo-
strophic winds.
Wind circulation around a low is called cyclonic circulation, while wind circulation around
a high is known as anti-cyclonic circulation.
Rising of air is essential for cloud formation & precipitation, it is caused not only by
Convergence but also by some eddies, uplift along fronts, orographic uplift, convection
currents. For cloud formation and precipitation.
This Pattern of movement of planetary winds is called General circulation of atmosphere. It sets
in motion the ocean water circulation which influences the Earth’s climate. The following diagram
explains the patterns of atmosphere circulation very clearly.
I. Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) at equator. Zone of low atmospheric pressure and
ascending air. Rising air currents are due to global wind convergence and convection from thermal
heating (which causes low pressure). The converged air rises along with convective cell and
reaches up to 14 km. Then it moves towards poles. This accumulates air around 30 degrees North
and South.
II. Subtropical highs – The part of accumulated air sinks to ground to form subtropical high. The
air sinks because it gets cooled down when it reaches 30 degrees North and South.
III. Easterlies (come from east) – Near land surface, air flows towards the equator, this is known
as easterlies. These Easterlies converge from North and South at equator at ITCZ. This forms the
Hadley cell in tropics.
IV. Westerlies – Middle lattitudes the circulation of sinking cold air from poles and rising warm
air blows from subtropical high are called westerlies. This cell is called Ferrel Cell.
V. Polar Cell – At poles latitudes the cold dense air subsidies near poles and blows towards middle
lattitudes as polar easterlies.
The Hadley cell, Ferrel cell and Polar cell set pattern for general circulation of atmosphere.
Heat transfer from lower latitude to higher latitude maintains it.
This change in pressure condition over Pacific is known as Southern Oscillation. The combined
effect of both these is known as ENSO. When ENSO is strong, that year large scale variations are
seen in weather around the world.
Frost in Atmosphere:
When condensation takes place below freezing point, frost is formed.
Dew point is at or below freezing point.
Air temperature must be at or below the freezing point.
Clouds are a mass of water droplets or crystals of ice of minute size located at considerable
elevations. These clouds take up various shapes and sizes. This allows for the study of different
types of clouds to understand the behaviour of water in atmosphere.
Figure: Common types of Clouds in the Troposphere
Most favourable conditions for Condensation are decrease in air temperature. Condensation
occurs when dew point is lower than freezing point as well as higher than the freezing point.
Frost in Atmosphere:
When condensation takes place below freezing point, frost is formed.
Dew point is at or below freezing point.
Air temperature must be at or below the freezing point.
Clouds are a mass of water droplets or crystals of ice of minute size located at considerable
elevations. These clouds take up various shapes and sizes. This allows for the study of different
types of clouds to understand the behaviour of water in atmosphere.
Precipitation: release of moisture after condensation.
Sleet: Frozen raindrops and refrozen melted snow water.
Hailstorms: Released as raindrops, pass through colder layers so freeze before reaching the
Types of Rainfall:
According to its basis of origin, rainfall is primarily classified into 3 major types:
Convectional rainfall: cumulous clouds in equatorial regions and continent interiors especially in
Northern hemisphere.
Orographic or relief rain: Windward slopes receives greater rainfall because air is forced to
ascend mountain and expands, temperature decreases hence results in condensation.
Cyclonic rain: The rains occurring due to extra tropical cyclones.
Precipitation regimes:
The water in Atmosphere is eventually falls on Earth in form of precipitation, The pattern of
precipitation regimes is helpful in understanding the distribution of rainfall.
a) Equatorial belt, windward slopes along western coast in cool temperate zone and coastal
areas of monsoon land receives heavy rainfall of over 200 cm/annum.
b) Moderate 100-200 cm/ anuum rainfall in interior of continental areas.
c) 50-100 cm/annum rainfall in central part pf tropical land and eastern and interior parts of
temperate lands receive rainfall 50-100cm/annum.
d) 50 cm/annum rainfall in rain shadow areas of interior of continents and high latitudes.
There is even distribution of rainfall occurs in equatorial belt and western parts of cool temperate
Rainfall is more over oceans than land.
Heavier rain on eastern coast and decreases towards west – between lattitudes 35 degrees and
40 degrees north and south of equator.
Due to westerlies, first rainfall on western margins of continents and it goes on decreases towards
east of 45 degrees and 65 degrees N and S of equator.