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The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

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The Analysis of Fixed Final State Optimal Control in Bilinear

System Applied to Bone Marrow by Cell-Cycle Specific (CCS)

E Rainarli and K E Dewi

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. The research conducted by Fister & Panetta shown an optimal control model of bone
marrow cells against Cell Cycle Specific chemotherapy drugs. The model used was a bilinear
system model. Fister & Panetta research has proved existence, uniqueness, and characteristics
of optimal control (the chemotherapy effect). However, by using this model, the amount of
bone marrow at the final time could achieve less than 50 percent from the amount of bone
marrow before given treatment. This could harm patients because the lack of bone marrow
cells made the number of leukocytes declining and patients will experience leukemia. This
research would examine the optimal control of a bilinear system that applied to fixed final
state. It will be used to determine the length of optimal time in administering chemotherapy
and kept bone marrow cells on the allowed level at the same time. Before simulation
conducted, this paper shows that the system could be controlled by using a theory of Lie
Algebra. Afterward, it shows the characteristics of optimal control. Based on the simulation, it
indicates that strong chemotherapy drug given in a short time frame is the most optimal
condition to keep bone marrow cells spine on the allowed level but still could put playing an
effective treatment. It gives preference of the weight of treatment for keeping bone marrow
cells. The result of chemotherapy's effect (u) is not able to reach the maximum value. On the
other words, it needs to make adjustments of medicine's dosage to satisfy the final treatment
condition e.g. the number of bone marrow cells should be at the allowed level.

1. Introduction
Chemotherapy is the type of medication given to patients with cancer by using medicines [1].
Chemotherapy treatment is given especially for cancer cells with high proliferation ability such as
breast cancer or blood cancers [1]. Administering chemotherapy is not only killing cells of cancer but
also killing normal cells in the body. One of the normal cells affected during the chemotherapy
treatment is bone marrow cells. To minimize the influence of chemotherapy against bone marrow cells
then it is given therapeutics that cared for cell growth phase. Type of this medication chemotherapy
called chemotherapy Cell Cycle Specific (CCS). The examples of chemotherapy medicine that used
are Taxol and Cyclophosphamide [2]. Model of mathematics that discussed the influence of giving
chemotherapy (CSS) against to bone marrow cells was a model conducted by Fister and Panetta [2]. It
was used the drug effects as a control of bone marrow cells changes. The objective function used was
maximizing the number of bone marrow cells and maximizing medicine effects of cancer cells.
However, both factors having influence mutual contrary. It means when we want to maximize the
number of bone marrow cells then the medicine effect would be lower and vice versa. This research
showed that time of treatment with a short interval time and high dosage of a drug continue to be
effective in reducing bone marrow cells died that caused of cancer drugs. Ledzewicz et. al used this
mathematical model and added objective of Bolza type in representing the effect of drug dosage [3].
The other research, they combined this model by adding with pharmacokinetics equation which

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The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

models the time-evolution of the drug’s concentration in the body [4]. Alamir M. et. al design optimal
control to maximize the quantity of drug injected over treatment period while continuously restricted
the value of states [5]. Skandari et. al used a new linear quadratics function to describe the effect of
drug dosage in CCS chemotherapy [6].
The research uses the model of Fister & Panetta and adds a requirement at the end of treatment,
some bone marrow cells at the level of allowed. The certain dosages of drugs must be able to keep the
number of cells not less than 50 % of normal circumstances [1], [2]. The results would be simulated to
get the optimal time in administering CCS chemotherapy drugs, so it would be known whether short
time intervals of treatment and continue dosage of a drug to be effective in this case. Before simulated
done, it would be shown the system controllable using Lie Algebra and analyzed the characteristics
optimal control of bilinear system model using Hamilton equation.

2. Model Of Fixed Final State Optimal Control Applied To Bone Marrow By Cell-Cycle Specific
(CSS) Chemotherapy
By Fister & Panetta were made a model describe the state of bone marrow cells with the influence of
giving chemotherapy medicine in it [2]. Figure 1 showed the dynamic model of bone marrow by
administering chemotherapy drugs. In this model, the cells divide into two phases which are P and Q.
P is a proliferating phase, Q is a quiescent phase. At P phase, some of the cells died naturally or died
because of administering medication, and there are cells in P who moved to quiescent phase Q.
Furthermore, cells in P phase can grow due to proliferating phase. The cell on Q phase partially
transformed into blood cells and get into the blood stream. Besides of that, the cell in Q can increase
or reduce as a result of the cells coming from P and out of Q. Transition cells can be seen more details
in Figure 1. As a control, it uses the effect of chemotherapy where compensation of less dose of
medicine in the patient body resulting the number of bone marrow cells died would increase.

Figure 1. Model of Bone Marrow Cells with Chemotherapy CCS

Let, D the rate of displacement cells from P to Q, E the rate of displacement cells from Q to P,
J cell growing rate, G natural death rate, U the rate of cell that entering into blood stream, s =
the strength of treatment/the strength of chemotherapy drugs, u = the effect of chemotherapy
treatment. All the parameter applies to a unit of the day. The values of those parameters were given in
Table 1 [2]. For control of u, was defined admissible space that given by equation (1)
U ^u admissible function 0 d u t d 1, t  >0, T @` (1)

ut 1 Shows maximal chemotherapy. On the other word, at time t the state of bone marrow was at
the maximal influence of the drug. u t 0 Shows no chemotherapy drug in bone marrow cells.
Based on Figure 1, it could be shown by equation (2) and (3).
P J  G  D  su t P  EQ, P 0 P0 (2)

Q DP  U  E Q, Q 0 Q0 (3)
The objective function used in this model is maximizing the effect of chemotherapy treatment without
incurring excessive damage of cells. The function uses equation (4).

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

T ª § b ·º
³ « a¨ P t  Q t  2 1  u t (4)
J u ¸» dt
¬ © ¹¼
Parameter a was weight to maximize the number of bone marrow cells P t  Q t and parameter b was
weight to maximize the chemotherapy effect u (t ) . Part of 1 1  u t 2 was the reduction of the number
of bone marrow cells. 1  u t The amount of chemotherapy drug given to the patient. Weights of a
and b would affect the damage of cells. If the number of patient’s blood cells was below the desired
level, then a ! 1 was chosen. The aim was maximizing the number of bone marrow cells. Conversely,
if we want to maximize drug given, then the value of weight b would become greater, so a  1 .

Table 1. The Value of Parameters

Value (Range)/Day
J 1,47; 0,6667  2 G 0
D 5,643; 4,94  6,12 E 0,48
U 0,164

In this research, the model would complete by adding a final state condition based on the fact that
the number of bone marrow cells are not more than 50 % of the total cell before treatment, so in this
model is added a limit and we have equation (5)
P t Q t 0.5 P0  Q0 , (5)
By this equation, it would be a guarantee that total bone marrow cells at the final time would equal to
a half of total cells before treatment. P0 Indicated the number of proliferating cells at the beginning of
treatment and Q0 indicated the number of quiescent cells at the beginning of treatment.

3. Result and Discussion

Based on equation (2) and (3), a model of this system was model control of a bilinear system. The
bilinear system is part of the nonlinear system [7]. One of the advantages of using bilinear system can
linearize around equilibrium point as a linear system. There are some discussions about solving the
optimal control of bilinear system especially using indirect method, there are Hamilton–Jacobi–
Bellman (HJB) equation [8] or transform optimal control problem into a nonlinear two-point boundary
value (TPBVP)[9]. In this part, we will use TPBVP to find the optimal solution, but first, it would be
shown controllability of bilinear system and continue with discussing about characteristics of optimal
control. At the end of this part, it would be shown the result of the simulation.

3.1. Controllability System

To ensure that systems could be controllable, it was used control theory of Lie Algebra [10], [11].
From the equation (2) and (3) it can be rewritten by equation (6).
ªa a12 º ª  s 0º ª x1 º ªPº
A « 11 », B « 0 0» , x «x » «Q» (6)
¬a21  a22 ¼ ¬ ¼ ¬ 2¼ ¬ ¼
where are a11 J  G  D , a12 E , a21 D , a22 U  E ?
So, we have two vector fields ( ) and ( ) where are shown by equation (7),
ªa a12 º ª x1 º ª a11x1  a12 x2 º ª s 0º ª x1 º ª sx1 º
f ( x) Ax « 11 »« » «a x  a x » , g ( x) Bx « »« » « 0 » (7)
¬a21  a22 ¼ ¬ x2 ¼ ¬ 21 1 22 2 ¼ ¬ 0 0¼ ¬ x2 ¼ ¬ ¼

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

Because of f ( x) Ax and g ( x) Bx , it is clear that and are Jacobian matrices that can be written
into equation (8)
wf ª a11 a12 º wg ª  s 0º
«a » A, « 0 0» B (8)
wx ¬ 21  a22 ¼ wx ¬ ¼
It could be built a distribution ' that has characteristics of the maximal integral manifold to ensure
that system is weakly controllable [10]. Next, it would be shown that the controllability rank condition
was fulfilled, e.g. dim ' c x n .
Using Lie Bracket definition, we could determine >A, B@, >A, >A, B@@, >A, >A, >A, B@@@, >A, >A, >A, >A, B@@@@ in
equation (9), (10), (11) and (12)
ª 0  a12 º
>A, B@ BA  AB s « (9)
¬a21 0 »¼

ª  2a12a21 a11  a22 a12 º

>A, >A, B@@ (10)
2a12a21 »¼

¬ a11  a22 a21

>A, >A, >A, B@@@ ^a11  a22

 4a12a21 >A, B@ (11)

>A, >A, >A, >A, B@@@@ ^a11  a22

 4a12a21 `>A,>A, B@@ (12)
It could be shown new vector fields that are made by vector fields f (x) and g (x) using Lie bracket
wg wf ª sa12 x2 º
> f , g@ x f x  g x « sa x » >A, B@x, etc. (13)
wx wx ¬ 21 1 ¼
Then based on equation (13) it will be constructed distribution 'c span^>A, B@x, >A, >A, B@@x` , where
C ^W V R 2
:W x T x, T  span^>A, B@, >A, >A, B@@` . ` (14)
So, using equation (14) we had matrix
ª sa12 x2  2sa12a21x1  s a11  a22 a12 x2 º
>> f ( x), g ( x)@ > f ( x),> f ( x), g ( x)@@@ >>A, B@x, >A , >A, B@x@@ « sa x (15)
¬ 21 1 s a11  a22 a21x1  2sa12a21x2 »¼

Form the equation (15) we had that dim ' c 2 , for each x in maximal integral manifold, and it is
applied equation (16)
U* ^x  R 2
: a11  a22 x1  a12 x2 z 0 ` (16)

So, the system was weakly controllable for each x is defined in U * .

3.2. Characteristics of Optimal Control

To know the characteristic of optimal control then it was used Hamiltonian equation. Lewis discusses
how to solve optimal control for fixed final state [12]. Based on that, so from equation (2) and (3) we
could build a Hamiltonian equation (17)
a PQ  1  u  O1 J  G  D  su P  O1EQ  O2DP  O2 U  E Q  w1 t u  w2 t 1  u
H (17)
where w1 t t 0, w2 t t 0 are penalty multiplications that were the full field
w1 t .u 0 w2 t . 1  u 0 so (18)

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

when u * is optimal.
b  O1 sP  w1 t  w2 t
u * (t ) (19)
Using Maximum Pontryagin Principle, to get optimal control without w1 and w2 explicitly then the
equation (19) will be divided into three cases:
^ `
1. For t 0  u * t  1 , to satisfy equation (18), then it should be w1 t 0 w2 t so the equation
(19) could be written into
b  O1sP
u * (t ) (20)
^ `
2. For t u * (t ) 1 , w1 t 0 and w2 t z 0 , so it must be

b  O1sP
u* t 1d (21)
^ `
3. For t u * (t ) 0 , , it should be w2 t 0 and w1 t z 0 , so
b  O1sP
d 0 u * (t ) (22)
Based on the equation (20), (21), and (22) then the optimal control can be written as equation (23)
§ § b  O sP ·  ·
u * (t ) min¨1, ¨ 1
¸ ¸, (24)
¨ © b ¹ ¸
© ¹
With boundary condition P 0 P0 , Q 0 Q0 and P T  Q T 0.5 P0  Q0 . Because of the initial
state and final state are given then dxT 0 , dT z 0 and to full fill, that condition is given in Lewis then
it should be H |T 0 [12].

3.3. Simulation
Not only held the analysis on the model but in this research was also did a simulation of optimal
control model. To the needs of simulation would be used Matlab, while the completion of model
optimal was a form of the solution of boundary value problems for the ordinary differential equation.
Some solution of optimal control problems is solved with variation parameter method to optimal
control issues were described by Avvakumov [13]. To demonstrate the numerical solution of boundary
problem in Matlab, it was used a function of bp4c [14]. The use of this function was also described by
Wang [15]. Specifically, Wang explains how to solve the optimal control problems uses indirect
method especially in the case of fixed state. However, in this simulation was used toolbox Tomlabs for
optimization to Matlab [16]. In testing, the parameter value of model was used from Table 1.
From the previous part, it had shown that the system could be controlled and it could be shown the
characteristics of optimal control. On this part, it would be discussed the result of model simulation
obtained. For the simulations, it would be divided into three cases, e.g.:
1. The influence of changing weights a and b to the objective function and the length of time
2. The influence of changing the strength of drugs s through objective function and length of time
3. The influence of changing the time of treatment T against objective function and length of time

Figure 2a shows the case of the treatment for 21 days with a b 1, s 1 . The obtained result was
that it took waiting time for 10 days before the treatment to be done so, at the end of the treatment
process, the condition of bone marrow cells still stayed above 50 percent of the total bone marrow

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

cells at the beginning of treatment. Figure 2b showed the comparing result of simulation to a value of
a ! b, a b and a  b . When a ! b, a b , both of that condition showed that optimal control u * could
achieve 1. However, a  b is given when we put a higher priority of the patient condition then the
effect of chemotherapy drugs. In the other word, our priority was maintaining many bone marrow cells
at the final state. We saw that at a  b , the value of u * could not achieve 1 at the end of treatment. It
means that not whole of the quantity of medicine could be given.
1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2 a=2,b=1

P(t)+Q(t) P(t)+Q(t)

1 1



0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

u*(t) u*(t)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
time t (days) time t (days)

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) Comparison value P t  Q t to u t when a 1, b 1, s 1 , (b) Comparison value

P t  Q t to u t when a 2 & b 1 a 1 & b 1 , a 1 & b 2
From Figure 3a it shows the effect of s change in value. We saw that when the strength of
chemotherapy was increasing then waiting time of medicine given become longer. Whereas in Figure
3b describes the effect of time changing the optimal condition of P t  Q t and u * . It shows that in the
short time T 7 there was no waiting time in given treatment.
1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2
P(t)+Q(t) P(t)+Q(t)
1 s=2 1

0.8 s=3 0.8 T=21

s=1 T=14

0.6 0.6

0.4 s=2 0.4

0.2 0.2

u*(t) u*(t)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
time t (days) time t (days)

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) Comparison value P t  Q t to u t when s 1, s 2 & s 3 , (b) Comparison value

P t  Q t to u t when a 2 & b 1 , a 1 & b 1 , a 1 & b 2

Further, in Table 2, it shows results of a simulation of three scenarios as delivered above. Based on
Table 2, when a  b the value of u * at the final time only achieved 0,8362 with the longest time
treatment. By increasing the strength of chemotherapy medicine (s) with the same observation term,
which is 21 days, the values of objective functions are similar. It means that giving a higher dose
would be best based on normal condition. In the case of the period of observation change, Table 2
show that the largest value of J happened at time observation 21 days. Table 2 also shows that on 7

The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012029

days of treatment, there is no waiting time. However, in this conditioning treatment with a short time
produce the smallest values of J.
Table 2. The Result of Testing
T Scenario u(T) P(T)+Q(T) J Waiting Time Duration of The
Time Treatment Influence of Drug
21 a=2, b=1, s=1 1 0,5002 33,5580 12 days 9 days 5 days
a=1, b=1, s=1 1 0,5002 13,5374 10 days 11 days 3 days
a=1, b=2, s=1 0,8362 0,5001 7,5180 7 days 14 days -
21 a=1, b=1, s=1 1 0,5002 13,5374 10 days 11 days 3 days
a=1, b=1, s=2 1 0,5002 12,9306 15 days 6 days 3 days
a=1, b=1, s=3 1 0,5004 12,7310 16 days 5 days 2 days
7 a=1, b=1, s=1 1 0,5001 5,1457 - 7 days 4 days
14 a=1, b=1, s=1 1 0,5001 9,3407 2 days 9 days 3 days
21 a=1, b=1, s=1 1 0,5002 13,5374 10 days 11 days 3 days

4. Conclusion and Suggestion

Based on the simulation, it could be concluded that addition of boundary condition e.g. final state of
bone marrow cell must comply 50 percent of the initial conditions, then the bilinear system was made
by Fister still could be used to determine optimal control of CCS chemotherapy. By using Lie Algebra,
it showed that the system was controllable. It was also discussed about the characteristic of optimal
control of the system. Giving a strength chemotherapy treatment would be an optimal option in
maintaining patient condition. If a dose of medicine was increased then the influence of medicine
absorbing not maximal, therefore it would be an indicator that to review the number of given doses.
For the next research, the model could be combined with a model of immunotherapy
(immunotherapy, a process to increase the amount of bone marrow at the end of therapy) to see the
dynamic interaction between chemotherapy treatment and immunotherapy treatment so then we can
decide the appropriate time in giving both therapies. The model could be modified by reexamining
factors that affect cell of changes besides naturally death and death caused by administering

This research was supported by Research Institute and Community Service of Universitas Komputer

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