Group 1
Group 1
Group 1
Chapter one consists of five parts: (1) Background of the study, (2) Objectives of the study, (3)
Significance of the study, (4) Scope and Delimitation of the study, (5) Definition of Terms.
Part one, Background of the study, includes conducted researches about the Important of
gadgets and addiction to Social Media.
Part two, Objective of the study, states the aims to be achieved by the researches.
Part three, Significance of the study, brings out the value of the study; the relevance of the
results: for whom the results was relevant; how was the research add knowledge/ practice to
those who are involved; and how was useful for policy makers.
Part four, the Scope and Delimitation of the study, explains the scope and extent of the study.
And the last part, Definition of Terms, gives the operational meanings of the important terms
used in the study for purpose of clarify and understanding
1. To introduce to the readers the relevance of the topic in the present society.
2. To distinguish positive and negative effects on the use of electronic gadgets.
3. To present instances of events where in the over exposure to these gadgets post some
risks to Junior High School Student.
4. To determine the safety measures and to eliminate treats.
• The results of the study will greatly have benefitted the following:
• Future Research: the data of this study may help the future research because it will serve
as guide and reference undertaking similar study.
• Students: this study may help the students to understand and marks as a caution about
the effects of over-usage of gadgets on their health.
• Parents: the result of the study may provide a knowledge to the parents regarding the
negative outcome of having a long period of time in using a gadgets.
• Teachers/ Professors: similar to the benefits of parents, teachers will know the result of
being addicted to the gadgets that also can be used to give advice on their students.
• Scope:
• The scope of this research study will only be focusing on the addiction to the Social Media
and important of gadgets to the person which interviewed.
• Limitations:
• This research will not be going to touch about the status of the interviewed person.
• This study will not be going to collect the personal information such as Name, Address,
Contact Info’s and Parents Name of the interviewed person.
Definition of Terms
Effects- this pertains to the things that affect or impact the use of Internet Gadgets among
•A change that results when something is done or happens : an event, condition, or state of
affairs that is produced by a cause.
Frequency of use- this refers to the number of times a student utilizes internet gadgets in daily
•Frequency of use means the rate of use by the individual as documented by the number of
times per day, week, or month, as appropriate, a supply is used by the individual.
Prolonged- this pertains to the amount of time used by continuing to use internet gadgets
longer than usual.
•Continuing for a notably long time.
Internet Gadgets- Refers to the technology use as medium for communication or for playing
games with the use of Computers or Smart Phone.
•The Internet, sometimes called simply “the Net,” is a worldwide system of computer
Rising generation-refers to the millennials or young student who will soon to be adult.
•A body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor.
Social Media-This refers to a series of websites and applications designed to allow people to
share content quickly, efficiently and in real-time.
•Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on communication,
community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. People use social media
to stay in touch and interact with friends, family and various communities.
Delavin, I. (2017) Pinoys spend more than 4 hours on social media daily.
BusinessWorld Online.
Internet World Stats (2012). Internet growth statistics and Facebook growth in theworld.
Miniwatts Marketing Group. Retrieved from
(2015, May 1) Overuse of mobile gadgets hampers students’ ability to study, sleep.
Petter BaeBrandtzæg, (2015). Towards a unified Media-User Typology (MUT): Ameta-analysis and
review of the research literature on media-user typologies, Volume 5,Pages 940-