The Official Sea Glass Searcher's Guide - How To Find Your Own Treasures From The Tide (PDFDrive)

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How to Find Your Own
Treasures from the Tide



CHAPTER 1: Techniques for Spotting Sea Glass

CHAPTER 2: What to Know about the Beach

CHAPTER 3: How to Evaluate What You’ve Found

CHAPTER 4: Know the Weather

CHAPTER 5: Your Attire: Being Comfortable Is Key

CHAPTER 6: Know the Location

CHAPTER 7: Types of Materials

Your Treasures Might Be Made Of

CHAPTER 8: Color and Patina

CHAPTER 9: Storms of 2012–2013

CHAPTER 10: Your Journal

CHAPTER 11: What Is Your Sea Glass Personality?


I am walking along the edge of the tide, lost in my own watery, oceanic world. I
am searching the sand for glistening pieces of sea glass. Sea glass, for those who
don’t know, starts out as glass bottles and jars and such that end up in the ocean
due to littering, shipwrecks, and various other reasons. As this glass gets tossed
around and broken apart by the waves, its jagged sharp edges get worn down
over time so that the pieces are rounded and smooth and the surface develops a
beautiful frosted coating. All this takes approximately 40 to 50 years to develop.
Rough surf dislodges this glass from the ocean’s floor and brings it to the
surface, where it travels the tide to settle upon whatever beach is nearby. Sea
glass is relatively rare, so those lucky enough to find it often collect it and bring
it home with them. Some people enjoy finding the “gems” so much they invest a
lot of time and effort to locate them on the beaches. Others tell me they would
love to find sea glass during their vacations and yet they have never found any.
During this lovely sunny day, while I am walking along the edge of the water, I
am startled from my reverie by a gentleman who whisks past me, head down,
moving very swiftly along the same section of tideline that I’m studying. He
occasionally stops to pick something up and I just know he is looking for sea
glass too. He moves quickly down the beach, scanning the sand. I watch him as
he bends down every now and then to investigate something. He has distracted
me from my search and I fight with myself to relax and enjoy my own
experience and not worry about what he is doing; yet I wonder if he has found
any gems. Nevertheless, I am pretty successful because without even being
aware of it, I am getting closer to the end of the beach where the gentleman was
earlier, only now he is gone. It’s 15 or 20 minutes after low tide—the perfect
time to look for sea glass—and I am finding some beauties on the beach.
The best discovery comes when I spot a piece of orange sea glass lying in the
sand about 3 feet back from the water! I am surprised that it is laying there
because I know someone walked past here before I did. You see, orange sea
glass is the rarest color to find. Some people have never been able to add this
color to their collections, and I was one of them until now! I shake my head in
disbelief at all the colors I found that the gentleman before me missed. Why did
he miss them? Well, that’s what this book is all about.
There are certain things you can do to avoid being that guy on the beach who
misses all the great treasures. I will give you searching tips that can increase
your likelihood of coming home with a gem. The gems that can be found on
beaches are not limited to glass—sometimes shards of pottery worn smooth by
the sea wash up on the shore with the tide. I include these pieces of pottery when
I refer to sea glass throughout this book.


I didn’t spot this pottery piece in the pebbles the first time I walked through here.

You might think that all there is to finding sea glass is looking at the sand as you
walk along a beach, but that is an oversimplification. These tips will help you
spot even small shards you would otherwise miss.

1 Retrace your steps. Imagine that you’re walking along the shoreline,
making your way down the beach, taking care to look at the beach thoroughly as
you go along. You’re most likely thinking you have covered the area pretty well
—and you probably have—but then, turn around and walk back through the area
you’ve just searched. Walking in the opposite direction might seem redundant,
but it is valuable to change your visual perspective as it relates to the light and
the lay of the land. What you see when the light is at your back will be different
from what you see when you are facing into the light because of the shadows
created by rocks, shells, driftwood, seaweed, and footprints on the beach. The
shadows can conceal a shard of sea glass that you could spot when you change
your direction.
I always retrace my steps when I’m searching, and no matter how many times
it happens, I am always shocked when I spot a shard of glass that I missed the
first time around. Whether it was the glare from the sun or shadows on the beach
that caused me to miss it the first time, the most important thing is that I came
home that day with my treasure!

2 Don’t search by looking for colors alone, look for shapes as well.
Obviously, when you are beachcombing, you are looking for sea glass mostly by
its color. Beautiful aqua and green colors are especially easy to see against the
contrasting beige sand. But you will find more treasures by learning to train your
eyes to search for shapes. Sea glass isn’t always going to be a bright color that
stands out, it could be a shade of white, brown, gray, or yellow that blends in
with the shells, pebbles, and sand. When that’s the case, the shape of the sea
glass could catch your eye instead. For instance, when there are a lot of shells or
pebbles on the beach (which are mostly a rounded shape), a rectangular or
triangular shard will stand out. This is how I made one of my best finds! It was a
piece of white pottery that had a faint purple design on its surface, but the beach
I was searching was primarily made up of small, perfectly round, white and
beige pebbles. A square shape suddenly caught my eye; the square stood out
against all the round stones.

3 Locate the high tide line. When you first arrive at your beach, notice
where the high tide mark is. This will give you a visual reference as to how far
back from the water to search. The ocean reaches low tide and high tide twice in
each 24-hour period. At some point each day, the tide extends onto the beach at
a maximum distance for that tidal period. Commonly along this high tide line,
the ocean will leave behind a trail of shells or seaweed or both, known as wrack,
running perpendicular to the beach as evidence of its reach. Make sure to snoop
underneath this beach wrack in case it’s hiding a beach treasure! Search the
entire beach up to the wrack line because sea glass can be deposited anywhere in
this area.

The triangular shape of this pottery shard stands out among the rounded stones.
Sea glass can be partially hidden so move along slowly and be observant.

4 Move slowly. This one may seem obvious, but many people move along the
beach at too brisk a pace to be able to notice everything in detail. It can be very
tempting to glance at an area and determine that because nothing caught your
eye, it is free of treasures. I sometimes catch myself disobeying this rule and
need to force myself to pause, breathe in deeply, and relax into the process of
beachcombing. You become more observant when you feel relaxed. The reward
here isn’t always the bringing away of treasures. The meditative and relaxing
aspects of beachcombing are treasures too!
Using peripheral vision can help find a tiny treasure such as the blue shard above.

5 Be aware of the role that peripheral vision plays. Peripheral vision is

the part of your vision that occurs beyond the center portion of your gaze. In
other words, when we look at something, we see that object that is in our direct
line of vision, but we also see much more than that. So in the same way that
someone could be watching a child swimming in the ocean and also noticing the
lifeguards waving their arms some distance off to the side, we too can be looking
at the sand, noticing the rocks and shells in front of us, when a different color or
shape catches our attention from off on the side, just barely within our field of
vision. I estimate that my peripheral vision has been responsible for as much as
40 percent of my beach finds. All it takes is an awareness of the cues that come
to you peripherally and for you to be moving slowly enough to take advantage of
its nuances.
6 Pay close attention to the shadow your body makes. Depending
upon the time of day you are on the beach, your own body can make quite a long
shadow on the sand, which blocks a portion of your view. You may need to pay
closer attention to the shadowed area so that you don’t miss anything. remember
too that when you have beachcomb with a friend, his or her shadow will also
block some of your view, as yours will block theirs.


1 Early morning is a great time for beachcombing. Normally there are

far fewer people on the beach in the early morning hours—a good thing for
beachcombing because there are fewer footprints in the sand to obscure your
view of treasures. Sea glass can get buried in the sand during high-traffic times,
making finding it even harder. I also prefer the quiet of the early-morning hours
on the beach; I feel that it is the time that I can take full advantage of the
emotional benefit I derive from being at the seashore. For me it’s the icing on the
cake! Maybe it will be for you too.
2 Don’t be discouraged if you arrive on the beach and you notice
others who also appear to be looking for sea glass. This may seem like
an insignificant point to make, but some avid beachcombers (and you know who
you are!) can be extremely competitive. Some beachcombers become too
distracted when others are also searching. I have one particular friend who is
competitive, and I am convinced that it negatively impacts her technique,
causing her to feel agitated, which leads to rushing the process. As a result, often
she will not find as much sea glass as I will. And those apparent competitors?
The irony is that, most of the time, they’re not looking for sea glass at all.

A tranquil beach with only my own footsteps marring the sand.

Empty beaches are preferable for sea glass searching.

3 Know the times of high tide and low tide at your beach. In this age
of technology, you can easily find out when high and low tides will be on your
particular beach. For the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) has a website ( that
allows you to locate any beach of interest and find out the specific times of day
for high and low tide. The site offers this information for the entire year,
allowing you to do this type of research long before your trip. For those of you
who love having information at your fingertips, there are tide apps for your
phone as well.
Knowing the time of high and low tide is one of the most important pieces of
information to have when you are planning a beachcombing trip. If you arrive at
the beach during high tide, you will have a very small area of sand to search. The
water will be at its highest point, so you won’t have much area to investigate,
whereas arriving at the beach at low tide allows you the greatest area to search,
giving you the potential to find more sea glass.

These two photos illustrate how dramatically the water level changes from high tide to low
tide. In the top photo you’ll see two pieces of wood standing on a beach at low tide; in the
middle of the bottom photo you’ll see one of those pieces of wood barely sticking up out of
the water at high tide.

At low tide this line of seaweed shows where high tide had been earlier. the area in
between is where you’ll find sea glass.

4 Know the strength of the tidal current. This is important because the
strongest currents usually occur at the peak of high and low tides. The current
carries the sea glass to the beach, and so when it is at its strongest, you will be
the happy recipient of its work. I have been lucky enough to be on the receiving
end of numerous perfectly timed low tides, when piece after piece of beautiful,
pale aqua sea glass washed up on the beach right in front of me. It’s been my
experience that approximately 15–20 minutes after low tide, during which time
the tide has already reached its lowest point and is beginning its ascent back up
the beach, to be the best time of the whole day to find sea glass because of the
strength of the current.
5 Knowing what phase the moon is in can benefit your search. Here
again, NOAA can help you obtain that information. The NOAA website has
moon phase charts for the year in advance. The tides and the moon are
interconnected. The sun affects the tides as well, but the moon has greater
influence, so I focus my energies on knowing the moon’s phases. The moon
orbits the earth in a way that is not perfectly circular; it can be described as
elliptical so that in each orbit around the earth, it attains its closest point of
approach, called the perigee and its farthest point away from the earth, called the
apogee. The closer the moon is to the earth, the greater the gravitational pull it
exerts, and this pull directly affects ocean tides. During a full moon, high tide
will be higher than it normally is and low tide will be lower than it normally is.
What this does for sea glass searchers is significant because it gives us a much
greater portion of beach to look at. If you’re an avid sea glass hunter, you don’t
want the search to end too soon! You are bound to have a more fruitful trip if
you go beachcombing during a full moon.
Utilize the NOAA website to consult the tide chart for the area of your
choice; it shows measurements in feet for high and low the tides each day for the
current year. The highest tides mean the largest area of beach will be searchable.
I decided to test this for myself, so I planned a beachcombing trip during a full
moon. I planned to go to a beach I know well, one where I know how high an
average tide usually rises, so I had a point of reference. I discovered that high
and low tides are indeed greatly exaggerated during the full moon. I found that I
was able to search much higher up on the beach than I usually can. I came home
with a pretty cool find that day too! For those who are relatively new to
beachcombing, if you try this yourselves, don’t forget tip number 3 in Chapter 1.
When you arrive at the beach during a full moon, the first thing to do is identify
the high tide line; keep in mind that it will be much farther up on the beach than
you might expect.


The tips in this chapter won’t necessarily help you find more sea glass, but they
can help you bring home more treasures. These tips will teach you how to
determine if a shard of sea glass is worth bringing home. They are lessons I’ve
learned over many years, and I know my experience will benefit your

1 Having a favorite color of sea glass can undermine your search. I

think every sea glass searcher secretly has a particular color that he or she
covets, the color you imagine finding when you daydream. (See Chapter 11 to
discover your sea glass personality based on this concept). But by thinking only
of the one color you are hoping to find, you are predisposing yourself to see only
that color, potentially causing you to miss other pieces because they are not the
color you hope to find. Try to be aware of this and train yourself to notice sea
glass by its other attributes as well as by its colors.

This piece of white sea glass is difficult to spot because the sea foam next to it is the same
A heavily frosted chunk of sea glass can be mistaken for a rock.

2 Be aware of the frosted patina. When sea glass has a very weathered and
frosted look, it’s referred to as a patina. The more frosted it is, the better—this
means the piece is very old and has been in the ocean at least forty or fifty years.
But the very patina that makes for a highly prized find might cause you to
overlook the piece altogether! The reason is because the patina has a white,
frosted look that acts to camouflage the sea glass. When you find sea glass closer
to the water and it’s wet, the patina disappears. The water creates a sheen on the
glass, making it more translucent and allowing its color to show. But when the
sea glass is nestled up higher on the beach, say in the high tide line, most likely
it has been there for a while and is totally dry, which makes the patina more
prominent. This can make it look like a rock or pebble. This is why, when you
are searching farther up on the beach, you really need to be aware that the glass
will look different and its colors will not stand out as well. You need to develop
sharp eyes!

3 Don’t discard a piece of sea glass based on its color. White and
brown are two of the most common colors of sea glass. Some searchers won’t
even bother to pick up pieces of those hues. Some beachcombers limit their
collecting to only more rare colors. This can be a HUGE mistake! Pieces of the
more common colors of glass often have raised lettering—commonly found on
old bottles—which will give you clues about its origin, or what it once
contained. Beachcombers owe it to themselves to pick up brown and white
shards and examine them closely. I do this all the time. If a common shard looks
like it could have markings or anything unique about it, I’ll put it in my basket
with the rest of my finds to examine more closely later. Two of my most
entertaining finds of white and brown sea glass are examples of why I do this.
When I examined them later, I found that they did contain embossed words that I
was able to research online, discovering whole stories behind the glass. The
white piece I found contained a patent number, from which I learned the name of
the man who had filed the patent back in 1926 and that it was for the design of a
fancy jar. The brown piece revealed parts of words that led me to uncover a very
interesting story about a company from Pennsylvania from the late 1800s that
made medicines. The glass was once part of a bottle that had contained remedies
or balms. I would never have discovered these cool facts if I had overlooked
those pieces of sea glass based on the fact that they were just common white or
brown glass. These old pieces of sea glass sometimes have whole histories
behind them, and they can present a fun mystery to unravel!
Both of these pieces appear to be brown. However, one of them is really an extremely rare
red color. the difference becomes obvious when you allow the light to pass through the

4 Always hold dark pieces up to the sun to verify their color. Here is
another tip for people who tend to overlook the basic, common brown shard of
sea glass: Darker brown pieces of sea glass might actually be red, and red sea
glass is one of the rarest colors out there. According to richard LaMotte in his
book Pure Sea Glass: Discovering Nature’s Vanishing Gems, the chance of
finding red sea glass is 1 in 5,000. He categorizes red as being extremely rare. I
don’t know about you, but I would hate to miss this opportunity because I failed
to notice that a piece of glass was something more interesting than a common
brown piece. This is exactly what almost happened to me one day. There was a
smallish, rectangular shard of glass lying in the sand that appeared to be dark
brown. I actually did pass it by, because there were quite a few brown pieces on
the beach that day and But after walking a few steps away from it, I thought that
I should at least investigate it fully before I wrote it off. (See previous tip.) So I
went back and picked it up—but it wasn’t until I held it up to the sky so the light
could pass through it that I realized I had a beautiful, rare piece of red glass! I
almost passed out! To imagine that I’d passed it by the first time—oh, man! I
can relate to you a similar story about almost passing up a rare, deep purple
insulator from an old light bulb because it looked like a black rock in the sand,
as there were several shells and dark colored rocks on this beach. I did pick it up
—I learned my lesson well—and held it up to the sky and just around the
outside, where the glass was thinner, I could see that the color was actually a
deep purple! This became one of my unique finds!

5 If you’re unsure whether what you’ve found is sea glass, hold it

up to the sky. Just as with the light bulb insulator, the light can reveal a true
find. While this is not a fail-safe test because some treasures will be pottery or
china, and therefore not transparent, it can help you determine if your find is not
glass but a rock or shell fragment. Don’t discard it until you are sure. Glass will
let light through, especially if you wet it before you hold it up to the light.

Sunlight reveals the faint purple color around the edges of this very old light bulb
Very old and extremely rare black glass.

6 Examine your finds more carefully at home. Take your time, really
look at and feel your treasure so you can determine whether you have something
really unique that can take center stage in your collection. Very old black glass
bottles from the early 1800s have a thick base and, since the glass is black, it
isn’t really transparent. I found a perfectly round, well-frosted piece of black sea
glass that at first I really thought was a flat black pebble and that it would be a
nice size to paint a small picture on, so I took it home. It didn’t pass my light
test, so I really thought it was a rock. It wasn’t until I got it home and really took
the time to examine it that I realized I could feel a texture on the surface, so I
took a closer look. I was able to just barely make out a word that was nearly
worn off! It was then that I learned that I had found the bottom of a very, very
old bottle.
Subtle hues show up better against a white background.

7 Lay your treasures out on something white. Against a white

backdrop, shards you thought were also white often prove to be pale pink,
yellow, or another color. Upon arriving home from one of my beachcombing
trips several years ago, I arranged my glass on a white towel outside. Then one
of my kids called me. When I returned to my finds, I was amazed to notice that
one of the pieces that I thought was white when it was still damp had completely
dried and was actually a rare light pink color. Since that day, I’ve made it a habit
to lay out my finds on a white surface after every trip. I’ve since discovered that
there are quite a few pieces in my collection that are not white but rather a light
shade of purple, yellow, gray, or aqua.


Stronger waves help to transport sea glass to shore.

Weather is one of those things we can easily take for granted. These tips tell you
why serious beachcombers know never to do that.

1 Wind can create larger waves. Anybody who loves the beach knows the
effects of wind on water. The wind blowing into shore can affect the waves,
increasing their size and strength. These stronger waves have greater potential to
carry shells, sea glass, and debris from the ocean to the shore. If you pay
attention to the weather forecast for your particular beach and pay attention to
the wind speed and direction (easterly is what you want), you could have an
advantage. Look for a correlation between an increase in easterly winds at the
time of day that low tide is transitioning back up to high tide (see Chapter 2, Tip
3), and you could have the makings of a good beachcombing excursion.

2 Go beachcombing after storms. If you are able to plan a beach

excursion after a storm, you may be rewarded for your efforts by finding some
nice treasures left behind by the wind and waves. The effects of the stronger
currents, wave action, and erosion can dislodge and uncover long-buried
treasures and bring them to the beach.
3 Active coastal storm seasons can provide good beachcombing
for years to come. Sometimes a single storm will not be enough to uncover
deeply buried glass, but the powerful effects of wind and surf from numerous
storms work to dislodge sea glass that could have been buried for decades. For
example, a hurricane followed by a strong winter storm could wash many
treasures to the shorelines and beaches so you will have the chance to find them.
Chapter 10 has additional information on storms.

4 Fall and spring are the best seasons for beachcombing. If you’re
excited to get out on a beach and start finding sea glass, you may be
disappointed when I tell you that summer is the worst season to find these
treasures. Winter is actually preferable than summer to beachcomb for sea glass.
But since most of us prefer to vacation at the seashore during the summer, do
look for it then, just be aware of the obstacles and how to work around them.
In summer a few factors make sea glass more difficult to find, but it’s not
impossible. First, there are so many people at the beach, and so many footsteps
helping to bury the glass. Also, during summer months, many public beaches are
swept at night so the sand will be soft and free of debris for the public to enjoy
swept at night so the sand will be soft and free of debris for the public to enjoy
the next morning. Any sea glass that would have been washed ashore in the
evening hours will be buried. In the springtime, before the official beach season
gets under way, and before all the crowds arrive, you will find the beach in its
more natural state, making it a great time to visit. Fall is my favorite time to
search for sea glass, however. The beaches get quieter after the season ends and
the crowds leave, but the weather is still mild. But in my experience, waiting
later into the autumn season and early into the winter months is the best time to
search for sea glass. The hurricane season begins in late summer and continues
into November. During this time, the strong surf created by the stormy weather
rips across the ocean floor, helping to dislodge all sorts of treasures so that are
swept up onto the beach. We know that good-quality sea glass is at least forty or
fifty years old, and it has most likely been buried for much of that time. The
strong current that is the result of high wind and wave action during hurricane
season helps to uncover all sorts of goodies.
Clouds help to diffuse the sunlight, making cloudy days better than sunny days for
searching the beach.

5 Overcast days are the best days to look for sea glass. Most
beachgoers choose the sunniest days to be at the seashore, though sea glass
enthusiasts should choose to go on cloudy days. On bright, sunny days there will
be lots of glare on the water and the sand, making it very difficult to see
anything. It also creates deep shadows that can hide sea glass. Clouds on an
overcast day help to diffuse the light, making it easier to see what you’re looking


Tips for how to dress for beachcombing might sound superfluous, but they are
anything but! Whether it is sunny or stormy out, hot or cold, what you wear to
the beach will help or hinder your searching, so be prepared.

1 Beachcombers with longer hair should ALWAYS bring something

to tie it back with. Bring along a hat, headband, hair elastic, bandanna—
whatever works for you—every time you go beachcombing, even if there’s no
breeze. This is one of the most important tips in this book, and I discovered it the
hard way! Just imagine it: you’re looking forward to a fabulous day of treasure
hunting but the breeze picks up and your hair is suddenly flying across your
face, blowing in your eyes and mouth, tickling your cheeks and nose. You can’t
see to walk down the beach, let alone to spot shards of sea glass. Holding it out
of the way will make you crazy, especially when you want to pick something up.
Half the enjoyment of beachcombing is the relaxation you feel while you’re
doing it, and flying, wild hair will quickly destroy that!

2 Consider not wearing sunglasses. Tinted sunglasses change the color

of everything you see. They will alter the colors of sea glass on the sand, and
that can cause you to miss it. A blue piece of sea glass, for instance, could look
gray through sunglasses; you may take it for a shell or driftwood and pass it by. I
suggest wearing a baseball cap instead—that’s what I do. Of course, some
people must shield their eyes with sunglasses for health reasons, but if you don’t
have to wear them, try beachcombing without them.
3 Know your weather conditions. As I previously mentioned, the off
seasons at the beach are best for sea glass hunting. But that means that you will
not always encounter great weather. Being comfortable will help you be more
successful, so it is very important to know what the weather will be like so you
can dress accordingly and feel comfortable. Most of the time, I find I need a hat
and scarf, but I forgo the gloves, opting instead to stick my hands in my warm
coat pockets (better make sure your coat has pockets!).
Rubber boots help keep feet dry when you’re searching close to the water in the colder

4 Wear waterproof shoes. Unlike summertime beach visits, when you want
to be barefoot, during the fall, winter, and even spring months, the sand is cold—
very cold—and the water is even colder. I have had great excursions made very
uncomfortable when my feet got wet from a surprise wave I couldn’t get out of
the way of in time. Once I’d bought warm, waterproof boots that go up to my
knees, I was all set! No amount of errant surf ruined my day ever again.

5 Consider an anorak-style jacket. With a zippered pocket in the front to

hold your treasures, an anorak is a great option for the person who doesn’t like to
carry anything when he goes beachcombing. I personally prefer to carry a big
plastic bag with a zip top, with a smaller, sandwich-sized plastic bag inside it.
The reason for the two sizes is that anything larger and heavier can go in the
large bag, but it’s a good idea to separate the smaller or more fragile glass. The
weight of the larger items can actually break the smaller and more fragile pieces,
so put them in the smaller bag and carry it. Either way, you have to find what
works best for you. First decide if you want to carry something around with you,
or if you prefer to be empty-handed, and then go from there.
6 Consider investing in good rain gear. I mean the works—a nice Gore-
Tex jacket and pants. When you’re on the beach, looking for sea glass, carrying
an umbrella just isn’t practical. You might not be obsessed enough to go out
there in the pouring rain, but my fellow hardcore searchers know that I’m not
exaggerating when I say I go out rain or shine. Only lightning will keep me away
from the beach, so good rain gear is very important.


The best place to search for sea glass is in an area that has reasons why old
broken glass would be resting in sand at the bottom of the ocean.
Spend some time researching various regions of the coast you’d like to visit.
Determine if an area would be a good place to find sea glass. There are five
factors to pay attention to in order to determine areas where old glass might be
buried. Along coastlines around the world, there are many, many places like this.

1 Dig into the history of the region. During the early 1900s, seaside
resorts became popular with the public, and there were a plethora of very
popular grand resort towns all along the coastlines of both the oceans and the
Great Lakes region. The key here is that back then we didn’t have recycling or
plastic bottles, and we were not quite as concerned with environmental issues as
we are today. Glass was discarded into the oceans freely—everything from
discarded tableware to empty bottles that had contained medicines, colas, beers,
and more. It was common practice for coastal communities to discard their trash
into local ocean or river waters. If you can find a beach town that was popular
fifty or more years ago, especially if many resorts existed there, and there were
year-round residents, there’s a good chance that lots of old glass has been buried
at the bottom of the ocean nearby, which will eventually end up as sea glass on
the beach.

2 Locate beaches near areas where there used to be lots of

manufacturing. Chances are, these old factories discarded glass regularly into
the ocean or local river systems, as was the common practice. Back in the 1800s
manufacturing areas tended to be located near waterways because water was a
needed resource and because shipping provided needed transportation.

3 Find beaches that are close to old shipping ports. If a beach is close
to a shipping route, there’s a strong possibility that, long ago, glass and pottery
were thrown overboard. In times past, it was common for ships to carry heavy
pottery as ballast, which sometimes got discarded into the water when it was no
longer needed. Also, passengers on ships often discarded refuse into the
waterways, because at that time it was not known to be environmentally harmful.

4 Look for local shipwrecks. If you can find a beach near old shipping
routes, do some research to learn whether that area had any shipwrecks.
Shipwrecks are plentiful up and down the Atlantic coast, for example, and many
a ship’s cargo has been lost to the sea. Sea glass in the form of old pottery, old
glass fragments, and even gold and silver coins from these wrecks that get swept
up onto the beaches a hundred years later is, in my opinion, the ultimate find. To
me, the notion of finding such beach treasure is indeed the most romantic.
Shipwrecks in the region can be a source of sea glass.
This shipwreck sits off the coast of New Jersey.

5 Learn whether there are any rivers that empty into the ocean
nearby. These rivers often bring huge amounts of old glass to the ocean,
especially if they run near cities where factories and manufacturing plants once
discarded their trash.


There are certain parts of coastline that have far better potential for sea glass
than others. By using the above criteria you can discover them on your own. The
intent of this section is to show you how to apply the investigative work to the
area of coastline that you are considering visiting. In the following example, I
have used these criteria to analyze parts of the New England and Mid-Atlantic
coastlines, but they can be applied to any coastal regions in the world.

Coastal Maine has a rich history of tourism around the turn of the 20th century.
Coastal Maine has a rich history of tourism around the turn of the 20th century.
In the town of Bar Harbor, in northern Maine, around that time, a hotel-building
boom resulted in many lavish accommodations. The rich and famous vacationed
and built majestic estates in this area. In the late 1880s, tourism was the major
industry in Bar Harbor. Large Inns such as the rodick House contained some 400
guest rooms, which attracted many tourists. Because of this history, the beaches
of Bar Harbor and surrounding areas such as the Cranberry Isles and Mount
Desert Island would be very good places to search for sea glass that might have
originally been decorative dishware, pottery, and glassware owned by the
region’s wealthy visitors or used to serve guests in the area’s hotels.
After exploring the Bar Harbor area, drive south along route 1 to discover the
areas around Camden and rockland. Here the Penobscot river empties into
Penobscot Bay. Wherever a larger river system empties into local bays or oceans
is a great place to beachcomb. In this area, however, the beachcombing could be
particularly good because there was heavy commerce in Bangor in the 1850s. At
that time, Bangor was one of the busiest ports on the East Coast, and it was
common to dump garbage in the water. Bits of broken bottles and glassware
discarded into the river would eventually reach the bay and ocean. Another
factor making this area noteworthy is that rockland’s harbor saw a lot of
industrial activity. During the 19th century more than 10,000 ships came and
went out of the bay annually. With that amount of shipping traffic, glass should
definitely be found in the waters offshore. Based on these factors, I would
recommend searching the beaches along the coast from Belfast to Camden,
including Deer Isle in Penobscot Bay.
Continue south to the Portland area because it is here that the Kennebec river
runs into Casco Bay, so the beaches in this region of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, are
excellent areas to find sea glass. Portland developed as a commercial port as
early as the 1790s and it is considered Maine’s economic capital because it is the
largest port in the state. There are also many shipwrecks in the waters
surrounding Portland, another source of sea glass.
A little south of Portland, where the Saco river empties into Saco Bay, is
another area long favored by tourists, Old Orchard Beach. It has been a vacation
destination since the 1800s. Because of the river, the history of tourism, and this
area’s proximity to Portland’s shipping lanes, I recommend following route 1
south throughout the area, including Kennebunkport and Ogunquit and even
farther south to York, to find beaches that should provide a wealth of sea glass.
Gloucester, located on Cape Ann, and its surrounding beaches should provide
plenty of sea treasures. One of the reasons is that many generations of people
lived in and visited here. Gloucester was the second permanent settlement after
the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620; it was established as a fishing harbor as
early as the 1700s. Gloucester quickly became one of the largest fishing ports in
the world, and it still generates a great deal of sailing traffic. This fact plus the
more than 300 shipwrecks that have occurred in the waters offshore contribute to
more than 300 shipwrecks that have occurred in the waters offshore contribute to
the supply of sea glass here. Based on all these factors I would recommend a
drive along route 127, which follows the perimeter of Cape Ann, and continues
south toward Manchester, Massachusetts. Any beaches you discover along the
way would be worth your time to visit.
The coastal city of Boston undoubtedly provides an excellent source for sea
glass along the many miles of beaches north and south of the city. This glass
most likely comes here via the Charles river, which travels through twenty-three
cities before it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. By the 19th century, this river
was one of the most industrialized areas in the United States. Boston also housed
approximately a dozen businesses that manufactured pottery, porcelain, or glass
in the 1800s—another source of sea treasures.
Plymouth, Massachusetts, is “America’s Hometown,” the site of the first
colony in America. Plymouth Harbor supported fishing and shipping in the
1800s. Beaches in this area should therefore be reliable places to find sea glass.
Cape Cod is also among the ranks of Massachusetts areas whose principal
industries have been fishing, shipping, and tourism since the 1800s. Another
thing that makes this area so interesting a place to search for sea glass is the
more than 1,000 shipwrecks in the waters that surround it. These wrecks are the
reason many refer to this area as the ocean’s graveyard. At least some of the
items in those ships’ cargos would eventually become today’s sea glass
treasures. Two of the more famous shipwrecks I find to be particularly intriguing
from a beachcombing perspective are that of the Whydah and the John S.
Dwight. In 1717 Whydah, a pirate ship, went down off the coast of Cape Cod at
Wellfleet. Did the ship indeed carry a treasure trove of gold and silver as is
commonly thought? Might someone find some of the coins it was carrying on a
beach one day? You never know! The John S. Dwight went down in 1923. This
vessel was used for rum-running and was carrying a cargo of bootleg ale in glass
bottles, and, as we know, old bottles often become sea glass treasures. It is also
pertinent to note that a glass manufacturer was operating in Sandwich,
Massachusetts, in the 1800s. Wherever there are old coastal glassworks, it is
possible to find sea glass on the surrounding beaches because it was common for
trash to be dumped into waterways. I believe that beachcombers could find
significant amounts of sea glass on any of the Cape Cod beaches, but I
recommend searching in the Provincetown area that sits at the very end of the

Newport was one of the leading ports in the mid-1700s, and when you take into
account that nearby Providence was one of the U.S. first cities to become
industrialized, you can understand why by the early twentieth century rhode
Island had some of the largest manufacturing plants in the region. Anytime this
type of early growth takes place in a coastal city, you can be sure that there is
great potential for finding old sea glass on nearby beaches. Another factor is that
during the 1850s there was a huge real estate boom that resulted in the
construction of many opulent summer homes. In fact, Newport became known
for its splendor and for attracting the wealthy. For this reason, I would expect
that some of the sea glass found here probably originated from expensive and
decorative dinnerware and glassware, likely beautiful and varied in color. It is
also interesting to note that the rum industry was strong in rhode Island in the
mid-1760s and at that time there were approximately twenty-two distilleries
operating in Newport—another great source of sea glass!
By the late 1800s New Jersey had become the center of U.S. glass
manufacturing because it contained an abundance of the silica sand, wood, and
water needed for the process. In fact, the Whitall Tatum Co. located in Millville,
was one of the first glass factories in America; it operated from 1806 until 1938.
The Trenton area, because of its proximity to the shores of the Delaware
river, was home to approximately forty-five different glass manufacturers from
the late 1800s until the early 1900s. The Delaware river also plays a very
important role because it empties out into the Delaware Bay. Cape May, New
Jersey, sits at the very tip of the state and has beaches along both the Delaware
Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The beaches of New Jersey benefit from the
existence of more than 2,000 shipwrecks off the coast and a rich, long history of
tourism in the area. Cape May, New Jersey, is my favorite place to hunt for sea
glass when I am unable to go too far from home, but I also recommend any of
the state’s beautiful beaches.

Similar to the other East Coast locations discussed, Delaware’s proximity to a
major river system marks it as a great spot for sea glass hunting. The Delaware
river carries sea glass to this area, just as it does in New Jersey. Delaware’s
river carries sea glass to this area, just as it does in New Jersey. Delaware’s
waters also have their share of shipwrecks.
I’ll stop here, but you don’t have to—in fact, please don’t! There are so many
wonderful places in the world to have your own adventures. For instance, check
out these beaches that are named for the glass that’s been found on them:
• Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, California
• Glass Beach, Kauai, Hawaii
• Sea Glass Beach, Bermuda
• Glass Beach, Puerto Rico
• Broken Glass Beach, Key West, Florida
• Glass Beach, Port Townsend, Washington
• Bottle Beach, Thailand



Much of the older sea glass found on beaches in areas that saw heavy tourism in
the 1800s could be anything from various types of decorative glass to several
kinds of pottery. It is interesting to note the origins of some of the pieces we find
along the beach. Here is a rundown of what was popular back in that time

Pearline glass is pressed glass, usually a yellow or blue color, with an

opalescent rim. Pearline glass was manufactured from 1889 through 1914.
Vaseline glass is a pale yellowish-green color similar to the color of
petroleum jelly. The glass was made with uranium oxide, which causes the glass
to glow a bright green under ultraviolet light. Vaseline glass was produced from
1880 through 1920.

Vaseline glass

Milk glass is an opaque pressed glass that is often white, blue, green, or pink. It
was made from 1840 through 1960.

Malachite glass is another pressed glass with colored swirls made to look like
marble. Malachite glass was produced in are green, purple, or brown in the late
19th and early 20th centuries.
Milk glass

Neodymium glass is also known as Alexandrite glass. This fancy glass

changes color under natural and artificial light. Neodymium glass was made
from about 1930 through 1950.

Carnival glass is pressed glass that has an iridescent finish that gives it a
metallic surface luster. Carnival glass was produced from 1905 through the early
English Ironstone china is solid white tableware that was made from 1813
through 1860. It began being imported to the United States in the 1840s and was
manufactured in the U.S. in the 1850s.

Wedgwood pottery started production in 1765 and continues today. Three

types of Wedgwood were especially popular in the 18th and 19th centuries:
• Queen’s Ware is cream-colored earthenware.
• Black Basalt is black porcelain stoneware.
• Jasper Ware is blue and white.

Some of the sea glass we find on beaches today comes from shipwrecks or
working ships entering and leaving the many ports along the coast. Here is a
brief rundown of what their cargos may have contained as it relates to sea glass
• Glass oil lamps
• Porcelain figures
• Pressed glass and porcelain tableware and decorative items
• Gold and silver coins
• Elegant glassware
• Ceramic dish sets, pitchers, crocks
• Marbles


One of the more obvious features of sea glass is its frosted appearance. Called its
patina, it is just one of the beautiful effects that salty ocean water has on glass.
The basic ingredients of glass are soda, sand, and lime. These natural
elements are eventually broken down and disintegrated when glass is submerged
in ocean water for a very long time. As the glass sits in the ocean it goes through
a process called hydration, in which the lime and soda in the glass are leached
out by years of contact with seawater. The lime and soda join with other
elements to form crystallization on the glass’s surface, creating the frosted
appearance of the sea glass. This patina is the cause of the beautiful glow that
sea glass has when the light hits it just right, bringing out beautiful colors.
When an artisan is creating a new glass vessel, she or he adds various
chemical oxides to the basic mix of soda, lime, and sand to obtain color. Here is
a brief overview of how color was originally attained in your sea glass treasures:
• Blue comes from cobalt oxide or copper.
• Red comes from gold oxide (red glass was not often produced in the
• Green is the result of added chromium or copper.
• Purple is the result of added magnesium oxide. (An interesting note is
that this color deepens the longer it is exposed to the ultraviolet light of
the sun.) • Yellow comes from uranium.
• Brown is the result of added ceric oxide.
• Black comes from iridium oxide.
• Amber is derived from added nickel, sulfur, and/or carbon.
• Aqua is the natural color of glass when nothing is added. It comes from
impurities in iron, which is found naturally in the sand that is a major
component of glass.
• Clear is obtained by adding either manganese dioxide or selenium
dioxide to the glass.

Erosion also helps shards lose their sharp edges. The shards are tumbled and
rolled around on the ocean floor, working down any sharp points over time.

STORMS OF 2012–2013

As mentioned in Chapter 4, storms can add significantly to the amount of sea

glass that gets washed ashore from year to year. The storm season of 2012–2013
was particularly active, with several hurricanes and twenty-seven winter storms,
nine of which affected coastal regions of the Mid-Atlantic and New England. In
subsequent years, coastal beaches in areas mentioned in Chapter 6 could provide
beachcombers with an above-average probability of finding beaches laden with
sea glass. Some of the worst weather events for the Northeastern U.S. were
Super Storm Sandy, which hit on October 25–29, 2012, and several named
winter storms that hit between late December 2012 and early March 2013.
If you are planning any beachcombing trips this year and in coming years, it
will be worth your while to visit U.S. beaches in the areas affected by these and
will be worth your while to visit U.S. beaches in the areas affected by these and
other storms. Other parts of the world have also been having very active storm
seasons. If you do a little research online, you might find a perfect vacation
destination that will also be a perfect place to search for sea glass treasures.


Whenever you set out searching for treasures, there are limitless possibilities
before you: where and when to go, techniques to employ, weather reports to be
aware of, and moon phases to look up. If you choose to, you can gather a lot of
useful information for your trip. In this chapter, I want to give you the space to
record and organize it all. It can also serve as a record that you could refer back
to if you want to compare data from each trip. Sometimes it’s also interesting to
look back in your records to see the beach, the date, and the weather conditions
when you found a particularly special piece of sea glass.


In that moment when you first arrive at the beach, as you take that first deep
breath of salty ocean air and first step onto the sand to search for sea glass, your
mind’s eye knows what color sea glass you really want to find. As you gaze
across the sand, there is a particular color that you most want to see lying there.
It is not the color you want to find that day because you want to complete your
collection and you still need to find a red piece, or you’re creating a piece of
jewelry with your sea glass and you need to find a green piece. What I’m talking
about is that pigment that most pleases you when you discover it. It’s the color
that takes your breath away when you spot it, whether white, lime or clover
green, chartreuse, cobalt blue, purple, yellow, aqua, sea foam green, teal, harbor
blue, red, pink, orange, or brown. That hue is the essence of your sea glass
personality. What does that color mean about you? What characteristics are you
likely to possess given your preference for that color? Take a moment to imagine
you are about to embark on a sea glass–finding mission, and without giving it a
lot of thought, zero in on the color you favor over all the others. read on to see
what your choice says about you.

White: If white is the color you most enjoy finding, it means that you desire
simplicity in your life. Maybe your life is complex or stressful and you’d like it
to be less so. Perhaps life is already the way you like it and something threatens
the calm you’ve created. You come to the seashore as often as you can because it
is there that you feel happiest. People who are drawn to white sea glass might
feel the need to make time to get to the beach often in order to relax, restore, and
keep their emotions on an even keel.
Lime Green: You are likely very gregarious and outgoing. You enjoy having
fun and being active outdoors. You probably are not very fashion conscious and
hate to shop. You are very loyal and will go out of your way to help your
friends. Your love of the beach comes from your sense of adventure, and you
tend to travel a lot. Lime green sea glass fans feel a need to visit many different
beaches so you might not have a favorite.
Clover Green: Outdoorsy and active, you stay indoors as little as possible.
You enjoy participating in solitary activities more than in team sports. You have
a very calm nature and people enjoy being in your company. You strive to find
the perfect mix of social interaction and quiet time alone, requiring both in your
life. Clover green sea glass people visit the beach often, but usually it is with
someone different each time.
Chartreuse (yellow-green): You are very adventurous and assertive. You
enjoy having a great deal of power in your life, in particular positions of
leadership. People tend to look up to you. You can be bold and a little outspoken
at times. Chartreuse sea glass people are not content to beachcomb in sleepy,
quiet areas; places like Atlantic City suit them better.
Cobalt Blue: With a tendency toward moodiness, you have to be careful not to
brood. You are very emotional and are capable of deep feelings, so you tend to
form many rewarding relationships. You are sensitive and enjoy helping others.
You might not excel at being or staying organized, and your home environment
isn’t always the neatest, but your strong and caring personality draws people in.
Those who favor cobalt blue sea glass enjoy the beach all year long, not only in
the summer.
Purple: You have a strong desire to be unique and you don’t mind calling
attention to yourself. You tend to be a very loyal friend, and you are most likely
an animal lover. Characterized by a very positive attitude, you also display very
good taste and like to surround yourself with beautiful and sometimes expensive
things. Purple sea glass people go out of their way to find the best beaches in
extremely beautiful places.
Yellow: Very imaginative, with an upbeat personality, you have a great sense of
humor and are generally a happy soul. You are likely to have more than one pet.
Your home is decorated with bold, happy colors. You also enjoy cooking for
friends—a yellow sea glass person is the one who loves to pack the picnic
basket, gather a group of friends, and head to the beach for the day.
Aqua: Artistic and imaginative, you tend to be positive but you often live in
your own little world, trying to distance yourself from the harsh realities of life.
You appreciate and surround yourself with the beauty of nature and fully
immerse yourself in the meditative feeling of the seashore. Aqua sea glass
people truly need to be near the water, and finding this color sea glass is for
them like taking home a reminder of the sea itself.
Sea Foam Green: You are mild mannered and outwardly mellow. However,
that façade hides much inner turmoil. You tend to be a nervous person, and
sometimes you have difficulty concentrating. You love to read and you can be
quite imaginative, and you are also a homebody, often quite content to be in your
own company. In fact, for you, Sea Foam Green, trips to the beach might be the
only time you really enjoy being far away from home.
Teal: You are someone who sets high standards—for yourself and for others.
You have a strong desire to succeed, and therefore you can be quite competitive
and impatient at times. You are athletic and you love the water, often combining
the two for entertainment. You find traveling very exciting and rewarding, so
you’re often on the move. If teal sea glass is your favorite, you probably look to
a beach vacation for your next adventure.
Harbor Blue: You are compassionate, caring, and sensitive. Friends often
come to you with their problems, and you have a difficult time saying no to
anyone in need. Harbor Blues are hard workers, sometimes needing to be
convinced to take a vacation, but when they do get away, the seashore is always
their first choice.
Red: You are an extrovert, at your best when you’re busy. But make sure to
throw a ton of fun into the mix because you can never have too much of a good
time. Always ready for entertainment, your motto is “Work hard and play
harder.” You love to travel, and often do. red sea glass fans will travel the world,
enjoying many different beaches.
Pink: You have a strong desire to feel loved unconditionally and you need to
feel accepted. You feel most comfortable when you are part of the crowd.
However, you are also an extremely fun person to be around, and you have a
great personality. A very hard worker, you might get impatient with those who
don’t share this trait with you. Pink sea glass people love to be at the beach with
a group of family or friends.
Orange: You can be a little shy in situations that are new to you, but you work
very hard to hide it. When you are in your comfort zone, watch out! This is
where your personality shines. You enjoy trying new things and you tend to get
bored easily. You will move from one project to the next without fully
completing the first one. Your mind races and you may have difficulty sleeping
at night. Orange sea glass people need the quiet and calm they find at the
Brown: You are content and comfortable with who you are, and you have a
solid set of values that you live your life by. You are optimistic and you display
strong coping skills when life throws you a curveball. Others describe you as
being down to earth and very likable. Brown sea glass people have a favorite
beach they will return to again and again.

Thanks, Mom, for being my beachcombing partner for all these years. We sure
have some funny stories to tell of our many crazy experiences! That’s what it’s
all about, creating fond memories.

And a word of thanks to my friend Victoria Tesoniero for her proofreading skills
that helped me get my words and thoughts together for this book.
You never know what your sea glass searching experience will be like from one
day to the next, but if the tide is right and you are in the right place at the right
time, you will find your treasure!
Copyright © 2014 by Cindy Bilbao All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including
information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages.

All photographs by the author Book design and composition by Eugenie S.

Delaney Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bilbao, Cindy.

The official sea glass searcher’s guide : how to find your own treasures from
the tide / Cindy Bilbao.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-58157-250-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Sea glass—Collectors and
collecting. I. Title.
NK5439.S34B55 2014

ISBN 978-1-58157647-4 (e-book) Published by The Countryman Press, P.O.
Box 748, Woodstock, VT 05091

Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York,
NY 10110

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