Eurocontrol Lssip 2022 Denmark
Eurocontrol Lssip 2022 Denmark
Eurocontrol Lssip 2022 Denmark
Happy reading!
Iacopo Prissinotti
Director NM - Network Manager
Mariagrazia La Piscopia
Executive Director
SESAR Deployment Manager
Reference Documents
Main airport covered by LSSIP: Københavns Lufthavne (EKCH) A/S | Lufthavnsboulevarden 6, DK 2770 Kastrup |
Level of traffic compared to 2019 Traffic growth compared to 2021 Forecast between 2023-2028
2.4% &
75% 69% 6.4%
ACC Copenhagen
The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of objectives stemming from different R&D
phases (Pre-SESAR, SESAR1 and SESAR 2020).
It shows the average implementation progress for all objectives grouped by SESAR Phase, excluding those for which the
State is outside the applicability area as defined on a yearly basis in the European ATM Master Plan (Level 3) 2022, i.e.,
disregarding the declared “NOT APPLICABLE” LSSIP progress status.
The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Essential Operational Changes, in the implementation of
the SESAR phases. The percentages are calculated as an average, per EOC, of the same objectives as in the previous
The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBU Blocks 0 and 1, according to
ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan 6th Edition (2019). The overall percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant
Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBU Blocks; this is a summary of the table explained in Chapter 5.3 –
ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress.
State Objectives
✓ Deployed in 2022:
- Enhanced Short Term ATFCM Measures
[FCM04.2] 100 % progress
- Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment and Flight Planning interfaces
[FCM06.1] 100 % progress
By 2023
- Aircraft Identification
[ITY-ACID] 92 % progress
By 2024
- ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations
[NAV12] 80 % progress
- RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY
[NAV10] 70 % progress
By 2025
- Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information
[ITY-ADQ] 20% progress
By 2026+
- Flight Information Exchange (Yellow Profile) - Data Publication Service
[INF10.21] 0 % progress
- Flight Information Exchange (Yellow Profile) - Notification Service
[INF10.20] 0 % progress
- Flight Information Exchange (Yellow Profile) - Flight Data Request Service
[INF10.19] 0 % progress
- Meteorological Information Exchange - Network Meteorological Information
[INF10.12] 0 % progress
- Meteorological Information Exchange - En-Route and Approach Meteorological information service
[INF10.11] 22 % progress
Main Objectives Topic at the end Status 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 >2027
of 2022
Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General
AOM13.1 100% Completed
Air Traffic (GAT) Handling
AOM19.4 Management of Predefined Airspace Configurations 100% Completed *
AOM19.5 ASM and A-FUA 100% Completed *
AOM21.2 Initial Free Route Airspace 100% Completed *
AOM21.3 Enhanced Free Route Airspace Operations 100% Completed *
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control
AOP04.1(EKCH) System A-SMGCS Surveillance Service (former ICAO 100% Completed
Level 1)
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control *
System (A-SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict
AOP04.2(EKCH) 100% Completed
Alerting (RMCA) (Airport Safety Support Service =
former ICAO Level 2)
AOP05(EKCH) Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) 100% Completed
Not *
AOP10(EKCH) Time-Based Separation 0%
AOP11.1(EKCH) Initial Airport Operations Plan 100% Completed *
Not yet * 2027
AOP11.2(EKCH) Extended Airport Operations Plan 0%
AOP12.1(EKCH) Airport Safety Nets 26% Ongoing *
Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface *
AOP13(EKCH) 7% Ongoing
Movement Planning and Routing
AOP14.1(EKBI) Remote Tower Services 40% Ongoing 2030
Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport 2030
AOP15(EKCH) 25% Ongoing
safety nets for the vehicle drivers
Not yet 2030
AOP16(EKCH) Guidance assistance through airfield ground lighting 0%
Provision/integration of departure planning Not 2030
AOP17(EKBI) 0%
information to NMOC Applicable
Not 2030
AOP18(EKCH) Runway Status Lights (RWSL) 0%
* Full Operational Capability (FOC) date
The Planned Implementation Date as reported in the LSSIP DB for each objective
The Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents, as an integral part of the Master Plan (MP) Level 3 (L3)/LSSIP
mechanism, constitute a short/medium term implementation plan containing ECAC States’ actions to achieve the
Implementation Objectives as set out by the MP Level 3 and to improve the performance of their national ATM
System. This LSSIP document describes the situation in the State at the end of December 2022, together with plans
for the next years.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the
State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players -civil and military-
and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, it gives an overview of the Airspace Organisation
and Classification, the ATC Units and the ATM systems operated by the main ANSP.
Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC
in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five
years. It also presents the achieved performance in terms of delay during the summer season period and the planned
projects assumed to offer the required capacity which will match the foreseen traffic increase and keep the delay at
the agreed performance level.
Chapter 3 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and multinational level) which contribute
directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation
Objectives. The LSSIP document covers a high-level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details
like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided
by the State per each project are available in the LSSP DB (extraction can be asked to LSSIP FP or LSSIP CP).
Chapter 4 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the
FAB cooperation, as well as all other multinational initiatives, which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this
chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned.
Chapter 5 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation,
implementation per SESAR Essential Operational Change and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition, it provides
the high-level information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective. The information for each
Implementation Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for
each Stakeholder. The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.
The information contained in Chapter 5 – Implementation Objectives Progress is deemed sufficient to satisfy State
reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.
International Membership
Organisation Since
ECAC ✓ 1955
European Union ✓ 1973
EASA ✓ 2002
ICAO ✓ 1946
NATO ✓ 1949
ITU ✓ 1865
The geographical scope of this document addresses the single Danish FIR.
The following map shows the FIRs/UIRs adjacent to the Danish airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP.
To achieve some of the Implementation Objectives, Copenhagen ACC will have to co-ordinate some of its actions
with several foreign adjacent ACCs/UACs.
In general, Danish territory is covered by control areas between 3500 FT / FL 195 (North Sea) and FL 660. In addition,
the controlled airspace in Denmark comprises the airspace within the TMAs and the airspace within the CTRs
(Aalborg, Billund, Copenhagen Airports Kastrup and Roskilde, Karup, Rønne (on Bornholm Island, within Malmö FIR),
Skrydstrup and Aarhus).
Airspace classification within Copenhagen FIR
ATC Units
The ATC units in the Denmark airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP, are the following:
The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Denmark are the following:
- Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority– the CAA;
- Naviair – the Danish ATS Service Provider (ANSP);
- Københavns Lufthavne A/S - Copenhagen Airport / CPH;
- The military authorities (Defence Command Air Command Denmark);
- Accident Investigation Board Denmark - Havarikommissionen (AIB).
Parliament Government
Ministry of Ministry of
Climate, Energy Naviair
Defense Ministry of
and Utilities Transport
Command DMI
The different national entities having regulatory responsibilities in ATM are summarised in the table below. The CAA
is further detailed in the following sections.
Service provided
Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: COOPANS / Thales TopSky
Upgrade 21F of the ATC system is performed or planned? COOPANS (twice a year)
Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? COOPANS (incremental upgrades)
ATC Unit Copenhagen
Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: ARTAS, V9.0.1.2
Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned? ARTAS, V9.1 on current hardware Q2/Q3 2024
Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? No replacement, only upgrade
ATC Unit Copenhagen
1 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier
(e.g. COOPANS alliance)
2Upgrade is defined as any modification that changes the operational characteristics of the system (SES Framework Regulation
549/2004, Article 2 (40))
General information
Eight (8) controlled airports are situated within Copenhagen FIR of which Copenhagen Airport Kastrup is the main
Referring to the List of Airports in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan Edition 2022 – Annex
3, it is up to the individual State to decide which additional airports will be reported through LSSIP for those
The information on individual airports is also available in the Airport corner at:
Regulatory role
Regulatory framework and rule making
OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by Y Provision of service for GAT by the Military governed Y
national legal provisions? by national legal provisions?
Level of such legal provision: Level of such legal provision:
Authority signing such legal provision: Authority signing such legal provision:
Chief of Air Command Denmark /Director CAA Director CAA Denmark/ Chief of Air Command
Denmark Denmark
These provisions cover: These provisions cover:
Rules of the Air for OAT Y
Organisation of military ATS for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for GAT Y
OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y
ATCO Training Y ATCO Training Y
ATCO Licensing N ATCO Licensing N
ANSP Certification N ANSP Certification N
ANSP Supervision N ANSP Supervision N
Aircrew Training Y
Aircrew Licensing N
Additional Information: Additional Information: -
All military ATCOs hold licences issued by CAA. Military ATS
units are audited by Air Command Denmark Flight Safety at
regular intervals.
Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) Means used to inform airspace users (other than military)
about these provisions: about these provisions:
National AIP Y National AIP Y
National Military AIP Y National Military AIP Y
Other: Other:
National oversight body for OAT: Reference regulation 550/2004 article 7.5. Denmark is taking measures to ensure
Defence Command - Air Command maximum compliance with the common requirements.
Denmark Reference: “ATS-instruks” and “VFK reg 152.1 and 152.2”
Additional information: - Additional information: -
Military ANSP providing GAT N If YES, since: n/a Duration of the n/a
services SES certified? Certificate:
Certificate issued by: n/a If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in N
accordance with SES regulations?
Additional Information: All ATCOs hold personal licenses issued by CAA
User role
IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft can OAT only N GAT only N Both OAT and GAT Y
If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options:
Free Routing Y Within specific corridors only N
Within the regular (GAT) national route network Y Under radar control Y
Within a special OAT route system Y Under radar advisory service Y
If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements:
No special arrangements Exemption from Route Charges Y
Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures N Provision of ATC in UHF Y
CNS exemptions: RVSM Y 8.33 Y Mode S N ACAS Y
The AIB Denmark | Jættevej 50A, 1. sal, mf. | 4100 Ringsted | +45 3871 1066 |
For the sake of the investigation process and with reference to the EC regulation no. 996/2010 and the valid Danish
legislation, any person involved who has knowledge of the occurrence of an accident or serious incident within
Danish territory shall notify without delay the Danish Accident Investigation Board (AIB).
The AIB duty officer may be contacted by phone: +45 3871 1066 (alternatively Area Control Center (Naviair): +45
3248 1900).
IFR flights
IFR movements - Actuals
2018 A 2019 A 2020 A 2021 A 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F 2026 F 2027 F 2028 F
IFR Movements (Growth) 2019 A 2020 A 2021 A 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F 2026 F 2027 F 2028 F
Traffic in Denmark increased by 69% compared to 2021 and recovery was at 75% of 2019.
The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year forecast predicts an average annual increase between 2.4% and 6.4% during the
planning cycle, with an average baseline growth of 4.7%.
2500 1.0
IFR flights (Daily Average)
1500 0.6
1000 0.4
500 0.2
0 0.0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Peak Day Traffic 1878 1920 1595 1310 1516
Summer Traffic 1695 1691 501 819 1348
Yearly Traffic 1580 1581 651 711 1204
Summer Traffic Forecast - Baseline 1548 1631 1666 1697 1724
Summer Traffic Forecast - High 1729 1784 1826 1863 1891
Summer enroute delay (all causes) 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Yearly enroute delay (all causes) 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2022 performance
En-route Delay
Traffic Capacity
(min. per flight)
ACC 2022 ACC Capacity
% of
All reasons Reference Baseline
vs.2021 2019 Gap?
The planning focuses on the summer season to reflect the most demanding period of the year from a capacity
perspective. This approach ensures consistency with the previous planning cycles.
The measures for each year are the measures that will be implemented before the summer season.
Airspace Continuous improvements on the ATS route network and FRA sectorisation
Maintain Maintain
appropriate level of appropriate level of
staffing to open up staffing to open up
to 7 sectors to 8 sectors
Technical Minor updates of ATM system
Sector configurations adapted to traffic demand
Capacity TV Complexity
Significant Events
Max sectors 4 (E) + 3 (W) 5 (E) + 3 (W) 5 (E) + 3 (W) 5 (E) + 3 (W) 5 (E) + 3 (W)

Times are UTC
Capacity profile (movements per hour)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Capacity Profile - Current HIGH 130 133
Capacity Profile - Current BASE 116 122
Capacity Profile - Shortest HIGH 130 134
Capacity Baseline 128 70 84 104
2023 - 2027 Plan 130 134 137 140 143
2023-2027 Outlook
No capacity issues are foreseen for Kobenhavn ACC for the planning period.
National projects
FAB projects
Sub-regional SWIM MET Danish Meteorological 01/11/2016 - 31/12/2018 - DP: 2015_025_AF5_A and
deployment to support NEFRA Institute (DK), Finnish 2015_025_AF5_B; Family
(A & B) (2015_025_AF5_A) Meteorological Institute 5.4.1
(FI), Swedish
Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute (SE)
Synchronised stakeholder COPENHAGEN Airport 12/04/2018- 31/12/2023 On-going DP: SDP 4.2.2 / FCM11.1
decision on process KASTRUP (DK) Initial AOP/NOP
optimisation at airport level Information Sharing
FAB Board:
DK-SE FAB Board had 2 meetings in 2022. The military authorities in Sweden and Denmark have participated as well as
the national en-route providers. The main focus has been to monitor the development of the FAB and the work
performed by the FAB subgroups.
In 2022, no meetings were held by the airspace group as no proposals from airspace users or ANSPs regarding the need
for airspace changes from a FAB perspective were received.
The group was discontinued in 2020.
There is extensive coordination between the Swedish and Danish Regulatory Authorities on Safety Regulation Issues
and other common regulatory issues stemming from the Single Sky Regulations. The work is anchored in the Danish-
Swedish FAB initiative.
In addition to the coordination linked directly to the Danish-Swedish FAB initiative, cooperation related to ATM/ANS
matters is taking place in the “7-State NSA Group”, ensuring coordination between NSAs, in the area of ATM/ANS, of
the Danish-Swedish FAB and NEFAB (Estonia, Finland, Norway and Latvia) as well as Iceland.
Finally, cooperation is taking place in the “9-State NSA Group”, consisting of representatives of the regulatory
authorities in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The 9-State
NSA Group has been formed to facilitate the implementation of BOREALIS Free Route Airspace; an initiative taken by
the ANSPs in the Borealis Alliance.
The ATS training academy Entry Point North (EPN, is situated at Hyllie, Sweden and
is jointly owned by Naviair, the Irish Aviation Authority and LFV. The academy was established in 2006 as the first
transnationally owned academy offering ATM training, and the Irish Aviation Authority became co-owner of the
academy in 2013.
The services provided by Entry Point North include Recruitment services, Initial training, Conversion training, Refresher
training and Development training. In line with the ambition in SES, the primary aim of Entry Point North is to provide
standardized and harmonized training for ATCO trainees and ATCOs.
The academy is the course provider for all ATM training, including English aviation training and tests, Safety
Management System, Accident investigation, Supervisor courses, ATSEP courses and the training of technical staff who
carry out the maintenance of the ATM and CNS equipment.
Besides providing ATS training to its three owners, Entry Point North services ANSPs worldwide by selling training
courses tailored to customer requirements that are held either at Entry Point North or on-site at the customer. Entry
Point North has more than 40 customers in more than 20 countries.
In Feb-16 Entry Point North became certified under Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340.
COOPANS alliance
COOPANS is an international successful partnership between the air navigation service providers of Austria (Austro
Control), Croatia (Croatia Control), Denmark (Naviair), Ireland (Irish Aviation Authority), Portugal (NAV Portugal) and
Sweden (LFV). Thales is a chosen supplier (industry partner) for COOPANS.
The COOPANS Alliance capitalises on joint, innovative and harmonised system development between COOPANS Alliance
members through industry partnership, and positively influencing the European environment to operate a world class,
safe and cost-effective ATM system, delivering efficient service to customers.
COOPANS partners operate a world class, safe and cost-effective ATM system. COOPANS has adopted a common
managerial approach, whereby the six ANSPs act as one organisation together with Thales with a focus on common
The harmonisation of functionalities and joint investments enable the implementation of an advanced and unified air
traffic control system. COOPANS has structured the development and deployment process around joint activities such
as common specification, operational documentation, validation, training materials and generic safety cases.
COOPANS is the golden example for co-operation and harmonisation in Europe.
April 3rd, 2006 was a landmark day in the history of European Air Traffic Control. On that day the COOPANS alliance was
established and signed by the partners IAA, LFV and Naviair with Thales as supplier. The alliance is open for new
members and Austro Control joined in 2010 followed by Croatia Control in 2011.
The original purpose of the alliance was to upgrade and standardize the partners ATM systems into a single unified ATM
system that uses common software and entails harmonized maintenance processes and operational concepts.
COOPANS thereby enables the partners to cut their development costs through continuous – and from 2014 synchronic
- upgrading of the ATM system. Through continuous upgrading the partners avoided the alternative, namely individual
major and very costly ‘big bang’ ATM system migrations.
The first system upgrade (Build 1) was rolled out in Dublin, Shannon, Malmö and Copenhagen in 2011/2012. The ATCC
in Stockholm was upgraded in 2012/2013 where after IAA, Naviair and LFV were using the same software and
harmonized technical solutions.
In March 2013 Austro Controls control center in Vienna and Naviairs control center in Copenhagen was upgraded to
build 2.3 and by spring 2014 all 7 control centers were upgraded to build 2.4.
In January 2017a simultaneous Upgrade of the COOPANS System to build 3.2 was performed. All seven control centers
completed their upgrades to the identical software within a week.
In March 2018 NAV Portugal was put on track to become the sixth member of the COOPANS Alliance.
On September 18th, 2018, NAV Portugal officially became a member of the COOPANS Alliance.
Besides major savings for the partners, COOPANS meets the EU’s aim concerning harmonization of ATM systems in
Europe. Being a partner in COOPANS thus helps the companies to meet a whole range of existing and future EU
regulatory requirements in good time, including the performance requirements, and to develop in line with SESAR.
COOPANS also underpins industry and ICAO requirements.
Furthermore, the harmonized system in the 7 ACCs contributes to climate and environmental improvements.
Harmonization eases the effort to implement actions for improved flight efficiency leading to shortening distance and
flying time. This reduces fuel consumption and emission of greenhouse gasses. One example of this is implementation
of Free Route Airspace.
In 2016 the COOPANS Alliance was awarded the Single European Sky Award at the World ATM Congress in Madrid for
moving forward the harmonisation of the European ATM landscape
The COOPANS consortium (same ANSP members as in the COOPANS alliance) will participate in SESAR 2020 – also as
member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) and A6.
The purpose of the COOPANS consortium is to contribute with best practice from the members and thus ensure
influence on the technical-operational development in Europe, including alignment of the partners’ long-term strategic
investments in the perspective of SESAR.
A6 Alliance
The A6 Alliance, founded by the ANSP members of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), is an inclusive coalition of ANSPs
across Europe who are committed to helping modernise the European ATM system. The aim of the A6 Alliance is to
identify and synchronise the key capabilities of its members and deploy them to best effect to deliver customer and
network benefits. The A6 Alliance also provides leadership at a European level in critical technical and strategic areas.
The A6 Alliance pushes forward the SES ATM Research Programme (SESAR) started by the EU Commission in 2006. The
A6 Alliance is part of the SJU which focuses on research and development as well as of the Deployment Manager that
focuses on the deployment of common SESAR solutions.
a) Preparation of positions regarding operational/technical, policy and legal regulations proposals prepared or led by
the EU institutions/bodies together with other partners (CEF funding, CP Review, etc.).
b) Coordination of SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking participation concerning the SESAR 2020 programme, setup of the SESAR
3 programme, coordination of SESAR 3 Calls and proposals
Borealis Alliance
The Borealis Alliance is the industrial partnership between 9 European ANSPs - LFV (Sweden), ANS Finland (Finland),
Avinor (Norway), Isavia ANS (Iceland), Naviair (Denmark), EANS (Estonia), IAA (Ireland), LGS (Latvia) and NATS (UK). The
objective of the Alliance is to enable joint initiatives to improve flight efficiency and reduce environmental impact,
delivered across the whole area in a move which will also streamline cost of services and operational/technical
Alliance continues to work on Free Route Airspace (FRA) Programme execution to create a multi-FAB FRA by establishing
interfaces between FRA areas in 3 FABs and Iceland. FRA implementation is still on-going in UK and is expected to
complete in 2023.
Meanwhile, the IAA expanded Free Route Airspace (FRA) in 2017 to include Low Level airspace from FL075. In 2019 the
Borealis Alliance commenced cross-border FRA between the Maastricht UAC area of responsibility, the DK/SE FAB and
the northern part of Germany; and remains open to considering other cross-border proposals should they arise.
Successful FRA implementation in NEFRA airspace enabled the removal of ATS routes in Estonia and Finland. Some other
States also consider removal of ATS routes.
Borealis Alliance has also started an initiative which focus on the operational impact on environment. The Alliance is
working closely with the Network Manager in order to identify European initiatives that can support the environmental
The airspace covering Borealis ANSPs area of responsibility represents a large portion of the European airspace, and by
assessing the environmental impact in such a large airspace it would be possible to identify areas where potential
improvements can be sought.
NewPENS, the new pan-European network service, will form the backbone for reliable and secure cross-border data
and voice communications between air traffic management (ATM) stakeholders. Its architecture is also designed to
support future ATM applications developed through SESAR, such as SWIM.
NewPENS offers users an ultra-resilient network managed by BT Global Services. It builds on the success of PENS, which
since 2012 has allowed EUROCONTROL and its stakeholders to exchange a wide variety of ATM information via a private
IP network.
Once the transition project from PENS to NewPENS is complete, around 100 locations across 47 countries, and 41 air
navigation service providers (ANSPs) in the EUROCONTROL area and neighbouring countries, will be connected.
Naviair became one of the first ANSPs to migrate to NewPENS in mid-June 2019. All services from PENS have now
migrated to NewPENS.
The graph below shows progress for all Implementation Objectives (applicable and not applicable to the State).
The tables below show for each ASBU Elements belonging to a particular ASBU Thread and Block, the overall status, the
final date foreseen for completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle.
The final set of Block 0 and Block 1 ASBU elements to be monitored in ICAO EUR Region has been approved through
written consultation by European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) in May 2022, based on the conclusions of
the EUR Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) Transition Project Team.
Results below were determined using the LSSIP Year 2022 declared statuses and progress of the relevant
Implementation objectives in accordance with the updated mapping approved by the EASPG/3 meeting.
Note: Only the ASBU elements that are linked to an active implementation Objective are shown.
Main Objectives
Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air
Traffic (GAT) Handling
AOM13.1 Timescales: 100% Completed
Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012
Full operational capability: 31/12/2018
Defense Command Denmark has announced to EUROCONTROL the implementation of EUROAT
procedures OCT 28th, 2018.
REG (By:12/2018)
Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority 100% Completed
Defense Command Denmark has announced to EUROCONTROL the
- 31/12/2018
implementation of EUROAT procedures OCT 28th 2018
ASP (By:12/2018)
Naviair 100% Completed
No changes have been identified to current procedures.
- 31/03/2019
The data have already been provided to the SDM for the DP monitoring
MIL (By:12/2018)
Air Command Denmark 100% Completed
Completed - 31/12/2018
National plan
Borealis Free Route Airspace (Part 1) Harmonisation of Technical ATM Platform in 5 ANSPs
including support of Free Route Airspace and preparation of PCP program (COOPANS B3.3, B3.4,
and B4.1) Borealis FRA Implementation (Part 2)
ASP (By:12/2022)
Naviair 100% Completed
Borealis FRA
Free route airspace implemented for FL285 and above in DK-SE FAB
Implementation 30/11/2011
November 2011
(Part 2)
Time-Based Separation
Timescales: Not
AOP10 0%
Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Applicable
Full operational capability: 31/12/2023
EKCH - Copenhagen Kastrup
Awaiting analysis from Naviair and EKCH to determine feasibility study of time-based separation
for EKCH.
REG (By:01/2024)
Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority 0% Not Applicable
For now, we do not plan to implement TBS as it is no longer a CP1
- -
ASP (By:12/2024)
Naviair 0% Not Applicable
For now, we do not plan to implement TBS as it is no longer a CP1
- -
AMAN/DMAN Integration
SDP 1.2.1 Not
Timescales: 0%
ATC19 Applicable
- not applicable -
EKCH - Copenhagen Kastrup
(Outside Applicability Area)
Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) is not in the scope regarding this requirement -
ASP (By:12/2027)
Naviair 0% Not Applicable
Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) is not in the scope regarding this
- -
APO (By:12/2027)
COPENHAGEN Airport KASTRUP 0% Not Applicable
Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (CPH) is not in the scope regarding this
- -
CPH has no Blue Profile data - only data related to yellow profile, why we do - -
not consider NewPens as relevant to us- for the time being we use the
internet for data exchange.
Aircraft Identification
ITY-ACID 92% Ongoing
Entry into force of the Regulation: 13/12/2011
System capability: 02/01/2020
Upgrades of appropriate systems etc. have been completed by 31/05/2018. Airspace Volumes
not yet declared to NM. Therefore, not fully completed. The Military can identify via mode-S in 31/12/2023
the entire FIR as per February 2023.
Note: Local Objectives are addressing solutions that are considered beneficial for specific operating environments,
therefore for which a clear widespread commitment has not been expressed yet. They are characterised with no
deadline and voluntary applicability area.
RTS-project schedule now delayed approximately 2 years (Covid crisis, War in Ukraine
REG (By:)
Danish Civil Ongoing
Aviation and
CAA follow Naviair project -
Railway 31/12/2025
ASP (By:)
Naviair’s long term plan is to establish a multi-airport Ongoing
remote TWR center, with the aim to provide Remote
TWR services to multiple aerodromes.
Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport safety nets for the
AOP15 vehicle drivers 25% Ongoing
Applicability and timescale: Local
EKCH - Copenhagen Kastrup
The project has been rescheduled to be finalized 31.12.2023
The current status is that the project has installed standard software at our test environment 31/12/2023
without alerts (alerts will be implemented in 2023)
Next step is to deploy the standard software to the operational environment ultimo 2023.
REG (By:04/2019)
Danish Civil Planned
Aviation and
CAA did not yet start evaluating the CPH project. -
Railway 31/12/2023
APO (By:)
System including hardware was purchased back in 2020. Planned
The system has been installed but is not yet been put
into operation
Operational procedures
Safety Assessment
Installation of devises in Vehicles
EN Airport -
Training 31/12/2023
The project is handled is 2 phases to minimize the risks.
Air Traffic Services (ATS) datalink using SatCom Class B Not yet
COM13 %
Applicability and timescale: Local planned
Awaiting plans from Naviair -
REG (By:)
Danish Civil Not yet
Aviation and planned
- -
ASP (By:)
Not yet
Naviair - - planned
EKCH is one of 25 airports included in the PCP (EU) 716/2014. To fulfil the obligation, PBN SIDs
and STARs will be developed and implemented before end of 2022. This work is already in
progress and awaits confirmation of INEA funding within INEA Call 2016.
Ad. 2: 31/12/2017
There are no plans as such, to implement monitoring of performance and feedback to ANSP
and AU (airspace users). However, there will be an ongoing dialogue (annual meetings)
between both parties, to keep them updated and make sure there is a common understanding
with regards to future changes.
Ad. 3:
No special actions are expected due to the implementation of these new procedures.
Operators are responsible for the update of Operations Manuals. The NSA will through normal
oversight ensure compliance.
LSSIP Co-ordination
Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority organisation chart as of November 2022
Flight Safety
Capabilities Plans
Division Division
Air C4 Branch
Air C2 Section
The table below (extracted from the MPL3 Plan 2022) shows for each implementation objective, the mapping of the L3 implementation Objectives to the corresponding SESAR
Essential Operational Changes, the SESAR Solutions, the Deployment Program families, the ICAO ASBU, the EASA EPAS, the Network Strategy Plan, the Airspace Architecture Study
Transition Plan (AAS TP) Milestones and the SESAR Key Features.
INF10.9 – Meteorological
#34 IS‐0901‐A
Information Exchange -
#35 5.4.1 IS-0205 - - SO2/4 AM-1.5 EAI
Volcanic ash concentration
#46 MET-0101
INF10.10 – Meteorological
#34 IS‐0901‐A
Information Exchange -
#35 5.4.1 IS-0205 - - SO2/4 AM-1.5 EAI
Aerodrome Meteorological
#46 MET-0101
information Service
AOP12.1 – Airport Safety Nets #02 2.3.1 AO‐0104‐A SURF-B1/3 MST.0029 SP6/6 - HPAO
- - - - - - - - -
This Annex is not published in the LSSIP Document, but is available in the LSSIP Tool, which can be made available upon
request to Focal Point and/or Contact Person.
Referred as ‘Non-committed’ SESAR solutions in the MP L3 Report.
This Annex is not published in the LSSIP Document, but is available in the LSSIP Tool, which can be made available upon
request to Focal Point and/or Contact Person.
This Annex is not published in the LSSIP Document, but is available in the LSSIP Tool, which can be made available upon
request to Focal Point and/or Contact Person.
This Annex mainly shows the abbreviations that are specific to the LSSIP Document for Denmark.
Other general abbreviations are in the Acronyms and Abbreviations document in:
Term Description