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Presented to Fulfill the Requirement of the Final Project of Educational

Research Methodology
Subject Guided by:
Dr. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd.

Presented by:
Elly Rismawati 2101051012

1445 H/2023 M


A. Background of Study
English is a second obligatory foreign language that holds a special place
in education. Its purpose is to help student’s master four skills: listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is a crucial skill that is applied not
only in school but also in daily life. Speaking facilitates communication not
only in work but also in social and personal life. This talent allows us to
communicate information in English so that listeners can understand.

However, Speaking is an important skill for students to achieve when

learning English. English is a strange language in our country, but it also
provides an essential part in education, especially for students. English begins
to be taught at the Elementary, Junior high school, Senior high school, and
University levels. Furthermore, English is applied or taught in schools or
educational institutions and is rarely applied in everyday life.

Based on the observation in MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in and discussion with

an English teacher, the researcher found that many students have several
problems. The first is the lack of vocabulary that students have. However,
students can only speak two or three words in speaking English. Students
who lack vocabulary are unable to communicate or express their ideas
effectively. Therefore, the English teacher should be able to comprehend a lot
of information about creating an engaging classroom so that the students have
a lot of success with their vocabulary development.

Second is the fluency of students when speaking English. Fluency is

another essential component of speaking English. If students are not fluent in
speaking English, it can affect the way the students convey their ideas and
thoughts. So that when in conversation, other students cannot understand the
concepts and opinions expressed by students when speaking English.


However, the skill issues encountered by typical students can benefit from
strategic implementation. Therefore, educators can incorporate technology-
based media to enhance the English-speaking proficiency of their students.
Media serves as an online platform for accessing information and knowledge.
Three primary types of media exist: visual, auditory, and audio-visual. With
technological advancements, various technological media have emerged that
can be incorporated in education, particularly for improving English language
skills. YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter are examples of such media
that allow students to easily access and collect information. Consequently,
teachers can utilise YouTube to help develop students' speaking skills.
YouTube videos are a form of audio-visual media that offer the viewer the
ability to both see images and hear accompanying audio. Utilizing YouTube
to learn English provides numerous benefits, including a more enjoyable
learning experience, and the ability to easily comprehend learning materials.

B. Problem Identification
Based on the research's background, the problems can be identified as
1. The lack of vocabulary that students have.
2. Students cannot express their ideas and thoughts well.
3. The fluency of students when speaking in English
4. The lack of pronunciation

C. Problem Limitation
Based on the given context, it is essential to limit students' discomfort in
the learning process. Students tend to lose interest when English learning
materials are provided in a way that seems monotonous. Thus, it becomes
vital for teachers to utilize interactive media while teaching speaking skills to
make learning more exciting. However, the researcher focuses on
investigating how YouTube can enhance students' speaking skills.

D. Problem Formulation / Research Question

Dealing with the limitation of the problem and significant effect, the
researcher questions below: “ Is there any significance Effect of Youtube as
Media for Enhancing Students' Speaking Skill at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in?”

E. Objective and Benefit of Study

1. The Objective of study
To find out whether there is significance Effect of Youtube as Media for
Enhancing Students' Speaking Skill at the eighth grade students in MTs-
Sa Darun Nasyi’in.

2. The benefit of study

The benefits of the study are:
a. For the students
Due to the research topic, participating in speaking classes may
provide a fresh learning experience and aid in refining one's oral
communication skill.
b. For the teacher
Teachers now have a large range of media to teach speaking in the
modern era, especially to the use of YouTube as a media to teach
speaking skill, and there is a good chance of improving students'
speaking skills.
c. For the other researchers are able to investigate the same situation,
this study can serve as a reference.

F. Prior Research
Instruction can become more engaging for learners through the use of
Keller and Suzuki's1 methods and can also bring real-world relevance to the

Keller John & Suzuki Katsuaki Learner motivation and e-learning design: A
multinationally validated process, Journal of Educational Media, 2004. Vol. 29, issue 3, pp. 229-

classroom2. Richards and his colleagues have similarly argued for the
importance of linking classroom content with real-life contexts. Harmer
details why teachers often utilise video material to engage students, citing the
benefits of "observing language in use," allowing students to both listen and
view authentic language in context.3
This study will be undertaken employing a qualitative practitioner research
paradigm, which incorporates students' participation in the ESL classroom. A
freeze-frame activity will be carried out in the classroom to determine the
frequency of student involvement in the conducted activity. Data will be
collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Researchers
will conduct interviews with both teachers and students. The level of student
participation in class will be evaluated using an engagement checklist. One
group of students should depict each scene in front of the class while the
scene descriptions are kept confidential from the class.4
It is suggested that the use of freeze frame can encourage student
participation in the classroom. One group of students should depict each
scene in front of the class while the scene descriptions are kept confidential
from the class. The class should observe the actors and deduce the scene
being portrayed.

Cakir, I. The use of video as an audio-visual material in foreign language teaching
classroom. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(4). 2006
Harmer, J. The practice of English language teaching. England: Longman. 2001
Noor Hafifah bt Nordin, Nurul Alia bt Azahar, Norain Diyana bt Mohd Nasir, Freeze
Frame in Poetry, (Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2012). p. 1


A. The Concept of Speaking.

1. The Components of Speaking.
As a student, the main goal in learning to speak English is to talk well
and fluently. To achieve that goal, we must know the speaking
components because these components will affect our speaking skill.
Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension are the
five components of speaking.5
a. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the method that allows students to speak in a more
explicit language. The way a sound or sounds is referred to as
pronunciation. Unlike articulation, which relates to creating speech
sounds in the mouth, pronunciation focuses on how the listener
perceives sounds.6
b. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is fundamental to language. It seems in every language
ability. It is very important because we will say nothing without
vocabulary or thoughts. Simple activities that you can do with your
students regularly to assist them in improving their pronunciation
while learning of or revising vocabulary. It means that mastering
vocabulary can also enhance our skill in pronouncing the language

Hussin, R.A., A.Gani, S., & Muslem A. The Use of YouTube Media Trough Group
Discussion in Teaching Speaking. English Education Journal, 2020. 11(1),19-33.
Adean Fitri, D., & Idayani, A. An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Ability in Retelling
Story on Descriptive Text at the Second Grade Students of SMP YLPI Pekanbaru. Resfektif
Pendidikan Dan Keguruan. 2021. 12 (1), 58-66.

c. Grammar
Students will benefit from knowing how to organize words in a
sentence, what tense to use, and how to apply suitable grammar if
they master grammar utterances.8 To be like a native speaker, we
have to be able to arrange sentences properly, following the rules.
Moreover, we have also know what kind of structure we should use
according to the context discussed.
d. Fluency
Fluency is the problem of how people talk the language with no
problem like questioning the word ingesting the ideas, etc. Fluency
is a component of speech that gives it natural and typical aspects,
pauses, rhythm, intonation, stress, speech frequency, and the use of
interjections and interruptions, to name a few.9 A person's capacity to
speak in a second or foreign language is also referred to as fluency.
e. Comprehension
Comprehension is a student's competence to recognize all the
speaker says to them. Recognizing the communication's intended
purpose, whether written or spoken, is known as comprehension
Furthermore, comprehension refers to the correctness and relevance
of the accessible information to the information delivered by a
person in a conversation.10
In conclusion, all of the elements stated above are They are
important because they have a close relationship courting and
interrelation, therefore, in getting to know speaking college students
are anticipated to master a lot of these components with the aim that
their speaking capabilities enhance.

Hussin, R.A., A.Gani, S., & Muslem A. The Use of YouTube Media Trough Group
Discussion in Teaching Speaking. English Education Journal, 2020. 11(1),19-33.
Adean Fitri, D., & Idayani, A. An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Ability in Retelling
Story on Descriptive Text at the Second Grade Students of SMP YLPI Pekanbaru. Resfektif
Pendidikan Dan Keguruan. 2021. 12 (1), 58-66.

2. The Importance of Speaking.

The ability to speak English may be very important in life, especially

for students when learning English, because language learning enables
students to use language in conversation Language has social
characteristics where verbal exchange arises through interaction with each
other, expressing ideals, issuing ideas and thoughts, and responding to
opinions. We have to improve our speaking, for example, through regular
English practice with friends or other people. Teachers need to have media
and many things to manage and make students feel interested and not
bored when learning English.
The last, a good teacher though to create a practical situation and
provide a different way of learning English using media. Media is essential
in coaching and learning to speak. One media is YouTube, which can
improve student learning abilities in class.
3. The Type of Speaking
Brown in Derakhslian describes six categories of basic types of speaking. 11
Those six categories are as follows:
1. Imitative.
A small portion It is possible to use a part of class time to create a
Speech by a "human tape recorder," in which students, for example,
practice and intonation pattern or attempt to pinpoint a specific vowel
sound. This style of imitation is done to concentrate on a particular
component Rather than engaging in real discussion, they prefer to play
With language forms.
2. Intensive.
Intensive speaking encompasses any speaking performance to enhance
phonological or grammatical abilities and imitation. Intensive speaking
can be performed on another's or as part of a pair's project activity in
which students "review" specific forms of language.

Brown, H. D. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy
(2 ed.) white Plains, NY : Longman. 2001

3. Responsive.
A successful dal of students is responsive: quick responses to questions
or comments asked by the teacher or students.
4. Transactional (dialogue).
A more advanced variant of responsive language, transactional
Language is used to express or exchange specific information.
5. Interpersonal (dialogue).
As stated in the preceding chapter, it is a type of communication that is
more concerned with preserving social ties than with transmitting facts
and information.
6. Extensive (monologue)
Finally, intermediate and advanced students must deliver monologues
in the form of reports, summaries, etc: or perhaps brief speeches.

To conclude, a teacher needs to recognize that talking isn't only

approximately using the good sounds but also the choice of words,
then that a person can talk with others. The degrees of students
performance additionally become a part of the consideration to layout
English teaching sports. The desires of our coaching will affect the
activities in the class.
4. Technique of Teaching Speaking Skill
YouTube may be used in a diverse method to educate speaking
skills within the classroom. It is additionally dependent on the structure
and how the teacher will use it in the study room. To get successful in
language teaching, there are a few techniques of speaking skills through
using YouTube in an ESL classroom that has to be benefited by both
instructor and learner.12 Those eight technique are as follows:
1. Active Viewing.

Qomaria, D., & Zaim, M. The Use of YouTube Video to Enhance Students’ Speaking
Skill in Senior High School. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on English
Language and Teaching (ICOELT-8 2020), 579, 119-122.

Students need to participate actively in the video, given that this approach
wants them to realize their interest in the central concept of the video. The
teacher should review the e film before playing it, writer down some key
question about the board related to the video, so that students can obtain a
sense of the video's content Students can also observe by watching the
movie, and then they must respond verbally to the questions. Students can
be given an instruction sheet or viewing guide, then allowed to watch and
listen to the specific material they require.

2. Freeze Framing and Prediction.

It involves pressing the urgent pause button to halt the video on a positive
factor and display a positive image on the screen. Following that, students
are asked to predict what individual acts on frozen images on in the screen
will most likely do, how her feelings and what might happen manifest, or
other inquiries about the snapshot. Students' imagination is sparked by
freeze framing, which leads them to predict and conclude more details
about characters.

3. Silent Viewing.
That means the video plays with dead and makes the best sound of moving
photos. One of the ways to do this method are the scholars asked to see
behavior characters and use their dedication. Then, to avoid swiping the
photo on the screen, pause the film at a given point and have students
guess what happened and what the character could say, or ask them what
happened up to that point. The video segment is then replayed with sound
on so that students can double-check their deductions based on what
transpired in the video.

4. Sound on and Vision off Activity.

This activity is used by removing the visible video elements for students.
The simplest can hear the conversation but can't see the movement. Then

students might ask to stake the arrangements, actions, characters, and

many others from the soundtrack.

5. Repetition and Role-Play.

While there are some problematic language points inside video units,
repetition may be an essential way for communicative production of
sporting events The coach replayed complicated factors from the video and
asked the scholars to repeat my view or restraint. After students clearly
understand complex factors, they may be asked to behave out of the scene
because many are unique The version they can calculate beforehand asks
them to improve the seven accordingly to their perspective on the situation
and the characters they might play.

6. Reproduction activity.
Students are asked to repeat or recount what happened in the previous
video in this section.

7. Dubbing Activity.
Teachers instruct students to watch a sound-off video and fill in the blanks
with dialogue from the video.

8. Follow-up Activity.
The video should lead to a follow-up activity. In this activity, the teacher
asks students to discuss the lesson to ensure that the video provided
effectively develops students' speaking skills.

Finally, to apply this technique, the teacher can teach half of the
students to go out of the school room for some minutes and relaxation
watching videos by holding back. Then the scholars transferred to second
place, and the institution watched the video with a snap shot off. Next,
they come lower back to share their ideas on what video is set.

The speaking rubric can be seen below:

Table 1.1 scoring rubric of Speaking Skill
1. Pronunciation

Score Requirements
4 The pronunciation was very easy to comprehend.
3 Pronunciation was excellent and did not obstruct
2 When it came to pronunciation, the student was a little
lost at times, but basically student did well.
1 Students’ speech was difficult to comprehend and his
pronunciation was poor.

2. Vocabulary

Score Requirements
4 Use of vocabulary words learned in and out of class in a
rich, accurate, and striking manner.
3 The student correctly used the words acquired in class to
the presented Situation.
2 Although the student land a large vocabulary, he lacked
in other areas. causing him to become monotonous and
unable to expand on his or her views.
1 The student lacked the necessary vocabulary words to
appropriately communicate his or her thoughts, which
made it difficult for him or her to answer.

3. Fluency

Score Requirements
4 The speech is easy and smooth, at a rate commensurate

with their response time.

3 Repeating and fumbling for words results in some
hesitation and unevenness in speech, which is mostly
caused by repeating words and reaching for words.
2 The student's speech is slow, hesitant, and irregular, and
sentences may AS be left unfinished, but he or she is able
to continue.
1 Except for short or memorized statements, speech is
stopping, stuttering, nervous, and uncertain in response.
Listeners may find it difficult to comprehend.

4. Grammar

Score Requirements
4 Students were able to convey their thoughts and reactions
using suitable sentence structure and tenses in case
3 Student was able to articulate their thoughts and
responses fairly well, but made tenses errors that he was
able to remedy.
2 Students were able to appropriately articulate their
thoughts and reactions, although their sentence structure
and tenses were frequently inconsistent
1 Because of grammar problems, students were unable to
grasp and communicate their ideas and reactions.

5. Comprehension

Score Requirements
4 With case, the student was able to understand and reply to
all of the questions and issues that were being presented.
3 The majority of the questions and subjects discussed were

understood and responded to by the student.

2 Some of the concepts and topics that were discussed were
quite well understood by the students.
1 The concepts and topics that were being presented were
difficult for the students to comprehend.

Based on the above score and requirement, the students were assigned
score levels ranging from level 1 to level 4. Those levels were
determined by the teacher’s assessment:

Table 1.2 The Scoring Rubric of Speaking Test

No Aspect Score
Assessed 1 2 3 4
1 Pronunciation
2 Grammar
3 Vocabulary
4 Fluency
5 Comprehension
Maximum Score 10
Total 100
The Explanation of Score:
1: Fail
2: Incompetent
3: Competent
4: Very Competent

Final= total score X 100

Maximum score

B. YouTube
Youtube is a form of entertainment in which a story is delivered through
sound and a series of images that create the illusion of continuous movement.
But, Youtube isn't just for pleasure videos, it also has a significant number of
videos on how to learn English. 13 Youtube is one of the languages-teaching
media. It is quite helpful because it might increase student motivation to
study. Students may become bored with the situation in English class at
times. As a result, students require entertainment, and YouTube is one of the
most appropriate media in the modern era.
According to Jalaluddin, Youtube is a well-known video- sharing website
that allows users to upload videos for private or public viewing. 14 Currently,
Users of various ages, from children to adults, may be found on Youtube all
around the world. Users can upload, search for, and watch videos, as well as
debate and share video clips. As a result, Youtube has the potential to be used
as a learning tool in the English language. In order to encourage teaching
speaking, Youtube videos might be accompanied by interactive exercises.
Given the amount of such resources available on many websites on the
Internet, there has been a growing interest in evaluating the usefulness of
using YouTube videos.
Abdulrahaman states Youtube is an innovative technology to explore in
English teaching and learning Youtube has a lot of videos that students can
use as learning resources. Youtube may be used as a learning resource and
learning medium to fulfill the needs of the digital generation Youtube can
pique people's attention and assist the learning methods of the digital era.15
In addition, hundreds of thousands of videos on a wide range of topics are
available on Youtube, which can be used in the classroom. Youtube will also
Jalaluddin, M. Using YouTube to Enhance Speaking Skills in ESL Classroom. English
for Specific Purpose World, 17(50), 59. 2016
Abdulrahman, A. W. The Effective Use of YouTube Videos for Teaching English.
Interntional Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, 4(3), 32-47. 2016

serve us an extensive free video library for students, encouraging them to

become self-directed learners.

C. The Concept of Freeze Framing Technique

1. Definition of Freeze Framing Technique
The freeze framing technique is a useful method for teaching.
This technique is straightforward and allows for the examination of
multiple ideas. It involves prewriting to explore ideas as they occur in a
video. Press the pause or still button on the video recorder to freeze the
picture on the screen.
Freeze framing is a powerful tool because it taps into the right
brain which drives creativity. Our right brain is where fresh ideas and
original insights are generated. The left brain, in contrast, is more
logical and orderly. Both are essential to good speaking, but if our left
brain is too dominant when we start a price, it inhibits the free flow of

2. The Steps of freeze Framing Technique

Step is a stage in a gradual process. So it can be defined that steps is a
progress gradually and carefully from one stage to the next. There are
some steps of freeze framing such as:
a) The students get into small groups.
b) They are asked physically to pose in a snapshot representation of a
specific and significant moment.
c) The students could work together as a group to discuss what they
are being asked to depict and how it might look in a freeze frame.
d) Alternatively, the students could act a role and on the facilitator’s
command, freeze in scene
e) Groups could take it in turns to move around and view other
groups’ freeze frames.

f) A debrief afterwards could focus on the nature of body language

used in the freeze frame, why pupils decided to depict the scene in
the way they did, and why others might have depicted the event in
a different way.
g) As an extension, groups could enact different development in a
particular issue and take photos, creating a photo-story.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Freeze Framing

a) Advantages
A great Advantage of using freeze framing are:
1) It provides authentic language input
Movie and TV programs are made for native speakers, so in
that sense video provides authentic language input. That is to say,
it is obvious that the practical implication of video in the
classroom in any classroom environment it can easily be used;
teacher can step in the process whenever he wishes; he can stop,
start and rewind to repeat for several times where necessary. Any
selected short sequence from the programs can be utilized for
intensive study.
2) To pay special attention to a particular point in the programs
It is possible to run in slow motion or at half speed or
without sound. Besides, the learner can concentrate on the
language in detail and interpret what has been said, repeat it,
predict the reply and so on.
3) The learn can also concentrate
In detail on visual clues to meaning such as facial
expression, dress, gesture, posture on details of the environment.
Even without hearing the language spoken clues to meaning in
order to enhance learning is an important part of video
4) The students should be focused

It is that in foreign language to interpret attitude is very

difficult owing to the to the fact that the listener concentrates
himself on the verbal massage, not the visual clues meaning.
5) Video gives the students practice in concluding attitudes. The
rhythmic hand and arm movements, head nods, head gesture are
related to the structure of the massage.
6) Moreover, the students have a general idea of the culture of the
target language.
It may be enjoyed for the learners to have something different for
language learning apart from the course books and cassettes for
listening. Therefore, it is believed children will persevere in learning
English. However, some of the intrinsic motivation is related to
achieving goals.

b) The Disadvantages of using freeze framing

The main disadvantage are cost, inconvenience,
maintenance and some cases fear of technology. Additionally, the
sound and vision, quality of the copies or home-produced materials
may not be ideal. Another important issue in this case is that the
teacher should be well-trained on using and exploiting the video.
Otherwise, it becomes boring and purposeless for students. From
the explanation above, the writer conclude that freeze framing
technique has problem in learning process that cannot run well if
the students do not have motivation and interesting with the topic
and technology facility did not complete yet.

D. Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

1. Theoretical Framework
The study focuses on experimental research to prove whether
there is a significant effect of media through youtube to enhance

students' speaking skill at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in would be better

using the traditional method. Speaking skills for the students are
complex, and the students also make many mistakes in their
pronunciations; students find difficulties how making excellent
pronunciation speaking skills. The students speak without knowing
their accent in speaking skills. If using a youtube pattern is applied in
teaching-learning speaking skills, the students were fun with a different
atmosphere in the classroom. It is suitable to apply using youtube media
through youtube patterns as a treatment for narrative text. In the process
of students speaking skills in the narrative text, the students have to
comprehend what they say. However, using youtube media is a pattern
giving an excellent practice to build students' confidence, activity, and
enthusiast by creating a different atmosphere in the learning process
actually on students speaking skills.
2. Paradigm
Based on the theoretical frame work above, the researcher describe the
paradigm as follow:
Figure 1


Using freeze The student

framing speaking Fair Hypothesis
technique skills
(variable X) (Variable Y)

Based on the figure above, one of the English skill is speaking.

The writer will use freeze framing technique to increase the students’
speaking skills. There is one class as control class and also one class as
experimental class. It will be given the same pre-test and post-test. The
pre-test give before treatment and the post-test will be given after

treatment. The writer will compare the score before treatment and after

E. Hypothesis
Based on the frame of theories and assumption above the researcher
formulation the hypothesis as follow:
i. An alternate hypothesis (Ha): there is problem and significant effect of
YouTube as media to enhancing students' speaking skills at the eighth
graders of MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in..
ii. Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no problem and significant effect of
YouTube as media to enhancing students' speaking skills at the eighth
graders of MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in.

A. Research Method and Research Design

In this research, the researcher use quantitative research to identify the
influence of using freeze framing technique toward the student speaking skills
among the eighth grades of at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in.

B. Research variables
The research design is Experimental Research Design. Experimental
research determines if a specific treatment influences an outcome. 16 It means
that the experimental research was designed to know and observe the cause
and effect of the variables and then to know whether there is or no influence
from the treatment given. In the analysis, there are two variables, which are
independent and dependent. “Youtube Media” is the independent variable,
and “student speaking skill” is as the dependent variable.

C. Population and Sample

Jack R. Fraenkel explains that the term population refers to all the
members of a particular group. It is the interesting group that is to be
generalized by researcher in the result of study. 17 It means that population is
all members of group such as people, objects, or events that is determined in a
research. In this research, the population is all of eighth grader of MTs-Sa
Darun Nasyi’in. There are 60 students at the eighth grader of MTs-Sa Darun

Creswell, JW. Desain Penelitian: Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan
Campuran (edisi ke-4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2014.
JackFraenkel R. and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009), 7th Edition, p.105

The sample is a part of population that will be researched. The sample of

this research is at eight grade A in MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in. A sample is any
part of a population of individuals on whom information is obtained. It may,
for a variety of reasons, be different from the sample originally selected.18

D. Data collecting Technique

The researcher employed pre-test and post-test methods to collect data.
The pre-test was given in the first meeting of the research. The researcher are
given the pre-test just in one meeting. The test is conducted in a pre-test,
given treatment, and stalking post-test. The test would be used to know the
students speaking ability. A pre-test would be given to the students before
treatment is implemented. This test aimed to know about the students
speaking skill of the eighth-grade students at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in. After
the pre-test, the students were given treatment. The treatment consists of four
sessions. The treatment was only carried out in the experimental class. Four
meetings would be held by YouTube media as part of the treatment. Post-
tests are given after the treatment to know the students speaking skill, which
apply by using YouTube as media.
Data collection is the most strategic step in the study, because the main
goal of the study is to get the data. The data used in this research are:
observation, documentation and test.
1. Observation
Observation is something you notice by watching and listening, can be
said investigated. According to Sugiyono, argue that observation is a
complex process, a process that is composed of a variety of biological
processes and psychological.19 Two of the most important is the
processes of observation and memory. In this research, participant
observation will be used since the researcher participates in teaching
and learning process and cooperate as the collaboration, this
Fraenkel, How to Design, p. 105
Sugiyono. Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta. 2011

observation is intended to know the students participation. They are

though speaking by using YouTube video as a media for freeze
framing technique. This action research is successful if most of
students about 85% of the student can reach the criteria of success of
speaking test by YouTube video as a media for freeze framing
2. Documentation
Documentation is the tool which has written like books, magazine,
transcript, newspaper, lengger, legenda, document, regulation, note and
so on. The researcher used this method to get the data about the history
of school, the conditions of teachers and official employees, the
quantity of students, and the organization structures and also English
teacher’s documentation who competences to collect the data and to
get detail information about students’ English result in writing in
speaking skill at eight grades of MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in.
3. Test
Test is a method to determine a student ability to complete certain
tasks or demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content. 20 The
Test will be given to the students, in order to know their speaking skill
especially in speaking skills. In this research, test is divided into two
categories; pretest and posttest. The aim of pretest is to find out the
students’ ability toward their speaking skill before treatment. On the
other hand, posttest is to find out whether their speaking skill improve
or not after giving treatment.

E. Data analysis Technique

In quantitative form, all the data would be taken from the result of
speaking test. It contained the students score in every performance using

Overton, Terry. Assessing Learners with Special Needs: An Applied Approach (7th Edition).
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the indicators and sub indicators of spoken description: fluency and

In data analysis technique, the researcher used two formulas.
Firstly, to investigate whether there is any positive influence The influence
of using freeze framing technique toward the student speaking skill at the
eighth-grade students at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in, the researcher used the
true experiment in the form of paired t-test by using control group pretest-
posttest design. The formulate of t-test:21


T: t-test

My: Mean Sample Experiment

Mx: Mean Sample Control

Ny: Number Study Experiment

Nx: Number Study Control

X: Deviation X2 and X1

Y: Deviation Y2 from the Mean Y1

Secondly, to investigate whether there is any significant the

influence of using freeze framing technique toward the student speaking
skills at the eighth-grade students at MTs-Sa Darun Nasyi’in, the
researcher used Chi-Square formula.

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According to Donal Ary, when dealing with nominal data, the most
widely used tests of significance are the Chi-Square tests. They compare
observed frequencies and expected frequencies.22 It is used to examine the
significant differences between observed frequencies and expected
frequencies in this research, the researcher use Chi -Square formula. The
formula of Chi-Square:23


χ2: Chi-Square obtained

fo: observed frequency

fh: expected frequency

Donal Ary, An Invitation to Research in Social Education, (Baverly hills: Sage
publication, 2002), p. 188



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