Evaluation of Ground Water Resources A Review Paper On Ground Water Development
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources A Review Paper On Ground Water Development
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources A Review Paper On Ground Water Development
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 184
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
the groundwater extraction stage is less The resource is assessed for each
than 60%. block/taluka/firka for all states and union
According to the level of groundwater, the territories in a joint endeavour by states and the
country is divided into three centre under the supervision of the Central
categories: overexploited, critical and semi- Ground Water Board(CGWB).
critical. The first refers to groundwater that is The assessment calculates recharge and
withdrawn more than it is recharged, i.e. the withdrawal from the aquifer to determine the
withdrawal exceeds 100%.Critical where the stage of groundwater development
water taken out is 90-100% of what‟s (development/resource).
recharged and semi-critical where extraction The lower the
rate is 70-90%. SOD (Stage of Development), the better the
As per “National compilation on Dynamic aquifer or area. Dynamic resources and SOD
Groundwater Resources of India, 2020” of are widely used in policy and management,
CGWA, out of the total 6965 assessment units such as the prioritization of government
(Blocks/Mandals/Talukas) in the country, 1115 funding for programs or the issuance of
units in various states(16%) have been NOCs by central groundwater authorities for
categorized as „Over Exploited‟, 280 units(4%) groundwater abstraction by sector.
are „critical‟, and 1045 are semi-critical However, the recharge of deep aquifers and
units(15%) and 4458 units have been the withdrawal of deep aquifers are not part of
considered as safe (64%), there are 70 units this mandate.
(1%) which have been categorized as „Saline‟. In overexploited areas, the increased
Southwestern monsoon is the major source of depletion of static resources leads to the
groundwater recharge. India is one of the few permanent destruction of aquifers.
countries engaged in a detailed assessment of Static components should be used in
the dynamic component at regular intervals emergency situations such
since 2005. as drought. Efforts should be made to assess
static resources nationally.
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 185
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 186
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 187
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
4.Groundwater vulnerability -
Groundwater vulnerability
depends on the environmental and soil conditions II. LITERATURE REVIEW
nearby. There are many research references that
It can be divided into 4 types, from top to bottom. we can pick up on to help our review thesis on the
HIGH areas are those that readily transfer pollution ground water resources. The review work mainly is
to groundwater due to soil leaching effects and based on the reports of the Indian government
lack of low permeability surface sediments. The yearly assessments and on the research papers on
middle zone provides some groundwater the some main parts of the Indian regions. There
protection, and the low zone provides the are many papers which are as follows:
greatest groundwater protection from
contamination due to the presence of low 1. GROUND WATER ASSESSMENT
permeability surface sediments. Groundwater REPORT BY GOVT. OF INDIA-
Vulnerability Unproductive areas consist of rocks This report is the basis of our data. Based
that have negligible impact on water supply or base in this report we have collected our data and
flow of rivers. It has a layer of soil deposits above calculated the ground water development of certain
the flow-permeable surface deposits. regions of India. The report indicates that The
groundwater extraction in overall India is lowest
5. Public Participation – The most important since 2004, where it was 231bcm. The another
factor in groundwater assessment is public major factor is if we calculate state-wise the overall
participation. Without their support, we would not stage of groundwater extraction in the country is
have been able to collect data as easily as we had 60.08%. India is the largest user of groundwater
hoped. The public also plays an important role in with a fourth of the total global withdrawal. Indian
the sustainability of water sources, as they are fully cities take 48% of their water supply form
aware of where the water is taken from and who is groundwater. The rapid growth of industrialization,
polluting it. So if we can involve them and tell over population and also the unregulated extraction
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 188
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
of groundwater are the major facts that are the exploitation of groundwater. That shows us the
concerning field for the governments to look into excess of groundwater use in the Haryana state.
for the preserving of the water resources.
4. Depleting Groundwater resources of
2. An overview of groundwater quality in Rajasthan State and Its Implications by
Tamil Nadu by R. Kuttimani, A. Raviraj, B.J. SURESH KUMAR, B.L DHYANI and RAMAN
Pandian and Gouranga Kar- JEET SINGH-
This research reports shows us the data of Rajasthan has only 1.15% of its water
the groundwater quality and quantity in Tamil resources supporting 5.67% of human population
Nadu state of India. The main districts of Tamil and 10.53% cattle population of the country. The
Nadu are a flourishing industry units of tannery, groundwater development in the state of Rajasthan
textiles, dyeing, pulp and paper producing is 125%. It is the largest state in India covering the
industries. They have a major source of water area up to 34.22 Million hectares. Water table in
known as river CAUVERY. The states of Tamil the state is continuously falling over the years and
Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh together the blocks under the critical and over-exploited
have 88% of the tannery units of the country. categories are increasing at alarming rate. Over-
About 55% of the total leather processed in the exploitation of groundwater leads to reduction in
country is from Tamil Nadu. The groundwater water yield in wells. The groundwater management
quality in the few districts of Tamil Nadu which are rather than development is the major challenge
COIMBATORE, VELLORE, DINDIGUL, facing the water resources, particularly in the dry
TIRUCHIRAPALLI and CHENNAI. They have land areas like Rajasthan.
the standards of groundwater which are below the
desired value. The main reason for this cause is the Methodology
pollution in the NADU NOYYAL river in the To calculate the groundwater development (the
COIMBATORE, the most number of tanneries increase and decrease in water table)
which are filling the groundwater from Hardness, There have been many methods and types
Salinity, Calcium Chloride and Fe are in the to calculate the water resources emergence and
VELLORE district, the value of Fluoride, depletion. In the case of Indian regions there are
Dissolved Oxygen, biological oxygen demand and various areas where conventional formulas don‟t
chemical oxygen demand are exceeding the give satisfying results. So we will use various types
permissible limit in most of the groundwater of formulas for the specific regions of country as
samples in the DINDIGUL district. well as with conventional formulas.
1. Groundwater Balance Equation-
3. Status of groundwater resources in The groundwater balance equation is written as-
Haryana and its dynamics and spatial pattern Rr+Rc+Ri+Rt+Si+Ig=Et+Tp+Se+Og+ΔS
by Dr P.K Sharma- where,
Groundwater is the key resource input in Rr = recharge from rainfall
India‟s agriculture and food security in recent Rc = recharge from canal seepage
years. At present tube wells accounts for over 60% Ri = recharge from field irrigation
of the irrigated area in the country. Currently in Rt = recharge from tanks
Haryana about 85% of total cultivated area is Si = influent seepage from rivers;
irrigated. According an assessment made in a Ig = inflow from other basins;
NASA study, during 2002 to 2008 three Et = evapotranspiration from groundwater;
agriculturally developed states (Punjab, Haryana Tp = draft from groundwater;
and Rajasthan) together lost about 109 cubic km of Se = effluent seepage from rivers;
water leading to a decline in water table to the Og = outflow to other basins; and
extent of 0.33 m per annum. In 1995 in Haryana net ΔS = change in groundwater
availability of groundwater was 724.84 thousand storage.
ha-m which increased to 1029.67 thousand ha-m in this equation can be used as the main calculating
2013, recording an increase of about 42 percent. In standard for the groundwater development
1995 the groundwater development in the state of calculation. The components given in the equation
Haryana was 84%. That mean that the sates as a are the basis of what the groundwater resource
whole pumped out 16% less water than the annual estimation is all about.
recharge. But in 2013 the level of groundwater
development changed from 845 to 135%. About Estimation Of Groundwater Components
78.62% of area of the state experience the over-
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 189
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
The components showing various inflow/outflow Seepage refers to the process of water
of the groundwater balance equation are suitable movement from a canal into and through the bed
for a region if estimated through appropriate and wall material. This loss often constitute a
empirical relationships suitable for a region significant part of the total recharge to groundwater
according to the norms of Groundwater Estimation system. The actual seepage will also be controlled
Committee (2015). by the width of canal(B), depth of flow(D),
hydraulic conductivity of the bed material(K) and
1. Recharge from rainfall (Rt) depth to the water table.
The rainfall is variably different in almost every a. Knowing the value of B and D, the range of
region of India, so we use many empirical formulas seepage losses (Rc_max and Rc_min) from the
to determine the rainfall quantity suitable for the canal may be obtained as-
specified region. Rc_max = K(B+2D)
Rc_min = K(B-2D)
a. Chaturvedi Formula: This formula is suitable b. For unlined canals in Uttar Pradesh, the
for the regions of Ganga-Yamuna doab, seepage can be computed by using the
developed in 1936. It shows the empirical formula:
relationship to arrive at the recharge as a Losses in cumecs/km = C/200(B+D)2/3
function of annual precipitation. where C is a constant value with 1.0 as the
Rr = 2(P-14)0.4 intermittent running channels and 0.75 for
Where P is the annual precipitation in inches. continuous running channels.
Later in the next years this formula was modified c. For lined canals in Punjab, the following terms
by the U.P Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee are used for estimation of seepage losses:
and the modified formula is Rc = 1.25Q0.56
Rr = 1.35(P-14)0.5 There are many other methods that can be used for
There are certain cases where the rainfall will be the seepage calculations such as
zero, then we will put the value of P=14 and Inflow-Outflow method
increase upto 18% at P=28inches and again Seepage meter method
decrease. Ponding method
b. KUMAR & SETUPATHI(2002): They found 3. Recharge from Field Irrigation (Ri)
out in their research that as the rainfall During the irrigation process, a part of the
increases, the quantity of recharge also water applied to the irrigated field crops is lost in
increases but the increase is not linearly consumptive use and the balance infiltrates to
proportional. The recharge coefficient was recharge the groundwater. The water that percolates
found to vary between 0.05 to 0.19 for the into the soil constitutes a major part of the
study area. The formula is- groundwater recharge. For a correct assumption of
Rr = 0.63(P-15.28)0.76 the quantum of recharge by applied irrigation,
This formula is considered to be better than the studies are required to be carried out on
Chaturvedi formula as it has less relative experimental basis.
errors. The recharge due to irrigation return flow can also
be estimated based on these factors-
c. AMRITSAR FORMULA: For certain doabs in Source of irrigation (groundwater or surface
Punjab, the Irrigation and Power Research water)
Institute, Amritsar, developed the following The type of crop (paddy, non-paddy)
formula in 1973. Depth of water table below ground surface.
Rr = 2.5(P-16)0.5 To find out various values we use the norms
d. KRISHNA RAO: Krishna Rao gave the provided by Groundwater Resource Estimation
following empirical relationship in 1970 to Committee(2015).
determine the groundwater recharge in limited
climatological homogeneous areas: 4. Recharge from Tanks (Rt)
Rr = K(P-X) The groundwater recharging done by the
This equation is specially designed for the various tanks is mainly with the help from the seepage
parts of Karnataka where K and X are to be done on the check dams and nala bunds made on
determined as the standard values variating on the the rivers. These structures hold almost 50% of the
basis of rainfall parameters. total recharge from tanks. The seepage from
2. Recharge from Canal Seepage (Rc) percolation is also of a significant rate.
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 190
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
Groundwater resource estimation committee has the soil sub-surface to boost the water table. The
also stated that the recharge from when the tank has forests are considered the most potential place for
water in it will be 1.4mm/day otherwise 60% of the the consistent evapotranspiration. The potential
maximum water spread area would be used instead evapotranspiration from such areas can be
of total average of water spread area. computed using standard methods. The equation
used in determining the evapotranspiration are-
5. Influent and Effluent Seepage (Si and Et = P.Et * A
Se) If h ˃ hs
This type of seepage can be seen with two Et= 0
water sources like a river and an aquifer. If the If h ˂(hs-d)
river provides water to the aquifer then the flow Et= P.Et* A(h-(hs-d))/dIf (hs-d) ≤ h ≤ hs
will be known as influent and if the aquifer In these equations,
provides the water to the river effluent. The Etis the evapotranspiration in volume of water per
effluent or influent character can vary from season unit time
to season. Both these types of flow will cause some PEt = max. rate of evapotranspiration volume of
changes in the bank storage and we will need to water per unit area per unit time [L3 L-2 T-1];
monitor it. The contribution of one source to the A = surface area [L2];
other source will be from both ends to/from the h = water table elevation [L];
source. The contribution from each side can be hs = water table elevation at which the
separated by the following method- evapotranspiration loss reaches the maximum
Contribution fromleft bank = (ILTL/ (ILTL+ value;
IRTR)).Qg d = extinction depth. When the distance between hs
Contribution from right bank = (IRTR/ (ILTL+ and h exceeds d, evapotranspiration from
IRTR)).Qg groundwater ceases [L]
In these equations IL and TL are the gradient and
transmissivity on the left side and so are the right 8. Draft from Groundwater (Tp)
side denoted in the same pattern. Draft means the amount of water lifted
from the sub-surface sources such as wells for the
6. Inflow from and Outflow to Other irrigation and other purposes. We can estimate
Basins (Ig and Og) these activities by an inventory of wells, tube-wells
The flow into and out of a region below and open wells. In every case we will need the
surface or above surface participating in running hours of that body and discharge velocity
groundwater recharge are based on a water level and number of operation in a season. We can easily
data from and outside the study area. The flow get this data from the government agencies. We can
mostly depends upon the gradient and the also collect the data from private tube-wells by
transmissivity of the aquifer of another source conducting a simple survey of groundwater
participating. Every other data contemplated in the drafting.
equation is used from the contour level chart of the In absence of survey data we can also
specified place from where the seepage is estimate the draft indirectly from the net crop
happening. The inflow/outflow is determined by requirement which is always based upon the
this following equation- cropping patterns and irrigated areas under various
Ig or Og = ∑ T I ΔL crops. The consumption of water is different in
In this equation I is the hydraulic gradient averaged each crop groups so the water demand will be
over a length ΔL of contour line and T is the different each season. So the groundwater draft can
transmissivity. be estimated by subtracting canal water released for
the crops from the net crop water requirement.
7. Evapotranspiration from Groundwater
(Et) 9. Change in Groundwater Storage (ΔS)
In short terms, evapotranspiration is the The groundwater storages show changes
combination of evaporation + transpiration. rapidly during the change of seasons. In the
Transpiration is done by plant roots and vegetables monsoon period the storages are at almost full
and evaporation is done by the soil and level. The recharge is more than the extraction,
environment. Evapotranspiration generally happens therefore the change in groundwater storage
in water logged areas where water is in abundance between the beginning and end of the monsoon
and nowhere to go. So, plant roots absorb the water season indicates the total volume of water added to
then leave it into the ground to let it percolate into
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 191
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
the groundwater reservoir. The change in storage is rainwater harvesting, including roof-top
computed as follows; rainwater harvesting, need to be practiced to
ΔS = ∑Δh A Sy further increase the utilisable water resources.
In this equation,
Δh = change in water table elevation during the REFERENCES:
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DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504184192 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 192
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Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 184-192 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252
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