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Chapter · January 2012

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0356-2_12


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4 authors, including:

Aditya Pratap Jitendra Kumar

Indian Institute of Pulses Research ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research


Ramesh Solanki
Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI)


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Series Title
Chapter Title Soybean
Chapter SubTitle
Copyright Year 2011
Copyright Holder Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Corresponding Author Family Name Pratap
Given Name Aditya
Division Crop Improvement Division
Organization Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Address 208024, Kanpur, India
Email [email protected]

Author Family Name Gupta

Given Name S. K.
Division Crop Improvement Division
Organization Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Address 208024, Kanpur, India
Author Family Name Kumar
Given Name Jitendra
Division Crop Improvement Division
Organization Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Address 208024, Kanpur, India
Author Family Name Solanki
Given Name R. K.
Division Crop Improvement Division
Organization Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Address 208024, Kanpur, India

Abstract Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) is one of the most important oil crops of the world which also has
tremendous importance as a food legume. Soy oil finds a variety of uses for domestic and industrial
purposes besides its use in several food preparations and animal feed. Having 53% global production
share of all oilseed crops, soybean finds an important place in most of the agricultural production systems
of major countries including USA, China, Brazil, Argentina and India. It has found an important place
in major crop improvement programs and consequently, there has been a considerable increase in its
production and productivity over the last two decades. Soybean is a diploidized ancient tetraploid. Though
it has a relatively large and complex genome, significant progress has been made towards using methods
of genome analysis and molecular cytogenetic tolls to elucidate its special function as well as to develop
improved cultivars. A number of stable, high-yielding and biotic and abiotic stress resistance varieties
have been developed using various traditional and modern crop improvement tools. Definite strides
have been made in alien gene introgressions, molecular marker technology, micropropagation, genetic
transformation, and marker-assisted breeding. Herbicide-tolerant transgenic soybean has witnessed a huge
commercial success and made it a leading biotech crop. At the same time, modification of fatty acid profile
of soy oil and improvement in protein content and nutritional quality have established soybean as one of
the most viable commercial crop. This chapter discusses soybean as a crop in detail covering all major
aspects related to its history and domestication, cytogenetics, breeding behavior, genetic improvement as
well as its oil and nutritional quality.
Keywords (separated by Soybean - Glycine max (L.) Merrill. - Genetic improvement - Transgenics - Molecular breeding -
'-') Oil content
Chapter 12 1

Soybean 2

Aditya Pratap, S.K. Gupta, Jitendra Kumar, and R.K. Solanki 3

Abstract Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) is one of the most important oil 4
crops of the world which also has tremendous importance as a food legume. Soy oil 5

finds a variety of uses for domestic and industrial purposes besides its use in several 6
food preparations and animal feed. Having 53% global production share of all oil- 7
seed crops, soybean finds an important place in most of the agricultural production 8
systems of major countries including USA, China, Brazil, Argentina and India. It 9
has found an important place in major crop improvement programs and conse- 10
quently, there has been a considerable increase in its production and productivity 11
over the last two decades. Soybean is a diploidized ancient tetraploid. Though it has 12

a relatively large and complex genome, significant progress has been made towards 13
using methods of genome analysis and molecular cytogenetic tolls to elucidate its 14
special function as well as to develop improved cultivars. A number of stable, high-

yielding and biotic and abiotic stress resistance varieties have been developed using 16
various traditional and modern crop improvement tools. Definite strides have been 17

made in alien gene introgressions, molecular marker technology, micropropagation, 18

genetic transformation, and marker-assisted breeding. Herbicide-tolerant transgenic 19
soybean has witnessed a huge commercial success and made it a leading biotech 20

crop. At the same time, modification of fatty acid profile of soy oil and improvement 21
in protein content and nutritional quality have established soybean as one of the 22
most viable commercial crop. This chapter discusses soybean as a crop in detail 23

covering all major aspects related to its history and domestication, cytogenetics, 24
breeding behavior, genetic improvement as well as its oil and nutritional quality. 25

Keywords Soybean • Glycine max (L.) Merrill. • Genetic improvement 26

• Transgenics • Molecular breeding • Oil content 27

A. Pratap (*)
Crop Improvement Division, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, 208024, India
e-mail: [email protected]

S.K. Gupta (ed.), Technological Innovations in Major World Oil Crops,

Volume 1: Breeding, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0356-2_12,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
A. Pratap et al.

28 1 Introduction

29 Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) occupies a premier position among agricultural
30 crops, being the most important source of good quality concentrated proteins as
31 well as vegetable oil. Seeds of soybean have been used in Asia and other parts of the
32 world for many centuries to prepare a variety of fresh, fermented and dried foods
33 (Probst and Judd 1973). Soy-based nutritious food products such as tofu, soy milk,
34 soy sauce, miso, etc. have been developed for human consumption while oil
35 extracted soy meal is used as a nutritious animal feed. Besides its use for domestic
36 purposes, soy oil finds multifarious uses in industries related to production of phar-
37 maceuticals, plastics, papers, inks, paints, varnishes, pesticides and cosmetics.
Recently, use of soy oil as biodiesel has opened up another possibility of renewable


39 sources of energy for industrial uses. As a legume crop, soybean is capable of utilizing
40 atmospheric nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation and is therefore less
41 dependent on synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Keeping in view its vast utilities, there
42 is ample justification for its significant involvement in major crop improvement

43 programs throughout the world.
44 Soybean belongs to the family Leguminosae and subfamily Papilionaceae. The
45 cultivated soybean has been proposed to be named correctly as G. max (L.) Merrill
by Ricker and Morse in 1948 (Gazzoni 1994). The genus Glycine consists of two
47 subgenera: Glycine (perennials) and Soja (annuals). The perennials consist of 22
48 recognized species and the annual two species, G. max L. Merrill. (cultigen) and
49 G. soja Sieb. & Zucc. (wild species and progenitor of G. max) (Hymowitz 2004).

50 Natural cross-pollination is usually less than 1% in the highly self-pollinated annual

51 G. max though it may sometimes reach up to 2–3%. The perennial species have been

52 reported to have up to 60% out-crossing for Glycine argyrea and Glycine clandestina
53 (Brown et al. 1986). Both the cultivated and wild soybeans are paleopolyploids with
54 2n = 2x = 40 and these are perfectly cross-compatible (Hymowitz 2004). Soybean has

55 a relatively large genome (1.12 × 109 bp) (Arumuganathan and Earle 1991) and about
56 55% of its genome consists of highly repetitive sequences (Danesh et al. 1998).

57 Owing to the concerted efforts of the crop scientists and soybean growers, the
58 world production of soybean has increased steadily during the last decade, rising
59 from 155.1 million metric tons in 1999 to 210.9 million metric tons in 2009 (www.

60 soystats.com, Fig. 12.1). Among all oilseed crops, soybean alone has maximum
61 global production share (53%), followed by rapeseed (15%), cottonseed (10%) and
62 peanut (9%). Among the soybean producing nations, United States of America has
63 the biggest production share with about 38% world soybean production, followed
64 by Brazil (27%), Argentina (15%), China (7%) and India (4%) (www.soystats.com,
65 Fig. 12.2). Soybean development is highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations
66 and water is the major factor having great impact on its productivity. Further, the
67 effects of temperature and photoperiod are also important which determine the cul-
68 tivation of soybean over space and time. Despite several biotic and abiotic stresses
69 and production constraints, there have been remarkable gains in this wonder crop
70 over the years. This chapter discusses the soybean crop with a special focus on its
71 genetic and crop improvement aspects.
12 Soybean

Paraguay Canada
4% 4%
India 2% United States
China 4% 37%




Fig. 12.1 Major soybean producing countries (2009) of the world

Palm Kernel Copra
Sunflower 3%
seed 2%
Peanut 7%

Rapeseed Soybeans


Fig. 12.2 Production of different oilseeds (2009) of the world


2 History, Origin and Evolution 72


Soybean as a crop is cultivated over a vast area throughout the globe and its history 73
has been discussed well by various researchers (Hymowitz 1970; Guo 1993; Singh 74
and Hymowitz 1999; Guo et al. 2010). Evidences suggest that soybean emerged as 75
domesticate during the Shang dynasty in the eastern half of northern China during 76
ca. 1700–100 bc (Singh and Hymowitz 1999). As one of the oldest cultivated food 77
legumes, it has been known to man for over 5,000 years and therefore proposes it as 78
a candidate place of its domestication (Hymowitz 1970). Molecular diversity stud- 79
ies conducted on soybean populations collected from north and south regions sug- 80
gested that this crop was also domesticated in South China (Ding et al. 2008). Thus 81
evidences suggest that both North and South China regions were involved in domes- 82
tication of soybean since ancient times. The oldest records of soybean cultivation 83
A. Pratap et al.

84 appear in bronze inscriptions and in early writings that date not much earlier than
85 1100 bc. With the expansion of the Shang dynasty, trade of soybean migrated to
86 South China, Korea, Japan and South East Asia. By the first century ad, soybeans
87 were probably distributed throughout China by trade missions and with time to
88 other Asian countries. The earliest Japanese reference to this crop was found in the
89 Kojiki (records of ancient matters) that was completed in 712 ad. In the sixteenth
90 and seventeenth centuries, there are several references to native soy foods in writ-
91 ings of European visitors to China and Japan. The first soybeans were brought to the
92 United States by Samuel Bowen in 1765, a seaman employed by the East India
93 Company, who planted them in “Greenwich,” a few miles east of Savannah, Georgia.
94 Mr. Bowen used soybean to produce soy sauce and a soybean noodle for export to
95 England (http://www.soymeal.org/pdf/HistorySoybeanUse.pdf).

96 The late type soybean from South China was found closer to the wild type and it

97 is expected that wild soybean is a common ancestor for cultivated type of South
98 China, from which early cultivated types originated during the process of dissemi-
99 nation to North China (Gai et al. 2000). The higher genetic diversity among the

100 South China population compared to North China population also supported the
101 origin of soybean in South China (Ding et al. 2008).
102 3 Polyploid Nature of Soybean

103 The genus Glycine is of an ancient polyploid origin and its genome has been reported
104 to have gone through two major rounds of duplication events during speciation
(Schlueter et al. 2004; Van et al. 2008). The haploid genome studies also suggested

106 that soybean is a diploidized ancient tetraploid (Safari and Schlueter 2011). Studies
107 showed that these duplication events occurred at ~14.5 and 45 MYA (Schlueter

108 et al. 2004; Blanc and Wolfe 2004). The genetic map of soybean revealed multiple
109 nested duplications that appeared to reflect an even more ancient round of poly-
110 ploidy at some point in the ancestry of the genus (Shoemaker et al. 2006). It has

111 been suggested that the ancestral “diploid” genome donors of modern “allopoly-
112 ploid” soybean were themselves stabilized paleopolyploids from an earlier round of
113 genome duplication.

114 The soybean genome has been described as having both allo- and autopolyploid
115 origin. An allopolyploid soybean genome was first hypothesized based on cytoge-
116 netic (Singh and Hymowitz 1985) and molecular studies (Shoemaker et al. 1996),
117 while the phylogenetic analysis of nuclear genes has hypothesized its origin to be of
118 autopolyploid nature (Doyle et al. 2003; Straub et al. 2006). A novel molecular
119 cytogenetic tool, the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has clearly distin-
120 guished ten chromosome pairs in soybean suggesting that there are two distinct and
121 co-resident genomes in its nucleus having two types of centromeres, which reflect
122 divergence in its two diploid progenitors (Udall and Wendel 2006).
123 Most of the molecular studies suggest that cultivated species, G. max, has close
124 phylogenetic relationship with wild species, G. soja, which is known as a progenitor
12 Soybean

of this species. The North Asian subgenus soja has been suggested to be the ­probable 125
wild progenitor of cultigen G. max (L.) Merrill. (Doyle et al. 2003). A number of 126
perennial diploid relatives of Glycine have been found throughout Australia and 127
Papua New Guinea. Among these, there are reports of intercrossing among the 128
­diploid species which resulted in some allopolyploid taxa (Doyle et al. 2004). Doyle 129
et al. (2004) has defined the tomentella and tabacina complexes, which have been 130
described as allopolyploids found in the wild. These resulted from various combina- 131
tions of diploid progenitors, which support that these polyploids have clearly arisen 132
through multiple origins. 133

4 Biology and Breeding Behavior


Soybean is a hairy annual with an extensive tap root system, most of it in the top 135
15 cm of the soil. The tap root may grow as deep as 2 m and adventitious roots grow 136

from the hypocotyls (Chaturvedi et al. 2011). Cultivated soybeans have an erect 137
growth habit though procumbency is not uncommon in germplasm resources 138
(Burton 1997). The modern cultivars of soybean are mostly erect, bushy, 20–180 cm 139
tall, usually with a few primary branches and no secondary branches. Exceptionally 140
prostrate and freely branching forms are also found, particularly in those varieties 141
which are meant for forage purposes. The leaves are trifoliate and alternate with long 142
petioles and small stipules and stiples; the leaflets are ovate to lanceolate with 143

mucronate tip. 144

In soybean, flowering and maturity are greatly influenced by photoperiod. The 145
flowers are typical papilionaceous, white or pale purple, with a tubular calyx of five

unequal sepal lobes and a five-member corolla that consists of a posterior standard 147
petal, two lateral wing petals and two anterior keel petals (Guard 1931). The androe- 148

cium is diadelphous with 9 + 1 arrangement. The single pistil is unicarpellate and 149
has 1–4 campylotropous ovules (Palmer 2001). The style curves back toward the 150
posterior stamen and is surrounded by a knob-like stigma (Carlson and Lersten 151

1987). Each flower is subtended by two bracteoles and has a hairy calyx of five 152
pointed sepals united for about half of their length. The pods are short stalked and 153
occur in groups of 3–15, 3–7 cm long and hairy, light brown at maturity and slightly 154

constricted between the seeds. The seeds vary greatly in shape, size and color though 155
these are mostly often round and yellowish, brown or black with epigeal 156
germination. 157
Soybeans are mostly self-pollinated, though rates of natural cross-pollination 158
have been observed to be between 0.03 and 1.14% in natural conditions (Culter 159
1934; Caviness 1966). The wild annual soybean, G. soja is predominantly self- 160
pollinated, while the perennial wild relative, G. argyrea (Ting.) and its closely 161
related species, G. clandestine (Wendl.), have both self-fertilized cleistogamous as 162
well as chasmogamous flowers on the same plant (Brown et al. 1986; Schoen and 163
Brown 1991; Palmer et al. 2001). The chasmogamous flowers are frequently visited by 164
insect pollinators leading to cross-pollination. Small insects such as thrips and 165
A. Pratap et al.

166 h­ oneybeas are mainly responsible for natural outcrossing in soybean, but other
167 insects are also observed to be working on soybean flowers. Insect-mediated cross
168 pollination in soybean has been discussed in detail by Palmer et al. (2001). Self-
169 pollinating soybean flowers have 3–4 ovules, which reach maturity prior to anthesis
170 (Stelly and Palmer 1985). Flowers open and normally self-pollinate at anthesis. For
171 planned controlled pollination, first the sepals and petals are carefully removed from
172 the young unopened flowers. This is followed by removal of anthers by forceps or
173 tweezers though removal of anther is not always necessary (Stelly and Palmer 1985).
174 The remaining flowers on the inflorescence are also removed. Pollination is done
175 the next morning. For this, the flowers which are about to open should be taken. In
176 these, with the help of forceps, first sepals are removed, followed by removal of the
177 standard petal, wing and keel petals to expose the anthers. These anthers are then

178 gently brushed on the stigma till the pollen is clearly visible on it. A small pod is

179 usually visible in 6–7 days.


5 Molecular Cytogenetics
The molecular cytogenetic tools and the methods of in situ hybridization, viz.,
182 genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), FISH, multicolor FISH and extended DNA
183 fiber mapping have revolutionized our understanding of the structure, function,
184 organization and evolution of genes and the genome (Chaturvedi et al. 2011). These

185 methods have made it feasible to link the molecular data about DNA sequence with
186 chromosomal expression and information at the tissue, cellular and sub-cellular lev-
els and hence changed the way we apply cytogenetics to agriculture (Schwarzacher

188 and Heslop-Harrison 2000). In soybean, these tools have also been extensively used
189 to resolve various issues related to the origin of the species, assessment of variabil-

190 ity and physical mapping of chromosomes besides physically mapping the whole
191 genomes and the targeted alien introgressions.
192 In soybean, the cytological study of metaphase chromosomes is a challenging

193 task due to its small size (1–2 mm), large number (2n = 40) and very little morpho-
194 logical diversity (Sen and Vidyabhusan 1960; Clarindo et al. 2007). With the excep-
195 tion of a single acrocentric pair, soybean chromosomes are all metacentric or

196 sub-metacentric making them difficult to distinguish in routine mitotic preparations.

197 The first cytological description of domesticated soybean (G. max) was developed
198 using pachytene chromosomes, which were numbered from 1 to 20 on the basis of
199 total chromosomes length, arm length ratios and relative proportions of euchroma-
200 tin and heterochromatin (Singh and Hymowitz 1988).
201 In situ hybridization of DNA probes to soybean chromosomes was first reported
202 by Skorupska et al. (1989) and later by Griffor et al. (1991). Soybean repetitive
203 DNA has been used to develop fluorescent in situ hybridization probes that could
204 differentially label mitotic chromosomes in root tip preparations. These karyotyping
205 tools were applied to wild soybean (G. soja), which represents a large gene pool of
206 potentially agronomically valuable traits. Reciprocal chromosome translocations
12 Soybean

between chromosomes 11 and 13 in two accessions of wild soybean were identified 207
and characterized. The translocation is wide spread in G. soja accessions and likely 208
accounts for the semi-sterility found in G. soja × G. max crosses. 209
Apart from identification of chromosomes, molecular cytogenetics has also been 210
used to suggest polyploidy in G. max. Two soybean centromere-specific satellite 211
repeat classes in its genome suggest the existence of two sub-genomes (Gill et al. 212
2009). The ancestor of soybean and the remainder of the genus Glycine have been 213
hypothesized as being formed via a polyploidy event within the last 15 million years 214
(Shoemaker et al. 2006). However, it remains unclear whether the event was allo- or 215
autopolyploidy (Kumar and Hymowitz 1989; Straub et al. 2006). Lackey (1980) 216
suggested that there have been several rounds of polyploidization and for segmental 217
duplication in soybean on the basis of chromosome number. Similarly, it was also 218

repeated on the basis of multiple hybridizing RFLP fragments (Shoemaker et al. 219

2006) and on the basis of implicated ESTs (Blanc and Wolfe 2004; Schlueter et al. 220
2004). 221

6 Genetic Improvement
Pr 222
Improving seed characteristics for oil and protein content, plant characteristics and 223
resistance to biotic (diseases and insect-pests) and abiotic (mainly environmental) 224
stresses are the major breeding objectives in soybean. History of soybean breeding 225

started with domestication, which is believed to have first occurred in the eastern 226
half of China during ca. 1700–1100 bc (Singh and Hymowitz 1999). In the six- 227
teenth and seventeenth centuries, it was brought into Europe by missionaries and

was likely introduced into North America in 1765 and after that reintroduced sev- 229
eral times (Morse et al. 1949; Sleper and Shannon 2003). During 1860–1900, the 230

introduced soybeans were grown in all agricultural research stations across the 231
United States and research was conducted on their improvement (Probst and Judd 232
1973). In USA, plant introduction of various lines has contributed significantly in 233

genetic improvement for yield potential of soybean (Pathan and Sleper 2008). 234
Introduced lines or cultivars from the United States were the important early sources 235
[AU1] of adapted materials for planting soybean at latitudes of 22°C to 30°S in Brazil 236

(Ferraz de Toledo et al. 1994). 237

Keeping in view the self-pollinating behavior of soybean, the steps used for its 238
cultivar development are: (a) hybridization of the selected parents (in single, three- 239
way or multiple combinations) or (b) increase in homozygosity by selection (by 240
pedigree, mass selection or single seed descent methods), and (c) yield testing. 241
Conventional breeding is generally based on phenotypic selection of superior indi- 242
viduals from segregating populations, which takes about 8–10 years to complete the 243
cycle starting with making the crosses to release of variety/germplasm (Pathan and 244
Sleper 2008). Over the past years, pedigree, bulk, mass selection, single seed descent 245
and early generation testing methods have been commonly followed for the devel- 246
opment of improved soybean cultivars, with little efforts towards population 247
A. Pratap et al.

248 improvement and hybrid breeding. Pedigree selection is effective in incorporating

249 desirable qualitative traits into breeding material. However, it is generally used in
250 small breeding programs because it is highly labor intensive. With pedigree selec-
251 tion, desirable families are selected in each generation and one or more plants from
252 each family are advanced to next generation through inbreeding/selfing. Bulk or
253 population method is now widely used due to its simplicity and also because natural
254 selection also gets a chance to operate. Single-seed descent (SSD) method is the
255 most widely used method to increase homozygosity in soybean. This method has
256 been further modified as single pod descent (SPD) by breeders to hasten the harvesting
257 process. The major emphasis has been laid on high seed yield, oil content and
258 ­quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and maturity duration. Efforts have
259 also been directed toward development of plant types.

260 Early generation testing developed in Canada as a modification of bulk method

261 has also been shown to be very feasible for improving the characters showing addi-
262 tive and additive × additive genetic components of variance and has been found to be
263 efficient and successful in soybean (Cooper 1990). It has an advantage over late gen-

264 eration testing due to reduction of population load as inferior lines are discarded in
265 early generations. However, F2, F3 and even F4 families are subjected for early gen-
266 eration selection depending upon the target trait and environmental conditions
267 (Burton 1997). In soybean, various recurrent selection methods have also been used
268 or proposed. These include S1 family selection for yield (Kenworthy and Brim 1979;
269 Rose et al. 1992) and protein (Brim and Burton 1979), mass selection for oil (Burton
270 and Brim 1981) and seed weight (Tinius et al. 1991), and half-sib family selection for

271 seed yield (Burton and Carver 1993) and oil quality (Carver et al. 1986). Successful
272 application of recurrent selection in soybean could be due to the availability of male
sterile lines and it has been employed for improvement of yield (Tinius et al. 1991),

274 oil and protein content (Burton and Brim 1981) and fatty acid (Carver et al. 1986).
275 Soybean breeding in USA has been viewed as a process of cyclic recurrent selection

276 in which superior cultivars are selected and released, then combined and tested and
277 four such cycles in the selection of MGI-IV cultivars between 1933 and 1971 were
278 identified by Luedders (1977), from which yield increase were reported to the tune

279 of 1 and 0.6% per year in the simultaneous tests of such cultivars.
280 Breeding populations are often developed by 2-way, 3-way or 4-way crosses of
281 cultivars and/or breeding lines. If unadapted germplasm is used, at least one back-

282 cross to the adapted parent is often used (Burton 1997). This is usually done for
283 random mating purposes in recurrent selection population improvement programs
284 (Brim and Stuber 1973; Burton et al. 1990; Tinius et al. 1991). However, con-
285 trolled biparental pollinations are also possible (Nelson and Bermard 1984;
286 Lewers et al. 1996).
287 Increasing both protein and oil concentration in seeds is an important breeding
288 goal in soybean, but these are negatively correlated (Brim and Burton 1979). It has
289 been reported that oil content in soybean is governed by additive gene effects, addi-
290 tive × additive epistatic interaction and complementary epistasis (Rahangdale and
291 Raut 2002) and therefore, use of recurrent selection schemes can be the most effec-
292 tive for increasing oil content (Burton and Brim 1981).
12 Soybean

High phytic acid (PA) in soybean seeds causes mineral malnutrition in human beings. 293
Therefore, systematic studies have been conducted on this aspect. Recently, it has been 294
observed that total phosphorus (P) and phytate P (PhyP) are controlled by dominant 295
recessive epistasis, which can help us to develop low phytate containing varieties 296
(Sompong et al. 2010). The quality of soybean oil is also determined on the basis of 297
polysaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratio, mono-unsaturated fatty acid and ratio 298
of essential fatty acids such as linoleic/linolenic. High linolenic acid in soybean oil has 299
poor oxidative stability (Patil et al. 2004). Isoflavon in soybean oil is another important 300
target to improve the oil quality. For this trait, epistatic interactions have been observed, 301
except for malonyldiadzin (MDZ). For obtaining the largest selection gains for this trait, 302
importance has to be given for exploiting the additive genetic variances in superior lines 303
or the cytoplasmic effect and the epistatic interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear 304

genes (Chiari et al. 2006). Lutein is a major carotenoid in soybean seed beneficial for eye 305

health. This component is positively correlated with oleic acid and negatively correlated 306
with lenoleic and lenolenic acid contents (Lee et al. 2009). 307
Lodging resistance is another important target for improvement in soybean cul- 308

tivars. Erect growth habit reduces mechanical harvest loss and has maximum light 309
penetration through plant canopy. Besides this, soybean breeders have used several 310
other traits with mixed results such as narrow leaflets, brachytic stem (short inter- 311
node), stem termination change to alter height, and more fibrous rooting (Wells 312
et al. 1993). Change in the length of reproductive period has also been focused for 313
adaptation to specific environments. However, in practice, lengthening the pod-filling 314
period and/or changing the rate of dry matter accumulation in pods have given 315

minor improvement in yield improvements, despite positive correlation between 316

these two traits (Smith and Nelson 1986). 317

6.1 Distant Hybridization


Since soybean is a highly inbreeding plant and during the last many decades, soybean 319

breeding has been limited to mainly gene-pool 1 (GP1), most of the present day cultivars 320
have a narrow genetic base. Plant breeders have mostly used existing germplasm and 321
land races to develop new varieties for desirable agronomic traits. However, there has 322

not been remarkable achievement in yield and other traits partly because enough genetic 323
diversity is missing for some of the traits to make progress. This could be due to genetic 324
bottlenecks that occurred during the domestication process (Tanksley and McCouch 325
1997). Wild species/relatives are useful reservoirs of genes for various quality traits 326
including resistance genes to many biotic and abiotic stresses. However, their transfer 327
from wild species to the elite cultivars through conventional breeding have been limited, 328
due to pre- and post-fertilization barriers and the associated transfer of undesired alleles 329
(linkage drag). Efforts have been made to recover/transfer the favorable alleles in elite 330
germplasm that were left behind by the domestication process more efficiently using 331
embryo rescue ­techniques, hormonal manipulations and innovative genomics-assisted 332
breeding strategies such as molecular maps and integrative QTL analysis. 333
A. Pratap et al.

334 Based upon the success rate of hybridization among the species, Harlan and de Wet
335 (1971) proposed the concept of primary (GP-1), secondary (GP-2) and tertiary (GP-3)
336 gene pools. The soybean cultivars, land races and their wild annual progenitor, G. soja,
337 have been placed in GP-1 (Singh and Hymowitz 1999). However, going by the defini-
338 tion of GP-2 by Harlan and de Wet (1971), which states that “all species that can be
339 crossed with GP-1 with at least some fertility in F1,” none of the species qualifies to
340 fall in GP-2 of soybean. The GP-3 includes 16 wild perennial species of the subgenus
341 Glycine. All these species are indigenous to Australia and are geographically isolated
342 from G. max and G. soja (Singh and Hymowitz 1999). These species are extremely
343 genetically diverse, grow in very diverse conditions and have a very wide geographi-
344 cal distribution (Kollipara et al. 1997; Singh and Hymowitz 1999). From reports, it is
345 indicated that gene transfer from wild perennial species to soybean is possible.

346 Consequently, intersubgeneric hybrids have been produced and fertile modified

347 ­diploid lines have been obtained. The wild progenitor of soybean, G. soja, despite
348 having a number of undesirable traits, may be an excellent source of genetic variabil-
349 ity, continuous backcross breeding and selection may be practiced to remove the

350 undesirable traits. Despite a number of attempts to hybridize wild perennial Glycine
351 spp. with the soybean, only a few sterile intersubgeneric F1 hybrids have been reported.
352 Initially, attempts to broaden the genetic base of G. max by utilizing G. soja were
353 reported by Hartwig (1973), Ertl and Fehr (1985), and Carpenter and Fehr (1986).
354 Later, limited numbers of interspecific crosses were attempted between G. max and
355 G. soja (Palmer and Kilen 1987; Singh and Hymowitz 1988). Singh et al. (1990, [AU2]
356 1993) successfully produced backcross-derived fertile progenies using soybean and a

357 wild perennial G. tomentella. Riggs et al. (1998) reported introgression of soybean
358 cyst nematode resistance from G. tomentella into modified derived diploid soybean
lines. AB-QTL approach has also been used in soybean. For instance, Chaky et al.

360 (2003) generated 296 BC2F4:6 backcross introgression lines (BILs) from the cross
361 G. max (Dunbar) × G. soja (PI 326582A). This study provided several QTL for seed

362 yield, seed protein and oil as well as some BILs that were late-maturing and taller.

363 6.2 Male Sterility and Hybrid Development


364 Hybrid breeding program has not been much successful in soybean owing to its
365 highly self-pollinating nature, absence of stable male sterility–female fertility sys-
366 tems, lack of efficient pollen transfer mechanisms, low number of seed set per pod
367 and poor natural crossing (Singh and Hymowitz 1999; Palmer et al. 2001). Due to
368 the small size of the soybean flowers, manual cross-pollination to produce large
369 quantities of hybrid seed is also difficult and time consuming. Still, possibilities of
370 development of hybrid varieties have been explored and efforts have been made on
371 identification of male sterility systems. Several genic male sterile lines (ms1, ms2,
372 ms3, ms4, ms5 and ms6) have been identified (Graybosch and Palmer 1988;
373 Skorupska and Palmer 1989; Palmer and Skorupska 1990; Palmer et al. 2001) and
374 the different types of male sterility systems have been discussed (Palmer et al. 2001).
12 Soybean

Table 12.1 Male-sterile, female-fertile mutants of soybean reported in United States t1.1
Mutant Phenotype References t1.2
ms1 (North Carolina) Male sterile Brim and Young (1971) t1.3
ms1 (Urbana) Male sterile Boerma and Cooper (1978) t1.4
ms1 (Tonica) Male sterile Palmer et al. (1978) t1.5
ms1 (Ames 1) Male sterile Palmer et al. (1978) t1.6
ms1 (Ames 2) Male sterile Skorupska and Palmer (1990) t1.7
ms1 (Danbury) Male sterile Skorupska and Palmer (1990) t1.8
ms2 (Eldorado) Male sterile Bernard and Cremeens (1975) t1.9
ms2 (Ames 1) Male sterile Palmer (2000) t1.10
[AU3] ms2 (Ames 2) Male sterile Cervantes-Martinez et al. (2005) t1.11
ms3 (Washington) Male sterile Palmer et al. (1980) and Graybosch and Palmer t1.12
(1987) t1.13

ms3 (Flanagan) Male sterile Chaudhari and Davis (1977) and Graybosch t1.14

and Palmer (1987) t1.15
ms3 (Plainview) Male sterile Skorupska and Palmer (1990) t1.16
ms4 (Ames) Male sterile Delannay and Palmer (1982) t1.17
ms4 (Fisher) Male sterile Skorupska and Palmer (1990)

ms5 Male sterile Buss (1983) t1.19
ms6 (Ames 1) Male sterile Palmer and Skorupska (1990) and Skorupska t1.20
and Palmer (1989) t1.21
ms6 (Ames 2) Male sterile Ilarslan et al. (1999) t1.22
ms7 Male sterile Palmer (2000) t1.23
[AU4] ms8 Partial male sterile Palmer (2000) and Frasch et al. (2010) t1.24
ms9 Male sterile Palmer (2000) t1.25

Msp Partial male sterile Stelly and Palmer (1980) t1.26

Source: Palmer et al. (2004) t1.27

The interest in hybrid soybean developed after the identification of the first male- 375

sterile, female-fertile mutant (Brim and Young 1971). Its use in recurrent selection 376
breeding programs (Brim and Stuber 1973; Lewers and Palmer 1997) increased the 377
awareness of the potential to produce commercial hybrids in soybean. Several 378

nuclear recessive genes are reported to confer male sterility in soybean, which are 379
used by soybean breeders for insect-mediated pollination. Genetic mutations affecting 380
microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in soybean have generated male-­sterile, 381

female-fertile lines. A detailed list of genes controlling sterility and their corre- 382
sponding phenotype is shown in Table 12.1. Palmer and Lewers (1998) reported that 383
male sterility in soybean is controlled by single recessive gene, but the local condi- 384
tions need to be addressed to support chances of pollination and pollination vectors 385
for hybrid seed production (Perez et al. 2008). 386
A workable CMS system with appropriate maintainers and restorers is a prereq- 387
uisite for commercialization of a hybrid (Wang et al. 2009). Several CMS systems 388
have been identified in soybean (Zhang et al. 1999a, b; Sun et al. 1994, 1997; 389
Bai and Gai 2003; Zhao and Gai 2006; Li et al. 1995; Xu et al. 1999; Zhao et al. 390
1998). Stability of CMS lines, restores and maintainers has been well documented 391
in China (Wang et al. 2009). Using these systems, world’s first commercial soybean 392
A. Pratap et al.

393 hybrid was released in 2003 in China. The identification of cytoplasmic-nuclear

394 male-sterile lines along with their maintainers and restorers has also been achieved
395 by intraspecific (G. max × G. max) and interspecific (G. max × G. soja) hybridiza-
396 tions (Davis 1987; Sun et al. 1994, 1997; Zhang and Dai 1997; Ding et al. 1998;
397 Zhao et al. 1998; Bai and Gai 2003; Zhao and Gai 2006).
398 The degree of heterosis is an important consideration in commercial hybrid seed
399 production program. Heterosis studies have shown that levels, above the better parent,
400 are possible (Brim and Cockerham 1961; Manjarrez-Sandoval et al. 1997; Ortiz-Perez
401 et al. 2007; Perez et al. 2009; Sun et al. 1999). Manjarrez-Sandoval et al. (1997)
402 recorded heterosis as high as 11% across locations. In some cases, the better hybrids
403 yielded between 10 and 20% more than the better parent (Palmer et al. 2001). However,
404 many of the studies in hybrid soybean have been conducted in single rows with spaced

405 plants, conditions that are different from commercial fields and therefore may not give

406 reliable indications on superiority of hybrids. In other studies, where more hybrid seed
407 was available, yield tests were done in replicated plots in several environments.
408 Upon obtaining a stable male sterility system, it is necessary to transfer the pol-

409 len from the male parent to the female parent. Entomophilus cross-pollination of
410 male-sterile soybean plants may facilitate the production of hybrid seed (Nelson
411 and Bermard 1984; Ortiz-Perez et al. 2007). Pollinator insects such as honeybees
412 (Apis melliphera) and alfalfa leaf cutter bee (Megachile rotundata F.) are attracted
413 to soybean flowers and can be used in hybrid production. Some wild native bees,
414 primarily from families Megachilidae, Halictidae, Anthophoridae and Andrenidae,
415 could be efficient pollinators (Ortiz-Perez et al. 2007).

416 7 Biotechnology

417 Despite the systematic and continuous breeding efforts through conventional methods,
418 significant genetic gain in soybean production is yet to be achieved. Among the major
419 yield constraints, a large amount of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions on the

420 expression of important quantitative traits and susceptibility of soybean genotypes to

421 biotic and abiotic stresses have led to slow progress in its genetic improvement and yield
422 stability. In recent years, biotechnological tools have opened up new avenues to comple-

423 ment traditional plant breeding and both of these can work together for accelerated
424 improvement of not only soybean but all agricultural crops also. Various biotechnologi-
425 cal tools such as plant tissue culture, genetic transformation, molecular breeding and
426 marker-assisted selection can play a major role in developing superior cultivars.

427 7.1 Micropropagation and Somaclonal Variation

428 Micropropagation is the process of in vitro multiplication of donor plant to produce a

429 large number of true to type progenies and its goal is to obtain a large number of
430 healthy plants in a short period with minimized expenses (Skrzypek et al. 2011).
12 Soybean

Micropropagation is often used to speed up the breeding process. Through 431

­micropropagation, a cell or group of cells from somatic tissues such as roots, cotyle- 432
dons, stems, leaves or reproductive organs form an embryo. It mostly occurs ­indirectly 433
via an intervening callus phase, or sometimes embryos may arise directly from the 434
explant surface, likely from epidermal or sub-epidermal layers. Successful micro- 435
propagation may greatly help in the generation of additional variability through 436
­isolation of somaclonal/gametoclonal variants as well as genetic transformants. There 437
are reports on morphological variants in soybean through cell and tissue ­cultures 438
(Gray Bosch et al. 1987; Bailey et al. 1993). Somatic embryos and young callus tissue 439
can be an object of genetic transformation, or they can be used to start cell or proto- 440
plast suspension culture, suitable to alternative methods of transformation or in vitro 441
mutagenesis. The success of micropropagation protocols relies on many factors, viz., 442

genotype of the plant from which explant is taken, culture and environmental 443

­conditions, explant used and its disinfection, pretreatment, composition of nutrient 444
media, length of treatment during subsequent culture phases, subcultures of calli, ex 445
vitro acclimatization of the plantlets and conditions of further growth. 446

Cotyledonary nodes from mature seeds have been the most responsive for the 447
induction of multiple shoots via organogenesis in soybean (Barwale et al. 1986). 448
Initially, Barwale et al. (1986) succeeded in obtaining fertile plants in 54 soybean 449
genotypes using callus cultures derived from immature embryos on basal MS medium 450
(Murashige and Skoog 1962) with B5 vitamins (Gamborg et al. 1968), supplemented 451
either by 8 mg/L naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or 3 mg/L benzylaminopurine (BAP) 452
and 0.037 mg/L NAA. These embryos were successfully regenerated into plants on 453

the medium supplemented with 0.38 mg/L BAP and 0.04 mg/L indol-3-butyric acid 454
(IBA). Later, Finer and Nagasawa (1988) elaborated the suspension culture system 455
based on high level of synthetic auxin analogue 2,4-D in the induction medium. This

protocol was also applied for soybean transformation (Trick and Finer 1998; Santarem 457
and Finer 1999) and in vitro mutagenesis (Van et al. 2008). Bailey et al. (1993) made 458

further improvements of the protocol, testing additional growth regulators, source of 459
carbohydrates and other medium additives. Several other modifications were done to 460
the media and culture conditions for improving the plantlet recovery frequency from 461

the cultured explants (Walker and Parrott 2001; Schmidt et al. 2005). Genotypes have 462
been reported to influence the protocol’s efficiency (Barwale et al. 1986; Parrott et al. 463
1989; Tomlin et al. 2002; Van et al. 2008). 464

7.2 Doubled Haploid Breeding 465

Haploids induced by in vitro culture of gametophytic cells, particularly male geme- 466
tophytes, are of tremendous importance in crop improvement programs. Doubled 467
haploid (DH) breeding enables the breeders to develop completely homozygous 468
genotypes from heterozygous parents in a single generation and allows fixing the 469
[AU5] recombinant gametes directly as fertile homozygous lines (Pratap et al. 2006). DH 470
lines may be used as mapping populations for molecular linkage maps, besides their 471
use in mutation breeding and genetic engineering. Above all, in vitro screening for 472
A. Pratap et al.

473 complex traits such as drought, cold and salinity tolerance can be done during the
474 culture process (Pratap et al. 2005). Over the past three decades, several attempts
475 have been made to develop anther and microspore culture systems for soybean
476 (Cardoso et al. 2004; Ye et al. 1994). Several initial studies reported induction of
477 callus from anthers (Ivers et al. 1974; Liu and Zhao 1986), shoot organogenesis
478 (Yin et al. 1982; Jian et al. 1986) and embryo-like structures (ELS) from anther-
479 derived callus (Hu et al. 1996; Kaltchuk-Santos et al. 1993). In a few cases, a low [AU6]
480 number of plants were regenerated, though the haploid origin of the plants was
481 uncertain (Yin et al. 1982; Jian et al. 1986; Hu et al. 1996; Zhao et al. 1998;
482 de Moraes et al. 2004; Rodrigues et al. 2004; Tiwari et al. 2004).
483 Genotypic and donor plant growth conditions can have a profound effect on
484 embryogenic response. Similarly, growth media also plays an important role in any

485 micropropagation program. In soybean, most of the protocols have used anthers

486 collected from the field (Zhuang et al. 1991; de Moraes et al. 2004; Cardoso et al.
487 2004) in contrast to most other species where donor plants are grown under con-
488 trolled conditions. Several basal media and their modifications have been tried to

489 induce haploids in soybean with varying results. In general, B5 medium with 16
490 organic compounds (Zhuang et al. 1991) and with Yeung’s amino acids (Yeung and
491 Sussex 1979) is appropriate for anther culture. De Moraes et al. (2004) obtained one
492 confirmed haploid plant (n = 20), following induction of embryogenic calli from
493 anthers on this basal medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BAP,
494 9% sucrose and 0.25% phytagel. This result further confirms the finding of Hu et al.
495 (1996) that 2,4-D is essential for soybean microspore callus induction. There is no

496 general consensus regarding the most appropriate microspore developmental stage
497 and the effect of pretreatment stress on androgenesis from soybean. Yin et al. (1982)
and Ye et al. (1994) found that the early- to mid-uninucleate stage was best for

499 induction while several other authors reported mid- to late-uninucleate and early
500 binucleate stage of pollen development to be more appropriate (Kaltchuk-Santos

501 et al. 1993; Cardoso et al. 2004). Among pretreatments, temperature stress has been
502 most frequently studied (Liu and Zhao 1986; Rodrigues et al. 2005). However,
503 despite these efforts any major breakthrough is yet to be achieved in haploidy breeding

504 in soybean.

505 7.3 Molecular Breeding

506 Plant breeding is moving fast since the molecular breeding tools have become available.
507 Use of molecular markers for improving breeding efficiency was initially suggested
508 in 1989 (Tanksley et al. 1989). Since then, identification of molecular markers asso-
509 ciated with traits of interest to breeders has witnessed tremendous progress in many
510 crops including soybean. Two main approaches, viz., linkage mapping and association
511 mapping, are now being routinely used for identifying marker-trait associations in
512 soybean. Linkage mapping-based approaches have been extensively used for map-
513 ping genes for various biotic stresses such as sclerotinia stem rot (Guo et al. 2008),
12 Soybean

Brown stem rot (Patzoldt et al. 2005), Phytophthora stem rot (Han et al. 2008; Wang 514
et al. 2010), Asian soybean rust (Hyten et al. 2009; Chakraborty et al. 2009), 515
Soybean Mosaic Virus (Shi et al. 2008), sudden death syndrome (Kazi et al. 2008) 516
and cyst nematode (Wu et al. 2009; Vuong et al. 2010). Similarly for biotic stresses, 517
QTL mapping has been successful for water-logging (Githiri et al. 2006), salt stress 518
(Lee et al. 2009; Tuyen et al. 2010), manganese toxicity (Kassem et al. 2004), iron 519
deficiency chlososis (Li et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2005), aluminum tolerance (Qi et al. 520
2008) and phosphorus deficiency (Li et al. 2005). In fact, soybean is the most suc- 521
cessful legume crop where use of markers in breeding programs is routine and sev- 522
eral improved lines/varieties for resistance to different SCN races (Concibido et al. 523
1996; Arelli and Young 2009), Phytophthora root rot and brown stem rot, insect 524
resistance (Walker et al. 2002; Warrington et al. 2008), low linolenic acid content 525

(Sauer et al. 2008), yield (Concibido et al. 2003), mosaic virus resistance (Saghai 526

Maroof et al. 2008; Shi et al. 2009) have been developed. Further, a number of vari- 527
eties (JTN-5503, JTN5303, DS-880, JTN-5109) have been released in soybean for 528
resistance to diseases and Soybean cyst nematode resistance, most of them in USA 529

(Arelli et al. 2006, 2007; Arelli and Young 2009; Smith 2010). 530
7.4 Genetic Transformation 531

There has been huge commercial success of transgenic soybean since the first 532

reports on its genetic transformation (Hinchee et al. 1988; McCabe et al. 1988) 533
appeared. There has been continuous dominance of transgenic soybean among the 534
different global biotech crops, with the entire soybean crop being herbicide tolerant.

In 2007, the global area of transgenic herbicide tolerant soybean was 58.6 million 536
hectares which was 64% of the total global area under soybean cultivation (James 537

2007). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the most widely used transforma- 538

tion technology (Eapen 2008), partly because it often gives rise to simple transgene 539
integration patterns, which is desirable for correct and stable transgene expression. 540

On the other hand, among the direct gene transfer techniques, particle bombardment 541
is by far the most popular because it is expected to be less genotype dependent in 542
contrast to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. This technology has been 543

applied with different legumes including soybeans (Rech et al. 2008). However, a 544
disadvantage of this technique is that it sometimes results in complex transgene 545
integration patterns, thus enhancing the likelihood of transgene silencing (Travella 546
et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2005). An example of this phenomenon is a study concerning 547
transformation with isoflavone biosynthetic genes in soybean (Zernova et al. 2009). 548
The transgenic lines carried multiple transgene inserts and although the lines were 549
transformed with sense constructs aiming at overexpression of isoflavone 550
­biosynthetic enzymes, the transgenic lines actually contained lower levels of isofla- 551
vones, suggesting co-suppression of the homologous soybean genes (Zernova et al. 552
2009). Over the last one decade, a number of transgenic lines have been produced 553
in soybean for different traits (Table 12.2). 554
A. Pratap et al.

t2.1 Table 12.2 Some recent examples of soybean lines improved through genetic engineering
t2.2 Introduced gene(s) Trait References
t2.3 Ribozyme terminated fatty Modified seed oil composition Buhr et al. (2002)
t2.4 acid desaturase and
t2.5 thioesterase
t2.6 Gly m Bd 30 K Allergen elimination Herman et al. (2003)
t2.7 Borago officinalis fatty acid Modified seed oil composition Sato et al. (2004)
t2.8 D6 desaturase
t2.9 cry1Ab Insect resistance Dufourmantel et al. (2005)
t2.10 Coat protein of soybean Virus resistance Furutani et al. (2006)
t2.11 mosaic virus
t2.12 Inverted repeat of coat protein Virus resistance Tougou et al. (2006)
t2.13 of soybean dwarf virus

t2.14 Fatty acid D6 desaturase and Modified seed oil composition Eckert et al. (2006)

t2.15 D15 desaturase
t2.16 RNAi construct targeting cyst Nematode resistance Steeves et al. (2006)
t2.17 nematode MSP gene
t2.18 Fatty acid D6 desaturase, fatty Modified seed oil composition Chen et al. (2006)

t2.19 acid elongase and fatty
t2.20 acid D5 desaturase
t2.21 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Weed control Dufourmantel et al. (2007)
t2.22 dioxygenase
t2.23 Dicamba monooxygenase Weed control Behrens et al. (2007)
t2.24 Heat labile toxin (LT) Oral vaccine Moravec et al. (2007)
t2.25 B subunit
t2.26 SLC1 Increased oil content Rao and Hildebrand

t2.27 (2009)
t2.28 Oxalate decarboxylase Fungal resistance Cunha et al. (2010)
t2.29 Mutated anthranilate synthase Nutritional quality improvement Ishimoto et al. (2010)

t2.30 Source: Angenon and Thu (2011)


555 Using genetic transformation, fatty acid metabolism has been manipulated in
556 s­ oybeans with a reduction in saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and a con-

557 comitant strong increase in oleic acid (Buhr et al. 2002) and high amounts of long
558 chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (Chen et al. 2006; Eckert et al. 2006). Padgette
559 et al. (1995) reported that a stable glyphosate-tolerant soybean line had been devel-

560 oped using the Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Kinney (1996) produced a
561 high oleic acid content (84%) soybean line by particle bombardment method.
562 Transgenic plants have also been obtained from which the major seed allergens have [AU7]
563 been eliminated, resulting in a strong decrease of binding of IgEs from allergic
564 patients to extract these transgenic seeds (Herman et al. 2003). Soybean has also
565 been used as a platform to produce biopharmaceuticals such as vaccines and antibod-
566 ies during the last decade (Ma et al. 2005; Kaiser 2008) resulting in the production of
567 edible ­vaccines (Moravec et al. 2007). Plastid transformation in soybean has first
568 been reported by Dufourmantel et al. (2004) and has subsequently been used to
569 obtain high level expression of Cry1Ab protein and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxy-
570 genase, conferring strong insecticidal activity and herbicide tolerance, respectively
12 Soybean

(Dufourmantel et al. 2005, 2007). One major concern in transgenic soybean is the 571
removal of marker genes. Two main strategies for marker gene removal are available: 572
the co-transformation strategy and the use of site-specific recombinase systems such 573
as Cre-lox, R-RS or FLT-FRT (Darbani et al. 2007). If the marker gene and the gene 574
of interest are integrated at different loci, they can segregate independently and 575
marker-free progeny can be obtained. This strategy has been adopted for the produc- 576
tion of marker-free transgenic soybeans (Sato et al. 2004; Behrens et al. 2007). 577

8 Oil Extraction 578

For extraction of oil from soybean seeds, hydraulic presses, screw presses and sol- 579

vent extraction are the commonly used methods. In the 1930s, hydraulic or screw 580
presses were more commonly used. However, the modern oil extraction industries 581
prefer to use solvent extraction process which removes more oil from soybean, 582

hexane being the most common solvent used (Carrao Panizzi and Gontijo Mandarino 583
1994). The extraction process is completed in several steps. The first step involves 584
cleaning the soybean seeds to remove the foreign material and dirt and drying them 585
to a moisture level of 9.5%. This follows cracking the seeds by passing them through 586
corrugated rolls of roller mills and dehulling of the cracks and heating the cracked 587
soybean meats to about 165°F to soften them before flaking. The heated and cracked 588
meats are then passed through a roller mill equipped with smooth surface rolls to 589

produce flakes. The flakes are then placed into a vapor sealed percolation extractor 590
and the solvent is percolated through a bed of soy flakes, dissolving the oil. The 591
mixture of oil and solvent (micella) leaves the bottom of the bed through perforated

plate. After this, hexane is removed leading to the production of crude soybean oil, 593
the step completing in two-stage steam-heated evaporator. The crude soybean oil is 594

then subjected to a refining process which includes degumming, neutralization, 595

bleaching, deodorization and hydrogenation. The refining process does not change 596
the composition of glycerides in the oil though it removes impurities such as waxes, 597

free fatty acids, sterols, pigments and minerals such as P, Fe, Na and Cu from the 598
crude oil. The byproduct soy flakes with the oil removed are conveyed to a desol- 599
ventizer toaster for removing undrained hexane. This process removes the hexane 600

and destroys anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors, ureases and hemag- 601
glutinins. Then the meal is dried to about 13–14% moisture in a dry-cooler and then 602
screened and ground to produce uniform size prior to shipment to the end user. 603

9 Oil Content and Protein Quality 604

Soybean has approximately 40% protein, 20% lipids, 17% celluloses and hemicel- 605
luloses, 7% sugars, 5% crude fibers and about 6% of ash. On oil extraction, the 606
crude oil requires further treatment called refining to convert it into a bland, stable 607
A. Pratap et al.

t3.1 Table 12.3 Fatty acid composition of soybean oil

Fatty acid composition (wt.%)
t3.2 Component fatty acid Range Average
t3.3 Saturated
t3.4 Lauric – 0.1
t3.5 Myristic <0.5 0.2
t3.6 Palmitic 6–12 10.7
t3.7 Stearic 2.0–5 3.9
t3.8 Arachidic <1.0 0.2
t3.9 Bohenic <0.5 –
t3.10 Total 10–19 15.0
t3.11 Unsaturated
t3.12 Palmitoleic <0.5 0.3

Oleic 20–50 22.8

t3.14 Linoleic 38–60 50.8
t3.15 Linolenic 2–13 6.8
t3.16 Eicosenioc <0.1 –

t3.17 Total – 80.7

608 and nutritious product, which is used for edible purposes. Soybean oil is important
609 edible oil which provides us with calories, essential fatty acids and fat soluble vita-
610 mins. It is widely used in various food products, including salad and cooking oil,
611 shortenings, margaine, mayonnaise and also in salad dressings. Soybean oil has a

612 high content of linoleic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid as well as lino-
613 lenic acid (Table 12.3). Linoleic and linolenic acids are more important because
mammals including human beings cannot synthesize them though their essentiality

615 in humans has been debated for years. Availability of these two fatty acids depends
616 only on the dietary supplies. Soybean oil is an excellent source of these essential

617 fatty acids because unhydrogenated soybean oil contains about 53% linoleic acid
618 and 8% linolenic acid while partially hydrogenated oil contains about 23% linoleic
619 acid and 3% linolenic acid.

620 The linolenic acid is responsible for poor keeping quality of oil. The presence of
621 7–8% of linolenic acid contributes to less oxidative stability than that of more satu-
622 rated fats, but the linolenic acid content is lowered to a considerable extent by selec-

623 tive hydrogenation during processing of the oil into food products. Attempts are
624 being made to breed the linolenic acid directly by genetic transformations and indi-
625 rectly by breeding for high-oleic lines. Hymowitz et al. (1972) and Hammond and
626 Fehr (1983a, b) have reported the variability of linolenic acid content up to 3%.
627 Reduced palmitic acid was reported by Fehr et al. (1991) and Wilcox and Cavins
628 (1990). In addition to the desired high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids,
629 soybean oil has several minor constituents that are valuable commercial products.
630 These minor constituents, which include lecithin, phytosterols and tocopherols, are
631 made available as a result of the high volume of soybean oil processed.
632 Protein content in soybean varies from 35 to 50%. The essential amino acids are
633 also important factors in soybean proteins and these are considered a measure of ­quality.
12 Soybean

Soy protein is rich in lysine, which is markedly deficient in cereals and also low in 634
sulfur containing amino acids such as methionine and cystine. Howel et al. (1972) have 635
attempted to increase methionine content in soybean protein. Mutation breeding is 636
found useful and also applied to improve soybean oil and protein content. 637
Oil and protein content in soybean are negatively correlated traits; therefore 638
increasing one usually results in decrease in the other (Brim and Burton 1979). 639
Bhatnagar et al. (1992) were able to break this negative association through muta- 640
genesis and obtained stable high protein and high oil containing genotypes. Index 641
selection has also been used to simultaneously increase the both (Burton 1997). The 642
genetic factor is a major contributor for protein and oil content with some influence 643
of environment in which the variety is grown (Fehr et al. 1992). Genotypes having 644
high oil content invariably contain relatively higher oil content under different 645

growing environments. In the low temperature environments, the soybean contains 646

relatively high oil percentage in the seed. 647
The oil content in soybean has been reported to be controlled by maternal influ- 648
ence (Brim et al. 1968; Singh and Hadley 1968) while additive gene action has been 649

reported to be important for this trait (Singh and Hadley 1968; McKendry et al. 650
[AU8] 1985; Raut et al. 2000a, b). The percentage of oil also greatly depends upon extrac- 651
tion method used. The solvent extraction method is reported to extract more oil. 652
Owing to breeding efforts, the oil content has been increased up to 21% in modern 653
soybean varieties. In India, elite lines with higher oil percentage (approximately 654
24%) have been developed at ARI, Pune through conventional breeding method 655
using early generation testing (Raut et al. 2002). 656

10 Soybean Oil for Industrial Uses 657


There is considerable potential for an increased use of soybean oil as a renewable 658
source of industrial oil, provided its physical and chemical properties are modified. 659
Soybean oil is a complex mixture of five fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic 660

and linolenic acids), which all have different melting points, oxidative stabilities and 661
chemical functionalities (Cahoon 2003). The traditional solution to oil instability has 662
been to partially hydrogenate the oil by addition of hydrogen atoms across the double 663

bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids. However, keeping in view the huge demand of 664
soybean oil and cost involved in its hydrogenation, changing of oil composition 665
through breeding efforts offers a long-term solution. Breeders have worked success- 666
fully to increase the proportion of oleic acid vs. linoleic and linolenic acids in soybean 667
(Kinney 1997). The high oleic acid soybean has about 80% oleic acid in comparison 668
to 25% levels in conventional soybean oils, which is the highest among all oilseed 669
crops. For this, the expression of FAD2 genes that code the enzyme that converts the 670
monounsaturated oleic acid to the polyunsaturated linoleic acid was down-regulated. 671
This prevents the addition of second double bond to oleic acid to form linoleic acid, 672
resulting in greatly increased levels of oleic acid. High oleic soybean also has lower 673
saturated fatty acid content than the conventional soybean oil, making it more useful 674
A. Pratap et al.

675 for the consumers. More recently, soybean with even higher oleic acid contents (85%)
676 of the total oil has also been generated by down-regulating the FAD2 gene along with
677 the FATB genes that control the production of palmitic acid (Buhr et al. 2002). High
678 oleic soy oils and their blends are very good alternatives to partially hydrogenated oils
679 and have found very good applications in the snack food preparation industry, feed-
680 stocks, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and machine lubricants.
681 Genetic engineering can also be used to produce high linolenic acid soybeans, a
682 polyunsaturated fatty acid with low oxidative stability. By increasing the expression
683 of FAD3 gene, soybean seeds with linolenic acid content of more than 50% of the
684 total oil have been generated (Cahoon et al. 2001). These soybean lines have lino- [AU9]
685 lenic acid comparable to linseed oil (Cahoon 2003) and are suitable for coating
686 applications such as paints, varnishes, polishes and inks.

687 11 Conclusion

688 Keeping in view the importance of soybean as a protein and oil rich crop, its ability to
689 improve soil quality and its multifarious uses in domestic and industrial sectors, there
690 are enough reasons to dedicate more research efforts for its genetic improvement.
691 Over the past years, significant progress has been made for improvement of soybean
692 varieties and a number of promising cultivars with good yield potential have been
693 developed. Significant amount of research has been dedicated to improving plant type,
694 oil content and quality, protein content and nutritional profile of this crop. However,

695 still there is a huge gap between the production realized and the production demand
696 of this crop. This is more important keeping in view the increasing demand of its oil

697 owing to increasing population, diversification of uses and improved paying capacity
698 of the people, particularly in developing nations. Therefore, the challenges include
increasing seed yield as well as oil and protein content. For this, a comprehensive

700 soybean improvement program is essential for which adequate genetic variation is
701 required for exploitation. Prebreeding and distant hybridization aided by hormonal

702 manipulations and embryo rescue are required to be exploited for developing addi-
703 tional variability. Despite soybean genome being large in size, several genomic tools
704 have been developed in this crop. There has been significant improvement in molecu-

705 lar marker technology which could assist in marker-assisted selection and target-­
706 oriented marker-assisted back cross breeding for specific traits. Genetic transformation
707 has also been most rewarding in this crop. Therefore, all these strategies will have a
708 definite role to play for improvement of soybean and move along with traditional plant
709 breeding to develop superior and stable cultivars.

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Lewers 1998; Perez et al. 2008; Zhao et al. 1998; Brim and
Cockerham 1961; Gray Bosch et al. 1987; Finer and Nagasawa

1988; Rodrigues et al. 2004; Zhuang et al. 1991; Li et al. 2000;
Wang et al. 2005; Qi et al. 2008; Concibido et al. 1996; Eapen
2008; Padgette et al. 1995; Kinney 1996; Dufourmantel et al.
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