Credit Mandiri Bank

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Mandiri KPR Mandiri KPR is a home ownership credit from Bank Mandiri given to individuals for purchase of residential house/apartment/house-shop/house-office form developers or non developers. Mandiri KPR Features Mandiri KPR has various features which can be chosen based on your needs, such as:

Mandiri KPR Duo is a Mandiri KPR facility used to purchase residential house/apartment/house-shop at a developer project and also for purchase of car/motorcycle. Mandiri KPR Take Over is a Mandiri KPR facility used to takeover credit facility from another bank with similar product and also for other needs. Mandiri KPR Top Up is an additional limit to the existing Mandiri KPR facility. Mandiri KPR Flexible is a Mandiri KPR facility used to purchase a house with flexible installment system that is the availability of flexible account for a certain period for a certain part of credit received. Mandiri KPR Angsuran Berjenjang is a Gradual Payment Mortgage, a Mandiri KPR facility that gives relief for payment of installments up to the third year.

Benefits of Mandiri KPR

Competitive rate. Fast and easy process. Credit Limit from Rp. 45 million up to Rp. 5 billion (except for Jabotabek minimum Rp. 50 million). Bank financing up to 80% from collateral value based on Banks appraisal or low down payment of only 20%. Flexible tenor up to 15 years. Your certificate is secured until the credit is paid off. Life and fire insurance protections. Bank Mandiri cooperates with more than 200 project developers throughout Indonesia and attractive programs are available for purchase of house at developers project.

Requirements for Application for Mandiri KPR

Indonesian Citizen (WNI) domiciled in Indonesia. Minimum 21 years old, and maximum 55 years old (employee) and 60 years old (professionals/private persons) at the end of credit term.

Have Permanent Job and Income: Employee Permanent employee status at current job: Working period: minimum 1 year (including service year before appointment to a permanent employee) at present job, or minimum 1 year as a permanent employee with similar job at previous company of similar business with current company. For example: position at current job is Accounting Manager and in previous company Accounting Staff. From the two positions, it is known that the persons jobs are similar that is Accounting Minimum income: JABOTABEK area = Rp. 2,500,000,- (two million five hundred thousand rupiah) per month Outside JABOTABEK area = Rp. 2,000,000,- (two million rupiah) per month

For Joint Income, the above minimum income husbands/wifes income that can be verified by Bank.



Private or Professional Has experience in his/her business minimum 2 years consecutively (proven by business/practice license) Has income which can be verified. Fill out an application for Mandiri KPR Required documents: o Personal document : Copy of applicants and spouses ID Card, copy of marriage/divorce certificate, copy of Family Registration Card, copy of NPWP (taxpayers registration number) personal. o Income/financial document : Employee: original latest salary slip/Statement of income and position, copy of savings book Private/Professional: Copy of balance sheet & profit/lost /latest financial information, copy of deed of company establishment & business permits/ copy of professional license, statement of accounts/savings. o Collateral document Copy of SHM/SHGB (Right to Own/Right to Use certificate), Order Letter (purchase at developers project), IMB (Building Permit) & PBB (Land and Building Tax).

Costs Commission 1%, Administration Rp.500 thousand, life insurance, fire insurance, APHT (Deed of Granting of Mortgage Right) and Notary Mandiri KPR Multiguna Mandiri KPR Multiguna is a credit facility given to individuals for various needs with house/apartment/house-shop/house-office owned put as collaterals. Advantages of Multiguna Mandiri Multiguna Mandiri has various features, including:

Multiguna Take Over is a Multiguna Mandiri facility used to takeover credit facilities from other banks with similar product, and also for other needs. Multiguna Top Up is an additional credit facility to the existing Multiguna Mandiri facility

Benefits of Multiguna Mandiri

Competitive Rate Fast and easy process. Credit Limit Rp 50 million up to Rp 1 billion. Bank financing up to 70% from the collateral value based on Banks appraisal. Tenor up to 10 years. Life and fire insurance coverage.

Requirements for the Application for Multiguna Mandiri

Indonesian citizen (WNI) and domiciled in Indonesia. Minimum 21 years old, and maximum 55 years old (employee) and 60 years old (professional/private) at the end of credit term. Fill out an application form for Multiguna Mandiri Have a permanent Job and Income: 1. Employee : Status as a permanent employee in present job. Working period: 1. minimum 2 years (including service year before the appointment to permanent employee) in current company, or 2. minimum 2 years as a permanent employee in the pervious company. The last job in previous company must be similar to the current job. For example: position at current job is Accounting Manager and in previous company was Accounting Staff. From the

two positions, it is known that the persons jobs are similar that is Accounting. Minimum income:

Jabodetabek area = Rp 3,000,000.00 (three million rupiah) per month Outside Jabodetabek area = Rp. 2,500,000,- (two million five hundred thousands rupiah) per month For Joint Income, the above minimum income has included husbands/wifes income that can be verified by Bank. 2. Private or Professional : Has experience in his/her business minimum 2 years consecutively (proven by business/practice license) Has income which can be verified, with average monthly income as follows. Jabodetabek area = Rp 3,000,000.00 (three million rupiah) per month Outside Jabodetabek area = Rp. 2,500,000,- (two million five hundred thousands rupiah) per month Costs

Provision 1% Administration fee Rp 750 thousand, excluding revenue stamp Appraisal of collateral Rp 250 thousand up to Rp 500 thousand to be paid in advance Life and loss insurance APHT (Deed of Granting of Mortgage Right) and Notary fee

Mandiri Personal Loan Mandiri Personal Loan is personal loans without any collateral for various purposes such as education, renovation, wedding, health, holiday and other needs. Link: Loan Simulation & FAQ Advantages:

Competitive Interest Rate Fast process & simply requirements Credit limit up to Rp. 200 million Flexible repayment period starting from 1 to 3 years Installment amount fits with your capability Cover with life insurance

General Requirements:

Indonesian Citizen (WNI) & domiciled in Indonesia Minimum age 21 years & maximum 55 years (at the end of credit term) Have permanent job with minimum monthly income Rp.2.5 million (Jakarta & Bandung) and Rp.2 million (outside Jakarta & Bandung)


2 3% from credit limit.

Mandiri Mitrakarya Mandiri Mitrakarya is a credit facility given to company employees who have channeled their salaries through Bank Mandiri This credit facility can be used for various needs such as:

Personal Loan House Ownership Program Multifunction Credit with house as collateral (Mitraguna)


Competitive rate. Low installment. Low Credit Fee. Flexible tenor. Simple document requirements.


Minimum age 21 years and maximum before the retiring age at the end of credit term Service year for permanent employee min. 2 years Salary is channeled through Bank Mandiri Minimum Salary Rp 2 million

Mitrakarya Tanpa Agunan (Mandiri Personal Loan) One of the leading products of Mitrakarya Mandiri is Mitrakarya Mandiri Tanpa Agunan which has the following advantages:

Competitive rate and lower than regular KTA (Personal Loan) Credit term up to 5 years Credit limit up to 200 million

Simple document requirements, only attaching the following documents:

Mandiri Tunas KPM Mandiri Tunas KPM is joint financing between Bank Mandiri and Tunas Finance given to individuals to purchase new or used cars. Mandiri Tunas KPM Fleet is joint financing between Bank Mandiri and Tunas Finance given to individuals or company to purchase vehicles with source of payments from business cash flows. Mandiri Tunas KPM Benefit:

Fast and Easy Process Loan Limit up to Rp 3 billion (standard accessories) Loan Term up to 5 years, for selected merk Down Payment starts from 10%, for selected merk

Mandiri Tunas KPM Fleet Benefit:

Fast and Easy Process Down Payment as low as 0% for Car Ownership Program (COP)/ Motorcycle Ownership Program (MOP) Loan Term for COP up to 5 years, for MOP up to 4 years Vehicle ownership alternatives: individuals or company

Mandiri Tunas KPM Requirements:

Age min 21 years to apply, max 55 years (employee) or 60 years (professional/private) at loan maturity Other terms and conditions apply Document requirements

RATIO OF LOANS TO TOTAL LOANS COLLEBILITY DPK The ratio of credit in the special attention in 2010 has decreased significantly from 9.5% in 2009 to 6.9%. In nominal amount of credit in the special attention in 2010 also decreased. TROUBLED CREDIT RATIO GROSS Non Performing Loans Ratio - Gross in 2010 continued to experience in 2010 to 0.6%.

ALLOWANCE FOR CREDIT LOAN ELIMINATION OF TROUBLED Allowance for credit toward the elimination of non-performing loans decreased compared with the year previously from 200, 5% to 192.4% higher than the average private banks and other Government Bank. It shows the principle of prudence. RATIO OF CREDIT TO FUND PIHAKE THREE - NON-BANK The ratio of loans to third-party funds - non-Bank in 2010 increased from 61.4% in 2009 to 67.6%. This is because the credit growth of 24.0% greater than the growth in deposits of 13.4%. MUTATIONS LOAN As of December 31, 2010, the gross amount of credit granted Bank Mandiri (Bank Only) is for December 31, 2009 in the amount of Rp72.454 billion. CREDIT BASED BUSINESS UNIT ON DECEMBER 31, 2010 (BANK ONLY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Corporate Commercial Business banking Micro Special Assets Management (SM) Consumer Financial Institution coverage and solution (FICS)

Restructured Loans Of the total loans at December 31, 2010, by 6.5% or Rp14.291 billion is ever restructured loans. That number decreased by 16.4% compared to December 31, 2009 which Rp17.104 billion. Loans writing off In 2010, Bank Mandiri elimination loans amounting to Rp2.921 billion and receive back a credit that has been written off amounting to Rp2.661 billion of loans that have been written off before and during the year 2010. Credit balances are written off at December 31, 2009 of Rp32.331 billion. Portfolio loans off the books are not recorded in financial statements.

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