Antenna Fundamentals
Antenna Fundamentals
Antenna Fundamentals
Mobile antennas are designed for use while in motion. The chapter begins with a discussion of mobile antenna
At the mention of mobile antennas, most amateurs think of fundamentals at HF, updated from previous editions by Alan
a whip antenna mounted on an automobile or other vehicle. Applegate, KØBG. The following sections explain the more
While it is true that most mobile antennas are vertical whips, important attributes of the most popular designs and how to
mobile antennas can also be found in other places. For ex- get the best from them. This will include mounting, imped-
ample, antennas intended for use aboard a boat or ship are ance matching, and other important issues to all types of
usually called marine or maritime antennas. Whip antennas mobile antennas. Several examples of mobile antenna instal-
are common in maritime service, but wire antennas installed lation are provided. Information on constructing a capacitive
on masts are also common. hat-loaded whip and an adjustable “screwdriver” HF mobile
Few amateurs construct their own antennas for HF antenna is included on the CD-ROM accompanying this book.
mobile and maritime use, since safety requirements dictate The second half of the chapter covers maritime HF an-
very sound mechanical construction. Even if commercially tennas for sail and power boats and was updated by Rudy
made antennas are installed, most require some adjustment Severns, N6LF for this edition. The text discusses important
to optimize the particular installation and type of operation issues regarding placement and safety of the maritime HF
desired. The information in this chapter will provide a better system. Several examples of common installation practices
understanding of the requirements for designing and choosing are given, based on antenna designs presented elsewhere in
HF mobile antennas and using them effectively. this book.
21-2 Chapter 21
on a small-diameter solid form of poor quality and enclosed
in a metal protector, may have a Q as low as 50, with a loss
resistance of 50 W or more. High-Q coils require a large con-
ductor, air-wound construction, large spacing between turns,
and the best insulating material available. A diameter not less
than half the length of the coil (not always mechanically fea-
sible) and a minimum of metal in the field of the coil are also
necessities for optimum efficiency. Such a coil may show a
Q of 300 or more at 4 MHz, with a resistance of 12 W or less.
The coil could then be placed at the base of the antenna
in series with the feed line and the antenna to tune out the
unwanted capacitive reactance, as shown in Figure 21.3.
Such a method is often referred to as base-loading, and many
practical mobile antenna systems have been built using this
Fig 21.4 — Graph showing the approximate capacitance of Over the years, the question has come up as to whether
short vertical antennas for various diameters and lengths.
These values should be approximately halved for a center- more efficient designs than simple base loading are possible.
loaded antenna. While many ideas have been tried with varying degrees of
success, only a few have been generally accepted and incor-
porated into actual antenna systems. These are center load-
ing, continuous loading, and combinations of the latter with
dissipated in the form of radiation in RR. Yet it is apparent more conventional antennas.
that little current can be made to flow in the circuit as long as
the comparatively high series reactance remains. Base Loading and Center Loading
If a whip antenna is short compared to a wavelength
Antenna Capacitance and the current is uniform along the length l, the electric
Capacitive reactance can be canceled by connecting an field strength E, at a distance d, away from the antenna is
equivalent inductive reactance (coil) in series, as shown in approximately:
Figure 21.3, thus tuning the system to resonance.
The capacitance of a vertical antenna shorter than one- 120 π I l
E= (3)
quarter wavelength is given by: dl
17l where
CA = (2) I = the antenna current in amperes
24l fl
ln − 1 1 − l = the wavelength in the same units as d and l.
D 234
where A uniform current flowing along the length of the whip
CA = capacitance of antenna in pF is an idealized situation, however, since the current is greatest
l = antenna height in feet at the base of the antenna and goes to a minimum at the top.
D = diameter of radiator in inches In practice, the field strength will be less than that given by
f = operating frequency in MHz the above equation, because it is a function of the current
distribution on the whip.
Figure 21.4 shows the approximate capacitance of whip The reason that the current is not uniform on a whip an-
antennas of various average diameters and lengths. For 1.8, tenna can be seen from the circuit approximation shown in
4 and 7 MHz, the loading coil inductance required (when Figure 21.5. A whip antenna over a ground plane is similar
the loading coil is at the base) would be approximately the in many respects to a tapered coaxial cable where the center
inductance required to resonate in the desired band (with conductor remains the same diameter along its length, but
the whip capacitance taken from the graph). For 10 through with an increasing diameter outer conductor. The inductance
21 MHz, this rough calculation will give more than the re- per unit length of such a cable would increase along the
quired inductance, but it will serve as a starting point for the line, while the capacitance per unit length would decrease.
final experimental adjustment that must always be made. In Figure 21.5 the antenna is represented by a series of LC
circuits in which C1 is greater than C2, which is greater than
21.1.2 LOADING A SHORT C3, and so on. L1 is less than L2, which is less than succeed-
MOBILE ANTENNA ing inductances. The net result is that most of the antenna
To minimize loading coil loss, the coil should have a current returns to ground near the base of the antenna, and
high ratio of reactance-to-resistance (that is, a high unloaded very little near the top.
Q). A loading coil for use at 4 MHz, wound with small wire Two things can be done to improve this distribution and
21-4 Chapter 21
of reducing the coil resistance to a minimum, especially on
the three lower frequency bands. Table 21-2 shows suggested
loading-coil dimensions for the inductance values given in
Table 21-1.
E = radiation efficiency in percent
PR = power radiated
PI = power fed to the antenna at the feed point.
21-8 Chapter 21
I 2 R R × 100
E= (16)
I 2 R R + I 2 R G + ( I cos h1 ) R C
I = antenna base current in amperes
RG = ground loss resistance in W
RC = coil loss resistance in W
RR = radiation resistance in W
R R × 100
E= (17)
R R + R G + R C cos2 h1
Ground Loss
Eq 14 shows that the total resistive losses in the antenna
system are:
RT = RR + RG + RC (cos2 h1) (18)
where RT is the total resistive loss. Ground loss resistance can
be determined by rearranging Eq 18 as follows:
RG = RT – RR – RC cos2 h1 (19)
Fig 21.12 — Radiation efficiency of 8-foot antennas at 3.9 MHz.
RT may be measured in a test antenna installation on a
vehicle using an R-X noise bridge or an SWR analyzer. You
can then calculate RR and RC.
Ground loss is a function of vehicle size, placement of
the antenna on the vehicle, and conductivity of the ground
over which the vehicle is traveling. It is only feasible to
control the first two variables. Larger vehicles provide better
ground planes than smaller ones. The vehicle ground plane
is only partial, so the result is considerable RF current flow
(and ground loss) in the ground around and under the vehicle.
By raising the antenna base as high as possible on the
vehicle, ground losses are decreased. This results from a de-
crease in antenna capacitance to ground that also increases
the capacitive reactance to ground. This, in turn, reduces
ground currents and ground losses.
This effect has been verified by installing the same an-
tenna at three different locations on two different vehicles,
and by determining the ground loss from Eq 19. In the first
test, the antenna was mounted 6 inches below the top of a
large station wagon, just behind the left rear window. This
placed the antenna base 4 feet 2 inches above the ground, and
resulted in a measured ground loss resistance of 2.5 W. The
second test used the same antenna mounted on the left rear
fender of a mid-sized sedan, just to the left of the trunk lid. In
this test, the measured ground loss resistance was 4 W. The
third test used the same mid-sized car, but the antenna was
mounted on the rear bumper. In this last test, the measured
ground loss resistance was 6 W.
The same antenna therefore sees three different ground Fig 21.13 — Radiation efficiency of 11-foot antennas at 3.9 MHz.
Efficiency Curves
With the equations defined previously, a computer was
used to calculate the radiation efficiency curves depicted
in Figures 21.12 through 21.15. These curves were calcu-
lated for 80 and 40 meter antennas of 8- and 11-foot lengths.
Several values of loading coil Q were used, for both 2 and
10 W of ground loss resistance. For the calculations, the
base section is 1⁄2-inch diameter electrical EMT which has
an outside diameter of 11⁄16 inch. The top section is fiberglass
bicycle-whip material covered with Belden braid. These are
readily available materials, which can be used by the average
amateur to construct an inexpensive but rugged antenna.
Upon inspection, these radiation-efficiency curves reveal
some significant information:
1) higher coil Q produces higher radiation efficiencies,
2) longer antennas produce higher radiation efficiencies,
3) radiation efficiency increases at high frequencies,
4) lower ground loss resistances produce higher radia-
tion efficiencies,
5) higher ground loss resistances force the loading coil
above the antenna center to reach a peak in the radiation-
efficiency curve, and
6) higher coil Q sharpens the radiation-efficiency curves,
resulting in the coil position being more critical for optimum
Fig 21.14 — Radiation efficiency of 8-foot antennas at
radiation efficiency. 7.225 MHz.
Note that the radiation efficiency curves reach a peak and
then begin to decline as the loading coil is raised farther up
the antenna. This is because of the rapid increase in load-
ing coil reactance required above the antenna center. Refer
to Figure 21.11. The rapid increase in coil size required for
resonance results in the coil loss resistance increasing much
more rapidly than the radiation resistance. This results in de-
creased radiation efficiency, as shown in Figure 21.10.
A slight reverse curvature exists in the curves between
the base-loaded position and the one-foot coil-height posi-
tion. This is caused by a shift in the curve that resulted from
insertion of a base section of larger diameter than the whip
when the coil is above the base.
The curves in Figures 21.12 through 21.15 were calcu-
lated with constant (but not equal) diameter base and whip
sections. Because of wind loading, it is not desirable to in-
crease the diameter of the whip section. However, the base-
section diameter can be increased within reason to further
improve radiation efficiency. Figure 21.16 was calculated
for base-section diameters ranging from 11⁄16 inch to 3 inches.
The curves reveal that a small increase in radiation efficiency
results from larger diameter base sections.
The curves in Figures 21.12 through 21.15 show that
radiation efficiencies can be quite low at 3.9 MHz compared
to 7 MHz. They are lower yet at 1.8 MHz. To gain some Fig 21.15 — Radiation efficiency of 11-foot antennas at
perspective on what these low efficiencies mean in terms of 7.225 MHz.
21-10 Chapter 21
signal strength, Figure 21.17 was calculated using the follow-
ing equation:
dB = log (20)
dB = signal loss in decibels
E = efficiency in percent.
such as RG-8 by tuning it either above or below resonance Consequently, a parallel equivalent G-B circuit to the series
and then canceling out the undesired component with an ap- RX circuit can be found that makes computations easier.
propriate shunt element, capacitive or inductive. The way in This is because conductances and susceptances add in par-
which the impedance is transformed up can be seen by plot- allel the same way resistances and reactances add in series.
ting the admittance of the series RLC circuit made up of the
loading coil, antenna capacitance, and feed point resistance.
Such a plot is shown in Figure 21.18 for a constant feed point
resistance of 19 W. There are two points of interest, P1 and an inductive shunt matching element would then be required.
P2, where the input conductance is 19.2 millisiemens, cor- To arrive at point P2, the center loading coil should be more
responding to 52 W. The undesired susceptance is shown as inductive than required for resonance, and the shunt element
1/XP and –1/XP , which must be canceled with a shunt ele- would need to be capacitive. The value of the center loading
ment of the opposite sign but with the same magnitude. The coil required for the shunt-matched and resonated condition
value of the canceling shunt reactance, XP , may be found may be determined from the equation:
from the formula:
R f Z0 106 XS
XP = (21) L= ± (22)
2 2
4π f C 2 πf
R f ( Z0 − R f )
where addition is performed if a capacitive shunt is to be used
where XP is the reactance in W, Rf is the feed point resis- and subtraction performed if the shunt is inductive, and where
tance, and Z0 is the feed line impedance. For Z0 = 52 W and L is in mH, f is the frequency in MHz, C is the capacitance of
Rf = 19 W, XP = ±39.5 W. A coil or good quality mica ca- the antenna section being matched in pF, and
pacitor may be used as the shunt element. With the tune-up
procedure described later, the value is not critical and a fixed- XS = R f ( Z 0 − R f ) (23)
value component may be used.
To arrive at point P1, the value of the center loading-coil For the example given, where Z0 = 52 W, Rf = 19 W,
inductance would be less than that required for resonance. f = 7.2 MHz , and C = 12 pF, XS is found to be 25.0 W.
The feed point impedance would then appear capacitive, and The required antenna loading inductance is either 40.2 mH or
21-12 Chapter 21
Shunt Coil Matching
The use of a shunt coil is the preferred matching
methodology for two reasons. First, it provides a dc
ground for the antenna which helps control static buildup.
Second, once adjusted, no further adjustment is needed
to cover all of the HF bands between 80 and 10 meters.
Thus it is an ideal matching scenario for remotely-con-
trolled (tuned) antennas. Capacitive matching, on the
other hand, requires changing capacitance for every
band, and sometimes within a band. It should be noted
that any HF mobile antenna for bands at frequencies
below 20 MHz that do not require matching to obtain a
Fig 21.19 — At A, a whip antenna that is resonated with a low SWR are less than optimal performers.
center loading coil. At B and C, the value of the loading coil
has been altered slightly to make the feed point impedance
appear reactive, and a matching component is added in
shunt to cancel the reactance. This provides an impedance
transformation to match the Z0 of the feed line. An equally
acceptable procedure, rather than altering the loading coil
inductance, is to adjust the length of the top section above frequency variations is also quite critical, and an excursion
the loading coil for the best match, as described in the around practically the entire circle in Figure 21.18 may rep-
tune-up section of the text. resent only 600 kHz, centered around 7.2 MHz, for the above
example. This is why tuning up a mobile antenna can be very
frustrating unless a systematic procedure is followed.
41.3 mH, depending on the type of shunt. Various matching
possibilities for this example are shown in Figure 21.19. Tune-Up
At A, the antenna is shown as tuned to resonance with LL, Assume that inductive shunt matching is to be used with
a 40.7 mH coil, but with no provisions included for match- the antenna in the previous example, Figure 21.19B, where
ing the resulting 19-W impedance to the 52-W line. At B, LL 39.5 W is needed for LM. This means that at 7.2 MHz, a coil
has been reduced to 40.2 mH to make the antenna appear net of 0.87 mH will be needed across the whip feed point terminal
capacitive, and LM, having a reactance of 39.5 W, is added to ground. With a 40-mH loading coil in place, the adjustable
in shunt to cancel the capacitive reactance and transform whip section above the loading coil should be set for mini-
the feed point impedance to 50 W. The arrangement at C is mum height. Signals in the receiver will sound weak and the
similar to that at B except that LL has been increased to 41.3 whip should be lengthened a bit at a time until signals start
mH, and CM (a shunt capacitor having a negative reactance to peak. Turn the transmitter on and check the SWR at a few
of 39.5 W) is added, which also results in a 52-W nonreactive frequencies to find where a minimum occurs. If it is below
termination for the feed line. the desired frequency, shorten the whip slightly and check
The values determined for the loading coil in the above again. It should be moved approximately 1⁄4 inch at a time
example point out an important consideration concerning the until the SWR reaches a minimum at the center of the desired
matching of short antennas — relatively small changes in val- range. If the frequency where the minimum SWR occurs is
ues of the loading components will have a greatly magnified above the desired frequency, repeat the procedure above, but
effect on the matching requirements. A change of less than lengthen the whip only slightly.
3% in the loading coil inductance value necessitates a com- If a shunt capacitance is to be used, as in Figure 21.19C,
pletely different matching network! Likewise, calculations a value of 560 pF would correspond to the required –39.5 W
show that a 3% change in antenna capacitance will give simi- of reactance at 7.2 MHz. With a capacitive shunt, start with
lar results, and the value of the precautions mentioned earlier the whip in its longest position and shorten it until signals
becomes clear. The sensitivity of the circuit with regard to peak up.
not the linear-loading technique used to shorten dipoles and Corona Balls
beam antennas.) For these antennas, loading is done using The small corona balls supplied atop standard CB whips
multiple fixed-value inductors spaced over the length of the provide a slight amount of eye protection but their effect on
antenna or winding a continuous coil with a large pitch (ratio reducing corona is questionable. What is corona and how
of turn length to turn diameter) along the antenna. does a corona ball prevent it?
The multiband versions use what is commonly called a As we learned in the HF Mobile Antenna Fundamentals
“flying lead” connected at the base, which in turn connects section, the highest RF voltage occurs at the very top of the
to taps along the coil making up the body of the antenna to whip. Under the right weather conditions, it is possible to
select the band. see the corona discharge from the end of a pointed whip
Proponents incorrectly argue that the large length-to- even when running modest power levels. Corona discharge
diameter, up to 25 to 1, allows the coil to radiate, thus in- is caused by the small radius of the whip’s tip creating large
creasing efficiency. However, what little advantage this form differences in voltage that exceed the breakdown voltage of
of loading has, it is more than offset by the low coil Q, and air across small distances. This causes the air to ionize and
short overall length (4 to 7 feet). conduct. The discharge then extends away from the antenna
These antennas typically do not require matching but a as “streamers” until voltage is reduced below the level of
few models exhibit input impedances of greater than 100 W ionization. Static discharges from the pointed tip can also
and thus need to be matched. become a problem on receive.
The solution is to replace the pointed end with a
Shortened Dipoles smoother, larger surface. The corona ball’s smooth, round
A few amateurs opt to purchase two identical mobile an- surface creates reduces voltage changes with distance that
tennas, and mount them in a V configuration. Knowing that cause corona discharge. The corona ball must be large enough
ground loss is the dominate factor in determining antenna to be effective — at least 0.5 inch in diameter and preferably
efficiency, they reason that replacing the ground loss with a 1 inch — and are available from several QST advertisers.
second antenna is a viable solution. While they’re correct that Above 1 inch, wind loading becomes a problem.
21-18 Chapter 21
that they store the previous operating frequency. Therefore, typically carry more common-mode current than body-
when you change frequency, the controller always moves the mounted antennas.
antenna in the correct direction, saving wear and tear on the Because of the potential for RFI from common-mode
motor assembly. currents, it is prudent to add RF chokes to reduce common-
mode currents in a mobile installation, even though there may
Turn Counter Controllers be no direct indication of a problem. The best place to install
Most screwdriver antennas come equipped with a turns a common-mode RF choke is near the base of the antenna
counter, usually in the form of a magnet attached to the drive where the feed line is connected and not inside the vehicle.
assembly that closes a magnetic reed switch. As the motor The most convenient way to create an RF choke is to use
turns, the switch opens and closes once or twice every 360°. the “split bead” or “split core” ferrite cores. A mix 31, 3⁄4-inch
The controller counts the closures and moves the antenna to a ID split bead may be utilized with great effect. Depending on
predetermined resonance point. Figure 21.26, an Ameritron the coax size, between five and seven turns of either RG-58
SDC-102, is an example of this type of turns-counting con- or RG-8X can be wound through that size bead as shown
troller. “Jog” buttons are included to touch up the SWR once in Figure 21.27A. The impedance will be somewhat greater
the predetermined point is reached. than 1.8 kW at 10 MHz which is adequate in most cases. If
Like some SWR type controllers, turn counters are prone not, a second split bead can be used effectively doubling the
to RF currents on their control leads, so proper RF choking impedance. Take care not to bend the coaxial cable too sharply
is essential. in making the choke, particularly for foam-insulation cables,
as the center conductor can be forced through the insulation
Common-Mode Current Problems over time, creating a short circuit. For more information on
In an ideal world, RF flows down the outer surface of ferrite common-mode chokes, see the Transmission Line
the center conductor of coaxial cable and returns on the in- Coupling and Impedance Matching chapter.
ner surface of the coax shield. In the real world, RF current
will flow on the outside of the coax shield, completely inde- Control Lead RF Chokes
pendently of the currents inside. The skin effect electrically All screwdriver antennas have one thing in common:
separates the inside and outside of the shield. This creates Their control motor and any reed switches are housed inside
a “third wire” — the outside of the shield — that is often the antenna. Therefore, the control leads will be “hot” with
connected directly to one side of an antenna. For mobile an- RF during transmissions. This RF must be prevented from
tennas, the outside of the shield is usually connected to the reaching the controller or erratic operation may result. This
vehicle body. In addition, if the coax is not itself shielded is especially important when utilizing short antennas on clip
from the antenna’s radiated field, the outside of the shield will mounts with their inherent ground losses.
pick up RF energy radiated by the antenna. This unbalanced Figure 21.27B shows a motor lead choke utilizing a
RF current is called “common-mode current” as opposed to 3
⁄4-inch ID, mix 31 split bead. These specific split beads are
the balanced differential-mode currents inside the coax. The available from a variety of QST advertisers. The one shown is
common-mode RF current can radiate a signal of its own, just
like from any antenna carrying RF, and it can also cause RFI
to your radio and to the vehicle’s electronic systems. (A)
In the case of HF mobile antennas, the magnitude of
common-mode current on feed lines and other cables in- Fig 21.27 — At A,
creases as ground impedance increases which also increases dc power leads
ground losses. As a result the coax and control cables run- are wound
ning to clamp or lip-mount and mag-mount antennas will around a split
ferrite bead to
form an RF
choke. B shows
how coaxial cable
can be wound on
a split ferrite
bead to form an
RF choke on the
Fig 21.26 — A outside of the
turns-counting cable shield.
controller keeps Wind coax loose-
track of coil posi- ly to avoid forcing
tion by counting the center con-
switch closures ductor through
from a reed the center
switch mounted insulation.
on the antenna.
A Suggestion
Fig 21.28 — An example of a 20 meter l/4 whip mounted on
When the antenna is going to be integrated into the the transom. A local ground system must also be provided,
standing rigging, it’s a very good idea (after modeling) to try as described in the section on grounding.
of the backstay and use that as a vertical as shown in Fig- supporting dipole at the masthead as shown in Figure 21.31.
ures 21.29 and 21.30. The backstay vertical can be fed at The antenna shown was fabricated from a pair of 12 foot fi-
deck level or at the masthead. berglass fly-fishing rod blanks (with a copper wire inside!)
This is the same idea as the l/4-sloper discussed in the that were attached to 3⁄4 inch by 6 foot aluminum tubes.
chapter on Single-Band MF and HF Antennas. One prob- Although it looks a bit ungainly this antenna survived several
lem with this antenna is that the lower end of the antenna is years of cruising and two 24 day passages in the north Pacific
a very high potential point. You don’t want the lower end of including the long beat back from Hawaii. The antenna was
the sloper to be anywhere it could be reached from the deck. very effective for the 20 meter maritime nets. A 15 meter
Another possibility is to place a self-supporting dipole at the version of this antenna was installed on another boat for a
masthead as shown in Figure 21.31. passage from Australia back to the US via South Africa. With
These basic antennas can be applied in a number of ways: this masthead dipole they were able to work back to the US
1) For single-band operation you can make the vertical regularly from the Indian Ocean. One half of this antenna
shown in Figure 21.28 l/4 resonant or insulate a portion of would make a good homebrew vertical on the transom.
the backstay that is l/4 resonant (Figure 21.29 or 21.30). If 3) For multiband operation it is possible to build or
the length of the backstay or the vertical is not long enough purchase multiband antennas, some of which are intended
to reach resonance on the desired band you can use the load- for mobile operation (see the Multiband HF Antennas
ing techniques described earlier in this chapter for mobile chapter and material on mobile antennas earlier in this chap-
antennas and there is also some useful information regarding ter). These come in many forms: multiple traps, replaceable
loading in the chapter Single-Band MF and HF Antennas. upper sections, interchangeable loading coils for each band
2) Another single-band option is the use of a self- or motorized tuning of a loading coil. Unfortunately most
21-22 Chapter 21
tuning unit for operation on 80 meters. The antenna control-
ler comes with pre-programmed length settings for the ama-
teur bands but these can be custom adjusted to compensate
for the interaction with the rigging. These antennas can be
quite efficient and a tuner is not needed in most installations.
5) A common solution for multiband operation is to use
a fixed length antenna, such as a vertical mounted on the tran-
som or integrated into the backstay, combined with a tuner to
provide a match to the transmitter.
6) It is also possible to use more than one antenna. For
example, you could use an insulated backstay resonant on
40 meters combined with a shorter transom vertical for the
higher bands.
Fig 21.32 — Azimuth radiation pattern of a vertical at 15° Fig 21.33 — Feed point impedance of a 23 foot free-standing
elevation at 7.2, 14.2 and 21.2 MHz. vertical with the mast and rigging present. (Z0 = 50 W)
21-24 Chapter 21
Fig 21.35 — A dipole can be taped to a wood or bamboo
Fig 21.34 — Feed point impedance as a function of vertical pole and hoisted to the masthead with the main halyard
length at 7.150, 14.175 and 21.250 MHz. (Z0 = 50 W) while at anchor. It is possible to make this a multiband
high and even the best tuner might have difficulty match-
ing to that load. Instead of 33 feet you could set L=17 feet
which will have Zin = 11 –j384 W at 7.15 MHz, 36 + j8 W at
14.175 MHz and 220 + j451 W at 21.25 MHz. On 20 meters a
tuner is not required and the impedances on 40 and 15 meters
are reasonable for an automatic tuner.
Common lengths for commercial marine antennas in-
tended for HF SSB service are 23 feet and 28 feet. From
Figure 21.34 we can see these lengths have impedances that
are a bit high (though not impossible) for many automatic
tuners. A better choice would be 26 feet. However, this ob-
servation applies only to this particular example, on this boat!
Other boats, with different rigging dimensions might be bet-
ter (or worse) with a given vertical length. That is why it is a
good idea to model each boat individually before choosing an
antenna. Each installation will be unique!
The message here is that some lengths are better than
others for verticals or insulated backstay antennas and these
lengths may not be resonant on any of the bands. The choice
of length will depend on the specifics of the boat, the desired
operating bands and whether a tuner is used.
21.4.6 GROUNDING SYSTEMS on each side, connecting the forestay, lifeline stanchions,
You may be sitting in the middle of a thousand miles of chainplates, bow and stern pulpits and the backstay. Other
saltwater. This is great for propagation but you will still have bonding wires are run from the bow, stern and chainplates on
to connect to that ground if you want to use a vertical. There both sides to a common connection at the base of the mast.
are many possibilities, but the scheme shown in Figure 21.38 The fore-and-aft bonding can be attached to the engine and
is representative. First a bonding wire, or better yet a copper to the keel bolts. The figure indicates the use of 2-4 inch
strap (it can be very thin!), is connected from bow-to-stern wide copper strap for the connections. This is to provide low
Mobile and Maritime HF Antennas 21-25
Fig 21.38 — A typical sailboat grounding scheme.