Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
No :
3. Suppose the following jobs arrive for processing at the times indicated. What is the average 14 Marks
turnaround time for these jobs and draw the Gantt chart using FCFS, Shortest-job-First, and
Round-Robin.(Time quantum =2ms)
Job Burst Time Arrival Time
1 8 0
2 4 1
3 1 2
4. a) Define process? Explain the concept of process scheduling with neat diagram. 8 Marks
b) Explain Inter process Communication? 6 Marks
5. a) What do you mean by dead lock? Explain about dead lock prevention in detail. 8 Marks
b) Write about need for virtual memory management. 6 Marks
7. a) Describe the different file accessing methods. 7 Marks
b) Describe Directory Structure. 7 Marks
8. a) What are different methods by which free-space management done? Explain each of them. 6 Marks
b) Explain different RAID levels? 8 Marks
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Course Code : 15CT1110/2015 R-2015 Reg. No :
9. a) Explain goals and principles of protection. 7 Marks
b) Discuss about Revocation of Access Rights 7 Marks
10. a) Discuss about system security problem. 7 Marks
b) Explain about program threats and network threats. 7 Marks
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