FirstAid Arenasa
FirstAid Arenasa
FirstAid Arenasa
Semi- Detailed
Lesson Plan
Prepared by:
Thea C. Arenasa
BEED 2B- Day
I. Objectives
a. Identify the basic first aid for common injuries and conditions
b. Know the items in a First Aid Kit and recognize the ways of giving first aid
c. Show the appropriate first aid application
III. Procedures
A. Preparation
-Checking of attendance
- Motivation
B. Explore
Activity 1
-Unlocking Difficulties
O S N E L B D E E – is the loss of the blood from the tissue lining your nose.
Activity 2
Most little scrapes and injuries in life, whether a scraped knee or a blister, can be treated with a Band-Aid.
They are available in a range of sizes. When putting together your pack for accidents of various kinds, you
have many options.
Antibiotic Ointment
With an antibiotic like Neosporin, many cuts can avoid infection. So keep some on hand for those little
scrapes and scratches.
Ibuprofen can relieve the pain from minor injuries and headaches that can strike at any time, whether you’re
on Team Advil or Team Tylenol.
Bandage Wrap
These can be used for sprains and injuries, and when you inevitably roll your ankle on a steep path or jump
the wrong way, they can put you back on your feet.
One of the best tools to carry is a pair of scissors, which come in handy in a lot of emergencies, both
medical and non-medical.
Gauze is essential in your kit because it can pack severe wounds, make slings for broken limbs, or apply
pressure to damage.
Disposable Gloves
Maintaining your safety is essential when helping someone with an injury. For example, wearing disposable
gloves can avoid spreading any diseases you encounter.
Tampons are handy for a range of other survival, and first aid uses in addition to their original use by
women, so it’s always a good idea to have some on hand in your kit.
C. Explain
First aid: first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or serious illness
or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery,
until professional help arrives to take over.
1. Wound- an injury to live tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, usually with the skin being sliced
or broken.
2. Sprain- a joint such as your ankle, or wrist, you accidentally damage it by twisting it or bending it
Think R.I.C.E.
- Rest the injured part until it’s less painful.
- Ice for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day.
- Compression to help reduces swelling.
- Elevation the injured part above heart level to decrease swelling.
3. Nosebleed- is the loss of blood from the tissue lining your nose.
- Have the person sit down with the head bent slightly forward.
- Never let the head tip back.
- Tell the person to rest and breathe through the mouth.
- Pinch the nose just below the bridge for 10 minutes.
- If the bleeding stops, release the pressure and clean the nose and mouth with warm water while the
person is still leaning forward.
- Hold the injury under cold running water or a bath of cold water.
- Keep cooling the injury for at least 10 minutes to ease the pain.
- Gently remove anything tight near the burn or scald.
- Cover the injury with a clean and dry bandage. You can also use handkerchief or towel.
D. Elaborate
1. Use disposable gloves when treating wounds and other situations with bleeding.
a. DO
E. Evaluate
5. The piping hot soup was spilled on the arm of your brother.
a. Hold the injury under a bath of cold water.
b. Hold the injury under hot water.
F. Enrichment
Create a video performing one of the Basic First Aid Common Injuries and Conditions that has been
discussed. ( Wounds, Sprain, Nosebleed, and Burns and Scalds)