Tentative Syllabus
Tentative Syllabus
Tentative Syllabus
Columbia University
PSYC UN1001 Section 002 (Fall 2022)
Location: tbd
Days/Time: MW 1:10pm – 2:25pm
If you are sick and cannot attend class in person, you
are required to first contact your advisor, then
email tbd. If you test positive for COVID-19, you are also
required to email [email protected]. The
contact tracing team will follow up and provide all
necessary notifications.
Instructor Information
Tina Kao, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Office location: in person: 500 Schermerhorn
Office hours: tbd
TA Information
For course related inquiries
only (questions/clarifications on learning materials),
please attend office hours. Also, the TAs will also be
leading review sessions prior to each exam, so please
attend the review sessions. You can post the questions
you would like to be addressed for the review
sessions here. Do not email individual TAs for course
related inquiries.
For personal related inquiries only (health related
issues/absences/administrative inquiries), please
email tbd. Note that you will most likely have to first
inform your advisor of these inquiries before we can
take any actions. Do not email individual TAs for
personal related inquiries.
Required Textbook
Gazzaniga, Michael S. (2018) Psychological Science.
W.W. Norton & Company.
Hardcover: ISBN: 978-0-393-64034-2
Paperback: ISBN: 978-0-393-67438-5
Loose Leaf: ISBN: 978-0-393-67439-2
Ebook and Learning Tools: ISBN: 978-0-393-66442-3
The textbook is also on reserve. Click on "Library
Reserves" on the course’s website in Canvas.
Course Description
Why do we as humans think and behave the way we do?
What are the biological mechanisms associated with
these processes of cognitions and behaviors? This
course will seek answers to these questions. The
Science of Psychology refers to the many different
academic areas of study within the field of Psychology.
Topics ranging from biological perspectives, to cognitive
and social perspectives, will be emphasized and
discussed. Past and recent advances of research within
areas such as neuroscience, learning, memory,
motivation, sensation and perception, development,
social psychology, personality, health, abnormal and
clinical psychology will be discussed. Throughout the
course, we will emphasize Psychology as an intellectual
process to uncovering new ideas.
Course Objectives
The objectives for each student taking this course may
be a bit different. Whether you are taking this course
because you are interested in the many fields of
Psychology and Neuroscience, this course will provide
you with fundamental understandings of the brain, mind
and behavior. Other students may be taking this course
to fulfill a requirement for science. For those of you that
are part of this cohort, you may find that quite a bit of
the Science of Psychology applies to other academic
fields, including those that you are interested in, and/or
pursuing. Finally, many of you may be on a pre-health
track towards a future in medicine. As you may well
know, questions pertaining to academic Psychology are
now incorporated as part of the MCAT. Though we will
do our best to address MCAT related questions, it is our
hope that you will find the course in its entirety to be an
engaging and enriching experience.
Date Lecture Topics
Introduction/Overview of Course
er 07
Consciousness: circadian
Septemb rhythm, modulations associated
Chapter 4
er 26, 28 with neuropharmacology
Consciousness continued
Learning: conditioning
October Learning continued:
Chapter 6
17, 19 observational learning and
biological basis of learning
31 Language and Intelligence:
Chapter 8
Novemb elements of directive thinking
er 2
No class on November 07
Intelligence and Human
Development: physical,
cognitive, social patterns of
lifespan psychology
Non-cumulative Exam 2 on
November 9th (including
Novemb chapters 5-9 of textbook
Chapter 9
er 07, 09 readings)
(materials presented for lecture
on November 9th will be covered
for Exam 3)
Non-cumulative Exam 3
tbd (including chapters 10-15 of
textbook readings)