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Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions

QUARTER 3: Week 1
Lesson 1

Capsulized Self-Learning
Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

Subject & Contemporary
12 QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Grade Level
CONTENT Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.

IMPORTANT: Do not write on this material. Write your answers on the

Separate sheet of paper.


CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms
found in various regions by understanding the elements and principles

CHECKPOINT: Are the forms of art in different regions manifest their life and culture?

What is art?
The Greek philosopher Aristotle may have provided the ear-
liest assumptions of art as linked to human instincts. In his
Poetics, Aristotle claimed that humans have instincts for imi-
tation and harmony. He described that these instincts are
“lying deep in our nature.” He argued that human beings are
the most” imitative of living creatures,” and through imitation,
humans learn and experience pleasure. Art, then, defines as
a human pursuit to imitate life and the world into something
pleasing or beautiful.

Traditional Art Contemporary Arts

Refers to an art produced at the Are art made and produces by artists
present period of time that reflects living today. Today’s artists work in
the current culture by utilizing and respond to a global environment
classical techniques in drawing, that is culturally diverse, technogical-
painting and sculpting. ly advancing, and multifaceted.

Generally, art today is so different from the traditional art where artists are perfected
their art by practicing “mimesis” or copying the model exactly as it is. The new style
of art that emerged after World War II is called contemporary art. Contemporary art-
ists did not feel obliged to apply perspective, color combination, naturalism and oth-
er guidelines that were carefully observed in traditional art. They deliberately broke
the rules of traditional art.

SAQ1: What makes traditional art different from contemporary art?

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

Contemporary The term “Visual Arts” encompasses a wide range of

Visual Arts forms created by Filipinos. It ranges from Western–
influenced visual art forms include painting, sculpture
and architecture.

Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface. Forms can be
created using a wide variety of materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pastel,
and charcoal. Surfaces for painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and paper.
Painting is considered two-dimensional, meaning it only has height and width.
The Vintas
The colorful Vintas in Zamboanga is not only used for fishing or livelihood but it is
also used for race which we call the Regatta. The Regatta de Zamboanga is the
biggest and the most colorful event in the annual Zamboanga Hermosa Festival.

It is celebrated by native Zamboangueños in honor of their patron saint, the La Vir-

gen Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zarragosa.

The festival is conducted throughout the month of October. The main events, how-
ever, take place during the first 12 days of the month, climaxing on Oct. 12, which
is the feast day of the revered “patrona”.

Description: Colorful Vintas

Wind, water colors, acrylic on Canvas
Date:24 January 2011
Author: Erik Pingol

In contrast to painting, sculpture has three dimen-
sions-height, width, and depth. It is created by
either carving, modelling, or assembling parts to-
gether using stone, marble, wood, and concrete.

Statue of Maria Clara Lobregat

One of the attractions in Zamboanga is the Pa-
sonanca Park and La Jardin de Maria Clara
Lobregat, perfect for strolling with friends and
family on a Sunday and holidays.

Description: La Jardin de Maria Clara Lobregat

Date: 16 February 2011
Source: MGM
Author: Wowzamboangacity

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

These are structures that meant to be used as shelter. The art of architecture relies
on the design and purpose of the structure.

The Philippine Arena

Philippine Arena is one of the world’s largest indoor arenas, capable of seating
50,000 fans in a fully enclosed building. Since opening, the arena has hosted a
range of sporting, music and church events.

Description: Philippine Arena

and Ciudad de Victoria Complex
Date: 21 July 2014
Designed by: Populous Architectural Firm

Contemporary Performing Arts and Literature in the

Literature is an art form of language through the combined use of words, creat-
ing meaning and experience.
It is also considered to be a bulk of written works. However, another definition of
literature means a body of works that show “the best that has been thought and
said, “ or works that signify the highest achievements of a particular culture.
Contemporary Philippine literature has been described as focusing on evoking
social consciousness.

Creative writing during the Martial Law era was

said to be confrontational in highlighting social
and political issues. However, creative writing
shifted to a more steady personal perspective
when it comes to social consciousness after the
1986 EDSA Revolution.

Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment. As

the innovations of technological advancements
have grown, the way we read has revolutionized and evolved. However, the es-
sence of storytelling and the effect it has on our lives hasn’t wavered.

Literature reflects human nature and a way we can learn and relate to others. By
reading through a first-person perspective, we can fully immerse ourselves into a
different mindset and figure out how others think and feel. This is important within
today’s society as we’re becoming increasingly detached from human interaction
through iPhones, FaceTime, and social media. Literature is something that will
never change in the way it makes you feel, regardless of whether that’s on paper
or as an eBook.
Reading a book is one of the best ways to fully immerse your mind into another
person’s dialogue and experiences. Being able to empathize and understand oth-
er people’s feelings is a key aspect of helping you connect to different regions,
races, societies, and periods of time. They help a person take a closer look at the
different facets of living aside from what they know and live which can change

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

Music is considered to be the least tangible

of the arts. It is defined as an arrangement of
sounds to create a continuous and unified

Understanding the elements of music and the

different musical traditions in the Philippines
will help in appreciating that contemporary
Philippine music is varied from one region to
another. Although popular music can easily
be heard in areas that can be reached by ra-
dio, television, and the internet, traditional
music and music with influences from Ameri-
ca and Europe are still evident in some re-
gions of the country.

Music is an important part of our life as it is a Dance is an art form involving a

way of expressing our feelings as well as series of rhythmic human move-
emotions. Some people consider music as a ments that are purposely selected.
way to escape from the pain of life. It gives Dance should be easily differenti-
you relief and allows you to reduce the stress. ated from movement. In contrast
to simple human movement or util-
itarian movement, dance involves
a mindful effort to combine move-
ments spatially, dynamically,
rhythmically, and artfully for these
movements to flow together.

Dancing can be a way to stay fit

for people of all ages, shapes and
sizes. It has a wide range of physi-
cal and mental benefits including:
improved condition of your heart
and lungs. increased muscular
strength, endurance and mo-
tor fitness.

The term ”theater” refers to an art form that involves performing carefully planned
actions and emotions in front of an audience. Theater has six elements: Perform-
ers, audience, director, performance space, design, and text.

The Phillipine theater is important and plays

an important role on promoting Filipino culture and
heritage. It showcases the beauty and tal-
ent filipinos have. Furthermore it seeks to entertain
people and as well as imparts knowledge through tell-
ing a story in a creative way.

Drama or theatre in the Philippines has been an inte-

gral part of the lives of pre-historic and modern Filipi-
nos as a communal expression of their local events:
religious celebrations, harvest festivals, commemora-
tive celebrations, and personal events such as births,
weddings and death rituals .

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS– Stand Alone Senior High School

Film refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is

typically shown in television or cinema. Filmmaking be-
came an industry in the Philippines during the 1950s.
However, the 1970s was considered to be a remarkable
era in the history of cinema in the Philippines. During
this decade, the academe started to produce a new
breed of film makers. It was also during this time when
the intellectuals were attracted to Filipino films partly be-
cause of the influence of the nationalists movement in
searching for that unique Filipino identity for film.

SAQ2: In their respec ve regions, did the art form represent their prac ces? Why or why

Let’s Practice!

Activity 1: Paint me a Picture

Directions: Using watercolor as a medium, paint a picture imitating a river

and its surroundings. Thus, river became the subject. You will be
graded according to the rubrics below.

Paint here...

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS– Stand Alone Senior High School

Rubrics Water Color Painting

4= All criteria are met and the student has

gone above and beyond the basic expecta-
3=All criteria are met correctly.
2= Some criteria are not followed

The painting is done with quality. Accurate 1 2 3 4

Water color is applied with care. Colors are 1 2 3 4

Attention to the fine details of the painting is 1 2 3 4

White of the paper shows through where 1 2 3 4

Total Points:

Let’s Practice PaMORE!

Activity 2: Create in Me

Directions: This time of pandemic , life has been so challenging. Write a three
(3) stanza poem with four (4) lines each stanza showing how you
surpassed the challenges.

Stanza 1:

Stanza 2:


Stanza 3:


“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

 Art defines as a human pursuit to imitate life and the world into something pleas-
ing or beautiful.
 Traditional Art refers to an art produced at the present period of time that reflects
the current culture by utilizing classical techniques in drawing, painting and
 Contemporary Art are art made and produces by artists living today. Today’s art-
ists work in and respond to a global environment that is culturally diverse, tech-
nogically advancing, and multifaceted.
 Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface. Forms can be
created using a wide variety of materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pas-
tel, and charcoal. Surfaces for painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and
 Sculpture has three dimensions-height, width, and depth. It is created by either
carving, modelling, or assembling parts together using stone, marble, wood, and
 Architecture are structures that meant to be used as shelter. The art of architec-
ture relies on the design and purpose of the structure.
 Literature is an art form of language through the combined use of words, creat-
ing meaning and experience.
 Music It is defined as an arrangement of sounds to create a continuous and uni-
fied composition.
 Dance is an art form involving a series of rhythmic human movements that are
purposely selected.
 The term ”theater” refers to an art form that involves performing carefully
planned actions and emotions in front of an audience.
 Film refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically shown in televi-
sion or cinema.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Choose the letter that will best answer the question. Write the letter of
your answer on the separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to an art created at the present time that represents current culture
through the use of classical techniques in painting, drawing and architecture.
a. Painting b. Art c. Traditional Art d. Contemporary Art
2. Painting, sculpture and architecture are termed__
a. Art b. Visual Art c. Performing Art d. Contemporary Art

3. This art is considered to be one of the most functional branches of visual arts.
a. Sculpture b. Architecture c. Painting d. Drawing

4. What visual art is being created if the point chisel is used?

a. Painting b. Architecture c. Sculpture d. Drawing

5. This is the art form that appeals to the sense of hearing.

a. Drama b. Music c. Theatre d. Cinema

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jesssibel V. Casamis/Teacher II
DPLMHS‐Stand Alone Senior High School

6. This is the art of human form. The body is used, mobilized, and choreographed
in a specific time, form and space.
a. Music b. Drama c. Film d. Dance

7. This is the art form of performance. Dramatic texts are portrayed on stage by ac-
tors and actresses and are enhanced by props, lights, and sounds.
a. Theatre b. Drama c. Dance d. Cinema

8. The following are used as medium in creating a picture except__

a. Chalk b. water color c. Oil Paint d. Latex Paint

9. It is a way of expressing one’s emotions, feelings, ideas and thoughts through

body movement.
a. Music b. Dance c. Painting d. Drama

10. This art form is a technological translation of theatre. In films, special effects are
utilized to enhance the storytelling.
a. Theatre b. Film c. Dance d. Drama

DIWA Senior High School Series. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
Regions, 2016, pp. 2-3
Wilson K. Panisan, Leslie B. Gazzingan, Gregorio L. Samar, Corie Chuza
G. Boongaling, Contemporary arts from the Regions, pp. 2, 8,12,21, 30,

REFERENCES http://pilosopotassium.blogspot.com/2011/02/painting-blog-01-pinoy-

This learning resource contains copyright materials. The use of which has not been specifically
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ing con nuity plan for this division in this me of pandemic. This LR is produced and distribut-
ed locally without profit and will be used for educa onal purposes only. No malicious infringe-
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“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS– Stand Alone Senior High School

Contemporary Philippine arts
from the regions
Subject & Contem-
Grade Level porary QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.


SAQ1: What makes traditional art different from contemporary art?


SAQ2: In their respective regions, did the art form represent their practices?
Why or why not?

Activity 1: Paint me a Picture

Paint here... Using watercolour as a medium, paint a picture imitating a river
and its surroundings. Thus, river became the subject. You will be
graded according to the rubrics below.

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS– Stand Alone Senior High School

Contemporary Philippine arts
from the regions
Subject & Contem-
Grade Level porary QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.


Activity 2: Create in Me

This me of pandemic , life has been so challenging. Write a three (3)
stanza poem with four (4) lines each stanza showing how you surpassed
the challenges.

Stanza 1:
Stanza 2:
Stanza 3:

Mul ple Choice

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. B

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Prepared by: Jessibel V. Casamis/ Teacher II
DPLMHS– Stand Alone Senior High School

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