Cpar Q3 W1
Cpar Q3 W1
Cpar Q3 W1
Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions
QUARTER 3: Week 1
Lesson 1
Capsulized Self-Learning
Empowerment Toolkit
Subject & Contemporary
12 QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Grade Level
CONTENT Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.
CHECKPOINT: Are the forms of art in different regions manifest their life and culture?
What is art?
The Greek philosopher Aristotle may have provided the ear-
liest assumptions of art as linked to human instincts. In his
Poetics, Aristotle claimed that humans have instincts for imi-
tation and harmony. He described that these instincts are
“lying deep in our nature.” He argued that human beings are
the most” imitative of living creatures,” and through imitation,
humans learn and experience pleasure. Art, then, defines as
a human pursuit to imitate life and the world into something
pleasing or beautiful.
Generally, art today is so different from the traditional art where artists are perfected
their art by practicing “mimesis” or copying the model exactly as it is. The new style
of art that emerged after World War II is called contemporary art. Contemporary art-
ists did not feel obliged to apply perspective, color combination, naturalism and oth-
er guidelines that were carefully observed in traditional art. They deliberately broke
the rules of traditional art.
Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface. Forms can be
created using a wide variety of materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pastel,
and charcoal. Surfaces for painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and paper.
Painting is considered two-dimensional, meaning it only has height and width.
The Vintas
The colorful Vintas in Zamboanga is not only used for fishing or livelihood but it is
also used for race which we call the Regatta. The Regatta de Zamboanga is the
biggest and the most colorful event in the annual Zamboanga Hermosa Festival.
The festival is conducted throughout the month of October. The main events, how-
ever, take place during the first 12 days of the month, climaxing on Oct. 12, which
is the feast day of the revered “patrona”.
In contrast to painting, sculpture has three dimen-
sions-height, width, and depth. It is created by
either carving, modelling, or assembling parts to-
gether using stone, marble, wood, and concrete.
These are structures that meant to be used as shelter. The art of architecture relies
on the design and purpose of the structure.
Literature reflects human nature and a way we can learn and relate to others. By
reading through a first-person perspective, we can fully immerse ourselves into a
different mindset and figure out how others think and feel. This is important within
today’s society as we’re becoming increasingly detached from human interaction
through iPhones, FaceTime, and social media. Literature is something that will
never change in the way it makes you feel, regardless of whether that’s on paper
or as an eBook.
Reading a book is one of the best ways to fully immerse your mind into another
person’s dialogue and experiences. Being able to empathize and understand oth-
er people’s feelings is a key aspect of helping you connect to different regions,
races, societies, and periods of time. They help a person take a closer look at the
different facets of living aside from what they know and live which can change
The term ”theater” refers to an art form that involves performing carefully planned
actions and emotions in front of an audience. Theater has six elements: Perform-
ers, audience, director, performance space, design, and text.
SAQ2: In their respec ve regions, did the art form represent their prac ces? Why or why
Let’s Practice!
Paint here...
Total Points:
Activity 2: Create in Me
Directions: This time of pandemic , life has been so challenging. Write a three
(3) stanza poem with four (4) lines each stanza showing how you
surpassed the challenges.
Stanza 1:
Stanza 2:
Stanza 3:
Art defines as a human pursuit to imitate life and the world into something pleas-
ing or beautiful.
Traditional Art refers to an art produced at the present period of time that reflects
the current culture by utilizing classical techniques in drawing, painting and
Contemporary Art are art made and produces by artists living today. Today’s art-
ists work in and respond to a global environment that is culturally diverse, tech-
nogically advancing, and multifaceted.
Painting refers to the process of applying color on a flat surface. Forms can be
created using a wide variety of materials such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, oil, pas-
tel, and charcoal. Surfaces for painting include wood, canvas, cardboard, and
Sculpture has three dimensions-height, width, and depth. It is created by either
carving, modelling, or assembling parts together using stone, marble, wood, and
Architecture are structures that meant to be used as shelter. The art of architec-
ture relies on the design and purpose of the structure.
Literature is an art form of language through the combined use of words, creat-
ing meaning and experience.
Music It is defined as an arrangement of sounds to create a continuous and uni-
fied composition.
Dance is an art form involving a series of rhythmic human movements that are
purposely selected.
The term ”theater” refers to an art form that involves performing carefully
planned actions and emotions in front of an audience.
Film refers to a sequence of moving pictures, which is typically shown in televi-
sion or cinema.
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Choose the letter that will best answer the question. Write the letter of
your answer on the separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to an art created at the present time that represents current culture
through the use of classical techniques in painting, drawing and architecture.
a. Painting b. Art c. Traditional Art d. Contemporary Art
2. Painting, sculpture and architecture are termed__
a. Art b. Visual Art c. Performing Art d. Contemporary Art
3. This art is considered to be one of the most functional branches of visual arts.
a. Sculpture b. Architecture c. Painting d. Drawing
6. This is the art of human form. The body is used, mobilized, and choreographed
in a specific time, form and space.
a. Music b. Drama c. Film d. Dance
7. This is the art form of performance. Dramatic texts are portrayed on stage by ac-
tors and actresses and are enhanced by props, lights, and sounds.
a. Theatre b. Drama c. Dance d. Cinema
10. This art form is a technological translation of theatre. In films, special effects are
utilized to enhance the storytelling.
a. Theatre b. Film c. Dance d. Drama
DIWA Senior High School Series. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
Regions, 2016, pp. 2-3
Wilson K. Panisan, Leslie B. Gazzingan, Gregorio L. Samar, Corie Chuza
G. Boongaling, Contemporary arts from the Regions, pp. 2, 8,12,21, 30,
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Contemporary Philippine arts
from the regions
Subject & Contem-
Grade Level porary QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.
SAQ2: In their respective regions, did the art form represent their practices?
Why or why not?
Paint here... Using watercolour as a medium, paint a picture imitating a river
and its surroundings. Thus, river became the subject. You will be
graded according to the rubrics below.
Contemporary Philippine arts
from the regions
Subject & Contem-
Grade Level porary QUARTER 3 WEEK 1 DAY dd/mm/yyyy
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from Various Regions
MOST Describes various art forms and their practices from the vari-
ESSENTIAL ous regions.
Activity 2: Create in Me
This me of pandemic , life has been so challenging. Write a three (3)
stanza poem with four (4) lines each stanza showing how you surpassed
the challenges.
Stanza 1:
Stanza 2:
Stanza 3:
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. B