18BSP601 - Statistical Mecahnics
18BSP601 - Statistical Mecahnics
18BSP601 - Statistical Mecahnics
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by F. Reif, McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. Statistical Mechanics by R. K. Patharia.(Oxford: Butterworth, 1996).
3. Statistical Mechanics: K. Huang (2005) 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons
4. Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics by B.B. Laud, New Age International Publishers
5. Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics: D. Chandler (1979) Oxford University Press
6. Statistical Physics of Particles: Mehran Kardar (2007) Cambridge University Press
7. A Textbook of Statistical Mechanics by Suresh Chandra, CBS Publishers
8. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Thermodynamics, Francis W. Sears & Gerhard L. Salinger,
Narosa, 1986.
9. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics by S.K. Sinha, Narosa Publication
10. Statistical Mechanics by B.K. Agarwal & Melvin Eisner, Wiley Eastern
11. Statistical Mechanics - An introduction by Evelyn Guha, Narosa publication
12. Statistical and Thermal Physics: an introduction by S.Lokanathan and R.S.Gambhir. ( P.H.I., 1991)